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Additlonal 2 (po3/PuQ)
In this question, I Is a unit vector de

unit vector due

north. east and j sa
Topic 14 A Dlane flies from P to Q. The velocit
the plane is (2801 - 4 0 ) km h-l and ity, in still
wind blowing with velocity (50i-70nere is a ai, of
Relative Velocity km h'.constFinadnt
the bearing of Q from P,
(ii) the time of flight, to the nearest
the distance PQ is 273 km. minute, pi
ven that
Thinking Process
() Find velocity of plane (V).
I(J03IPI049 (i) Find magnitude of
travelling at 36
km h-l bearing
on a V,Time = dis/speed
An ocean liner is which is 90 km from
hours the liner, Solution
of 090°. At 0600 lifeboat,
and on a bearing
of 315° from the
a lifcboat
sends a message for
travels in Velocity of plane =
The lifeboat sets off immediately
the liner
constant speed, intercepting
straight line at
Find the speed at
which the lifeboat -ii0
at 0730 hours.

Thinking Process
Mlustrate the diagram representing
the course taken
distance at which the
p=280i -40j
by the liner and the boat. Find the
boat has travelled after 1 hr. V 50i-70

54 km tana
330 330
135° a= tan
= 1843

90 km
Bearing ofQ from P =090+1843
= 108° (3sf

Gi) F-330+110
315 = 347.85

After 1 hour, the liner has travelled

Time of flight273 km
36x 14) km= 54 km. V121000
Using sine rule, Sin 135°_sina = 0.7848 h

90 54
47 min (nearest min)
a=25.1° 3 (J04/P1/Q7)
= 19,90
To a cyclist travelling due south on a straignt
horizontal road at 7ms, the wind appears has
sin19.9° sin135 blowing from the north-east. Given that the W
L 90
a constant speed of 12ms, find the direction
from which the wind is
L90sin19,9 blowing
43.3 km
Speed of lifeboat
Thinking Process
433 km 289 km Complete the diagram using vector addition. ApP
1 hr 28,9 km /h
222ie solve the triangle. Find the bearing oftn 8 wind.
hematics (Toplcal)
Mathe Toplc 14 Relaive Velocity
I50 mB
Solution 200
7 ms' tan6 150
vclocity of cyclist =V, 0 53.13
W- -E 200 m
AB= v150+200
250 m
velocity of wind relative to cyclist = wle

53.13 sin
Using sine rule, Sin
3sin 5313
12 m/s

of wind Sina=
specd norh-east 6
= 0.4
a = 2358°
using relative velocity equation
N B=180-53.13-23.58°
wwe*Ve = 103.29°

applying sine rule Using cosine rule, F, =

7324 m/s

Sina Sin135 Time taken = 250 m34 s

2 7.324 m/s

5 Jo5/P2/Q9)
plane, whose speed in still air is 300 h', X on
a+0+135=180 A
km from
directly from X to Y. Given that Yis 720 wind of
a bearing of 150° and that there is
a constant

020.6° find the time

wind is blowing from a bearing of 120 km h' blowing towards the west,
taken for the flight. (7
4 (DO4/P2/08)
Thinking Process
line across a river
A motor boat travels in straight
which flows at 3 ms-' between straight parallel V,
Vpw. Find then
I Find the vector representing
200 m apart. The motor boat,
which has a top speed X
from a point find the time taken by dividing the distance between
of 6 ms' in still water, travels directly
A on one bank to a point B,
150 m downstream of A,
and Y by pj
on the opposite
bank. Assuming that the motor

is travelling at top speed, fînd,

to the nearest second, Solution
the time it takes to travel from A
to B. (7 Vp/w=300 km/h
w= 120 km/h
Thinking Process
at Vp=Vp/ w+Pw
Using the information on distances, find the angle
on velocities,
which B is from A. Using information
construct the vector diagram. Find VSubsequently, 150
the ve
find time taken by dividing distance of AB by
locity of boat. Vp'w 300 km/h

6 m/s V =3 m/s B 20
V, 3 m/s -Vw
= 120 km/h

Vsr=6 m/s
200 m

150 m
Topic 14 Relative
Velocity o Page 3
Additional Mathematics
Substitute t=into (1)
Sina sin 120°
120 300
Sina=xsin 120 (k-2) 21=14
= 0.3464 k-2 14
a = 20.27

B 180°-120°-20.27°

Fp-300+120* -2(300X120)cos39.73
= 221.4 km/h

Time taken = (720+ 221.4) h 7 po6P12)

= 3.25 h A plane lies due north from 4 to B, a distance of
3h 15 mins 1000 km, in a time of 2 hours. During this time a steady
wind, with a speed of 150 km h, is blowing from the
6(DOS/PQ) south-east. Find
shows a hori-
The diagram, which is not drawn scale,
to in still air,
of the surface is t h e speed of the plane 14
zontal rectangular surface. One
(i) the direction in
which the plane must be headed
the origin O and i and j are unit vectors along
taken as
the edges of the surface. 2
Thinking Process
() Find the true velocity of plane by dividing the
distance travelled by the time taken.
(i) Construct the velocity diagram and solve for the
bearing of V(V,= V,- V.
with position vector
A fly, F starts at the point
i+12j) cm and crawls
across the surface with a Solution with &TEAGHER COMMENT
At the instant that the fly
velocity of (3i+2j) cm s. ) P, true velocity of plane
starts a
crawling, S, at the point with position
to wind
vector (85i+5j) cm, sets off across the surface with Fphevelocity of plane relative
where k is a constant. , =
velocity of wind
a velocity of (-5i+kj) cm s",
Given that the spider catches
the fly, calculate the
value of k. 6 , 0500
V. = 150 km /h
Thinking Process Fpr-V,
Veloity of ty ) meet
4 5 - 1 5 0 km/h
Find position vector of fy and spider. Since they
together, thelr position vectors is the same.
P500 km/h
a-)-(2) Using Cosine rule,

Fpn=500+ 1s0-2(500)I50)c0s45*
408 km/h (3st)
i) Using Sine rule,
sina sin45°
150 408
12+21 5+kt a=1s.1° (ldp)
k t - 2 / = 7..
The plane must be headed in the bearing
+31 = 85-St 015.1°.
81 84
224 Note the direction of the windIt is blöwingro
the south-east and not inthe south-east direction.
al Mathematics (Topical) Topic 14 Relative Velocity o Page 4
o Addltional M a t i




The diagram shows a large rectangular television screen

diagram shows
a river 90m ide, flowingat in which one corner is taken as the origin O and i and
panks. A ferry travels in a strai
between parallel bank
J are unit vectors along two of the edges. In a game, an
to a point B directly opposite
A 4. alien spacecraft appears at the. point A with position
from a point takes exactly one minute to cross vector 12j cm and moves across the screen with veloc-
thatthe fèrry
a missile
ity (40i + 15j) cm per second. A player fires

the river, find

in still water, from a point B; the missile is fired 0.5 seconds after the
the speed of the ferry spacecraft appears on the screen. The point B has
to the bank
at which the ferry must be
()the angle position vector 46i cm and the velocity of the missile
[21 is (ki +30j) cm per second, where k is a constant. Given
that the missile hits the spacecraft,
Thinking Process show that the spacecraft moved across screen

true veloclty of ferry.

for 1.8 seconds before impact, [4
0 FInd Gi) find the value of k.
( Find M
Thinking Process
Solution To find the position of alien space craft and missile at
0x V=2 m/s any time t, use:
positon of object at any time = Inital posltion of the
m Whenever two objects collide, they are at he same

Initial position ofalien spacecraft = s
Vle relative velocity of ferry
= true velocity of ferry velocity ofspacecraft = v, =40i+15j=
= velocity of river
lett be the time before impact
distance Position of spacecraft at any time is:
time taken
m $,5 +
60 S
m/s 2ls"l2+1)
Initial position ofmissile, M, -

velocity ofmissile, ki+30j=30

time of missile before impact -0.5

Ihe speed ofthe ferry in still water is ? n/s, Position of missile at any time is:

M, Mg+t-0.5)
Gi) In AABX, tan6= 2 -0.5) =46+k{t-0.5))
0 53.13
90-53.1 36.9°
The required 2 is 36.9°
Topic 14 Relative Velocity p
0' Additional Mathematics (Topical) Page
Now, at the time of impact missile and spacecraft
(100 y

both are at the same position.

(240-60 300
ic. s, = M, ar100) 60)| 40
401 (46+k(t-0.5) required velocity of the plane in still air
12+15t 30-0.5) = (300i+40j) km h-i Ans.
12+15t =30(1 -0.5)
12+15 30r-15 (i) Velocity ofthe plane in still air is (300i+ 40j)

15t = 27 40 N
Shown 300
== 1.8 seconds

(ii) From part (i)

401= 46+kt-0.5) 90°-7.59° =82.4 300 E
40(1.8)= 46+k(1.8-0.5)
required bearing =082.4 Ans.
72 46+k(1.3)
26 1.3k
k 20 Ans 11 Jo8/P1o10)
In this question, i IS a unit vector due east and : is a
unit vector due north.
10M07Pu0 At 0900 hours a ship sails
from the poin P with
a unit vector due east, and j is a sition vector (2i+ 3}) km relative to an origin O.po-
In this question, i is
unit vector due north. The ship sails north-east with a speed of 15/2 kmh
A plane flies from P to Q where PQ = (960i + 400j) ) Find, in terms of i and j, the velocity of the ship
km. A constant wind is blowing with velocity
takes 4 hours ) Show that the ship will be at the point with
(-60i+ 60j) kmh", Given that the plane
to travel from P to Q, find position vector (24.5f+ 25.5)) km at 1030 hours
) the velocity, in still air, of the plane, giving your
answer in the form (ai + bj) kmh' [41 (ii) Find, in terms of i, j and , the position of the
(ii) the bearing, to the nearest degree, on which the ship hours after leaving P.
plane must be directed. (2 12
At the same time as the ship leaves P, a submarine
leaves the point Q with position vector (47i -27) km.
Thinking Process The submarine proceeds with a speed of 25 kmhr due
(i) Express the given vectors in column vector north to meet the ship.

form, ie. M+M= To find he velocity of (iv) Find, in terms of i and j, the velocity of the ship
relative to the submarine. 2
the plane relative to wind use standard relative (v) Find the position vector of the point where the
equation. submarine meets the ship.
Gi) To find the bearing torm a right angled triangle
by using the result found in part ().

Solution Thinking Process

) To find velocity v apply V, =vcos0 and
)Displacement PO= (960i +400j) km =(960)
A00 Vyvsin , where v is speed and e is direcion.
(i) Displacement = velocity x time.
Vel. of
wind. v, (-60i 60j) km h°= -60
Position at 1030 = initial position at 0900 +
60 displacement.
( Position at anytime t= initial position+ displace
velocity ofplane, v, =- 9 6 0 ment
4 4 400 iv) Relative Velocity: va -
(At interception, position of ship poSuon =

(240 submarine.
100 kmh
let velocity of plane in still air
relative velocity
vaiw 226
equation is: va =
Vaiw +
A d d i t o n a iM a t h e
Toplc 14 Relative Veloctty Page 6
(v) Position of
Soluton submarine aftert hours
of ship at P. oP - 21 +3j- initial
position at + (velucity time)

Specdofship. travelling
=15/2 km h
22 47
ship -27+ 25 (1)
1 on o r t h - c a s t

45° when submarine meets the ship. then

velocityofship position of' submarine
(15/2 sin 45)j
=position of ship
(15/2 cos45)i+
15+ 2 =47 or -

27+ 25t =
3+ 151
15i+ 15j Ans.
1St 45 10/ 30
I3 I=3
1.5 hr

1030 0900 . t h e submarine meets the ship at 3 hours

(i) = 15i + 15 position vector of submarine after 3 hours
= velocity x time
(15i +15j)x 1.5
-27 +25(3))
22.5i +22.5j
position at 0900+
at 1030

from 0900 to 1030 (-27+75
(2i+3j) +(22.5i + 22.5j) 4 8 4 7 + 48j Ans.
24.5i+ 25.5j shown

12 (NO8 P2e7
(i) Position of ship after t
x time)
initial position at P+ (velocity

(2i +3j)+(15i + 15j)r

21+3+15ti+ 15tj
(2+ 15/)i+(3+15/)j Ans. m
1.4 ms
MVebcityofsubmarine. ,-25
lef velocity of ship be V,

velocity ofship relative to submarine is:

river with parallel banks. The
P,-, The diagram shows a
of 1.4
river is 48m wide and is flowing with speed

13-9) ms', A boat travels in a straight

one bank to a point Q
line from a point P on
which is on the other bank directly
boat takes 10 seconds to
-=15i-10j Ans. opposite P. Given that the
cross the river, find
the boat in still water,
(i) the speed of the boat should
bank at which
(ii) the angle to the [2

Thinking Process
Use the right angled
(i) Draw the velocity diagram. direction
the speed and
trlangle to find

O' Additional Topic 14
Mathematics (Topical) Relative Velocity o
Page 7
Solution (i)-Position
at-any time t= (Initial.
Using V-V
(ii) Find VaD
F= 14 m/s To find time ana position when thev
(Iv) and solve.
put V= V
Ya Solution
hours position ofship P.
()At 1000
P4.8 ms 4i+8j-
Velocity vector of ship P

aA V, =10/2cos45i + 10/2sin 45j

i) Given that,
1.4 m/s
Velocity ofwater, V,
= 10i + 10j Ans.
still water, Va/=?
Velocity of boat in P to Q=48 m time t,
Distance travelled by boat from Position of P at any
1=10 sec
Time to move from point P to Q.
m/s Position of P at 1200 hours i.e. when=2 houurs
velocity ofboat
", =i4.8
applying pythagorus theorem - 2
a=+",* =28 16+ 28j Ans.

Vain y1.4*+(4.83
n l w 5ms Ans.
(Gii) Ppie=F,-Vo

(i) Let a be the angle that the

boat makes with 10
the bank. From the figure above =2i +4j Ans.

(iv) After 1200 hours position of P at any time t.
a 73.74° 73.7°

boat should be steered at an angle

of 23-10(28 10
73.70 with the bank upstream.
After 1200 hours position of Qat any time

13 (po9PirQ9
At 1000 hours, a
ship P leaves a point with
origin 0,
when P and Q meet
km relative to an
vector (-4i +8j)due unit vector due
is a unit vector East and j is a
north-east with a of speed (16+ 100_(19+8)
ship sails
North. The
102 kmh. Find
16+10r =19+8
)the velocity vector of P, [2
21 =3
(i) the position vector of P at
12 00 hours. (2
with I= 1.5 hours
At 12 00 hours, a second ship Q leaves a point B
(19i 34j) km travelling with velocity Ans.
meet at 1330 hours
vector +
position P & Q will
vector (8i +6j) km h-', mee,
(ii) Find the velocity of P relative to . [21 Position vector of the point when they
(iv) Hence, or otherwise, find the time at which P and (16+10(1.5)
meet and the position vector of the point where
this happens. 131
(16+1531-3li+43j Ans:
Thinking Process
) To find valocity V at an angle 0 with xaxis
apply V =Vcos0 and V, =Vsin@.
Toplc 14 Relative Velocity o Page8
A speedboat leaves the lighthouse at 1400 hours and
travels in a straight line to intercept the ship. Given
in still air is 250 kmh', flies
hose speed that the spced'oat intercepts the ship at 1600 hours,
A plane, A to B, where B is S00 km from A on find
ectly here is a constant wind of
a bearingof
(ii) the sraed of the speedboat, [31
the south. Find, to the
blowing from (iv) the velocity of the speedboat relative to the
the (ime taken for the flight. (7]
est minute, s'ip, (1]
(v) he angle the direction of the specdboat makes with
Thinking P r o c e s s
North. [2]
vector resenting Vaw Find V then find
Flind the between A and
taken by dividing
the distance
Thinking Process
he time ()&() Position of object at any time = Initial position
Bby of the object + velocityx time.
Solution (I) To find the speed of the boat find the
displacement of ship at 1600 hours.
in still air, A250 kmh-
Soced of air craft (iv) Aelative velocily: Vave = Va-Vs
Velocity ofwind,
Fiy =80kmh" (v) To find the angle form a right angled triangle by
using the result of part (i).
F=80 km/h Solution
60 a 0 Position ofship relative to light house =
V250 km/h
speed ofship = 20kmh,
direction of ship =3i +4j
applying sine rule,
unit vector in the direction of ship
sina sin60
80 250
sina =0.277128

velocity ofship =20i)=12i+16j


=180°-60°-16.1° = 103.9°
position ofship at 1500 hours

again using sine rule,

sin sin60

250 l6+48 =90i+64j Shown.

V sin103.9°x Sin 60°
Positon of ship at any time
280.2 »280 kmh = initial position+ velocity x time

time taken = distance

= =.78 hours Ans.
12t)i +(l6+16t)j
280.2 16+ 16(54+
= I hour, 47 minutes. Ans.

(ii) Positon of ship at 1600 hours

15 piPvoI2 Either) 54+12x4-(102
two alternatives.
16+16x 480
Answer only one of the following
the ship in two hours
EITHER speedboat has to intercept
At 1200 hours, a ship has position vector displacement
velocityofboat, Fa = time
$4 +16) km relative to a lighthouse, where i Is

unit vector due East and j is a unit vector due (102(51

North. The ship is travelling with a speed of 20
kmh' in the direction 3i+4j.
Show that the position vector of the ship at 1500 speed ofthe speedboat ="
hours is (90i +64j) km. [2 =ysI?+(40)
()Find the position vector of the ship hours after 229 64.8 km h" Ans.

1200 hours. [2
0' Additional Mathematics Topic 14
Relative Velocity o
(Toplcal) age 9
(i) Let F be the velocity of the plane
(iv) Velöcity of speëdboat rëlative to the ship is.
b 180°-40°-7
INF-' =
applying sine rule.
40-i6 420

94391+24j Ans. sin 133 sin 40

(v) Velocity of boat. I, = 5li + 40j

40 sin 133° 477.87 kmh
tana 40 timetaken477.87
51 = 2.093 hours
a 38.1
=2 hours. 6 minutes Ans.

with North
angle of the direction of the speedboat 17 (NI3P209
90-38.1° =51.9°

16 w12P2 09 40 m
A plane, speed in still air is 420 km h',
whose 1.8ms
travels directly from A to B, a distance
of 1000 km.
there is a
The bearing of B from A is 230° and 70m
wind of 80 km h-i from the east.
The diagram shows a river with parallel banks. The
(i) Find the bearing on which the plane was
river is 40m wide and is flowing with a speed of
steered. (4
(ii) Find the time taken for the journey. 4] 1.8 ms-. A canoe travels in a straight line from a poínt
P on one bank to a point Q on the opposite bank
70 m downstream from P. Given that the canoe takes
Thinking Process 12s to travel from P to , calculate the speed of the
construct a diagram using
i) To find the bearing canoe in still water and the angle to the bank that the
vector addition. Apply sine rule to solve the tri-
canoe was steered. 8]
sine rule. To
(Gi) Find the velocity of plane by applying
find time, use, time = distance Thinking Process
Use the right angled triangle to find the length of PO
Solution the velocity of canoe, and the angle between PO and
(i) velocity of plane, in still air, Fauw = 420 kmh- bank.
Construct a velocity diagram using vector addition.
distance between A and B = 1000 km
Apply cosine rule to find velocity of canoe in still water.
velocity of wind from east. F» = 80 kmh Use sine rule to find the angle.

üsing sine rule, Solution

sinasin 40 Length of P= v40* + 70*
80 420 230°
= 80.623 m
Sin a ° = S1n
x80 V420 km/h speed of canoe 40m
420 40
a 7.03 7.0° P80 km /h distance P 0
time 70 m

= 6.718 ms
required bearing = 230°- 7.0 223° Ans.

tan 70
0 29.74
elonal Mathematics (Topical)
Additional Mathe

V1.8 m/s Toplc 14 Relative

Velocity o Page 10
29,70 O Solution
i) Let
Veu a=5i +12
=6.718 m/s Unit vector in the
direction of a=-
P 29.70
- - - -

Let specd
of canoe in still water be
Few s +(12
cosine rule, 5i +12j
L.8 +(6.718) 2(1.8)%6.718) cos 29.74
=v48.37-21T 13
27.37 5.23 velocity ofthe ship = 26x+14
.speed of canoe in still water = 5.23 m/s Ans 13
= (10i+24j) km/h Shown.
using sine rule, (i) Position vector at 1600 hrs =
Velocity x time
1.8 5.23
(10i +24j)x4
40i+96j Ans.
sin 29.14 1.8
5.23 (in) Position vector of the ship after 1600 hours
position at 1600 hrs+ velocity x time
angle to the bank that the canoe was steered
downstream =29.74+9.83
39.57° 39.6° Ans. 40+10

iv) Position vector of speed boat

18 nuPuQL) position at 1600 hrs +velocity x
In this question i is a unit vector due East and j is a
unit vector due North.
At 12 00 hours, a ship leaves a port P and travels with
a speed of 26 kmh in the direction Si+12j. 120-22) Ans.
() Show that the velocity of the ship is 81+30)
(10i+24j) kmh [21 (v)When speedboat intercepts the ship. then.
c) Write down the position vector of the ship, rela- position of ship = position of speedboat
tive to P, at 16 00 hours.
40+10 (120-22
(i) Find the position vector of the ship, relative to P,
thours after 16 00 hours. (2)
40+10r 120-22
At 16 00 hours, a speedboat leaves a lighthouse which

has postion vector (120i+81j) km, relative to P, to 32 80 I==2.5 hours

intercept the ship. The speedboat has a velocity of
or 96+241= 81+30
22i + 30j) kmh
61 =15 = 2.5 hours
(iv) Find the position vector,
relative to P, of the speed
boat r hours after 16 00 hours. speedboat intercepts theship at 1830 hours.
() Find the time at which the intercepts
the ship and the position vector, relative to P, of
position vector of the point of interception
he point of
interception. [41 120-22(25)
Thinking Process 65=65i +156j Ans.
To find velocity of the ship find the unit
vector in the direction of
12 51+
(m)& (iv) Position of an object from staring point
Displacement of the object from starting point.
Toplc 14 Relative
O Addltional Mathematlcs (Topical) Velocity o p
20MI3 P20
Relative to an origin O, points A, B and Ch
A river, which is 80 m wide, flows at 2 ms- Chave position
A man wants to row
between parallel, straight banks.
his boat straight across the
river and land on the other vectors 12 and-18 respectively.
He is able to
bank directly opposite his starting point. All distances are measured in
row his boat in still
water at 3 ms', Find kilometres, A
constant speed directly from A to B in
at a
which he must row his boat, [2]
) the direction in () Calculate the speed in kmh at
to cross the river. [3] which the
(i) the time it takes him drives from A to B. man
He now drives directly from B to C at the sam
Thinking Process (1) Find how long it takes him to drive Speed.
from Bt
( Draw velocity diagram and use it to find
(i) To find time, find true velocity and then apply
distance Thinking Process
Solution () To find speed, use
2 ms use, time Istance
(i) To find time, =


80 m
V 3ms AB-O8-0A--()-)-()
Distance AB.
AB--15 +
= v225+64 =17
)Velocity ofwater, =2 ms
Velocityofboat in still water, Faw =3 ms" speed = distance
let the boat makes an angle 0 with the bank.
- = 51 kmh Ans.
cos6 0=48.18 48.20
the man must row his boat at 48.2°
with the bank upstream. Ans. BC-Oc-00-(-8)-(A-)
(i) Let speed of boat be F
Distance BC is. 1Bcl=y16)+(-30
from the figure above,
= 256+900=34
time taken =
Vyo-12 speed
=9-4=5 ms
time to cross the river = distance
speed 40 minutes Ans.
hours =

35.8 seconds Ans.


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