Bricks Grammar 1 - Worksheet - Chapter 06

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Bricks 중학 Grammar 

Chapter 06 형용사 Worksheet

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Point 6-1 형용사의 쓰임과 위치

<보기>에서 알맞은 형용사를 골라 빈칸에 쓰시오.
<보기> famous dark hungry quiet tired

1 Look at the . sky. It’s raining soon.

2 You look . You’d better lie on the bed.
3 Is he a actor? I haven’t seen him in any movie.
4 I’m . Can I have the sandwich?
5 Please be . The baby is sleeping.
밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고치시오.
6 He’s a baby cute.
7 Where did you buy your dress pretty?
8 She is excellent a musician.
9 I like eyes brown its.
10 I need warm to wear something.

Point 6-2 수량형용사 many, much, a lot of

빈칸에 many 또는 much를 쓰시오.
1 Did you buy coffee?
2 We don’t have food.
3 There are cars on the road.
4 How players are there in each basketball team?
5 There wasn’t rain last summer.
<보기>에서 알맞은 단어를 골라 빈칸에 「a lot of +명사」를 쓰시오.
<보기> traffic friend book water picture

6 I’m very thirsty. I need .

7 Jane is so popular in her class. She has .
8 Mark bought a new camera. He wants to take .
9 The road was very crowded with cars. There was .
10 My hobby is reading. I have in my room.

Bricks 중학 Grammar 

Chapter 06 형용사 Worksheet

Class: Date:

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Point 6-3 (a) few, (a) little

괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1 I can speak (a few / a little) words of Japanese.
2 There are (a few / few) people in the gym. It is almost empty.
3 I have (little / a little) money, but I can’t buy the car.
4 She said she was lonely. She had (little / few) friends.
5 I got (a little / a few) e-mails from my friends.
6 You did well on the test. You made (little / few) mistakes.
7 I need (a little / a few) time to wear makeup before going out.
8 I have been to Hawaii (a little / a few) times before.
9 Thanks to the map, I had (little / few) trouble to find the building.
10 Sorry, she went out (few / a few) minutes ago.

Point 6-4 some, any

빈칸에 some 또는 any를 쓰시오.
1 Anna doesn’t like coffee or tea.
2 I made friends in my new school.
3 I’m not busy. I don’t have lessons after school.
4 We don’t need flour.
5 Can I have sandwiches? Yes. Help yourself.
6 Are there candies? Yes, there are some in my room.
7 I have money. We can eat hamburgers for lunch.
8 I grow tomatoes and potatoes this year.
9 She didn’t want to see horror movies.
10 Would you like tea? No, thanks.

Bricks 중학 Grammar 

Chapter 06 형용사 Worksheet

Class: Date:

Name: Score:

Point 6-5 서수와 기수

괄호 안의 숫자를 문맥에 맞게 기수 또는 서수로 읽으시오.

1 This elevator stops only on the ( 9 ) floor.
2 Please bake them for ( 45 ) minutes in the oven.
3 It’s seven ( 25 ). Hurry up! The bus arrives at 7:30.
4 I have three sisters and two brothers. I am the ( 3 ) daughter.
5 The ginkgo tree is over ( 2,000 ) years.
다음 표현을 영어로 읽으시오.
6 1994년 = _________________________________________________
7 2010년 = _________________________________________________
8 2011년 3월 8일 = _________________________________________________
9 1920년대 = _________________________________________________
10 15세기 = _________________________________________________


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