YPGF Booklet

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Type of Project: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange

Project Name: Young People for a Green Future

Project Reference No: 2022-1-MT01-KA152-YOU000063377
Location: Marsaxlokk Youth Activity Center, Malta
Number of Participants: 40

Proutist Universal Malta coordinated Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Young

people for a green future with the participants from non-governmental
organisations from the countries of Malta, Greece, Italy, Lithuania,
Spain, Slovakia and Bulgaria in Malta from 15 to 20 June, 2023.

Partner Organisations
Proutist Universal Malta, Malta
Unıted Socıetıes Of Balkans, Greece
Sdruzhenıe Walk Together, Bulgaria
Unique Projects, Lithuania
Ayuntamıento De Maracena, Spain
Euro Sud, Italy
Asociacija "Jaunimolaisvalaikis", Lithuania
Adel Slovakia, Slovakia
1. The Project
Purpose of the project:

The impact of climate change on our society is a global challenge that needs to be faced
in our times. The project “YPGF: Young People for a Green Future” has the aim to promote
environmental awareness on those issues related to climate change and single-use
plastic, in order to find solutions for decreasing the footprint of the local communities of the
partner organizations of the project. The local communities of the partner organizations
are in fact facing both those problems in their local areas. The project provides participants
from the organizations with tools and competences to act in a more environmentally
friendly way and to spread environmental awareness in their local communities, with a
positive impact on the local areas from where the participants are from.

Goals of the Project:

The goals of “YPGF: Young People for a Green Future” are to address global environmental
impacts, sustained development, and, in particular, the absence of community involvement
and engagement among young people. And to make every effort to urge people to take real
action at any stage by growing their green awareness. These goals are inextricably linked
to the European Union's goals and efforts to minimize pollution and single-use plastics, as
outlined in the EU-wide plastic policy.

Objectives of the Project:

 To educate teenagers about environmental impacts and climate change.

 To educate young participants about the origins and impacts of global warming.
 To develop useful behaviors and exchange best practices for becoming more
environmentally aware in our everyday Routines.
 To create innovative thinking and tactics for a plastic-free lifestyle.
 To educate youth on how to prevent purchasing environmentally harmful items.
 To instill in youth a sense of ownership for their everyday environment.
 To motivate participants to promote the ideals they gained via the youth exchange
among their peers and to seek positive responses to environmental challenges in their
towns and regions.
 To equip participants with non-formal educational tools regarding environmental
interactive strategies.
2. Participants and Activities

There were 40 Youth Workers (4 youths and 1 group leader, 18 and above from each
country) from 7 partner countries who wanted to get aware of What climate change is, and
How it is possible to fight it by changing our daily habits to help the planet and reduce
pollution in order to prevent further disasters that could have even more negative effects
on our economy and on our lives.
DAY 1.
DAY 2.

On the second day, the participants were divided into groups mixed by gender and origin to
create a logo and motto for a communication campaign for the new "Green" public transport.
Later, there was outdoor visit and discussion activities with a bioethics company, for the field
test of the concepts expressed in the theoretical activities. Participants interacted directly
with the concepts of bioethical agriculture with low environmental impact, carrying out
activities in person during the visit.
DAY 3.

On the third day, the entire group assisted by the local community symbolically collected garbage
in some parts of the city as an awareness raising event and awakening of the local community,
in order to establish a relationship of sustainability over time. Afterwards, Participants went to a
supermarket in the town to look for any labels on items which show that the product is eco-
sustainable, at the end a report is created with the percentages of products that are sold respect
the environment.
DAY 4.

On the fourth day, the whole group had a discussion, where alternative ways to use
plastic in everyday life were identified. An Intercultural night was organised where
participants got to know one's place of origin via activities and film viewing, quiz games
on cultural knowledge of others, traditional dances, and traditional local delicacies for
the development of a more cohesive and cooperative group.
DAY 5.

On the fifth day, the whole group created board games (or other types) with
environmental protection as their main topic. İn the next session, Participants were
divided into 3 macro groups, which took institutional and competitive decisions for the
resolution of environmental problems; The Market Lobbies, The European Commission
and the Heads of Government were represented. Each group had its own reason, the
success was finding an agreement.
DAY 6.

On the last day, participants independently created two macro discussion groups regarding
the Friday for Future movement and discussed about the awareness of the communities on
the environmental issues, after which they drew a shortlist of 10 points on why it is
necessary for the new generations to learn from an early age the respect of environment.
Proutist Universal Malta: https://pumalta.org/

Mobile: +356 9975 5523

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProutistUniversalMalta/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pumalta/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/proutist-universal-malta/

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