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. .

: '
'I ... ·

. . ..

· ; . . ·DECLARATION .
: .• ;. :· ;w 1 . • . . • •-• .•

All defects>'·
hav~ been·duly.cured.·Whatever has
. '

. . been/ del.eted/modi.fied in the Petition is the
. ' : .
result.. of curing. of defects.· c;lnd nothing· else.

·Exc.ept_ curihg ··the de.fects.· Nothing has been

. '
' .
d·one.· Paper;·Book~ a·re complete in all respects •
. .


, ·.. Signature~
·: ·.. · ·,. Advocate-on~~ecord for;P-~titioner
. :.
; j • '

il I
.. ~ · .. Date:
I,. .
02. ~ . 1.~ .·20.'2-3. · ·

; o o

.I ' '
i. · Contact No .. 1~ 1 O! 7 :.?;!"~0
il ~ . h
. i: . . .
;,: : l=
0 j·::
:1 •
:.: .!~

: I
. I : .
Total Defects 4
Diary No. 49646-2023
Defects Defects Defects Defects
S.No. Defects notified notified Removed Removed
on by on by
Other (PARA 1 ANI)
6 OF LISTING Ol-12-2023
PROFORMA TO BE 11:51:18 cured


01-12-2023 To be


WITH COPY OF 01-12-2023 KUMAR. To be
3 11:.51:18
Other (C/C OF I/0
EXEMPTION FROM 01-12-2023 1b be
FILING C/C OF 1/0 11:53:05. cured

\ Su:greme Court of India
-~ Section 1-B

Limitation Renort- Generated on : 01-12-2023 11:52 am

Diary No.-49646-2023


~ Date of Order: (A):··· ... i 08-11-2023


. ·- i·
! Date of Filing: (B) I 29-11-2023

Total Days : (C) = (B-A) . 21

: Copy Ready on : (D) ''

.. ·
• I

~opy Applied on : (E) , . ·

·... ~

. Total Days (D-E) : (F) .0

: Total Holidays :· (G) . i 0

-- . -~-- - --- . ~- --· ... :_--..1..--.- ---- - -~--- ... .!..

, limitation days : (H) : 90

• Total Days : [ C-(F+G+H)] -69


( Dealing Assistant)
\...__12-2023 11:52 am

(Branch Officer)
Page 'A'

. '
tv)\ ~/Vt \eo( . 7.
Not a Batch or similar matter
Annexure 'Y'
Advocate Check list to be certified by Advocate-on-Recor-d
rln~ ~._ SLP(C) has been filed In Form n_~~Ts-~h certificate~·----==·-J_yEs~=~=~
\j__wr. .2. The Petition is as per the provisions of Order XV Rule 1. ; v "jt~J 1

'/o.> i
- - - · - - - - - · - - - - - - - - 1..- - - - - - -.. ·-·-··--·"·1
3. The papers of SLP have been arranged as per Order XXI, ! v
Rule (3) (l) (f). . . ! ~
---··- - - _. __ -·- 1··-·----------1
Brief list of dates/events has been filed. . · ;· v 'ja> ;
1-5-_.·----1 Paragraphs and pages of paper books have been r·------y·-----·;
consecutively and correctly nqted in index. : v t:t> i
6. . Pro . and required number of paper booksTl.+i)~havej·--~Y:---~
e~ f1l d.· . . · L 1
I ' •

w· ont n'ts of the petition, applications and accompanying.., -..9~-.-----i

documen are clear; }egible ·and typed in double space on i 1
one side o the paper. ~ b lt st'dL I 1
\ ' . .. . . . . __ ..:._____:___________ !....-·-·--·----------;
-~ partie Iars of the impugned judgment passed by. the
j - ~
\ court(s) be_! w are uniforr:nly written in all. the do.cu111ents. ; 'V 'i u
\"\ ~
g~~~~Q\af)te~~o-r'aR eal by certificate the a·ppeal is accomp·a-niedby··T·-------·-------1
1 1

o?;r-·l~t;,t~ C fi~em-and decree ·appealed fwrn and order granting i

\ Alo 1
\ S\1~" '_1 __........--rc-ertificate.. . :
~,,,.-·~. If the petition is time barred, applicat!o'r1''for'-co-ndoi1'~"tToii'~0Vii""-·N/;-·----""1
delay. mentioning the no. of days at---delay, with affidavit and 1

court fee has been filed. 1


11. The Annexures referred t m thepetition-·aretru·e~copiesofr--·-·---- -·--- --1

the documents before · e court(s) below and ·are filed in ' ~ o ~
chronological order per Ust of Dates. . i
. I ,
1--:---t--:--------.r-------------·----·-----!- .. -------···---..·-----·-!
12. · The. annexures eferred to in the petition are filed and 'i v i
indexed separ ely and not marked collectively. 1
'\.../ 1 (!.) I
- ---·-·-·--··-----..1-·-·------- ·----··-- .
, ' I

The relev · t provisions of the constituti.ons., statutes, YES i No ·

ordinanc s, rules, regulations, bye laws, orders etc. referred i
j to in the impugned judgme('lt/Qrder has been filed as ; 1

. Appendix to the SLP. , · .

htc- In SLP against the. order passed in secori-dAppeai~c~__;P.iesoTj-··-·~--~-;--'-'----..-)

/·- . .
the orders· passed by the· Trial Court and First Appellate "v"
Court have been filed. . .· : •·
15. ·}he complete listing proforma· has been filed in, signed and · .,_, etJ
t: ·
1 I
rncluded m th·e paper ,books. · . ../ 1- ·

16: In a petition (PIL) fil~d under clause (d) of RL1Ie i2 (l),Orderi~ ... .,_
XXXVIII, the petitioners has disclosed: 1
'v 0
(a). his full name, complete postal address, e-mail address;
phone nu~ber, proof regarding personal identification. .
occupation and· annual income, PAN number' and National i ,

..._____,_.....,.U niqu~ identity__Carq_Q_lj_m b~iLlL~D.'L~ ..--..~-. --------- ......... ·------~-c--···""·· .. -~-----·--- .................... j
·------·, ..-- .. ----·· .......... _!.. ___________ ----·--:-;---·-·---;::--·--:·:-----··-----:---r-----· r- ' .

i (b) The. facts-constituting the cause O'f action;

I (c)"The nature of injury ~aused or likely to be caused to the
(d) The nature and extent of personal interest, if any, of the
(e) Details regarding and civil, criminal or revenue litigation,

1 involving the petitioners or any :of the petitioners, which has

! or could have a legal nexus with the issu~ (s) involved in the
I Public Interest Litigation.
~-----l--····· .. -·----------------------------------~--------~~---------1
17; 1 If any identical ma~ter is pending/disposed of by the Hon1 ble
I Supreme Court, the complete particulars of such ·matters f'-..f f !+-
have been given. . vo \_
18. The statement in terms of the Order ,XIX Rule. 3 (1) of •
Supreme Court ·Rules 2013 has been grven the. petition of in tvo .· "
appeal. • ..,.
19. Whether a Bank Draft of Rs. 50,000/- or 50°/o of the amount, ,
whichever is ·less, has been deposited·. by the person. No
intending to appeal~ if required to be paid as pe.r the order of
1 the NCDRC, in terms of Section 23 of the Consumer
i Protection Act, 1986. j
:........... ; .... ···--- . .

. 20. i In case of appeals under Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007.. . N-o !I
i j the petitioners/appellant has moved before the Armed I
1 Forces .Tribunal for granting certificate for leave. I
! I to appeal to the Supreme Court. I
j21. l A!l the p2lper-books to be filed afte~ curing the d~fe9ts shall -./tJ>.

j ! be In o_rder. ~
_______,, ...... ..!.-... - .......... _.. ________ ··----------------·---------------·-------·-·------.L..---------

I rH:r·eby deC! are that r' ·,,a~~ personaU·y verified the petition and its contents ""
and it is in conformity with the Supreme Court Rules 201:?.
I certify that the above requirements of this Check List have been complied
with. I further certify that all the documents necessary for the. purpose of
hearing of the m~tt.~r have been filed ...
New Delhi : · FILED BY:-

Date: . j
V'\ i\~.2,., 'J..'}

AOR Code No .

- .. I \ . •. A f\'! 0 0 C0 0 8 55 09

DA>TE~ 8! TIME :
.. ll


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uthentic;lty of tjll; e,-Court fae~rec~lpt sho~ld b~ verified at www.shcilestamp.:·com . cAAy.,Pisctep~ncy In ttia

Statutory AMh :The
~hl~;} re •
details on ipt
c ..,.
<~· n~o as'hv"allab~e
on ·tfte'\~eb~lfe
.. : e
fenders it ln~ali~. In case of any discr~parlcY'p%;s; i~ro~~l ~h: Co~p~t:nt
Authority. This receipt Is valid or;tly after verlflcatlon & locking by the Court Official.
·;hr: I o)l)i(~llic- :.f tlti~ C?l t:f!< .•lh: can!:~·· '/(~rified,and authenticated world-wide by any n'•'r,lb0'1''· d
the pllbltl' dt v:ww.s:hcilestamp.corn free of cost."

"A11y ,1iter;1ti"n> :•:· ~l~io; c0r\'tflc.1rt-" 1'(-'f'ltJ.-.:··; 1t invalid. Use of an clltered certificate without all th<: security
f~C<.;:w•,:·s Uil:k.l con·si;tl:t'~ d ;::rirntnill (1ff,,.nce."

Thi c. ·::-a ·: n ·. : n t r otrt c.dr ". sr:cu d ty f e.ltLI ·=) l.i k.~ ,_oloured L>ac kg round with Lacey ,..~eornetric Fl,~xible
;j.Jt let nJ "'.-.J\·~ L•J•jo ;nlt'l(j•:s, .-_:,,mpl~·)l omamental desion borders, Anti-copy feature~. the
-\pnc, ,,r0r•. •·· '·f ,. I' :·o· printi:·~r;. w.1t~~rP .. 1, k <•nd ntht't' Overt and Ctwert features."
. .

81. Particulars of Document Page No. of :gart of Remarks

No. which it belongs

.. Part-! Part-II

(Contents (Contents
.· . of Paper of file
Book) alone)
.. I
(i) ! (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

2. Of:fice . ~ Report ·on A A

3. L~~ting Proforma .. Al-A2 A-A'2.
. .
4. Cover Page of Pap~r .A-·.~

Book I

5. Index of Record of A-e;
~. :

6. Limitation .-·.··Report I ,
prepared by the

7. Defect List

8. Note .Sheet
9. .Synopsis and List of B:-H
1 0. Certified Copy ~nd . .~

True copy of the 1.-1~

impugned final
judgment. and order
dated 08.11.2023
passed by the Hon'ble
High Court of Delhi at
New Delhi in RSA No.
11. Relied Upon Judgment
and order dated
10~ 12.2007 passed by
this Hon'ble Ht:J}i
, Cotty(: ~b.!J;.u;,, Ne~_~el)J
o • I • o

No.5761 f2007
12. Relied Upon Judgment
and order
01,06.~012 passed by
.th~ Hon 'ble fk~ ~rtl eOtl Yt I
.. ·· ... .. ..

~-:·~+-p~a:J New Delhi in

RSA No.46/2012
13. Special Leave. Petition
with affidavit
14. ANNEXURE P·l ··
The copy of the
P~airit/ Civil Suit
No.l508 filed before
the Sr. Civil Judge_,

Central Distt. Tis

Hazari Courts, Delhi
dated 18.05.2018
The copy of the written
statement fil~d before .
the Civil Judge
(Central}, Tis Hazari
Courts, Delhi dated
The copy of the
Application under
Order 12 Rule 6 of the
CPC filed by the
Respondent herein
before the Sr. Civil
Judge, Central Distt.,
' Tis Haza~i. qourts,
Delhi dated
Th~ ·Copy of the Reply
~~~:: applicat~on ur;td~r
·o:i:-.der XII Rule 6 of
CPC filed before the
Civil Judge (Central);
Tis·· Hazari Courts,
D~lhi ciated
The copy of the order
dated 14.08.2019
passed by the Civil

Judge-06, Central
District, Tis Hazari
Courts, Delhi in CS
SCJ No ..l508/2018
The copy of the order
dated 04.12.2019
passed by : the Civil
Judge-06,, .Central
District, Tis Hazari
Courts, Delhi in CS
SCJ No.l508/2018
20. ANNEXURE p,..7
.The copy of the RCA
No.24/2023 filed by
the petitioner herein
before the Court of Ld.
District Judge,
Central Tis Hazari
Courts, Delhi dated
"\": .
• I 'o

Tl;l.:e. · copy of the

: ,'• ..
· Ju4gment 10.10.2023 ·

pa$.sed by the Ld.

Additional ;District
Judge-03, Central
District, Tis Hazari
Co.urts, Delhi in RCA
22. ANNEXURE P-9 lt!>(l .-2-l'i
Th.e copy of the R. S .A.
No.208/2023 filed by

the petitio,ner before

the Hon'ble High
.Court of Delhi at New
Delhi dated
02.11'.2023 ..
23. I.A. No. of2023 for
permission to file
additional do·c·m;nents
True copy <;>f the Rent
Agreement dated 12th
day of December ..2015
along with connected
- - --4---------j


True ~opy of the Letter ..

. .
dated 20.01.2023 sent . .
. .
to Police S.b::ttion, Civil .
Lines, Timarpur, Delhi ..

26. ANNEXURE P-12 2-y &·--2.\i r

True copy of the Letter
No.L&DO /L-III/ 8 I
.. ..
3(40) /40. dated .
._16.05.20~3 sent to the
Sh. ·. Subhank ar
.. . .

27. F/M .·Z'1<6 ·~
28. Vakalatnama 2-L-f·1
2-'l· H.~ trl.O &i Va-r/1t0 ·.2..~0

l .

. / ··,.


. . ,.- / .f
~/}'9,~· ·~
Subhra Kabasi ... Peti/tiet(~~
. /<: · · . .· .-. ("~. ~"
j:l·' · .
~S0-> .... .
...•~-r,; \~ .~ \}; . ..
_.. <K ''- ~ ,... :· ~
Versus -.:.\ ···( ~~) ,. ; (~·:··>-'· · //
Ranjeet ... Red~DriQ.ent ~ .,<.:-:··
~"\ '\.. ,·· c·r···~ .
tr.... ·•• ~~,;.... 1t r·
'\.. '· .. "· <\~)\' ./,f/
~.i} .• -··
•• '·

1. The petition is/are within time. '· ,.:

2. The petition is barred by time and there is. delay

of __ days in filing the same against · order
dated 08.11.2023 and petition for condonation
~ 0 •

of days delay has been filed.

3. There is delay of days in refilling the
petition and petition for condonation of
_______days delay in refilling has· been
.. '•, I

DATED: _._.2023 ·



The case pertains to (Please tick/ check the correct box): ... :·

0 Central Act: (Title): N.A.

0 Section: N.A.
0 Central Rule : (Title): N.A.
0 Rule No(s): · N.A ...
0 State Act: (Titl~) Nil
0 Section: Nil
0 State Rule : (Title) Nil
0 Rule No(s): Nil
0 Impugned Interim Order: Nil
(Date) ...·.·
.. ,: '• _..;.,..\I .
. ·t··
0 Impugned Fmal Order/Decree: 08.11.2023 . <'•. · .~.._ .)
(Date) .
0 High Court: (Name): Hon'ble High Court of Delhi at I'{~~~·-.

Delhi I:·'
0 Names of Judges : Hon'ble Ms. Justice Manmeet Pritam .- .;:: ·
·' ,_.
Singh Arora
0 Tribunal/Authority: (Name): NA

1. NATURE OF ,MATTERV21'"Civil Civil

o Criminal
~ 2. (a) Petitioner/appellant No. 1: Su bhra Kabasi

(b) E-mail ID: NA


I Mobile phone number: NA

3. (a) Respondent No. 1: Ranjeet
(b) E-mail1D: NA
I Mobile phone number: NA
4. (a) Main category 18
(b) Sub classification: 1807

""'; ¥J1<l
Not to be listed before: NA
a) Similar disposed of matter
··.~ Jth;br-m~tk.r~
with citation, if any, and
otste>sal "P ·
case details:
b) Similar pending matter
with case details:

Whether Nil
accused/ convict has
su,rr'endered: o Yes o No
FIR No. Nil
Police Station: Nil
Sentence Awarded: Nil
Sentence Undergone: Nil

Date of Section 4 Nil

Date of Section 6 Nil
Date of Section 17 Nil
.: TAX MATTERS: State the tax effect: NA
9. NA
10. · Special Category
i (first petitioner I appellant only):

o Senior citizen > 65 years o

. 'SC/ST
;:o Woman/ child o Disabled .
' . o Aid case o In custody
11. 'Vehicle Number
(in case of Motor Accident
',Claim matters):

AOR for Petitioner
Dated:_._.2023 Registration No.
A ~3


[S.C.R., Order XXI Rule 3(1) (a)]
(UNDER ARTICL:B 136 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF'INDIA) .;./~... '·,· · ,~-. . .
.. ~~:~,.',""<:~~:-~
~. ~..
' , .-~.,r· ' l

[Arising out of the · impugned finaL j'udgment/·~d ,,s·~ . .;~~7

order dated 08.11.2023 passed by the Her?- b+~.··~~·i'gh .... "'\·~~-' . :.::::/ .. ~·
Court of Delhi at New Delhi in RSA No. 208/~'0~"3] · . ~~~;::::' <} /

. I -'. ....
. •,

IN THE MATTER OF: .. :· ·. ..

:~. \ /


Subhra Kabasi ... Petitioner

Versus ~.

Ranjeet ... Responclen t






ADVOCATE FOR PETITIONER: 1'·1 R.· !+ R,U P!JiiNB.t..-;J£ t:.


: .. :~
Sl.No. Date of recbrd of · Pages

... : .,
~~ :



On 18.05.2018, Mr. Ranjeet, the Respondent, filed

civil suit in the court of Civil Judge-06, Tis Haza.ri I •

Courts against Sn1t. Subhra Kabasi, the Petitioner,


for possession, rnesne profits, and permanent

injunction of property situated at property bearing

no. 27, 1st floor,. Khyber Pass,. Civil Lines, Delhi.

·--- Ranjeet claims co-ownership \Vith his mother namely

Saroj and assert~ that Subhra Kabasi was his tenant

un.der a rent agreement dated 12.12·.201~,· renewed

until 05.11.2016. Subhra ·Kabasi allegedly defaulted

on rent. from March 2016. It -vvas further averred in

the plaint that the plaintiff extended 'the tenancy till


. .
05.02.2017 due to the illness of Subhra Kabasi's

husband. Despite a legal notice on 07.10.2016 and a

reply terminating the tenancy on 13.10.2016, Subhra

Kabasi allegedly:failed to vacate the prop.erty ..

On 20.08.2018, Subhra Kabasi filed a: written

statement, challenging Ranjeet's title and presenting.

a letter from the Defence Estate Office suggesting

Central Governrnent ownership of the land. She

denied. receiving the termination notice and raised

objections in h~r statement.

On ~3.11.2018, Ranjeet filed an application

under Order 12 Rule 6 of the CPC, and on

~ .

04.05.2019, Subhra Kabasi replied. The trial court

ruled in favor of Ranjeet on 14.08.2019. Subhra

K.abasi sougl:Lt to recall the order on 04.12.2019, but

the application was dis1nissed.

Subh1:a Kabasi, aggrieved by the judgment and

decree of 14.08.2019, filed a first appeal on

04.03.2019, which Vilas disn1issed on 10.10.2023.

She ·then fi~e.d a second appeaL. .on 02.11.2023,

.. c:l;allenging the ··.High. Court's · d·ecisjon dated

08.11.2023. The High Court confirtnecl the trial

court's decree but did not address the substantial

ques.tiq.n of law as to whether unauthorized

... ·
· occv.pC\,nts have the right to enter into rent

agreements for governn1ent-owned land. The High

Court further imposed stringent conditions for stay

of execution, leading to disagreement. Hence, the

present petition to the Hon'ble Supreme Court

seeking setting: aside of the judgment·; .dated

08.11.2023 ernphasizing the alleged fa.ilure<of the


High Court to address the substantial legal question

and disagreement with the conditions for the stay of. I •



18.05.2018 Plaintiff herein the Respondent filed
.the suit for possess~or1., permanent

injunction ancr mesne profits. against

the defendant herein the appellant.

The copy of the Plai11:t/ Civil Suit

No.1508 filed before the Sr. Civil

Judge, Central Distt. Tis Hazari

Courts, Delhi dated 18.05.2018 is

annexed as . ANNEXURE P-1

[Pgs. :f'C;- _q 6 ].
20.08.2018 Defendant herein the Petitioner filed

the -vvritten statement along with

documents;. The copy of ·the written

· ·st.aternen t il.led b'~for·e tlie Civil Judge

(Central), Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi

dated 20.08.2018 is annexed as

ANNEXURE P-2 [Pgs. ~:{- t.f6:~ ].

13.11.2018 Application under Order 12 Rule 6 of

. ' the· CPC illed by the plaintiff the

respondent no. 2. The copy of the

, Application under Order 12 Rule 6 of

the CPC filed by the Respondent

herein before the Sr. Civil Judge, A

Central Distt., Tis Hazari Courts,
. '

Delhi dated 13.11.2018 is annexed as

ANNE:KURE P-3 [Pgs.f6~-i~y ].

04.05.2019 Defendant herein the Petitioner filed

the reply or the application under

Order 12 Ru.le 6 of the CPC. The copy

of the Reply on application under

Order XII Rule 6 of CPC filed ·before


the Civil Judge (Central), Tis Hazari

Courts, Delhi elated 04.05.2019 is

annexed as ANNJ8;XURE P-·4

[Pgs. 14 .r-1 S""~_].

Ld. Trial Court disposed

. of the

application under Order 12 Rule 6 of

~ the CPC decided in favor of the

plaintiff herein the respondent no. 2

. '

~\ on 14.08.2019. The copy ofthe·order . "

dated 14.08.20 19· passed by the Civil

Judge-06, Central District, Tis Hazari

Courts, Delhi ln cs SCJ

No.l508/2018 lS annexed · as

ANNEXURE P-5 [Pgs. l t;o'""' I r, 3 ].

04.12.2019 Petitioner filed 'the application under

Section 151 or CPC re,calling of order

dated 14.08.2019 and the said

application was dismissed vide Order

dated 04.12.2019. The copy of the

order dated 04.12.2019 passeq by the

Civil Judge-06, Central District, Tis

. ·. .
Fiazari Courts, Delhi in CS SCJ

No.1508/2018 1s annexed as

ANNEXURE PM6 [Pgs.lG~-lG:.t ].

04.03.2023 Petitioner filed the \first appeal

against the Judgment and Decree

dated 14.08.2019. The copy of the

RCA · No.24/2023 Bled by the

petitioner herein before the Court of

Lei. District Judge, Central Tis Hazari

Courts, Delhi dated OL! .03.2023 is

annexed as ANNEXURE P-7

[Pgs. l6~~ l ::f b ].

10.10.2023 Appeal of the Petitioner was \~

.' .. '
dismissed vide Judgment dated

10.10.2023. The copy of the

judgtnent 10.10.2023 pas.sed by the

·· ..
. Ld. Additional ·District Judge-03,

Central District Tis Hazari Courts,


Delhi in RCA No.24./2023 is annexed

as ANNEXURE P-8 [Pgs. L':f-':t -l '1. 0 ] .

H I '

02.11.2023 Petitioner filed the second appeal

against the impugned judgrnent

dated 10:10.2023. The copy· of the

R.S.A. No.208 /2023 filed by the

petitioner before the Holj 1)le High

Court of Delhi at Ne\v Delhi: dated

02.11.2023 IS annexed as

ANNEXURE P-9 [JPgs. IC[ f..- 2-11 .].

08.11.2023 Appeal of the Petitione"r vvas

· dismissed vide iinpugned ju_dgment

dated 08.11.2023.

.11.2023: Hence, the present · Special Leave

Date of decision: 08.11.2023

+ RSA 208/2023, CM APPL. 57969/2023 & CM APPL. 57970/2023

SUBHRA KABASI ..... Appellant
Through: Mr. Parikshit Mandai, Advocate.

RANJEET ..... Respondent
Through: None. ·


CM APPL. 57970/2023 .·
1. This is an application filed by Appellan~. seeking a stay of the
execution proceedings in execution petition bearing no. 470/2020 pending
before the Civil Judge - 06, Central District, Tis Hazari Court ('Executing
. .
'-- 2. The Trial ~ourt vide judgement dated 14.08.2019 has passed a decree
of possession in favour of the Respondent after a finding that there
· exists a relationship of landlord and ten:ant between the parties which stands
validly tenninated. The Appellate Court vide judgement dated 10.10.2023
has upheld the order of the Trial Court.
3. Learned counsel for the Appellant states that the last rent was paid in
~~~~~2~t 2019 and since t~1en,, .no fiuther' amount towards the use and
S•cnincD.!')C"p.11.2023 • charges, has been pat'd to tl1e Respon dent..
15:2o:o2lJtiCUpatlon ·
4. As per the averments made in the plaint, admittedly, the property i.e.,

D1g!talty Sfgn Data Page 1 of9

RSA 208/2023 CertifJe to be rue Copy


House No 27, pt Floor, Khyber Pass, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054 ('suit

premises') was let out to the Appellant herein at Rs. 5000/- per month.
During the o~·al arguments it was admitted that for the period September
2019 to Nov:ember 2023. Thus, the rent for 51 months remains outstanding
and as on today a sum of Rs. 2,55,000/- is due and payable by the Appellant
5. Learned counsel for the Appellant states that the Appellant does not
have the financial wherewithal to pay the outstanding arrears of rent.
6. It has been enquired if the Appellant is ready to peacefully vacate 1'
suit premises within reasonable period of time in view of the concun·ent
judgments of the Courts below passing a decree of possession in favour of
the Responde1~t.
, 6.1. The Appellant on instructions from Appellant's daughter, who is
present in' the C~urt; states that the Appella~t is unwilling to vacate the suit
7. In view of the admitted financial inability of the Appellant to pay the
arrear~ o.f rent and to pay current use and occupation charges, grant of stay
~ould be inequitable in the facts of c~se ~s the balance of convenience
. . '• . .
•, \
. i~ ~ot in favour of the Appellant.
8. ·~: Accordingly, this application is dismissed and the Executing Court is
at liberty to procee~ with th~ execution of the decree of possession.
RSA 208/2023
9. i Learned counsel for the Appellant states that smce the interim
siynnn~·No'·retttion has been dismissed, the
lllg\lally ,, c : ·
appeal itself be heard and

S•snin" ~'!/.:17; 11.2023 ·
IS:l0:02up0n, '·,

10!' The second appeal has been filed impugning the judgement and

RSA 208/2023 Page 2 of9

decree 10.10.2023 passed by Additional District Judge-03, Central District,
'Tis Hazari Court, Delhi in RCA No. 24 of2023·tided as Subhra Kabasi v.
. Ranjeet ('First Appell,ate Court') whereby the First Appellate Court
dismissed the appeal anl:l upheld the order and part decree of the Trial Court
passed by the Civil Judge- 06, Central Dis~rict, Tis Hazari Court, Delhi in
favour of the Respondent vide order dated 14.08.2019 in CS SCJ
no.1508/20 18 ('Trial Court').
11. The Appellant is the original Defendant and the Respondent is the
original Plaintiff in the civil suit.
11.1. The suit was filed by the original Plaintiff for seeking recovery of the
possession of the: suit premises and for recovery· of money and future mesne
profits and for perpetual injunction restraining the Defendant from selling,
alienating, gifting, mortgaging; parting .with possession·(full or part) or from
creating any third-party interest in respect of the suit premises.
12. For the ease of reference, the parties to the pre~ent ~ppeal are referred
according ~o their
. o,riginal status b~fore the Trial Coud . .. ·
13. Tl~e Plaintiff filed the suit in his capacity as tl~e· owner and landlord of
the suit premises. As avened in the plaint that .the Plaintiff let out the suit
premises to the Defendant initially for 11 months commencing from
06.12.2015 to 5.11.2016 vide rent agreement dated 12.12.2015. However, as
per the Plaintiff,. the Defendant· defaulted .in payments of rent from April,
2016 in breach .of her obligations. The PlaiD:tiff has pleaded receipt of a legal
notice dated 07.10.2016 from the Defendant offering ':to pay rent for the
:~:::,',~~\Y1thd of October, 2016 and has pleaded that the Plaintiff issued a reply
~;~2~~n20c'filte"d 13 .1 0.2016 to the said legal notice tenninating the tenancy w.e.f.

05.02.2017 and calling upon the Defendant to pay anears of rent from

RSA 208/2023 Page 3 of9

Examiner cial Department

High Court of Delhi
Authorized Under Section 70 of
Indian Evidence Act

October, 2016.
13.1 :. Th~reafter for the reason that the Defendant not only failed to reply on
the said notice dated 13.10.2016 but as also failed to vacate the suit premises
or pay an-ears of rent and mesne profits, the Plaintiff was therefore
constrained to file the afore.sai~ civil suit.
14. The Defendant filed her written statement and categorically admitted
the relationship of landlord and tenant. The execution of the rent agreement
dated 06.01.2015 for letting out the suit premises at Rs. 5,000/- per month
was admitted. The Defendant admitted tendering the rent to the father a '
mother of the plaintiff. The Defendant however, disputed that there was any
default in payment of rent and pleaded that the rent has been tendered
. '
regu,larly and periodically. The Defendant stated that she continues to pay
·rent to the Plaintiff. The Defendant. filed on record money order receipts to
show payment ofRs. 5,000/- per month ..
14.1. 'J'he Defe~da~t, however, disputed exec~tion of the copy of the rent
agreement filed with the plaint and also disputed receipt of the legal notice
dated 13.10.2016 pleaded by the Plaintiff.
14.2. It was further pleaded that the suit premises belongs to the Central
~ . \
Government and for this purpose, she relied upon a letter dat'ed 26.04.L0 18
issued by Defence Estates Officer dated 26.04.2018.
15. Thereafter, with its replication to the written statement, an application
under Order·XII.Rule 6 of Civil Procedure Code, 1908 ('CPC') was filed on
behalf of the Plaintiff on account of unequivocal admission of relationship
~~:~:~~~~Y,!l'atldlord and tenant in the written statement.
1 2
~;~~~~~NP1J:6': 1. mln view of the rival claims of the parties, the Trial Court after perusing

the pleadings and documentary evidence filed by the parties partly decreed

R'SA 208/2023 Puge 4 oC9

the suit of the Plaintff under Order XII Rule 6 of CPC and thereafter
directed the Def~ndant to handover the vacant and peaceful possession of
the suit premises to the Plaintiff within three (3) months from the said order
dated 14.08.2019.
16.1. Further an application under section 151 of CPC was filed on behalf
of the Defendant for recalling of the order dated 14.08.2019. The said
application was dismissed by the Trial Court after recording that the grounds
raised in the application goes into the merits of the order and therefore it
ca1mot be considered under ~n application for review.
17. The First Appellate Court vide impugned judgment dated 10.10.2023
observed that it does not find any reason to interfere with the order and
decree dated 14.08.2019 passed by the Trial C?omi and upheld its findings.
18. The keY. facts relied on and findings returned by the Trial Court as
we~l as the First Appellate Court to reach to the above said concurrent
conclusion reads as under:
a. That the relationship between the Plaintiff and the Defendant is of
landlord and tenant, which has been unambiguously admitted by the
Defendant in her written statement.
b. The admitted rent of the suit premises is Rs. 5,000/- per month and
therefore, it is not the Deil~i R~nt Control Act, 1958.
c. The tenancy stands tenninated by notice dated 13.10.2016. In
alternative, the tenancy stands tenninated with the. service of summons in
this suit seeking recovery of possession. For this proposition, the First
:::~;~~~:.~~"' ~tlate Court relied upon the judgment o~ ~upreme Comi in Nopani
lly:RASHr;~l ABAS

~~~~~~8PJ· vestments Pvt. Ltd. vs. Santokh Singh (HUF); 2008 Vo/2 SCC 728 and
the judgment of this Court in Cement Corporation India Ltd. vs. Bharat

Digitally Signed Dl'ta
Certif~ed ~'be ;rue Copy , PageS or9

Examiner Jud~! Dcpar:tmant

High court of Delhi
Authori·zed Under Section 70 of
\ndian Evidence ~ct
Bhushan Sehgal, RSA No. 46/2012.
d. The objection raised by the Defendant with respect to the title of
Plaintiff to the suit premises is barred in view of section 116 of Indian
Evidence Act, 1872.
19. In this second appeal, leamed counsel for the Appellant has not
disputed the findings of the Courts below with respect to existence of
relationship of landlord-tenant and the termination of the tenancy. Even
before this Court, the Defendant has not disputed that she was inducted in
, the suit premises as a tenant by the Plaintiff.
20: The' sole. contention of leai11ed c~unsei for the Appellant is that since
the title of the suit premises vests as a Custodian property belonging to
Ministry of Defence; and therefore, the Respondent herein, who though is
admitt~d~y the landlord, is no.t. entitled to .recover possession of the suit
. . .
p~erpises. However, in the opinion of this. Court, the Appellate Court has
CCHT:ectly dealt' with this' issue raised by.' the 'Appellant in paragraph nos. 13 &
14 of the impugned judgment, which reads as under:
"13. During the arguments in the appeal, it is contended by counsel for
the appellantthat the respondent is not the owner of the suit premises but
it is owned by the Government. The said argument seems to he baseless.
in view of the contents of the written statement wherein, as discussed\
above, tlte lessor-lessee r·elationsltip between the patties is clearlv
14. Even otherwise, under Section 116 of the Indian Evidence Act,
1872, a tenant of immovable property; shall during the continuance of
the tenancy, be permitted to denv that the landlord of such tenant had,
at the beginning o(the tenancv, a title to such immovable propertv."

(Emphasis Supplied)
~::~:,',~??(~vermetn view of the provision of Section 116 of the Indian Evidence Act,
f;g£!~Nzoitg72~ the First Appellate Court has rightly held that the Appellant i.e., the


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Ccrtifitd to ~True Copy
RSA ·Page 6 of9
High Court of Delhi
Authorized Under Section 70 of
Indian Evidence Act
2023: DHC: 8250

tenant is estopped from challenging the titl~ of the landlord in view of the
said provision. Hence the same objection raised by the Appellant even
before this Court is without any substance and does not .give rise to any
triable issue.
22. A Coordinate Bench of this Court in Ramesh Chand v. Uganti Devi,
'2008 SCC OnLine Del 1187 held that a tenant· who denies the title of the
landlord, qua the premises, to whom he is paying rent acts dishonestly and

._ the challenge to the ownership does not give rise to a triable issue. The
operative portion to this aspect reads as und~r:
" ........ Section 116 of the Evidence Act creates estoppels against such a
tenant. A tenant can challenge the title of landlord only afier vacating the
premises and not when he is occupving- the premises. In fact, such a tenant
who denies the title of the landlord, qua the premises, to whom he is
paying rent, acts dishonestly. I, therefore, find that there was no infirmity in
the order of learned ARC in this respect. As far as letting pwpose is
concerned, in view of the judgment of Han 'ble Supre,.iie Court in Satyawati
Sharma (dead by LRs. v. U.O.I., (2008) 5 SCC 287, this ground is not
available to the petitioner. "
(Emphasis Supplied)

23. This Court find no infirmity in the said finding of Trial Court and the
First Appellate Court.
24. This Court is of the opinion that no substantial question of law has
arisen for consideration in the present appeal. The arguments raised by the
Appellant ~o ~ot r~ise any question of law .much less :a :substantial question
of law and the grounds merely challenge the finding offacts.
. . .
25. In this' regard, it would be appropriate to refer to the case of Nazir
Mohamed v. J. Kamal and others (2020) 19 SCC 57 wherein the Supreme
!:~:~~~~~,fft"'bbserved that second appeal only lies on a substantial question of law

~~~~mg20a ·cf' the

party ~a~not agitate facts .or call upon the High Court to re-
appreciate the .evidence in a second appeal .. The operativ'e portion to this

RSA Page 7 of9

aspect reads as under:
"22. A second appeal, or for that matte1; any appeal is not a matter of
right. the ,right of appeal is coriferred by statute. A second appeal only
lies on a substantial question of law. If statute confers a limited right of
appeal, the court cannot expand the scope of the appeal. It was not open
to the respondent-plaintiff to reagitate (acts or to call upon the High
Court to reanalyse or reappreciate evidence in a second appeal.

23. Section 100 CPC, as amended, restricts the right ofsecond appeal, to
Oi1Jy thos.e .cases, where a substantial question of law is involved. The
existence of a "substantial question of law" is the sine qua non for the
exercise ofjurisdiction under Section 1OQ Cr.
28. To be "substantial", a question of law must be debatable, not
previously settled by the law of the land or any binding precedent, and
must have a material bearing on the decision of the case and/or the
rights of~h~ parties before it, !f ~nswered eitl1er way.

29. To be a question o(law "involved in the case, there must be first, a

foundation (or it laid in the pleadings, and the question should emerge
(rom the sustainable findings of (act, arrived at by courts of (acts, and
it must be necessary to decide that question oflaw [or a just and proper
decision o(the case."
(E1nphasis supplied)

26. This second appeal is accordingly dismissed an~ the order of the First
Appellate Court is upheld.
27. Pending applications, if any, stands disposed of.
'. \
28. It is needless to say that the decree of possession passed in favu .... ~ of
the Respondent, is a decree which is binding inter-se the pmiies and in no
mam1er effects the rights, if any, of the Custodian/Central Govemment qua
the suit premises, which will be decided in the appropriate proceedings, if
any, initiated by the Custodian/Central Goven1ment.



Digitally Signed Data

Certified to be True Copy
RSA 208/202 Page 8 of9
Examiner Jud i Department
H!gh Co rt of Delhi
Authorized Under Section 70 o:
Indian Evidence Act
NOVEMB~R 8, 20'),3/akc/ms
Click here to check corrigendum, i[anv

~~~£~~g Daf!j7.11.2023

RSA 208/2023


Date of decision: 08.11.2023

RSA 208/2023, CM APPL.

&. CM
. APPL. ..
SUBHRA KABAST ... Appellant
. . . .
Through: Mr. Parikshit JVIandal, Advocate.

- I

RANJEET .... Respondent

Through: None.




.CM APPL. 57970/2023

1. This is an application filed by Appellant seeking

a stay of the execution proceedings in execution

petition bearing no. 470/,2020 pending before the

Civil Judge- 06, Central District, Tis Haza:d Court

('Executing. Co:urt'..)..

2. The· Trial Court vide judgenl:ent dated

14.08.2019 has passed a decree of possession in

favour of the Respondent after returning a1 finding

that there exists a relationship of landlord and tenant

between the parties which stands validly terminated.

The Appellate Court vide judgerncnt dated has upheld the order of the Trial Court.

3. Learned counsel for the Appellant states that

. '

the last rent was paid in 2019. and since then,

no further· a1nount towards the use and occupation

charges·, lias been paid to the Respondent.

4. As per the avt:nnents n1ade in the plaint,

admittedly, the property i.e., House No 27, 1st Floor,

Khyber Pass, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054 ('suit

prernises l \:vas let <TU.:t to the i\ppcllant herein at Rs.

5000/- per n1onth. During the oral argurnents it was

admitted that for the period Septe1nber 2019 to

Noven1.ber ·2023. 'fhus, the rent for 51 months

ren1r.1ins outstanding and as on today a sun1 of Rs.

is due .a.nd. payable by the Appellant


5. Learned counsel for the Appellant states that

the Appellant does not have the financial wherewithal

to pay the ~utstan.ding arre~rs of rent.


6. It has been :enquired if the Appellant is r~ady to

peacefully vacate the suit prernises within

period of tin1.e in view of the conc1.trrent judgrnents of

the Courts below passing a decree of possession in

favour of the Resp<::mdent.

6.1. The Appellant on i1~1structions fronT ·Appellant's·

daughter, who is present in the Co·urt, states that the

Appellant is unwilHng to vacate the suit pre1nises .

7. In view of .the adn1ittcd flnancia.~ ipability of the

Appellant to pay the arrears of rent and to pay

current use and occupation ~harges, grant o.f stay

would be inequitable in the facts of this cas e as the
r .

balance of convenience is not in favour of the


8. Accordingly, this application .is <,:lisrnissed and

the Executing 'Court is at liberty to proceed with the

execution of the decree of possessiqn.

RSA 208/2023

9. Learned c,ounsel for the Appellant" st:ates that

since the interirn application has been dismissed, the

. .
appeal itself be heard and adjudicated upon.

I •
10. The second appeal has been filed impugning the

judgement and decree 10.10.2023 passed by

A.ddi~ional Dis.t,ric.t. Ju.dge-0;3, Central District, Tis

Hazari Court, Delhi in RCA No. 24 of 2023 titled as

Subhra Kabasi v. Ranjeet ('First Appellate Court')

vvhereby. the First Appellate Court dismissed the

. appe~fand
... :
upheld the order and p~rt decree of the
Trial Court passed by the Civil Judge- 06, Central

District, Tis Haz~ri Court, Delhi i.n favour of the

Respo'ndent vide order dated 14.08.2019 1n CS SCJ

no.l508/~018 ('Trial Court'-).

11. The Appellant. is the original Defendant and the

Respondent is the original Plaintiff in the civil suit.

11..1. The sui~ was filed by the original Plaintiff for

seeking recovery of the possession of the suit

premises and for recovery of money and future mesne

proHts and' for pe1~petual injunction restraining· the

Defendant fro1n selling, alienating, gifting,

n1ortgaging, parting with possession (full or part) or

from creating any ·third-party interest in respect of

the suit prernises.

12. For the ease of referen~e, the parties to the

present appeal are referred according to thei11 original

status before the Trial Court

13. The Plaintiff filed the suit in his capacity as the

owner and la.ndlord of the suit premises. As averred

. . '
in the plaint that the Plaintiff let out the suit prerr1ises

to the Defendant initially f\)r 11 lllOI~t1,1S commencing

from 06.12.2015 to 5.11.2016 vide rent agreernent

dated 12.12.2015. However, as per the Plaintiff, the

Defendant defaulted in payn1ents of rent from April,

2016 iri breach of het obligations. The ·Plaintiff has

pleaded receipt of a legal notice dated 07.10.2016

from the Defendant offering to p8y rent for the n1onth I •

of October, 2016 and has pleaded that the Plaintiff

.. ;·

issued a reply dated 13.10.2016 to the said legal

notice terminating the tenancy v;.e.f. 05.02.2617 and

calling upon the Defendant to pay arrears of rent

from October, 2016.

13.1. Thereafter for the n~ason i:hat the Defendant

not only failed to reply on the said notice . dated

13.10.2016. but as also failed tO: vacate· 'the suit
prem1ses. ar pay arrears of rent and n1esne profits,
. I

the Plaintiff was therefore consttained to file the

aforesaid civil suit.

14. The Defendant fi.led her· written ·statement and

categorically adn1itted the relationship of landlord

and tenant. The execution of the rent agreement

dated 06.01.2015 for letting out the suit premises at

Rs. 5,000 I- per month was admitted. The Defendant

adn1itted tendering the rent to the father and m.other

of the plaintiff. The Defendant however, disputed that

there was any default in pay1nent of rent and pleaded

that the rent has been tendered regularly and

periodically. The Defendant stated that she continues

to pay rent to the Pla.intiff. The Defendant .filed on

record· money order receipts to show payment of Rs.

5,000/-- per montb.

14.1." The Defenda~t, h·ov'Tever, disputed execution of

the copy of the rent agreem.ent filed with the plaint

. and also. ~Usputed receipt of the legal n?tice dated

1.3.10.;;2016 pleaded by the Plaint~ff. :

14.2. It was further pleaded that the suit prerr1ises

belongs to the Central Governn1ent and for this

purpose, she rel~ed upon a letter dated 26.04.2018

issued by Defence Estates Officer dated 26.04~2018.

15. Thereafter, with its replication to the written

statement, an application under Order XII Rule 6 of

. ·. .
Civil Procedure·Code, 1908 ('CPC') was filed ori. behalf
t . • 0

of the Plaintiff on account of unequivocal' athnission.

of relationship of landlord and tenant in the written

statement. I •

16. In view of tJ:e rival claims of the pa,rties, the Trial

Court after perusing the pleadings and documentary

evidence filed by the parties partly decreed the ~uit of

the Plaintff under Order XII Rule 6 of CPC and

thereafter directed the Defendant to handover the

vacant and peaceful possession of the suit pren1ises

to the Plaintiff within three (3) n1onths from the said

order dated 14.08.2019.

16 .1 .. Further an application under section 151 of

.CPC was fileQ. on behalf of the Defendant for recalling

of the order dated 14.08.2019. The said application


·wa.s disn1issed· by the Trial Court after recording that

the grounds raised in the application goes into the

merits of the order and therefore it cannot be
. under an application
. for review.

17. · . The First Appellate Court vide impugned

judgrnent dated 10.10.2023 observed that it does not


:find apy reason to interfere with the order and decree


dated· 14.08.2019 passed by the: Trial Court and

upheld its. findings.

18. Th~! key fc-1cts n~iied on and findings returned by

the Trial Court as vvell a;:; t)]e First Appellate Court to

reach to the al~ove said concurrent conclusion reads

c. l"-ld,:.-·
.11 -:...1 .

a.. That the relationship be.t"iNeen the Plaintiff and

the Defendant is of landlord and tenant, which

h~s been unarnbiguously admitted by the

Defendant in her written statement.

b. The adrnitted' rent of the suit prem.ises lS Rs.

· '5,000 /-- pe:t n1.ont.h. and therefore, it is not

protected by the Delbi I~ent Control Act, 1958.

c. The tenancy stands terrninated .by notice dated

13.10.2016. In alternative, the tenancy stands

terminated with the service of summons in this

suit seeking recovery of posses~ion. For this

propositio'n, the First Appellate Court relied

upon the judgment of Suprerne Court in N6pani

Investments Pvt. Ltd. vs. Santokh Singh (HUF);

2008 Vol 2 SCC

728 and the judgrhent of. this

Court· in Cement Corporation India·· Ltd. vs.

. . .
Bharat Bhusha.n Sehgal, I~SA No. 46/2012.

d. The objection raised by the Defend9-nt with

respect to the title of Plaintiff to .the suit

. ..
prernises is barred in view of section 116 of

Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

19. In this second appeal, learned .counsel for the

Appellant has not disputed the findings of the Courts

below with respect to existence of relationship of

landlord-tenant and the termination of tl~e tenancy.

Even before th~s Court, the Defendant ha·s not

disputed that she was inducted in the suit premises

as a tenant by the Plaintiff.

,. .,.. ~~h
-~. ;·:~
fO r

20: The sole c·ontention of learned counsel for the

Appellant is that s-ince the title of the suit premises

vests as a Custodian property_ belo~ging to Ministry

of Defence; and therefore, the Re-spondent herein,

. '
who though is adrnittedly the landlord, \is not entitled

to recover possession of the suit pren1ises. However,

in the opinio~ of this Court, tl1e Appellate Court has

correctly dealt with this issue raised by the Appellant

,- 0
14 of the irnpugned
1n nos. 1 ,) (.).'",

j"udgrr1ent, which reads as under:

" l ,;'.{ . .Dunng

. t.11.e. argu1nents 111
. t 11.e appea1, 1t
. J.s

.. n1··
C "'"o1·1rl
- .. ll.v .. er
1 1T'' ,...,.1ll
~....1 l.v \ ' _.t•. l -=·
''~·e 't fpl-
.. .11 th r-~ c.1.'-" }_)rJPllant
.... ,. L.. \.... t'..1·1a· t t 1J.-le

.. ,..,_ 1 , ... A:, ...

.rc,:,ponof.lH . .-, (··t~t
ll,) •.)\vner o··fJ...h\('\'
u1C•r~"'·:;). it (.:\ •t....._ \
t c ...,u~ prcHlbCS

but it i~,· O\Vncd bv the Government. The said


a.rgt1n1ent sccrns to be baseless in view of the

cdntents of the written staten1ent wherein, as

discussed above, the lessor-lessee relationship

btetween the patties is clearlY' admit'ted.

14. Even otheniV'ise, under Section 116 of the

Inr.lian Evidence Act, 1872, a tenant of ; .

immovable property, shall during the

continuance of the tenancy, be perrnitted to

deny that the landlord of such .tenant had, at

the beginning of the tenancy, a title to such

immovable property.:~

(En1phasis Supplied)

21. In view of the provision of Section 116; of the

Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the Fi;rst Appellate Court

I .

has rightly held that the Appellant i.e., the t~nant is

estopped from ~ha)lenging the. title of the landlord in·

view of the said provision. Hence the sarr_1e. objection

raised by the Appellant even before this Court is

without any substance and does not give rise to any

triable issue.

22. A Coordinate Bench of this Court 111 Ra:n1esh


Chand v. Ugantl Devi, 2008 SCC OnLine Del 1187

held that a tenant 1.vho denies the title of the landlord,

qua the prernises, to 'Vvhom he is paying rent acts

dishonestly and the challenge to the ownership does

not give rise to a triable issue. The operative portion

to this aspect reads as under:

. .
" ..... 'l'Section 116 of .the Evidence. Act creates
0 • • •

: ~stoppels again~t such a t~pa~1t. A tenant can

· ·c.hallenge the title of landlord only after vacating

the prernises. and

. npt ·when he is occupying the
premises. In fact, such a tenant who denies the

title of the landlord, qua the p;n:rnises, to whom

J::.e is paying rcnL ac~s dishonestly. I, therefore,

find that there was no in:fi.rrnity
'• - in the order of
learned AI~C in this -respect. As far as letting

p·urpose ~s concerned, in vievv of the judg1nent

of Hon'ble Supren1e Court in Satyawati Sharma .

(dead by LRs. V. U.O.L, {2008) 5 sec 287, this

ground is not available to the petitioner." _..,


(Ernphasis Supplied)

2.3. This Court . find

. . .
no infirn1ity . in. the said finding

of Trial Gourt and the ~·irst Appellate Court.

' .
24. This Court is of the opinion that no substantial

question of law ~1as arisen for consideration in the

present appeal. The argurnents raised by the

Appellant do r.1ot .tTtise <:-1ny question of law n1uch less

a substantial question ·of law and the grounds. n1crely

challenge the fincUng of facts.

25. In this regard, it would be appropr-iate to refer

to the case of Nazir l\1oharned v . .J. }Carnal and others

(2020) 19 SCC 57 ·wherein the Suprerne Court

observed that second appeal only 1ies on a

substantial question of lavv' and the party cannot

agitate facts or call upon the High Court to re-·

·appreciate tl\e evicler1ce in a. second appeaL The

operative portion
to this
aspect reads as under:

"22. A second appeal, or for that· n1atter, any

appeal is not a· matter of right. the right of

appeal is conferred by statute. A sec on(~ ap})eal

only lies oh a. substantial question of law. If

statute confers ? lirnited right of· appeal, the

court cannot expand the scope of the appeal. It

was not open to the respon~ent-plaintifi to

reagitate facts or to .ca~l upon the High Court to

rea.nalyse or reappreciate evidence in a· second


I .
.. 23. Section 100 CPC, as arr:.ended, restricts

the right of second appeal, to Only those cases,

~ .
where a substantial question of law is involved.

The existence of a "su.bstantial question of law"

is the . sine qua non for the exercise of

jurisdiction under Section 100 Cr ..


28. To be "substantial", a question of law must

.be debatable, not prevjously settled by the law

of the land or any binding precedent, and must

·have a n.1aterial bearing on th\! decision of the

case and/or the rights of the p·arties before it, if

.. _...
answered either ·way. \

29. To be a qu.estion of lavv "involved 1n the

: citse, there rnust be first, a founda~ion for it laid

in the pleadings, and the question should

ernerge fron1 the sustainab1e findings of fact,


arrived at by courts of facts, and it rnust be

necessary to desjde that question of law for a

j; .
·and proper decision of the case."

(En1phasis supplied)
26. This second appea1 is accordingly dismissed

and the order of the First Appellate Court is upheld.

27. Pending applications, if any, stands disposed of.

28. It is needless to sav. that the decree of

- I

. . .
possession passed in favour of the Respondent, is a

decree which is binding inter-se the parties arid in no

rnanner effects the rights, if any,· of the

Custodian/ Central Governn1ent qua · the' suit

premises, which will be decided in the appr()priate

proceedings~ if any, initiated by the Custodian/

Central Government.



NOVEMBER 8, 2023/akcjn1s ·


Relied Upon Judgment

M/ S Nopany Investments (P) Ltd vs S~~tokh Singh
(Huf) on 10 December, 2007
Author: T Chatterjee
· Bench: Tarun Chatterjee, P.Sathasivam
CASE NO.: Appeal (civil) 5761 of 2007

Mjs Nopany Investments (P) Ltd


Santokh Singh (HUF)

DATE OF JUDGMENT: 10/12/2007


Tarun Chatterjee & P.Sathasivam



assailing the . P.rferred befi

.·.;t> JUd€5t:n.ent an o~e Us,.
pn'1 , 2007, .
pass·~d l~~f!-;r::?
rJ d
ecree dated 19
tL... '1
.l..J.e, \ . . .
. th of

, . whereby, the High,. C tlgh .. Court of D .lh..

-- ) ourt h . e 1,
.f.•.. a.d d~ .
appellant th·~; JJ:J.lssed the
..... ' . eleby appeal
"~~ · ·. a.ffir'h-. ·
I . . •, -<.J.lltJ.g th •
6,~,....~f;, ! e JUdg.rn
f1'""··"" . . en ts of
the courts below decreeing the eviction suit filed at

the instance· of the respondent ·against the


3. The facts leading to the filing of this appeal

may be stated as follows.

4. On 16th of July, 1980,. the appellant entered

into a lease with Dr. Santokh Singh HUF for a

period of 4 years; with respect to the property

, situated at N-112, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi (for

short "the suit premises"), at a monthly rent of Rs.

3500 j -. Accordingly, at the expiry of the afore said

perioc?- ()f 4 years, a notice of ·eviction dated 5th of

April, 1984 was iss:ued which ~as .followed by filing

an. Eviction petition No. 432 of .1984 before the

Additional Rent Contro,ller by J asraj Singh, claiming

himself to be the Karta of Dr. Santokh Singh HUF.


The;: Additional Rent Controller; passed an order

directing the appellant for payment of rent at the

rate of Rs. 3500/-. After coming into force of Section

6A of the Delhi Rent Control Act, a notice dated 9th

of January; 1992 was sent by Jasraj Singh, in the


above capacity, to the appellant for enhancement of

rent by 10 percent and also termination of tenancy

of the appellant. In reply to this notice, the

appellant denied the right of the respondent to

enhance the rent. Another notice dated ·3Jst of

March 1992 was sent afresh by the respondent

notifying the appellant that the rent stood enhanced

by 10 perce:qt while the tenancy stood .terminated

w.e.f. 16/ 17th 'of July, 1992. The aforesaid eviction

petition No. 432 of 19"84 was withdrawn on 20th of

August, 1992 by J asraj Singh. Thereafter, a notice

dated 3rd of September, 1992 was sen~ by Jasraj

Singh asking the appellant to vacate the suit

property to which the appellant did not concede and

refused to vacate the same by a reply dated 24th of

September, 1992. On 6th of February, 1993, Dr.

Santokh Singh HUF, through Jasraj Singh, claiming

himself to be the Karta of the HUF, ·instituted a suit

seeking eviction of the appellant from the suit

premises. The .trial court decreed the resp'ondent's

suit for possession, against .which an appeal was

preferred before the Additional Distnct Judge, Delhi.

The first appellate court dismissed the appeal

summarily. Against this order of the first appellate

court, a second appeal, being R.S.A. No. 146 of


2003, was preferred before the High Court of Delhi,

which remanded the matter to the first appellate

cour.t fcJr 'fresh consideration. In pursuance of this

. direction of the High Court, the fir~t appellate court,

after fresh consideration of the matter, affirmed the

judgment passed by the· Trial court thereby

dismissing the appeal of the appellant herein. Being

aggrieved and dissatisfied with the 'order of the first

appellate', court, the appellant preferred a second

appeal, being ·R.S.A. No. 209 of 2005, before the

High Court of Delhi, which, hovyever, was also

dismissed. 'It is this decision of the High Court of

Delhi, which is impugned in this appeal and 1n

respect of which leave has already been granted.

5. The pivotal questions, inter alia, in the facts

and circumstances of this case, which warrant our

determination are as follows:

(i) Whether Jasraj Singh could file the suit for

eviction, in the capacity of 'the Karta of Dr.


Santokh Singh HUF, when, ·admittedly, an

elder member of the aforesaid HUF was alive ?

(ii) Whether the High Court . was right· in

concluding that the first appellate court had

duly dealt, with all· the issues involved· and re-

appreciated evidence as provided under 0.41

R.31 of the Code of Civil Procedure (in short

lithe CPC 11 )?

(iii) Whether the contractual tenancy between the

landlord and tenant came to an end rherely by

filing an Eviction Petition and whether the

landlord could seek enhancement of rent

simultaneously or post termination of tenancy?

(iv) Whether the landlord could issue a '.notice

under Section 6A of the Delhi Rent Control Act,

1958 (in short "the Act") for increase of rent

without sdeking leave of the rent controller

during the pendency of an order under Section


15 of the Act directing the tenant to deposit

rent on a month to month basis ?

6. We have· heard the learned counsel for: the

parties. As . regards the first issue, . as noted


hereinabove, the learned senwr counsel Mr. Gupta

appearing on behalf of the appellant had questioned

the maintainability .of ·the suit filed at the instance

,of Jasraj Singh, claiming himself to be the Karta of

f • • •

Dr. Santokh Singh HUF. The learned counsel Mr.

Gupta strongly argued before us that in view of the

. .
of law that the junior member in a

jo~·nt family cannot deal with tpe joint famil:y

pr·op;erty as Karta so long as the elder brother is

available, the respondent herein, who is admittedly


a junior member of the family, could not have

instituted the eviction suit, clai!f-ing himself to be

the Ka:r:ta of the family. Iri support of this argument,

the;· learned senior counsel Mr." Gupta has placed

reUance on the decisions of this court in Sunil

Kumar and another Vs. Ram Prakash and others

[(1988) 2 SCC 77] and Tribhovan Das Haribhai

Tamboli Vs. Gujarat Revenue Tribunal and others

[(1~91} 3 sec 442].

7. Before we look at the v1ew~ expressed by the

. High Court on this question, it would be pertinent to

note the ratios of the two authoritie~ cited before us.

. ..
In Sunil Kumar and another Vs. Ram Prakash and

others [supra], this court held as follows: -

"In a Hindu family, the Karta or· Manager

occupies ·a unique position. It is not as if

anybody could become Manager of a j9int

Hindu fumily.

As a general rule, the father of a famtlyl if alive,

and in his absence the senior member of the

family, is alone entitled to· manage the joint

family property."

From a reading :Of the aforesaid observation' of this

court in Sunil Kumar and another Vs: Ram Prakash

and others [supra], we are unable to accept that a

younger brother of a joint hindu family would not at

all be entitled to manage the joint family property as

the. Karta of the family. This· decision only lays_ down

a general rule that the father of a family, if ,alive,

and in his absence the senior member of the :family

would be entitled to manage the jqint family

property. Apart from that, this decision: was

rendered on the questi0n whether a suit for

permanent injunction, filed by co-parcerners for

restraining .the Karta of a joint hindu family from

alienating the joint faplily proper.ty in pursuance of

a sale agreement with a third party, was

maintainable or not. While considering that aspect

of the·· rri.atter, this court considere-d as to when

90u~d the alienation· of joint farriily'property by the

Kart~ be permitted. Accordingly, it is difficult for us

to ~gree with Mr. Gupta, learned senior counsel

appearing for the appellant, that the decision in

Surtil Kumar and another V s. Ram Prakash and

others '[supra] would be applicable in the present

case which, in our view, does not at all hold that

when the elder member of a joint hindu family is

alive, the ybunger member would not at all be

entitled to act as a manager or Karta of the joint

family property.

8. In Tribhovandas's case [supra], this court held

as fol.lows:

"13 ........ The managership of the joint family

property· goes to a person by birth and is

regulated by seniority. and the karta or the

manager occupies a position superior to that of

the other members. A junior member cannot,

therefore,:deal with the joint family property as

manager so long .. as the karta is . available

except where the karta relinquishes his right

expressly or by necessary implication or in the

absence · of the manager i~ exceptional and

extraordinary circumstances such as distress

or calamity affecting the whole family and for

supporting the family or in the absence of the

father whose whereabouts were not known or

who was away 1n remote place due to

compelling circumstances and that his return

within the reasonable time was unlikely or not

anticipat~d. II

(Emphasis supp~ied)

·. 9. From a careful reading of the observation of

this court in Tribhovandasls case [supra], it would

be evident that a younger member of the joint hindu

family can deal with the joint family property as

manager in the following circumstances: -

(i) if the senior member or the Karta · is not

. '

:;(ii) where the Karta relinquishes his right

. ,expressly or by necessary implication;

(iii) in. the absence of the manager 1n

exceptional and extra ordinary circumstances

such as distress or calamity affecting the whole

faJ;TI.iiy. and for supporting the family;

(iv) in the absence of the father: -

· (a) whose whereabouts were not known or

(b) who was away_ in_ a remote place due to

c9mpelling circumstances and his return

within a reasonable time was unlikely or not


Therefore, in ·Tribhovandas's case [supra], it has

been made clear that under the aforesaid

circumstance~, a junior member of the joint hindu

family can deal with the joint family property as

manager or act· as the Karta of the same.

10. From the above observations of this court in

the aforesaid two decisions, we can come to this

conclusion that it is usually the Father of the

famlly, if he is alive, and in his absence the senior

. .
member of the family, who is entitled to manage the
joint family property. In order -co satisfy ourselves

whether the . . conditions · ·enumerated 0


Tribhovandas's case [supra] have beeri satisfied 1n

the present case, we ~ay ·n.ote the findings arrived

at by the High Court, which are as follows: -

(i) J asraj Singh, in his cross examination

before the trial court had explained that his

eldest brother Dhuman Raj Singh (supposed to

be the Karta of the HUF) has been living in

United Kingdom for a long time. Therefore, the

.trial court had rightly presumed that Dhuman

Raj Si~gh was not in a position to discharge

his duties as Karta of the HUF, due to his

absence from the country.

(ii) The respondent produ~ed. the Xerox copy

. l

of the power of attorney given by Dhuman Raj

Singh to Jasraj Singh.

(iii) The trial court relied upon the law


discussed in the· books namely, "Principles of

Hindu Law" by Mulla and Mulla and "Shri S.V.

Gupta on Hindu Law", wherei~ it has been

observed that ordinl?-ri~y, the rignt to act as the

Karta of HUF is vested in the senior- most male

<member but in his absence, the junior

members can also act as Karta.

(Emphasis supplied)

.• (iv) There was no protest by any member of the

joint hindu family to the filing of the suit by

J asraj Singh claiming himself to be the Karta

of the HUF. There was also no whisper or

protest by Dhuman Raj Singh against the

. .
.acting of J asraj Singh as the Karta of the H'UF.

11. · It may also be noted that the High Court relied

on the decision of this court in Narendrakumar J.

Modi ,Vs. Commissioner of Income Tax, Gujarat II,

Ahme.dapad [(AIR) 1976 SC 1953'], wherein it was

held that so long as the members of a family remain


undivided, the senior member of the family 1s

entitled to manage the family properties ... and 1s

presumed. to .be manager until contrary is shown,

but the senior member may give up his right of

management, and a JUnlOr member may be

appointed manager.
' .,

12. Another decision in Mohinder Prasad Jain Vs.

Manohar Lal J.ain [2006 II AD (SC) 520], was also

relied upon by the High Court wherein it has been

held at paragraph 10 as follows:

"10. A suit filed by a co-owner, thus, 1s

maintainable in law. It is not necessary for the

co- owner to show before initiating the eviction

proceeding before the Rent Controller that he

had taken option or consent of the other co-

owners. 'However, in the event, a co-owner

objects thereto, the same may be a relevant


fact. In the instant case, nothing has been

brought 0!1- record: to show that the· co-owners

of th~ respondent had objected .to . eviction

proceedings · initiated by the respondent


13. Having relied on the aforesaid decisions of this

Court and a catena of other decision.s · and the

findings arrived at by it, as noted hereinabove, the

High Court rejected the argument of the appellant

that Jasraj Singh could not have acte? as the Karta

of the family as his elder brother, namely, Dhuman

Raj. Singh, being the sen1or rn:ost ·member of the

HUF; was alive. In view of our discussions made

her~i11. earlier and considering the principles laid

down in Tribhovandas's case [supra] and Sunil

Kumar'~ case [supra], we neither find any infirmity

nor ;do we find any reason to differ with the findings

arrived at by the High Court in the impugned

judgment. I~ is true that' in view of the decisions of

this court in Sunil Kumar's case [supra] and

Tribhovandas's case [supra], it is only in exceptional

circumst?-nces, as noted herein earlier, that a junior

member can act as the Karta of the family. But we

· venture to mention here that Dhuman Raj Singh,

the senior member of the HUF, admittedly, has been

staying permanently in the United Ki?gdom for a

long time. In Tribhovandas's case. [supra] itself, it

was held that if the Karta of the HUF was away in a

remote place, .(in this case in a foreign country) arid

his return within a reasonable time was unlikely, a

junior men;.ber could act as the Karta of the family.

In the present case, the elder brother Dhuman Raj

Singh, who is permanently staying in United

. .·' l' ~0

Kingdc-rn was/is·riot in ·a p~sition· to iiandie the }oint

family property for which reason he has himself

executed a power of attorney in favour of J as raj

Singh. Furthermore, there has been no protest,

either by Dhuman Raj Singh or by any ·member of

the HUF to the filing of the suit by Jasraj Singh.

That apart, in our view, it would not be open to the

tenant to raise the question of maintainability of the

suit at the ins~ance of J asraj Singh as we find from

the record that J asraj Singh has all along been

·.realizing the rent from the tenant and for this

reason, the tenant is now estopped from raising any

such question. In View of the discussions made

herein above, we are, therefore, of the view that the

High Court was fully justified in holding that the

suit was main~ainabl.e at the instance of 'J asraj

Singh, claiming himself to be the Karta of the- HUF.

14. This takes us .. to the next issue namely;

whether the High Court was right in concluding that

the first appellate court had duly dealt with all the

issues involved and re-appreciated the evidence as

provided under 0.41 R.31 of the CPC. The learned

. '
sertior counsel for the appellant·· Mr. Gupta sought

to argue that the High Court had erred in holding

that. the first appellate court had acted in due

compliance with 0.41 of the CPC. It may be noted

. .
that: the High Court,. while concluding as aforesaid,

came to.'the following findings: -

' 1) The first appellate court has passed a

speaking order and. it is apparent that it has

applied ·its mind.

2) The First appellate court had to deal with

the c,rrguments which were advanced before it.

· It had rightly given the short shrift to all those

arguments which did riot inject some


3) The~ learned counsel. for· th~ appellant had

failed to point out the ~ssu,es regarding which

the First Appellate court had not given its own


4) The learned counsel for the appellant had

also failed to show as to how the authority

cited v1z., Santosh Hazari Vs. Purushottam

Tiwari (dead) by LRs. [AIR 200r' SC 965] ·was

applicable to the facts of the case.

15. In our view, it is difficult for us to set aside the

findings of the High Court on the question whether

the first appellate court, while deciding the

questions of fact and law, had complied with the

requirements under 0.41 of the CPC. We are in

agreement witJ::l the findings of the High Court as on

a perusal of the judgment of the first appellate

court, it do~s not appear to us that the findings

arrived at by the first appellate court affirming the

. .
judgment of the trial ·court on any issue were either

very cryptic or based on non-consideration of the

arguments advanced by the parties before it. In

support of this _contention, before the High· Court;

the appellant had relied on a decision of this court

in the case of Santosh Hazari [supra], ·but in this

appeal, the learned senior counsel for the appellant

Mr. Gupta has strongly relied on a decision of this

court in the case of Madhukar & Ors. Vs. Sangram

& Ors. [(2001) 4 SCC 756] and contended thatsince

the judgment of the first appellate court was cryptic

in na,.ture ·and the first appellate court had not dealt
. '

wit~·the issues involved in the appeal, the same was

liable to be set aside and the matter was liable to be

senfback to the· first appellate court for rehearing.

We 'are unable to accept this contention of the

learped senior counsel for the app~llant.

16. :; Before we consider the findings of the first

appellate court as well as the High Court on this

issue, we must keep o·n record that in Madhukar &


Ors. Vs. Sangram & Ors. [supra], this court had to

reverse the findings of the High Court because the

High Court erred 1n allowing the

plaintiff/respondents first appeal without even

considering the grounds on which the trial court

had dismissed the suit and without discussing the

evidence on 'record. On the same lines, the decision

of. this court in Santosh Hazari's case [supra] was


based. In our view, the aforesaid two decisions of

this court are distinguishable on facts with the

present case. A perusal of the judgment of the first

appellate court after remand would clearly indicate

that the·. same was neither cryptic nor based on non-


consideration of the issues involved 1n the appeal.

Apart from that, it has to be kept in mind that the

decisions of this court in Madhukar & Ors. Vs.

Sangram & Ors. [supra] and Santosh Hazari's case

[supra], were considering the reversal of the findings

of fact of the trial court. In the presc:nt case, the first

appellate court had affirmed the findings of the trial

court, which were based on total consideration of

· the material~ evidence· - documentary and oral on

record. It is well settled that in the case of

the first appellate court ought to give reason

for reversing the findings of the tri~l 'court whereas

in the case of affirmation, the first appellate co1.;trt

accepts the rea~ons and findings of the· trial court.

I11; any view of the matter, from a of. the

. .
judgment of the first appellate court, it is clear that

it reflects conscious application of mind and has

recorded the findings supported by re·ason on all the

issues arising along with the contentions put

forward by the parties.

17. In Santosh Hazari's case [supra], this' court

observed: -
"The task of an appellate court affirming the

..findings of the trial court is an ·easier one. The

I '•, •

.: appellate court agreeing with.' the view of the

trial court need not restate the effect of the

evidence or reiterate the reasons given by the

trial court; expression of general agreement

with the reasons given by the court, decision of

· which 1s under appeal, would ordinarily


(Emphasis supplied).

Again, in Madhukar & Ors. Vs. Sangram & Ors.

[supra], this court had to set aside the judgment of

the High Court because the first appellate court was

singularly silent as to p.ny discussion, either of the

doc"4mentary or the oral evidenc:e. In addition, this

· court in that decision was of the view that the

findings of ,the. first appellate court' were so cryptic

that none of the relevant aspects were noticed. In

this background, this court at paragraph 8 observed

as follows: -

"Our careful perusal of the judgment 1n the

first appeal shows that it hopelessly falls short

of considerations which are expected from the

court of first appeal. We, accordingly set aside

the impugned judgment and decree of the High

Court and remand the first appeal to the High

Court for its fresh disposal in accordance with


18. In view of our discussions made hereinabove,

we are, therefore, unable to agree with the learned

senior counsel for the appellant Mr. Gupta that the

High Court w~s not justified in holding that the

findings of the first appellate court were In

compliance With 0.41 of the CPC. 'That apart, the

learned senior counsel for the appellant Mr. Gupta

could not satisfY us or even point out the specific

issues which, in his opinion, had been left to be

addressed by the first appellate court. In view of the

discussions made herein above, we are, therefore, of

the view that no ground was mad,e out by the

appellant to set aside the judgment of the High

Court on the question whether the judgment of the

first appellate court was liable to be set·. aside for

..:- '7

non- compliance wi-..h the mandatory provisions of

0.4l'of the CPC .

. ·..
19. •. Let us now dea'l with Issue.'Nos. 3. and 4. Since

both these issues are interlinked, we shall deal with

the.~e two issues together. Let us first consider

whether the respondent landlord could 1ssue a

notice under Section 6A of the Act for Increase of

rent when the petition for eviction of the appellant .,

was pending before the Additional Rent Controller

and when there had beeh an order to the tenant for

deposit of rent on a month to month basis under

Section 15 of the Act. In our view, the first appellate

court as well as the High Court were fully justified

in holding that it was open to a landlord to increase

the .rent ·of the suit premises by 10°/o after giving a

notice under section . 6A of the Act. In this

connection,' it would be appropriate to reproduce

Section 6A of the Act which talks about revision of

rent and Section 8 of the Act which contemplates

notice of increase of rent. Section 6A~runs as under:

"6A. Revision of rent Notwithstanding

anything contained in this Act, the standard

rent, or, where no standard rent is fixed under

the provisions of this Act in respect of any

premises, the rent agreed upon between the

~andlord and the tenant, may be increased by

ten per pent every three years".·

From a bare perusal of this provision under Section

6A of the Act, ·it. is evi.dent that by this statutory

. .
provision, the standard rent and in .c?-ses where no

standard rent is fixed under the Act in respect of

any premises, the rent agreed upon betw~en th~

landlord and the tenant, may be increased by 1 0°/o

every three years. It is, therefore, open to the

landlord under Section 6A of the Act to increase the

rent agreed upon between him and .the tenant by

1 Oo/o every three years, i~-re~pective of the fact that

an eviction proceeding is pending and an · order

under Section 15 of the Act has been pass~d by the

Additional Rent Controller except that when a land

lord wishes to so increase the rent of any pretp.ises,

a notice of increase of rent, as provided.·:under

.• t •
Section 8·of the Act, has to ·be ser\red on the tenant

thereby intimating the tenant his intention to make

the increase. Section 8 of the Act runs as under: -

Notice of increase of rent [J (1) Where a
. .. .
landlord wishes to increase the rent of any
.. .
::premises, he shall give the tenant notice of his

·intention to. make the increase and in so far as

such increase is lavvful under this Act, it shall

be due and recoverable only in respect of the

•; period of the tenancy after the expiry of thirty

· : .days from the date on which the notice is

glVen. I

(2) Every notice under sub-section (1) shall be

in writing signed by or ·on behalf of the

lan~:lord and given in ·the manner provided in

·section· 106 of the Transfer of Property Act,

· 1982 (4 of 1882)."

Therefore, if the landlord wishes to increase the rent

of any premises at any time, only a notice

expressing his intention to .make, such increase is

required to be given to the tenant and Section 6A of

the Act, as n~ted herein earlier, cleatly permits the

landlord to increase the rent by 10°/o every three

years. In this view of the matter, after the

completion of three years, it was open to the

landlord at any point even during the. pendency of

an eviction petition to increase the rent of the suit

prem1ses after g1v1ng the prescrib~d notice to ·the


20. At this stage, we may also consider Section 3(c)

of the Act,. which bars the application of the Act to

the premises whose monthly rent exceeds Rs.

3500/-. Section 3(c) of the Act runs as under:- 11 Act

not to apply to .:certain premises LJ Nothing in this

Aet shall apply:


(c) to any premises, whether residential or not,

whose monthly rent exceeds three thousand I

. .
and five hundred rupees; 11

21. The Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958 was

amended by Act No. 52 of 1988, which came into

effect from 1st of December, 1988. By, this

amendment of the 1958 Act on 1st of December,

. .
I <
'·( J.

198.8, Section ~(c) with other . am~ndments was

f • • •

brought into force. Section 3(c) of the amended act

provides that the provisions of the Act will not apply

to any· premises whose monthly rent exceeds Rs.

3500/- from the date of coming into· operation of

this act. In D.C. Bhatia and others Vs. Union of

India and another [·(1995) lSCC 104], while

;· ..
cort~idering the parent act and the amending act,

this' ::court held that the objects ori the amending act

are ,guit'e different from the objects of the parent act.

It observed that one of the objects of the amending

act. was to rationalize . the rent control law by

bringing ab0ut a balance between the interest of

landlords and tenants. It was also observed that the

object was not merely to protect the weaker section

of the community. The Rent Act had brought to a

halt .house-building activity for: letting out. This

'court also m·ade ·an observation that many people

with accomm-odation to spare. did not let out the

accommodation for the fear of losing the

. . .
accommodation. As a result of all these, there was

acute shortage of accomn1.odation ~which caused

hardship to the rich and the poor alike and that in

the background of this experience, the amending act

of 1988 was passed. In paragraph 28 of the

aforesaid decision in D.C. Bhatia's case [supra], this

. court observ<£d as follows:-

"28. In order to strike a balance between the

interests of the landlords and also the tenants

and for giving a boost to . house-building

activity, the legislature in its wisdom has

decided to restrict the protection of the Rent

Act only to those premises for which· rent is

payable up to the sum of Rs 3Soo· per month

and has decided not to extend this statutory

protection to the premises constructed on or

after the date of coming into operation of the

Amending Act for a period of ten years. This is

a matter of legislative policy. The legislature

. .
could have: repealed the Rent Act al~ogether. It

can also repeal it step by step. It has decided

to confine the statutory protection to the


existing tenancies whose monthly rent did not

exceed Rs 3500." ' .

Considering the aforesaid reasons which led to the

amending act of 1988, it is clear that the legislature

intended· to · 'st:dke ·a· balance· ·by' allowing the

landlords to evict a tenant, who could pay more

than Rs. 3500 I- per month, from the tenanted


22..-. Jn the present case, after serving a notice

und~r Section 6A read with Section 8 of the Act, the --.....

protection of the tenant under the Act automatically

cea~ed to exist as the rent of the tenanted premises

exc~ed~d Rs. 3500 I- and the bar of Section 3(c)

came into play. At the risk of repetition, since, in the

present case, the increase of rent by 10°/o on the

rent agreed upon between the· appellant and the

respondent brought the suit premises out of the ~

purview of the Act in view of Section 3(c) of the Act,

it was pot nec.essary to take leave of the rent

controller and the suit, as noted ~erein above, could

. .
be filed by the landlord under the general law. The

landlord was only required to serve a notice on the

tenan.t ~xpressing his intention to. make such

Increase. When the eviction petition was pending

., ·'

before the Additional Rent Controller and the order

passed by him under Section 15 of the'Act directing

the appellant to deposit rent at the rate of Rs.

3500/- was also subsisting, the notice dated 9th of


January, 1992 was sent by the respondent to the

appellant intimating him that he wished to increase

the rent by 10 percerit. Subsequent to this notice,

. . . .
another notice dated 31st of March, 1992 was sent

by the respondent intimating the appellant


virtue of the notice dated 9th of January, 1992 and

in. view of Section· 6/\ of the Act, the. 'rent stood

enhanced by 10 percent i.e. from Rs. 3500 I- to Rs.

3850 I-. It is an admitted position that the tenancy


of the appellant was terminated by a •further notice

dated 161 17th of July, 1992. Subsequent to this,

the eviction petition No. 432 of 1984 was withdrawn

by the respondent on 20th of August, 1992 and the

. .
suit for eviction, out of which the pre~ent ~ppeal

has arisen, was filed on 6th of February, 199'3~. That

being the factual

. position, it cannot at all be

that the suit could not be filed without the leave·. of

the Additional Rent Controller when, admittedly, at

the time of filing of the said suit, the eviction

petjtion before the Additional Rent Controller had

already been withdravvn nor can it be said that the

notice of increase of rent and termination of tenancy

could not be given simultane.ously, when, in fact,

the notiee dated 16/ 17th· of July, 1992 was also a

. ..·.
notice to quit. ·and the notice in:te:qding increase of

ren{:in terms of Section 6A of the Act was earlier in

date· than the no.tice dated 16/ 17th of July, 1992. In

any view of the matter, it is well settled that filing of

an :eviction suit under the general law itself is a

notice fo quit on the tenant. Therefore, we have no

hesitation to· hold that no notice to quit was

necessary under Section 106 ·of the Transfer of

Property Act. in order to enable the respondent to get

a decree of eviction against the appellant. This view

has also been expressed in the decision of this court

in V. Dhanapaf Chettiar Vs. Yesodai Ammal ·[AIR

(1979) sc 1745].

·23. Before parting with this judgment, we may deal

with a decision of this court in the case of Ambalal

Sarabhai Enterprises Ltd. Vs. Amrit Lal & Co. and

. ., ~ ....

another [(2001) 8 sec 397] on which the learned

senior counsel for the appellant Mt. Gupta placed


strong reliance. Relying on this decision, Mr. Gupta

sought to argtie .that the amendment of the. Act

being not · retrospe~tive in ope~ati~Jf, in view of

Section 6 of the General Clauses Act, it would not

affect the pending eviction proceeding, which woulc;l

continue as if the act had not been amended and

. .
therefore, the suit filed by the res.pondent for

eviction under the general law without taking leave

from the Additional Rent Controller could not be


said to be maintainable. In
. .
our view, the decision of

this court in Ambalal Sarabhai's case [supra] does

not support the appellant but it supports the

respondent. In that decision, this court held that

the vested right of the landlord under the g~neral

law continues so long it is not abridged ·by the

protective legislation, namely, the Rent Act, but the

moment this protection is withdrawn, the :vested

right of the landlord reappears which cari be

enforced by him. Such being the position, we are,

therefore, of the view that since the eviction petition

filed by the respondent before the Additional Rent

Controller was withdrawn and the tenancy was

terminated by a fresh notice to quit and in view of

the increase of rent wished by the landlord in

.compliance· with Section 6A read with Section 8 of

the. Act, there cannot. be any difficuity to hold that

the suit in fact was maintainable under the general

law. T~~t being the position, the decision of this

in Ambalal Sarabhai S case [s:upra] can not at
I • ' t ', I

an· 'be applicable in favour of the appellant and

which, in view of our discussions made hereinabove,

can only be applicable in favour of the respondent.

24;;: For. the reasons aforesaid, n9ne of the grounds

urged ·.bY the learned senior counsel for the

appellant Mr. Gupta can be accepted by us to

interfere with the impugned judgment of the High

Court. Accdrdingly, the appeal fails and is hereby

dismissed. However, considering the facts and

circumstances of the case, we grant time to the

appellant to vacate the premises in question by ~9th

of February, 2008 provided the: appellant files an

.usual undert~king in this regard in. this court within

\ ·-'

a fortnight from this date. In default, it will be open

·.to the respondent to proceed to execute the decree

for eviction of the appellant from the suit premises

. .
in accordance with law. There will be no order as to



. '--


Relied Upon Judgment


RSA 46/2012
Date of Decision: June 1st, 2012
INDIA LTD ... Appellant
Through: Mr. Rakesh Tiku, Sr. Adv. with
· · ·· Mr . Ami t Partigrahi and
Ms. Tanupriya, Advs.



Through: ·Mr. G.D. Gael, Sr. Adv., Mr.
Chetan Sharma, Sr.· Adv. with
Mr. Vikas Chopra, Adv.


RSA No. 46/2012

1. ·By way of this second appeal under Section

100 and Order XLII Rule 1 read with Section 151 of

the Civil Procedure Code, 1908, the appellant has

challenged two concurrent judgments i.e one dated

01.03.2012 passed by the learned Addl. Di~trict

Judge 1n RCA No. 16/2011 and the other dated

15.11.2011 passed by the learned Civil Judge, Delhi

in C.S No. 185/2010.··

2. The facts leading to the filing of present appeal

are as under:-

The respondent herein 1.e plaintiff. before the

learned Civil Judge, Delhi had filed a s1..1it for

possession and mesne profits j damages stating

therein that he was the landlord/ owner of flat No.

G-1 on the ground floor of multi s.torey building

known as CCI House,. 8'7, Nehru Place, Delhi


wherein the appellant i.e defendant before the

learned trial court was inducted as a ter1:-ant w.e.f

15.10.1979 by Ms. Janamjeet Kaur. The:: total

monthly rent was Rs. 3,575/-. The period of; lease

"'-.. ...
was limited to three years. The terms of lease· were
I • '

reduced into writing on 1.2.1980 On the expiry of

the period of lease, the appellant continued to

occupy the premises: The suit property ·was

purchased by the appellant from the previous owner

i.e Smt. Janarnjeet Kaur, late Sardar Amarjeet

Singh and Smt .. Depender· Kaur. .The appellant had

attorned respondent/plaintiffs as its iandlord. The

·-· .1_

appellant/ defendant continued to occupy the

premises even. after the expiry of lease. The rate of

rent 1n December, 2009 was Rs. 8,429.63.

Respondent had alleged that the tenancy was

terminated in December, 2009 vide notice dated

23.12.2009 effect~ve from the midnight of

31.01.2010 As the possession was not delivered, the

respondent/plaintiff had filed the aforesaid suit.

3. The appellant/ defendant contested the suit by

filing written statement wherein the appellant did

0 •

nc:(~dispute the rent agreement d~ted i.2.1980 It

. : .··
alsc): did not deny that the respondent had stepped

into.the shoes of erstwhile owners upon purchase of

the suit property by the respondent/plaintiff and


that the appellant had been paying rent to the

: • 0

' 0

responqentjplaintiff w.e.fAugust, 2009 and the rent

wa~ increased to Rs. 8,429.63 w.e.f 16.10.2006

Appellant/ defendant in the written statement had

denied the receipt of notice of termination of

tenancy dated 23.12.2009

4. Thereupon, the respondent/plaintiff had

moved. an. app~ication under Order 12 Rule 6 read

with Section 151 CPC stating therein· that the

appellant/ defendant had admitted the relationship

as lessor and lessee between the· parties and had

also admitted that last paid rent was Rs. 8,429.63

per month. It was further stated in the application

that the legal notice dated 23-.12.2009 ·sent by

registered A.D post and under certificate of posting

was duly served upon appellant and the appellant

had deliberately denied the receipt of same in the

written statement. It was alleged that the legal

notice was served upon appellant/ defendant on i

26.12.2009 and on respectively and the

same had been :confirmed by the postal authorities

as having delivered vide their respective certificates


dated 03.03.2007 and 04.03.2007 The copies of

certificates issued by the postal department .. had

. .. . .
been annexed· with the application. It was fur:-ther
. . .
alleged that the appellant was month ·to month

tenant and the relationship between the parties

came to an end by virtue of notice dated 23.12.2009

as well as by .afflux of time as such the decree of

possession be passed.
. -,
:: . ..:; }~~~"1
5. The reply to said application was filed by

appellant/ defendant stating therein that it

continued to be a contractual tenant and there is no

admission on their part as such the suit could not

be disposed of under Order 12 Rule 6 of CPC.

Appellant/ defendant had denied having received

any notice. However, the rate of rent was admitted.

The receipt. of notice was denied. At the same time,

it had taken. a s't'and. that the n'otice was not valid

and the same was without any basis and had no

meaning in the eyes of law.

. .
6.: ::The suit of the respondent/plaintiff was

decreed by Ld. Civil Judge vide judgment/ decree

dat~d 15.11.2011 as regards possession of the suit

property on the basis of admission by the \


appellant/ defendant under Order 12 Rule 6 of CPC

• 0

on i ·the_ ground that existence of . relationship of

landlord and tenant is admitted and the rent was

more than Rs. 3,500 I- per month and the tenancy

has been d1.;tly terminated.

7. The af~resaid judgment/ decree of possession

was challenged by the appellant/ defendant before

the leamed Addl. ·District Judge,. Delhi by filing an

appeal. The appeal was also dismissed vide

impugned jud~mentjdecree dated 01.03.2012

which is challenged by. filing the second appeaL

8. As such there is no clear admission. on the part

of the respondent/plaintiff as regards termination of

tenancy and as such decree of possession could not

have been passed in respect of the suit property in

favour of respondent/plaintiff. It is contended that

even site plan of suit property is not correc;:t artd the

impugned decree is liable to be set aside.

9. The learned senwr counsel for; the

respondent/plaintiff hq.s contended that

relationship between the parties as lessor and lessee

came to an end v~Q.e notice dated 23.12.2009·:w:P,ich · ·

was sent .by registered _A.D post/UPC an.~· th~ same

was duly served upon appellant/ defendant and

same had been confirmed by Postal Department as

such mere denial by ·appellant/defendant has !].O

meaning. It is further contended the lease

agreement dated 0 1. 02.1980 was an unregistered

document and the same was never renewed 1n


writing after 1982. It""is contended that both the

courts below have rightly passed the decree of

possession in favour of respondent/plaintiff. It 1s

contended that no substantial question of law arises

in the present appeal.

10. In the present case, the appellant/defendant

has admitted the relationship of lessor and lessee

between respondent/plaintiff and itself and has also

admitted the last paid rent as Rs. 8429.63 It is also

admitted' position that lease· agreement dated

01.02.1980 was never renewed in writing after

1982. It is also admitted position that the lease deed

. .

was: unregistered and the tenancy was month to

. .
·month basis. It has come .on· record that notice

under Section 106 of Transfer of Property Act, 1882

wa·s. sent by the respondent/plaintiff by UPC as well

as. by regd. A.D post. The finding of both the courts
; . ·i
below show that respondent/plaintiff had placed on

re~ord original UPC and registered A.D receipt and

also the original returned A.D card showing the

receipt of notice by the appellant/ defendant. It has

also been noted that the. UPC receipt and A.D card
bear the addresses of the appellant/ defendant. It ·is

not the stand : of appellant/ defendant that the

addresses mentioned therein are · incorrect

addresses. Under these circumstances, it has been

rightly held that the notice is presumed to have

been duly served upon appellant/ dftfendant. The

A.D card bears a stamp in acknowledgment of

receipt of notice. Further, there is letter on record

showing that Department of Posts has certified the

delivery of notic~ sent through registered ·A.D ~t the

address of the appellant/ defendant. It may al~o be

noticed that in reply to application under Order 12

Rule 6, on the one hand, the appellant/ defendant is

denying having r~ceived the notice of termiria:tion

dated 23.12.2009 and ·on the other hand, it is

disputing the validity of notice of termination of the

lease. Howev~r, durin~ ar~me~~s learn~d co1:1-nsel

for appellant/ defendant failed to substantiate 1n

what manner the notice was invalid.

11. In Nopany Investments (P) Ltd .. v. Santokh

Singh (Huf)); (2008) 2 SCC 728, the Supreme Court

has held that the tenancy would stand terminated

under general law on filing of a suit for eviction.
~ .
Even assuming the notice terminating tenancy was

not served upon the appellant, as is contended,

though it has. been served as is noted above, the

learned ADJ has rightly held that filing of eviction

suit under general law itself is notice to quit on the

tenant. The learned ADJ has also placed reliance on

Jeevan Diesels & Electricals Ltd. v. Jasbir Singh ""

Chaddha (HUF); 2011 (182) DLT 402 in coming to

aforesaid conclusion. The . relevant finding of Ld.

ADJ is as urider:-

"Ld'. Tri'aJ Court ·has relied upori a case decided

by Hon ble Supreme Court titled as Nopany

Investment (P) Ltd. v. Santokh Singh (HUF),

(2008) 2 SCC 728, wherein Hon ble Supreme


Court has held that filing of an eviction suit

( under the general law itself is a notice to quit

. on the tenant. Respondent is also relying upon

the said case. On behalf of the respondent,

reliance has ·· also . been placed on a case

' decided by the Hon ble Delhi High Court in

· · · Jeevan Diesels & Electricals Ltd. v. Jasbir

Singh Chadha (HUF). dated 25.03.2011' in RFA

179/2011, wherein it was held by the Hon'ble

Delhi High Court that service of the summons

in a suit, with a copy of the notice terminating

the tenancy itself is a notice under Section. 106

of the Transfer of Property Act. The suit was

filed by the plaintiff on,' and

summons 'Y'ere served alongwith a copy of the

notice dated 23.12.2009 terminating the lease,

and that in itself . is a . sufficient notice

terminating the lease, as required under

Sectio~ 106 C?f the Transfer of the Property ,Act.

·. .
. of landlord
. and tenant
. . .between

the parties was admitted and rent payable was

admitted to be more than Rs. 3,500 j- per

month. Notice as under· Sec'tion lb6 9f

the Transfer of the Property Act for terminating

the service has been given, be it the ·notice

dated 23.12.2009 was received by · the

appellant or same was to be treated as a

notice, when copy of the same was sent

alongwith the summons of the suit. There was

no error in decreeing the suit <;>f the respondent

against the appellant as regards the possession

of the suit property under order XII rule 6


12. The learned counsel for appellant/defendant

has relied upon Jeevan Diesels & Electricals Ltd. v.

Jasbir Singh Chaddha (HUF) : (20 10) 6 SCC 601 to

contend that the court can act under Order 12 Rule

6 of CPC only when admission is clear and

unambiguous. It is contended that there was no

clear admission of teriT.Iina~ion of tenancy, as such,

irri pugned judgment

. cannot be upheld.
. However, the

fac;;ts of the said· case. are different and the same has

no applicability to the facts and circumstances of

the present case. As is noted. above, there is clear

admiss1on on the part of· appellant/ defendant as is

.. · ....
•' ' , I

• 0 di$pussed in ·preceding paras, the 'con.tention raised

ha~ no force and is rejected.

13.. The other· contention raised 1s that the site

plan is not correct and the tenanted premises have

beyn wrongly described. No such objection is taken

in :the ··vvritten statement. The possession is sought


by the respondentjpla~ntiff in respect of flat No. G-

1, CCI, House No. 87 and the property has been

correctly described in the plaint.

In view of the above discussion, no substantial

question of law arises which requires consideration

of this court.·

The appeal stands dismissed. The appellant is

given six weeks time to vacate the premises.

CM No. 4879/2012 (stay)

In view of the order on the main appeal, no

further orders .are·.required on this application~:

. .·
The same stands disposed of.

. . .. . BIRBAL,
. J
June 1, 2012·

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,/ (··~)k;;:1· ~ -c~· +-HE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
··~. ·-.. , <-"·) ./ [S.C.R., Order XXI Rule 3(1) (a)]
"' ........ 'l.,~~~·l' •./~

·-...,..,~····. ,......._ .{'i!/(yNDER ARTICLE 136 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA)

,;p. "'~. ... .I
~ ~ / \ .
~ .
[Arising out of the impugned final judgment and
order dated 08.11.2023 passed by the Hon'ble High
Court of Delhi at New Delhi in RSA No. 208/2023]



In the In this
Hon'ble Hon'ble
High Court Court

Subhra Kabasi Petitioner . Petitioner

W/ o Late Manoranjan
Rjo House No.27, 1st Floor,
Khyber Pas~, Civil Lines,

Ranjeet Respondent Contesting

S / o Sh. Chander Pal Respondent
R/o J-1044, Mangolpuri,
I '•,



:·. '·


,/'.4-!f'~~) ·:~-
,!:!" .. '{(d- < ·..
". . ~ '·" 1'1.".
1. That the present Special Leave Pe:t.iti_ot:f:·~bas ~ t

. ';, ·~ ·\.• f '\'?;~)

. . ·:\_.. _~.)· ' ~ "'<;;;
been filed under Article 136 of the Coti~.~~~utiori{\ ~
t · ..
of India pray1ng for Special Leave to .A:pp'eal ~ . :•

.· ...

against the impugned final judgment and· order

dated 08.1 i.2023 passed by the Han 'ble' High

Court of Delhi at New Delhi in RSA No.

208/2023 whereby, the second appeal u/s 100

r jw 42 of CPC was dismissed against the

. .
impugned judgment dated 10.10.2023. passed

by L·d. ADJ 03, Tis Hazari Courts ih. ·:RcA DJ

24/2023 and confirmed the impugned decree

dated 14.08.2019 under Order XII Rule 6 CPC

passed by Ld. Trial Court, Tis Haz;ari Courts in

·~ CS SCJ 1508/2018.


That the substantial questions of law which

arise for consideration of this Hon 'ble Court are as


I. WHETHER the court of law can intervene and

entertain the sui~ for recovery. of possession of·

immoveable property, recovery of mesne profit

. '
and permanent injunction filed by land

grabbers/ unauthorized. occupants/

encroachers against any person irtcluding the

tenant and can the court grant decree thereof

without deciding the question of title in a

separate suit for declaration against the

government who is the rightful ~wner .

. II. WHETHER the land grabbers/trespassers/

unauthorized occupants/ encroachers can

misrepresent himself/herself as landlord/

landlady or Licensee of the Government land

on the basis of forged and fabricated titled

documents and can he/ she seek Judgment

and decree in relation to the same under Order

XII Rule 6 for admission of certain facts.

III. WHETHER the land grabbers/trespassers/

unauthorized occupants/ encroachers by

cheating, ;fraud and


:· . ·:misrepresentation can enter into rent

agreements/ License agreements/ contracts in

relation to the government land and whether

··they can seek the protection of estoppel under

section 116 of Evidence Act upon admission of

certain facts.

IV. WHETHER the Ld. Trial and the ,Appellate

Courts Ca.J:1 without deciding the prelirtiinary

Issue of maintainability of the suit and the

locus standi of the r:.espondents under _Order

10 Rule 1, Order 14 Rule 2 sub-rule ·2 and

section 9 of the CPC decide the IT1atter to:: cq..use

prejudice to the rights of the petition~r. ··

V. WHETHER the impugned judgment and decree

passed by the Ld. Trial and the Appellate

Courts ·are · err01i.eous,. petver·s·e and caused I

prejudice to the rights of the p'etitioner vyhile

ignoring/per incuriam the law laid down ·by the

Hon'ble Supreme Court of India regarding

discretionary nature of admissibility of fact

under Order XII Rule 6 CPC.


The Petitioner states that no other petition

seeking ~eave to appeal have been filed by it

.against the impugned final judgment and order

dated Q8.11.2023 passed by the Hon 'ble High

. 55
Court of Delhi at New Delhi in RSA No.



The Annexures P-1 and P-: 12 produced along

' .
with the Special Leave Petition are true copies

of the pleadings/ c:locuments, \which formed

part of records of the case in the Court below

against whose order, the leave to appeal is

sought for in this petition.


That the Petitioners are filing the instant

Special Leave Petition on the following amongst

ot?er grounds:

A. Because the Hon'ble High ·court of Delhi has

gros~ly erred in dismissing the Second Appeal ·

against. n"le impugned .. j~dgment dated

f 0 • •

10.10.2023 passed by Ld. ADJ 03,. Tis Hazari

Courts in RCA DJ. 24/2023 without deciding

··the· question of law and facts in. issue as to

~ < whether a person who ·is .'a land grabber/

·.: trespasser on government .land, can·he/she by

misrepresent himself or herself as .landlord

/licensee ~ithout seeking declaration against

the rightful owner on the basis of forged and

fabricated tittle deeds and w}fether he I she can

I .

by exerc1s1ng cheating, fraud, and

misrepres~nti3;tion enter into rent agreerne;:nts

and seek judgment and decree under O,rder 12

Rule 6 CPC upon admission of certain facts.

B. Because the Hon'ble High Court has dismissed

the appeal :without recording finding of fact on

' I

. .
a seriously disputed and complicated issue of

title in a suit for recovery of possession of

immoveable property, recovery of mesne profit

and permanent injunction. The Hon 'ble High

Court has ignored the important

ruling/ authority by the Hon 'ble Supreme Court

in the matter of Anthula Sudhakar v. P. Buchi

Reddy (Dead) By LRs & Ors. Appeal (Civil)

6191 of 2021, on the finding of fact, wherein

the Hon'ble .Court has wen· settled general


principles as to when suit for permanent

injunction will lie, and when it is necessary to


file a suit for declaration and/ or possesswn

with injunction as a consequential relief. The

· Hon ble Supreme Court has stated as under:

"11.3) Where the plaintiff is in possession,

but his title to the property is in dispute,

or under a cloud, or. where the defendant

asserts title thereto and there is also a

threat of dispossession from the

defendant, the plaintiff will have to sue for

declaration of title and the consequential

relief of injunction. Where the title of

plaintiff is under a cloud or in dispute

and he is not in possession or not able to

establish possession,· necessarily the

. plaintiff will have to file a suit for

declaration, possession and injunction."

C. . Because. the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi

cannot decide on rent dues without deciding

the p:r~liminary. l~gal . iss~e regarding

maintainability of the suit in light of the well.

settled principles and further cannot set

.:stringent conditions·. to pay the 1ump sum

amount of Rs. 2,55,000/- to the • land

grabbers/encroachers for passing ·orders on

stay of execution proceedings ignoring the

submissions on facts in issue. Further, the

Hon'ble High Court out of non-application_.of

mind ·ca:n:not ·grant libe~ty simpliciter. :tb .: the

executing court to execute the decree."

D. Because the Hon 'ble High Court has not

considered the fact of preliminary legal issue

. '

(maintainl?,bility of the suit) under Order 1'0

Rule 1, Section 9 and Order 14 Rule 2 sub...:rule

2 and section 9 of the CPC and dismissed the

suit without any judicial application of mind.

Because the Hon 'ble High Court has ignored

the true submissions made by the petitioner

before itself and without appreciating true

state of facts and laws made unwarranted


observations against the petitioner such as the

petitioner has refused to vacate the -suit


premises. The petitioner has only stated that

she will vacate th~. suit property to the rightful

legal .owner which is the government . and not

the encroacher respondent no. 1. The Hon'ble

High . Court has not d~cided the preliminary

·facts in · issue as to whether a land

grabber/ encroacher ;unauthorized occupant

can seek relief for possessiOn, rent dues,

mesne profits, etc. pertaining to land whose

ownership rights v:ests with. the government of

India. The issue has been clarified by way of

averments and submissions 1n. the written

statement before the trial court as well as in

her submissions before the · Han 'ble Court

which has been ignored in the final judgment.

E. Because the court of law cannot intervene and

the land grabbers/unauthorized


occupants/ encroachers in getting the decree ""·

for suit for recovery of possesswn of

. immoveable property, recovery of mesne profit

and :pe~manent injunction on an illegal/invalid ,_

rent agreemen~ . per~aining tp land whose

ownership rights are vested in the hands of

government and also when the rent agreement

.: was entered without free consent of the

· ..
petitioner thereby violating the conditions. of a

valid agreement under section 10 of the

Contracts Act, 1872 and therefore is void in

the ey~s of
. law and voidable
under secti6n
.· .
· 19

of the Ac;t at the option of the petiti~:mer. upon

whom the fraud was exercised and she had no

means of discovering the truth and her consent

was cau~ed by fraud and misrepresentation by

respondent no. L

F. Because the Han 'ble High Court has failed to

appreciate the rulings g1ven by Han 'ble

Supreme Court in Karan Kapoor Vs Madhuri

Kumar, (2022) 10 SCC 496 and S.M Arif Vs

Virender Kumar Bajaj, C.A. Nos.6106-

08/2015, wherein it has been clarified on the

admission of fact under Order XII Rule 6 CPC.

The Hon 'ble Court stated "power to pass

judgment on admissions is discretionary and

cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The

said power · should be only exercised when

specific,_ c~e-~..r" an~ categorical' admission of

facts and documents are on record, otherwise

the court can refuse to invoke it". Hence the

issue o\ estoppels under Section 116 cannot be

consider at the given facts and circumstances

about the tenant cannot denying the title of


G. Because
' .
the Hon 'ble High Court of Delhi has

grossly ignored the law laid down by Hon 'ble

Supren;te: Court on derivative tittle of landlord.

In Vinay Eknath Lad vs Chiu Mao Chen, C.A.

No. '4726 of 2010, the apex court stated "when

the landlord's derivative title is challenged, the

~ .

same has to be established in some form". The

title of the landlord in the present case has

bee,n cha1lenged in the written statement but

the same has not been decided on merits by

the trial court and the appellate courts.

H. Bec~use the Honble High Court erred in law to

consider when the documents are on record to

show that the land pertains to the Government

and therefore· no rent agreement is presumed

. .
to be executed between the parties. Hence

there is no clear admission of tenancy and

'• ..
further trespassers cannot be allowed to :Claim

the amount or rent on behalf of Government

and fl:!.rther when there ·are issues rais:ed in

. · ...
pleadings then issues are required. . ·to be

framed and preliminary issues to be framed on

the maintainability of the suit and locus standi

of the respo·n'dent ~0. 1.

I. That the Petitioner craves leave of the Hon 'ble

Court to urge such further additional

ground(s), at the time of hearing of the SLP,

which have not been specifically taken up in

this SLP.


The Petitioners seeks interim relief from this

Hon'ble Court on the following amongst other


· A. That the Petitioners have a good case on merits

and are likely to succeed before this Hon 'ble


B. That considering the merits , of the case,

allowing the execution of decree dated

14.08.201~ passed by Ld. Civil Judge ·06, Tis

l ')

.. :Hazari Courts, Delhi to stand in the interim

: will be a grave miscarriage of justice.



It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that

this Hon'ble Court may graciously be pleased to:

i) Grant Special Leave to Appeal against the

. impugned judgment and final order dated

08.11.2023 passed by the Hon'ble High Court

of Delhi ·at· New Delhi in RSA No. 208/2023;

. .
ii) Pass such other order or orders as this Hon 'ble

Court may deem fit and proper ih the facts arid

circumstances of the case.


It is most respectfully prayed that this Hon 'ble ' I

Court may kiridly be pleased to:

i) Grant an ad-interim ex-parte stay of the

operation of the impugned final judgment and

order dated 08.11.2023 passed by the Hon'ble

High. Court of Delhi at New Delhi in RSA No.

20~/2023;. and ..
ii) Stay the . execution. proceedings · 1n
. ·.· .
EX/470/2020 from decree dated 14.08.2019

partly decreed under Order XII Rule 6 CPC

passed by Ld. Civil Judge 06, Tis Hazari

Courts in .cs SCJ 1508/2018 directing t~e

petitioner to handover the vacant and peaceful

possesswn of the suit property to th~ / , ··,·~-·

/~:~~), ·.
respondent no. 1 and to stay any fu>lireQ~~
r -;?;.:,,
/ {, 1
proceedings emanating from the dec~J~;.,i(\.jlte 4> .. ·:;\";
., "\>. ·~~.l;· ...., ~ ,...\, .. /
,.'/ (~ '-';to .c:..;~ .· -::~.:·-· ;.·
court o f 1aw. / ·.::,~ ~ ,/..<' /
.......,., . ; ~\.~ .;:.:~f,/'·;~.) .:/
'\. .. . . j''·.··.,) /
iii) Pass or grant such
oth er "'· 'l!?:tenm ,. t;·i _, /
\ ... ·. . '.-.:;·;~:.•. /,..
relief/ order/ direction as this Honble C_ourt,.r:(·' _./
. -. ":. (;)\) ,{/''
• ·,, r
I .:. .. If',

may dee:p1 fit and proper in the 1nterest of-··

justice .



(Ms. Sanjucta Kabasi)
'1'4 ~.
DRAWN ON: Advocate for the Petitioner
FILED ON: 2 'j f.!'/2-02-3


Subhra Kabasi ... Petitioner
Ranjeet ... Respondent
Certified 'that the Special Leave Petition is conHned
only to the pleading before the Court below whose
· orderis challenged and the documents relied upon in
those proceedings. Additional facts, documents or
grounds have .been taken relied upon in the Special
Leave .Pet~tion except as Anne:Xure P-10. to P-12. It is
further certified that the copies of the documents/
Annexur~s attached to the Special Leave Petitions are
necessary to answer the question of law raised in the
petition or to make out ground urged in the Spedru
Leave Petition for consideration of this Hon'ble Court. \

This certificate is given on the basis of the

instruction's ·given by the Petitioners/ Person
authorized by the Petitioner whose affidavit is filed in
support of the Special leave Petition.

FILED 0~~42023
JYtR -:~ AjR:u.P. ~.A~ G.I< 'J£8
Advocate for the Petitioner




Subhra Kabasi

state on oath as hereunder:

1. That I am the petitioner 1n the above-noted

matter and am well conversant with the facts

and circumstances of the present case and

hence oompetent to swear the insta11.t affidavit.

2. I state that I have read the accompanying SLP

(Page Nos. 61 to 75), (Paras 1 to 8) List of Dates

(Pages B to . H) and I.As. and .understood the

ontents therein and state that the same are

to the best of my knerwledge

3. I state that the annexures annexed· to the SLP

are true and correct copies of their respective

•originals and form part of the record of the

:court below.


Verified. at New Delhi on this day of

November, 2023, that the contents of paras 1 to 3 of

. the aforesaid affidavit are true and correct to my

knowledge and based on record, no part of its is false

.. and nothing
' . material has been concealed therefrom.

.;'- h s
·· 1 onent WhQ a.
\ \o~nt\ty \he ~ e~ mv pra~ence
diPut \.\. lfV . .).. I .
S\gne 1' ·---."' ·lt'; :/
\. l J:_.fA.. .
' ··;)

I .... ,
\• '; I, ' I





R/0 J-1044. MANGOL PURl,
R/0 H. NO. 2~, IST FLOOR,
DELHI-110054. .... DEFENDANT




1. That the plaintiff is the law-abiding citizen· of

India and.: ha3 been residing at abovesaid

address with his. family members ... · ·

2. That the plaintiff is co-owner of the built up

property bearing no. 27, 1ST Floor, Khyber

Pass, Civil Lines, Delhi-11005;4 (hereinafter

·r'eferred to as the suit property and more

;'specifically ~hown in red colour in the site plan

'annexed with the plaint) by virtue of title

:documents dated 22 . 09.2012. It is submitted

. .
!that the suit property was jointly purchased by

the plain tiff and his mother.

3. That the defendant approached the plaintiff in

the month of December, 2014 for taking suit

property on rent for her residence purpose.

4. Tha~·consid.~ring the proposal of defendant, the

plaintiff agreed to let out th~ suit property to

·the defendant for the residence purpose for a

period of. 11 month's

. .
period. Certain other

t~rm.s and conditions were also agreed between

the parties which were duly reduced into

' .
writing in the form of rent agreement dated

06/01/2015 against monthly rent of 13000/-

and the same was duly notarised. The period of

tenan~y was from 06/01/2015 to 05/12/2015

(wrongly typed as 05/12/2016 1n the

agreement). Suffice to mention here that acting

as per terms and conditions as agreed between \


: ~0

the partie~, the defendant deposi~ed a sum of

Rs. 5,000 I- (being equivalent to rent of· one

month) towards refundable security deposit

subject to adjustment of the due, if any.

5. That during the first term, the defendant paid

the monthly rent amount punctually without

any delay or default and even her behaviour

was very good, hence, after expiry.of first term;

on same ·terms and conditions as well as the

'same rate of rent, the plaintiff renewed. the


tenancy of the defendant for the second terms

commencing from. 06/12/2015 to. 05/11/16

vide rent agreement dated 12/ 12/2015_.

6. That during. -the. second term~ 'the defendant

-- paid the rent to the plaintiff punctually upto

march, 2Q16 but thereafter the. defendant

started committing serious default, in. payment

of rent because the defendant was paying rent

with considerable delay. The plaintiff requested

the defendant for maintaining the financial but


all efforts of the plaintiff turned futile. rather

started misbehaving with the plaintiff arid his

· ..
I : ., '
.. :family members who used to visit the suit

.::property for the purpose of receiving th.e rent

·''from the defendant.

7. That considering the defaulting conduct of the

• defendant, the· plaintiff made his mind and

: conveyed to the defendant very categorically

· that after expiry of second term, he is not

interested to beep 'the defendant in the suit

property as tenant. After rece1V1ng this

message from the plaintiff, the defendant and

her ' ·family

. . ..
members ·got. annoyed and with

intent t'o teach a lesson to the plaintiff and his

· family members started making false and

frivolous complaint against the plaintiff and his

family before the police. · ·

8. That, as all the ·complaints ,of the defendant

and her daughter were proving to be meritless,

hence, n? notion was taken on lj:he complaints

of the defendant due to which defendant got

anno3;ed and ·went to the extent of lodging false

and frivolous complaint even against the police

officials as well as parents of idle plaintiff.

9. That as the plaintiff and his family members

are law abiding citizen and God fearing person,

hence, the father of the plaintiff with intent to

buy piece in the life of his family, has arrived

at an amicable settlement with the defendant

with specific understanding that t~e tenancy of

- the defendant is likely to come an end on

05/12/2016 as per rent agreement dated

12/12/2016 but on humanitarian ground,

plaintiffs father . extended the . time till

05/0~/2017 on month to month basis

. '
considering the. fact that . husband of the

defendant was ill. However, it was made clear

to the defendant' that she had to vacate the

suit property. on or before OSj02(2017 ·and

same was duly accepted by the defendant. The

defendant assured, tie plaintiff that she will


not only vacate the suit property on or before

31/01/2017 but shall also pay the monthly

rent in advance to the plaintiff without any.

delay or default.
10. T}:lf;!.t though the defe~dant was to use

· : :and occ:u,py th~ suit proper.ty ~pto. 31 I 0 1 I 20 17

::but despite this, the defendant showing her

· true colour got issued a legal notice dated


07 I 1012016 thereby calling upon the plaintiff

to receive the rent for the r;nonth of October,

: .

'· 20.16. That after receiving the notice and

ongoing through the contents of the said

· notice, it becam<? ample clear to plaintiff that


the intention of defendant has turned

dishonest and she has been planning to drag

the plaintiff into un-necessary litigation.

Suffice ho mention hero 'that the daughter of

defendant namely Ms. Sanjucta Kabasi is a

practicing advocate and said ·notice· was got

issued by·
. . . the defendant ·acting under the

advice of her daughter. It is important to

. '
mehtion here that the plaintiff never refused to

accept the rent from the. defendant rather it


was the precedent condition of the settlement

dated 19/09/2016 that the. defendant shall

pay 'the rent amount in advance, hence,

. .. QLj

neither there was any reason or occasion for

plaintiff for refusing to receive the rent.

11. That as the malafide intention of the defendant

became ample clear to the plaintiff, hence,

without wasting any time, the. pl'?-intiff replied

the said notice dated 07/10/2016 through his

counsel Mr. G.D. Sharma vide reply dated


13/ 10/20 16 explaining the true and correct

facts. Through this reply dated 13.j10/2016.

plaintiff keeping the settlement. in. mind,

terminated·the month to month tenancy of the

defendant from 05/02/2017 and also called

upon the ¢.efendant to hand over the vacant

and peaceful .physical possession ?f. the suit

property and also made it clear through that

reply that if the defendant failed to hand over

the possession of the suit property on or before


05/02/2017 then her. possession will be of a

unauthorised occupant and in that eventuality

defendant would be liable to pay d~mages @

10,000/- per month 06/02/20.17 onwards till

the date of handing over possession of the suit


12. That despite receiving the reply dated

·13 I 10 I 20 16 the defendan (failed to act as per


:;their own contention of notice dated

., 07 I 1012016 and not pay the rent for the

' month of October, 2016 to December, 2016.

·Only due to the repeated request of the

·,plaintiff, the defendant deposited Rs.12,580I-

on 2911212016 and Rs.57701- on

30 I 01 I 20 17 totalling
to 118350 I- leaving

balance amount of 216501- with assurance

that the same will be paid by her at the time of

vacating the suit property on 05 I 02 I 2017.


13. That as· per the terms .of settlement elated

. ·1010912016 as well as reply dated

1311012016, the defendant was supposed to

hand over ·the. vacant and peaceful physical

possession of the suit property to the plaintiff

' .
and when plaintiff approach the defendant and

asked him to vacate the suit~ property then

defendant's daughter flatly refused for the

... · .....:

same saying that she is an advocate and will

obtain a stay order from. the court and the

plaintiff would not be able to get the prop.erty

vacated from her faniily and further ·stated that

now she will not pay even a single penny to the

plaintiff and will" occupy the same without

paying anything and asked the plain tif( for

doing anything he can.

14. That considering the said act of defenqant and

more particularly of her daughter, the ' plaintiff

tried to resolve the matter amicable with the

defendant and her daughter but nothing;

fruitful could b:e yielded as all the attempts

made by the plaintiff with the help of

---.. '

respectable persons of, the . society arid

neighbours, turned to be futile. It is submitted

that defendant
. :is still pos.sessing
the suit.

property ir~: the cap~city of unlawful and

unauthorised and unlawful occupant; and has

also not paid anything to the plaintiff towards

occupation 'charges from '06/02j2QJ. 7 till date.

15. That the defendant not only failed to hand over

the vacant and peaceful physical possession of

the suit property but also has not been paying

damages of Rs. 10,000/-per month to the

plaintiff from 06/02/2017 and as on date, the

·.defendant in arrears of damages for the period

commencing from 0610212017 to 0510512018

i.e. 15 months which comes toRs. 150.0001-

apart from Electricity and Water charges.

16. That the malafide intention of th_e defendant is

.·further appar~nt from t~e . fact .that the

defendant has filed a civil suit for permanent

injunction titled as "Suit. Subhra Kabasi

' '

Versus Ranjeet & Ors" which is pending in the

court of Ms. Dhanashree Del-fa, Civil Judge, Tis

Ha san Courts, Delhi and fixed for


0 1 I OS I 20 18 for appearance of the plaintiff


17. That as defendant has failed to handover the

vacant and peaceful physical possession of the

suit property even after receiving the reply

dated_l3/10/2016 thrSJugh wl-;tich tenancy was

terminated and have still b~en using the suit

property even after termination of bin tenancy

as such as on date the possession 'pf .the

•• 0

defendant in respect of the suit is

without any right, entitlement or authority,

hence, the possession of defendant, in respect

of the . suit property is. . of· unauthorised


occupant,' hence, defendant is· liable to. pay

damages @ Rs: 10000/- per month from

06/02/2017 to 05/05/2018 total of which

comes to Rs. 1,50,000/- as well as

pendentelite and future damages @ 10000/-

per month from 06 I 05 I 20 18 till the date of

handing over the vacant and peacef~l physical

possesswn of the suit property.· The right of

plaintiff to claim damages from defendant 1s

legitimate and justified because if defendant


takes similar accommodation In the same

• 0 0

vicinity then· the rent would not be less than

Rs. 10,000 j- per ~outh, hence, :f>laintiff is very

much entitled to get damages from the

•• . I...J
. ··'

18. That vide reply dated 13/10/2016, the tenancy

of the defendant stands terminated and this

fact is very much in the knowledge of the

defendant but despite this the defendant has

failed to hand over the · vacant & peacc:ful

physical possession of the s~it property to the

plaintiff, therefore, plaintiff is entitled to get

relief of possession.

19. That· as the defendant and her daughter could

not ·succeed in their nefarious' designs till date,

hence, the defendant got annoyed and put

property on sale through local property dealer.

Though the defendants have n,o right, title and

interest in the suit property but plaintiff has

every reasonable apprehension that the \

defendant may part with possession of the suit

property to third person or anything else. The

defendant is in process to give colour to her

malafide intention as she has been showing

the suit property to prospective buyers but till

date the defendant and her daughter could not

succeed in their nefarious designs, hence,

plaintiff is also entitled for relief o.f permanent


20. That the plaintiff has already exhausted all

legal remedies available to him but: nothing

fruitful could be yielded, hence, he has left

with no other
.. efficacipus remedy except
. . .
approach this Hon'ble Court by way of present


21. That the cause of action for filing the suit arose

in favqur ,of the plaintiff and against the

defendant when the suit property was let out

by the plaintiff to the· defendant. The cause of

action further arose on each and every date, as

detailed herein above, as and ·when the

defendant started defaulting in payment of

rent. The cause of action· further arose when

defendant was allowed to live in· the suit

property up to 05/02/2017 and again on

07/10/2017 when defendant got issued l~gal

notice and again when it was replied vide reply


dated 13/10/201.6 and aga1n when the

tenancy of th~ defendant was terminated. The l'

', ~-~


...,.,.. __ "'
n ..
:·.- j

cause of action further arose when defendant

flatly r~fused to vacate t}J.e same. It further

arose when defendant started showing suit

property to prospective buyers:. The cause of

action is still continuing & subsisting as

defendants-' till date have not vacated same.

22. · That the cause of action for filing present suit

. '

arose 1n favour of plaintiff and against

defendant .at Delhi, parties to the. present suit

resides and works for gain at Delhi and more

particu)arly the suit property is ·also situated at

Delhi, hence, this Hon 'ble Court has territorial

jurisdiction to try entertain and decide the

present suit at Delhi.


23. That the suit tor the purpose of court fees and

pecuniary jurisdiction relief for the relief of

Possession of Immoveable Property as per

ann~al rent comes to Rs.60000/- and for the .

relief · of · .Recpvery
. . of .damages
. comes to

Rs.150,000/- and for the relief of permanent

injunction is value at Rs.30 /- upon which

consolidated .court fees of Rs.6755/- has


already been affixed. The plaintiff further

undertake:s t~ pay such f~r:-th~r court f~es

towards future damages on the amount as may

be awarded/ granted by this Hon ble Court.

In the premises aforesaid and in view of the

facts and circumstances of the case as explained

herein above, it is, therefore, most respectfully

prayed that this Court may kindly be pleased to:-

(a) Pass a decree of permanent injunction 1n

favour of plaintiff and against defendant

thereby restraining defendant, her heirs,

successors, no~1nees, ass1gnee, agents,


attorney or any other person acting on her

behalf from _selling, alienating; ·gifting,

mortgaging, parting with posse·ssion . (full or

part) or from creating 3rct party interest of

·whatsoever nature in respect of the. suit

property i."e. H. No.27, First Floor, Khyber

Pass, Civil Line~, Delhi-54·· more specifically

shown in RED colour in the ~ite plan; and

(b) Pass a monetary decree of Rs. 150,000/- 1n

favour of the plaintiff against the defendant

.. ,,

alongwith pend~nt elite .and future damages @

10000/- per month from 06/05/2018 onwards

· till the date of handing over vacant and

peaceful physical .possessiOn of the suit

., property i.e. H.No, 27, First· Floor, Khyber

Pass, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054: and

(c) Pass a decree of possession in favour of the

plaintiff and against the defendant thereby

directing defendant, her heirs, successors,

. .
nominees, ass1gnee, agents, attorney or any

·other person acting on her behalf to hand over

. ·the vacant and peaceful possession of the suit

property i.e. H.No.27, First Floor, Khyber Pass,

Civil Lin·es,· Delhi-110054 along with No Dues

Certificate in respect of the Sf3-id property from

the concerned office of Electricity and water

department to the plaintiff; and \

(d) Award throughout cost of the suit along with

pleader's fees in favour of the plaintiff and

against the defendant; and

(e) Pass any other or further order which this

Han 'ble Court deems fit, proper & expedite in

. .
favour. of the plaintiff and again:·st the

defendants, iri the interest of justice.



DATED: 18/05/2018

Verified at Delhi on this 18th day of May,: 2018

that the contents of para no.l to 20 of the plaint are

true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

those of para no. 21 to 23 of the plaint are based on

legal information received 'and believed to be true

'\:... and correct. Last para 1s prayer to this H;on'ble

. .






I, . Ranjeet S j o Sh. ChanCier Pal aged about 32

years, Rjo· J-1044, Mangol Puri, Delhi-110083, do

. . . .
hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:

1. The deponent is plaintiff in the abovesaid case

and. is well conversant with . the facts and

circumstances of case and

. .is .competent to
swear this affidavit before this. Court.

2. • The contents of the accompanying suit for '""\

Recovery of possession, arrears of damages

and permanent injunction ;have been drafted

by my counsel urider i.ny instructions and

,. contents of the same has been read over and

explained to me in my vernacular which have

been understood by me and are true & correct

to my Knowledge.
3. The deponent craves leave to this Hon'b'le

Court to read the ·contents of same as part and·

parcel of this affidavit as same are not repeated

herein for sake of brevity.


. .
Verified at Delhi on this 18th day of May, 2018

that the contents of my above affidavit are true and

correct to the best of my knowledge and no part of it

is false and nothing material has been concealed

.. '



. .

· CS SCJ/ 1508/2018


.. ·.
R/0 J-1044, MANGOLPURl
DELHI - 110054 ... DEFENDANT
N!JOH: 21/08/2018


I '•, •

1:. > That the present suit has ·no ~ause of action of
wh?.tsoever in nature and is filed with malicious

int.ention and is devoid of any merits and therefore

is Qiable to be dismissed. The present suit is false

ancJ. frivolous and is filed to extrcict money from the

def~ndant because letting out the property has

' . ,..

remained the business of the plaintiff to extort huge

money from tenants in need. When the need

. ~

remains over they start pressurizing the tenants by

intimidating and physi~al violence m vacate from

the property and thereafter let out the property to

someone new tenants in need to. continue their

illegal business going which is very much clear by

the fact that tb.e Plaintiff and his family has an

alternative residenc.e at J-1044, MongolP1J.r.i, Delhi-

110083 and without any valid cause of eviction

plaintiff is filing the suit. They have beer, continuing

such business for long and the defendant is the I

latest victim to their prey. When the defendant

refused to give in to their demands they frivolously

filed the suit to terrorize and blac~ai~ the

defendant to vacate the property at once. and hence

the suit shall be dismissed.

2. That the defendant h'as been paying rent very

much punctually arid regularly since the lime::of her

0 0

stay in the property. The defendant has: :n:ever

issued rent receipt before April, 2018 and therefore

Ids allegations that the defendant is in arrears of

rent and mesne profits are mere concocted cock and

bull story. The suit stands infructuous as the


plaintiff is accepting rent since April 2018 till now

. .

by India Post money order and is also accepting

·huge monthly expenses towards. electricity, water

• ' • • • • • • • 0 •

bill, and maintenance charges among many more

costs by illegal means and therefore is liable for

perjury ."in the court of · law. The ·defendant has

annexed the. receipt. of duly made payments towards

the: property with the written statement. The suit is

filecl:_ to intentionally vex the plaintiff to forcefully

vacate the suit property and to waste the precious


ti:rn.e of the court of law to gi-J.e shape to their

nef?-tioP.s means and therefore .is · liable to be


distnissed with h·eavy costs.

3. That the plaintiff .has falsely sworn by. the

affidavit and, therefore, is liable for perJury. The

entire suit is false and fabricated and not even an

iota is true.
The whole family
of plaintiff, his mother

Saroj and his .father Mr. Chancier Pal are involve.d in

the ~onspiracy of baiting tenants~ in need to let out

the property. Once they fall in their prey, the

L~O ..

plaintiffs extract huge· sum of money by coerc1ng

them to pay water and electricity bill at faulty ~ub

metres at the highest rate of /metre charge. The

mother of the Plaintiff Mrs, Saroj is a manner less

and rowdy woman. She would come all the way from

her residence at Mangol Puri just to trouble the

defendant. Mrs, Saroj would create huge scene in

the lqcality by calling her relatives at the locality of

. House No. ~4 A, Mr. Om Prakash ·and his family,

House No, 27, Mr. Mukesh and his family and

members of House No. 25 and .has also often used

assault on the . defendant to barge inside the

property by kicking the entrance door and pushing

the defendant. Mrs. Saroj has clearly stated to the

defendant that she would throw away from the

property as her brother- in-law Mr, G.D; Sharma is

an advocate (Present Counsel) at Delhi High Court

and she could do nothing against the,m. Mrs. Saroj,

her husband Mr. Chand~r ~al and th~ plaintiff itself

are the relative of Mr. Counsel and all such . false

complaints and suits are filed on the beh~st ;of Mr.

Counsel. Mrs. Saroj used bad language tb. the

(' 1

defendant and her family and said this, 11


tumhare ko laat maar k~ ·makaan se nikalungi aur

. · ...
.aga,r kuch kiya to SC/ST Act ~·ain. andar jaaoge "(I

would kick you out from the property and if you

dare. to protect yourself, you would be in Jail under

SC(ST Act). Mrs. Saroj has defamed the family of

the: ·defendant in the entire neighbourhood that they

hav~ ehcroached in the property and does not pay ""'·

rent', and also has spread bad name to their

reputation. Mrs. Saroj has also went on to such an


extent to say that defendant has alienated/ sold off

the property, Mrs .. Saroj visits the property very

. whenever
often and ..
she visits she creates huge

scene among public by instigating her relatives to

put. pres·sure on the defendant and her family to "-

vacate the property, The plaiptiff and his father. Mr.

Chander Pal· de1iberately used ·to sen.d Mrs. Saroj

because they need the h~lp,. of a lady to lodge false

cases against the defendant and her family which is

actually very. easy for the plaintiff and hence the

suit is frivolous and liable to be dismissed.

4. Thai the defendant's husband Mr. Manoranjan

Kabasi, aged 65 years, is retired from a reputed

position of Senior Section Engineer from the· Indian

Railways and a last stage renal failu~e . patient

undergoing dialysis thrice a week at Max Hospital,

Saket under . Retired

. . Railway
. . . Employee
. .. . Health
Scheme. To take treatment for her husband the

defendant has no choice but. to take the property as

the location is suitable for her husband to take

dialysis treatment due to good connectivity.

Defendant's husband does not keep good health and

falls ill frequently. The property is so small that it is

very difficult to accommodate a patient and to stay

with the family. The locality is residence of dirty

people who make noise the whole night by playing

loud music and also creates ruckus after getting

drunk. The defendant is very helpless to search for

another accorq.modatiort and that is why' she is

continuing here out of necessity. The plaintiff and

his family ate so· shamelessly money-minded that

they can go to any extent to torment an honest


person for extorting rnoney by taking advantage to

theit necessity. The defendant is staying here out of


necessity but is also overpaying her stay expenses

to the plaintiff very regularly but the plaintiff does

not seem·' to be . .very satisfied and that is why to

. . .
harass the defendant, the plaintiff is intimidating
· the .defendant and her family by the help of their

henchmen relatives who also stays in the same ""'"\

locality to forcefully evict the· defendant out of the

property by lodging frivolous· c~mplaints under

SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 at PS

Civil Lines. 'fhe plaintiff and his~ relatives has

threatened the defendant that they belong from SC

Community ('V almiki Samaj ') and. so throwing the

defendant and her family in jail for the rest of their '"\

lives is an easy job for them as the defendant

belongs to General Category. To fulfil their nefarious

means, 'the plaintiff, his father arid mother along

with their relatives has also lodged frivolous

complaints under SC/ST Act and harassed the

family of.. defendants by sendi~g police officials

regularly at ·their place.

r.~ .

5. That the property is in a dilapidated condition.

The Defendant and her family are forc:ed to stay in

just one bedroom of 25 Sq. yards at 1st floor of the

property in the smallest area where it is diffic;u_lt to

even move. The property has no separate ·staircase

connecting for ehtry from the roads and ~xit tb the


roads. The small roof of the property is always

occupied by the relatives of the Plaintiff of House

No. 24 A, who creates noise on top and also plays

mischief with the water tank overhead by stealing

water and dumping garbage inside it. The water

pumping motor is situated on the ground floor

under debris • and• on t.he top a lid

• •
kept to <;over

the motor. The plaintiffs relatives from House no.

24 A, 25 and 27 intentionally· dump garbage inside

the water motor and has damaged many times to

trouble die household of defendant and defendant

has paid much for repayment and is still paying. All

this is happening on the behest of plaintiff, his

father Mr. Chancier Pal and mother Mrs. Saroj. The

plaintiff has made the life of the defendant and tier

family hell. There 1s no separate staircase

-~ r~s
.1. J

c_::onriecting to the roof top and even if someone

wants to go l:J.P _for cleaning tank, 4e has to pass

through the property of others who is the relative of

Plaintiff at blouse No. 24.· A. Though the Plaintiffs

relatives at House No. 24 A creates noise and

di~turbance ori the roof top of the defendant but the

defendant are not allowed to pas;s through their

property for . carrying out repairing works at

overhead water tank. The defendant has to pay huge

cost for fixing the tank with lid as plaintiff refuses to

do so even if the defendant pays rent reguJarly. The

heavy repairing cost of overhead tank is borne by

the defendant by calling cleaning staff and

arranging for portable staircase. The room is clogged

with lugg~ges and has no space in it. It is ·""""'\

• f 0 • '

intolerable for any gentleman to say in the property

and the locality. The locality houses anti-social,

element~, vagabonds and . drunkards.. At night not a

. ,·.

wb:rrtan of good character can roam qutside in the

I '• ' ' I o I I

lo.cetJ.ity due to dirty bad crowd. During rainy days,

wa(er leaks from the roof and wets the bedroom and

th~:only bed of the plaintiff and his family members


apart from damaging other expensive prC?p~rties of

the defendant.

6. That the defendant has no privacy of bathing

as the iron door is rusted badly and has withere.d

down. It is very .shameful that women members of

the. house are taking support of clothes to cover

. the

door. preventing perverts to peep inside the

bathroom. There is no privacy in the property to

take bath as the .adjoining area has no concrete roof

and therefore the neighbours who are the relatives

of Plaintiff have their peep show. The walls of the

bedroom is crumbling down. The kitchen .is in the

worst of condition as the kitchen shelf is

constructed at a height of 5 ft. above the gr'ound

which makes it highly difficult for the defendant to

cook. The defendant is forced to use the support of

log on the. top of bricks at ·four corners or:, :the

ground to co.ok at an appropriate height· wh1ch is

actually very dangerous position to stand and cook.

The rent for property stands not more than 3,500/-

. . ..
per month. The defendant has been .paying huge

sum of money to maintain the property which is the

i ·1 •.,
.. l .

responsibility of the plai:t;1tiff. The defendant has


invested huge sum towards mending electricity

connection, fixing wafer meter connection, water

pumping ·motor, fans and has also fixed the water

tank in the suit property. The rent of Rs. 5000/- has

never been spent by the plaintiff towards repairmen

of· the property and on the top of that for their

. .
electricity and water. u,sage the· defendant pay the

amount towards huge bill of the property. That is

how the plain tiff runs his business which is

. ·... and inhuman and therefore the petition

. ' .i_s·.. ~iable to· be dismissed with h~ary costs. The

photos of the bathroom, kitchen and the property is

annexed as Ann·exure A.

1: ;.: That contents in para n;o.l 1s false. and

frivOlous. The Plaintiff and his family are not law-

abiding citizen and tire misusing the law of the

lands for their own ·benefits and to trouble the-:


defendant for monetary gain.

2. That the contents in para no. 2 is false

frivolous and has no value in the eyes of law and

hence denied. The land wherein the suit property is

situated belongs to the Central Government. As per

the revenue records of the entire area of 520 Bigha

and 18 Biswa has been mutated in the name of

Central Government and Notified Area Committee

was shown in the occupants column in the

jamabandi according to a letter tinted 26 April,

. . .
2018 by Defence .Estates Officer, Delhi Cantt. The

copy letter ·dated 26 April, 20 18 by Defence ·Estates

Officer is annexed as Annexure- B. The site plan is

blatantly wrong and is not approved by appropriate

. . .

authority. The p"roperty is measuring more than 25

Sq. yards which they. have illegally ex:t~nded near

the open drainage situated at the backside of the

house by the money of the defendant. In this regard,

the plaintiff has asked for an unsecured loan of

Rs.SO,OOO/- from the defendant in the year of 2016

and o_n good terms the defendant has adva~ce~ with

a condition that the loan would be repaid by March,

2017. Moreover, according to Section 17 of

Registration Act, 1908, any non-testamentary

document which creates or transfers rights or

liabilities in· the property of value of Rs .1 00 or

upwards. has. to. be . c·ompulsorily registered. The

documents have not been executed as per the

provisions of the Registration Act, 1908 and are

executed before Notary Public and therefore is false

o o • I o

. .
a·nq,:has no value in the eyes of law and therefore is

not '~dmissible as title documents before any court,

triqunal or appropriate authority. Further, the ~


colony where the suit property . is situated is an

i. . :

unauthorized colony, as already mentioned in the

for~'going paras where illegal constructions are

rampant and it is also believed by tire residents that

the colony ·would be demolished in future by the

order of the appropriate authority and therefore

registration of property is not permitted in the area

. ..
and hynce the -title documents- are not valid.

3. That the para no. 3 is false. and frivolous and

. hence deni~d. The plaintiff has advertised the

property online for rent .at quiclq at Rs.SOOO/-. The

defendant visited the locality and refused at once.

The pla,intiff called over _the defendant and meekly

requested her to take the property on rent as they


are suffering financially. The defendant kept their

request on humanity grounds and soon after 6

months of e:t,1te~i!J.g in the . proper(Y. the plaintiff

started vexing her to vacate the proper.ty by the help

of local goons and relatives. who are neighbours of


4. . That para no. 4 is false and frivolous and 1s

devoid of merits and hence denied. An unregistered

rent agreement was entered on 06.01.2015 between

Mr. Ranjeet S/o Mr. Chander Pal R/o J-1044,

Mangolpuri, Delhi - 110083 and the defendant Smt.

Subhra Kabasi, regarding the property situated at

blouse No.27, 1st Floor, Fanci Silk Mill, Khyber


Paas, Civil Lines, New Delhi - 110054 (hereinafter

. . '
\.,..- 'the suit property1) which is an unauthorized colony

encroached on government
. .
land on . a monthly rent :

. .
of Rs.S,OOO j- per month for the use m residential

purpose. According to the rent agreement, the • 0

tenancy commenced from 06/01/2015 to

05/12/2016 and· the tenancy period may be

extended with the mutual consent of both the

parties, by enhancing the rent which will be

l ·.
. . .!

mutually decided. In all these years Plaintiff never

.. at the residence to collect an.d
. instead sent his
lather l'{lr. Chander Pal and Mrs. Saroj, his mother

to collect rent. Signatures of defendant on blank

papers were taken by his father-Mr. Chancier Pal

and by the' help of computer forged on the rent

agreement. The rent agreement annexed in the

plaint is false and has never .been supplied to the

defendant. · Another copy of the rent agreement is

supplied to the defendant which :does not bear the

registration number of the Notary Public. The. rent

agreement was never executed before a registered

notary public inasmuch as the seal of the notary

neither contain any valid registration number nor

the plaintiff was present before the notary public


when the rent agreement was executed.

Notwithstanding the fact that the document of rent

agreement· was never executed properly, the

agreement of rent and its rental amount was

mutually agreed by both the plaintiff and the

defendant and is still continuing. The signature of

the defendant was secured by forcing her to put


signature on blank papers which are w the· cu,~tody

of Mr. Ranjeet. !he copy of the rent ag~eement 1s

annexed as Annexure C.

5. That para no. 5 speak!s the truth by itself and

exposes the lies of the Plaintiff and hence denied.

The agreemen~ was already · made ·for a peJ;iod

commencing from 06/0.1/2015 to 05/12/2016. If

that is so, then how is the term renewed again for

the same period. And if at all the term is renewed,

where is the 'copy of r~nt ~greem.eni: ·for .the p~riod

commenCing from 06/01/2015 to 06/12/2015. ·The

plaintiff has suppressed the material facts and

therefore the suit has no merits in it.

6. That contents in para no. 6 is· false and

frivolous and a piece of lie and hence is denied. The

plaintiff never received rent from the defendant but

it is his father and mother Mr. ChanCier Pal and

Mrs. Saroj w.ho received rent every month. For

requesting loan to extend the property illegally'· the

plaintiff approached the defendant and taken an

interest free and unsecured

loan of Rs. 50,000/-
. ' in

the month of March 2016. The fact is, the

. .
father of
.ll ~

the Plaintiff Mr, Chancier Pal and his mother Mrs.

Saroj made the life' of the d~fendant hell during the

validity of the -rent agreement in the mid of the year

·. of 20.16, . when she approached :electoral office at

Delhi to apply for voter card for her and her family

to participate ··in the com1ng elections. On

23.08.2016, a verification officer from the electoral

officer paid visit to collect necessary documents at

her residence for change of address in the voter

card. Mrs. Saroj was present at that time and when

she came to know about the ·verification by

neighbours, she barged into the plaintiffs residence

and created huge scene before the officer and also

gave ultimatum to her to leave the premises at once.

Mrs. Sarcj has also spoken filthy about her family in -\.

fr~nt of the entire neighbourhood and instigated the

neighbours to put pressure on the plaintiff and her

family to yacate the possession. In this regard, a

co:rnplai:qt was also l.o~ged. on 28/08/2013, on the

next day of her intimidation with the local Police

Station at Civil Lines. The Copy of the complaint

. . .
letter· dated 24 I 08 I 20 16 is annexe~ as Annexure D.
7. That the contents of para no. i is totally false

and exposes the lies of the plaintiff and hence

denied. When the . plaintiff is asserting that the

defendant makes serious default in paying rent

suffering them financially why would the plaintiff

wait for the second term to get over far terminating

the .tenancy. That means Plaintiff is lying white to

- put sham on his misdeeds and hen<?e 1s

inadmissible in the court of law. The rest o•·. the, para

is concocted as usual.

8. That the contents of the ·para no. 8 is·.:false,

frivolous and incorrect and hence is denied: It is

already mentioned in the foregoing para that the

hooligan reiatives .of the plaintiff are threatenl.·:hg the

defendant and his family to vacate the property. On

09/09/2016, a second complaint was lodged

against Mr. Chancier ?al !1~d Mrs. Sarqj wit~ the

1 O I I I I

local police station at Civil Lines, Ne~ Delhi when

both of the instigatec1 one .pervert by name called

Mr. Mukesh who is the executant of the proper~y as

per the title documents, is a habitual drunkard to

intimidate her daughter and son in the midnight

•t :\. ~;
\ •t
' '•

when she was away with her hu~band at Max

Hospital, Saket for his dialysis cycle. The

defendant's husband Mr. Manora~an Kabasi 1s a

retired Senior Section Engineer from Indian

Railways and is a last stage renal failure patient. He

undergoes dialysis thrice a week adding 'woes to his

old age condition and does not keep good health at

all times. That night Mr. Mukesh R/o Hn- 27, 1st

Floor, Khyber Paas, New Delhi - 54, got drunk and

started abusing her daughter and son to come out

of the premises with the encouragement of the

closed neighbours and relatives of the landlord

staying just adjacent to the property. At that night,

Mr. M~~esh was also examined .f9r medico-legal

ca~e: at the instance of the o~ficer-i~charge of PS ........,

. . ..
·Civil Lines at Aruna Asaf Ali Hospital, New Delhi -

11 qos4 and was test~d positive for taking alcohol.

Tht:: · MLC record of the person is lodged with the

Po+ice Station at Civil Lines. ;The copy of the

compl~int letter dated 09/09/2016 and the medical

certificate of Mr. Manoranj an Kabasi is annexed as

Anp.exure E (Colly).
9. That the contents in para no,. 9 .is false and

frivolous and has no validity in the eyes of law and

hence is denied. An illegal settlement was reached

. ~

on· the behest of the fattier of the plaintiff, Mr.

Chander Pal to a police .officer to Delhi Police of an


ASI rank, Mr. Sanjay, who forced the defendant to

sign on the illegal settlement that by 31.01.2017,

she has to vacate the property or else the police

officials would nbt extended emergency help to the

. .
defendant and her . family if plaintiff throws ·them

away after the due date. The illegal settlement was

done at Police Station Beat Majnu ka Tila by bribing

the police officer and the copy of tile settlement is

annexed with the plaint at· last page. Again~t the

behavior of Mr. Sanjay, the Delhi Police Officer, on

19.09.2016 at Police Complaints Authority', Govt. of

NCT of Delhi, and v1a File · No.F.24


(636/ 16)/6911/Complt. AC-1, dated 06/12/2016

by Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police-1,

North District Delhi, departmental action has: been

taken against the ··police Officer and the state:q1e~t is

recorded of the victim. The action taken· ·report has

L: 7

the name of Mr. Chander Pal, the father of the

plain tiff and in the report it is clearly slated that

upon inquiry it was found that Mr. Sanjay has

'int~midat~d Ql). the h<?li.est ~f Mr .. ·Chancier Pal and

thus the settlement agreement is illegal and invalid

and therefore the settlement agreement has no

valicl:it:Y ·.in the eyes of law and therefore 1s

: :...
inadmissible in the· court of law. The copy of the

acti¢n taken report is annexed as Annexure F.

10) That the contents' in para no. 10 is false and

frivolous and is denied. The plaintiff intentionally

started to collect . rent in del'ay to make an

impression that the defendant does not pay. Till

now the relatives of the plaintiff does not come to

coiled rent and it· is the defendant who 1s -'. .

scrupulously paying the monthly rent of Rs. 5,000/-

every month via money order through post office

and also .taking care of the .electricity and water bill

every· month. The plaintiff and his family are

con;3tantly instigating their hooligan relatives to

torment the defendant and her family. Plaintiffs

relatives who· are staying at House no, 24A, House

. .
t l '6

no. 25 and House no. 27 are also the neighbours of

the defendant' slaying n~xt to .her r'esi'denc~ and that

is why it is very easy for thorn to vex the defendant

by throwing garbage inside water pumping machine

and on the overhead tank by breaking open the lid

to intentionally picking up fights with defendant. To

avoid these, the defendant has spent huge amount

in sealing the overhead water tank out of her own

expenses as the plain tiff refused to do so ·saying he.

would not sp~nd a single penny, if the defendant

desires she can do so out of her own expenses. !he

·.water pumping machine which is situated on the

ground floor become a favourite spot of the relatives

. '
of plaintiff to throw garbage inside it as it is covered

by a huge stone. The photo of the g:arbage dumped

in water pumping motor is annexed as Annexure G:.

11. That the c9ntents in para no.11 is malicious

and false and hence is denied. Mr. G.D. Sharma is

the relative of the plaintiff and his family and ho is·

disrespecting his profession and conduct as an

advocate by giving malicious suggestions arid

advices to the plaintiff and his family to vex the


defe±jdant and tier family· for the sake of money. The

counsel is fabricating the facts all by itself without

verifying the truth in it. Ail the frivolous cases have

been lodged against. the defendant are the outcome

of his ill-advice. The fact is, no such termination of

tenancy notice dated 13 I 10 I 20 16 is issued by the

counsel Mr. G.D. Sharma. If at all a notice is issued,


why the copy of the termination of tenancy notice is

not annexed in the plaint. The termination notice is

not served and therefore-· the tenancy is still


12. ·That the contents of the para no. 12 is false,

fabricated, incorrect and is misguiding the court of

law with false and fabricated 'facts. to :prejudice the

suit in their favour. As it is already,mentioned in the ...--.,

foregoing paras that the plaintiff never came to

collect rent and instead sent his father Mr. Chander

Pal and mother Mrs, Saroj to collect rent. As we all

know, no,te ban declared by Prime Minister

Narendra Modi from the midnight of 8 November,

2016. Resultantly, there was severe cash crunch in

the nation which continued for the next six months


before reaching to normalcy. Before this period, the

prevwus month, the old currencies were' 1n

circulation and the rent along with electricitY. and

water bill was paid to the family of Plain tiff. ·Mrs.

Saroj demanded the rent along with >other

maintenance charges during the period of not~ ban

and the defendant issued cheque no. 366.070 dated

26-12-2016 of Rs. 12,6801- including rent,

electricity and water bill in the name of Mrs. ~aroj

1 ° 0 o I 0

and not Mr. Ranjeet, the plaintiff as th~ para is the

plaint falsely states. In the next month, on 25.:.01-

2017, another cheque was issued of cheque. no.

366072 dated 25-01-2017 of Rs, 5770/- again in

the name of Mrs. Saroj towards the rent and

electricity bill as the water bill comes after every 2

or 3 months or may be monthly. There is no balance

amount which is left as alleged of Rs. 1650 I- which

the defendant could not understand how the

accounts are shown. Instead, it is the plaintiff who

has to refund the defendant of the illegal

maintenance charges and the loan of Rs'. 50,000 I-

which was·usurped by him all these years. The copy

of the account statement of honoring of cheques is

. annexed as Annexure M.

13. · the ·contents of para no. 13 is false and

·.fabricated and is denied. As alrei:tdy mentioned in

the foregoing ·paras, the plai~tiff and his relatives

stopped collecting r.ent to ~ake an


inJ.pression that the defendant d~es not pay rent. It

is the father and mother of the plaintiff Mr. Chancier

Pal and Mrs. Saroj who repeatedly threatened the

defendant to vacate the property even if they are

duly accepting rent and other maintenance charges

and against forceful dispossession every citizen of

India has a right to seek protection from the court of

law. The suit is a sham to protect their interest. The

property . has been used for a long time to . . . . . ,_

accommodate tenants in need and to mint money. A

fresh complaint is lodged against their intimidation

with local. police station at Civil Lines and also

' proper repre.s.en~?-tion is made wjth Gommissioner of

' , 0 • •

Police, Delhi Police and Deputy Commissioner of

Police, Delhi Police by complaint letter dated

15.03;20 18, The copy ·.of the c·omplaint letter

. ..·.
15.03.2018 and service of proof 1s annexed as

Annexure 1 (Colly).

15. That the c'ontents of para 14 is false and

. .
frivolous and denied .. .The plaintiff and .his family

members are very clever and for dispossessing the

defendant from the property they can go to any

extent towards defaming the defendant and Ids

family. Mrs. Saioj has threatened many a times that

Mr. G.D .. Sharma, the present counsel in the


her brother-in-law and he is very expert in thr~wing

out tenants
illegally from the possession and that

why the counsel is more interested in the present

suit. On many occasions false cases have~: been

lodged under SC/ST Act upon the advice of Mr> G.:b. . .

-'"""" Sharma because as an advocate he knoV;rs that

upon even lodging a false complaint a person who

does not belong from SC / ST community mm get

arrested. Like Mr.. Sanjay, .. against whom

departmental action have boon taken. by the Higher

Authority of Delhi Police, Plaintiff and his father and

mother Mr. Chander Pal and Saroj has tried to bribe

police officials to throw the defendant and tier

fa:rp.ily out of the property by lodging false FIR under

SC/ST Act which the concerned police has also

mentioned ·to the defendant, Mr. G .D. Sharma is

acting more as protector for the plaintiffs than

counsel and that is why he is involved m every such

illegal activities with the plaintiffs under the garb of

being an advocate which is very disrespectful to the

lawyer community. The tenancy is still continuing

and the rent is accepted by· money eider since April

2018 till by the plaintiff as the delivery records are

. . .
available with the Post Office Mango! Puri, N· Block,

whose staffs are repeatedly m touch with the

defenc:Iant. There is no issuance of .rent receipt for

. . .

rer1:t: amount along with elect~icity a_nd water bill

·pa~ci before April, 2018 and that is why it cannot be _....,

that the defendant
' is in arrears of rent

because even if .the" defendant is in arrears of rent

si:qce 06/07/2017 why the suit for possession was

not filed at that time when the cause of action

arose. It 1s very shocking that how the plaintiff

could lie on affidavit in the court of law that the

defendant 'is 1n arrears of rent when records and

:·" ..

proofs are available with the government


15. That the contents in para no. 15 is false and

frivolous and hence denied. The para is just

. ~

repetition of the foregoing paras of the plaint. The

plaintiff could not

the fact that voteor cards

and adhaar cards are issued to the defendant and

his family members. and that is why started

troubling the defendant by various nefarious means

with the help of his hooligan and drunkard relatives

situated in the locality of House No. 24 A; Mr. Om

Prakash and his family House No. 27, Mr. Mukesh

and his family and members of House No, 25, to

vacate from the property. The property when it was

handed over to the defendant on rent was already

damaged. The defendant by the' help of her


husband's meagre monthly pension made 'many

repairmen! works from electricity connection to

water connection. The water connection meter was


fixed at the rate of Rs.lO,OOO/- by taking the

amount from the defendant which was ;' :ne:ver

refunded back·. D~fendarit ha~ invested a huge .~urn

./ "

of money towards the property and the plaintiff and

hi~ family is so audacious that even after extracting

. .
.so much of money illegally by t~e defendant their

lust for money is not over and that is why coming

up with fabricated accounts which has no proof and

is alSQ· believed to be false by them and shamelessly

. ·· ..
lying. on oath .in the. court of law: without any fear of

perjury. Their level of mentality proves their

audacity and g~eed for, money and that is why the

:· ..
plaintiff came up with the suit; The defendant is not
in. :: arrears of rent and the: allegations are

int~nti9nally levelled by the plaintiff because no rent


receipt is issued by his family members Mr.

Chancier Pal and Mrs .. S~roj between 0610212017 to

06 I 04 I 20 1 ~ and therefore by this way they believe

that they can impute allegation that defendant does

not pay rent. When it cannot be shown by material

. . .
doc~rrients .that rent receipt were issued by 'him

. the
period shown as arrears then this cannot

·be established that defendant is in arrears of rent,

Moreover, in~ ~f these period. d~ting her stay since

0610112015 till now as a tenant the defendant has


paid Rs. 1,60,000j:- towards-the rent at the riite of

Rs. 5,000 /per month exc-luding water and ·electricity

bill which was charged at the rate of Rs.l2,000/-

month and sometimes Rs.lS,OOOjmonth, which if

calculated altogether comes around R~.5,85,000 I!.

excluding loan of · Rs.SO,OOO /- and other

maintenance expenses which is 10 limes more than

the valuation of property which is as per the false

title- deed is valued at Rs, 1,00,000/-. More than

the valuation of property, the defendant has

invested the amount in the property and therefore

the defendant is more· than the tenant is an owner .

of the property. In the light of the above

submissions it could be stated that the petition is

· also and frivolous and exposes the greed of money of

the plaintiff and his fam~ly.

16. That the contents in para no. 16 1s admitted

that the defendant h:;::ts filed a s·uit for mandatory

and permanent injunction in the· court of Ms.

Dhanashree De~a, (Central), Civil Judge, Tis Kazan,

of Civil Suit No. SCJ 3479/2018 ~nd 211_7 /2018 for

interim relief against Mr. Ranjeet, Mrs. Saroj and

Mr. ;chander Pal which' 1s pending on interim

appl~cation arguments and whose next date of

hearing is also on, 21/08/2018 coinciding with the

present suit the fact· of which was intentionally


suppressed by Mr. G .D. Sharma, the counsel to

prejudice the matter in its favour. In that suit the

plaintiff and his family were .ready to compromise on

ari undertaking that they would not dispossess the

·. defe:J;ldant and her family and here the scene is

altogether different when the notice was served

maliciously to vex the defendant and his family.

Therefore the suit is filed frivolous~y and hence has

no merits and therefore liable to be dismissed.

17. That the contents in para no.\ 17 is utterly

false, frivolous, concocted and totally denied, As

already mentioned in the foregoing para, the

tenancy-. was never terminated and the plaintiff and

his family members are still collecting the rent

directly and indirectly among other illegal expenses.

Moreover, in all these period . the defendant since

06/01/2015 till now has paid Rs. 1,60,000/-

towards rent at the rate of Rs. 5,000/per month

excluding water and electricity bill which was

charged at the rate of Rs. 12,000'/month and

sometimes Rs. 15,000 /month, which if calculated

altogether comes around Rs. 5,85,000 j- excluding

loan of Rs. 50,000 j- and. other maintenance

expenses which i.s 10 times more than the valu~tion

or property which as per the false title-deed is

valued at Rs. 1,00,000/-. More than the valuation of

property, the defendant has invested the amouht in

. .
the property and therefore the defendant i·s: niore

than the tenant is an owner of the property. In a

retaliation to throw the defendant out of the

property, the plait:J.tiff and his farn.ily. stopped taking

rent from April, 2018 onwards. In the montJ::l of

April, the father of the ·plaintiff Mr. Chancier Pal only

collected the electricity bill of Rs. 630 I- of due date

10 April, 2010 by cash and did not issu~ receipt as

usual. Money order was sent of Rs. 3,000 excluding

an exchange of Rs. 250/- of EMO PNR NO:

029303180424021621 dated 24/04/2.0~8 to Mr.

Ranjeet. Thereafter, rent amount of Rs.' 5,000/- was

sent per month on money order to the plaintiff on

d.ifferent dates on 22/05/2018 of EMO PNR NO:

029303180522.021702, on .25/0E?/2.018 of EMO

PNR NO: 020195299116758090, on 30/07/2018 of

EMO P.NR NO: 029290329290905. All these

amounts are duly paid by the concerned post office

at .Mangolpuri 'N Block and the delivery status were

informed to the defendant on pho;ne. A complete

delivery record -is available with the post office and it

is very shocking that the plaintiff is lying boldly on

affidavit without any fear of criminal action. In that

case the cause of fiction stands defeated and

infructuous as the plaintiffs are duly accepting rent

from April, 2018 till the month of July. The rent is

co1lected at 28th day of every month and not on 05lh

, of every month as frivolously stated. Thus, the -....,

• • 0

prayer of the plaintiff that the .Plaintiff is in arrears

of rent from 06/02/2017 to 05/05/2018 stands

defeat~d. and infructuou_s and the. suit shall be

dismissed with heavy cost. Mor~over, the defendant

I • ' I I I I

has: been paying water and electricity bill since, 2018. On 22/05/2018, wafer bill of an


am)ount of Rs. 1477.60 of the bill generated on

24/04/2018 of New KNO No, 3514282840 1s paid

through online mode on the behest of the defendant


by her counsel Ms, Sanjucta Kabasi, which was

. '
intentionally negkcted by the plaintiff so that the

supply of water is c.ut on default o~ payment. The

latest bill was paid towards water consumption on

27/05/2018 for an amount of Rs. 2204.01. On

-...- I
27/05/2018 on-electricity bill of CA NO:
. .
60015542404 of Rs. 6040, on 28/06/2018 of Rs.

0520 and latest on 29/07/2018 of Rs. 5860 was

paid towards electricity consumption again by


online mode. The total amount

. . which 1s paid for the
last 4 months comes down to a whopping amount of

Rs. 45,101,60/-. This is very shocking that how the

bill amount of an unauthorized colony is coming so

expensive. This amount includes the illegal us~ge of

water and electricity connection by the neighbours.

Plaintiffs relatives who they term them as

'respectable members of the society' are regula!-ly

involved in diverting pipeline for usage at fre·e of

cost. This is the way the defendants are financially

tortured and tormented because they are person of

~) l,
. . '

righteous and high moral values and also a member

of General Category. This shows the plaintiff has no

mQral values, self-respect of their own and are

person of lower integrity. The father of the plaintiff,

Mr. Chander Pal always collected rent in the end of

the month to· usurp .the lump slim ·amount of rent

and the electricity and water charges. It is falsely

stated that the amount is collected on the 5th or 6th

day::.of .the month in advance. The suit is in an

. :>.
.. . . .. .
'l:l~a:uthorized colony under the control of Central

Goyernment where the registration of the property is

not permitted. 'Tile. piaintiff and his mother Mrs.

Satoj are the unauthorized title holders/ owners of

the: property. According to the false title deeds the

property is purchased at the nominal value of Rs.

1, 00.000/- only and the area of the property is just

25' Sq. yards. The ~ax'imum rent which could be


flxed in the 'already damaged property is Rs. 3,500/-

and not more than that. The plaintiff is an

illegitim~te OW11er of the· :property as the . title

documents are not executed as per the Registration

Act,· 1908 i.e. to be compulsorily registered. The


locality comes under 'Jam.abandi' under the

possession ofCentral Governmen"t' arid sit~ated .next

to the Jhuggi at 'Valmiki Basti' at Khyber Paas

. .
which falls under 'H' category of Delhi colonies. The

plaintiff and his family members deliberately did not

collect rent for the last 4 months and therefore the

prayer of the suit that the defendant is in arrears of

rent is liable to be dismissed. The copy statement of

the account by which the bills are paid online and

the receipt of the money order is annexed as

Annexure J (Colly).

·. 18. That the contents of the para no, 18 is false

and frivolous and hence is denied. Tenancy

. . is still

continuing as the. plaintiff is accepting rent and the

~ dues are all cle~red towards electr~city and water

. .

usage as already mentioned in the foregoing paras.

Therefore, the s~it has no validity and hence it shalt

be dismissed with heavy costs .

19. That the contents in para no, 19 1s false,·

frivolous, concocted and denied totally. This is the

way the family of the plaintiff and lie himself are

defaming the defendant ·and her family upon the

..\3:, .
~ .. .; .
maliqious instructions and advise of Mr. G.D.

Sharma, the counsel who is the relative of the

plaintiff and is interested in the property, to put


pressure upon the defendant to vacate the property.

Nobody· would be interested in purchasing the

property which is situated in a Jhuggi and is an

unauthorised colony which are in the priority list of


the central government to get demolished. A civil

suit of defamation would be filed against the

plaintiff, his mother, Mrs ... Saroj and father Mr.

. .
Chander Pal for spreading rumour in the entire

·.locality to· injure the. reputation of the defendant and

his family thereby assassinating their character.

The defendant ·J.s a reputed

. and -well
. educated

woman having Masters Degree in, Political Science

from Calcutta University. Her husband Mr.

Manoranj an ~abasi is a reputed retired railwaj

employee from the post of Senior Section Engineer

at Indian Railways unlike the greedy and illiterate

family of Plaintiff and himself. Looking at the

reputation of defendant's husband, the plaintiff at

once had given the property on rent by giving

invitation to Defendant over phone. Plaintiff and his
family have no limit and control to their greed: and

that is why all th,ese

years without creating
any: fuss.

the plaintiff has extorted huge sum of money 'from

the defendant to the tune of Rs. 10,00,000/- which

is ten times to the value of property. Now\they

jumped intq th.e bandwagon to· throw the defefl:d:ant

out when they realized·. that they have .. created a

mistake by ext:r~acting this much of money and

therefore to save their skin from legal action they

are bringing the:s·uit to evi~t.the 'clefenda~t on false

grounds and to bait another rich cock to their prey.

This is the family business of Plaintiff and his family

going for generations and they are taking the

advantage because they belong from SC Community

and which they have taken as granted and therefore

the relief of permanent injunction could not be


20. That the. contents in para no. 20 is false and

frivolous and hence denied. The plaintiff was n~ver

·. entitled to any remedy as no cause of action has


ever ansen. He has filed the present suit to misuse

the law ofthe land to blackmail the defendant.

21. That the contents in para nO'. 21 is false and

frivolous and hence denied. There was no cause of

action in favour of the plaintiff as already mentioned

in the . foregoing paras. The defendant is not in

. '
arrears of rent from 06/02/2017 to 05/06/2018 as

already established m the foregoing paras by the


support of statement of account and money order

receipts, The tenancy was never p~rmitted as the

rent and other expenses are still collected from the

defendant. No termination of tenancy notice dated

13/ 10/20 16 was ever issued and the same is not

attached with the plaint. Entertaining the present

suit is waste of time for the court. The suit is filed to "'""',

seek vengeance from the defendant and to harass

them financially and mentally and hence the suit is

, liable to be' dismissed with heavy cost.

22. That the contents of the para No.22 is mater of

record and hence need no reply.

23. ~fJ:1:at the contents in para no ..23 in false and

fr,ivolous and hence 1s denied .... Th~ suit is wrongly

valued and there is no relief which is accrued to the

plaintiff due to .ho cause of action and hence the

suit is liable to be dismissed with heavy .cost.

Therefore, in the light of the true and honest

submission with valuable material on record, it is

humbly prayed that the Hon'ble Court m,ay be


(a) To dismiss . the suit on the grounds·. of· 'being

frivolous arid vexatious to the defendant and to

cause irreparable loss to . the reputation and

financial standing of the defendant and also to

waste the time o~ the court for being come up

. ..
with no . cause of action to misuse· : the

proceedings of court in his own benefit.

(b) The Hon 'ble court may be pleased to dismiss

the suit on twice the amount of cost as asked

in the friv,olous relief to keep away such kind's

of dishonest litigants· to m1suse the

proceedings of court and the law which w_ould

be deterrent for fraudulent persons like

plaintiff to vex innocent parties in the hands of

law and would also~ be pleased to initiate

criminal action to swear facts which in their

knowledge were untrue in the ,affidavit and to

the Ho'n 'ble Court.

Any such order as the Hon'ble Court may be

pleased to pass in the interest of Justice,

equity and good conscience and for this

humbleness, the defendant shall ever pray.

Date: 20.08.2018
Place: New. Delhi



Ms.· Sanjucta Kabasi
Enrollment No.D/540/2015
Seat No.78, Ba;r R0om-l, Civil Side,
Tis Hazari D.istrict Courts, New Delhi-110054




CIVIL SUIT NO.l508 OF 2018




1. That the above noted case 1s pending.

adjudication before this Hon'ble Court and is

now fixed for 14/11/2018.

2. That the plaintiff has. filed the present suit

against the defendant for Recovery of

possession, arrears of damages and perm'anent


3. That after being served with the summons of

the present suit, the defendant herein has· filed

a detailed written statement thereby denying

all the allegations

. .. levelled. against her and
. .has

prayed for dismissal of the present s~i~,..

- .•

4. That from perusal·of the written statement it is

apparent dear that defendant has neither

disputed the execution of the 'rent agreement

dated 06 I 0 1 I 20 15 for the period commencing

from 06101/2015 to 05112/2015 as well as

~he .rent agreement dated 12/ 12/2~ 15 for the

:··period commen~ing from Ot;)./1~/2015, thereby

::ffieaning that the defendant has admitted the

. relationship. of the landlord and tenant.

5. • The plaintiff has made specific contention 1n

.· '.·the para no. 11 of the plaint that the notice

. dated 07/ 10/20 16 was duly replied by the

' plaintiff vide his reply dated 13/10/2015 in

'that reply the .PL:~.intiff has made specific


contention regarding the termination of the ~,

tenancy of defendant w.e.f. 05/02/2017, It is

also important to mention here that through

. .
reply dated 13110/2015, defendant was called

.upon. to hand over the vacant and peaceful

physical· possession of the suit property and

also m,a¢le .it dear through that reply that if

defendant failed to hand over the possession of

. .
the suit' pto'perty on or be.fore 05/02/2017

then her possession will be of a unauthorised

occupant and in that eventuality defendant

would be liable to pay damages@ 10,000/- per

month 00/02/2017 onwards till the date of

handing over possession of the suit property.

6. That in the written statement the defendant

has also admitted the rate of rent 'to be Rs ..

5000 I- p~r rnontJ::.

7. That in his written statement, the defen~ant

has admitted the receipt of the said reply but

made a vague contention

that no
. .specific
notice was s·ent by plaintiff for termination of

tenancy. but· has a~mitted tha~ through reply

'- dated 13/10/2015 tenancy of the defenda:t;1.t

was termi!fated. Thus, it is clear that the

possession of the defendant in respe~t · of .the

suit property from 05/02/2017 onwards is of

an unauthorised occupant not of a tenant.

8. That in view of the specific admission made by

the defendant regarding relationship of

landlord & Tenant, rate of rent and also about

. ..::- . . '' .

:;the receipt of reply dated 13./10 /2CH6, the suit

:of the plaintiff is liable to be decreed partly to

.; the extent of relief' of possession and recovery

; of arrears of rent, hence, the same may be


9. :; That In view of the admission made by the

defendant now nothing is left to be proved for

getting the relief of possession, hence, the suit


of the plaintiff is liable to be decreed partly.

10. That the applicant/plaintiff has good prime

facie. case and balance ..of convenience also lies

in favour of the. plaintiff.

11 .. That the present application 1s being moved


In the 'premises aforesaid and in v1ew of the "-

facts and circumstances of the · case explained

herein above, it is, therefore, most respectfully

prayed that this Han 'ble Court rr\ay kindly be

pleased tow

(a) Partl:y: decree the suit of the plaintiff to the

extent of relief of possession; and

(b) Pass any o~her or further order or r~lief Vvhich
. .

this Hon'ble Court deems fit, proper: and

expedite in favour of the plaintiff and against

the defendant, in the interest of justice. ··

·.. .; 0

''•, I

DATED:-06/09 /2018



CIVIL SUIT NO.l508 OF 2018



I,.Ranjeet S/o Sh. Chancier Pal ag~d about 32-

years, .R/o J" 1044, Mango! Puri, Delhi-110083, do

hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:

\ .
1. The deponent is plaintiff m abovesaid case and

1s well conversant with the facts and

circumstances of case and is competent to

swear this affidavit before this Court.

2. The contents of accompanying application U j o

XII Rule 6 R/w section 151 CPC on behalf of

the plaintiff have been drafted by my counsel

under my instructions and contents of the

same has been read over and explained to me

in vernacular manner which have been

• ' • • • 0

understood by :m·e a:rld same are true "correct

to my knowledge.
3.. The contents of same may .k~ridly (;>e. read as

part& parcel of this affidavit as same are not

repeated herein for sake of brevity.



Verified at Delhi on 06.09.2018 that the

contents of my above affidavit are true and correct

to my knowledge and no part of it is false, and

nothing material has been concealed there frorri·.

::sci;- . ·

CIVXL SUIT NO.l508 OF 2018


1. · That the main suit has no cause of action of

whatsoever in· nature. and .is filed with malicious

int.ention and
. is devoid of any merits' and is liable to
be· dismissed: The suit ±s filed to gain undue

advantage out of the Defendant and has no cause of

action as already mentioned in detail in the Written

Stp.ti~ent. When the Plaintiff has realized that his

' ' '

lit!S · exposed and caught red handed in the court

of law he desperately filed the Application U 10 12

. '

Rule 6 to save his skin from legal persecution. Thus,

wh~n the suit itself does not disdose any cause of

; .

action and is liable to be dismissed then the

Application U/0 12 Rule 6 is not maintainable.

2. That the present Application 1s filed

maliciously to misuse the power of the court and to

intentionally terrorize the Defendant to give in to

their illegal de!r,lands. That in the Written "Statement

the Defenclant' has already proved that the Relief

sought in the ·present · suit is infructuous and

therefore cannot be granted. The Defendant ties also

proved in her written statement that the contents of

the suit is a bundle of lies fabricated and forged to

torment the Defendant in the hands of court

proceedings and also to humiliate and harass the

Defendant in the society with the intention to extort

lump sum amount. The case of the Plaintiff has

miserably failed and his lies are exposed before the


Hon 'ble Court. Therefore, the suit is liable ·to be

dismissed with heavy compensatory · cost~ for

causing severe mental .agony to the Defendant,·

1. That in reply to para no, 1 it is stated that the

averments .made ·therein

. is a .matter of record .and

hence needs no reply.


2. That in reply to para no. 2 it is stated that the

averments made therein is false, frivolous and

vexatious and is vehemently denied. The Defendant

wa$ never in arrears of rent and the tenancy is still

continuing. ·'fhe Plaintiff is surreptitiously accepting


. .
rent every month by money order and without any

fear of perjury lying on affidavit in court that the

Defendall;~ is not paying r~nt, Apart from

the .collection of rent, the Plaint.iff is El;lso charging
I • • • 0 o 0 I

hefty· electricity and water bill every month. It is

to mention that the
Defendant has

rerr:1.~1n1ng no dues to electricity and water

con$Umption till date along with J:tO dues in respect

of payment of rent.· The copies of the payment of

latest electricity bill, water bill and rent receipts is ..

annexed as Annexure-1.

3. That in reply to para no. 3 if is submitted that

the Defendants are not in dues of payment of rent,

electricity, water and other essential supplies. The

Plaintiff has concocted and fabricated the facts to

harass and humiliate the Defendp.nt, in para 17 of

the written statement the Defendant have in detail

·' .
1/Y-<(; ..

mentioned the calculation of amount incurred by

tier towards the rental charges and annexed copies

of rent receipts and bank statement of all the

payments done by her with regard to the dues

alleged in the relief sought. Till now the Plaintiff has

extorted Rs. 6,00,000/- towards rental dues and

other essential supplies dues which ·6 times the

value of the property of Rs, 1,00,000 j -.

4. That the averments made in pa:ra no. 4 is false,

frivolous, vexatious and is vehemently denied. To

support the statement, the defendant is quoting the

exact excerpts of relief sought in the suit, which is

as follows: - ·

(a) Pass a decree of permanent injunc~ion In

favour of plaintiff and against the defendant

thereby restrain,ing defendant, · her heirs,

successors, nominees, assignee, agents,

attorney or any other person acting on her

behalf from selling, alienating, gifting,

mortgaging, parting with possession of .(full or

part) or from creating 3rd party inter:est of

... J· .. J

whatsoever nature in respect of the suit

·:property i.e. H.N.27, 1st Floor Khyber .....

·)b) Pass a monetary decree of Rs. 150,000/-

in favour of the plaintiff against the defendant

along with pendenteiite end future damages

@10,000/month from 06/05(2018 onwards till

. .
i ··. th~ date of handing ove:r the possession of the

:' suit property ...

.. (c) Pass a decree of possession in favour of

plaintiff and against the defendant thereby

restraining defendant, her heirs, successors,

nominees, assignee, agents, attomey or any of

h~r .person. acting on her .behalf along wit~ no

dues certificate in respect of the suit property

· from the concerned office of electricity and .-_,

water department to_ th.e plaintifr, the Plaintiff is seeking possession of the

. . property on the.. grounds of non-payment
of rent and non-payment of essential supplies

dues. In para graph 17 of the written

statement the Defendant in-detail have

annexed the bank statement from which the

. !

dues are paid. The bqnk statement shows the

plaintiff and his family stopped taking:: rent

from ApriJ, ~,018 onwards, in the month:· of · ·

. · ...
April., the father of the plaintiff Mr. ~bander

Pal only collected the payment of electricity bill

ofRs. 6301- of due date 10 April, 2018 by cash

and did· not issue rec·eipt ··as· ·usual. Money

order was sent of Rs. 5,000 ·excluding. an

exchange of Rs. 250 I- of EMO PNR NO:

029303180424021621 dated 24/04/2018 to

Mr. Ranjeet. Thereafter, rent amount of

Rs.5,000 I- was sent per month on money

order to the plaintiff on different dates on

2210512018 of EMO PNR NO:

020303180522021702, on 2510612018 of

.EMO PNR NO: 029195299116758090, on

30/07A2018 of EMO PNR NO:

029299329290905. All these amounts are duly

. .
paid by' the .. concerned post office at

Mangolpuri . N. Block and the. delivery status

were informed to the defendant on phone.

Therefore, the averments made in relief 'no. (b)

; .

:. l~l

· that the defendants are 1n dues s1nce

; 06 I OS I 2018 has been proved false as the rent

receipt annexed in the written statement shows

the Plaintiff has been receiving rent since


With respect to relief no. b, it is submitted that .

.no dues related to electricity at id water

expenses are lying on the head of defendant as

all payments are done · successfully and a

payment summary to .this ~ffect has been

. .
annexed 1n para no. 17 of the written

statement. It has again exposed the dangerous

lie of the Plaintiff and has exposed the

intention of the Plaintiff to vex .the Defendant.

Since, the Relief hay failed and is supported -.,

without any valid evidence there is nothing left

in the suit to be maintainable. The plaintiff has

miserably failed to show any cause of action in

the suit and therefore the suit shall be liable to

be dismissed at qnce.

With .respect
. to the contents .of the .rest of the

para it. is. pertinent to . mention that the

defendant has not at all admitted the validity
of the rent agreement in her written statement.

It is the false assumption and presumption of

the Plaintiff that the Defendant is not disputing

the execution of ·the rent agreement.' The

defendant has strongly challenged t.he vEi.lidity


of the rent agreement and has also mentioned

1n the written statement that the rent

agreement. was never executed properly ·by

registering .the same under Indian Registration

Act. In para no. 2 of the Written Statement, the

Defendant has also challenged the ownership

of the p:rope:rty in her writt~p. ~tatement which

actually belongs to Central Government by

annexing the reply as to the real ownership of

the land by Defence Estates Office which is

annexed as Annexure B 1n the written


5. That in reply to para no. 5 it is stated that the

avennents made therein is false, frivolous and

vexatious and is vehemently denied. 'That in para

no. 11 of the written statement not a single sentence

substantiates the fal:~e presumptions of the

Defendant. In para no. de!end~t has clearly

stated :that she has not received any termination

notice ~ssued by the Plaintiff. Till date the Plaintiff is

receiving monthly amount without raising any

protest, The Plaintiff has remained silent about the

receipt of payment rent and electrici~y supply dues.

In the entire Application he has chosen to remain

silence on this issue and has not disputed the fact

that he is receiving rent. The conduct of the Plaintiff

is admission of the fact that he is accepting rent and

other charges and .therefore has admitted to the

existing tenancy.

6. That in reply to para no, 6 it is stated that the

averments made therein is not true. Now there is a

change in the arnouri.t. of rent with the consent of

Plaintiff. The Plaintiff is now receiving monthly rent

of Rs .. 2.,.000 without anr protest since February,

20 1~9·. · If this is the case, then the court of civil

Judge has no jurisdiction and now the matters

comes under the jurisdiction of Rent Controller. The

cop1es of the payment of latest rent receipt 1s

annexed as Anriexure'-1.

7. That in reply~ to para no. 7 it is.s,tated that the

averments made therein is false, frivolous and

vexatious and is vehemently denied. That in· para

no. 11 of the written statement not a single sentence

substantiates the false presumptions of the.

Defendant. In para no. 11 the defendant has clearly

stated that she. has not received an,y termination

notice issued by the Plain.tif~. Till date the Plaintiff is

receiving monthly amount without raising. any

protest. The Plaintiff has remained silent about the

receipt of payment rent and electricity supply dues.

In the entire Application he has chosen to remain

....__ .
silence on this issue and has not. disputed the fact

that he is receiving rent. The conduct of the P~aintiff

is admission of the fact that he is accepting rent and

other ch~rges and therefore has admitted to· the

existing tenancy.

8. · That in reply to para no. 8 it is stated that the

averments made therein· is false;· frivolous· and

vexatious and is vehemently denied. The Defendant
. -.
.., ~··

·~ :-.
...~· •••;t

has nothing to say in his favour and that is why he

is beating around the bush and repeating the same

thing by making colourable variations. It is again

reiterated· no such termination notice as alleged by

the· Plaintiff has ever been received by the Plaintiff

and therefore 1t is out. of the vision to reply on the

same when jt is not all received.

9. · That in reply to para rio. 9 1t is stated that the

averments made therein is false, frivolous and

vexatious and is vehemently denied. No such

adm~$sion has been ever made by the Defendant as

. . cont~mplated by the. Plaintiff, The Application is not

maiiitainable as the suit is not maintainable

bec·$l_use it does not disclose any cause of action as


laid down by Supreme Court in the matter of Om "'""


Prakash Shvastava: V / s UOI and anr. dated

24/07/2018 which is as follows:-

·.·"cause of action" it is meant every fact, which if

traversed, it would be necessary for the

plaintiff to prove in order to support his right

to a judgement of the court. In other words, a

b":lndle of·. facts, which it is necessary for: the

plaintiff to prove 1n order to succeed 1n the


In the matter of Sejal Glass Ltd V j s Navilan

Merchants Pvt. Ltd and · 0rs. dated

21/08/2017 by Supreme Court, it is held that-

"Where the plaint as a whole d0es not disclose

a cause of action that Order VII Rule 11

springs into being· and interdicts a suit from


Therefore, in the light of the above said judgements

it is very clear the suit does not disclo'se any

cause of action and therefore it is liable · to be

dismissed. The copies of the judgement above·

....,__ mentioned has been annexed as Annexure-2 .

11. That in reply to para no, 10 it is stated that the

·averments made therein is false, frivolous. and

vexatious and is vehemently denied. The Defendant

no good prim a facie case and therefore np balance

' . .

of convenience lies in favour of the Plaintiff,

. ' . ~
• 0 \

l :··

. .
.12. That irt reply to para no, 11 it. is stated that the

averments made therein is false, frivolous and

vexatious and is vehemently denied.

In: 1.1ght of the above said submis~ions it 1s most

resp:ectfully prayed that this Hon 'bie Court may be

pleased to dismiss the application under Order XII

• • I

Rul~ ·6 for being frivolous, ·malicious and vexatious -"""'\

as ~o the extent of the suit not b~ing maintainable

along vxith heavy compensatory costs in favour of

the :defendant and against the Plaintiff.

Pass· such other orders as the Hon 'ble Court may

deem fit, and. proper.


Date: 04/05/2019
Place: Delhi

Sanjucta Kabasi
Enrollment No.D/540/2015
Seat No.78, Bar Room-1, Civil Side,
Tis Hazari District Courts, New Delhi-110054
.Mob: 8700608356

CIVIL SUIT N0.1508 OF 2018



·...- I Subhra Kabasi W /0 Manoranjan. Kabasi E/0

blouse No, 27, 1 51 Floor, Khyber Pa as, Civil Lines,

New Delhi - 1.10054 do hereby solemnly affirm and

declare as under that:

1. That I am the Defendant 1n the above noted

case and therefore I am well conversant with

the facts and circumstances of the case and as

such I am competent to swear this affidavit.

. '
2. That the acc·ompanying reply has been drafted

by my c.ou:r:s~l' under my instructions and the

contents of the same may kindly be read as an

integral p~t and parcel of my present affidavit

as the contents of the same are not repeated

herein for the sake of brevity.

0 .)

·:·Verified at New Delhi on this (4-th May 2019 that

the' contents of the. affidaVit are true and correct to

the best of my knowledge and belief and no part of it

is false and nothing material has been concealed

therefrom. '


' \


CS SCJ No.1508/2010

Sublira. Kabasi

At 4.00pm

Present:- Non~ ..

Vide thi~ order I shall dispose off the

application U / o 12 Rule 6 CPC moved on behalf of

plaintiff on 14.11.2018, Reply to the aforesaid

application was listed on 0 0. 0 6. 2 0 1 9.

I have heard the_ arguments and perused the

~ record.

Before proceeding to decide (lie present

application it is important to stale in brief the facts

of the present' case, Plaintiff has claimed himself to

be the co-owner of the suit property along with his

mother. As per the plaintiff he inducted the

defendant as ?- tenant. into the suit property vide

rent agreement dated 06.01.2015 against a-monthly

rent of Rs.5000 /-. The said tenancy was renewed

from 06.12.2015 to 05.11.2016 vide rent agreement

date9. 1:2:12.2015. Thereafter, the defendant paid

the rent punctually upto March 20)6, but then, she

started making defaults. On humanitarian grounds,

plaintiffs father ·.extended the time till 05.02.2017

on month to month basis as hushand of the

defendant was ill. However·; it was made clear to the

defendant that she had to vacate the\ suit properly.

on or before 005.02.2017. Defendant assured the

plaintiff that she will vacate the suit property on or

before However, the defendant seal lire

legal notice dated 07.10.2016 calling upon the

plaintiff to receive the rent for October 2016. Thus,

it became clear to the plaintiff that the defendant

has changed her colour and therefore, the plaintiff

through reply dated 13.10.2016 to the aforesaid

n~tice terminated the tenancy of the defendant from

. .
, 05.02.2017 and called upon the 0-efendant to hand

over the vacant and peaceful possession of the suit

property. Despite rece1v1ng the reply dated

13.10, ..2.0-16, the defendan~ did not pay r.ent and did
. ·.
I :

not hand over the vacant and peaceful posses~ion of.

the suit property. Hence, the plaintiff has been

. . .
constrained to file the. present suit for possession,

arrears of rent and permanent injunction.

I nthe written statement, defendant has

admitted that she is a tenant

. . in the suit property.
She further admitted that the rate of rent is

Rs.5000 /- per month. In fact the defendanthas;

. .:

the money ord~r receipts to show that. rent of

Rs.5000/- per month is being paid by, her.

Therefore, relationship of landlord and tenant is

admitted and last admitted rent is Rs.SOOO /- per


As per
. the plaint, a. legal notice terminating
. . the

tenancy was soot on 13.10.2016. Even if for the

sake of arguments it is assumed that the same is

not received .by. the defendant, however; serviee of

summons of the present suit on 18.08.2018 can

betreated as service of notice terminating the

tenancy. When, the relationship of landlord· and

tenant is admitted, and the said tenapcy stands

terminated, defendant is no longer entitled to stay in


the suit property. Defendant has raised objections

to the title of plaintiff to suit property, ~but in view of

Section 116 Indian Evidence Act, she is barred from

raising the q_uestions on the title of the landlord.

Accordingly suit of the plaintiff is partly

decreed U / o 12 Rule 6 CPC, Defendant is directed

to hand over lm -vacant and peaceful possession of "'""""

the soil property to the plaintiff within three months

frorri today.

Deere~ ·sheet be prepared acco.rdingly.

Perusal· of reco.rd .reveals .that there is dispute

between the parties as to the amount due to arrears

of rent. Accordingly, plaintiff is directed to lead

.. . . on the issue of arrears of rent on the next \

·date of hearing.
/.Accordingly, now to come up for PE on


(Rupinder Singh Dhiman)
Civil Judge06 (Central) /THC
·Delhi/ 14.08.2019



CS SCJ No. 1508/2018
· 'Ranjeet
Suhhra Kabasi


Present: Mother of plaintiff in person.

Sh. Arun Chaudhary and Sh. Satish Kumar,

co'unsels for defen:dapt (Fresh 'Vakalatnama filed


Today an application U / s 151 CPC has been

moved on behalf of the defendant fdr recalling of

order dated 14.08.2019 vide which suit of the

plaintiff was partly decreed U I o XII Rule 6 CPQ.

Through the present application, defendant

has prayed for the recalling of order on the ground


that in terms of the judgment of Hon 'blo High Court

in SBI Vs. Midland Industries and Another, this

court has not properly exercised the discretion ·in ...

decreeing UI o.. XII Rule 6 CPC. Defendant ha~ .'also
. .
relied upon the judgment of Hon'ble High Court in
Baljeet Kaur Vs. United Insurance Company Ltd.,

anc;i Trishul Enterprises & Another Vs. Smt. Shobha

Rani Meiira to· press the same point.

Howe':'e;r, these questions go to the merits of

tht; ord~r and . canf?.ot b~ considered under an

application for review as application of recalling of

order U Is 151 CPC which is primarily a power to


. · <·Further,' defendant has prayed th~t legal notice

tern:iinating the tenancy was not served no the

def~ndant and therefore, decree U I o XII Rule 6 CPC

should not have been passed. Perusal of the order

spe~ifically it has been

dat ed 14.08.2013 s:h,ows that

observ~d that oven if the arguments of the

defendant is accepted that notice has not been ~

served, service of suinnions of the present suit on


18.08.2018 · would amount to service of notice

terminating the tenancy.

Further ground taken .in the application is that

the plaintiff l.s not the owner of the suit property.

Defendant has averred that plaintiff made a false

advertisement with respect to the suit property

·- . _,.~'

regarding his· ownership of 'the · sui't' property.' H~

further submits that a writ petition has also been

. . ..
filed with respect to the same by the defendant. On

court query, with respect to the relationship of

landlord and tenant between the plaintiff and the

defendant, counsel for defendant submits that the

relationship of landlord tenant was admitted as a

conditional admission.

Perusal of .written statement however, shows

that the admission of relationship of landlord and

·.tenant was mot conditional. No ground for review of

order dated 14.08.2019 is made out. Thus, when

the relationship of landlord and tenant is admitted

between the parties, tenant ·cannot 'be allowed to

. .

\..,..... question the title of the landlord.

Another ground mentioned 1s · that the

defendant has invested an amount of Rs. 6 ·lacs for

repairs and betterment of the suit property. Bui this

is not relevant while deciding the question of

ejectment of a tenant by the landlord,· if any amount

has been spent by the defendant on the betterment

of the suit property, defendant is at liberty to· raise

·t·:.:.:: .

. . th~: s~id question at the ~ime. bf deciding the mesne


In these circumstances, no ground is made out

for recall of order dated 14.08.2019 and accordingly

the·applic.ation stands dismissed. ;

':Perusal of record shows Hint the. matter is at

the stage of PE.

• Mother of plaintiff submits that counsel for

plaintiff is not available today for leading evidence.

Last opportunity is given.

Put up for PEon 20.03 ..2020.

Copy of the order be given dasti as prayed by


·(Rupinder Singh Dhiman)
Civil Judge -06 (Central) /THC "'
Delhi/ 04.12.2019



RCA NO. OF 2023

In Rep:
Subhra Kabasi ... Appellant
Ranjeet . :.'Respondent

(Legal Aid Case Aided By the DLSA (Central District)




1. That Appellant has been constrained to tile the

present Appeal against. Impugned Judgment

and decr~e dated·· 14.08.2019 passed by Sh.

· Rupinder Singh D hi man, LD CJ - ·06 ,. Central,

Tis Hazari Courts,· Delhi in· Sail No, 1308 of

2018 titled "Ranjeet Vs Subhra.Kabasi." .

2. The Ld. CJ has partly decreed the suit in

favour of the Respondent, the re lore did not

appreciate the determination of admission of

Pact and taw as fact, in issue as well as the

impugned .·Judgment and decree 1s

incuriam as the interpretat~on of precedent

iaws/ authoritative pronouncements have not

been considered welL The issue of fact and law

is . whether the respondent is the owner or co-

owner of the suit property i.e. House No.27, 1st

Floor, Khyber Paas, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054,

it is pertinent t.o mention here that as per the

submission of the appellant an~ documents on

record; the suit property pertains to custodian

property of the Ministry of Defence. Hence \

without going into the issue of relationship of

landlord and tenant, the Ld. Trial Court firstly

decided the legal issue (maintainability of the

suit) under Order 10 of the CPC and further if

it requires trial, then rriatter may be proceeded

further for trial. The aforesaid issue has been

clarified by way of averments and submissions


along with record raised 1n the written

statement. The foremost question 1s well

interpreted by Hon dole Supreme Court in

Karan Kapoor V s. Madhuri Kumar's Judgrpent

as well as S.M Arif Vs Virender Ku~ar ;¥3ajaj

has clarified the admission of fact "power to

pass judgment on admissions is discreti9nary

and cannot be claimed as a matter of tight.

The said _power should be only exercised.:when

specific, clear and categorical admission. ·of

facts and documents are on record, otherWise

the court can refuse to invoke it".

Order 12 Rule 6 of CPC: Judgment, on admission

i) Where a.dmi~sion of fact have be.en made either

in the pleadings or otherwise, whether orally or

in writings the court may at any stage. of the

suit, either on the application of any party .or of

its own motion and without, for the

determination of any other question between

the parties, make such order or give such

judgment as it may think fit, havin~ regard to

such admissions.
1::t l
ii) Whenever a judgment· is . pronounced under

sub-rule (1) a decree shall be drawn upon in

. '
accordance with the judgment and the decree

shall bear the date on which the judgment,

was pronounced."

1. The brief facts of the prese:p.t case are as


1.1 The Respondent has filed the suit fur

possession, recovery of mesne profits and

permanent, injunction, The plaintiff herein the

respondent, is the co-owner with his mother of

the suit property. The plaintiff herein tine

. .
respondent has averred that the plaintiff

inducted the defendant herein·. the appellant as

a tenant, into the suit property vide rent -\

agreement dated 06.01.2015 against, a

J?Qnthly rent of Rs.~OOO / -. The said tenancy

~<was renewed ~rom 06.1 2 .. 40 t5 to 05.11.2016

: vide rent agreement dated 12.12.2015. Further

:: averred in. the that the defendant, paid

the rent punctually upto March 2016, but

then, she started making defaults. Plaintiffs


father extended .the time till 05.02.2017 on

month to month basis as husband·· of the

defendant wa·s ill. It was made clear to the

defendant that she had to vacate the. suit

property on or before 31.01.2017. The

defendant sent the legal notice· dated

07.10.2016 calling upon the plaintiff to receive

the rent for October, 2016. it became clear to

the plaintiff that the defendant ·has changed

his colour and therefore, the plaintiff through

reply dated 13.10.2016 to the aforesaid potice

terminated the tenancy of the defendant': from

05.02.201 i and called upon the defendant to


hand over the vacant and peaceful possession

of the suit property. Reply dal eel 13. 10,.2016

was served, the defendant did not pay the read

. .
and did not hand over the vacant and peaceful

possession of the suit property.

1.2 The appellant has filed the written statement

and raised variops objections including_ the

o o o I •

title/ ownership of the plaintiff ·.and further

denied the averments raised in the plaint and

t :=f ~
f ..

further objections and submissions have been

taken in her written statement.

1. 3 That the Ld. CJ has not determined the issue

of title/ ownership as the plea raised by the

appellant in her written statement with the

document. The Ld. Trial Court has neither

correctly appreciated the facts and documents

on record nor correctly observed tire . """'

authoritative pronouncements.

1.4 Aggrieved by the impugned judgment and

decrey· dated 14.08.2019 paElsed by the Ld. Tis

. ..·..
H~i:lri Courts in . Suit No.l5. 08: of. 2018 titled

"Ranjeet Vs. Subhra Kabasi", the Appellant has

preferred the pr~sent Appeal under. Order 41 Rule 1

r /Vf ·section 96 o the CPC on the following amongst ...-....,

other grounds:

: ~

2. Because the Ld. Trial Court has not

appreciated the .de~ermination of admission of

fact and law as fact in issue as well as the


impugned Judgment and decree 1s per-

incuriam as the interpretation of precedent

laws/ authoritative pronouncements are not

considered well.

3. Because the Ld. Trial Court, has not

considered the fact of· legal lSSUe

(maintainability of the suit) under Order 10 of

the CPC, further if it require trial then matter

may be proceed further for trial. The aforesaid

issue has ' been .clarified by way of averments

and submissions along with record raised in

the written ·statement. The foremost question is

well interpreted by Han 'ble Supreme Court: in

Karan Kapoor Vs Madhuri Kumar s Judgment

as well as S.M Arif Vs Vi render Kumar Bajaj

has clarified the admission of fact, 11

power to

pass judgment on admissions is discretionary

and cannot be claimed as a matter of right.

The said power should lie only exorcised when

specific, clear and categorical admission of


facts and documents are on record, 'otherwise

the court can refuse to invoke it".

4. Bec?-use the Ld. Trial Court has erred 1n


considering the legal issue of the suit property

as it pertains to custodia~ .property of [.he
1 1
1 , 0 °

Ministry of Defence.

5. Any other ground this Hon 'ble Court may be

: ..:pleased
to allow at the time of
. arguments.

6. ::That, no similar Appeal seeking similar relied'

:has been filed befor-e tills Hon 'ble Court or any

·: other court.

7. Th?.t the present Appeal is moved bona fide

i' and in the interests of justice.

In light .of the aforementioned circumstances it

is most, respect fully prayed that this Hon 'ble Court

may be pleased to:

. .
A. Set aside the Impugned Judgment and decree

dated 14.08.2019 passed by Sh. Rupinder.

Singh Dhiman, ld. CM, Tis Hazari Courts,

Delhi in.Suit No. 1508 of 2018 tilled "Ranjeet

Vs Subra Kabasi";
. .
B. Summon the ld. Trial Court record in CS no.

1508 of 2018; and

C. Any other _:relief, which the Hon 'ble Court

deems fit under the facts and circurn.stances of

the case may also lie granted in favor of the




Legal Aid Counsel for the Appellant

Dated: 03.03.2023


In ~he Court of Rakesh Kumar: Additional District
Juge-03 ·central District, Tis Hazai-i Courts, Delhi

RCA;No ..24/23

In the matter of:

Subhra Kabasi
WI o Late Manoranjan Kabasi
R/o H.No.27,' 1st Floor, Khyber Pass,
Civil Lines, Delhi-110054 ... Appellant
S / o Chancier· Pal
. R/o J:-1044, Mangolpuri,
Delhi-22083 ... Respondent

Date of lristi.tution . 06.03.2023

Reserved for Judgment 10.10.2023
' . of Decision '10.10.2023

Appeal against judgment and Degree dated

14.08.2019 passed
by Mr. Rupinder Singh Dhiman,
Civil Judge -06, Central District, THC, Delhi

1. This appeal under Section 96 of the Code of

Civil Procedure, 1908 (in short 'the CPC') is directed

against the Order on application under Order 12

Rule 6 CPC and decree dated 14.08.2019 passed by

'· .

the court of Mr. Rupinder Singh Dhiman, Civil

Judge-06, Central District, THC, Delhi in CS SCJ

no.l508/2018 .whereby the suit for.. possession·,

mense profits and permanent injunction instituted

by the plaintiff against the defendant was partly

decreed under Order 12 Rule 6 CPC for the relief of


2. Brief facts for the decision in the appeal are

that the respondent, namely, Ranjeet (hereinafter

referred to as 'the plaintiff) has inst~tuted a suit

against the· appellant, namely, Subhra Kabasi

(hereinafter referred to as 'the defendant') . for

· seeking rec~very of possession of first floor of

premises no. 27, Khyber Pass, Civil Line~, Delhi-54

(hereinafter referred to as 'the Suit Premis_es') and

for recovery of m~n~y. and future' mesne profits and

for perpetual injunction for restraining the

defendant or hi~· agent etc. from selling,' ali~nating~

gifting, mortgaging, parting with. posses~ion (full or

part) or from creating any third party interest in

respect of the suit premises. It is averred in the

plaint that the plaintiff let out the suit property to

. .
. ~ ~

the defendant for a period of 11 month's period and

rent agreement dated 06.01.2015 was executed

between the plaintiff and the defendant at a

monthly rent of Rs.5,000 I- for a period from

06.01.2015 to 05.12:2015 (wrongly typed as

05.12.2016· 1n the agreement); that the defendant

deposited se~~rity amount. of Rs.5,000/- towards

refundable security; that the defendant paid the

monthly. rent punctually in the first terms and

cop.~idering the same, the plaintiff r~n~wed the rent

I ,··

. '
. .
agreement for the second term commencing from
06. t2.2015 to 05.1 1.2016 vide rent agreement

dated 12,12.20 15; that the defendant paid the rent

pur+ctual~y upto March, 2016 b'L!-t, thereafter, she

'· '

. ' committing ·default in payment of rent; that '""

con-~idering the fact that husband of the defendant

was. ill, the plaintiffs father extended the time of

termination'ofthe rent agreement dated 12.12.2016

till 05.02.2017 on month to month basis; that

though the defendant was allowed to use and

occupy. the suit premises upto 3 1.01.2017 .hut

despite this, the defendant got is~ued a legal notice


. .
dated 07.10,2016 ·thereby calling upon the plaintiff
. ..

to receive rent for· the month of Oct<?ber 2016; that

the plaintiff never. refused the accept the rent fro:r:n

the defendant; that the plaintiff duly replied· to the··

sa~d notice on 13.10.2016; that keeping in rp.ind the

settlement in mind, the plaintiff terminated the·

month to month tenancy of the defendant from

05.02.2017 and also called upon the defendant to

hand over the vacant and· physical possession of the

suit premises and also made clear that if the

defendant fails to vacate the suit premises; slfe will

be an unauthorized occupant and will be

liable to pay damages @Rs. 10,000/- per month

from 06.02.2017 onwards· till the date of hapding

"""" over the possession; that the defendant fa1ied _t~

. .
reply or comply the legal notiC'e and did not pay the

rent from month of October 2016 to .December

20 16; that due to repeated requests of the plaintiff,

the defendant deposited Rs. 12,580/- on

29.12.2016 and Rs.5,77o on 30 . 01.~i017 totali~g to

Rs. 18,350 I- leaving balance amount of Rs. 1 16'50 I-

with assurance that she will pay the same at the

time of vacating the suit premises ·on 05.02.2017;

· that the. defendant has still not vacated the suit

premises nor paid any damages from 06.02.2017 to

05.05.2018 1.e. 15 months which comes to

Rs.1,50,0.00/- apart from electricity and water

charges; that the defendant has filed a civil suit for

permanent injunction which is pending before Civil

Judge, Tis Hazari Court.

· 3. The de~e,nd.~nt contes.ted the present suit by

tiling written statement of her defence wherein took

preliminary objections to the effect that no cause of

action· arose in favour oi the plaintiff· to file the

I '•, •

present suit; that the site plart·· is ·blatantly wrong;

that the suit is barred by Section 17 of the

Registration Act, 1908: In reply in merits, that the

plaintiff has never issued rent receipt before April

20 iB; that the unregistered rent ;agreement is false

and ha's never been supplied to the. defendant; that

. !

that the plaintiff is accepting rent since April 2018

till. now by India Post· money order and is also

accepting . huge monthly expenses towards

electricity, water bill and maintenance charges; that

the documents have not been executed as per the

provisions of the Registration Act, 1908; that the

plaintiff had asked for an unsecured loan of

Rs.SO,OOO/-from the defendant in the y~ar 2016

and the plaintiff p.dvanced the same with ~ condition

that the same would be repaid by March 20 17,

Other allegations of the ·plaint· are denied. and

disputed by the defendant and prayed for dis!rJ.issal

of suit. ·..
4. While filing. replication, an application· ·under

Order XII Rule 6 CPC was made on behalf of the

plaintiff alleging therein that the relationship of the

. . ..
landlord and tenant between the parties ar-c

admitted; that 1n the written statement, · the

defendant has also admitted the rate of rent to be

Rs. 5,000/-; that the notice dated 07.10.2016 was

duly replied by the, plaintiff vide his reply dated

13.10,2015 and vide that reply the plaintiff has

terminated the tenancy of the defendant w.e.f,

05.02.2017 and the defendant was called upon to

hand over physical and vacant possession of the

suit ·premises and as such there is an admission of

the al:;>eve said facts. which entitled the plaintiff for a

decree for eviction in respect of the suit prem1ses

under Order 12 Rule 6 CPC.

5. In reply to the application. u;nder Order XII

Rule 6 CPC, the defendant has contended that the

suit has no cause of action; that the defendant was.

never in arrears of rent and the tenancy is still

continuing; that the plaintiff is accepting rent every

month by money order; that the bank statement

annexed with the written statement shows that the

plaintiff and his family stopped taking rent from

April, 2018 onwards; that money order of

Rs ..5,000 /- dated 24.04.2018 was sent to the

plaintiff; that money orders were sent to the plaintiff

on· differen~ ctates; that the application deserves to -,

be dismiE?sed ..

6. Vide order dated 14.08.2019, the Leamed Trial

Court allowed the application under Order 12 Rule

6 cpc" and partly decreed· the suit for the reliefs of

_.· .
re'covery of· possession and p~rpetuc;;_l injunction.

WhUe allowing the application, the Learned Trial

; .
• .\

Court, vide' order dated 14.08,2019, inter alia, has

opined as follows:-

"In the written statement, defendant ha$

admitted that she lS a tenant 1n the suit

properly. She further admitted that the rate of.

rent is Rs. 5000/- per month. In fact the

defendant has filed the money or~er receipts to

·- show that rent of ~s. 5000 I- per month 1s

being paid. by her. Therefore, relationship of

landlord and tenant is admitted and last

admitted rent is Rs; 5000 I,... per month. .·

As per the plaint, a legal notice terminati11,g the

tenancy was sent on 13.10,2016. liven;:if for

I •

the sake of arguments it is assumed that the

same 1s not received by the defendant,

however, service of summons of the present

suit on 18.08.2018 can be treated as service of

notice terminating the tenancy, When, the

relationship .of landlord ·and. tenant is admitted,

and the · said tenancy stands·. terminated,

defendant is no longer entitled to stay in the

suit property. Defendant has raised objections

to the title of plaintiff to suit property, but in

view of. Sec;:tion 116 Indian Evidence Act, she is

barred from raising the questions on the title of

the landlord.

Accordingly suit of the plaintiff is partly

decreed U / o 12 Rule 6 CPC. Defendant is

directed to hand over the vacant and peaceful

possessio.n of the· suit property to the plaintiff

within·. three months from today.

Decree sli.eet. be prepared ac.cord.ingly."

7. I have heard Mr. Kamlesh Kumar, Advocate for

appe1lant' and Mr. Yogesh·.saxena, Advocate for the

.. ... . .
resppndent and have· gone through the trial court

record carefully.

8 .. ,:. Having drawn my attention on the impugned

! .

ord~r and decree dated 14.08.2019 passed by the

. '

lea~hed trial court, it is submitted:by counsel for the

app~llaht that lessor-lessee relationship between the

parties is not denied. It is further that the suit

premises 1s on the. government land and the

appellant shall give possession of the suit premises

to the government only.

9. Per contra, counsel for the respondent has

submitted that the learned Trial Court has not

decreed the suit on the basis of title but on the

basis of lessor-lessee relationship which is admitted

by the defendant .. It i$ further submitted that under

Section 116 of the Indian Evidence Act,· 1872, the

lessee 1s estopped from· denying the title of the


10. I have given my thoughtful consideration to the

submissions made on .~ehalf of the parties ..

11. The only point for consideration is whether the

learned Trial Court erred in decreeing the suit and

therefore, the order and decree passed by the

learned Trial Court are liable to be reversed.

12. In the light of assertions of the plaint and the

written statement, I am of the clear view· that the

defendant has admitted the lessor-lessee

relationship between the parties in respect· ()f the

suit premises, hence, it is proved that appell2:rit is a

tenant under respondent qua the suit premise·s.


13 ·: During the arguments 1n the appeal, it is

contended by counsel for the appellant that the


respondent is not the owner of the suit premises but

it is owned by the Govemment. The said argument

seems ~~·.be baseless in vi,ew of the contents of the

. statement
. as d~scusse.d
.. . above, the

les.sor-lessee relationship between the parties is

clearly admitted.

14. '··Even otherwise, under Section 116 of the

Indian Evidence Act, 1872, a tenfl,nt of immovable

property., shall during the continuance of the

tenancy, be permitted to deny that the landlord of

such tenant had, at the beginning of the tenancy, a

title to such 'immovable property.


15. Admittedly, as per the pleadings of the parties,

the rate of rent of the suit premises is Rs,S,OOO /-

per. month. Therefore, the provisions of The D·elhi

Rent Control Act, 1958 also do not apply,

.16. Regarding termination of tenancy, it is alleged

by the plaintiff .that by· wa.y of reply sent by the

plaintiff to the legal notice received from the

defenclant, the plaintiff has terminated the tenancy
of the defendant. In the written statement, the

defendant has denied that tenancy has been


17. It has been held by the Hon'ble Delhi High

Court in Cement Corporation of India Ltd. v. Bharat

Bhushan Sehgal, RSA No.46/2012 as follows:

"8. It is contended by learned senior counsel

appeanng for the appellant/ defendant that

there IS no admission on the part of

appellant'/ defendant of having received the

notice of termination of tenancy dated


23.12.2009, as such there Is no clear

admission ·on th~ part of the respondent/

plain~iff as regards termination of tena,ncy and

as such decree of possession ·could not have

been passed in respect of the suit property ·in

favour of r:espondent/plaintiff. It is contended

that even site plan of suit prop~rty is not

correct and the impugned decree is liable to be

set aside ...

11. In Nopany Investments (P) Ltd. v. Santokh .
Singh (HUE); 2008 (II) SCC 728, the Supreme
::court has held that the tenancy would stand

:terminated under general law on filing of a suit

for eviction. Even assuming the notice

'·terminating tenancy was not; served upon the

:, appellant, as it is contended, though it has

· been served as is noted above, the learned ADJ

·'has rightly held. tl).at filing of eviction suit

under general law itself is notice to quit on the

tenant. The learned ADJ has also placed

reliance on M / s J eevan Diesels & Electricals

· ~td, v .. M/s Jasbir Singh Chaddha (IIUF) &

_f\nr.; 2011 (182) DLT 402 in coming to

aforesaid conclusion ..... "

'. 18. I1;1 the light of law laid down. 1n Cement

' . case (supra).,. even. assuming that the

reply terminating tenancy was not served upon the

defendant, as ·it is contended, filing of eviction suit

under general law itself is notice to quit on the·


19. In v1ew of the above, I am of the considered

opinion that sufficient admissions have been made

by the defendant in the written statement or

otherwise that having regard to those admissions an

order of eviction can be made. I

20. While passing the impugned judgment; and

decree, the learned Trial 9ourt has prop~rly

. .

appreciat~d the facts and circumstances indiCated

herein above and has also appreciated the position

of law correctly.

21. In view ·of . my above ·discussion, I ·am of th.e

considered view that the impugned order and decree

suffers from no infirmity and hence is not liable to

be interfered with. The appeal is dismissed.

22. The appeal file after due compliance be

consigned to the Record Room, Trial Court Record

be sent back along "With copy of the judgment.

Announced in the Open Court

on lOth October, 2023

(Dr, Rakesh Kumar)
Additional District Judge-03
Central District: Tis Hazari Courts:

1. y ·~-

. '•


R.S.A. N0.208 OF 2023


Subhra Kabasi ... Petitioner
Ranjeet ... Respondent

Please take note that the above noted Regular

Second Appeal and accompanying Applications

titled as Subhra Kabasi Vs. Ranjeet 'will be listed on

2023 before the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi at New

Delhi. It is therefore requested that you please enter

your appearance on the said date.

Thanking you,

Dated: 11 1112023



R.S.A. N,0.208 OF 2023.


Subhra Kabasi ... Petitione'r

Ranjeet ... Respondent



The Registrar: General'

Hon 'ble High Court of Delhi,

at New Delhi"· '•,: I

Respected. Sir,

Kindly treat the present RSA as an urgent one

-.._. In accordance with the High Court Rules and

orders. The gro_und of urgency is"

"Stay matter involved"

Dated: 1I 11 I 2023


. .

R,S.A. N0.208 OF 2023


Subhra Kabasi ... Petitioner
Ranjeet ... Respondent



This is to certify that the appellant has filed

complete record/ placed in RCA No.24 of 2023

before the Ld. Appellate· Court has been filed along

. .

-y;ith present appeal. This Certificate is given on the

basis of the instructions given by the appellant

whose affidavit is filed in support of the Second

Appea~ .a.gainst Judgment ..

. •,

. . Delp;f
bat~~: 1 11112023




~.S.A. N0~208 OF 2023


Subhra Kabasi . . . .... Petitioner
Ranjeet ... ResponP.ent


22.05.2018 Plaintiff herein the Respondent filed.

the: suit for possession, permanent

injunction and mesne profits against

the defen~a~t herein tli.e appellant.

10.08.2018 Defendant herein the Appellant fled

the written statement along. with


14.11.218 Application under Order 12 Ru~e 6 of

the CPC' filed by ~he plaintiff herein

the respondent.

04'.05.2019 Defendant herein die appellant· filed

the reply of the application· ::uhder

Order 12 Rule 6 of the CPC.

~ ,.
14.08.2019 Ld. Trial Court disposed of the

application under Order 12 Rule 6 of

the CPC decided in favor of the

· plaintiff herein the respondent on


04 ..12.2019 .. Appellant filed the ·application under

Section 151 of CPC for recalling of

order dated 14.08.2019 and the said

application· was dismissed vide

Order dated 04.i2.2019 .

. ·.

04.03.2023 Appellant filed the appeal against

the imp~gned Judgment and Decree

dated 14.08.2019.

10.. 10.2023 Appeal of the . appellant was

dismissed vide Impugned Judgment

dated 10.10.2023

Hence, the present appeal.



R.S.A. N0.208 OF 2023


Subhra Kabasi ... Petitioner
Ranjeet ... Respondent


10.10.2023 PASSED BY THE LD. ADJ-03,

Subhra Kabasi
W joLt. Sh. Manpranjan Kabasi,
R/o House No.27, 1st Floor, Khyber Pass,
Civil Lines, Delhi -110054
· · ... Appellant
(Respondent before Ld. Trial Court)
(Appellant before Ed Appellate Court)
S/o Sh. Chancier Pal
R/o J-1044, Mangolpuri,
Delhi-11 0083 ... Respon~ent
. ..

Through Counsel (Pla~ntiff before Trial.~ourt

Adv. Yogesh Sax-ena Respondent bef?re . ,
. I

C-161A, CL Joseph Appellate Court

Block, Tis. Hazari Courts,
Delhi,;, 110054
E~a.Jlid: .'

Dat~d: 11. 1. 2023
Counsel for Appellant
ADVOCATE D-1770/2007
MOBILE NO.: 9868873986



· R.S.A. NO. OF 2023 ... · ·


Subhra Kabasi ... Petitioner
Versus ..
Ranjeet . .. Respondent '

. .
10.10.2023 PASSED BY THE LD. ADJ-03,


1. That the Appellant by way of ·the present

second appeal seeks to challenge the impugned

judgment dated 10.10.2023 passed by. Ld.

ADJ-03, Central, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi in

RCA No. 24 of 2023 whereby . L0. First

Appellate Court dismissed the Ap:pea~ on the

ground. of the· admitted relati~riship of lessor-

lessee without gmng into Issue of

maintaina?ility of the suit as the· respondent

no locus . standi to file the suit as the land

pertains to the Government hand, whereby the

'respondent has made false, forged and

fabricated documents of the Government land

and further the Ld. Trial and Appellate Court

. ..
ig11:o:r:ed the pleas raised by- the appellant in her
written statement. True Copy. of the Impugned

Judgment dated 10.10.2023 passed by Ld.

ADJ-03, ~entral, Tis Hazari Co:urts, Delhi in

RCA No. 24 of 2023 has been annexed and is

marl;ced as Annexure A-1-"

2. That the Fir~t Appellate Court did not

appreciate the determination of admission of

fact and law as fact in issue as well as the

impugNed. Judgment and decree dated

14.08.2023 lS per-incuriam as the

interpretation of precedent laws/ authoritative

pronouncements have not been considered

well. The issue of fact and law is whether the

respondent is the owner or co-owner of the suit

property i.e House No· 27, 1st ·Floor, Khyber

Pass, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054, it is pertinent

0 .+

to mention here that as per the submission of


the appellant and documents on record, the


suit property· pertains t.o custodian property of

the Ministry of Defence. Hence without going


into the. issue of relationship

. .
of landiord.; and

tenant, the: Ld Trial Court firstly decided. the

legal issue (maintainability of the suit) under

Order 10 of the CPC and further if It requires

trial then matter may be proceeded further for

0 •

trip!. The:afo.tesaid issue .has be~n clarifi~d by

. ..
way of averments and submissions· along with

record raised in the written statement. The

foremost question 1s well interpreted by

Hon'ble Supreme Court in Karan Kapoor Vs

Madhuri Kumar's Judgment as well as S.M Arif

Vs Virender Kumar Bajaj has clarified the

admission of fact "power to pass judgment on

admissions is discretionary and cannot be

claimed as a matter of right. The said power

should be only exercised when specific, clear

and categorical admission . o{ facts and

~0\ :. ....
/ . t: I
·documents arc on record, otherwise the court

can refus~ to invoke it" ..

Order 12 Rule 6 of CPC: Judgment on admission

i) Where admission of fact have been made either

in the pleadings or otherwise,

whether o~ally or.

in writing, the court may at any stage of the

suit, either on the application of any party or of

its owh motion and without waiting for the

determination of any other question between

the parties, make such order or give such

judgment as it may think fit, having regard to

such admissions.

3. Whenever a judgment 1s pronounced under

sub-rule ( 1) a .decree shall be drawn upon in

accordance with the judgment and the decree .,

. . .
shall bear the date on which the judgment was


4. In .view of the law lai.d down by Hon'ble

::Supreme Court in ease titl~d Jharkhand State

::reported as (2019) 17
. I
sec 692 wherein it has

·been held when the defendant raises the
genuine dispute with regard to title and when

he raises a- Cloud. ove~ the tltle' of the plaintiff

then, necessarily, in those circumstances,

plaintiff cannot maintain a suit for perm·anent

injunction, Similarly, the Apex Court in a case

titled Padhiyar ~rahladji Chenaji (D) through

LRs versus Maniben J agmalbhai (D) through

LRs & Ors (2022 Live Law (SC) 241) has held

that an injunction may be granted, even

against ~he true owner of the properly only

.when the person seeking the relief is in lawfui

possession and enjoyment of the property and

also legally entitled to be in possession, not to

. .
dispossess him except in due process of law. It

is true t?at the title of the prop~rty is the basis

of relief of :· possession and the relief of

permanent injunction can be said to · be a

consequential relief and not. a substantial

relief. Onte the plaintiff fails to get any

substantive decreetal relief with regard to title

and possession the relief of injunction can be

said to be c:;onsequential relief. It is evident that

,... ...
. . ..
-·! ··,:~ ,•

.J.n a suit for. injunction there were necessary

:·pleadings regarding title of the suit property

. ;:and ·appropriate· issues relating to title had

::been framed. Hon 'ble Supreme Court in a case


· titled T.V. Rama Krishna · Reddy vs M.

. Mallapora and Anr.,. reported as AIR 2021 SC

4293 held that where there are necessary

pleadings regarding the title of the suit

prop~rty and appropriate issue relating to title

pn which parties lead evidence, if matter

tnvolved is simple and straight forward, Court

may decide upon issue relating to title, even in

a suit for .J.njunctio~. Th~ >I:ion ble Apex Court

in a ease tilled Anathullah

.: . .. Sudhakar vs P .

Bu~hi Reddy (D) by LRs and Ors, reported as

(2008) 4 sec 594, ~hile deciding the case with

regard to injunctions, sul;Ilmarizeq the

principles governing thereto, it is profitable to

extract para 21 of the judgment as under;

' . .
To summarize, the ·pqsition in regard to suits

for ~ prohibitory injunction relating to


immovable properly, is as under:

(a) Where a cloud
. is
. .
raised over . plaintiff's
title and he does not have posse~sion, a suit

for declaration and possession, with or without

a consequential injunction, is the rem~dy.

Where the plaintiffs title is not in dispute or

under a cloud, but he is out of possession, he

has to sue for possession with a consequential

injunction. Where there 1s merely an

interference with plaintiffs lawful possession

or threat 'of dispossession, it is sufficient to sue

for an injunction simpliciter.

(b) As a suit for injunction simpliciter 1s

concerned, only with possession, normally the

issue. of title will not be directly and

substantially in ·issue. The prayer for

injunction will be decided with reference to the

finding on ·:possession. But in cases where de

jure possession has to be established on the

basis of title to the property, as in the case of

vacant sites, the issue of title may directly and

substantially anse for consideration, as

. . :.without a finding thereon, it will not be

::possible to decide the issue of possession.

(c) :But a finding on title cannot be recorded in a

. : suit .for injunction, unless thfre are necessary

i. ple.adings and appropriate issue regarding title

:[either specific, or implied as noticed in

:Annaimuthu Thevar (supra)). Where the

averments regarding title are absent in a plaint

and where there is no issue relating to title, the

court will not investigate or examine or render

a finding on a question of title, in a suit. for

injunction. Even where there are necessary

·pleadings and issue, if the matter involves

complicated questions of fact .and law relating

to title, the court will relegate the parties to the

r~medy by way of.· comprehensive suit for

declaratio·n of title, instead of deciding the

issue in a suit, for mere injunction.

(d) Where there are necessary pleadings regarding

title, and. appropriate issue relating to title on

which parties lead evidence, if the matter

involved is simple and straight-forward, the


court may decide upon the issue rega:tding

title, even in a suit for injunction. But ·such

cases, are the exception to the normal rule that

question qf tipe vvill not be decided in sui:ts. for

injunction. But persons having clea~. title and

possession suing for injunction, should not be

driven to the costlier and more cumbersome

remedy 0

of. ·a suit for dedar'ation, merely

because some meddler vexatiously or

wrongfully makes a claim or tries to encroach

upon his property. The court should use its

discretion carefully to identify cases where it

vvill enquire into title and cases where it vvill

refer to plaintiff to a more comprehensive

declaratory suit, depending upon the facts of

the case.

In view of the law laid down in the aforesaid

judgment, in sub para (d) of paragraph 21, that

where the plaintiff is in possession but his title

• 0 •

to the prope.rty is in dispute or under a cloud

or where the ·defendant asserts title thereto,

and there is also a threat of dispossession fr~m

the defendant, the plaintiff will have to sue for

declaratlon of title and the consequential relief

of injunction where the title of the plaintiff is

under a cloud or in dispute.

The Hori'ble ,Apex Court in T.V. RamaKrishna

.Reddy case (supra) held that where there are

necessary pleadings and appropriate issues

relating 't6 title, on which parties le?td evidence,

if matter involved is .· simp~e and straight

forward, Court may decic;ie upon these issues

regarding. title even in a suit for injunction~·

Apex Court had bracketed such cases as

except~ on to the normal rule. It cannot be said

that dispute raised by defendant with regard to

title is not genuine, nor can it be said that title

of plaintiff over the suit property is free from

cloud. In the present case, there where

necessary pleadings regarding title and

appropriate issue relating to title, on- which

partie.~ ·led evidence, and the matter involved

was simple · and ·straight fo.rward, the· Court

decided upon the is.sue regarding the title:,' even

in a suit for injunction.

5. That the brief facts of the case are as under:-

A) The Respondent has filed the suit for


possessio~, _recovery of mesne profit~: · and · ·

permanent injunction. The plaintiff he~~:in' the

respondent is the co-owner with his mother of

the suit property. The plaintiff herein the

respondent.. has ·averred .that. the plaintiff

inducted the defendant herein the·· appella11t as

a tenant into the ~::uit, property vide rent

agreement dated 06.01.2015 against a monthly

rent of Rs 5000/-. The said tenancy was

renewed from 06.12.2015 to 05.11.2016 vide

rent agreement dated 12.12.2015. Further

averred. in the plaint that the defe~dant paid

the rent punctually upto March 2016, but

then, she started making defaults. Plaintiff's

father extended the time till '05.02.20 1 7 on


month to month basis as husband of the

defendant was ·ill. It was made clear to the

defendant that she had to vacate ·the suit


property on or before 31.01.2017. The

defendant sent the legal notice dated

07,10.2016 calling upon the plaintiff to receive

the rent for October, 2016. It became clear to

the plaintiff that the defendant has changed

his colour and therefore, the. plaintiff through

reply· dated 13.10.2016 to the aforesaid notice

terminated the tenancy· of the defendant from

05.02.2017 and called upon the defendant to

hand over the vacant and peaceful possession

of the suit property. Reply d~ted 13.10.2016.

was served, the defendant did not pay the rent

and did not hand over the vacant and peaceful

possession of the suit property.

B) The appellant has filed the written statement

and raised various objections including the

title/ ownership of the plaintiff and further

denied the averments raised in the plaint and

furthe·r objections and submissions have been

taken in her written statement.

C) On 14.11.2018, application under Order 12

Ru~~ 6 of the CPC ~led by the. plaintiff herein

the respondent and .thereafter on 04.05.2019

Defendant herein the appellant filed. the reply

of the application under Order 12 Rule 6 of the


D) On 14,08,2019 Ld. Trial Court disposed of the


application under Order 12 Rule 6 of the CPC

. .
decided in favor ·of the plaintiff herein . the

respondent 9n 14.08.2019. Tr:u~ Copy of the

impugned Judgment and (Decree dated

14.08.2019 passed by the Ld. CJ-06,

. .

Tis Hazar{ Court, Delhi has been annexed

herewith and is marked as AnnexU.r.e A-2.

E) On 04.12.2019, Appellant filed the application

under Section 151 of CPC for recalling of order

dated 14.08.2019 and
. .
the said application

dismissed vide Order dated 04.12.2019; True

Copy of Order dated 04.12.2019 passed py the

Ld. CJ- 06, Central, Tis Hazari Court, 'Delhi

has been annexed herewith and is marked as


Annexure A-3

F) Appellant filed the appeal on 04.03.2023

against the impugned Judgment and :Decree

. ·: -~

dated 14.08.2019. True Copy of the Appeal

along With annex lire dated 04.03.2023 has

been annexed herewith and is marked as

Annexure A-4.

G) T?~t. the Ld. CJ has .not determined the issue

:' :::of
title/ownership as the plea· r~ised by the
' I 'I o

·:'appellant in her written statement with the

·document. The 1~. Trial Court has neither ""

correctly appreciated the facts and documents

on . record nor correctlY; observed the

>.authoritative pronouncements. It is pertinent

. ~

·to mention here that no issues were -framed

, and matter is at the stage of Plaintiff Evidence

for the' arrears of the rent.

H) Aggrieved by the impugned judgment and

decree dated 14.08.2019 passed by the Ld. CJ,

Tis ·Hazari Courts in Suit No. 1508 of 2.018

titled "Ranjeet Vs Subhra Kabasi" the


Appellant has preferred the present Appeal

under order 41 Rule 1 r jw. section 96 of the

CPC· on various grounds vide RCA No. 23 of

2023 titled "Subhra Kabasi Vs Ranjeet".

E) That the Ld. Appellate Court without

appreciating the facts, reached an. erroneous

. .
conclusion, overlooking and 1gnonng the

substantial and procedural law, judicial

precedents, pleadings, documents on record

dismissed the appeal vide RCA Nci, 23 of 2023

on 10.10.2023 because of which the appellant

suffereq. from perversity thus impugned

judgment dated 10.10.2023 of the Ld.

. .
Appellate Court. arid impugned Judgment and

decree dated 14.08.2019 of the Ld. Court

are liable to be set-aside.


. .
The following questions of law anse for

'-...-- consideration by thi.s Hon 'ble Court:

A) Whether impugned judgment and decree

passed by Ld. Trial and Appellate Court 1s

erroneous, perverse and caused prejudice to

the rights of the appellant ·• while

misinterpreting/per incuriam the laW: laid

down by Hon 'ble High Court and H•on 'ble

. .
: \

Supreme Court of India regarding admissibility

of fact?

B) . :Whether Ld. Trial arid Appellate Court

· • .misconstrued the cogent and relevant

:>documents on record?

C) ·whether Ld. Trial and Appellate Court without


:. deciding the preliminary lSSUe of

; · m~intainability of the suit and the locus standi

·of the respondent under Order 10 Rule 1,

.:. Order 14 Rule 2 sub-rule 2 and section 9 of

the CP,C can proceed the matter which may

prejudice the rights of the appellant?

D) Whether trespasser can be entitled to claim the

posl?ession .of the Government land on the

basis of forged and fabricated titled document?

E) · Whether trespasser can be entitled for

Judgment and decree on the basis of

.. . unclear admission
of fact?
F) Whether the judgment passed by the Ld. Trial
' .
and Appellate . Court suffers from an error
~ .
either of. law or procedure and gave its own

judicial interpretation which is per incuriam?

. ·.


A. .impugned judgment and decree of

. .
the Lt Trial and Appellate Court· is liable tp be

set aside as the same is against law and

circumstances of the case. The impugned order

is based upon conjectures and Surmises.

B. Because the Ld. Trial and Appellate Court

grossly erred in ignoring the fact and law that

the respondent has no locus standi. to file the

suit of the prem1ses which pertains to the

Govemmen t land by claiming himself to be

owner ~nd landlord of the suit property.

C. Because the Ld. Trial and Appellate Court has

not considered .-the fact of preliminary legal

. ..
issue· (maintainability of the. .suit)
. . under Order

10 Rule 1, Section 9 and Order 14 Rule 2 sub-

rule 2 of the CPC, further if it r~qui.t~es tri::~.l

then matter may be proceed further for trial.

The aforesaid· issue has been clarified by way

of averments and submissions along with

record raised in the written statement. The

foremost question 1s well interpreted by

0 0

) ..;
• J. :--
:Honble Supreme Court 1n Karan Kapoor Vs

:Madhuri Kumar's Judgment as well as S.M Arif

· 1Vs Virender Kumar Bajaj ~as clarified the

ip.dmission of fact "power to pass judgment on

:~dmissions is discretionary and cannot be

.·Claimed as a matter of right. The said power

should 'be only exercised when specific, clear

and catego:r:ical admission of facts and

documents are on record, otherwise the court

can -refuse. to invoke it".· Hence the issue of

estoppels under section 116 cannot be

consider .at the given facts and circumstances

about the tenant cannot de:nying the title of


D. B.ecause the Ld Trial and Appellate court erred ~

in law to consider when the documents are on

record to show that the land pertains to

Government land, and no rent agreement was

executed .between the parties. Hence there is

no clear admission of tenancy and further

trespasser cannot be allowed to claim the

amount or rent on behalf of Government and

. Q/(,

further .whe.n there · are .Issues ·raised In

pleadings · then issues are required to be

framed and preliminary issue also raised on

the maintainability of the suit and locus standi

of the respondent.

6. That the Appellant craves leave of the Hon'ble

Court to urge such further additional ground

(s), at the time of hearing of this R.SA, which

have not been specifically takeri up in this


7. That the Appellant has not fired any other or


similar appeal before this Hon'ble Court or any

other court ~xcept the present one.

. .
It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that

this Hon'ble Court may kindly be pleased to: ..

A) Set-as~de, reversed and quashed the i:tr?-pugned

judgment dated 10.10.2023 ·passed by Ld ADJ-

03, Central, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi in RCA

No.24 of 2023 in title Subhra Kabasi Vs

Ranjeet and appeal of the appellant may kindly

. .
be accepted;

I ','

B) · · 'Summon the Ld. Appellate Court record vide

·RCA No. 24 of 2023 and Ld. Trial Court record

. vide CS No. 1508 of 2018 respectively of its

: kind. perusal;

C) '.PaE!S any other or further order which this

• Hon'ble Court deem fit and proper under the

. circumstances of the case in favour of the





Dated: 11.1.2023
·Counsel for Appellant
ADVOCATE D-1770/2007
MOBILE NO.: 9868873986
E-mail: pmahipal'09@gmail.corh
, .. l:
. ,·
' .;l




R.S.A. N0.208 OF 2023


Subhra Kabasi ... Petitioner
Ranjeet ... Respondent


I, Subhra Kabasi, · W / o Lt. Sh. Manoranjan Kabasi,

Rjo House No. 27, 1st Floor, Khyber·Pass, Civil Line-

·. ~

110054, aged about 58 years, do hereby solemnly

affirm and declare as.urider:-

1. That 'I am th.e Appellant 1n the above said

matter and am well conversant with the facts

and circumstances of the case and also

competent 'to file the present affidavit.

2; That the contents of the accompanYing appe~

has been drafted by my counsel as per my

instruction and the contents of the same have

been duly read over to me in· a vernacular

. .
language and understood by me and after fully

understanding the contents of the sap:1e, I

., ... ,
·::....... '!;·

.: .hereby
. the facts slated
. ·. . therein
arc all

•true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

:The conten~s of s~id petition may kindly he

, read as part and parcel of this affidavit also as

·:the .contents of the same; have not been

'repeated herein for the sake of brevity.


Verified' at Delhi on this 3rd day of October,

2023, that the contents of my above affidavit are

true and correct to my knowledge, no part of it is

false · and n·othing material has been concealed

·. thert;!from·.


I.A. NO. OF 2023

[Arising out of the impugned final judgment and

order dated 08.11.2023 passed by the .Hon 'ble High
Court of Delhi at New Delhi in RSA No. 208/2023]


Subhra Kabasi~
: .. Petitioner
Ranjeet ... Respo:J;ldent


10 TO P-12

1. That the present Special Leave Petition has

been filed under Article 136 of the Constitution

of India praying for Special Leave to Appeal


against the: impugned final judgmen.t and; order.

dated 08.11.2023 passed by the Hon'ble High

Court of Delhi at New Delhi 1n RSA No.


2. That the following document was inadvertently

:not filed ·in the lower courts, thu.s, was not a

:part of the records of the Courts below.

However, the said document is an important

; and necessary document for the adjudication

. .
··of the present matter. The :said document 1s

•: annexed herewith and marked as:

· i) True copy of the Rent Agreement dated

12th day of December 2015 along with

documents 1s annexed herewith as

Annexure P-10 (Pgs.?.. ~~~ to 2'1')

ii) . True copy of the .Letter dated 20.01.2023

sent to Police Station, Civil Lines,

· Timarpur, Delhi is annexed herewith as

Annexure P-11 (Pgs. 2H"f:;;... .2.'1!.)

iii) True . ·copy of the. ·Letter No.L&DO /L-

III/8/3(40)/40 dated 16.05.2023 sent to

the Sh. Subhankdar Kabasi is annexed

herewith as Annexure P-il2(Pgs:?-4-' to


4. That the aforesaid additional document 1s an

important and necessary document for the

·.adjudication 'Of the present case.

5. That the Respondents would suffer irreparable

loss and injury if the present application is not

allowed. The present application. being moved

bonafide and in interest of justice.

.It is most respectfully prayed that this _Hon ble

Court may kindly be pleased to:

i) permit the petitioner to file the additional

documents as Annexure P-10 to P-12; 0

ii) Pass or grant such other interim

relief/ order/ direction as this Hon 'ble · Court

may deem fit and proper 1n the interest of



P~. ,

(Ms. Sanjucta Kabasi)
_:f':"IR . , AltV P· BAN ~/e.-:1 BE .
DRAWN ON: Advocate for the Petitioner
FILED. ON: 2. t!tl HI ~'-.5

e-Stamp Certificate. No.IN- DL91781530832792N

. . .
This Rent Agreement is made in Delhi on 12th

Day of December 2015 BETWEEN,

Mr. RA~~;e:ET S/0 SH. CHANDER P.f\L Resident of

. 110083,

herd.J:lafter called the OWNER/FIRST PARTY.



KABf'.SI Resident of 19, PARDA :BAGH·, BEHIND


called the Tenant/Second Party.

And ,Whereas the expression of t};1e both the parties,

which shall include their legal hires, nominees, next

of kins, successors, administrators etc.

And Whereas the First party is the true, lawful

owner and ·in his/her possession of the PORTION



Whereas hereinafter first party ha~ agreed to ·let out

of above said property to the tenant on monthly rent

' .
. .~ .

of Rs. 5000/- per month fora period of (11) months,


And whereas the tenancy commence W.E.F.

06/12/2015 to 05/11/2016 for a time period 11

Months and the tenancy period may be extended


with the mutual consent of both the parties, by

enhancing the re~t which will be mutually d~cided.

·- And whereas the second party I t.enan t held

liable to pay ·the electric· & water· charges extra as

per the consumption according to the meter reading

' .

to first party and 1 0°/o increase of rent after the 11


And whereas the tenant/ second party shall not

challenge about the rent in any court of law.

And whereas tenant/second· party had

deposited a sum of NIL to the owner as security

which will be refundable by the landlord to the

tenant at the time of vacation of the above said

. .
rented premises. without any interest.


1. That the tenant/ second party shall no~ make

any additions or alterations in the abov~ :not~d , .


prem1ses without the Wr-itten consent of the

first party and shall keep the premises neat

and clean and shall not let out the same on

rent or without rent to any other person at any


2. . That the party ~hall be full:y. entitl~d to look the

hours and
.. after the same at any reasonable

•.second party/ tenant shall not ra1se any '"'


:_.objection against the same.

shall pay the
3. , That the second party jtenapt
,:re~t regularly to the first party in advance.

4. , That the white washing, painting, day-to-day

<repair /maintenance charges will be done by

the tenant at his own cost and expenses.

5. That if the tenant may stop the payment of

rent, then the landlord will be free to initiate

legal proceedings, for the recovery of all. the

arrears of rent and evict the tenant.

tenancy commences from

6. That the
06/12/2015 for a period of (1.1) months and

the period may be extended by both the parties

with their mutual consent:

... i""',c-..

7. That if the first party wants to vacate the said

premises . before the expiry of tenancy period

from the second party j tenant then he s~all

produce ONE MONTH advance notice to the

second party /tenant and tenant shall also

adopt the same conditions.

8. That tenant". shall abide all ·the rules and

regulations of the concerned authorities.

9. That the t~nant shall use the said premises

only for Residential/ Commercial/ l?dustrial


10. That the fiers party have no objection if the

tenant /second party shall apply for U.I.D

card, mtnl ·telephone connection

(S.T.D /Pco /Persdnal Phone)/ internet

connection, gas connection, voter I c~rd;: child

admission,: bank account, etc at the: ·said


11. That if at any time shall use· the said premises

for any illegal purposes, or misuse the same in

any m,anner,...the landlord shall be fully.:~ntitle
I • ' .•

. ·.

. ' ....

to get the premises vacated through court of

law without giving any notice to the tenant.

1,2. That the tenant hereby assures· to the landlord

that he shall pay the rent regularly to the

landlord and also abide the rules and

regul?.tions of this Re:qt Agreeme!).t.

. . .

13.:· That alt the expenses of ~~amp papers, and

.other documents, papers, charges shall be

borne by the tenant.

. '

14. •That this Rent will be treated as STANDARD

·.RENT, and no party or his h~irs, challenge the



made at Place, date month and year first above

mentioned 1n the presence of the following -\


Sd/- Illegible FIRST PARTY


. \

This General Power of Attorney is executed at

Delhi, on the 22nd day of February, 2014, By SHRI

MUKESH KUMAR Son of late Shri Sukal

. "

resident of 27, Fancy Silk Mills, Khyber Pass, Delhi-

54, hereinafter called the Executant.


(1) SMT. SAROJ Wife of Shri Chancier Pa~, and (2)

. . .
SHRI RANJEET Son of Shri Chander Pal, both

residents of J-1044, Mangolpuri, New Delhi-83,

hereinafter called the General Attorney.


WHEREAS the Executant 1s owner and in

possession of Built up Super structure bearing

House No.27, measuring about 25 Sq.Yds ..; situated

at Fancy Silk Mi~ls, Khyber Pass, Delhi-54.

AND WHEREAS the Executant do ~ereby

appoint, authorise, nominate arid constitute said

person as true and lawful general attorney .In

respect of .sai~ property and' do here by eU1p9wer

them jointly and/ or severally to do follo.wing acts,

deeds & things in respect of above said property in

... ..:_' \ ./
·~ \

the name and on behalf of the principal under her

own signature.


1. To manage, control, lookafter and supervise

the aforesai~ property in all respects:

2. · To enter'ihtc>Agreement, to teceive advance, to

issue respect, to get the Agreement registered if


3 .. :TP get the lease hold rights converted into free

. .
I > ..
deposit conversion charges, to give

statements, to produce documents, to execute

Conveyance Deed, to get the same stamped, to get

the 'same registered in the office of Sub- Registrar,

conferned and in this respect to appear and act in

the ;,office of Collector of Stamps, Sub-Registrar

Office, to s1gn and submit requisite forms,

prescribed ~orms, affidaVit, declaration, indemnity

bond, surety bond, security bond, to reply to the

letters and notices, to follow up the matter in all


4. To sell ·the aforesaid property in part or whole

and· i'n this regard to receive consideration, to issue

receipt, to execute· Sale Deed, to admit execution, to

get the same registered, to present the same for

registration in the office of subregistrar, concerned;

to· han dover the po.ssession of said prop~rty to ·the

intending purchaser/ s.

5. To get the electricity and water connection/ s

changed/installed in the said proper;ty, to appear

and act in the Electricity and water Deptt. , to do all

acts, deeds and things for this purpose.'

6. To execute Rectification Deed, Supplementary

Deed, to admit execution, to get the same· registered,

if required.

7. To receive alternate s'ite or acquisition money,

1n case the said property is acquired l:?Y the

concerned authority.

8. To ·get· the aforesaid property transferred,

mutated and substituted in the records of MCD,

DDA, Electricity and Water Deptt., or any other

concerned aut~ority.

9. To Appear and act in the office of MCD,

Electricity and water Deptt., DDA, Revenue, sub

Registrar Office of Collector of Stamps, or any other

, :~J

concern autho~ity in respect of all affairs and

matters relating to said property.

10. To deposit dues and demands of the concern

authority, to obtained valid discharges thereof.

11. To gift the aforesaid property, to execute Gift

Dee'd, to admit execution, to get the Gift Deed

registered in the office of Sub-Registrar, concerned.

12. To execute Rectification Deed,. Supplementary -""'

Dee·d, to admit execution, to get the s·ame registered

in the office of Sub-Registrar, concerned.

13. To sign and admit requisite forms, prescribed

for~~:'· affidavit, declaration, inde~nity bond, no

o.bjec:tion, surety bond, undertaking, security bond,

to give statements, to produce documents, to follow

up the matter in all respects.

14. : To file suit, plaint, complaint, petition, written
i . :

stat~mep.ts, appleas,·· in the court whether appellate

or original jurisdiction, to file or withdraw the

docu,ments, to execute decree of the court, to receive

decreetal amount , to issue valid discharges thereof,

to engage Advocate or pleader.

15. To appoint anyone. else as General or Special


16. And generally to do. all other. ~cts, deeds and

things which are necessary for . the aforesaid

purpose Js whi<:::h have not been ·speCifically

mentioned in this Deed.

I do hereby agree to ratify and confirm all such acts,"

deed and things to be done by said attorney shall be

construed as acts, deeds and things done by the

personally, as if I were present.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this


General Power of Attorney at the place, da1, month

and hear first :above written in the preseripe of

following witnesses:-


1. Sd/- Sdj-::.
Illegible Illegible

2. Sd/-

) -:{ -~
,... .........


This DEED OF will is executed at Delhi on this 22nd

day of February 2012, BY SHRI MUKESH KUMAR

Son of late Shri Sukal Ram, resident of 27, Fancy

Silk Mills, Khyber Pass, Delhi-54, Hereinafter called

the Testator.


(1) SMT. SAROJ Wife of Shri Cha:rider Pai, and (2)

SHRI RANJEET Son of Shri Chander Pal, both

residents of J-1044, Mangolpuri, New Delhi-83,

.. . called the Legatees.
W:trE)REAS I ~ owner
. and in po~sessiqn
.. . of Built up

Super structure bearing House No.27, measunng

about 25 Sq.Y ds., situated at· Fancy Silk Mills,


Khyber Pass, Delhi-54.

I, , hereby devise, bequeath ; and leave the

aforesaid property to the said legatee absolutely and

forever, who after my death will become the absolute

owners of said property, who, then shall be fully

competent to use and enjoy· the said property or

transfer or alienate the same to anyone in the

manner they like, without any claim, demand and

•.... ~.

0 bj ection b:y my other heirs and SUCCeSS<;JrS,. in case

said legatees. pre.deceases me theri ':he aforesaid

property shall go and devolve upon heirs and

successors of sai:ci legatees.

In. case said Legatee predeceases me then ·the

abovesaid property shall go and involve upon her

heirs and successors.

This is my last and final will in respect of said

property, if any other Will· is found prior to this

relating then the same shall be treated as cancelled

and revoked.

IN WITNESS W:fiEREOF, 1 have executed .this will at

the place, day, month and year first above written in

presence of the following witnesses.


1. Sd/- · SdJ-:··< :
Illegible TESTATOR'

2. Sd/-

This Agreement to sell is executed at Delhi, on this

22nd day of February, 2012, By SHRI MUKESH

KUMAR Son of late Shri Sukal Ram, resident of 27,

Fancy Silk Mills, Khyber Pass, Delhi-54, hereinafter

called the first party.


(1) SMT. SAROJ Wife of Shri Chancier Pal, and (2)


SHRI RANJEET Son of Shri Chander Pal, both

residents of J-1044, Mangolpuri, New Delhi-83,

hereinaft~r called the Second party.

. .

The:;! _expression of the first and seco~d party herein

. .
used .. shall mean and include them, their heirs,

succe.ssors and assigns etc.

WHEREAS the First party 1s owner and 1n

pos5;essio~ of Built up Super s_tructure bearing

House No.27, measuring about 25 Sq.Yds., situated

at Fancy Silk Mills, Khyber Pass, Delhi-54.

AND , WHEREAS the First party has agreed to sell

the aforesaid property for a sum of Rs.l,OO,OOO/-

(Rupees One Lac only) to the second party and the

,... • .:

second party has agreed to purchase· the same fro:in

the first party for the same consideration.


1. That the first party doth hereby sell, transfer,

convey, assign and apart the aforesaid property to

the second party along with .the rights of ownership,

title, interest, easement and privileges along with

fixtures and fittings whatsoever appurten~nt to the

aforesaid property TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. the

: • !

same up to the second party absolutely and forever.

2. That the first party h~s delivered the pea·ceful,

physical vacant possession of said property}o the

' ' ' .
second party o:p. e}.{_ecution of this Agreement. . .·.; ·. · ·
0 •

' .

3. That the first party hereby assures tpe. .second

party that the said property is free from all sorts of

encumbrances such as prior sale, gift, mortgage,

litigation and disputes~ stay· order and attachment,

notification and acquisition, charges and liens,

surety and security or any other registered or un-

registered encumbrances and if this fact is found

otherwise as a result of which a part or whole of the

said property goes out from the hand 'Of the second·

party then the first party will be liable and

responsible to indemnify the loss thus suffered by

the secortd party that the rate of then prevailing

market value.

4. That the first party will pay dues and demands

of the concerned authority upto the date of

exe~ution of this agreement and thereafter by the

second party in respect of said property hereby sold.

5. · That the first party has delivered the relevant

documents relati!'lg to title. of said property to the

second party on execution of this agreement.

6. That as and when the presentation of the first

party W111 be required for· the completio·n of above

said transaction then the firs( party.· will present ~

himS.elf and will sign on such documents which are

necessary for complet'ion of said transaction in

favdur of the second party without any further,


detnand, claim and objection 1n any manner


7. That on the specific representation of the first

party that he ho'Id ·perfect title to transfer the

aforesaid property, the second party has purchased

the above said property and if this :(acts is found

otherwise as a result of which a part or whole of the

aforesaid property goes out from the hand of the

second party then the first party or his property will

indemnify the loiss thus suffered by the second 'party

at the rate of prevailing market value .

That now the first party admits that he has

been left with no right, title, interest or concerned. of

any nature ·whatsbever in the 'said property q.pdi the

second party has beco~e the absolute ovVT1er ·of said

property by this Agreement, who now shall be fully

competent to use and enjoy the same in the manner

they would like.

9. That the second party will be fully competent

to get the above said property transferred, mutated

and substituted in their own names in the records

of Revenue, MCD., DJB, Electricity Depth, or any

other concerned authority.

10. THAT the First and Second party have

executed this Agreement, voluntarily,, without any

pressure and· in their full senses, contents of this

. I

Agreement .have been explained to them and they

admit apd.understand the sarrie as true and correct.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the first and second party

hav.e executed ·this Agreement at the place, day

month, and year first above written in presence of

following witnesses.

1. Sd/- Illegible FIRST PARTY

2. Sd/- Illegible

RECEIVED A Sum of Rs.l,OO,OOO /- (Rupees One

Lac Only) in respect to sale the built up Super

structure bearing House No.27, measuring about 25

Sq. Yds., situated at Fancy Silk Mills, Khyber': pass,

Delhi-54, Form:- (1) SMT. SAROJ Wife of Shri

Chander Pal, and (2) SHRI RANJEET Son of Shri

Chander Pal, bo~h residents of J-1044, Mangolpuri,

New Delhi-83, in full ahd final settlement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have executed this Receipt

at Delhi on this 22nd day of February, 2012, >in the

. .
presence of following witnesses.

1. Sd/- Illegible Illegible

2. Sd/- Illegible

Son of Late Shri Sukal Ram,
Resident of 27, Fancy Silk Mills,
Khyer Pass, Delhi-54
., 'i."'

1/WE, SHRl MUKESH KUMAR Son of late Shri

Sukal Ram, resident of 27, Fancy Silk Mills, Khyber

Pass, Delhi-54, · do hereby solemnly affirm and

declare as under:-

1. THAT 1/We·have sold Built up Super structure

bearing House No.27, measuring about 25 Sq.Yds,

situated at Fancy Silk Mills, Khyber Pass, Delhi-54.

To (1) SMT. SAROJ Wife of Shri Chancier Pal, and (2)

SHRI RANJEET Son of Shri Chander Pal, both

residents of J-1044, Mangolpuri, New Delhi-83, on

the.basis of GPA, Will, Agreement to Sell, Possession

I,-etter, Recei·pt, etc.

. .
2. THAT 1/WE have received from the above said

amount in full and final consideration from the

above said purchaser.

. . .

3. : . :THAT as and when the sale pe;rmission will be

. ::. . . . . ·. . .
granted We hereby undertake to execute and sign

on such document which will be required for perfect


transfer of above said property in favour of the said

pur~haser, without further demand.

.. :
4. That in case any defect is found in my title over

said property then I shall be held liable and

responsible to indemnify the loss th4s suffered by

the second party at the rate of then prevailing

market value.

.: Sd/-

Verified at Delhi on this 22nct day of February, 2012,

that the contents of the above affidavit are tnie and

.. · .
correct to the best.
. of my knowledge and noth:i;ng
. .·has
• •• 0

been concealed there from.

on A~-­
.•( l.J.. -1



Sukal Ram, resident of 27, Fancy Silk Mills, Khyber·.

pass, Delhi-54, do hereby delvier the peaceful

physical possession of Built up Super structure

bearing House No.27, measuring about 25 Sq. Yds.,

situated Fancy Silk Mills, Khyber pass, Delhi-54, To

(1) SMT. SAROJ Wife of Shri Chancier Pal, and (2)

SHRI RANJEET Son of Shri Chancier Pal, both

resi_dents of J-1044, Mangolpuri, New Delhi-83,

today 24th day of January, 20 12 in the presence of

the· followin~ witnesses:

. Sd/- Illeg~bl~. . Ss/- Illegible


1. Sd/- Illegible

2. .•Sd/ -·Illegible
·· ..


Tele: 23816005 B'v HAND
Composite Food Lab6ratory
ASC P-11 (Ground Floor)
Havlock Lines Luckndw

Road, Timarpur, pelhi-54

FLD/ 1166/KP/Q 20 Ja:n 20~3

Police Station
Civil Lines, Timarpur Delhi



1. It is ip.timat~d that Khyber Pass Land: :is· on

MoUD land and

Composite Food Laboratory

Delhi is bestowed with the responsibility of watch &

ward duty of the same. The encroachers undertake

illegal construction activity ·on this 'land. reglilarly


which is an illegal occupation of gover.ninent land.

2. In the past, whenever our representatives go to

Khyber Pass, the encroachers start agitation· and

attempts are made to blame our representative of

molestation, harassment and various other fake


3. It is intimated that our representatives will go

to demolish fresh constructions on 21 Jan 2023 at

lOOOhrs. You are requested to detail a Police

i·epres.entative alongwith ladies police representative

to assist us for the same. Any further detail if

required may pl'ease be coordinated telephonically.

(Himanshu Baliyan)
Administrative Officer
for Commanding Officer.

Copy to:- for info please.

HQ Delhi area Q (Land)
Delhi Cantt-1-0 .
Ms. Sanjutta Kabasi 1. Demolition of newly
House N0.27, 1st Floor, erected illegal construction
Khyber Pass, Civil Lines, by encroachers. at Khyber
New Delhi-110054 Pass (near PS Civil Lines)
will be undertaken by
Army authorities on 21
Jan 2023 at lOOOhrs.
Based on confirmation of
the Police reps. If willing,
you may .remain present to
~nable identification of
new cases of
encroachment for our
further necessary action.
2. This · is. for your
infon;nation ~d necessary

Speed Post

Government of India
Ministry of Hous1ng arid Urban Affairs·
Land & Development Office
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

No.L&DO/L-1!1/8/3/(40)/40. I)(l.teA: 16;.~.,

.~if~··' A~ :; ,.'
~, '\
To '
.' ....~"'·-~ '~4' .. .
'~>'{{(: ii.?- ' • ,f.~

·'. -~~-
~~~ ·\
· l..,) ~,..
~~ '\
·:-.r·· .)
Sh. Shubhankar Kabasi, . t
./ J:!l'~~ ,. ·' .,.. ~/
House No.27, I Floor, .,~ ., .. : -:. . ,...
Near Fancy Silk Mill Civil Lines, "-\~' ," ~·~~
.~~.-. .~;,;~<.····'
' ........
Civil Line, Delhi-110054 ~\,,_·,·-.,~
\, ......
,. ~,:p-·
,... ~
\. ., ·. .( . $:,;--:.~·- ,. . :· . ·"
Sub: Public Grievance Application· ·... _qf'' Sh.
Shubhankar Kabasi filed on .. ,1 (?.'4.~·2023
regarding forgery and criminal intimidation
by Ranjeet and Saroj towards Sh.
Shubhankar Kabasi in rjo H.No.27, Civil
Lines, Khyber Pass, Delhi.

Ref: Public Grievance No. bOURD/E/2023/

0005629 DATED 16.4.2023.

I am directed to refer to your Public Grievance

Application No.DOURD /E/2023/0005629' dated ·on the subject mentioned above. The

matter has been examined.

2. In this context, it is stated that the own_ersliip

of the land in question vests with the Government of

; .

As per records available, the

India; only.

Complainant as well as Ranjeet, Saroj and Mukesh

(names men,tioned in the grievance) are merely

encroachers/unauthorized occupants of land/

property in question. The Complainant has also

stated hiJ1iself that he has no registered documents

in respect of the land/property in question. The

·comm'ercial land in question comes under the Re-

development of Khyber Pass area into District

Center (as per DDA's Master, ~Plan -20~1) which is

to· be re-developed by DDA as per ,Govt Policy after

' '

the removal of unauthorized occupancy /illegal

encroachment~ from different sites of Khyber Pass·,

Civil Lines, Delhi.

Yours faithfully,
(Ashok Bawal)
Dy. Land & Development Officer
Tel No.23061325

Copy to:
1. PG Cell, Ministry of Housing and Urban
Affairs, Nirman Bhawan New Delhi
2. DyL&DO(V), Coordination Section.

$tate of_..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,_ l .
. ·. S ect1o r1 - - - -


I.A./ Criminal Misc. Petition N9 .................................................... 0f 20
Special Leave Petition (Civil/ Criminal) N~ .................................. Pf"'io. ·.
. . . / ... \ ' \
Civil/Criminal Appeal/Transfe-r I Writ Petition No ... : ............ .:::.. 11f!o·~'t~z.Q.. ··.· .\
.-- "~..-- · (';..
tJ-!1.• v.... '\
In The Matter Of:

~ ~--~ 1/ , . -...-~. :· (;. .\v~
~~ ~\ ~· •. -It~ ~··

\\ .

. ~ERSUS. ~-~ ~\ ~ Ap~:~~; ~~li >, >

\.V\..~'L?.2:.A " • \,. \ .·~:~;l\d~'d~·dent (s')
.... \~ I<"'\\'\\<"" ...........

lNQE.X $)F Fll.l&~-v:~/"

·~T---~-------·-------------- ~ ~· ~.


~ . .
1. . g~u'al ~ve; ~kh'on {f' ~o. ..---- l rooj. .
2. JJ.tG·~k~t-1. ,

.. . /,f-1 2of. . . __.


'lrt--1 1~~!,....

li •

·n\~ .. ~ .
1\ /1!!:-CJ..~~
. ~rlv .
Advocate for,U'\e P~tltloner (s) I App~llant (s)

/'I r o··,.,
/' ll
.~ .- ::./ ~.

Respondent'(s):Caveator I fntervenor

., . '

.... -·.......... ..

(SCRO.rder IV Rule 1S)

.. ' .Smt..iShri. . · ofthe.

\s.u'preme Court of India to ac and appear form . s in the above matter and.on my/our behaif to.
c<lnduct and prosec te (or defend) the 'same and. to appear in all proceedings t~at may be .
taken in .respect of 'any application connected with ~he same or any or order passed ·
theiri.n-; includi~g proceedings in taxation and applications for review, to fil.e·a.nd.obtain.return of
documents arid to· deposit and receive nioney in my I our behalf ·in the said matter anti to
·represent me/us and to take all necessary step. on my/our behalf in the· said matter. 1/We agree to
ratify all acts done bythe aforesaid Advocate in pursuance on this authorits.
·.. . · . Dated this the 1
~ ft-. ~
day of 2023

Acceptad, Identified & Certified

fA tz VIP f5A~-.fe:~ ·)
C~1\..Vo. '-r~s._
. .. . .. . .
~~-~ ~s)/AppenUOnt(s) Respoitdenls/ Caveator
The Registrar
· Supreme Court of India,
New Delhi...
. Sir, ·.
. Please ~riter my appearance on behalf of the Petitioner(s)/Appellant(s)/Respondent(S)/ ... ·~ ..;...•
· Opposite Parties /Intervener in the mentioned· above · ·' ·

~=~~~~~:;. 4kJ!sl1J day~f ~/ 2023

~ ALt . jt6/bS'fJ5T"D
(/1'/(Uf !3AtUt:;';e.JGE·).· .
..• .·• Dated•.:•• ,~~!.!-}--~~),· · . Advocate f~r the · · ··.
Petitioner(s)iAppenllant(s) Respondents/ Caveator
·· ·
RSA NO. 208/2023


R/0 J-1044, MANGOLPURI, DELHI- 110083



·<: .
''•, I

Advocate-on-Record (A.O .R..COde-1581 )
The Supreme Court of India
Ch. Nt.438, Block·D, New Add I. Building Complex
The Supreme Court of India, New Delhi-110001

~ LA. NO. _ _ OF 2023

.- ,J

. INDEX ....
S.No. Particulars . Pages

. 1-46
1. ~·NO. OF 2023
Application for Impleadment I

2. ANNEXURE A-1 .......
A copy of the reply dated
16.05.2023 vide No. L&D.O I 1-III.
/8/3/(40)/40 from Land &'.
Development Office,· Nirman
Bhawan, :New Delhi along with its
original i



·'t:t· g,_:. ,. lt Rl)_?Jli ~t g. IC ~E.
' • ' • • I •

I.A. NO. ___ OF 2023'










o 10 o I


. .
1. That the present Special Leave Petition has

been filed against the impugned judgment of Hon'ble

High Court of Delhi ~ated 98.11.2023 i;n RS~ No.

I 0 o' I.

208/2023 titled 'Subhra Kabasi v. RanJ.eet' whereby,

the second appeal u.js 100 ·r/w 42 of CPC ·was

~ h
dismissed. against the impugned judgment dated

10.10.2023 passed by Ld. ADJ 03, Tis Hazari Courts

in RCA DJ 24/2023 and confirmed the impugned

decree dated 14.08.2019 under Order XII Rule 6 CPC

passed by Ld. Trial Court, Tis Hazari Courts in CS

SCJ 1508/2018.

2. · That by way of the present Application,

App_licant~ ~~re~r;t are sc:eking . iii?-pleadment of

Director, Land and Development Office, Ministry of

Urban and Development (hereinafter 'L&DO') as

responde~t no.2 as necess·ary and/ or. proper parties

.I '•,'

in_ the instant Special Leave Petition: It 'is submitted

that::the department Land and Development Office

her~in were not party before the' Hon'ble High Court

of D~lhi in the proceedings leading to this SLP.

3 .. :That the applicant received· a reply dated

16.05.2023 vide No. L&DO/L-III/8/3/(40)/40 from


Land & Development Office, Nirman Bhawan, New

Delhi to her . public gnevance No.

DOURD/E/2023/0005629 dated 16.04.2023. A

copy of the reply dated 16.05.2023 vide No. L&DO /L-

III/8/3/(40)/40 from Land & Development Office,

~ Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi along with its original is

annexed as Annexure A-1 (Pgs. 7 to 9). The reply

states as under:
·. .
"2. In this context, it 1s stateq . that the

ownership of the land in question vests with the

Government of India only. As per records

available, the complEtinant. as' 'weli as Ranjeet,

Saroj and Mukesh are merely encroachers I

unauthorized occupants of land/ property in

question. The complainant has also stated that

he has no registered documents in respect of

the land/ property in question. The land in

question comes under the Re-development of

Khyber Pass area into Commercial District

Centre (as per DDA's Master Plan-2021) which

is to be redeveloped by DDA as per Govt ·Policy

after the removal of unauthorized

occupancy1illegal ·encroachments from different

sites of Khyber Pass, Civil Lines, Delhi"

4. That the applicant l.s aggrieved by the dismissal

order of the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi· as the

Second appeal was dismissed vide order dated

08.11.2023 without deciding the substantial

question of law as to whether the

trespassersjurtauthorized occupants have the right

to enter into rent agreements in relation to the land

whose ownership vests with the government of India

only .and w1tho,u,t appreciating the facts, reached· an

. . conclusion,
overlooking :and ignoring the

substantial and· procedural law, judicial precedents,

pleadings, anq ~documents on record. Hence, the

prese.nt petition

5. That the department Land and Development

Office, Ministry' of Urban and Development are

necessary and proper party . to. the present

proceedings and· has a direct and subsisting interest

in the subject matter of the present proceedings.

Further, legal rights and interests of the Applicant

will be seri<?usly prejudiced if the department L & DO

is not heard in the present matter.

6. That the presence of the department L & DO is

necessary in order to enable this Hon 1ble Court to

• ,
an~. cqmpletely adjudicate upon issue
0 • 0
involved in the present ·matter, as the Applic'ant 1s

the main aggrieved party whose rights shall be


affected by any order(s) passed by this Hon'ble· Court.

7. That by adding the department L & DO as

respondent no. 1 to the array of parties, no preju~lice

will be ca~sed t~ the parties already on · r:ec'ord;

neither will fair trial of the questions in controversy

be prejudiced. On the other hand, not making the

department L & DO p~ty to ~he present proceec;Iings

• • • 0 ••

will cause serious prejudice to the ~ights of the


8. That it is, therefore most respectfully pr.ayed

that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to implead

the department L & DO as party Respondent No. 2 in

"--- the present Special Leave Petition otherwise the

Applicant will suffer irreparable loss and injury.

9. The Applicant has not filed any other or similar

application on similar issue before this Hon 'ble Court

·.or any other Court in the country.

10. That the ,Application is made bonafide and 1n

the interest of justiCe.

It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that

this· Hon'ble
.. Court
may graciously be pleased to: - :

(a) Allow the present application Jor impleadment

and direct impleadment of Director, Land .and

Develop!J;l~nt. Office; Ministry· of Urban

Development as party Respondent rio. 2 in the

present Special Leave Petition; and

(b) Allow the Director of department Land and

Development Office, Ministry of Urban

Development to intervene in the. present Special

Leave Petition.

(c) pass such other and further order/orders as

this Hon'ble Court may deem fit and proper on

the facts and in the circumstances of the case.



{Ms. Sanju~ta Kabasi)
· · MR·. ARuP·'SAN,;:.~J'&P.
FI~ED O.N: ;~~~~· ;,_t!>;S· Advocate for the Petitioner
Speed Post

Government of India
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs ·.
Land & Development Office '
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

No.L&DO /L-III/8/3/ (40)/ 40 Dated: 16.05.2023

Sh.Shubhankar Kabasi,
House No.27, I Floor,
Near Fancy Silk Mill Civil Lines,
Civil Line, Dellii-1'10054

Sub: PUblic Grievance Application·. ·of Sh.

Shubhankar Kabasi filed on 16.4.2023
regarding forgery and criminal intimidation
by Ranjeet and Saroj towards Sh.
Shubhankar Kabasi. in rjo H.N,o.27, .Civil
Lines; Khyber Pass, Delhi.' ..

Ref: Public Grievance No. DOURD/E/2023/

0005629 DATED 16A.2023 ..


I am directed to refer to your PubliG Grievance

Application No.DOURD/E/2023/0005629 dated

16.4.2023 on the subject mentioned above. The

matter has been examined.

2. In this context, it is stated that the ownership

of th~ land in question vests with the Government of

. .
.Jndia . only. As per records~ available, the

Complainant as well as Ranjeet, Saroj and Mukesh

. . . .
(names mentioned in the grievance) are merely

encroachers/unauthorized o·ccupants of land/

property in question. The Complainant has also

stated himself that he has no register~d documents

in respect of the land/ property in question. The

commercial land in question comes· under the Re-

development of Khyber Pass area into District

Center (as per DDA's Master, Plan -2021) which is

to be re-developed by DDA as per Govt Policy after

the removal of unauthorized occupancy /illegal

encroachments from different sites of Khyber Pass,

Civil Lines, Delhi.

Yours faithfully,
(Ashok Bawal)
Dy: Larid & Deveiopment Officer
Tel No.23061325

Copy to:
1. PG Cell, Ministry of Housing and Urban
.Affairs, Nirman Bhawan New Delhi
2. · ::DyL&DO(V), Coordination Section.


l •

'Gove·rnmerit of India
Ministry of Housing. and Urban Affairs
·.·Land & Development Office . .·. --: ·
. . . · . Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi .. . ." /···~ :· -. ~%:.
No:L&DO/L-IIV8(3/(40)/ yo. . . . ;.,~ ~q\~ated: .
To ,. ~\) '
~ ~h._Sbubhankar Kabasi, ·./)" ~P~''--~~· ''\~ ·: . .
House No.27,·I Floor, ···.:/ ~'\v ~~ ,, '~-~./.r ·'
Near Fancy _Silk ~ill Ciyil Lines; \ · '~...,. ,-{\o:-: ...,.../ ...
Civil Line, Delhi-1l_0054 . ~ <.. '\ (~~~-.;~· _
. /·
. \, . .". . . ·. ,.. (;ut . . . ~··#
\, . .... \ .._... .......··
~._, "'• ... ~~Y r,..,.
Sub: Public Grievance Application of Sh.Shubhankar ··,Kaq~k filed on 16.4.2023
regarding forgery and criminal intimidation. by··,R~ee,t/~nd Saroj towards
Sh.ShubhJr.k:::r ~nbasi i.n r/o H.No.27, Civii Lines, Khy~;..¥-'ass, Delhi.
Ref: Public Grievance No. DOURD/E/2023/0005629 DATED 16.4.2023

SiG ~·
I am directed to . ·refer to your Public Grievance Application
No.DOURD/E/2023/0005629 dated 16.4.2023 on the subject mentioned above. The
matter has been examined.

2. In this context, it is stated that the ownership of the land in question vests with
the G9vernment of India only. As per records available, the Complainant as well as
Ranjeet, Saroj and Mukesh ( names mentioned in · the grievance) are merely
encroachers/unauthorised occupants orland/property in question. The Complainant has
also stated himself that he has no registered documents in respect of the land/property
in question. The land in question comes under the.Re-development of Khyber Pass area
into commercial District Centre (as per DDA's ·Master Plan -2021) which is to be' re-
developed by- DDA as per Govt Policy after the removal of unauthorised occupancy/ill~gal
encroachments from ~iffer.ent sites of Khyber Pass, Ci.vil Lines, Delhi.
Yours faithfully,

(Ashok Bcfwal) -
Dy_.Lan_~ & pevelopment Officer
Tele No.23061325

Copy t9:
1. ·PG Cell, Ministry of Housing and urban Affairs, Nirman Bhawan New Delhi
2. DyL&DO(V), Coordination Section.

/ &. Development Officer
Tele. No.23061325


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