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Principles of Flight


1. The weight of an aeroplane is considered to act through

a. The centre of pressur

b. The centre of gravit
c. The centre of densit
d. The centre compression

2. In relation to the ow through a Venturi tube

a. Static pressure is greater within the constrain

b. Dynamic pressure increases in the tune as the tube widens
c. Total pressure is lowest in the venture’s throat
d. Static pressure reduces as the tube narrows

3. The maximum coef cient of lift is attained at

a. Approximately the stalling angle of attack

b. Any negative angle of attack
c. Approximately -4º angle of attack
d. At 0º of attack

4. As airspeed of an aeroplane in straight and level ight is increases

a. Induced drag increases and parasite drag decreases

b. Both induced drag and parasite drag increases
c. Both induce drag and parasite drag decreases
d. Induced drag decreases and parasite drag increases

5. The purpose of streamlining is to

a. Delay air ow separation and reduce induced drag

b. Delay air ow separation and reduce form drag
c. Promote air ow separation and reduce parasite drag
d. Promote air ow separation and increase lift

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj




Principles of Flight

6. Which of the following aircraft design features are methods of reducing

induced drag

a. Low aspect ratios, slats and wing tapering

b. Winglets, mass balance and wing fence
c. Wing fence, rectangular wings and high aspect ratios
d. Washout, inlets and wing tapering

7. What is washout

a. Washout is an increase in the angle of attack from wing tip to wing

b. Washout is a reduction in the angle of incident (and consequently the
angle of attack) from wing tip to wing root
c. Washout is a reduction in the angle of incidence (and consequently
the angle of attack) from wing root to wing tip
d. Washout is a reduction in the angle of attack of the vertical stabiliser

8. The most ef cient L:D ratio will occur at a particular

a. Weight, where the least amount of lift is required

b. Angle of attack, where the L:D ratio is at a maximum
c. Angle of incident, where the L:D ratio is at a minimum
d. Speed, where pro le drag is at a minimum

9. In relation to the lift-weight couple

a. Weight acts through the Centre of Pressure, lift acts through the
Centre of Gravit
b. Lift and weight act through the Centre of Pressure
c. Lift acts through the Centre of pressure, weight acts through the
Centre of Gravity
d. Lift and weight act through the centre of Gravity

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj




Principles of Flight
10.In straight and level ight, if the centre of pressure is in front of the centre
of gravity a …(i)… couple is produced, requiring the tailplane to produce a
…(ii)… forc

a. (i) nose down (ii) downwar

b. (i) nose down (ii) upwar
c. (i) nose up (ii) downwar
d. (i) nose up (ii) upwar

11. Movement of an aeroplane about its lateral axis is called

a. Pitchin
b. Side-slippin
c. Yawing
d. Rollin

12.Directional stability is achieved through

a. The tailplane
b. The ailerons
c. The n
d. The rudder

13. What is static stability

a. An indicator of an aircraft’s initial tendency to continue to diverge from

tis original position
b. An indicator of an aircraft’s initial tendency to return to its original
c. An indicator of an aircraft’s readiness to remain at its new position
d. An indicator of an aircraft’s subsequent tendency to oscillate about
the original ight path and nally divert from it.

14. Loading an aircraft incorrectly with a C of G forward of the permitted

range, will

a. Increase longitudinal stability, increasing the stalling speed

b. Increase longitudinal stability, requiring high elevator force at low
c. Decrease longitudinal stability, resulting in larger pitching moments
d. Decrease longitudinal stability, resulting in over-pitching at low

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj





Principles of Flight
15.What are the primary and secondary effect of an aileron input

a. Roll followed by pitch

b. Turn followed by yaw
c. Bank followed by pitch
d. Roll followed by yaw

16. What is the design called whereby an up-going aileron moves through
large angle than the down-going aileron? What does it counteract

a. Frise-type aileron and aileron stability

b. Differential ailerons and adverse aileron yaw
c. Up-bias aileron and lateral stability
d. Flaperos and aileron reversal

17. Some control colums have a tendency to ‘flutter’, when is this likely to
occur and what design features can prevent it?

a. At low speed and a balance tab

b. At high speed and a mass balance
c. At low speed and an anti-balance tab
d. At high speed and a spring balance

18. The effectiveness of all control surfaces is enhanced at

a. High speed
b. Low speed
c. High angles of attack
d. High power settings

19. The angle of climb depends upon

a. Excess lift and weight

b. Excess thrust and weight
c. Excess lift and minimum drag
d. Excess thrust and minimum drag

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj


Principles of Flight

20. What is Vx

a. The Maximum Rate of Climb, giving the greatest height gain for the
shortest horizontal distance
b. The Maximum Gradient (angle) of Climb, giving the greatest height
gain in the shortest time
c. The Maximum Rate of Climb, giving the greatest height gain in the
shortest time
d. The Maximum Gradient (angle) of Climb, giving the greatest height
gain for the shortest horizontal distance

21. An aircraft is climbing at 800 feet in two minutes, what is the rate of climb

a. 50 fp
b. 1600 fp
c. 400 fp
d. 200 fp

22. A reduction in weight will have what effect on the glide

a. Lower weight will increase the best glide speed, but will steepen the
glide angle
b. Lower weight will not change the best glide speed, but will steepen
the glide angle
c. Lower weight will not change the best glide speed, but will reduce the
glide angle
d. Lower weight will lower the best glide speed, but will not affect the
glide angle

23. In a steady glide, drag is balance by

a. Thrus
b. Gravit
c. A component of weigh
d. A component of lift

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj


Principles of Flight

24. The basic stalling speed of an aeroplane is 90 knots, in a level turn at 60º
angle of bank what will the stalling speed be

a. 53 k
b. 180 k
c. 127 k
d. 110 k

25. To maintain altitude, a steeper bank angle will require

a. Less lift from the wing

b. More lift from the wing
c. Less thrust from the propelle
d. More thrust from the propeller

26. Which combination will always increase stall speed

a. An increased in weight and increased in power

b. Entering a turn and ice contamination on the wings
c. A decreased load factor and power reductions
d. Applying ap and decreases in weight

27.Which combination will reduce stalling indicated airspeed of an aeroplane

a. Reducing wing loading and increasing power

b. Lower altitude and increasing ap setting
c. Increasing angle of bank and reducing power
d. Increasing weight and increasing wing loading

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj




Principles of Flight


1. In level ight

a. Lift is balanced by drag

b. Drag is balance by weight
c. Weight is balanced by lift
d. Lift is balanced by thrust

2. An aircraft in ight is said to be in equilibrium when

a. Lift is balanced by thrust and weight is balance by drag.

b. Weight is balanced by drag and lift is balanced by thrust
c. Weight is balanced by lift and drag is balanced by thrust
d. Lift is balanced by drag and weight is balanced by thrust

3. The angle of attack is the angle between the

a. Lower aerofoil surface and the mean camber line

b. Mean camber line and the relative air ow
c. Upper aerofoil surface and the chord line
d. Chord line and the relative air ow

4. Compared to the free stream air ow, in normal ight, air over the the top of
a wing will

a. Decrease in speed
b. Have the same speed
c. Increase in speed
d. Have higher pressure

5. Of all the factors in uencing the amount of lift generated by a wing which
two can the pilot affect

a. Speed and the angle of incidence

b. The coef cient of lift and the angle of attack
c. Angle of attack and angle of incidence
d. Speed and angle of attack

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj







Principles of Flight

6. As the angle of attack is increased

a. The lift from the wing decreases

b. The lift from the wing remains unchanged, but speed reduces
c. The lift from the wing increases
d. The lift from the wing remains unchanged, but speed increases

7. What’s the purpose of the tailplane

a. To balance the aircraft with respect to the normal axis

b. To balance the moment created by the differing positions of the
Centre of Pressure and the Centre of Gravity
c. To balance the moment created by the differing position of the Centre of
Lift and the Centre of Gravity.
d. To balance the aircraft with respect to the longitudinal axis

8. As the angle of attack is increased, where on a low speed aerofoil will ow

separation normally start

a. On the upper surface towards the trailing edge

b. One the lower surface towards the trailing edge
c. One the lower surface towards the leading edge
d. One the upper surface towards the leading edge

9. The maximum coef cient of lift is attained at

a. Approximately the stalling angle of attack

b. Any negative angle of attack
c. Approximately -4º angle of attack
d. At 0º of attack

10.Parasite drag is

a. Composed of form drag, interference drag and skin friction; it is

proportional to airspeed
b. Composed of form drag, induced drag and skin ction drag; it is
proportional to airspeed
c. Composed of form drag, interference drag and skin ction drag; it is
inversely proportional to airspeed
d. Composed of form drag, induced drag and skin ction drag; it is
inversely proportional to airspeed

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj





Principles of Flight

11. Induce drag

a. Increases as airspeed increases

b. Decreases as airspeed increases
c. Is unaffected by changes in airspeed
d. Decreases as airspeed decreases

12. If an aircraft is supported by 1,200 units of lift opposing 100 units of drag,
what is the aircraft L:D ratio

a. 120:
b. 5:
c. 12:
d. 10:

13. When does the maximum aerodynamic ef ciency of an aerofoil occurs

a. At the maximum L;D ratio, at around +4º angle of attack for a

conventional aerofoil
b. At the maximum L:D ratio, at around +4º angle of incidence for a
conventional aerofoil
c. At the minimum L:D ratio, at around +0º angle of incidence for a
conventional aerofoil
d. At the minimum L:D ratio, at around +16º angle of incidence for a
conventional aerofoil

14. What will happen to the L:D ratio if you maintain straight and level flight at
slower speed?

a. The same lift will be required; this must come from an increase in
angle of attack; induced drag will increase. The L:D ratio will reduce
b. Nothing will alter; lift and drag vary in proportion. The L:D ratio is
c. Less lift will be required and drag will reduce. The L:D ratio will
d. The same lift will be required; this must come from a decrease in
angle of attack; drag will reduce. The L:D ratio will increase

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj



Principles of Flight

15. What is blade angle

a. Is the angle between the chord line of a propeller blade and the
aircrafts lateral axis
b. Is the angle between the chord line of a propeller blade and the plane
of rotation
c. Is the angle between the chord line of a propeller blade and the
aircraft’s longitudinal axis
d. Is the angle between the chord line of a propeller blade and the
direction of ight

16. The blade angle is designed so that

a. A constant blade angle is maintained for the full length of the

b. A variable angle of attack is created along the length of the propeller
c. A variable angle of incidence is maintained for the all length of the
d. A constant angle of attack is maintained for the full length of the

17. Movement of an aeroplane about its normal axis is called

a. Pitchin
b. Side-slippin
c. Yawing
d. Rollin

18. Movement of an aeroplane about its lateral axis is called

a. Pitchin
b. Side-slippin
c. Yawing
d. Rollin

19. Directional stability is achieved through

a. The tailplane
b. The aileron
c. The n
d. The rudder

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj



Principles of Flight

20. What is static stability

a. An indicator of an aircraft’s initial tendency to continue to diverge from

tis original position
b. An indicator of an aircraft’s initial tendency to return to its original
c. An indicator of an aircraft’s readiness to remain at its new position
d. An indicator of an aircraft’s subsequent tendency to oscillate about
the original ight path and nally divert from it.

21. Longitudinal stability is greatest with

a. An aft Centre of Gravity

b. A neutral Centre of Gravity
c. A forward Centre of Pressure
d. A forward Centre of Gravity

22. The primary and secondary effects of the rudder and elevator are

a. Yaw followed by roll and pitch with no secondary effect

b. Roll followed by yaw and pitch followed by roll
c. Yaw followed by roll and roll followed by yaw
d. Roll followed by yaw and yaw followed by roll

23. What is the purpose of trim tab

a. To remove control pressures

b. To maintain a required attitude
c. To alter the ight pro le
d. To maintain balance

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj





Principles of Flight

24. What is the Maximum Gradient (Angle) of Climb used, and of what
considerations should a pilot be aware when using it

a. To reach the cruising level as quickly as possible, it means operating

close to the stalling speed
b. To clear obstacles, high nose attitude and high power means poor
engine cooling
c. To clear the circuit level as quickly as possible, it means operating
close to the stalling speed
d. To reach cruising level without delay, lower nose attitude allows a
better view ahead

25. How will an aircraft’s climb performances differ when carrying two
passengers, as opposed to ying solo

a. Climb performance will not be affected

b. Climb performance will be better because the Centre of Gravity will be
positioned further aft
c. Climb performance will be poorer because of the extra weight
d. The aircraft will climb more steeply

26. Assuming nil wind, the maximum glide distance will be achieved by ying
at what speed

a. Just above the stall speed

b. The speed giving the minimum L:D rati
c. The speed giving minimum drag
d. The speed giving the maximum drag

27. The effect of headwind is to

a. Increase the glide distance over the ground

b. Reduce the glide distance over the ground
c. Reduce the glide distance relative to the air mass
d. Increase the glide distance relative to the air mas

28. At constant bank angle

a. Slower speeds will result in a smaller radius of turn

b. Slower speeds will result in a larger radius of turn
c. Speed will have no effect on the radius of turn
d. Faster speeds will result in a lower bank angle
Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj


Principles of Flight

29. For any particular con guration, an aeroplane wing stalls at

a. The separation point

b. A speci c speed
c. A speci c angle of attac
d. A speci c angle of incidence

30. Which combination will reduce the stalling indicated airspeed of an


a. Reducing wing loading and increasing power

b. Lower altitude and increasing ap setting
c. Increasing angle of bank and reducing power
d. Increasing weight and increasing wing loading

Compiled by Capt. Suneel S. Rekhraj





1. Which of the following aircraft design features are methods of reducing induced drag?

a. Washout, winglets and wing tapering

b. Wing fences, rectangular wings and high aspect ratios
c. Winglets, mass balance and wing fence
d. Low aspect ratios, slats and wing tapering

2. An aircraft is climbing at 800 feet in two minutes, what is the rate of climb?

a. 50 fpm
b. 200 fpm
c. 400 fpm
d. 1600 fpm

3. The weight of an aeroplane is considered to act through

a. The centre of density

b. The centre of pressure
c. The centre of gravity
d. The centre of compression

4. What is Vx and the de nition of Vx?

a. The Maximum Rate of Climb, giving the greatest height gain for the shortest
horizontal distance
b. The Maximum Gradient (Angle) of Climb, giving the greatest height gain for the
shortest horizontal distance
c. The Maximum Gradient (Angle) of Climb, giving the greatest height gain in the
shortest time
d. The Maximum Rate of Climb, giving the greatest height gain in the shortest time

5. In straight and level ight, if the centre pressure is in front of the centre of gravity a ...
(i).…..couple is produce, requiring the tailplane to produce a ..... (ii)……. force

a. i) nose up ii) upward

b. i) nose down ii) upward
c. i) nose up ii) downward
d. i) nose down ii) downward

6. What is static stability?

a. It is the subsequent tendency of an aircraft to oscillate about the original ight path
and nally diverge from it
b. It is the readiness of an aircraft to remain at its new position
c. It is the initial tendency of an aircraft to continue to diverge from the original
d. It is the initial tendency an aircraft to return to the original position
7. The e ectiveness of all control surface is enhanced at

a. High speed
b. Low speed
c. Low power settings
d. High angle of attack

8. Some control surfaces have a tendency to ‘ utter’, when is this likely to occur ands
hat design feature can prevent it?

a. At low speed and an anti-balance tab

b. At low speed and a balance tab
c. At high speed and a spring balance
d. At high speed and a mass balance

9. The basic stalling speed of an aeroplane is 90 knots, in a level turn at 60° angle of
bank what will the stalling speed be?

a. 100 kt
b. 180 kt
c. 127 kt
d. 53 kt

10. Before extending trailing edge aps what factors should a pilot consider?

a. Speed, the aircraft must be above V FE and altitude changes should be anticipated
b. Speed, the aircraft must be at V FE and changes in roll should be anticipated
c. Stalling angle of attack and potential changes in yaw
d. Speed, the aircraft must be within the flap operating range and pitch changes
should be anticipated

11. The angle of climb

a. Excess thrust and weight

b. Excess lift and minimum drag
c. Excess lift and weight
d. Excess thrust and minimum drag

12. Disregarding any other factors, extending aps whilst maintaining a constant pitch
altitude, will cause the aircraft to initially to do what?

a. Climb
b. Descent
c. Roll
d. Yaw
13. A slat:

a. Delays the stall to the higher angle of attack

b. Increase the wing area and the lift generated
c. Increase the chamber of an aerofoil and diverts the ow from the upper surface to
the lower
d. Increase drag and reduces the stalling angle of attack

14. The coe cient of lift is attained at:

a. At 0° of attack
b. Approximately the stalling angle of attack
c. Any negative angle of attack
d. Approximately +4° angle of attack

15. The most e cient L:D ratio will occur at a particular:

a. Speed, where pro le drag is at a minimum

b. Angle of attack, where the L.D ratio is at a maximum
c. Angle of incidence, where the L:D ratio is at a minimum
d. Weight, where the least amount of lift is required

16. What is the design called whereby an up-going aileron moves through a larger angle
than the down-going aileron? What does it counteract?

a. Flaperons and aileron reversal

b. Di erential ailerons and adverse aileron yaw
c. Fries-type aileron and aileron stability
d. Up-boas aileron and lateral aileron

17. What is the primary e ect and secondary e ect of an aileron?

a. Rolled followed by pitch

b. Roll owed by yaw
c. Bank followed by pitch
d. Turn followed by yaw

18. Loading an aircraft incorrectly with a C of G forward of the permitted range will

a. Requiring high elevator forces at low speed

b. Resulting in large pitching moment
c. Increasing the stalling speed
d. Resulting in over pitching at low speed

19. In a steady glide, drag is balance by:

a. Gravity
b. Thrust
c. A component of weight
d. A component of lift.
20. Directional stability is achieved through:

a. The ailerons
b. The rudder
c. The tailplane
d. The n (vertical stabiliser)

21. An airspeed of an aeroplane in straight and level is increased

a. Induced drag increases and parasite drag decreases

b. Both induced drag and parasite drag increases
c. Both induced drag and parasite drag decreases
d. Induce drag decreases and parasite drag increases

22. A reduction in weight will have what effect on the glide?

a. Lower weight will not change the best glide speed but will steeper the glide angle
b. Lower weight will not change the best glide speed but will reduce the glide angle
c. Lower weight increase the best glide speed but will not a ect the glide angle
d. Lower weight will lower the best glide speed but will not a ect the glide angle

23. Movement of an aeroplane about its lateral axis is called:

a. Yawing
b. Rolling
c. Side-slipping
d. Pitching

24. What is the e ect of using a small ap setting instead of zero ap during take o and
initial climb?

a. A shorter ground run and shallower climb angle

b. A shorter ground run and steeper climb angle
c. A longer ground run and shallower climb angle
d. A longer ground run and a steeper climb angle

25. In relation to the ow through a Venturi tube

a. Static pressure reduces as the tube narrows

b. Dynamic pressure increases in the tube as the tube widens
c. Static pressure is the greatest within the constriction
d. Total pressure is lowest in the venturi's throat

26. What combination will always increase staling speed?

a. Applying ap and decrease in weight

b. A decrease load factor and power reductions
c. Entering a turn and ice-contamination on the wings
d. An increase in weight and an increase in power
27. The purpose of streamlining is to:

a. Promote air ow separation and increase lift.

b. Delay air ow separation and reduce induce drag
c. Promote air ow separation and reduce parasite drag
d. An increase in weight and an increase in power

28. In relation to the lift-drag couple

a. Lift and weight act through the Centre of Gravity

b. Weight acts through the Centre of Pressure, lift acts through the centre of gravity
c. Lift acts through the Centre of Pressure, weight acts through the Centre of Gravity
d. Lift and weight acts through the Centre of Pressure.

29. Which point of the aerofoil is represented by number 3?

a. Transition Point
b. Seperation Point
c. Stagnation Point
d. Centre of Pressure

30. Stabilisation around the lateral axis during cruise is achieved by the

a. Horizontal stabilier
b. Ailerons
c. Wing aps
d. Vertical rudder

1. An aircraft in ight is said to be in equilibrium when:

a. Lift is balanced by thrust and weight is balanced by drag.

b. Weight is balanced by drag and lift is balanced by thrust.
c. Weight is balanced by lift and drag is balance by thrust.
d. Lift is balanced by drag and weight is balanced by thrust.

2. The angle of attack is the angle between the:

a. Lower aerofoil surface and the mean camber line.

b. Mean camber line and the relative air ow.
c. Upper aerofoil surface and the chord line.
d. Chord line and the relative air ow.

3. Compared to the free steam air ow, in normal ight, air over the top of a wing will:

a. Decrease in speed
b. Have the same speed
c. Increase in speed
d. Have higher pressure.

4. Of all the factors in uencing the amount of lift generated by a wing, which two can the
pilot a ect?

a. Speed and the angle of incidence.

b. The coe cient of lift and the angle of attack
c. Angle of attack and angle of incidence
d. Speed and angle of attack.

5. As the angle of attack is increased:

a. The lift from the wing decreases

b. The lift from the wind remains unchanged but speed reduces
c. The lift from the wing increases
d. The lift from the wing remains unchanged, but speed increases.

6. What is the purpose of the tailplane?

a. To balance aircraft with respect to the normal axis.

b. To balance the moment created by the di ering positions of the Centre of Pressure
and the Centre of Gravity.
c. To balance the moment created by the di ering positions of the Centre of Lift and
the Centre of Gravity.
d. To balance aircraft with respect to the longitudinal axis.
7. As the angle of attack is increased, where on a low speed aerofoil will ow separation
normally start?

a. On the upper surface towards the trailing edge.

b. On the lower surface towards the trailing edge.
c. On the lower surface towards the leading edge.
d. On the upper surface towards the leading edge.

8. The coe cient of lift is attained at:

a. Approximately the stalling angle of attack.

b. Any negative angle of attack
c. Approximately +4° Angle of attack.
d. At 0° angle of attack.

9. Parasite drag is:

a. Composed of form drag, interference drag and skin friction; it is proportional to

b. Composed of form drag, induced drag and skin friction; it is proportional to
c. Composed of form drag, interference drag and skin friction; it is inversely
proportional to airspeed.
d. Composed of form drag, induced drag and skin friction; it is inversely proportional
to airspeed.

10. Induce drag:

a. Increase as airspeed increases

b. Decrease as airspeed increases
c. In una ected bay changes in airspeed
d. Decreases as airspeed decreases

11. In an aircraft is supported by 1200units of lift opposing 100 units of drag, what is the
aircrafts L’D ratio?

a. 120:1
b. 5:1
c. 12:1
d. 10:1

12. Where does the maximum aerodynamic e ciency of an aerofoil occurs?

a. At the maximum L:D ratio, at around +4° angle of attack for a conventional aerofoil.
b. At the maximum L:D ratio, at around -4° angle of attack for a conventional aerofoil.
c. At the maximum L:D ratio, at around 0° angle of attack for a conventional aerofoil.
d. At the maximum L:D ratio, at around 16° angle of attack for a conventional aerofoil.
13. What will happen to the L:D ratio if you maintain straight and level ight at a slower

a. The same lift will be required; this must come from an increase in angle of attack;
induced drag will increase. The L:D ratio will reduce.
b. Nothing will after; lift and drag vary in proportion. The L:D ratio is unchanged.
c. Less lift will be required and drag will reduce. The L:D ratio will decrease.
d. The same lift will be required; this must come from an decrease in angle of attack;
induced drag will reduce. The L:D ratio will increase.

14. What is blade angle?

a. It is the angle between the chord line of a propeller blade and the aircraft's lateral
b. It is the angle between the chord line of a propeller blade and the plane of rotation.
c. It is the angle between the chord line of a propeller blade and the aircraft's
longitudinal axis.
d. It is the angle between the chord line of a propeller blade and the direction of ight.

15. The blade angle is:

a. The same along the length of a propeller.

b. Larger near the tip, smaller towards the root.
c. Larger near the root, smaller near the tip.
d. Greatest in the centre of the blade angle, smaller at either end.

16. Movement of an aeroplane about its normal axis is called:

a. Pitching
b. Side slipping
c. Yawing
d. Rolling

17. Directional stability is achieved through:

a. The tailplane
b. The ailerons
c. The n
d. The rudder.

18. What is static stability?

a. An indicator of an aircraft's initial tendency to continue to diverge from its original

b. An indicator of an aircraft's initial tendency to return to diverge from its original
c. An indicator of an aircraft's readiness to remain at its new position.
d. An indicator of an aircraft's subsequent tendency to oscillate about the original
ight path and nally diverge from it.
19. Longitudinal stability is greatest with:

a. An aft Centre of Gravity.

b. A neutral Centre of Gravity.
c. A forward Centre of Pressure.
d. A forward Centre of Gravity

20. The primary and secondary e ect of the rudder and elevator are respectively:

a. Yaw followed by roll and pitch with no secondary e ect.

b. Roll followed by yaw and pitch followed by roll.
c. Yaw followed by roll and pitch and pitch with no secondary effect.
d. Roll followed by yaw and yaw followed by roll.

21. What is the purpose of the trim tab?

a. To remove control pressures

b. To maintain a required attitude.
c. To alter the ight pro le
d. To maintain balance

22. What is Vx?

a. The Maximum Rate of Climb, giving the greatest height gain for the shortest
horizontal distance.
b. The Maximum Gradient (Angle) of Climb, giving the greatest height gain in the
shortest time
c. The Maximum Rate of Climb, giving the greatest height gain in the shortest time.
"The Maximum Gradient (Angle) of Climb, giving the greatest height gain for the
shortest horizontal distance.

23. How will an aircraft's climb performance di er when carrying two passengers, as
opposed to ying solo?

a. Climb performance will not be a ected.

b. Climb performance will be better because the Centre of Gravity will be positioned
further aft.
c. Climb performance will be poorer because of the extra weight.
d. The aircraft will climb more steeply.

24. Assuming nil wind, the maximum glide distance will be achieved by ying at what

a. Just above the stall speed.

b. The speed giving the minimum L:D ratio.
c. The speed giving minimum drag.
d. The speed giving the maximum drag.
25. The e ect of a headwind is to:

a. Increase the glide distance over the ground.

b. Reduce the glide distance over the ground.
c. Reduce the glide distance relative to the air mass.
d. Increase the glide distance relative to the air mass.

26. At a constant bank angle:

a. Slower speeds will result in a smaller radius of turn.

b. Slower speeds will result in a larger radius of turn.
c. Speed will have no e ect on the radius of turn.
d. Faster speeds will result in a lower bank angle.

27. For any particular con guration, an aeroplane wing stalls at:

a. The separation point.

b. A speci c speed.
c. A speci c angle of attack.
d. A speci c angle of incidence.

28. Which combination will reduce the staling indicated airspeed of an aeroplane?

a. Reducing wing loading and increasing power.

b. Lower altitude and increasing ap setting.
c. Increasing angle of bank and reducing power.
d. Increasing weight and increasing wing loading.

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