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1. What will be the in uence on the aeroplane performance if aerodrome pressure altitude is

a. It will increase the take-off distance

b. It will decrease the take-off distance
c. It will increase the take-off distance available
d. It will increase the accelerate-stop distance available

2. An uphill slope will:

a. Increase the take off distance more than the accelerated stop distance
b. Decrease the accelerated stop distance only
c. Decrease the take off distance only
d. Increase the allowed take off mass.

3. Which of the following are to be taken into account for the runway in use for take-off?

a. Airport elevation, runway slope, standard temperature, pressure altitude and wind
b. Airport elevation, runway slope, outside air temperature, standard pressure and wind
c. Airport elevation, runway slope, outside air temperature, pressure altitude and wind
d. Airport elevation, runway slope, standard temperature, standard pressure and wind

4. During the take off:

a. The acceleration force decreases

b. Wheel drag increases
c. Thrust increases
d. Total drag decreases

5. The TODA is:

a. Declared runway length only

b. Declared runway length plus clearway up to a maximum of 150% of TORA
c. Declared runway length plus stopway
d. Declared runway length plus clearway and stopway

6. The stopway is:

a. At least as wide as the runway

b. No less than 152 m wide
c. No less than 500 ft wide
d. As strong as the main runway
7. As long as an aeroplane is in a positive climb:

a. VX is always below VY
b. VX is sometimes below and sometimes above VY depending on altitude
c. VX is always above VY
d. VY is always above VMO

8. A constant headwind component:

a. Increases the angle of ight path during climb

b. Increases the best rate of climb
c. Decreases the angle of climb
d. Increases the maximum endurance

9. During a climb with all engine operating, the altitude where the rate of limb reduces to
100ft/min is called:

a. Thrust ceiling
b. Maximum transfer ceiling
c. Service ceiling
d. Absolute ceiling

10. What is the in uence of the mass on maximum rate of climb (ROC) speed if all other
parameters remains constant?

a. The ROC is affected by the mass, but not the ROC speed
b. The ROC and the ROC speed are independent of the mass
c. The ROC speed increases with increasing mass
d. The ROC speed decreases with increasing mass

11. Which of the following combinations has an effect on the angle of descent in a glide?
(Ignore compressibility effects)

a. Con guration and mass

b. Con guration and angle of attack
c. Mass and altitude
d. Altitude and con guration

12. If thrust available exceeds the thrust required for level ight:

a. The aeroplane accelerates if the altitude is maintained

b. The aeroplane depends if the airspeed is maintained
c. The aeroplane decelerates if it is in the region of reversed command
d. The aeroplane decelerates if the altitude is maintained.
13. An aircraft has 2 certi ed landing aps positions, 25° and 35°. If a pilot selected 35° instead
of 25°, the aircraft will have:

a. An increased landing distance and better go-around performance

b. A reduced landing distance and degraded go-around performance
c. A reduced landing distance and better go-around performance
d. An increased landing distance and degraded go-around performance

14. Which of the following has the lease effect on the CG:

a. Cabin crew members performing their normal duties

b. Fuel usage
c. Stabilator trim usage
d. Mass added or removed at the neutral point.

15. The weight of an aeroplane in all ight conditions acts:

a. Parallel to the CG
b. At right angles to the aeroplanes ight path
c. Always through the MAC
d. Vertically downwards.

16. The main purpose of take off into the wind:

a. Decrease the true groundspeed

b. Decrease the aeroplane performance
c. Increase the true groundspeed

17. The rate of climb:

a. Is approximately the climb gradient multiplied by the true airspeed divided by 100
b. Is the downhill component of the true airspeed
c. Is angle of climb multiplied by the true airspeed
d. Is the horizontal component of the true airspeed

18. The pilot of a single engine aircraft has established the climb performance; the carriage of
additional passengers would cause the climb performance to be:

a. Degraded
b. Improved
c. Unchanged
d. Unchanged, if short air eld is adopted.

19. The angle of climb with aps extended, compared to aps retracted, will normally be:

a. Increase at moderate claps setting; decreasing a large aps setting

b. Smaller
c. Larger
d. Not changed
20. How is density related to temperature, ambient pressure and humidity

a. Air density goes up when temperature goes down (inversely proportional)

b. Air density goes up ambient pressure goes up (directly proportional)
c. Air density goes up when humidity goes down (inversely proportional)

21. Why does air density decreases with increase in altitude

a. Decrease pressure at higher altitude

b. Decrease temperature at higher altitude
c. Standard laps rate in effect

22. Which of the following combinations adversely effects the take off and initial climb

a. High temperature and low relative humidity

b. Low temperature and low relative humidity
c. High temperature and high relative humidity
d. Low temperature and high relative humidity

23. When landing, if an aircraft true airspeed is signi cantly less than the true ground speed then
the aircraft is experiencing:

a. A tailwind
b. A headwind
c. A reduced atmospheric density
d. A crosswind

24. What is the effect of a headwind on the glide angle and glide distance?

a. Glide angle will increase and glide distance decreases

b. Glide angle will remain the same and glide distance will remain the same
c. Glide angle will increase and glide distance will increase
d. Glide angle will decrease and glide distance decreases

25. What atmospheric condition changes will cause an increase in air density?

a. Increase pressure
b. Increase temperature

26. How is maximum range in a glide is achieved?

a. Maintaining a relatively low angle of attack

b. Maintaining a high angle of attack
c. A high descent angle
d. Maintaining a negative angle of attack
27. If landing in headwind component

a. Have slower approach speed and better go around performance

b. Have higher approach speed and better go around performance
c. Have slower approach speed and poorer go around performance
d. No change in approach speed and go around performance

28. Uphill slope for landing

a. Increases landing distance

b. Decreases landing distance
c. No change in landing distance
d. Landing distance is not a factor

29. Power output in a piston engine is limited by

a. Camshaft
b. Cylinder volume
c. Exhaust system
d. Number of cylinder

30. What is Vso?

a. Minimum steady ight speed in landing con guration

b. Minimum steady ight speed obtained in speci c con guration
c. Landing speed
d. Climb speed.

31. What is Vx?

a. That a given altitude is reached within minimum ight time

b. Maximum altitude gain per 10% power
c. That a given altitude is reached within minimum consumption
d. That a given altitude is reached within minimum distance.

32. What is Vy?

a. Best angle of climb

b. Best speed of climb
c. Best rate of climb
d. Best distance of climb

33. What is Vr?

a. Speed of rotation
b. Speed at which the pilot should begin pitching up the aircraft for take off.
c. Best speed of climb
d. Best rate of climb

Basic Empty Mass 560 kg 0.35 m

Pilot and Passenger 150 kg 0.4 m

Baggage 15 kg 0.65 m

Fuel 60 L 0.45 m

34. The position of the centre of gravity (including fuel) equal.

a. 37.3 cm
b. 0.401 m
c. 0.403 m
d. 37.1 cm.

35. During unaccelerated ight

a. Thrust equals lift and drag equals gravity.

b. Thrust equals drag and lift equals gravity.
c. Thrust equals the sum of drag and gravity.
d. Drag equals lift and thrust equals gravity.

36. In Mass and Balance terms, what is an index?

a. A cut down version of force

b. A moment divided by a constant
c. A moment divided by a mass
d. A mass divided by a moment
37. What is the wake turbulence symbol for light aircraft?

a. H
b. L
c. A
d. M

38. How do you write cruising speed in the ight plan, example 150kts?

a. N0150
b. K0150
c. 00150
d. 150KTS

39. How do you write cruising speed in the ight plan, example 150KM/HR?

a. K0150
b. N0150
c. 00150
d. 150KTS










40. What is trip fuel?

a. 37
b. 31
c. 34
d. 38

41. Fuel required to hold 1500ft over alternate aerodrome for 30 minutes?

a. 10
b. 8
c. 9
d. 5

42. What is the compulsory fuel needed for the ight?

a. 37
b. 31
c. 34
d. 48

43. Aircraft mass 1085kg CG 25.2 cm, after ight the fuel remaining is 56 L from distance
station 41.1 cm, what is the new CG distance after landing?

a. 24.8
b. 25.4
c. 24.1
d. 26.2

Basic Empty Mass 3.156 lb 135.33 in

Front Seats 320 lb 135.50 in

Rear Seat 340 lb 177.00 in

Baggage 80 lb 248.23 in

Fuel 321.5 lb 150.31 in

44. The position of the centre of gravity equals

a. 137.5 in
b. 142 in
c. 147.5 in
d. 145.7 in

45. For the purpose of a ight preparation, the pilot calculates a total take-off mass of 750 kg
and a total moment of 625 mmkg. Which cross marks the centre of gravity (CG)

a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 1
46. For the purpose of a ight preparation, the pilot calculates a total take-off mass of 725 kg
and a total moment of 650 mmkg. Which cross marks the centre of gravity (CG)

a. 2
b. 3
c. 1
d. 4

47. For the purpose of a ight preparation, the pilot calculates a total take-off mass of 775 kg
and a total moment of 700 mmkg. Which cross marks the centre of gravity (CG)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 3
48. During take off, the thrust of a xed pitch propeller:

a. Increase slightly while the aeroplane speed builds up

b. Varies with mass changes only
c. Has no changes during take off and climb
d. Decrease while the aeroplane speeds build up

49. EGPX/QMRPLC/IV/NBO/A/000/999/5557N00322W005/
(A) EGPX (B) 2001010001 (C) 2001102359

What information is correct?

a. 31/12/19 0759AM available for RFS CAT 8
b. Airport Close
c. NO RFS for the moment.

(A) WMKP (B) 2109230000 (C) 2110012359
(D) 23 0000-2359 (E) 24-31 0000-0300 0800-2359
(F) RFFS downgraded to CAT 7

What information is correct?

a. Destination aerodrome is WMFC

b. RFFS downgraded from CAT 7 to CAT 6
c. CAT 7 at 24th September 1pm LT
d. CAT 8 at 25th September 0100 UTC

51. WBKK
(A) WBKK (B) 2007010000 (C)2010312359
(D) 200701 0000-2359 (E) 200705 0000-2359
(F) VVIP Over y prohibited 5000 feet

What information is correct?

a. Over y is not possible at 6000 ft

b. Over y possible at 1st July 7 am local
c. Over y possible only for evacuation ights

52. Loading an aeroplane to the most aft CG will cause the aeroplane to be:

a. Less stable at slow speeds, but more stable at high speeds

b. Less stable at high speeds, but more stable at low speeds
c. Less stable at all speed
53. The consequences of operating an aeroplane with the CG beyond the aft limit will be:

I. On the ground the aeroplane would be tail heavy and passenger or crew movement
or fuel usage could make it tip up.
II. The ying controls would be too sensitive, increasing the risk of a tail strike at
III. The tendency to stall would increase and it may be impossible to achieve ‘hands off’
balance ight.
IV. Recovery from a spin would be much more dif cult.

a. All statements are correct

b. Only statement I is correct
c. Only statement I and IV is correct
d. Only statement II and III are correct

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