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WWW.RAMADANRESET.COM. Now that we’ve got that out of the way... let’s get learning!!
Table of Contents

Why be healthy in Ramadan? p. 6

Are you starving? What happens to our bodies while fasting? p. 8
Can you lose weight safely in Ramadan? p. 9
The role of SLEEP in your healthy Ramadan p. 11
Hydration Guidelines while fasting p. 12
What about COFFEE in Ramadan? p. 13

Why you should never skip suhoor p. 15
What to eat for a perfect suhoor p. 16
Tips for a super-rushed Suhoor - What to eat FAST? p. 18

What to eat for a perfect Iftar p. 19
The Circle of Integrated Nutrition: Do you know how to eat properly? p. 20
Common mistakes: What do Muslims need to fix at Iftar? p. 21
The DANGER List: Foods to AVOID & Limit at Iftar p. 22
How much to eat? PORTION CONTROL p. 24
Moderation: How to enjoy your favourite foods sensibly p. 28


How to use your mealplan p. 30
30 Days of Ramadan - The Complete Meal Plan p. 31
RECIPES: 30 Energizing Fasting Smoothies p. 40
RECIPES: The Dietitian’s 30 Time-Saving Suhoor & Iftar Recipes p. 45
RECIPES: 30 Delicious Digestive Soups To Break Your Fast p. 57

About the Authors p. 116

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Table of Contents

Why is it so hard?! Ramadan Fitness Struggles p. 75

MORE important than exercising: Staying active in Ramadan WITHOUT p. 77
working out!
Standing to burn fat while fasting p. 78
Walking to burn fat while fasting p. 79
Why should you exercise in Ramadan? The enhanced FAT BURN zone p. 80
Fasting exercise recommendations p. 81
Is exercising in Ramadan safe? Research on the effects of fasting on p. 82
exercise performance and athletic abilities
Safety tips while exercising in Ramadan p. 83

TIMING: When should you exercise in Ramadan? p. 84

Beginner Fitness Timing Schedule p. 85
Intermediate/Advanced Fitness Timing Schedule #2A p. 86
Intermediate/Advanced Fitness Timing Schedule #2B p. 87

GUIDELINES: What kind of exercises should you do? p. 88

Low intensity steady state cardio (LISS) p. 89
High Intensity Interval Training p. 90
3 Sample Interval Workouts + Timers p. 91
Bodyweight Strengthening p. 94
Daily Plank Progression Challenge p. 95
Beginner Plank Progression Fasting Schedule p. 96
Intermediate Plank Progression Fasting Schedule p. 97
Advanced Plank Progression Fasting Schedule p. 98
Fat Burn Workout Checklist: 7 Principles of Effective Workouts p. 100



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Intro: Why Healthy Fasting?

Do either
of these two
seem familiar
to you?

o-Maghrib I-can’t-st
Make-it-t and-for-Is
Mar yam?! Im ran?! ha

Maryam loves Ramadan, but for some reason, fasting days just seem so LONG! She
tries to wake up for suhoor, but she always feels starving later in the day, so she doesn’t
feel very motivated to manage the early morning meal. As the hours tick by, Maryam can’t
help but stare at her watch and complain about her hunger. Finally, it’s almost Maghrib
time, and Maryam feels as if she’s about to faint! All she can think about during her
prayer is her rumbling stomach. As soon as the adhan goes, she dashes to the kitchen,
feeling tired, famished, and cranky. As she hurriedly eats her iftar, she sadly wishes that
she had done more worship in the day. But, she was just too hungry to focus!

Imran can’t wait for Ramadan! He loves spending the day quietly reflecting and praying.
And, he always looks forward to enjoying time with friends at iftar parties around a huge
spread of food! Imran thinks he probably “earned” a big meal after a long day of
fasting. But, even though Imran loves the masjid, he struggles through Taraweh every
night. His body feels heavy, and he suddenly starts to feel sleepy. As he shifts from
one foot to the other during the first few rakaats (stepping on his prayer neighbour’s toes
in the process), he can’t stop thinking about his bloated stomach and he wishes he could
just lie down. Before he realizes it, the Imam concludes the witr duaa, and Imran fumbles
his way back home, wondering why he can never focus during taraweh...

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Ramadan Fasts do NOT
have to feel this way!
As Muslims, we understand that fasting is a blessing that has been prescribed to us as a
means of purifying our souls, and our bodies. Unfortunately, many Muslims fall into the
trap of adopting unhealthy habits during Ramadan, which makes you feel and perform
worse; physically, emotionally and spiritually. We must show respect for this blessed
month by treating our bodies with respect as the Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬advised us:

The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said:

“Verily, your body has right over you.”
(Sahih Bukhari)

Why be healthy in Ramadan? So you can unlock your full spiritual potential!

Laziness and sluggishness do NOT have to be symptoms of short-term abstaining

from food! A poor diet lowers your energy levels and makes it difficult to concentrate on
dhikr and reciting Quran throughout the day. Without exercise, you feel weak during long
Taraweh prayers! It has become a common joke that “Muslims somehow are able to
GAIN weight while fasting!”. However, this sad reality is far from funny. The majority of
our community eats in such a destructive way to unbelievably promote fat GAIN…despite
fasting for up to 17 hours of the day! This seems almost impossible, but unfortunately,
many Muslims use Ramadan as an excuse to engage in gluttony and overfeeding.

Imagine this: Instead of dragging yourself through Ramadan feeling tired, sickly, and
starved, what if you reached the end of the day feeling well-fueled from a sufficient
suhoor? And what if you then ate a satisfying but portion-controlled iftar, allowing you to
feel charged and awake for taraweh?

How amazing would you feel?

How much energy would you have to devote to worship?

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Good news: You DON’T need to deprive
yourself to have a healthy Ramadan!
A healthy body can worship Allah better to truly take advantage of this holy month!

A healthy fast should leave you feeling energetic and alert, without suffering constant
pangs of hunger throughout the day, or feeling bloated after an enormous iftar. Numerous
health studies show that fasting is actually beneficial for your body and safe way
to easily maintain a healthy bodyweight. So yes, YOU can definitely achieve this
supercharged HEALTHY Ramadan!

Maintaining healthy habits in Ramadan is simple, but may not always be easy. Because in
Ramadan, the most unhealthy practices become accepted as normal.

Many Muslim communities unfortunately maintain an obesogenic environment during

Ramadan, which normalizes unhealthy eating behaviours. At Masjid iftars and dinner
parties, you may feel social pressure to forget about health and eat uncontrollably!
Sometimes you might feel that there are “no other options” other than “unhealthy food”
available to you. Many people also become stubbornly attached to unwise food
decisions, simply because these food choices are considered “cultural essentials”. I’ve
heard uncles insist that “This is NOT iftar unless I eat a plate of deep-friend samosas!”

Fortunately, the problem is NOT cultural food; foods of ANY culture can be healthy if
selected, prepared, cooked and portioned properly!

Good news: At Amanah Fitness, we believe in PRACTICAL guidelines for healthy eating
that allow you to enjoy ALL your favourite cultural foods - so you don’t have to give up
rice or roti or swear off biryani to be healthy in Ramadan (phew!!)

In this guide, you will learn how to make

BETTER choices when preparing, cooking
and selecting iftar and suhoor to get the
most energy for long fasts ahead. And, for
those special indulgent foods or desserts,
you will learn how to use portion-control to
enjoy everything in moderation, without
gaining weight.

With a little know-how and self-discipline,

this guide will allow you to have your
healthiest Ramadan ever inshAllah! So
if you’re ready to have a transformative
Ramadan and experience energy, vitality and
fitness while fasting like never before... Let’s get started! Bismillah!

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Busting the “Lazy Ramadan Myth”
During Ramadan, many Muslims feel that they are entitled to become
unproductive, sedentary, and lazy, simply because of the lack of food
during the day. However, this lazy attitude is in opposition to the example
set for us by the Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, his companions, and early Muslim generations!

Did you know that INCREDIBLE events in Islamic history took place in Ramadan?4

In fact, the famous Battle of Badr, and the Conquest of Makkah BOTH took place
during Ramadan!4 The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and his Companions were active during
Ramadan. SubhanAllah, reflecting on these examples reminds us that fasting during work
hours, classes, and even tests is completely doable! Finding energy to devote ourselves
to worship, be productive at work, and squeeze in healthy meals during Ramadan is
not as overwhelming as it seems!

The modern Muslim must understand that Ramadan is NO time for laziness. However,
many Muslims believe our bodies start to “shut down” while fasting, and use this as an
excuse to be unproductive and sluggish during Ramadan. To reclaim our energy and bust
this misconception, it is essential to understand the effects of fasting upon our bodies.

Is Ramadan “Starvation”??
What happens to our bodies while fasting?
Did you know that fasting during Ramadan is NOT considered a period of “starvation”?

Many Muslims complain of a lack of energy due to “starvation effects”

during Ramadan. However, one study conducted in 19941 found that the
effects of starvation begin to emerge only after 36 to 72 hours without
food! Thankfully, in Ramadan, at most we are fasting for 17-18 hours, so
Ramadan fasts cannot be considered “starvation”!

Some Muslims complain that Ramadan results in a lack of energy due to reduced calorie
intake. It is true that in Ramadan, some people may eat less calories in a day due to
fasting. However, others end up eating the SAME amount of food, if not MORE food when
fasting. Either way, a study in 20082 found that reducing calorie intake (while maintaining
proper nutrition) is NOT related to eating disorder symptoms, decreased quality of life,
depressed mood, or even cognitive impairment. Reasonable calorie reduction is often
a safe form of weight management! So even if you eat less during Ramadan, you
are NOT starving. The mental and physical repercussions of short-term fasting are
completely manageable, and can even be BENEFICIAL for your body!

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Can you lose weight safely in Ramadan?
While many Muslims worry about “starving” in Ramadan, the concept of fasting is gaining
mass popularity in the non-Muslim fitness community! Short-term abstaining from food is
known as “intermittent fasting”, which numerous studies have found is a safe, effective
and an easy way to maintain a healthy bodyweight and boost your metabolism.

Popular diet movements such as the “Warrior Diet” by Ori Hofmekler preach the benefits
of “controlled fasting” and explain the difference between fasting and starvation:

“There is a significant difference between fasting and starvation.

Fasting is the art of manipulating the metabolic system; it is
controlled, and for a limited time. When you reach this peak time
period, and then eat a large meal, your body will compensate and
your metabolism will be boosted higher than it was before.

Conversely, with starvation, fasting is not controlled. The body is

forced to slow down metabolism and start to “cannibalize” muscles
and lean tissues. Starvation, if done chronically, may lead to death.”

“Intermittent fasting”, which matches Ramadan fasting cycles, is so popular because it

gives your body a chance to tap into your stored fat for fuel. When you eat suhoor,
you give your body fuel for the day. In the 12 hours after this last meal, your body
finishes burning fuel from your last meal and transitions to burning fat! As your fast
progresses, you will gradually shift from glucose oxidation (sugar- burning) mode to fat
oxidation (fat-burning) mode. Fasting makes weight loss happen naturally!

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Ramadan is a phase shift in eating timings
So if Ramadan is not starvation, then how do our bodies interpret our Ramadan fasting…?
One study in 20073 summarized the effects of fasting during Ramadan as a phase shift
for our bodies:

“Ramadan can best be summarized as a phase shift in calorie intake and

a change in sleeping habits. These phase shifts may have effects on some
activities of daily living, mood, motivation and maximal performance, with little
effect on submaximal exercise.

Food intake is not restricted during Ramadan; the restriction is when food is
eaten. Shifting food intake until after sunset upsets the timing of intake and sleep
patterns to accommodate the change in mealtime. This makes the influence
of Ramadan on daily activities more a matter of CHRONOBIOLOGY than of
calorie restriction.”3

This study allows us to understand what happens to our bodies during Ramadan, and
even why some of us get cranky, headaches, lightheaded or tired while fasting!

1. During Ramadan, our food intake itself is not restricted…
the TIMING of WHEN WE EAT is restricted (suhoor & iftar).

2. This timing change of eating may disrupt your internal clock…

potentially causing typical “fasting side effects”. In fact, these
“fasting side effects” are similar to symptoms of being sleep

3. Sleep, mood and motivation may be affected while fasting, NOT

just because of a lack of food, but more because of the PHASE
SHIFT in eating that is disrupting your internal clock!

4. Maximal exercise (performing at athlete-level or at your

MAXIMUM capability) may be affected during Ramadan. BUT,
SUBMAXIMAL exercise (regular, “normal-person” exercise)
such as light cardio, aerobics, strength training, is NOT
substantially affected and CAN be performed while fasting!!

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The role of sleep in Ramadan
When we think we are “STARVING” because we are cranky or tired or
lethargic while fasting… in reality, we may just be suffering from the
symptoms of chronobiological disruption!

• Many of the typical “Ramadan Symptoms” of an irritated, unhappy,

grumpy, tired, moody, starving faster can be attributed to a
disruption in your internal clock! Recharge and get proper rest by
adding a short nap into your afternoon routine!

• This is a great opportunity to practice the Sunnah of napping!

“And We made your sleep a means for rest”
~ The Holy Quran, (78:9)
• The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Take mid-day naps, for verily
shaytaan does not take naps” (Sahih al-Jami’)
SUNNAH • A short, 20-minute power nap before or after Dhuhr prayer is all you
TIPS! need to boost your energy and finish your fast feeling energetic!5 A
short nap will also take your mind off of food and allow you to refocus
on what matters most when you wake up - taking advantage of the
month and utilizing time for worship.

Sleep is a fascinating aspect of health that should not be ignored. When you are sleep
deprived, you feel hungrier, as levels of the “hunger-causing hormone” Ghrelin are
elevated in your body. Two important tips to control the effects of sleep deprivation in

1. Do not willfully deprive yourself of sleep more than necessary.

Prioritize sleep over socializing. Immediately after Taraweh, try to go
home and get to bed to maximize sleep hours. Try to take naps in
the night whenever possible around your additional Qiyaam (night
prayers), and suhoor. Some Muslims fall into the trap of thinking
that it may be easier to become “nocturnal” in Ramadan and stay
up all night and sleep in the day. This is not true! Numerous studies
have shown the negative effects of nocturnal sleep-wake cycles on
shift workers who stay awake during the night. Allah created the night
for us to sleep - so try and squeeze in your sleep around your night
2 SLEEP prayers as much as possible!
TIALS 2. Try to get into a CONSISTENT Ramadan sleep cycle as quickly
as possible. As discussed previously, the effects of drowsiness and
crankiness are a direct result of chronobiological disruption. The
quicker you can get into a Ramadan sleep routine, the quicker you
will adjust to the new sleep-wake cycle and overcome fatigue.

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Hydration & water guidelines
You’ve probably heard that drinking enough water is especially
important while fasting! Before and after the fast, stay as hydrated as you
can by drinking water as your main source of fluids.

We all need water to survive (suggested minimum 6 glasses a day), especially while
fasting. In fact, Dietitians of Canada recommend 10 cups of water per day!

This sounds like a lot of water in a short time, but your water glasses can be easily split up
throughout the day:

1. 1 glass before Suhoor

2. 1 glass after Suhoor
3. 1 glass upon breaking your fast with a date
4. 1-2 glassed during your Iftar dinner meal
5. 1-2 glasses in a water bottle you take with you to Taraweh
6. 1 glass before bed

Other liquid options include lemon water, sugar-free tea, or milk. Of

course the best source of all is just drinking plain, cold, refreshing WATER!
Be sure to keep a water bottle with you during your non-fasting hours to
meet your hydration needs!

It’s helpful to realize that our fluid requirements can also be met from fluid-filled foods we
consume. For example, did you know that an orange is approximately 87% water? Good
food sources of hydration are fruits and vegetables, as well as soups & beverages,
especially decaffeinated.

Examples of fluid-filled foods perfect for Suhoor & Iftar:

• FRUITS: Watermelon, grapes, strawberries, honeydew,

• VEGETABLES: Cucumber, tomatoes, eggplant
• SOUPS: High in fluids, low in calories - perfect to break your fast!

Our meal plan includes a large variety of high water content soups, fruits and vegetables to
prevent dehydration. Get creative and go beyond 6 glasses of water with fluid-filled foods!

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What about COFFEE in Ramadan?!
Let’s admit it, Muslims love coffee. And for many Muslims, drinking
coffee in the morning for that “pick me up” is a habit. The thoughts of
stopping for Ramadan can seem difficult or dreadful! Don’t worry, you don’t have
to completely give up coffee during Ramadan, but you SHOULD be prepared to reduce
your caffeine intake and adjust your drinking schedule for best results. This plan will
show you how you can still enjoy drinking your coffee during the month of Ramadan!

Did you know...

Coffee is a natural stimulant because caffeine gives you a feeling of alertness,

helping some to overcome fatigue and drowsiness and prepares you for
the day ahead. A sudden disruption in your coffee routine can lead to
feelings of tired and sometimes even a headache.

Tip: Adjust your caffeine

intake BEFORE Ramadan!
Dietitian YaQutullah Ibrahim recommends you adjust
your coffee intake gradually BEFORE Ramadan to
avoid feeling the unpleasant effects of stopping
caffeine suddenly. Take the steps before Ramadan
to prepare to avoid suffering drastic disruptions to your
caffeine schedule while fasting!

Two weeks before Ramadan: Begin substituting

30% of your coffee with decaffeinated. For example, If you
were drinking 3 cups of coffee a day, replace this with 2
/2 cups of coffee and 1/2 cup of caffeinated coffee for the
first 2-3 days. By the end of the first week, increase the
decaffeinated to 40-50% of your total coffee intake.

One week before Ramadan: Replace 60% of

your coffee intake with decaffeinated. Be sure to have your
caffeinated cup two hours after Maghreb prayers in order to
prepare yourself for the routine of Ramadan. Remember, this will help your body counter
the effects of chronobiological disruption by easing into a Ramadan pattern early. Be sure
hydrate adequately to prepare for Suhoor, Iftar and prayers in between.

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Coffee in Ramadan? FAQ!
“Is coffee a good idea during Ramadan?”

Caffeinated drinks can cause headaches and insomnia in some individuals. While
caffeinated beverages may have a minimal diuretic effect (this means coffee may cause the
need to urinate), caffeinated beverages don’t appear to increase the risk of dehydration.

Water is your best way to stay hydrated. Plus water is calorie–free, caffeine–free, inexpensive
and readily available. However, if you are a coffee addict, quitting suddenly in Ramadan
may have adverse effects, in which case a gradually decreasing as outlined on the previous
page would be best. Everyone is different - but if you are a coffee addict, you can follow the
guidelines below to drink coffee in Ramadan:

“Can I break my fast with a cup of coffee?”

Try to avoid breaking your fast with a cup of coffee as caffeine leads to the release of
gastric juices on an empty stomach, upsetting your gastric mucosa. In the prophetic
tradition of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, the ideal food to break your fast with is
dates as they provide your brain with its preferred fuel source of carbohydrate.

You can have your cup of coffee two hours after you complete your Iftar meal. This way
you would have allowed plenty of time for your body to adjust its blood glucose level with
a balanced Iftar. A cup of coffee would come in handy also because it might also keep you
alert in Taraweh in case you feel sleepy after your Iftar meal!

“Can I have coffee at Suhoor? Will it make me dehydrated?”

If you wake up for Suhoor close to Adhan time, you can enjoy a cup of coffee along with a
glass of water and your balanced meal. This may help you stay alert throughout your long
day of fasting if you are already conditioned to start your day with coffee. If you do not
need coffee to start your morning, avoid it.

“What are some alternatives to coffee?”

If you enjoy the taste of coffee, try a decaffeinated cup

before you sleep. You can also opt for herbal teas such as
ginger or chamomile which are good for digestion healthy
and soothing. Of course, water is always the best choice!

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Suhoor Guidelines: Never skip it!
So now that we’ve busted some of the myths surrounding laziness
in Ramadan, let’s talk about another major way to boost your energy
while fasting… Suhoor! Remember, The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬always
encouraged eating suhoor and discouraged skipping it.

The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said:

“Eat Suhoor, for there are blessings in it.”
(Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)

The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said:

“The Suhoor is a meal of blessings, so do not leave it, even if one
of you just takes a gulp of water, as Allah sends mercy and His
angels seek forgiveness for those who take Suhoor”.

A companion narrated:
“I entered upon the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and he was taking
the Suhoor and he said: “It is a blessing which Allah
has given to you, so do not leave it”.

Your health in Ramadan is largely determined by the foods you choose to put in
your body in the few hours in which you are able to eat. Remember that when you are
fasting, your body burns through the fuel from your last meal first, before transitioning
to fat burning. Thus, your first and primary source of fuel is your Suhoor and has a
tremendous impact on your energy levels for the entire day!

Remember, if you skip suhoor, you are going 24 hours without food from iftar on one
day, to iftar the next day. This is making your 17-hour fast much difficult than it needs to
be, and starts to approach the 36-hour point of starvation! If you want to have sustained
energy during the day and avoid energy crashes, DO NOT SKIP SUHOOR!

In this short feeding window, you need to get all the food groups, energy, nutrients
and calories your body needs to thrive during the day.

In the next pages, you will find guidelines with the best types of healthy Suhoor foods.
Later in this guide, you will also find a full Dietitian’s Ramadan meal plan featuring
30 days of healthy Suhoor and Iftar! So whether you want to follow the full meal plan
or whether you want tips and criteria to evaluate your own do-it-yourself Suhoor every
morning, this guide will provide all this and more inshAllah!

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Guidelines for your perfect Suhoor!
Everyone enjoys suhoor differently. Your goal is to include 2-3 different macronutrients
in every Suhoor meal for a satisfying morning meal that will carry you throughout the day.

Macronutrients: the Importance of Carbs, Protein, & Fat

Macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories or energy to our body and
are needed for growth, metabolism, and other body functions. There are three
macronutrients, and each provide a different amount of calories:
• Carbohydrate (4 calories per gram)
• Protein (4 calories per gram)
• Fat (9 calories per gram)


Carbohydrates are your body’s primary Most Muslims get plenty of protein, and
energy source. Carbohydrates are mainly easily meet this need by consuming a
found in starchy foods (like grain and balanced diet. We need protein for:
potatoes), fruits, milk, and yogurt. Other • Growth (especially important for
foods also contain carbohydrates like children, teens, and pregnant
starchy vegetables (sweet potatoes), women) & cellular repair
beans, nuts, seeds and cottage cheese. • Immune function & making
essential hormones and enzymes
When picking carbohydrates, try to • Energy when carbohydrate is not
choose complex carbohydrates that are available
high in fiber. Fiber refers to certain types • Preserving lean muscle mass
of carbohydrates that make you feel
fuller longer! These carbohydrates Protein is found in meats, poultry,
pass through the intestinal tract fish, meat substitutes, cheese,
intact and help to move waste milk, nuts, legumes, and in
out of the body. Diets that are smaller quantities in starchy
low in fiber may be associated with foods and vegetables.
constipation and hemorrhoids and
may even increase the risk for certain When picking proteins, choose
types of cancers such as colon cancer. lean meat with less fat. For
However, diets high in fiber, may example, chicken breast, rather than
decrease risks for heart disease, chicken legs or wings. Ask your
obesity, and they help lower butcher to trim off excess fat on
cholesterol. cuts of beef, lamb, etc.,
for leaner cuts. Remember, all
Foods high in fiber include fruits, meals do NOT require meat!
vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and Suhoor is a great time for a
whole grain products. When picking meat-free meal, with protein
carbs such as breads, roti, rice, pastas, from beans, eggs, milk, or
etc., try to select BROWN whole grains. other plant-based foods.

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HEALTHY FATS Suhoor Examples & Tips
Below are some full suhoor ideas to
Although fats have received a bad show you that healthy does NOT mean
reputation for causing weight gain, some hungry! Feel free to substitute foods
healthy fat is essential for survival. We need you don’t like for items from similar
this amount of fat for: macronutrient categories. Serving
ranges are provided; women may
• Normal growth and development select the lower range servings.
• Energy (fat is a concentrated Make sure every Suhoor includes:
source of energy) • 2-3 macronutrients at Suhoor
• Absorbing fat soluble vitamins (carbohydrates/protein/fats)
• Providing cushioning for the • Water/liquids
organs • Salad or fruits if still hungry
• Maintaining cell membranes (For more examples, on page 27,
you will also find your full mealplan,
Healthy fats are found in meat, including 30 days of suhoor and iftar!)
nuts, milk products (like
cheese and yogurt),
oils, fish, avocados,
grain products and
olive-oil-based salad

But not all fats are the

same! There are three main types of fat,
saturated fat, unsaturated fat, and trans
fat. Saturated fat (found in foods like meat,
butter, lard, and cream) and Trans fat (found
in baked goods, snack foods, fried foods,
and margarines) have been shown to
increase your risk for heart disease.

Try to avoid and LIMIT saturated and trans

fats in your diet, and reduce oily cooking
techniques like frying your food (bake,
steam or boil, instead!)

Replacing saturated and trans fat in your

diet with unsaturated fat (found in foods
like olive oil, coconut oil, fatty fish,
avocados, and nuts) has been shown
decrease the risk of developing heart
disease. These healthy fats are very good
for our body and you do not have to be
“afraid” of them!

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Speedy Suhoor: No time? What to eat?!
We’ve all been there: You’re enjoying a cozy dream, when your alarm goes off AGAIN and
you realize that after hitting snooze four times, you have less than 10 minutes to eat Suhoor!
What do you eat?!

Remember: DON’T skip your Suhoor meal!! Here are some tips and quick ideas to help
you out in a last-minute pinch and make sure you can get some fuel into your body!

1) Keep a water bottle beside your bed the night before

If you are a likely sleepyhead, keep a water bottle next to your alarm clock. This will
help you get extra sips of water in before bed, and you will also be easily able to
start hydrating as soon as you wake up for Suhoor. This can save you precious time
and make sure you don’t forget to drink if you are racing against the clock at Suhoor!

2) Prioritize nutrient-dense foods & high-fiber (whole wheat!)

If you don’t have time to eat, you have to make your calories count. Aim for foods with
a good nutrient and calorie punch in every bite. Beware of added sugar - get the most
nutrients you can out of whole foods and fruits instead. Nutritious examples include:
• 3-4 Medjool dates with 5-8 almonds
• 1 apple with 1-2 tablespoon of all-natural peanut butter
• Green smoothie (recipes in meal plan)
• Yogurt with nuts, raisins and sliced fruit
• 1 cup cooked oatmeal with fruits, drizzle of honey
• 2 boiled eggs (boil a large batch in advance!)
• 1 can Foul moudamas with spices and whole wheat bread
• 1 can of tuna with salad on whole wheat toast

3) Go for protein-rich leftovers!

When it comes to Suhoor, you are not limited to traditional

“breakfast foods”! Leftovers from Iftar are easy to re-heat and eat
as a filling Suhoor for the day ahead. Just try to avoid anything
oily or sugary from the night before. Only eat the most nutritious,
lean leftovers to prepare you for the fast ahead! As a bonus, your
leftovers will likely be high in protein, which makes for a great
Suhoor! Examples include:
• 1/2 whole wheat roti with 1 chapli kabab and tomatoes
• Lentil soup (dhaal) with half a naan
• 1 bowl of leftover chilli or stew
• Minced meat, whole meal roti and yogurt with salad
• Couscous with chickpeas and stewed vegetables

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Iftar Guidelines: What to eat?
Everyone looks forward to Iftar! Done right, Iftar is an opportunity
to replenish your body and boost your metabolism after a controlled
intermittent fast. However, when Iftar is done wrong, and you can overeat
yourself into a food coma that leaves you belching and nauseous during Taraweh!

Many people get overwhelmed when trying to figure out what to eat. The following two
diagrams will help give you a clear idea of what healthy eating really looks like:
1) The Pyramid of Integrated Nutrition and 2) The Circle of Integrated Nutrition

The Pyramid of Integrated Nutrition

What should you eat for Iftar? This helpful diagram gives you a new, comprehensive but
simplified way to think about what food choices you should be making!

Many Muslims confuse healthy eating as meaning throwing all your favourite foods
out and start living on salad. But, that isn’t necessary! The BALANCED approach is to
Pyramid of Integrated Nutrition
understand the types of healthy foods you want to have MORE of in your diet, versus
the type of foods you want to limit, and try to get a close to the ideal as possible.

The Pyramid
of Integrated

This is a SIMPLE
way to visualize
what foods (listed
as servings)
should make up
the majority of
your healthy diet!

You want to be
eating MOSTLY
the foods on the
bottom of the
pyramid, and
eating fewer
foods from
the top of the

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The Circle of Integrated Nutrition
From The Pyramid of Integrated Nutrition, you know WHAT foods to emphasize in your
life. Next, The Circle of Integrated Nutrition helps you know SPECIFICALLY HOW to EAT
these foods in the best way for your body! There are just 4 easy areas to think about - try
and get as close to the GREEN IDEAL area on each quadrant of the circle as possible:
1. HOW you are eating? (Food consumption)
2. What TYPES of food do you eat? (Food production)
3. WHAT is DONE to the foods you are eating? (Food processing)
4. How is your food PREPARED? (Food preparation)

2. Food production:
Eating sustainable, local, fresh foods when possible. Organic is the
highest level of food production but is not always required if it’s
not right for your family; eating natural, seasonal foods like fruits and
vegetables are more than enough to keep your family fueled with food
1. produced the right way! 3.
Food Food processing:
Try to eat
Eating mindfully food that is as
whenever processed.
possible. This Get rid of any
helps you processed lunch
eat slower meats and try to
and naturally get as close to
protects against eating the foods
overeating. For the way they exist
example, eating in nature. This
as a family (as per “unprocessed
the Sunnah of food diet” is one
eating together!) of the best things
instead of eating you can do for
while working or your family’s
studying. health!
4. Food preparation:
Try to eat foods in their natural states much as possible, especially when
it comes to vegetables and fruits! Get used to enjoying these foods the
way God created them. For foods that require cooking and cannot be
eating raw, like many types of meat and proteins, food preparation also
includes choosing healthier preparation and cooking styles such as
baking/steaming/boiling over frying, using minimal oil in cooking, etc.

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What do Muslims need to fix at Iftar?
From The Pyramid of Integrated Nutrition and The Circle of Integrated Nutrition, we’ve
learned to try and maximize vegetables, plant protein, healthy fats and water in our
diets, while we try to minimize processed foods. We also learned to eat with a mindset
of gratitude and presence, rather than distraction.

These are fundamental principles underlying a healthy diet, and are especially important
in your Iftar meal! If you think about how most Muslims eat Iftar, unfortunately we see these
principles being ignored, which leads us to feel unhealthy in Ramadan! As a community,
it’s time to approach Ramadan eating with a NEW attitude! Here’s how we can improve:

How & what we How most Muslims

SHOULD be eating... ACTUALLY eat...
The majority Vegetables & plant-based Carbs and grains instead form
products should form the majority the majority of most Muslim’s
of our diet
of our diet, with additional animal meals (eg. rice and meat).
consists of... protein, grains and fruits. Many Muslims eat few to no
vegetables at all.

Food We should eat with a mindset Most Muslims eat so quickly,

of gratitude to Allah SWT for their brain does not have
our food. Pause to appreciate enough time to realize they
behaviours... our meal, reflect on the taste, are full so they overeat!
thank Allah with each bite, have Most Muslims gobble down
a pleasant family meal and enjoy their food quickly, focusing
each other’s company. This also on getting food into their
allows our brains to understand belly rather than pausing
when we are full to avoid to appreciate Allah SWT’s
overeating. blessing.

Food We should try to eat minimally Many Muslims eat at fast food
processed foods as close to their chains in Ramadan such as Al
natural form as possible. Baik, McDonalds, etc. Ultra-
choices... processed “food” will NOT
fuel your fast!

Food We should try to eat vegetables Most Muslims take Ramadan

raw or lightly cooked to preserve as a time to fry all their foods,
nutrients and reduce calories. resulting in high caloric values
choices... We should prefer baking, boiling, causing rapid weight gain.
steaming, sautéing or searing Try baking samosas and your
methods of cooking. favourite fried items!

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The toList:
Danger AVOID at Iftar
Avoid/Limit these foods!

Deep-Fried & Fried Foods 1

Fried foods are high in sodium and saturated fats and offer little nutritive value. During
Ramadan, we want to increase our focus, energy and vitality. Fried foods are junk food in
comparison to whole nutrient dense food alternatives. Fried foods are essentially void of
real nutritive value and can cause long-term damage your body, constipation, strokes,
inflamed joints, heart attack, aneurysms, and elevated blood pressure.

The body requires proper foods for fuel for optimum performance, especially during
fasting. This means eating food that provides long, slow release of energy as well as
vital macro and micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. Fried foods don’t provide these
necessary components so limit these items during Ramadan and increase your intake
of fruits, leafy green veggies, lean meats and proteins and water.

STRATEGIES to remove/limit fried foods from your Ramadan lifestyle:

• Most fried foods can easily be BAKED instead (eg. samosas, pakoras, dahi baray, etc.)
• If you love the taste of fried foods and aren’t a fan of baked, consider investing in an
AIR FRYER. These ingenious machines use hot air instead of oil to make your food taste
exactly like it’s fried! The result is crispy food WITHOUT the oil!
• For pan-fried foods, consider dry-frying. For example, using a hot pan with no oil to
make rotis, instead of parathas.
• If you refuse to try alternative cooking methods, take the following precautions:
1. Use nutritious cooking oils with high heat latency, such as coconut oil when
cooking instead of vegetable oil. Vegetable oils can be harmful to the human body
and contribute to inflammation. Coconut oil, in contrast, is a healthy fat that can
withstand higher heat and is a better choice to use in cooking.
2. Use LESS oil when cooking! Coconut oil is more expensive so you will be
naturally inclined to use LESS of it when cooking, which slightly reduces the high
calorie content of fried foods.
3. Use PORTION CONTROL! Fried foods are VERY high in calories so if you must
eat them, only eat one or the bare minimum you need to eat to control your
cravings. The calories add up VERY quickly so avoid and limit them!

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Foods to AVOID
Containing at Iftar
Added Sugar
Ramadan is a perfect opportunity to get rid of sugar cravings!

When consumed in excess and in the absence of consistent

physical activity, added sugars will lead to increased
weight gain and poor control of blood sugar levels.
Added sugars are also bad for your teach and new
research finds that added dietary sugar may be linked
with many dangerous health conditions.

It is important to note that naturally occurring sugars in

milk and fruit (NATURALLY occurring lactose and fructose)
are not problematic. These natural sugars are converted
to glucose in the body and used as energy, but they are also
packaged with many other beneficial nutrients. From a nutrient
density standpoint, foods containing natural sugars have much
more to offer. Milk and fruit are nutrient dense and provide key nutrients including
protein, vitamin D, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber – you’ll be hard pressed to
find any of these nutrients in candy, cookies and soft drinks. As an additional bonus,
fiber and protein take longer to digest, causing a less dramatic spike in blood sugar. They
also make you feel fuller for longer, providing a greater satiety value!

The problem is that most Muslims overdose on ADDED sugar.

The largest source of added sugar in the standard American diet are baked goods,
candies, ice cream, soft drinks, fruit drinks, sports and energy drinks. All added sugars
are similarly harmful. Turbinado or raw sugar, Granulated white sugar, high fructose
corn syrup, among others, are all added sweeteners that are added to foods as part of
processing and preparing them. The Sweeteners are carbohydrate and contain about 15-
20 calories per teaspoon, and LITTLE to NO nutritional value.

SPOT added sugar on food labels!!

The total grams of sugar listed in the nutrition facts

does not differentiate whether the sugars are coming
from added or natural sources. The best thing an
informed consumer can do is read the ingredient list.
Ingredients are listed in descending order. The highest
amount of an ingredient contained in a food is listed
first. If sugars such as sucrose, dextrose or fructose are
listed as separate ingredients, you know these are ADDED
sugars and should be avoided!

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How much to eat? PORTIONS
One of the biggest health challenges for Muslims today is a constant
urge to overeat. Most Muslims simply do not know HOW MUCH food
they should be eating for their body, so we pile plates high with rice
and curry at Iftar, without realizing we are eating way more food than our bodies can
handle! This is particularly problematic in Ramadan. Muslims tempted by the Iftar spread
load up their plate, shovel it down quickly, and then wonder why they feel awful during
Taraweh and the next fasting day! This is particularly sad when we consider the hadith and
statements from early scholars warning us against overeating:

The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said:

“My greatest fear for you is the appetites for
transgression with regards to your stomachs, privates
and the inclinations that lead you astray”

Quran (Surah A’raaf: 31)

“Eat and drink but do not be excessive. Certainly
Allah does not love those who are extravagant.”

The famous Imam Shafi’ on the dangers of overeating:

“I have not filled myself in 16 years because filling oneself
makes the body heavy, removes clear understanding,
induces sleep and makes one weak for worshiping Allah.
(Jami’ Uloom wa-al-Hikam)

So, how do we return to the Sunnah of moderation in eating?

How do we know how much food to eat at every meal without getting overwhelmed?

Everyone is different, so not everyone portion controls the same way. At Amanah
Fitness,we invite you to find the portion control method that works for YOU:
1. Intuitive eating to control yourself
2. The Harvard Healthy Plate Guideline
3. Specific Serving Measurements (Indicated on our fasting meal plan)

The CAUSE of overeating is that you are eating WITHOUT A STRATEGY. You can try
these different strategies to portion control your food, and pick the one that you like the
best. You can mix and match depending on your environment and circumstance between
all three strategies (you will learn the pros and cons of each strategy and when to use
them on the next page!)! What’s important is that you are ALWAYS using A strategy
when you eat to portion your food, to avoid eating uncontrollably!

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Portion Control Strategy #1:
Intuitive Eating
“Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re full. Don’t see food as “good” or “bad.”8

Easy, right? Intuitive eating is a movement that encourages you to LISTEN to your body
and when you feel you are full, stop. This sounds simple, but consumerist tendencies
and inflated serving sizes promoted by food companies and restaurants have distorted
our ability to perceive fullness cues. Most people eat based on their plate size and the
amount of food they are served, rather than based on how hungry they actually are!

Intuitive eating is truly a way to eat healthy

without feeling like you are “on a diet”. If you
are able to listen to your hunger cues and
have enough self-control to stop eating
once you start to feel full, you may be
able to adopt this strategy. Intuitive eating
is best for those who want a way to control
their portions without relying on tools or
writing down what you eat.

You can make this strategy more practical

by using your hands to portion-control
your foods. This technique is taught in
much more detail in the Amanah 7 Day
Jumpstart Healthy Eating Foundations
Program. For example, placing food on your
plate by scooping rice equivalent to roughly
a handful, and meat that roughly would fit
in the palm of your hand. Hand portions
allow you to estimate serving sizes relatively
accurately based on YOUR body size!

Often women with smaller appetites have

great success with intuitive eating as they
are able to perceive their hunger cues with
just a little extra attention. However, men
or women who have large appetites may
find it difficult to control eating once
started, or find themselves constantly
tempted to take additional servings. If
this is you, one of the other 2 portion
control strategies outlined on the next
pages may be more CONCRETE to help
you control eating.
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Portion Control Strategy #2:
The Harvard Healthy Plate
“Nutrition experts at the Harvard School of Public Health created the
Healthy Eating Plate to provide consumers with an easy to use but specific
guide to healthy eating based on the best science available.” 9

The Healthy Plate is an easy way to portion your meals based on the space the food
takes up on your plate. This is a great technique to apply at dinner or Iftar parties, where
you are often serving yourself from a buffet, and need to make quick judgments on how
much of each food to serve yourself!

Notice that the Macronutrient categories discussed earlier are reflected in the plate. The
trick with the Harvard plate is NOT to PILE food into “mini-mountains” on your plate, but
instead portion your food such that another plate could fit on top and cover your food
easily! If you are portioning mixed foods such as biryani, try to scoop the rice and meat
onto your plate separately to measure portions, before mixing your food together. If
you are careful to ONLY serve yourself ONE plate of food (no seconds!) this is a highly
effective method of portion control that is completely portable!

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Portion Control Strategy #3:
Specific Serving Measurements
Want the MOST accurate portion control?
Pull out measuring cups or a food scale!

Measuring your food before you eat is a

highly effective portion control strategy
because it forces you to see what a SERVING
really looks like!

The reality is that when most Muslims eat, they are placing 2-4 servings of rice on their
plate, instead of eating controlled amounts for their body! If you are having trouble with
weight loss and just can’t figure out if you are eating too much, pull out the measuring
cups (find at a dollar-store!) and use the measuring cup as a serving spoon, instead.

Using a measuring cup, scoop out a portion of your food (see the examples listed below
AND in your mealplan!). You can also measure the weight of food in grams on a food
scale (again, see below). Then, pour your measured amount of food onto your plate so
you can see what ONE properly portioned serving of food actually looks like.

How much space does this much food take on your plate? How tall is the pile of
food? How does the portion of food compare to the size of your hand?

Ask yourself these questions and imprint in your mind what 1 serving of food really
looks like. After a few weeks of using measuring cups, most people are able to “take
off the training wheels” of using measuring cups and transition to hand-portioning their
food after re-learning what portion control really looks like on a plate!


A standard serve is A standard serve is A standard serve is 500– A standard serve is

(500kJ) or: 150g (350kJ) or: 600kJ: (500–600kJ):
• 1 slice (40g) bread • 1 medium • 65g cooked lean red • 1 cup (250ml)
• ½ roti or naan apple, banana, meats such as beef, lamb, fresh milk
• ½ cup (75-120g) orange, pear veal (about 90-100g raw) • ½ cup (120ml)
cooked rice, • 2 small • 80g cooked lean poultry evaporated milk
pasta, noodles, apricots/kiwi/ such as chicken or turkey • 2 slices (40g) or
barley, buckwheat, plums (100g raw) 4 x 3 x 2cm cube
semolina, bulgur, • 1 cup diced or • 100g cooked fish fillet (40g) of hard
couscous or quinoa canned fruit (115g raw) or 1 can of fish cheese
• ½ cup (120g) (no added • 2 large (120g) eggs • ½ cup (120g)
cooked porridge sugar) • 1 cup (150g) cooked or ricotta cheese
• ²/³ cup (30g) • large slice of canned legumes/beans • ¾ cup (200g)
cereal melon such as lentils, chick peas yogurt
• ½ (35g) muffin • 1 cup berries • 170g tofu

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Moderation: Treat Yourself Sensibly!
Biryani, parathas, samosas, oh my! Not to mention a dessert spread of
kulfi, gulab jamun, rasmalai, kanafeh, Om Ali and more! In Ramadan, the
most delicious food spreads may tempt you, leaving you wondering if it’s
okay to indulge! The body represents the MAJORITY of your health decisions, so if you are
working hard on your healthy eating all Ramadan, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy
the occasional treat... in a controlled way!
The famous Tabi’een (2nd generation after the companions) scholar of Islam Al-Hasan al-Basri said:
“The test of the Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, was food and it is your test until the Day of
Judgment. It used to be said, ‘Whoever takes control of his stomach gets control of all good deeds.’”
(Jami’ Uloom wa-al-Hikam)

Here are 3 easy tips to help you enjoy your favourite foods in moderation:

1) Pick your treats carefully! What is really worth the calories?

You can eat anything.... but you can’t eat everything! Often in Ramadan, you will be offered
cheap candies at the masjid or from friends. Now, what would you rather have? Your mom’s
dessert at home that she spent hours the night before making, OR the hard sugar candies
and lollipops being passed around after Taraweh? DON’T use up your hard-earned fasting
calorie deficit on “treats” that you are not even that excited about! If you want to indulge
later, make sure the rest of your day has been nutritious to create some “calorie-wiggle-
room” for the dessert or dinner party to come!

2) Follow the “Rule of One”

At many Iftar parties, you have a LOT of choices for decadent meals and indulgent
desserts! Stay in control by using a simple RULE OF ONE: you an only have ONE of each
delicacy on your plate. And, you can only fill ONE plate! This adds some portion control
without you having to think about it. One samosa, or one pakora, or one baklava. This will
prevent you from taking multiple pieces of these very high calorie foods – samosas can be
up to 600-800 calories a pop, so portion carefully! If you want to try a variety of everything,
turn this into a RULE OF HALVES and take a half a piece of all the foods you want to enjoy.
You will get to taste everything, without regretting it later!

3) Share dessert with a friend

Many traditional desserts especially are EXTREMELY heavy so you need to be disciplined
to make this work! Save yourself from going overboard by sharing a dessert plate with a
friend, so you can both stay in control while still tasting everything. Remember the rule
of one STILL applies – one piece of baklava on the plate means you both get to taste and
enjoy HALF. That’s a perfectly reasonable way to have your cake and eat it, too!

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How to Use Your Meal Plan
Eating healthy in
Ramadan has never Dinner: Your dinner after Maghrib includes an
entrée as well as sides of vegetables and complex
been so simple. Dietitian carbohydrates including fruits and grains. 22
YaQutullah Ibrahim has created this complete, recipes are provided and linked in the meal plan - if

comprehensive and nutritionally balanced the title of a meal looks like this, you can click on
the link to jump straight to the recipe page!
meal plan to make sure this year is your
healthiest Ramadan EVER, inshAllah! Note: You may substitute your favourite foods
into the meal plan, but maintain the portions
listen in the meal plan per food group. For
Each day of your meal plan includes many example, you may substitute 1 cup of couscous for
food options to keep you full and satisfied, 1 cup of quinoa or brown rice.
including suhoor, an iftar “mini meal” to
break your fast, dinner, a post work out Post-Workout Smoothies: If you are following the
smoothie and snack option daily for your fasting fitness protocol, you will be working out at
some point during the day. After your workout, as
planning convenience! This meal plan includes soon as you are able to eat again, fuel yourself
measured portions listed with every meal. But with a delicious post-workout smoothie.
sometimes, you may want to substitute your

Smoothies are a fun and delicious way to include
own meals, or you may be at an Iftar party protein, carbohydrates and fluids after breaking
and have different food options available the fast. Smoothies are varied daily and may
and cannot measure your food. Make this include protein, fruit, seeds and ice and can be
served chilled. We provide 30 refueling smoothie
meal plan your own and customize! recipes - click on the title of a smoothie to jump
straight to the recipe page! Or, use our Smoothie
Building Guide to make your own smoothie using
ingredients you have at home.

Snacks: Enjoy snacks if you are hungry during

the evening. Several options are provided and
Suhoor: The Suhoor meals consist of a variety of

snacking is a great way to increase your fruit, nut,
nutritious options to include meals rich in fiber,
protein and fluid intake during the evening. We
vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, protein,
have selected nutritious snacks for you to enjoy that
heart healthy fats and water. Suhoor meals include
will give you increased energy and focus!
eggs, lean protein, vegetables, whole grains, oats,
fresh fruit and water daily.
Hydration Guidelines: We all need water to
survive (6-8 glasses a day), especially while
Iftar: The iftar is a “mini meal” and includes a daily fasting. It’s important to realize that our fluid
soup options, dates, and water. Dates provide requirements can be met from the foods we
carbohydrates to our bodies for immediate consume, as well as the fluids we drink. For
energy. Breaking our fast with dates and water example, did you know that an orange is
was the Sunnah (practice) of our beloved Prophet approximately 87% water?
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

2 6
Good sources of water are fruits and vegetables,
During a fast, your body will experience several as well as soups & beverages, especially
biological changes. Enzymes normally produced decaffeinated. Of course the best source of all is just
by your digestive system may cease production or drinking plain, cold, refreshing WATER!
be greatly diminished. At mealtime, introducing
food slowly allows the body time to re-establish Our meal plan includes high water content soups,
this enzyme production. This is why it is important fruits and vegetables to prevent dehydration. We
to ease your body into eating after a long fasting also included water reminders throughout the
day at iftar, and why your meal plan includes meal plan suggesting plain water, lemon water and
a soup every day. Soups help to prepare our tea options. These suggestions can be swapped
digestive tracks for food after a long day of interchangeably, but do NOT skip these reminders
fasting, and are a great choice when breaking fast! for fluids!

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1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
2 scrambled eggs w/bell pepper 1 cup cooked oatmeal w/1 palm-full walnuts
1 piece fresh fruit 1 Tbsp. Honey
1/2 cup cottage cheese 1 banana
SUHOOR 1 toasted English muffin 1 boiled egg
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup corn chowder soup 1 cup curried red lentil soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1 glass of water after Maghrib

1/2 cup vegetable curry 1 Piece (4-in square) whole wheat lasagna
1/2 cup baked sweet potato 1 cup Beet & Radish Pecan-Seed Salad
DINNER 6 sautéed asparagus spears w/feta cheese 1/2 cup steamed green beans
1/2cup dried Apricot 1 apple
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Banana Peaches and Cream Smoothie Peanut Butter Goodness Smoothie

1 palm-full of Almonds 3 cups air-popped popcorn

1 peach 1 cup watermelon
SNACKS 1 cup kale chips Sliced cucumber spears
1-2 glasses of water before bed 1-2 glasses of water before bed

1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
1 Spinach and Mushroom Omelet 1 cup Springtime Cereal or whole wheat
1 whole grain waffle cereal of choice (Eg. Shredded Wheat/Fiber 1)
1/2 cup blueberries 1 cup strawberries
SUHOOR 1 tbsp honey 1 palm-full raisins
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup sweet potato soup 1 cup fish chowder soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1-2 glasses of water after Maghrib
2 Baked Chicken Kabobs Vegetable quiche
Three bean salad Amina’s Everyday Big Ol’ Leftover Salad
DINNER Broccoli, craisin carrot salad Sautéed acorn squash
1/2 cup watermelon 2 sliced kiwi fruit
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Berry Mango Smoothie Coconut Berry Green Smoothie


1 serving zucchini noodles ½ cup black bean tortilla chips

1 pc. fruit of choice ½ cup cauliflower florets, raw
SNACKS 1-2 glasses of water before bed 2 Tbsp. hummus
1-2 glasses of water before bed

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1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
2 Small Veggie Samosas - Baked, not fried 1 slice breakfast quiche
1 cup tropical fruit mix 1 cup milk of choice
1/2 cup plain yogurt 1 piece fresh fruit
SUHOOR 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup split pea soup 1 cup French onion soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1 glass of water after Maghrib

1 cup Beef Stew Pan Fried Tempeh Salad Wholegrain Wrap
Sautéed cabbage w/ apples 1/2 cup baked rosemary potatoes
DINNER 1/2 cup Vegetable freekah Pilaf 1 cup Greek Salad
1 orange 1 cup lentil soup
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Pineapple Passion Smoothie Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie


1 cup sweet potato chips 4-inch celery spears

1 pear, sliced 2 Tbsp. peanut butter or almond butter
SNACKS 1-2 glasses of water before bed 1-2 glasses of water before bed

1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
1 slice breakfast casserole 1 cup overnight oats
1 piece fresh fruit 1/2 blueberries
1 palm-full walnuts 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
SUHOOR 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 3 Medjool Dates
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup carrot ginger soup 1 cup Minestrone soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1-2 glasses of water after Maghrib
Ginger Pomegranate Chicken 2 small baked chicken legs/chicken breast
1/2 cup quinoa 1 cup Potato & Veggie Salad
DINNER Feta, lettuce, Fig Salad 1 fresh apple or fruit of choice
1 piece fresh fruit 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Banana-Blueberry Almond Smoothie Tropical Coconut Papaya Smoothie


1 part-skim string cheese 1/2 cup sesame sticks

1 cup grapes 2 Tablespoons Hummus
SNACKS 1-2 glasses of water before bed 1 cup watermelon
1-2 glasses of water before bed

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 32

DAY 9 DAY 10
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
2 Eggs scrambled, with 3 pieces of smoked 2 boiled eggs and leftover chicken breast
salmon and chives 1 sweet potato - microwaved until soft
1/2 cup oatmeal 1 piece fresh fruit
SUHOOR 1 piece fresh fruit 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR Harira (Moroccan soup) 1 Cup clam chowder soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1 glass of water after Maghrib

Black bean mushroom burger 1, 4 oz. grilled tuna steak
1/2 cup couscous 1/2 cup sweet potatoes
DINNER 1/2 cup sautéed Lima beans 6 sautéed asparagus spears
1/2 cup mixed fruit salad 1/2 cup fresh fruit
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Peaches and Cream Smoothie Tangy Apricot Mango Smoothie


3 cups air-popped popcorn 1 fresh banana

1 whole plum 1 Rice cake w/2 Tbsp Almond butter
SNACKS 1 piece String cheese 1 palm-full sunflower seeds
1-2 glasses of water before bed 1-2 glasses of water before bed

DAY 11 DAY 12
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
2 poached or boiled eggs 1 cup stewed fava beans “ful medames”
2 multi-grain cinnamon/blueberry waffles 1 boiled egg
1 cup cherries 3 Medjool dates
SUHOOR 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1 pita pocket
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup Thai coconut soup 1 cup potato leek soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1-2 glasses of water after Maghrib
Coconut curried fish Crock pot Moroccan stew
1 cup potato/celery salad 1 cup couscous
DINNER 1/2 cup sautéed cabbage 1 cup mixed green salad
1 cluster of grapes 1 piece fresh fruit
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Rise and Shine Smoothie Banana Ginger Cashew Punch Smoothie

1 medium tangerine 1 palm-full cashew nuts

1/2cup cantaloupe cubes 4-6 celery spears
SNACKS 1/2 cup Greek yogurt 1 orange
1-2 glasses of water before bed 1-2 glasses of water before bed

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 33

DAY 13 DAY 14
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
Muesli (oats, bran, raisins, pumpkin seeds) Egg breakfast burrito
1 cup milk 1/2 cup yogurt
3 medjool dates 1 cup red grapes
SUHOOR 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup Lentil soup 1 cup tomato barley soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1 glass of water after Maghrib

Barbecue Chicken 2 Barbecue Tofu & Veggie Kabobs
Garbanzo Bean salad w/ bulgur 1/2 cup brown rice
DINNER 1 cup Sautéed kale w/peppers Cucumber tomato salad
1 nectarine 1/2 cup cherries
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Citrus Tutti Fruitti Smoothie Medjool Date Smoothie


1 sliced mango 1 leftover roti/tortilla/naan pizza

1/2 cup cottage cheese 1/2 cup sliced pineapple
SNACKS 1 palm-full pistachios 1-2 glasses of water before bed
1-2 glasses of water before bed

DAY 15 DAY 16
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
1 slice healthy veggie pizza Broccoli, egg, mushroom scrambler
1 palm-full almonds 1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 cup raspberry yogurt 1 slice of toast
SUHOOR 1 banana, sliced 1/2 cup of fresh fruit
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup Egg Drop soup 1 cup of fava bean soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1-2 glasses of water after Maghrib
1 cup curried goat 4 inch square whole wheat lasagna
1/2 cup baked plantain 1 cup spinach salad w/tomatoes, cucumbers
DINNER 1 cup Sautéed kale 1 cup raspberries
1 piece fresh fruit 1 bread stick
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Raspberry Smoothie


1/2 cup guacamole 1 palm-full mixed nuts

1 cup black bean chips 1 cup watermelon cubes
SNACKS 1/2 cup papaya 1/2 cup yogurt
1-2 glasses of water before bed 1-2 glasses of water before bed

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 34

DAY 17 DAY 18
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
1 cup Zucchini stuffed w/ rice ‘Mahshi’ Whole Wheat Egg sandwich
1 scrambled egg 1/2 cup hot cereal
1/2 pita pocket 1 nectarine
SUHOOR 1 piece fresh fruit 1 palm-full macadamia nuts
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup Tomato-Lentil soup 1 cup tomato basil
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1 glass of water after Maghrib

1 cup vegetarian chili Chicken Waldorf Salad
4 inch slice cornbread 1/2 cup rice pilaf
DINNER 1 cup ceasar salad 6 asparagus spears
1/2 cup cantaloupe 1 cluster of grapes
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Mango, Guava, Kale Smoothie Pear, Peach and Nectarine Smoothie

1 cup sugar-free vanilla pudding 1 palm-full raisins

1 small banana 1 palm-full walnuts
SNACKS 1-2 glasses of water before bed 1/2 cup plain yogurt
1-2 glasses of water before bed

DAY 19 DAY 20
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
1 cup cooked oatmeal w/1 palm-full walnuts Black Bean, Egg, Avocado Wrap
1 Tbsp. honey 1 tablespoon sour cream
1 banana 1 tortilla
SUHOOR 1 boiled egg 1 piece fresh fruit
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup of black bean chili 1 cup chicken soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1-2 glasses of water after Maghrib
Falafel Wrap w/Spinach tortilla 1 1/2 cup Shrimp, Leek & Spinach Pasta
4 pieces falafel Chickpea salad w/Sun-Dried Tomato
DINNER 2 Tbsp hummus+1 Tbsp Tahini 1 cup Cucumber Kohlrabi/Bok Choy Salad
1/2 cup shredded purple cabbage with Watercress
1 sliced avocado 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Spirulina Smoothie Mint Cocoa Cream Smoothie


1/2 cup tropical mixed fruit 2 rice cakes

1 palm full mozzarella cheese squares 2 tbsp. almond butter
SNACKS 1-2 glasses of water before bed 1 palm-full raisins
1-2 glasses of water before bed

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 35

DAY 21 DAY 22
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
1 cup whole wheat Cheerios or other cereal 1 cup Springtime cereal
1/2 cup fresh fruit 1/2 cup fresh fruit
1 oat muffin 1 oat muffin
SUHOOR 1 boiled egg+½ cup almond milk 1 boiled egg+½ cup almond milk
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup butternut squash soup 1 cup potato broccoli soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1 glass of water after Maghrib

1 cup sautéed coconut shrimp w/lemon 1 grilled salmon fillet
1/2 cup turnip greens 1/2 cup black eyed peas
DINNER 1 fresh peach 1/2 cup baked squash
1/2 cup Veggie freekah Pilaf 1 medium plum
2 glasses lemon water 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Protein Punch Smoothie Green tea, Blueberry, Banana Smoothie


1 palm-full pecans 1/2 cup applesauce

1/2 cup sugar-free applesauce 1 sweet potato, microwaved 4 mins until
SNACKS 1-2 glasses of water before bed soft, sprinkled with salt and pepper
1-2 glasses of water before bed

DAY 23
1 glass of water when you wake up
DAY 24
1 glass of water when you wake up
Tomato & Onion Omelette 1 Fried Egg w/Cheese+1 tbsp olive oil
1 slice whole wheat bread 1 Toasted English muffin
1/2 cup cottage cheese 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
SUHOOR 1/2 cup strawberries 1 whole pear
1 cup almond or rice milk 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup garlic broth soup 1 cup peas and pesto soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1-2 glasses of water after Maghrib
1 pc. grilled fish Tomato-Rice with 1 pc. Pepper-Basted Fish
2 Vegetarian Cabbage Rolls 1 cup yellow squash
DINNER 1/2 cup glazed carrots w/raisins 1 cup mustard greens
1/2 cup blackberries 1 peach
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Very Berry Smoothie Raspberry-Avocado Smoothie


10 crackers 1-3 medjool dates or handful of raisins

1 peach 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
SNACKS 1 palm-full walnuts 1-2 glasses of water before bed
1-2 glasses of water before bed

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 36

DAY 25 DAY 26
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
Overnight Oats 2 scrambled eggs w/onions and peppers
1 palm-full almonds 1 everything bagel, toasted
1 cup raspberry yogurt 2 wedges laughing cow light cheese
SUHOOR 1 banana, sliced 1/2 grapefruit+ 1 Tbsp honey
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup Shiitake mushroom soup 1 cup hearty vegetable soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1 glass of water after Maghrib

1 1/2 cup Veggie Spaghetti with Mushrooms Chicken Tikka (1 cup)
1 cup steamed broccoli 1 small piece roti
DINNER 1 cup Greek salad 1 cup sautéed cabbage with apples
1 pear 1 cup cherries
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Ginger Melon Perk Smoothie Mean Green Smoothie


1 cup pineapple 1 kiwi + 1/2 cup bean dip

1/2 cup cottage cheese 10 roasted multi-grain crackers
SNACKS 1-2 glasses of water before bed 1-2 glasses of water before bed

DAY 27 DAY 28
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
Egg and cheese w/ spinach 1 banana nut muffin
1/2 blueberries 1/2 cup cheerios
1 small toasted whole grain croissant 1 cup milk
SUHOOR 1 cup almond milk 1 palm-full pecan
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup chicken curry soup 1 cup cream of cauliflower soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1-2 glasses of water after Maghrib
2 pecan crusted flounder fillets w/lemon Tuna steak
pepper 1/2 cup sautéed mushrooms
DINNER 1/2 cup baked pumpkin 1 cup arugula salad greens w/ feta
1/2 cup roasted Brussels sprouts 1 palm full prunes
1/2 cup honeydew melon 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Banana Spice Smoothie Tofu Tropical Smoothie


1/2 cup roasted sesame sticks 9 whole wheat crackers

1/2 cup fresh Mango 15 grapes
SNACKS 1-2 glasses of water before bed 3 wedges Laughing Cow Light Cheese
1-2 glasses of water before bed

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 37

DAY 29 DAY 30
1 glass of water when you wake up 1 glass of water when you wake up
Spinach & Mushroom Omelette 1 cup shredded wheat
1 carrot raisin whole wheat sugar-free muffin 1/2 cup blueberries
2 Tbsp. almond butter 1 medium apple, sliced
SUHOOR 1/2 cup strawberries 1 cup low-fat milk (soy, rice, almond)
1 glass of water sipped during suhoor 1 glass of water sipped during suhoor

1 cup of water upon breaking fast 1 cup of water upon breaking fast
IFTAR 1 cup cream of potato soup 1 cup cream of mushroom soup
1-3 Medjool dates 1-3 Medjool dates

MAGHRIB 1 glass of water after Maghrib 1 glass of water after Maghrib

1/2 cup beef khorma 1 cup palak paneer
1/2 cup bulgur 1/2 cup brown basmati rice
DINNER 1 cup mixed green salad 1 piece roti
1 small piece naan 1/2 cup mandarin oranges
1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner 1 cup of water / sugar-free tea after dinner
(Optionally sweetened with stevia) (Optionally sweetened with stevia)
During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped During Taraweh: 1 bottle of water sipped

POST-WORKOUT Peachy Clean Smoothie Creamy Orange Dream Smoothie


1 handful of Cashew nuts 1 palm full pretzels

1 cup green grapes 1 palm full macadamia nuts
SNACKS 1-2 glasses of water before bed 1-2 glasses of water before bed

Helpful Portion Control Tips

Reminder: Use your hands!

Portion control can be difficult, and we know
you don’t always have time to measure out
your food with cups. That’s why your hand is an
excellent guide to help you serve your plate!
Serve yourself your food, by comparing the
size it takes up on your plate with your hand,
as per the guidelines shown.

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for Your FREE gift!
At Amanah Fitness, we absolutely LOVE hearing your
feedback, thoughts, your progress, results and weight loss
from this book! We would love if you shared your success
story with us! Please take a moment to send me a short
video OR audio OR written testimonial to let us know
how you enjoyed this book by clicking HERE. This is
the best way to let us know if this program has made a
difference in your life - we would truly appreciate it!

If you send us a testimonial, as thanks, we will send the

FREE ONE STEP AT A TIME Guide to Burn Fat by Walking
More Every Day exclusive mini guide! Get yours now for
FREE by sending in a short testimonial!

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts about this book!

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Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017.

Smoothie Builder Guide
Smoothies are a Ramadan essential. They are hydrating and provide quick energy after a long day
of fasting or a workout. The best part is, smoothies are completely customizable! Mix and match the
ingredients below to create your own recipe. There is no right way to make a smoothie or shake.
Combine and blend whatever sounds good to you using these tips to build a perfect smoothie, every time!

• Keep in mind that you do not want to overload your smoothie with calories. Some people make their
smoothies so rich in calories that it may contain more calories than they burned in their workout! Follow the
portion guidelines listed below for each category to stay in a reasonable calorie budget.
• Always try to avoid added sugars in your smoothie. Choose “unsweetened” nut milks, juices and fruits.
• If your workout was heavily focused on strength training, consider adding a protein powder as your boost.
• Try lots of new flavours to find your favourite and always enjoy your smoothie!

PART 1: PART 2: Fruits PART 2: PART 3: PART 4:

Liquid (Option A) Veggies Optional: BOOST IT!
Base Fruits OR veggies (Option B) Sweeten & A “boost” is not for
There are many
are the main source
You can use Spice It! every smoothie. If
of flavour for your you’ve just finished
kinds of milks, smoothie. Fruits give fruits OR veggies a workout, a boost
liquids and even for the main Need to make your
you a sweeter smoothie smoothie sweeter? can help increase
yogurts to start off that is perfect for a flavour in your the protein to help
your shake! Just shake. Veggies Don’t go for sugar,
post-workout boost. or an artificial build lean muscle
keep it sugar-free. You can use Fresh, add a savory and energize you.
Use 1 1/2 cup for a flavour that is sweetener - pick an
Frozen, Freeze Dried all-natural good- Pick ONE or TWO
thin smoothie, 1 and/or Canned in 100% great for a snack boosts max to
cup for a thicker or mini-meal. for-you source
juice. For a thicker of sweetness! avoid overloading
smoothie. smoothie, freeze your And, it’s a great on calories.
way to sneak in And, add spices
fruit in advance - when to bump the
Milks of choice blended, this results vegetables into Protein BOOST
• Lactose-free your life! deliciousness of
in a thick, creamy, icy ANY smoothie! •
/2 scoop - 1
Milk texture! Use 1/2 - 1 cup Note: leafy scoop of high
• Unsweetened greens can be Spices are calorie
of fruits. free and add quality protein
Oat Milk added to ANY powder of
amazing taste!
PART 4: BOOST IT! • Unsweetened • Cranberries smoothie, even
Start with 1/4 your choice
Soy Milk • Cherries with fruit, to make (Eg. whey or
• Unsweetened a delicious green tsp - 1/2 tsp and
• Blueberries taste. Increase if plant-based
PART 3: Optional: Milk
• Apples smoothie that you
won’t even realize you want more chocolate or
• Bananas sweetness/spice. vanilla protein
Sweeten & Spice It! • Ice Milk • Mangoes is packed with powder)
• Dates nutrition! Use • 1 TBSP of
Other liquids 1/2 - 1 cup of Sweeten
• Goji Berries • Small spoon nut butter
PART 2: Veggies • Water
• Unsweetened •
• Pineapple veggies.
of 100% stevia (all-natural
Apricots almond/
(Option B) coconut water • Strawberries • Cucumbers (all-natural
plant-based peanut butter)
• Unsweetened • Grapes • Carrots 1
/4 cup light
100% Fruit • Beets sweetener) •

• Cantaloupe • 1/2 tsp - 1 tsp cottage cheese

Juice (No • Pear • Squash /4 cup Greek
PART 2: Fruits
Sugar • Wheat Grass of raw honey •

• Peaches yogurt
Added) • Pureed Sweet
(Option A) • Kefir
• Raisins
Potato Spices • 3 tbsp raw nuts
• Nectarines • Cinnamon (pistachios,
• Resource® • Kiwi • Pureed pecans,
Breeze pumpkin • Vanilla powder
• Guava • Raw cocoa walnuts,
supplement • Raspberries • Avocado almonds,
• Spinach powder
• Papaya • Pinch of cashews, etc.)
Solid Bases • Plums • Kale (strong • 1 tbsp seeds
• Sugar-Free taste!) cardamom
• Prunes • Ginger for (sunflower
PART 1: Pudding
• Sugar-Free
• Honeydew melon • Seaweed
sheets veggie-based seeds,
Liquid Base Frozen

Figs • Mint leaves smoothies
• Ginger for
• Plain Greek
• Pomegranate veggie-based Nutrition BOOST
• Oranges smoothies • 1 tbsp chia
Yogurt • Kumquat seeds
• Soy Yogurt (strong taste!)
• Clementine • Mint extract • 1 tbsp flax
• Coconut • Blood Orange seeds
Yogurt • Nutmeg
• Tangerine • Pumpkin pie • 1 tbsp hemp
• Almond Yogurt • Persimmon seeds
• Tofu (Soft or spice
• Watermelon • Almond Extract

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 41

30 Done-For-You Recipes

#1 #2 #3
Banana, Peaches Peanut Butter Berry Mango
& Cream Smoothie Goodness Smoothie Smoothie
1 banana 2 Tablespoons Peanut 1/2 cup blueberries
1 large peach, seeded butter 1/2 cup strawberries
1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt 1 banana 1 mango (seeded)
1/2 cup ice 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup vanilla kefir
1 cup of oat milk
1 teaspoon flaxseed

#4 #5 #6
Coconut Berry Pineapple Passion Strawberry Kiwi
Green Smoothie Smoothie Smoothie
1 cup coconut milk 1 cup pineapple 1 cup strawberries
1/2 cup coconut fresh or 1 cup Greek yogurt 2 whole kiwi (peeled)
dried 1 cup frozen papaya 1 cup vanilla Almond milk
1/2 cup spinach 1 tablespoon honey 1 cup ice
1 avocado

#7 #8 #9
Banana Blueberry Tropical Coconut Peaches & Cream
Almond Smoothie Papaya Smoothie Smoothie
1 banana 1/2 cup coconut frozen 1 large peach, seeded
1 cup blueberries yogurt 1/2 cup vanilla Greek
1/2 cup almonds 1 cup frozen pineapple yogurt
1 cup almond yogurt 1 cup frozen mango 1/2 cup unsweetened
1 ripe banana vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup papaya 1 tsp vanilla powder

#10 #11 #12

Tangy Apricot Rise & Shine Banana Ginger
Mango Smoothie Smoothie Cashew Punch
1 cup frozen mango 2 tablespoons coffee 1 ripe banana
1/2 cup dried apricot grounds 1 tablespoon fresh ginger
1/2 cup ice 1 ripe banana 2 tablespoon cashew butter
1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons flaxseed 1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup mandarin oranges 2 dates (chopped & pitted) 1 tablespoon honey
1/2 cup dry milk powder

#13 #14 #15

Citrus Tutti Fruitti Medjool Date Pumpkin Pie
Smoothie Smoothie Smoothie
1 cup Medjool Dates
1/2 cup strawberries 1 cup almond milk
1 cup sugar-free frozen
1/2 cup papaya 1 cup pumpkin puree
vanilla yogurt OR Greek
1/2 orange 1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup pineapple 1 teaspoon allspice
1 cup ice
2 tablespoons honey 1 apple (cored)
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 tbsp dried cranberries
2 tablespoons flaxseed

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 42

30 Smoothie Recipes

#16 #17 #18

Raspberry Mango, Guava Pear, Peach &
Smoothie & Kale Nectarine
1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 cup fresh or frozen 1 pear
1/2 cup beets, mango 1 peach
1/2 cup cranberries 1/2 frozen banana 1 nectarine (pureed)
1/2 cup Greek yogurt or 1 cup fresh baby kale 2 tbsp cashew butter
kefir 1 guava 1 cup plain Green Yogurt
1 cup iced oat milk 1 tsp vanilla extract powder

#19 #20 #21

Spirulina Green Mint Cocoa Cream Protein Oat &
Smoothie Smoothie Almond Punch
1/2 cup spirulina 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1 cup almond milk
1 cup unsweetened rice 1 cup milk of choice 1 cup oat bran
milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tbsp almond butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup fresh mint 2 tbsp walnuts
1 ripe banana 1-2 Medjool Dates 1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 avocado (optional) 1-2 Medjool Dates

#22 #23 #24

Green Tea, Very Berry Raspberry Avocado
Blueberry, Banana Smoothie Green Smoothie
1 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 cup Goji Berries 1 cup frozen raspberries
1 cup frozen green tea 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1 whole avocado (seeded)
1 ripe banana 1/2 cup frozen strawberries 1 cup frozen vanilla
1 tablespoon honey 1/2 cup cranberries pudding
1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon honey

#25 #26 #27

Ginger Melon Mean Green Banana Spice
Perk Smoothie Smoothie Smoothie
1/2 cup honeydew melon 1 avocado 1 ripe banana
or apple 1/2 cup baby kale Iced almond yogurt
1/2 cup cantaloupe 1/2 cup spinach 1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup watermelon 1/2 cup lemon grass 1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup frozen Greek 1 teaspoon cardamom

#28 #29 #30

Tropical Tofu Peachy Clean Creamy Orange
Smoothie Smoothie Dream Smoothie
1 cup soft tofu 1 cup frozen peach Greek 1 cup Frozen Green yogurt,
1/2 cup frozen mango yogurt 1 orange (peeled),
1/2 frozen pineapple 2 cup frozen peaches 1 teaspoon vanilla extract,
1/2 frozen guava 1 teaspoon powdered 1 orange
1 cup coconut milk ginger
1/2 cup strawberries

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Share Your Success
for Your FREE gift!
At Amanah Fitness, we absolutely LOVE hearing your
feedback, thoughts, your progress, results and weight loss
from this book! We would love if you shared your success
story with us! Please take a moment to send me a short
video OR audio OR written testimonial to let us know
how you enjoyed this book by clicking HERE. This is
the best way to let us know if this program has made a
difference in your life - we would truly appreciate it!

If you send us a testimonial, as thanks, we will send the

FREE ONE STEP AT A TIME Guide to Burn Fat by Walking
More Every Day exclusive mini guide! Get yours now for
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We can’t wait to hear your thoughts about this book!

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Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017.

Healthy Fueling Suhoor Options
Suhoor is the perfect time to eat high-fiber whole grains, to give you long-lasting
energy and keep you feeling full longer. Try to avoid sugar completely at Suhoor
because it will not help fuel your fast - you want clean energy before Fajr!

#1 #2
Pan Fried Tempeh Zucchini, Sweet Onion
Salad Wholegrain Wrap & Bell Pepper Quiche

Serves 1 Serves 4-6

Ingredients: Ingredients:
• 1 soft wrap wholegrain wrap
• ½ cup of tempeh (per wrap) • ¾ cup zucchini, chopped
• 2 tbsp. Tahini Sauce • ¾ cup sweet Vidalia onions, julienned
• 1 tsp olive oil • ¾ cup mixed bell peppers, chopped (orange, red and
• 1 tbsp. dairy-free sour cream (optional) green) (fresh or frozen)
• 1 cup arugula or baby kale salad greens • 2 tbsp olive oil
• 1 tomato, sliced • ½ cup cheddar cheese or vegan equivalent
• ½ cup cucumber, sliced (shredded)
• 1/2 small carrot, grated • ½ tsp kosher salt
• ¼ tsp salt • ½ tsp crushed red pepper (dried) (optional)
• ¼ tsp black pepper • 3 large eggs or egg substitute
• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
Directions: Marinate the tempeh for a few hours or • ½ tsp black pepper
overnight for full flavor, then slice in strips and pan fry • ¼ cup low-fat milk or soy milk
in hot cast iron skillet with oil until both sides are well • 6 thin whole wheat slices of bread
browned. Stuff wrap with veggie and tempeh. Top with
vegan sour cream (optional) and serve. Directions:
and salt and pepper. Stir until beans are lightly broken
up. Transfer to a serving platter, and surround with egg Preheat oven to 400°F. In a large skillet sauté all veggies
wedges; drizzle with more oil, and sprinkle with parsley in olive oil on low until soft and brown.
before serving.
Chop the slices of bread into small pieces on a cutting
board. Make the pieces about the size of half your

thumb, it does not have to be exact.
Springtime Sugar-Free Cereal
Mixer - Perfect for Suhoor! In a separate bowl mix eggs, kosher salt, milk, black
pepper and cheese together.
Serves 2
Place sliced bread chunks into the bottom of a casserole
Ingredients: dish. Pour vegetable mix into pie crust on top of bread.
• 3⁄4 cup barley nugget cereal Finally, pour the egg mixture over everything, trying to
• 1⁄4 cup 100% bran cereal cover everything with egg.
• 1 tbsp yellow raisins
• 1⁄2 cup bananas, sliced Put in oven and bake on 350°F for about 40-45 minutes
• ½ cup blueberries or until fork is inserted and comes out clean and the egg
• 1 cup raspberry yogurt is no longer “jiggly” when the pan is shaken. The egg
• 2 tsp toasted sunflower seeds should be firm. Slice into 4-6 slices and serve hot.
• 2 tsp toasted almonds, sliced


Mix the wheat and barley nugget cereal, bran cereal,

sunflower seeds and almonds in a medium bowl. Add
raisins, bananas and half of the strawberries.
Stir in the yogurt and divide into two bowls.
Spread the rest of the strawberries over the top.
Serve and eat immediately.

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Easy Sautéed & Omelettes
Think omelettes and sautéed vegetables are only for breakfast? Think again! A hearty
omelette is an amazing meal any time of the day if it’s loaded with great filling to keep
you full. And, Dietitian YaQutullah Ibrahim has shared some of her favourite sautéed
vegetable recipes for you to try using kale and cabbage cooked to perfection!

#4 #5
Tomato & Onion Spinach and Mushroom
Omelette Omelet

Serves 1 Serves 1

Ingredients: Ingredients:
• 1/2 a small red onion, sliced • 1/2 a small red onion, sliced
• 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes • 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
• 2 large eggs or 1 cup vegan egg-free substitutes • 1/3 cup fresh spinach
• 1 small clove garlic, chopped • 2 large eggs or 1 cup vegan egg-free substitutes
• 1/4 teaspoon Salt • 1 small clove garlic, chopped
• 1/4 teaspoon black pepper • 1/4 teaspoon Salt
• 2 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
• 2 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in non-stick pan on low-medium. Directions:
Add in sliced onions, sauté for a minute. Season with salt Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in non-stick pan on low-medium.
and pepper and cook for 3-4 minutes until veggies are Add in sliced onions, chopped garlic, mushrooms and
tender. Remove veggies and place into bowl and set to spinach, sauté for a minute. Season with salt and pepper
side. Mix eggs with salt for few seconds, season with salt and cook for 3-4 minutes until veggies are tender.
and pepper. Add chopped tomatoes into the mixture. Remove veggies and place into bowl and set to side.
Pour egg mixture into the pan. Let the eggs set a little Mix eggs with salt for few seconds, season with salt and
then flip. Let cook for a few more seconds, then remove pepper. Add egg mixture into pan. Let the eggs set a
from heat and eat immediately! little then add veggie mix and flip. Let cook for a few
more seconds, then remove from heat and eat!

#6 #7
YaQutullah’s Special Sautéed Cabbage
Sautéed Kale with Apple Slices

Serves 4 Serves 4
• 2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, Ingredients:
• 5 cups fresh kale, ribs removed, coarsely chopped
• 2 cups water • 1/2 head red cabbage
• 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 Granny Smith apple
• 1 medium bell pepper, chopped • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
• 1 medium onions, chopped • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds, crushed
• ½ teaspoon crushed red pepper • ½ tsp Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
• ½ cup celery, chopped • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
• ½ cup tomato paste • ¼ cup walnuts
• 3 teaspoons Apple Cider vinegar • 1 tsp cinnamon
• 2 tablespoons Braggs Amino Acid
Directions: Heat 2 tbsp oil in pan on medium heat.
Sauté garlic, peppers, celery, salt, pepper, and crushed Core and slice the cabbage into thin slices. Peel the
red pepper until fragrant. Add kale and cook, tossing apples and cut into thin wedges.
until bright green. Add water, apple cider vinegar and In a large sauté pan, add the coconut oil and melt over
tomato paste and reduce heat to low. Cover and cook, medium heat. Add the cabbage, apples, fennel and salt,
stirring occasionally, until the kale is tender. Remove from pepper, cinnamon to taste, and sauté until the cabbage
the heat. Allow some water to cling to the leaves as the softens and wilts about 20 minutes. Stir in a cider vinegar.
moisture will help steam the kale during cooking. Transfer to a serving bowl, top with walnuts and serve.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!
Pasta and Pizza is back on the menus! These delicious recipes sneak in loads of
veggies that even the kids will love! Hiding veggies in popular recipes is a great way to
get the amazing nutrition from vegetables, while still enjoying your favourite meals!

#8 #9
Vegetarian Spaghetti with Veggie Pizza
Mushrooms, Garlic & More! on Whole Grain

Serves 4 Serves 4
• 11 oz uncooked whole wheat pasta Ingredients:
• 1 cup veggie crumblers (optional) • 1 Gluten free or whole grain pizza crust
• ½ yellow squash • 1 cup chopped Tofurky (optional)
• ½ diced tomatoes • ½ cup green peppers
• ½ chopped onions • ½ cup diced tomatoes
• ½ cup sliced mushrooms • ½ cup fresh spinach
• ¼ cup olive oil • ½ cup fresh sliced mushrooms
• 1/4 cup minced garlic • 1/2 cup sliced onions
• 1 cup tomato sauce • 1 cup tomato paste
• 1 tsp red pepper flakes • ½ cup feta cheese or vegan cheese crumbles
• 1 tsp basil dried or you can use fresh • ½ cup mozzarella cheese
• 1 1/2 cup water
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Top pizza crust with tomato
Cook pasta in boiling water until tender. Drain and set to paste and all veggie toppings, Tofurky (optional), and
the side. In large skillet add olive oil, water, tomato paste, cheese. Cook for about 20-25 minutes until crust is light
Veggie crumbles (optional) and all veggies. Cook on brown and crisp. Serve hot!
medium heat until veggies are tender. Portion out ½ cup
spaghetti and add ½ cup of veggie sauce on small plates
and serve sprinkled with chili flakes if desired.

#10 #11
Leftover Roti/ Shrimp, Leek
Tortilla Pizza & Spinach Pasta

Serves 1 Serves 2

Ingredients: Ingredients:
• 1 whole wheat roti or tortilla or naan bread
• Leftover vegetables • 1 cup fresh spinach
• 2-3 tbsp sugar-free tomato paste • 1 cup uncooked pasta (short pasta Gemelli)
• Hot sauce to taste • 1 pound peeled and deveined medium shrimp (raw)
• 2 wedges Laughing Cow Light Cheese or 2 tbsp light • 2 chopped leeks (green and white parts)
cream cheese • 2 tbsp olive oil
• 3 tbsp mozzarella cheese • 3/4 cup cream or reduced fat sour cream

Directions: Directions:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread cream cheese
onto roti/tortilla/naan. In a small bowl, mix hot sauce and Cook the pasta and while the pasta cooks, sauté the
tomato paste well. Spread over the cream cheese on the leeks and shrimp in olive oil on medium heat. Combine
roti/tortilla/naan. Top with your favourite leftover veggies fresh spinach along with the cooked ingredients with the
- bell peppers, tomatoes and onions are great options. pasta and cream. Mix well. The spinach will wilt naturally
Top with mozzarella cheese. Cook in over for 3-5 minutes when combined with the warm pasta.
until cheese has melted. Remove and enjoy your single-
serving pizza!
This is a great recipe to make with kids. Each child can
make their own mini pizza!

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Veggies & Salads are Always Good!
Salads do NOT have to be boring! These 4 delicious salads will give you some great
mix-in ideas to enhance your salad bowl. For effortless, time-saving preparation, throw
all the ingredients in a Tupperware container, seal it, and SHAKE LIKE CRAZY! Perfectly
mixed salad, every time, and only ONE dish to toss in the dishwasher!

#12 #13
Barbecue Tofu & Beet & Radish
Veggie Kabobs Pecan-Seed Salad

Serves 4 Serves 2-4

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• ½ cup marinade sauce (Ginger Sesame or your • 2 cup beets (washed, peeled and shredded)
choice) • 1 cup radishes (shaved)
• 2 cups extra firm tofu • 1/4 cup of toasted pecans
• 1 cup fresh mushrooms • ½ cup pumpkin seeds
• ½ cup cubed red onion • 4 oz. goat, feta or dairy free cheese
• 1 cup cubed red and green peppers • 4 Tbsp. Raspberry vinaigrette
• ½ cup green or black olives • ¼ tsp kosher salt
• ¼ tsp black pepper
Directions: • 2 cups fresh spinach (rinsed, drained)

Cut the tofu and veggies into chunks of equal size and Directions:
thread onto skewers (wooden or stainless steel). Coat
kabobs completely with sauce and leave to marinate for Mix beets, shaved radishes and vinaigrette with spinach,
about an hour. Bake/barbecue/grill until cooked and season with salt and pepper and reserve. In a separate
serve with extra sauce on the side. mixing bowl build the salad on a platter or serving plates
and sprinkle on the cheese and toasted pecans.

Cucumber Kohlrabi
Salad with Watercress #15 Garbanzo Bean

**Kohlrabi is a type of cabbage. If you cannot find it, Serves 2-4

use regular cabbage or bok choy, instead!
Serves 4 Ingredients:

Ingredients: • 1-15oz can of Garbanzo beans/Chickpeas (rinsed)

• 2 cups fresh mixed greens
• 1 cup kholrabi OR Bok Choy OR Cabbage (washed, • 1 small tomato (diced)
peeled and shredded) • 1 cup cucumber (chopped)
• 1 cup watercress • ½ cup pecans or seeds of your choice
• 1/2 cucumber (sliced thinly) • 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• 1/4 cup of toasted pumpkin seeds • 1 tsp cilantro
• ½ cup mandarin oranges • Squeeze of fresh lemon juice
• 3 Tbsp. honey vinaigrette (Or 1 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp • Salt
vinaigrette) • Pepper
• ¼ tsp kosher salt
• ¼ tsp black pepper Directions:

Directions: Rinse beans and set to the side.

Toss salad with all ingredients and add beans, mix well.
Mix salad ingredients together, season with salt and Add Olive Oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste and
pepper. In a separate bowl build the salad on a platter or toss. Let sit for a few minutes to marinate.
serving plates and sprinkle on the seeds and dressing.

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More Salads for Easy Meal Prep!
Salads are a staple for healthy eating and weight loss. And salads can be just as filling
as a regular meal! A hearty salad for iftar can give you the calories you need by adding
lots of healthy fats, nuts, carbs and other mix-ins. Just think of replacing the rice or
bread in a regular meal with a pile of lettuce, and ANY dish can become a salad!

#16 #17
Potato & Three Bean
Veggie Salad Salad

Serves 4-6 Serves 4

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 4 cups red skin potatoes OR sweet potatoes • 1 cup canned garbanzo beans
• 1 carrot, grated • 1 cup canned red kidney beans
• 1/2 red onion, finely sliced • 1 cup canned white Canelli Beans
• A handful of green peas (steamed) • ¼ cup celery
• 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard • ¼ cup onions
• 3 tbsp plain Greek yogurt • 1 cup frozen corn
• 1 tsp kosher salt (optional) • ½ cup frozen chopped carrots
• 1 cup cut broccoli spears
Directions: • ¼ tsp salt
• 1 tbsp olive oil
Boil potatoes until soft and set aside to cool. • ¼ cup water
Mix the mustard with the Greek yogurt.
Cut the potatoes into halves or quarters, depending Directions:
on their size. Mix in the chopped vegetables and stir
through the yogurt mixture until everything is well Open canned beans and drain in colander rinsing
coated. well with water. Open frozen veggies and portion out
amounts as listed. In a skillet add olive oil and water on
medium heat. Add all ingredients and cook until tender.

#18 #19
Café Waldorf Amina’s Everyday
Salad Big Ol’ Leftover Salad

Serves 1 Serves 1

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 1 large baked Chicken Breast (chopped) • 1 palm-full leftover protein (Eg. chicken breast,
• ½ celery (Diced) canned tuna, salmon, beans, kabab, anything really!)
• ½ cup raisins • 2 handfuls pre-washed baby spinach
• ½ walnuts • 1 avocado, sliced
• 1 large Red delicious apple (peeled, cored and • 1 squirt of hot sauce or Sriracha, to taste
chopped) • 1/3 cup light feta cheese
• 2 tbsp plain Greek yogurt • 1/3 cup marinated olives
• 1 cup Fresh mixed greens • 1/2 a can of canned mushrooms or veggies of choice
• ¼ tsp allspice • Any vegetables you have lying around in your fridge
(Eg. tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. - chopped)
Combine yogurt, fruits and nuts and allspice together in
large salad bowl along with chicken. Chill before serving. Throw all ingredients into Tupperware with a lid. SHAKE!
Place Waldorf mixture atop fresh mixed greens and

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Recipes from Around the World
Add some ethnic recipes in to your meal rotation! These are delicious recipes from
around the world adapted to add a healthy spin!

#20 #21
Tomato-Rice with Moroccan Stew
Pepper-Basted Fish

Serves 4 Serves 4

This dish is inspired by Japanese cuisine by cooking the Ingredients:

rice with whole tomatoes! The tomatoes become soft and
infuse a wonderful texture into the rice, and can be easily • 1 ½ cups vegetable stock, divided
mixed in for extra nutrition and flavour in the rice. • 1 large yellow onion, finely chopped
• 2 large red bell peppers, chopped
Ingredients: • 2 garlic cloves, minced
• 1 teaspoon 100% pure maple syrup
• 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
• 4 pieces salmon • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1/2 onion, sliced into 10 thin pieces • ½ teaspoon ground cumin
• Paste: • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated or minced
• 1 Red bell pepper • ½ teaspoon saffron
• 1 onion or several scallions, chopped • 2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into ½ inch
• 2 tbsp garlic paste cubes
• 1 bunch fresh parsley • 1 can (15oz) diced tomatoes, undrained
• Salt • 1 can (15oz) chickpeas, drained and rinsed
• Hot chili pepper to taste • Salt and pepper to taste
• 2-3 cups brown rice, uncooked
• 1-2 large tomatoes **Recommended to serve with whole grain couscous.
• Salt & Pepper, to taste Purchase uncooked from grocery store and boil in a rice
cooker according to package instructions. Alternatively,
Directions: you can also serve this Moroccan stew with brown rice
or quinoa, or even enjoy with whole wheat bread of your
Place uncooked brown rice in a rice cooker. Add water choice.
as per directions. Place 1-2 large tomatoes, washed and
whole (with the leaves taken off) in the center of the rice. Directions:
Push them down so they are embedded in the uncooked
rice. Turn on rice cooker and allow to cook with tomatoes. Heat 3 tablespoons water in a soup pot over medium
heat. Add onion, peppers and garlic, and cook for 5
While rice is cooking, put paste ingredients in food minutes. If the water begins to evaporate, add a little
processor. Blend well. Massage each salmon piece with more water to the pot.
paste mixture. Cover each piece of fish thoroughly with
paste and rub extra paste onto each piece of fish. Stir in the maple syrup, coriander, cinnamon, cumin,
ginger and saffron and cook for 1 minute, stirring
Place salmon in a baking dish or casserole pan. Top each constantly. Add sweet potatoes, and stir to coat. Stir in
piece of fish with a thin slice of onion, and insert slices of tomatoes, remaining 1 ½ cups water and chickpeas.
onion between each piece of salmon in the pan, as well, Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low.
for extra flavour.
Simmer until sweet potatoes are tender, about 30
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until salmon is minutes. Test potato tenderness with a fork. Season with
cooked through. Remove from oven. salt and pepper, and serve with couscous.

Open your rice cooker, take the rice mixing paddle, and
slice through the tomatoes. The tomatoes will be very
soft and easily break apart to mix into the rice (do not
MASH tomatoes - gently mix!). Add salt and pepper to
taste to the rice. Once mixed, serve 1 cup of rice with 1
piece of salmon each!

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Recipes from Around the World
Cultural recipes don’t have to be oily or greasy! Use spices to bring out the rich
traditional tastes and use minimal amounts of oil. Use either Extra Virgin Olive Oil or
Coconut Oil when cooking for the healthiest preparation methods.

#22 #23
Ful Medames - Traditional Vegetable Pilaf with Freekeh
Arab Breakfast (wheat grain)

Recipe from Freekeh is a highly nutritious grain that is unfortunately

Serves 2-4 not used very frequently in Western cooking. Freekeh
Ingredients: is low on the glycemic index and is thus excellent for
• 2 (15-oz.) cans fava beans, drained and rinsed managing diabetes. It is delicious starring in this Eastern
• 1⁄4 cup fresh lemon juice Vegetable Pilaf!
• 1⁄4 cup olive oil, plus more to garnish
• 2 tsp. ground cumin Serves 4
• 1⁄4 tsp. cayenne4 cloves garlic, peeled and mashed
• Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste Ingredients:
• 2 hard-boiled eggs, cut into 6 wedges each
• 2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley • 2 cups Green Freekeh (cracked grain)
Directions: • 1 medium red onion, chopped
Place beans in a 2-qt. saucepan and cover with water by • ½ cup green bell peppers, chopped
1”. Place over medium heat, and bring to a boil; cook • ¼ cup red bell peppers, chopped
until beans are tender, about 8 minutes. Drain beans, and • ½ cup yellow bell peppers, chopped
transfer to a bowl; add juice, oil, cumin, cayenne, garlic, • ½ cup chopped cauliflower
and salt and pepper. Stir until beans are lightly broken • ½ cup Garbanzo beans
up. Transfer to a serving platter, and surround with egg • 2 clove garlic, minced
wedges; drizzle with more oil, and sprinkle with parsley • 2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, divided
before serving. • 4 cups vegetable broth
• 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
• 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Vegetable Curry, • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
South-Asian Style! • Pinch of turmeric
• 1/4 cup cilantro and parsley, chopped
Serves 4 • 2 teaspoon fresh squeezed lemon juice
• 1 large onion, diced Directions:
• 2 carrots (chopped)
• 2 red potatoes Soak the wheat in cold water for 15-20 minutes then
• 1/4 cauliflower (chopped) drain.
• ½ cup chick peas
• 1 cup mushrooms (chopped) In a large saucepan with tight lid place 4 cups of
• 1 tablespoon tomato paste vegetable broth and the soaked Freekah with ½
• 1 tsp garam masala teaspoon of salt and extra virgin olive oil. Cover and
• 1 can tomatoes bring to boil on medium heat, stirring occasionally. Lower
• 1 1/2 cup vegetable stock heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes until all water is
• 1/2 cup frozen peas absorbed.
• 2 tbsp olive oil
• ¼ cup fresh coriander (chopped) In an iron cast skillet over medium flame, sauté olive oil
and onion and sauté, add garlic and spices, vegetables
Directions: Chop vegetable into small chunks. In a and season with salt. Cook until vegetables are tender.
large skillet sauté onion and olive oil until soft, then add Mix in cooked Freekah and mix all together. Stir in lemon
in carrots, potatoes, cauliflower and mushrooms and juice and serve topped with cilantro and parsley.
continue to cook for 2-3 minutes. Stir in tomato paste and
garam masala while and continue to cook while stirring.
Add in tomatoes, chick peas, and vegetable stock
and bring to a boil. Cook on a low simmer, stirring
occasionally, for approximately 45 minutes.
Stir through the frozen peas and leave for a further 5
minutes. Serve topped with fresh coriander as garnish.

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Recipes from Around the World
Two vegetarian dishes that give you all the nutrition you’re looking for, and amazing
taste, and help add some veggie-centric, meatless meals to your life. So good!

#25 #26
Vegetarian Vegetarian
Cabbage Rolls Juicy Chili

Recipe from Illustrated guide to food preparation, 7th Serves 4

edition, Chapter 2.
Serves 2
• 1 1/2 pounds veggie crumbles
Ingredients: • 1 large red onion, chopped
• 1 large red bell pepper, chopped
• 4 cabbage leaves (green or purple) • 3 cloves garlic, minced
• ¼ pound chopped bean sprouts • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
• 1/8 pound mushrooms, chopped • 1/4 cup red pepper flakes
• 1-1/2 tbsp. Coconut Oil • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
• 6 tbsp. wheat germ • 2 tsp paprika
• 2 tbsp. water chest nuts (drained and chopped) • 2 tsp dried basil
• ¼ cup slivered almonds • 2 tbsp. tomato paste
• 2-1/2tbsp minced parsley • 2 medium tomatoes, chopped
• ½ teaspoon crumbled Marjoram leaves • 1 1/2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
• 1/8 tsp kosher salt • 2 15 -ounce cans spicy red chili beans, drained and
• 6 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese rinsed
• ½ cup tomato sauce • 1 tablespoon hot sauce (optional)
• ½ cup sliced scallions and/or ½ cup reduced fat sour
Directions: cream, for topping (optional)

Boil Cabbage leaves 3 minutes and drain. Directions:

Sauté mushrooms and sprouts in coconut oil until golden Cook the veggie crumbles in a large saucepan over
brown, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and stir in medium heat until brown.
remaining ingredients except ½ of the cheese and the
tomato sauce. Save that for later. In a separate pot, combine the onion and bell pepper
and stir until soft. Add the garlic and kosher salt red
Divide delicious mixture into cabbage leaves, roll them pepper flakes, cumin, paprika, basil and tomato paste
up and stick a toothpick in each of the rolls. stirring for about 5 minutes. Add a little water. Simmer
until almost completely reduced, about 3 minutes. Stir in
Place in a casserole dish, top with tomato sauce and the tomatoes, vegetable broth and beans and bring to
remaining cheese. Bake at 350°F for 25 minutes. a simmer over low heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until
the chili thickens slightly, about an hour.
Remove toothpicks from cabbage rolls and serve.
Add a little veggie broth if the chili is really thick. Use
Enjoy hot! water to reach your preferred consistency - if you like
watery chili, add more water. If you like it thicker, add less

Ladle chili into bowls and top with scallions and/or sour
cream (optional).

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Healthier Mains with Lots of Taste
You can ALWAYS make any meal healthier with simple substitutions. Forr example,
using eggplant to replace HALF the pasta in lasagna still gives you all the taste, but
with much more nutrition and less calories. Think about ingredients that you can swap!

#27 #28
Amina’s Healthy Whole Khush Seerat Aunty’s
Wheat Lasagna w/ Eggplant! Chicken Kababs

Serves 4 Makes 10 servings (2 Kababs per serving)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 1x500g tub of 97% fat-free cottage cheese • 3 lbs minced chicken breast
• 1 large Eggplant • 2 diced red onions
• 10 sheets whole wheat lasagna sheets • 4 tomatoes, chopped
• 3 eggs • 2 green chillis, diced (more, or less to spice according
• Salt, pepper and basil to taste)
• Sugar-free marinara sauce (or homemade) • 2 eggs
• 1 TBSP chilli pepper flakes
Directions: • 1 TSP coriander powder
• 1 TSP salt
Boil lasagna sheets according to package directions and • 1/2 TSP baking soda
set aside. • 1 cup non-GMO cornmeal
• Cayenne pepper, to taste
In a medium bowl, beat 3 eggs and add salt, pepper and • SPICE MIX:
basil to taste. Ad entire 500g tub of cottage cheese into • 2 TSP cumin powder
the egg mixture and mix well to incorporate. Set aside. • 2 TSP garam masala
• 2 TBSP garlic paste
Take your eggplant and slice it into thin slices, about 1/4 • 2 TBSP ginger paste
inch thick, using a knife or a mandolin. • 1 TSP black pepper powder
• Optional: 1/2 TSP cayenne pepper
In a medium square casserole dish, spread marinara
sauce to cover the bottom of the dish in a 1/4-inch layer. Directions:
Lay slices of eggplant in a flat layer. Spread marinara
sauce on top of eggplant. Top with cheese-egg mixture Combine all ingredients for basic kababs in a large bowl.
on top in a layer. Cover with strips of lasagna. Repeat Mix all ingredients for the spice mix.
this layering in the following order building up: marinara Add this spice mix into your large bowl with the rest of
sauce, cottage cheese mixture, eggplant, marinara sauce, the kabab ingredients.
lasagna, cottage cheese mixture. Make sure the top layer Mix the entire bowl well to incorporate into a smooth
is cottage cheese layer and it COMPLETELY covers the batter.
lasagna to maintain moisture of the lasagna. Use hands to shape mix into flat patties.
Arrange patties on foil-lined baking tray. Use parchment
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove, let cool, paper for complete no-stick.
and slice in 4 quarters. Serve and enjoy! Bake for 30 minutes, or until meat is completely cooked
Remove from oven. Using a spatula, slide under each
kabab to loosen from foil. Serve with salad, whole-wheat
roti and chutney made with Greek yogurt and spices!

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Don’t forget to sneak in more veg!
You can never have enough veggies! These two recipes are easy, sneaky ways to enjoy
more veggies that you may not have thought of!

#29 #30
Zucchini Roasted Brussels
Noodles Sprouts

Serves 1 Makes 2-3

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 1 large zucchini or 2 small zucchini noodles • 2 bags Brussels sprouts

• Sugar-free marinara sauce • 1 TSP Sea Salt
• Salt, pepper, basil • 1 TSP Pepper
• 1/2 can canned mushrooms, drained • 1 TSP Paprika powder
• 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Wash zucchini well and cut off both ends. Use either a
spiralizer, mandolin or shredder to cut zucchini into thin Clean Brussels sprouts well, and cut off sprouts.
strips. Sauté in a small frying pan sprayed with coconut
oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Sauté until zucchini liquid is Drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika and mix well.
released and evaporated. Add mushrooms, salt, pepper
and basil and mix well. Arrange in a single row on a baking sheet.

Add marinara sauce into the pan and continue to stir. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.

Serve on plate and eat immediately! Enjoy! Remove from oven, sprinkle with additional paprika
powder, mix and serve!

Note: You can use this method to roast ANY vegetables!

If you’ve made it this far, I hope you know what a special accomplishment this is. You have spent
time devoted to improving your health, and your body will thank you for it, inshAllah! I hope
that you have learned valuable health lessons through this guide, and I encourage you to keep
up these habits, long after Ramadan concludes. I would love to hear about your success on
this program - please consider sending me a short testimonial if you feel this program has
positively impacted your life in any way!
Thank you for being the most important part of Amanah Fitness!
Wishing your family the best of health inshAllah!

Amina Khan
Founder, Amanah Fitness

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

#1 Chowder #2 Curried Red
Lentil Soup
(192 calories per serving, 6 servings) Note: This soup is higher in calories. For a lower
calorie soup, pick a different recipe.
Ingredients: (401 calories per serving, 6 servings)
• 2 cups peeled and diced potatoes
• 1/2 cup diced celery Ingredients:
• 1/2 cup chopped red onion • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 1 (11 ounce) can creamed corn • 1 large onion, finely chopped
• 1 (15oz) bag frozen whole kernel corn • 1 large carrot, finely chopped
• 1 (12 fluid ounce) can evaporated milk • 1 rib celery, finely chopped
• 1/8 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper • 3 cloves garlic, minced
• 1/4 teaspoon salt • 2 tablespoons curry powder
• 6 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
Directions: • 1 1/2 cups dried lentils, washed, sorted
• 2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. pepper.
In a large pot over medium heat, place potatoes, celery • 1 13.6-oz. can coconut milk
and onion with water to cover. Bring to a boil, then • Chopped cilantro, optional
reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes, until potatoes are
tender. Drain. Directions:

Return vegetables to pot with creamed corn, evaporated In a large pan, warm oil over medium heat. Cook onion,
milk, cayenne and salt over low heat. Simmer 20 minutes. carrot and celery, stirring often, until softened, about 8
minutes. Add garlic; sauté for 1 to 2 minutes longer. Add
curry powder; sauté for 2 minutes longer.

Stir in broth, lentils, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil

over high heat, cover pot, reduce heat to medium-low
and simmer until lentils are very soft, about 40 minutes.
Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Working in
batches, puree half of soup in a blender until nearly
smooth. Return pureed soup to pan. Stir in coconut
milk and reheat gently over medium-low heat, stirring
occasionally; do not boil. Season with salt and pepper.
Ladle into bowls and sprinkle with chopped cilantro just
before serving, if desired.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Sweet Potato Fish

#3 Soup #4 Chowder
(187 calories per serving, 8 servings) (148 calories per serving, 10 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 4 1/2 cups water • 4 1/2 cups water

• 4 bay leaves • 4 bay leaves
• 1 1/2 pounds Cod fillets or other firm white fish • 1 1/2 pounds Cod fillets or other firm white fish
• 3 1/2 cups cubed peeled baking potato • 3 1/2 cups cubed peeled baking potato
• 1 1/2 cups chopped onion (about 1 large) • 1 1/2 cups chopped onion (about 1 large)
• 1/2 cup coarsely chopped carrot (about 1 medium) • 1/2 cup coarsely chopped carrot (about 1 medium)
• 1 1/2 teaspoons dried thyme • 1 1/2 teaspoons dried thyme
• 1 teaspoon salt, divided • 1 teaspoon salt, divided
• 3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided • 3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided
• 4 cups 2% reduced-fat milk • 4 cups 2% reduced-fat milk

Directions: Directions:

Place potatoes and ginger in large saucepan. Pour in Bring 4 1/2 cups water and bay leaves to a simmer in
veggie stock and water, and bring to a boil over high a large skillet. Add fish; cover and simmer 10 minutes
heat. Reduce heat to medium low, cover, and simmer or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork or until
until the potatoes have softened, about 30 minutes. desired degree of doneness. Remove fish from pan with
a slotted spoon. Cut fish into large pieces. Reserve 2 1/2
Puree potatoes and lime juice in a food processor, or with cups cooking liquid and bay leaves.
a hand blender until smooth. Return soup to saucepan
and stir in milk or cream as desired; heat until warmed In a Dutch oven, add potato, onion, and carrot to pan;
through. cook over medium heat 10 minutes. Add reserved
cooking liquid, bay leaves, thyme, 1/2 teaspoon salt,
and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; bring to a boil. Reduce heat;
simmer 10 minutes. Add milk and butter; simmer 25
minutes until potatoes are tender (do not boil). Stir in
fish, remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, and remaining 1/2
teaspoon pepper. Discard bay leaves.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Split Pea French Onion

#5 Soup #6 Soup
(200 calories per serving, 9 servings) (177 calories per serving, 12 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 1 (16 ounce) package dried split peas • 2 large yellow onions, peeled and thinly sliced
• 1 cup diced carrot • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 medium onion, chopped • 8 cups organic vegetable broth
• 2 garlic cloves, minced • 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
• 2 bay leaves • 8 slices ultra thin swiss cheese
• 1⁄2 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
• 1⁄2 teaspoon pepper • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
• 5 cups boiling water • Pinch salt and pepper (to taste)
• 1 cup hot milk (coconut optional) • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Directions: Directions:

In a slow cooker, layer the first eight ingredients in order Add 1 tablespoon Olive oil to large pan. Add onions and
listed (do not stir). 1 cup vegetable broth and garlic powder. Saute onions
until broth is completely evaporated, and onions begin
Cover and cook on high for 4-5 hours or until vegetables to caramelize.
are tender. Stir in milk.
Add the rest of the ingredients, including Parmesan
Remove bay leaves before serving. cheese, to the slow cooker and add onions. Turn slow
cooker on high for 4 hours, or on low for 8 hours, or

When ready to serve, ladle soup into an oven safe bowl,

and add a piece of Swiss cheese on top. Place in oven
preheated to low to melt the cheese.

Leave in oven for 1-3 minutes, or until cheese is lightly

golden brown.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Carrot Ginger Egg Drop

#7 Soup #8 Soup
Ingredients: (107 calories per serving, 4 servings)

• 1/2 medium butternut squash Ingredients:

• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 onion, diced • 2 (14 1/2 ounce) cans vegetable broth
• 1 pound carrots (peeled and diced) • 1 green onion with top, chopped
• 3 cloves garlic, minced • 5 ounces packages frozen peas
• 1 (2 inch) piece fresh ginger, peeled/ thinly sliced • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
• 1 pinch ground cinnamon • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
• 1/4 cup coconut milk • Fresh coriander, minced (optional)
• 4 cups water
• Salt and pepper to taste Directions:

Directions: Combine vegetable broth, green onion& top and peas in

medium saucepan.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Scoop seeds out of the butternut squash half, and place Bring to a full boil over high heat.
cut side down onto a greased baking sheet. Bake for Remove from heat.
30 to 40 minutes, or until softened. Allow to cool, then
scoop the squash flesh out of the skin using a large Add egg and sesame oil; stir once.
spoon and set aside.
Ladle into bowls; garnish with coriander, as desired.
Heat olive oil in a large saucepan or soup pot over
medium heat. Add chopped onion and garlic, and cook,
stirring until onion is translucent. Pour in the water, and
add squash, carrots and ginger. Bring to a boil, and cook
for at least 20 minutes, or until carrots and ginger are

Puree the mixture in the blender. Add boiling water if

necessary to thin, but this is meant to be a thick creamy
soup. Return soup to the pan, and heat through. Season
with salt, pepper and cinnamon. Ladle into serving bowls
and garnish if desired.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Fava Black Bean

#9 Beans #10 Soup
(212 calories per serving, 8 servings) (243 calories per serving, 6 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 4 cups canned fava or 2 cup dried fava • 2 (15 ounce) cans black beans, undrained
• 1 teaspoon cumin • 1⁄2 cup salsa
• 2 garlic cloves, crushed • 1 teaspoon chili powder
• 1⁄3 cup olive oil • 1 (8 ounce) can vegetable broth
• 1⁄4 cup lemon juice • 5 tablespoons green onions
• 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped • 2 1⁄2 tablespoons cilantro
• Water, used to soak fava beans • sour cream

Directions: Directions:

Soak fava beans overnight. Add beans, onions, chili powder, salsa, broth and cilantro
to crockpot or soup pot. Bring to a boil then reduce heat
Drain fava beans and save water. and stir while mashing beans.

Peel the skins from the fava beans and place the beans in For soup pot: simmer over medium low heat 30 minutes
large saucepan. to an hour.

Measure 6 cups of soaking water and add to the fava For crockpot: cook on low for 2-3 hours.
beans. Bring to a boil on medium high heat.
Reduce heat to medium and cook for 45 minutes, or until Top with sour cream when serving.
beans are soft.

Once beans are tender, remove beans from heat

and puree in a blender. Return pureed fava beans to
saucepan and bring to a boil.

Add water if needed. Stir in cumin, garlic, lemon juice

and olive oil and bring to a second boil.
Simmer for 5 minutes. Serve in a bowl and sprinkle
parsley on top.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Chicken Lentil
#11 Soup #12 Soup
(267 calories per serving, 6 servings) (458 calories per serving, 3 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 2 tablespoons olive oil • 2 cups orange lentils

• 2 skinless chicken breasts • 4 cups water
• 1 red onion, finely chopped • 1 vegetable bouillon cube
• 1 tablespoon plain flour • 1⁄2 teaspoon black pepper
• 6 cups chicken stock • 1 tablespoon dry onion
• 2 cups tomato juice • 1 tablespoon dry garlic
• 1 cup corn kernel • 1/2 celery chopped
• 2 hot chili peppers, finely sliced, any variety • 1 teaspoon cumin
• 1⁄4 cup fresh cilantro, finely chopped
Wash lentils.
Heat half of the oil in a medium sized saucepan, cook
chicken until lightly browned and cooked through. Fill pot with lentils and water, pepper and salt, onion.
Bring to a rapid boil.
Remove chicken from pan and shred into small strips.
Heat remaining oil in same pan, cook onion 3-4 minutes Cover, reduce heat to simmer.
or until soft.
Cook 20-25 min until thick and yellow.parsley on top.
Add flour to pan and stir for 1 minute.

Add stock and juice 1 cup at a time, waiting until mixture

thickens slightly after each addition.

Add chicken, corn and chili. Stir until heated through.

Serve topped with cilantro.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Tomato Basil Butternut

#13 Soup #14 Squash Soup
(205 calories per serving, 6 servings) Ingredients:

Ingredients: • 1 (2 -3 lb) butternut squash, peeled and seeded

• 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
• 4 cups milk • 1 medium onion, chopped
• 3 (14 ounce) cans diced tomatoes, drained • 6 cups vegetable stock
• 1 small onion, chopped • nutmeg
• 2 garlic cloves • salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 1 stalk celery • 1/2 cup celery, chopped
• 2 tablespoons tomato paste
• 2 tablespoons butter Directions:
• 4 tablespoons flour
• 1 teaspoon dried basil Cut squash into 1-inch chunks (or purchase precut
• 1⁄2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper squash).

Directions: In large pot melt butter. Add onion and cook until
translucent, about 8 minutes.
Heat milk on medium in saucepan. Place remaining
ingredients in food processor or blender and blend Add squash and stock. Bring to a simmer and cook until
until smooth. Pour tomato mixture into milk. Bring to a squash is tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.
boil. Immediately decrease heat to low and simmer 15
minutes. Remove squash chunks with slotted spoon and place in
a blender and puree. Return blended squash to pot. Stir
and season with nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Serve.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Potato Brocolli Garlic

#15 Soup #16 Broth
(260 calories per serving, 4 servings) (231 calories per serving, 6 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 1 1⁄4 lbs broccoli • 8 cloves garlic, peeled and mashed

• 1⁄2 lb potato, red, unpeeled, diced • 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 onion, small, chopped • 2 quarts vegetable broth
• 3⁄4 cup low sodium vegetable broth • fresh ground pepper to taste
• 3⁄4 cup water • 1⁄2 teaspoon thyme
• 2 cups low-fat milk (1%) • 1⁄2 teaspoon sage (or 2 leaves fresh)
• 1⁄4 cup flour • 1 bay leaf
• 1⁄2 teaspoon tarragon • 1 pinch rosemary
• 1⁄2 teaspoon thyme • 1⁄2 cup light cream
• 1⁄4 teaspoon salt • 3 egg yolks, beaten
• 1⁄4 teaspoon black pepper • 1⁄2 cup grated parmesan cheese
• 3 ounces monterey jack cheese, shredded
• 1⁄2 cup red bell pepper, minced Directions:

Directions: Saute garlic in oil until slightly browned.

Heat broth and wine until hot but not boiling.
In large saucepan, combine broccoli, potato, onion &
diluted broth. Add garlic, oil, spices and herbs, cover and simmer for 1
Cover & bring to boil over high heat, then reduce heat to
medium-low & cook until tender, about 6 minutes. Remove bay leaf from pot and puree soup.
In small bowl, whisk milk into the flour. Add milk mixture Return pureed soup to pot and continue simmering.
to soup, along with tarragon, thyme, salt & pepper. Add cream to egg yolks, then add a bit of soup and mix
Stirring constantly, cook until mixture comes to a boil & is well.
thickened, about 7 minutes.
Add egg mixture to the pot and simmer for about 5
Ladle soup into bowls & sprinkle each with some cheese, minutes or until heated through.
then top with minced bell pepper.
Ladle soup into bowls and sprinkle with cheese.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Veggie Pesto Shiitake

#17 Soup #18 Mushroom Soup
(126 calories per serving, 4 servings) (116 calories per serving, 2 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 5 cups vegetable stock • 2 scallions

• 1 zucchini, diced • 4 ounces tofu, small cubes
• 1 small potato, diced • 6 teaspoons Braggs Amino Acids
• 1 shallot, chopped • 1 cup sliced shitake mushroom
• 1 carrot, diced • 4 cups water
• 1 (8 ounce) can chopped tomatoes • 4 tablespoons miso
• salt and pepper to taste
• 1⁄2 cup thin green beans, cut in 1/2 inch lengths Directions:
• 1⁄2 cup frozen baby peas
• 1⁄2 cup pasta, small pasta shapes In a sauce pan combine Braggs Amino Acids, tofu and
• 4 -6 tablespoons traditional basil-based pesto sauce scallions.
• 1 tablespoon sun-dried tomato paste
• grated parmesan cheese (optional) Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and let simmer for 15
Add mushrooms and water, bring to a boil.
Place vegetable stock in a large saucepan, add zucchini Once boiling vigorously, bring down to a simmer and
through tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. add mushrooms.
Bring to a boil, cover, lower heat and simmer 20 minutes.
Add green beans through pasta and cook about 10 Simmer until mushrooms reach desired tenderness.
minutes longer until pasta is tender. Add Miso, mix until dissolved, serve.

Adjust seasonings if necessary.

Whisk together pesto and sundried tomato paste.

Ladle soup into 4 bowls and stir a spoonful of the pesto
mixture into each.

Top with grated Parmesan cheese, if desired.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Hearty Veggie Chicken Curry

#19 Soup #20 Soup
(50 calories per serving, 8 servings) (184 calories per serving, 6 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 2 carrots, sliced • 2 tablespoons oil

• 1 big onion, diced • 3 teaspoons curry powder
• 1⁄2 cup celery root, diced • 1 medium onion
• 1⁄2 cup green peas • 6 cups low sodium chicken stock
• 1 red bell pepper, diced • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
• 6 garlic cloves, sliced • 1 cup dried lentils, rinsed, drained
• 1 (15 oz) can, peeled chopped tomatoes • 125 g broccoli
• sea salt and pepper, to taste • 1 small carrot, chopped
• 1 tablespoon sunflower oil • 2 sticks celery, chopped
• 2 tablespoons celery leaves, chopped • 1 zucchini, chopped
• 1 tablespoon dried parsley • 2 lbs chicken, cut up
• 1 tablespoon italian seasoning
• fresh parsley, for garnish Directions:

Directions: Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add onion and fry over
a gentle heat until the onion has softened and is clear in
Heat the oil in medium pot. colour.

Add diced onion and sauté until golden. Increase the heat and add the curry powder, chicken and
stir for 2 min to release the fragrance. Add the stock and
Fill pot with water (6-8 cups). tomato paste bring to the boil and reduce heat.
Add salt, pepper, dry parsley, veggie mix.
Add sliced carrots, diced celery root, red bell pepper and Add the lentils, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
peas. Add all of the vegetables and simmer covered for a
further 15 min till vegetables are tender.
Let it boil until all veggies are tender.
Add chopped tomatoes, sliced garlic and celery leaves. Serve sprinkled with basil or parsley, grated parmesan
Let boil for 5 minutes. cheese, or a swirl or sour cream or yogurt.

Serve with fresh parsley on top. For Vegetarian use the vegetable broth.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Cream of Harira
#21 Cauliflower #22 (Morroccan Soup)
(60 calories per serving, 6 servings) (184 calories per serving, 6 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 1 medium head cauliflower, cut into flowerets • 1 pound cubed lamb meat
• 2 stalks celery, cut into pieces • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
• 1 medium onion, chopped • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper
• salt and pepper • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 4 -6 cups chicken broth • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
• 1⁄2 cup light cream (optional) • 1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
• 1⁄2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce • 2 tablespoons margarine
• 1⁄8 teaspoon nutmeg • 3/4 cup chopped celery
• 1 red onion, chopped
Directions: • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
• 1 (15 ounce) can diced tomatoes
In a large stock pot add cauliflower,celery,onion, salt and • 7 cups water
pepper. • 3/4 cup green lentils
• 1 (15 ounce) can garbanzo beans, drained
Cook until tender,about 30-45 minutes hour. • 1 lemon, juiced
Let cool then transfer to Blender and pulse until smooth.
Return to pot, add Worcestershire sauce, nutmeg and Directions:
Place the lamb, turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon,
Warm until heated thru. ginger, cayenne, butter, celery, onion, and cilantro into
a large soup pot over a low heat. Stir frequently for 5
Serve with bread or rolls (optional). minutes. Pour tomatoes (reserve juice) into the mixture
and let simmer for 15 minutes.

Pour tomato juice, 7 cups water, and the lentils into the
pot. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce and simmer
covered for 2 hours.

About 10 minutes before serving turn the heat to

medium-high, place chickpeas into the soup and let cook
for 10 minutes. Stir in lemon and serve.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Clam Thai Coconut

#23 Chowder #24 Soup
(371 calories per serving, 8 servings) (124 calories per serving, 6 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 1 1⁄2 teaspoons salt • 2 teaspoons peanut oil

• 1 cup chopped celery • 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
• 2 cups diced potatoes • 2 tablespoons ginger, grated fresh
• 1 cup chopped onion • 4 tablespoons lemongrass, chopped
• 2 (6 1/2 ounce) canschopped clams • 2 teaspoons red chili pepper flakes, crushed
• 1 quart half-and-half • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
• 2 tablespoons butter • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
• 3 tablespoons cornstarch • 1 onion, thinly sliced
• 1⁄4 cup milk • 1⁄3 lb bok choy, shredded
• 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar • 3 cups water
• 240 ml coconut milk, one can
Directions: • 4 tablespoons coriander, chopped fresh

In medium saucepan add: salt, celery, potatoes, Directions:

onion,”juice” from the cans of clams.
Add about 2 cups water to cover mixture. In a large saucepan over medium heat, heat peanut oil.
Stir in garlic, ginger, lemongrass, red chilli, coriander and
Simmer 8-10 minute or until potatoes are tender. cumin and cook until fragrant, 2 minutes.

In a large stockpot, bring to boil 1 half and half and Stir in onion and cook, stirring, until onion is translucent,
butter stirring constantly. 5 minutes. Stir in bak choi and cook until it begins to wilt,
Mix together cornstarch and milk. 5 to 10 minutes.

Slowly stir into half and half mixture while boiling, stirring Stir in water, coconut milk,and coriander. Simmer until
rapidly, remove from heat. flavors are well blended about 30 minutes.
Stir in vegetable mixture.
Add vinegar.

Add clams and Fresh pepper to taste!

Do not boil clams.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Potato Leek Miso

#25 Soup #26 Soup
(141 calories per serving, 6 servings) (22 calories per serving, 4 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 3 medium potatoes • 8 teaspoons alcohol-free miso paste (found at ethnic

• 3 cups cleaned chopped leeks or asian grocery stores - read the ingredients label to
• 1 stalk celery, chopped ensure it is alcohol-free!
• 1 large carrot, chopped • 4 cups water
• 4 cups water • 1 sheet nori (seaweed paper)
• 1 1⁄2 teaspoons salt • 3 ounces firm tofu
• 1 cup milk
• fresh ground pepper Directions:
• thyme
• marjoram Pour the water into a 2-quart pot. Stir in the miso until it’s
• basil no longer in chunks.

Directions: Bring to a simmer.

Clean and cut potatoes into 1 inch cubes. Tear the nori into pieces about 1.5” by 1.5”, but don’t be
Place them in a soup pot or Dutch oven with the leeks, concerned if they’re bigger or smaller than that. Add to
celery, carrot, water and salt. the pot.

Bring to a boil, cover, and cook until the potatoes are Dice tofu into cubed pieces. Add to the pot.
tender (about 20 minutes).
Serve hot.
Remove from heat, and let it cool until warm enough to
Puree the soup in a blender or food processor in batches.
Return the puree to the pot.
Stir in the milk.

Add black pepper to taste.

Serve hot topped with fresh hebs.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Tomato Barley Minestrone

#27 Soup #28 Soup
(75 calories per serving, 6 servings) (210 calories per serving, 6 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 2⁄3 cup carrot, sliced • 2 teaspoons olive oil

• 1⁄2 cup onion, diced • 2 cups chopped onions
• 1⁄2 cup celery, sliced • 5 garlic cloves, minced (use fresh garlic only)
• 2 garlic cloves • 1 1⁄2 teaspoons salt
• 1 tablespoon tomato paste • 1 stalk celery, chopped
• 6 cups fat-free vegetable broth • 1 medium carrot, diced
• 2 cups green cabbage, chopped (about 1/4 head) • 1 cup green beans, cut into 1-inch pieces
• 1⁄2 teaspoon dried basil • 1 teaspoon oregano
• 1⁄2 teaspoon dried thyme • fresh black pepper
• 1⁄3 cup barley, uncooked • 1 teaspoon basil
• 1⁄2 cup fresh parsley, chopped • 1 medium bell pepper, diced
• 1 zucchini, sliced • 4 cups water (more if needed)

Directions: Directions:

Spray large saucepan with non-stick spray. Add chopped Heat the olive oil in nonstick Dutch oven.
carrots, onion and celery. Saute over low heat 5-7 Add onion, garlic and salt.
minutes until softened - add garlic for the last minute.
Saute over medium heat for about 5 minutes.
Add tomato paste and stir with vegetables. Add celery, carrot, green beans and seasonings.

Stir in broth, cabbage, herbs and barley. Simmer, Cover and cook overy very low heat 10 minutes, stirring
partly covered, for 40 minutes until barley is softened. occasionally.
Add zucchini and parsley after the barley has cooked
about 20 minutes, allowing them to cook for the last 20 Add bell pepper, water and spaghetti sauce.
minutes. Cover and simmer 15 minutes.

Garnish with coarsely ground black pepper and 1 Add beans and simmer another 5 minutes.
Tablespoons of Parmesan cheese as desired.
Serve topped with parsley and parmesan.

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Pasta & Pizzas - The Veggie Way!

Cream of Cream of
#29 Potato Soup #30 Mushroom Soup
(154 calories per serving, 6 servings) (221 calories per serving, 4 servings)

Ingredients: Ingredients:

• 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 ⁄4 cup chopped onion

• 1⁄2 cup chopped onion • 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 3 cups potatoes, peeled and diced • 3 cups sliced fresh mushrooms
• 1 cup vegetable • 6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
• 1⁄4 cup chopped fresh parsley • 2 (14 1/2 ounce) cans veggie broth
• 1⁄4 teaspoon dried thyme • 1 cup half-and-half
• 1⁄4 teaspoon celery seed • 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
• 1⁄4 teaspoon salt • 1⁄8 teaspoon pepper
• 1⁄4 teaspoon black pepper
• 1 1⁄2 cups milk, lowfat okay Directions:
• 2 tablespoons flour
In a large saucepan, saute onion in butter until tender.
Directions: Add mushrooms and saute until tender.

In large saucepan, saute onions in butter until Combine flour and broth until smooth,stir into the
translucent. mushroom mixture.

Add potatoes, veggie broth, parsley, thyme, celery seed, Bring to a boil and stir until thickened.
salt, and pepper to saucepan. Reduce heat.

Simmer for 15 minutes. Stir in the cream,salt and pepper.

Add milk to saucepan. Simmer, uncovered, for 15 minutes, stirring often.

Puree half of soup and flour in blender.

Return to saucepan.

Warm thoroughly.

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Let’s look
at the two
that fasting
Wor ried-sick Muslims
Wisam! make!
Bushra is excited to exercise in Ramadan, because she wants to have more energy to
spend more time in worship rather than waiting on the couch for Iftar! On the first day of
Ramadan, Bushra can’t wait for her 3pm cycling class at the ladies’ gym. She runs to the
gym, works up a crazy sweat for 1 hour, and pushes herself to the max! Once the class
ends, she steps off her bicycle, and with a gasp, suddenly feels her vision blur. She feels
her legs give way beneath her and she suddenly finds herself on the floor with a pounding
headache. Panicked, Bushra remembers she still has 5 hours to go until Iftar - how is she
going to make it?!

Wisam has wanted to lose weight his whole life, and one month before Ramadan, he
finally found the motivation to start a regular exercise routine. On the second day of
Ramadan, Wisam gets ready to workout an hour before Iftar. His mother stops him...

“Wisam beta, don’t be crazy!! Don’t you know what happened to your cousin Bushra
yesterday? She COLLAPSED when she was doing some cycling-shmycling! She was being
silly trying to exercise in Ramadan. Just wait until Ramadan ends, Wisam beta.”

Wisam doesn’t want to do anything bad for his health, so he agrees to stop exercising in
Ramadan. Two months later, Wisam sadly calls up the gym and cancels his membership.
After stopping in Ramadan, he could never get back the motivation to resume his
good habit. He regained the weight he lost before Ramadan, and has never felt more
discouraged. “I guess I’ll never be fit,” he thinks sadly, as he hangs up the phone...

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 75

Ramadan Fitness Struggles
In 2015, Amanah Fitness surveyed 500 Muslims on their past exercising
habits in Ramadan. Here’s what survey results revealed:

Question 1: Question 2:
Do you think exercise is Did you personally
important during Ramadan? exercise last Ramadan?

The vast majority of Muslims (89%) responded that exercise is important during Ramadan.
However, when it came to actual fitness practices, only 10% actually exercised regularly! 90%
of participants were inconsistent in their exercise during Ramadan, despite identifying in the
previous question that they felt it was important! Why do you think so many Muslims
want to exercise in Ramadan, but find it so difficult to actually follow through?

Ramadan poses the following unique challenges to exercising:

1.Time: Ramadan is a very busy time! Early morning Suhoor, long fasting days, followed
by Iftar parties, long Taraweh hours and Qiyaam at night make many Muslims say “It’s
just NOT possible to fit exercise in!
2.Energy levels: Low energy levels are not exclusive to Ramadan, but heightened
during Ramadan due to the phase shift in eating.
3.Motivation: It takes a tremendous amount of motivation and time management to
maintain a workout routine in Ramadan. Like it or not, Ramadan provides the perfect
“excuse” for those who are unmotivated to postpone working out for the entire month.
4.Knowledge: Lack of knowledge is the most common barrier to exercise. Many
Muslims do not know HOW to safely exercise while fasting, the best types of workouts
and what TIME to exercise! Luckily, this guide will help answer ALL of these questions!

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MORE important than exercise:
Staying active in Ramadan
WITHOUT working out!
Before we get into the specifics of when and how to exercise while fasting, it’s important to
set priorities straight. The reality is that many Muslims will not exercise in Ramadan due to
business and lack of priority. You may also have older family members - Aunties and Uncles
who want to be healthy - but realistically they will not be exercising, either. So, for these
individuals, is there anything they can do to stay active - even if they don’t make specific
time to exercise...?

In fact, there is! This secret fitness ingredient is something so important to your overall
health, weight maintenance and energy levels that EVERYONE should prioritize during
Ramadan - whether you are exercising or not!

NEAT Movement: The secret to

staying fit WITHOUT working out
Do you know how your body burns calories and uses energy every day?
Most people don’t know the full formula. Your body uses energy in 4 main ways:

Energy MOVE-

rate (Your
used to
such as
Calories body’s food EXERCISE standing &
energy (The (Volitional walking!
needs) “Thermic
Effect of
Exercise) (Non-


MENT Food”) Activity)

Most people only focus on exercise when they want to get healthy, but they IGNORE the
huge effect of Non-exercise activity thermogenesis: NEAT MOVEMENT! There are 2
main types of NEAT movement for you to focus on: STANDING & WALKING more every day!

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NEAT Movement: STANDING to burn fat
Have you ever been sitting down all day, working at a desk or a
computer, and by the end of the day, you stand up and feel stiff
and tired? Most of us have experienced this discomfort in our
sedentary lifestyles. It’s time to TAKE A STAND... literally!

Standing is REALLY easy to do yet makes a HUGE difference in how

we feel all day, and also allows us to burn more calories! When we
are fasting, this is especially important to fight feelings of tiredness
and laziness throughout the day.

The fat burn effect of standing cannot be ignored! It’s estimated

that by STANDING, you can burn up to 50 more calories per
hour, compared to if you were SITTING! At 50 more calories
burned per hour, after just 3 hours a day of standing over 5 days,
you’ve already burned 750 extra calories! Over a year it would
add up to about 30,000 extra calories, or around 8 POUNDS
OF FAT BURNED with almost NO effort!

Dr. John Buckley calculated the INCREDIBLE amount of calories

you can burn JUST by STANDING MORE instead of sitting:
“If you want to put [standing] into activity levels,
then that would be the equivalent of running
about 10 marathons a year. Just by standing
up three or four hours in your day at work”10
If you want to lose weight and burn major calories without
having to run 10 marathons per year... It’s time to make
STANDING UP a regular habit and part of your work day!
Try to alternate between sitting and standing so you
burn more calories and also feel more refreshed and
energetic while fasting!

Standing tip for busy people:

A standing desk or tall kitchen counter is a great way to

incorporate standing into your work day. Think about your
posture to make this more comfortable! Wear comfortable
slippers, and try to stand as tall as possible. Don’t hunch Standing Desk
towards the computer screen! Your counter should be tall Ergonomics11
enough so that your wrists and elbows form a straight line.

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NEAT Movement: WALKING to burn fat
Once you master standing, it’s time to tackle your next goal: walking more every day.
A Harvard University study12 found that walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular events
by 31%, and reduced the risk of death during the study period by 32%:

“Walking also improves cardiac risk factors such as cholesterol,

blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, vascular stiffness and
inflammation, and mental stress. And if cardiac protection and a
lower death rate are not enough to get you moving, consider that
walking and other moderate exercise programs also help protect
against dementia, peripheral artery disease, obesity, diabetes,
depression, and colon cancer.”12
It can be difficult to keep track of your goal unless
you are intentionally MONITORING the number of
steps you are taking every day. A simple device called
a PEDOMETER counts your daily steps and not only
keeps you on track with your stepping goal... but also
MOTIVATES and REMINDS you to take more steps every
day! You can find simple pedometers that clip onto your
waist. There are also more expensive wrist pedometers
(Eg. FitBit or waterproof GARMIN, which is great for doing
wudu!), and even apps on your phone. Keep in mind that
phone apps are less accurate and you may not have your
phone with you all day, so a designated pedometer device
is most reliable. It doesn’t matter what kind... pick a
pedometer that fits your budget and start walking!

TIP: The secret to walking more is to walk during mindless activities.

Whenever you are on the phone, listening to an audio lecture or voice-mail, even when
you are waiting for your cooking to finish... just walk around your home! This form of
“HOUSEWALKING” is extremely effective for Muslims of ALL ages! Whenever you can, get

Your stepping goal: 15,000 steps per day!

Recent research13 finds that people who sat for most of each day tended to have
much larger waistlines, higher B.M.I.’s and worse blood sugar control and cholesterol
profiles than those who frequently stood and moved. In contrast, people who
walked 15,000 steps per day were the least likely to have these negative
health effects! During Ramadan, it is essential to meet this goal to increase your
energy and fight the sedentary lifestyle that many Muslims fall into while fasting!

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Why exercise in Ramadan?
Once you’ve mastered NEAT movement, if you truly want to
supercharge your health this Ramadan, you may wonder if you can
also EXERCISE while fasting! Many Muslims believe they are not able
to exercise safely during Ramadan. Or, they don’t know the best way or time to do it. Just
because you are fasting, does NOT mean you should stop exercising!

Exercise has immense psychological benefits that will help you focus more and have
more energy while you are fasting. You can choose to exercise fasted or non-fasted, using
our customizable fitness schedules. If you do choose to exercise while FASTING, you can
actually tap into EXTREME FAT BURN and see great improvements in your body weight
and fitness goals!

When we are fasting, we are able to benefit greatly from ENHANCED FAT BURN,
ESPECIALLY if we exercise. As discussed on page 7, when you start your fast, your body will
start to shift from a fed state into a fasted state. As your fast progresses, you will gradually
shift from glucose oxidation (sugar- burning) mode to fat oxidation (fat-burning) mode.

2-6 hours into your fast,

you are burning calories
from your last meal and
starting to release fat
stores! By 12-14 hours
into your fast, you are
predominantly using
BODY FAT for fuel.
This works out very
well for us because
the last hour of your
fast is a perfect time
to schedule your

Our bodies require energy to survive. Our heart needs energy to pump;
we need energy to breathe and move. Our muscles, especially, need
energy to sustain themselves! When we are fasting, our muscles
are the super-stars because they help burn body fat to create
fuel. Which is why MORE MUSCLES means MORE FAT
BURNED! So people who are lean and strong tap into more
of their body’s fat burning potential while fasting. Isn’t that great
motivation to get strong and burn more fat this Ramadan?

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Fasting exercise recommendations
Ramadan exercise By following our Fasting Fitness Schedule,
does NOT have to be you will meet your recommended weekly
scary, dangerous, or even confusing! exercise requirements, in the shortest, most
This section of the guidebook will answer effective time possible! We have included
ALL your Ramadan workout + exercise recommendations for ALL activity levels
questions and help you create a plan to ranging from simple movement WITHOUT
stay active in Ramadan that fits YOU - no exercise (beginners) to more advanced
matter WHAT your activity level! fasted workouts.

If you are serious about losing weight, In Ramadan, although you are definitely
building energy and improving your able to exercise, you will find you reach
metabolism to burn more calories every exhaustion sooner than during non-
day, it’s time to make FITNESS a priority fasted workouts. Muslims are also
in your life. The best part is that a SMALL extremely busy during Ramadan!
amount of exercise has a BIG effect on
your body! Thus, our schedule includes workouts
according to a Minimum Effective Dose -
So, how much exercise and movement the least amount of time spent exercising
do we need every day? to MEET THE RECOMMENDED ACTIVITY
GUIDELINES and improve your overall
health. That means, short, fast workouts to
Global recommendations on give you the biggest results for your time
physical activity for adults investment!
(World Health Organization):
For adults aged 18 - 64: People who stay active...

AEROBIC ACTIVITY: 75-150 • Have lower rates of all-cause

minutes of vigorous-intensity mortality, coronary heart disease,
aerobic physical activity high blood pressure, stroke, type
throughout the week 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome,

colon and breast cancer, and

OR minimum 150-300 minutes depression
of moderate-intensity aerobic • Are less at risk for hip or vertebral
physical activity per week fracture
• Develop a higher level of
MUSCULAR STRENGTHENING: cardiorespiratory and muscular
Muscle-strengthening activities healthy & strength
should be done involving major • Are more likely to achieve weight
muscle groups on 2+ days per loss, weight maintenance and a
week minimum. healthier body composition.

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Is Ramadan exercise safe?
Just like Worried Wisam’s mom, you or your family may be concerned
that exercising while fasting is not safe for your body. It is true that
fasting workouts provide unique challenges such as exhaustion and
dehydration that pose safety concerns that must be taken into consideration.

However, we must look at the research before getting scared unnecessarily. Research on
athletes and athletic performance in a fasted state informs us that some TYPES of exercise
are MORE affected by fasting, so it’s important to know what types of workouts are
BEST suited for a fasted state:

Type of exercise Is it affected in Ramadan?

Submaximal exercise: Any exercise UNAFFECTED. Research3 shows that submaximal
that doesn’t require you to exceed average exercise is NOT significantly affected in
your maximum aerobic capacity. This is Ramadan. This is the majority of any exercise you will
the average person’s regular exercise, probably be doing anyway - so the average Muslim
unless you are doing intense athletic can do regular exercise WITHOUT WORRY!

Maximal exercise: Extreme AFFECTED. Elite athletic performance or your

athletic performance and extremely personal best records will be affected in Ramadan.
intense exercise at your maximum rate So don’t expect to accomplish new PBs in the gym, or
of exertion. beat your best sprinting time. Ramadan exercise is a
time to maintain and nurture your body’s capabilities,
rather than significantly improve.

Strength of muscular contraction: UNAFFECTED. If you can lift a certain amount of

How strong can your muscles contract weight before Ramadan, you will be able to lift the
to lift/move objects? same amount while fasting.

SHORT duration cardio: Can you UNAFFECTED. Short aerobic or anaerobic exercises
perform cardio (aerobic or anaerobic) are safe to do while fasting, including short-duration
exercise for a short amount of time? intense interval exercises.

LONG duration exercises: AFFECTED. While fasting, research shows you have
Can you perform steady exercise a SHORTER time until EXHAUSTION. So you will get
for a LONG period of time, such as tired quicker when exercising! Long-length HIGH-
endurance training or long-distance intensity endurance events are not recommended
running/cycling? during fasting, such as marathons. However,
LOW-intensity steady-state cardio (LISS) for longer
durations are acceptable, as well as SHORT-duration
HIGH intensity work such as interval training (HIIT) to
maximize time before exhaustion.

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Safety Tips While Exercising in Ramadan
1) Keep in mind: You don’t necessarily HAVE to exercise
WHILE FASTING in Ramadan if you are worried!

At Amanah Fitness, we believe in giving you options so you can customize

your fitness plans to fit you and your lifestyle and preferences. Exercising
WHILE fasting is THE most effective in terms of fat burn, but it is NOT the
only option in Ramadan!

In the following pages, you will find 3 possible fitness schedules that
you can follow in Ramadan - only 1 of these schedules includes actual
exercise during fasting hours. Depending on where you live in the world,
you will be fasting between 12 - 20 hours of the day, which still leaves time
after your fast to squeeze in a short workout. These 3 fitness schedules will
be discussed in detail on the following pages, so you can pick the timing
that you are most comfortable with depending on your experience and
current fitness level. You don’t HAVE to exercise in a fasted state.

2) ALWAYS listen to your body and do not exceed your limits!

Everyone is different and your body may respond differently to fasted workouts. Some
people find fasted workouts doable and appreciate the fact that they don’t have any food
sloshing around in their belly while working out. But others may get headaches, or feel
weak and sick when exercising without food or water. Do NOT try and “power through”
your workout if you feel unwell! Monitor how you feel closely during any fasted workout.

“Stop exercising immediately if you experience dizziness, lightheadedness,

headaches, nausea or weakness during exercise. Stop whatever you are doing and
rest; you could lose your balance and fall if you don’t. Keep your head above
your heart and do not lie down. Sitting on a chair or walking around may help.
Seek immediate medical attention if you have dizziness along with one or more
of the following symptoms: chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath,
weakness, inability to move a limb or a change in vision or speech.“14

3) Hydrate properly at Suhoor & Iftar!

If you are planning on exercising in Ramadan, especially while fasting, you MUST take
hydration guidelines VERY seriously! Be sure you are getting 8-10 glasses of water a day, as
exercise increases your body’s fluid needs (you lose fluids as you sweat and exert yourself).
If you have not hydrated properly at Suhoor, you are not able to exercise so don’t risk it!
Refer back to page 10 for more details on hydration guidelines and requirements.

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WHEN to workout?!
The “Gentle Mover”
BEGINNER Schedule:
The Amanah Fasting Fitness Schedules
provide you with three different fasting This exercise schedule focuses on
low-intensity DAILY MOVEMENT

fitness protocols for you to pick and
apply in your life, depending on your requirements and does NOT
fitness level AND the type of exercise include fixed time for a “workout”.
you are doing. The focus is on maintaining a
HIGH level of Non-Exercise Activity
These schedules are based on YOUR Thermogenesis (NEAT movement)
fitness level - beginner or intermediate/ through standing and walking
advanced. Pick the schedule you think will throughout the day.
work best for your lifestyle and abilities,
and try it out. Once you find a protocol
that works for you, stick with it for the The “Sure & Steady”
entire month. Remember to ALWAYS Intermediate/Advanced Schedule
check with your body and pay attention to (2”A” = AFTER Iftar):

how you are feeling.
This exercise schedule includes

If you are not feeling well while fixed time for a medium-intensity
exercising, ESPECIALLY if you are workout AFTER iftar. The focus
exercising while fasting, STOP is on breaking your fast and
EXERCISING IMMEDIATELY. immediately doing a short workout
so you can stay hydrated while
You may be exercising at a level that is exercising. Eat your full dinner
too much for your body. If so, DECREASE AFTER your workout.
YOUR INTENSITY the next time you
It may take some trial and error to find the The “Hardcore”
protocol that works best for you. Intermediate/Advanced Schedule
(2”B” = BEFORE Iftar):

Everyone’s bodies are different, and some
people may not respond well to fasted This schedule features a medium-

workouts, while others will find them easy high intensity BEFORE iftar
and effective. Pay close attention to your performed in the fasting state.
body and do what is best for YOU. The focus is on maximizing fat burn
through short-duration interval
In the following pages, each protocol training (HIIT) OR low-intensity
will be explained in greater detail! steady-state cardio (LISS).

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Fitness Protocol #1: The Gentle Mover
This exercise schedule focuses on low-intensity DAILY MOVEMENT requirements
and does NOT include fixed time for a “workout”. The focus is on maintaining a HIGH
level of Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT movement) through standing and
walking throughout the day.

Who is this plan ideal for?

This exercise protocol is ideal for...

• Beginners to exercise
• Older adults (moms, aunts, uncles, etc.)
• People who are “too busy” to exercise
• People who want to lose weight but want to
start slowly and gradually

Goals & Targets

• Walk 15,000 steps per day OR 40-60 minutes

of cumulative walking time (Option to make
this more difficult by walking up and down
stairs for additional strengthening)
• Frequent standing daily (suggested 1 hour
of cumulative standing time)
• Suggested Amanah Beginner Plank Progression Challenge to spend 1 minute a
day gradually working on your core strength (see page 95!)


• Easy to follow - no excuses! • This plan lacks an effective workout

• ALL fitness levels can do this! Get your routine so significant fat loss unlikely
Aunties and Uncles involved!! EVERYONE without a strict adherence to solid
should be doing the “Gentle Mover” style nutritional principles.
every day!! • If you were exercising before Ramadan,
• Low levels of commitment and time dropping down to the “Gentle Mover”
required style will result in muscle loss as you
• You will see a significant improvement in are no longer working your muscles.
energy levels in your fast compared to a It is important not to “regress” in your
sedentary lifestyle training.

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Fitness Protocol #2A: AFTER Iftar
This exercise schedule includes fixed time for a medium-intensity workout AFTER
iftar. The focus is on breaking your fast and immediately workout after Maghrib so you
can stay hydrated while exercising. **Eat your full dinner AFTER your workout.**

Who is this plan ideal for?

This exercise protocol is ideal for...

• People who want to lose some weight in Ramadan but are not
experienced at exercise and feel nervous about exercising while fasting.
• People who want to “start slow” and not overwhelm themselves
• People who are worried about lightheadedness/dehydration (exercise
in this plan is done AFTER breaking fast, so you can drink normally).
• People who may not attend Taraweh every day (eg. moms with kids, etc.)
who are able to spend time exercising in the evening

How-to, Goals & Targets

• Workout Nutrition: As soon as you break your fast, have something VERY light, such
as 2 dates, water and a boiled egg. You should NOT feel heavy in your stomach at ALL.
Pray Maghrib then quickly go and do your workout IMMEDIATELY.
• Hydration: Keep a water bottle with you and take a small sip of water every 15
minutes. This mimics a normal “non-Ramadan” workout!
• Perform a 20-minute high-intensity workout (eg. one of the highly effective workouts
from the Amanah Fitness Ladies-Only Online Bootcamp Fatburn Program)
• AFTER your workout you may go back and eat the rest of your Iftar dinner meal.

• No risk of symptoms • If you eat TOO MUCH at iftar, YOU MAY THROW UP!! You
of dehydration must be VERY careful in terms of WHAT YOU EAT AT IFTAR!
• Reduced risk of Some people find it hand to control themselves when they
lightheadedness/ first break fast, and then they end up not workout out! BE
dizziness CAREFUL and PLAN OUT what you are going to eat at iftar,
• Practically no difference do not delay and then IMMEDIATELY go workout!!
to a “regular workout” • Lesser fat burn compared to fasting workout - but any
because you can drink exercise still has massive positive benefits, so don’t worry
water while exercising about it too much.
• Easier for less • May miss/be rushed for Taraweh
experienced exercisers. • May miss iftar with the family while you are working out.

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Fitness Protocol #2B: BEFORE Iftar!
Perform a medium-high intensity BEFORE iftar performed in the fasting state.
The focus is on maximizing fat burn through short-duration interval training (HIIT) OR low-
intensity steady-state cardio (LISS). This schedule has the greatest fat-burn potential!

Who is this plan ideal for?

This exercise schedule is ideal for...

• People who are intermediate or advanced and want to tap into the full fat
burn potential in Ramadan - exercising fasted is the ideal fat burning zone!
• People who have prior experience in exercise and are confident they will
not feel sick or dizzy if they exercise while fasted (TIP: Feel free to do a trial
run of a “fasted” workout before breakfast BEFORE Ramadan to test this out!)
• People who do not want to miss taraweh! This plan has you exercise
1 hour before Iftar so there is also plenty of time for Ibadah before Maghrib!

How-to, Goals & Targets

Reminder: BE CAREFUL. If you ever do not feel well while exercising fasted, STOP.
• Begin exercising 1 hour before Iftar. You will finish your workout with half an hour left
before you can break your fast.
• Perform either a high-intensity workout (eg. one of the highly effective workouts from
the Amanah Fitness Ladies-Only Online Bootcamp Fatburn Program) OR a
40-minute gentle cardio workout of your choice (eg. running, cycling, etc.).

• Ensure that your workout program has cardio AND strength. For example, the Amanah
Bootcamp is a COMPLETE fitness program perfect for Ramadan that includes
both cardio AND strength. Click HERE to join the Bootcamp! (Ladies-ONLY!)
• Hydration & Workout Nutrition: Once you break your fast, make sure you drink
WATER and the POST-WORKOUT SMOOTHIE at iftar, as indicated in your meal plan.
After Maghrib, you may eat the rest of your dinner.

• Enhanced, • Fasted workouts are NOT suitable for everyone.
GREATER FAT BURN • You may risk symptoms of dehydration
• No rush or missing • Some people may feel dizzy/lightheaded
family iftar • Be sure to TRY OUT a fasted workout BEFORE Ramadan by
• No missing Taraweh exercising before breakfast to simulate a fasting environment
• Can spend LESS and see how well your body performs without food or water.
time exercising! If you feel unwell, stop working out and during Ramadan, you
may want to consider switching to schedule #2A.

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“What exercises should I do?”
You now know how to increase your daily NEAT movement and when
to exercise. The final question is, WHAT exercise should you be doing?
Unfortunately, many Muslims do not how to exercise properly! So, what
are the best exercise for fasting that will give you the greatest benefit?

The easy way to get the best results is to sign up for a PROVEN workout
program designed for fat burn, my Amanah Fitness Bootcamp!

This is my fitness & coaching program that WILL get you to your weight loss goals
like never before inshAllah that is PERFECT for Ramadan AND beyond!

You can LOSE WEIGHT & get FIT at HOME in 20

minutes a day with my 30-Day NO-equipment
Online Fitness Bootcamp for Muslim women!

After coaching Muslim women around the world, I’m sick of seeing my sisters WASTE their
time on ineffective exercises! So in my Bootcamp, I FAST-TRACK your weight loss and fitness
journey by giving you my best fat-burning workouts & fitness secrets I’ve developed after
losing 60 pounds MYSELF AND coaching HUNDREDS of Muslim women and helping
them LOSE WEIGHT the SIMPLE WAY, too! This is your Ramadan fitness complete solution!

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Types of Fasting Exercises
There are many different ways to workout, including different cardio styles,
strength training, etc. It’s important to include a variety of training to keep
your body progressively getting stronger. This is why in the Amanah
Fitness Ladies-Only Online Bootcamp Fatburn Program, we do a huge variety
of training styles including interval training, TABATA training, kickboxing, body-weight
strength work, pilates, core training & more! The Bootcamp has truly been designed to
be a complete fitness program so you can get amazing results in the shortest amount of
time - just 20 minutes a day! - and with NO equipment!

In this section, we will briefly go over 3 main styles of exercise that I encourage you
to try in Ramadan: Low-Intensity Steady-State cardio, High-Intensity Interval
Training, and Bodyweight Strength work. Remember, if you want the EASY way to
get fit including ALL these training styles, join the Amanah Fitness Bootcamp!

1) Low-Intensity Steady State Cardio (LISS)

Most people are familiar with LISS cardio, as it is easy to do and includes common
activities, such as running, jogging, walking, etc. LISS cardio is called “steady state”
because you can sustain the activity for a longer time duration (~40 minutes).

LISS is LESS effective than higher-intensity forms of exercise such as interval training,
because LISS is performed at a lower intensity. However, LISS is particularly useful
during Ramadan! When performed FASTED, LISS can be very effective in
targeting stubborn fat!
LISS should be performed using
Examples of LISS cardio include: timing schedule 2B BEFORE Iftar!
• 40 minutes of fast walking or 1 hour before iftar, pick a cardio

jogging on a treadmill (eg. walk machine (eg. treadmill, elliptical, or

3.5 - 4.0 mph / jog 6.0 mph) bike) OR go for a long, fast-paced
• 40 minute long fast-paced jog/walk for 40 minutes. This is
walk or jog outdoors, on the a great time to listen to an Islamic
sidewalk, in a park, or even lecture, call your family, etc.
around your house.
• 40 minutes of using an elliptical Tips: Your intensity is lower, but
machine, on low resistance this should not be so easy that you
• 40 minutes of biking on low- feel like you are not making an
resistance effort at all. You should feel that 40
minutes is manageable, but STILL
TIP: LISS is truly effective only while CHALLENGING and sweaty!
FASTED. Low intensity cardio can be
effective while fasted due to the enhanced fat burn zone. BUT if you are not doing
LISS in the fasted state, do a higher intensity workout for better results.

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 89

2) High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High intensity interval training is famous for its ability to torch fat, burn calories,
and help make you strong! Best of all, it requires LESS time than LISS cardio, and is
MUCH more effective! For this reason, there is a lot of highly effective intervals in the
Amanah Fitness Bootcamp, because interval training is easy and fun but gets you
incredible results. As part of interval training, you alternate between periods of work
and rest. You work very hard for a short interval, for example, 45 seconds, and then
take a short break (eg. 15 seconds). Alternating between work and rest allows you to
work very hard in the work periods, allowing you to get a higher level of intensity with
less exhaustion.

Interval training can be done fasted OR non-fasted. Non-fasted


interval training allows you to work harder with less exhaustion. Fasted
interval training allows you to have an enhanced level of fat burn. Pick a
timing that works for you (schedule #2A OR #2B) and get it done!

Tips: Your intensity is HIGH, but the work periods are short to help you
manage exhaustion. Be sure to give 85-90% of your effort in the work
periods to make interval training truly effective. You can do interval
training with bodyweight as we do in the Amanah Fitness Bootcamp
or even with cardio machines at the gym. Bodyweight training is often
more effective as you get cardio AND strengthening together.

There are 2 main styles of interval training: High intensity interval training (HIIT)
and TABATA training. Both are highly effective and we use both in the Amanah
Fitness Bootcamp. Typically, HIIT intervals involve work periods of 45 seconds and
15 seconds of rest. TABATA is a shorter, more intensive interval style that typically
involves more shorter work periods of 20 seconds and 10 seconds of rest. Both
workouts are usually 30 minutes or less - short, fast and then you’re DONE! On the
next page, you will find sample workouts for both HIIT and TABATA.

Description The standard type of interval Super-charged interval training. Work
training that is performed at a and rest periods are SHORTER which
medium to high intensity. means you work at a HIGH intensity.
Most effective for torching fat.

Work 45 seconds 20 seconds

Rest Period 15 seconds 10 seconds

Number of Typically 4 exercises performed Typically 8 exercises performed

45 seconds each with a 15 20 seconds each with a 10 second
Rounds second break in between for 1 break in between for 1 set. 4 sets are
set. 5 sets are performed, with a performed, with a 1-minute break
1-minute break between each set. between each set.

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 90


(30 mins, fasted or non-fasted)
This workout includes 45-second intervals of hard work, and then 15 seconds of rest.
After every 4 exercises, you get a longer break, then proceed to the next set.


THIS WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE!! It's only 45 seconds - YOU CAN DO THIS!**

I have prepared a custom timer for your workout!

Click here to open the timer on any
phone or computer and GET THIS

Click to open the

timer!! Then click
the PLAY arrow to
SET #1 SET #2 SET #3 SET #4 SET #5
45 SECONDS Air Jump Rope Air Jump Rope Air Jump Rope Air Jump Rope Air Jump Rope
- Running with - Running with - Running with - Running with
15 SECONDS Active REST - Active REST - Active REST - Active REST - Active REST -
march in place
or light jog
march in place or
light jog
march in place or march in place or
light jog light jog
march in place
or light jog DIRECTIONS:
45 SECONDS Skii Machine Quick Feet Plyometric lunge Squat Jumps Quick Feet WORKOUT WITH
- easy version - easy version MY CUSTOM TIMER!!
(no jumping) (no jumping)
You will do FOUR
15 SECONDS Active REST - Active REST - Active REST - Active REST - Active REST -
exercises with short
march in place march in place or march in place or march in place or march in place
or light jog light jog light jog light jog or light jog
breaks in between at
45 SECONDS Knee Skips Sumo Squat Quick Feet Mountain Prisoner Plyo almost MAX intensity,
Jump (Start Climbers Jump
slowly and pick before taking a break
up speed)
then switching to the
15 SECONDS Active REST - Active REST - Active REST - Active REST - Active REST -
march in place
or light jog
march in place or
light jog
march in place or march in place or
light jog light jog
march in place
or light jog
next exercise set and
repeating with the
45 SECONDS Seal Jacks Prisoner Plyo
Full Plyometric
(Stepping easier
next exercise set. After
version, no
jumping) completing all 5 exercise
15 SECONDS Active REST - Active REST - Active REST - Active REST - Active REST - sets, you get a 3 minute
march in place march in place or march in place or march in place or march in place
or light jog light jog light jog light jog or light jog cool down and you are
done! Full descriptions
for all exercises are
explained HERE.

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 91


This workout is a variation of your HIIT workout. You can replace your regular
HIIT workout with a treadmill/bike/machine workout any time you want.



Click here to open the timer on any

phone or computer and GET THIS

Click to open the

timer!! Then click
the PLAY arrow to
SET #1 SET #2 SET #3 SET #4 SET #5
45 SECONDS Jog on the Jog on the Jog on the Jog on the Jog on the
treadmill at a treadmill at a treadmill at a treadmill at a treadmill at a
speed you are speed you are speed you are speed you are speed you are
comfortable comfortable comfortable comfortable comfortable
15 SECONDS LOW intensity LOW intensity - LOW intensity LOW intensity - LOW intensity
- fast walk OR fast walk OR light - fast walk OR fast walk OR light - fast walk OR
light job job light job job light job

45 SECONDS RUN! Crank up RUN! Crank up the RUN! Crank up RUN! Crank up RUN! Crank up
the speed and
run fast at 85%
of max effort)
speed and run fast
at 85% of max
the speed and
run fast at 85%
of max effort)
the speed and
run fast at 85% of
max effort)
the speed and
run fast at 85%
of max effort)
15 SECONDS LOW intensity LOW intensity - LOW intensity LOW intensity - LOW intensity
- fast walk OR
light job
fast walk OR light
- fast walk OR
light job
fast walk OR light
- fast walk OR
light job
A alternate between
45 SECONDS RUN! Crank up
the speed and
RUN! Crank up the
speed and run fast
RUN! Crank up
the speed and
RUN! Crank up
the speed and
RUN! Crank up
the speed and HIGH and LOW intensity
run fast at 85%
of max effort)
at 85% of max
run fast at 85%
of max effort)
run fast at 85% of
max effort)
run fast at 85%
of max effort) on any machine to
15 SECONDS LOW intensity LOW intensity - LOW intensity LOW intensity - LOW intensity SUPERCHARGE your
fat burn! Pay special
- fast walk OR fast walk OR light - fast walk OR fast walk OR light - fast walk OR
light job job light job job light job
attention to the timer
45 SECONDS RUN! Crank up RUN! Crank up the RUN! Crank up RUN! Crank up RUN! Crank up
the speed and speed and run fast the speed and the speed and the speed and and switch speeds on
run fast at 85% at 85% of max run fast at 85% run fast at 85% of run fast at 85%
of max effort) effort) of max effort) max effort) of max effort) your machine quickly to
15 SECONDS LOW intensity
- fast walk OR
LOW intensity -
fast walk OR light
LOW intensity
- fast walk OR
LOW intensity -
fast walk OR light
LOW intensity
- fast walk OR
keep up with the timer.
light job job light job job light job DO NOT HOLD ON TO

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 92


(25 mins, fasted or non-fasted)

This is your SHORTEST but MOST INTENSE workout. You will be alternating between
WORKING AS HARD AS YOU CAN FOR 20 SECONDS, and then getting a short 10
second rest period. You will do 5 sets of work.

WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE!! It's only 20 seconds - YOU CAN DO THIS!**

I have prepared a custom timer for your workout!

Click here to open the timer on any
phone or computer and GET THIS

Click to open the

timer!! Then click
the PLAY arrow to
start workout!


20 SECONDS Jumping Jacks Mountain Climber Quick Feet Squat Jumps BURPEE!
20 SECONDS Jumping Jacks Mountain Climber Quick Feet Squat Jumps BURPEE!
You will do ONE
exercise 8 times with
20 SECONDS Jumping Jacks Mountain Climber Quick Feet Squat Jumps BURPEE!
short breaks in between
at MAX intensity,
20 SECONDS Jumping Jacks Mountain Climber Quick Feet Squat Jumps BURPEE!
before switching to
20 SECONDS Jumping Jacks Mountain Climber Quick Feet Squat Jumps BURPEE! the next exercise set
10 SECONDS REST REST REST REST REST and repeating with the
20 SECONDS Jumping Jacks Mountain Climber Quick Feet Squat Jumps BURPEE! next exercise. After
10 SECONDS REST REST REST REST REST completing all 5 exercise
20 SECONDS Jumping Jacks Mountain Climber Quick Feet Squat Jumps BURPEE! sets, you get a 2 minute
10 SECONDS REST REST REST REST REST cool down and you are
20 SECONDS Jumping Jacks Mountain Climber Quick Feet Squat Jumps BURPEE! done! Full descriptions

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 93

3) Bodyweight Strengthening

To be effective, your exercise

routine MUST include 3 components
Muscular Capacity Flexibility

1) Cardiorespiratory capacity is your body’s ability to use the oxygen

in the air. For example, when you are running and breathing hard, your body is taking in
oxygen and circulating it through the body efficiently.

2) Muscular capacity is SO important and is the secret sauce that increases

your metabolism but most Muslims have no idea where to start.

3) Flexibility has to be done in conjunction with the strengthening to keep your

muscles pliable and warm to prevent possible injuries.

Body’s Ability to respirate, circulate and utilize Oxygen Health Canada:

Cardio- Aerobic capacity (endurance, strength, power) Benefits: 4 – 7 days/week
respiratory  Decreased resting heart rate
 Decreased risk of cardiovascular disease
Aerobic &
 Improved cardiac output for a stronger heart Anaerobic activity

Muscular Strength, Endurance & Power

2 – 4 times/week
Muscular Improving the spectrum of muscular capability
provides these benefits: Resistance exercises
Capacity Increased strength making daily activities easier (Use your bodyweight!
Joint strength; Risk of injury; Improves posture

Range of Movement/Motion that a joint is capable of 4 – 7 times/week:

Improving flexibility requires time & practice! Benefits: Gentle reaching,
Flexibility Risk of injury - flexible muscles are stronger muscles! bending & stretching to
Improved range of motion & posture keep joints mobile

Don’t get caught up in the mistake of doing all cardio! In the Amanah Fitness
Bootcamp, ALL these components are included to give you the most effective
workout, every time. Examine your own workout routine - is anything missing?

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 94

Daily Plank Progression Challenge
Muscle strengthening is EXTREMELY important while fasting.
Building muscular strength allows you to burn more calories, and
prevents muscle cannibalizing during fasting. But, where does a
complete beginner start? START GENTLY by developing strength by practicing a full-body
move to build core strength and stability! This plank progression challenge is perfect
because you will EASILY and SLOWLY start strengthening your whole body.
All you need is 1 minute a day!

To begin: 1 hour before iftar, lay down a yoga mat or use a carpeted area. Open the stop
watch app on your Phone. Set the timer for 1 minute.

Instructions: You will be performing ONE move - a PLANK. The goal is to WORK YOU UP
TO A 1-MINUTE plank, but you are going to start off SLOWLY. On the next page, I will give
you a full schedule of time goals to follow to build up your plank strength slowly.
For a full video tutorial on how to perform a perfect plank, click here.

Correct Plank Form:

• Lay on the ground, with your elbows
under your body and your hands
clasped (as in picture 2 above).
• PUSH your weight into your toes and
LIFT YOUR CORE to enter the plank
• Make sure your shoulders are aligned
directly above your elbows in an el-
bow plank. You can clasp your hands
together, or keep them shoulder-width
apart for a greater challenge.
• If you need to, do your plank in front of
a mirror so you can look at your align-
ment and keep your hips level. Or, ask
a friend to watch your plank and tell
you when your form is getting sloppy!

As you get tired, you may lose the correct plank position without realizing it:

• Your body may SAG in the middle, as your core cannot support your bodyweight (pic-
ture 2). If you find your hips dropping towards the floor, PUSH YOUR HIPS UP, or drop
your knees and take a short break so you can recover and fix your form.
• Your hips may LIFT to form a mini-mountain (picture 3). This is cheating and gives your
core a break! Drop your hips so you are back in a straight line (picture 1).

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 95

Beginner Plank Progression
Follow this time schedule every day to slowly progress your
plank and build total-body strength. This only takes ONE minute
a day, so NO excuses! Use your stopwatch on your phone.
DAY 1 - Plank Test DAY 2 DAY 3
Using a stopwatch, time how long you Hold Plank for 20 seconds Hold Plank for 20 seconds
Rest for 5 seconds
can hold a proper plank with GOOD Rest for 10 seconds
Hold Plank for 20 seconds
FORM. If your CURRENT time is longer than Hold Plank for 20 seconds Rest for 5 seconds
20 seconds, jump to start on Day 15. Rest for 10 seconds Hold Plank for 10 seconds


Hold Plank for 22 seconds Hold Plank for 23 seconds Hold Plank for 25 seconds
Rest for 8 seconds Rest for 7 seconds Rest for 5 seconds
Hold Plank for 22 seconds Hold Plank for 23 seconds Hold Plank for 25 seconds
Rest for 8 seconds Rest for 7 seconds Rest for 5 seconds


Hold Plank for 20 seconds Hold Plank for 20 seconds Hold Plank for 20 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
Hold Plank for 27 seconds Hold Plank for 28 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds
Rest for 3 seconds Rest for 2 seconds Good job! You are already at 30 seconds!!

DAY 10 DAY 11 DAY 12

Hold Plank for 25 seconds Hold Plank for 25 seconds Hold Plank for 20 seconds
Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
Hold Plank for 32 seconds Hold Plank for 34 seconds Hold Plank for 35 seconds

DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15

Hold Plank for 20 seconds Hold Plank for 20 seconds Hold Plank for 15 seconds
Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
Hold Plank for 36 seconds Hold Plank for 38 seconds Hold Plank for 40 seconds
Amazing! 40 second plank is a BIG deal!!

DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18

Hold Plank for 15 seconds Hold Plank for 15 seconds Hold Plank for 20 seconds
Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
Hold Plank for 41 seconds Hold Plank for 42 seconds Hold Plank for 43 seconds

DAY 19 DAY 20 DAY 21

Hold Plank for 15 seconds Hold Plank for 15 seconds Hold Plank for 15 seconds
Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
Hold Plank for 44 seconds Hold Plank for 44 seconds Hold Plank for 45 seconds
45 second plank?! You’re so strong!

DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24

Hold Plank for 10 seconds Hold Plank for 10 seconds Hold Plank for 50 seconds
Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 5 seconds
Hold Plank for 47 seconds Hold Plank for 48 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
50 seconds!! ALMOST there!

DAY 25 DAY 26 DAY 27

Hold Plank for 10 seconds Hold Plank for 10 seconds Hold Plank for 55 seconds
Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 5 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds
Hold Plank for 52 seconds Hold Plank for 54 seconds
55 seconds!! SO CLOSE!!

DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30

Hold Plank for 10 seconds Hold Plank for 10 seconds Hold Plank for 60 seconds
Rest for 5 seconds Rest for 5 seconds YOU DID IT!! Can you believe you can
Hold Plank for 56 seconds Hold Plank for 58 seconds
hold a plank for A FULL MINUTE?!

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 96

Plank Progression Schedule
Follow this schedule every day to build your core strength. Perform within 1 hour before iftar (perhaps
after your workout). Use your phone stopwatch on your phone to follow the timings. The ADVANCED
Plank Challenge is on the next page. If you can ALREADY hold a 1-minute plank, try ADVANCED!
DAY 1 - Plank Test DAY 2 DAY 3
Hold Plank for 60 seconds. If you CANNOT Hold Plank for 1 minute Hold Plank for 1 minute
hold a plank for 1 minute, click here to use Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
the BEGINNER plank progression guide! Hold Plank for 1 minute & 10 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 20 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds


Hold Plank for 1 minute Hold Plank for 1 minute Hold Plank for 1 minute
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 22 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 23 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 25 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds


Hold Plank for 1 minute Hold Plank for 1 minute Hold Plank for 1 minute
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 27 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 28 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 30 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds Good job! Half way there!

DAY 10 DAY 11 DAY 12

Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 32 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 34 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 35 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15
Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 15 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 38 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 36 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 40 seconds
You have made amazing improvement!

DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18

Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds
Rest for 15 seconds Rest for 15 seconds Rest for 15 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 41 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 42 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 43 seconds
I know this is hard, but you CAN do this.

DAY 19 DAY 20 DAY 21

Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds
Rest for 15 seconds Rest for 15 seconds Rest for 15 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 44 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 44 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 45 seconds
You're getting so close!

DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24

Hold Plank for 45 seconds Hold Plank for 45 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds
Rest for 15 seconds Rest for 15 seconds Rest for 15 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 47 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 48 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 50 seconds
1 minute & 50 seconds!! ALMOST there!

DAY 25 DAY 26 DAY 27

Hold Plank for 45 seconds Hold Plank for 45 seconds Hold Plank for 45 seconds
Rest for 15 seconds Rest for 15 seconds Rest for 15 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 52 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 54 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 55 seconds
1 minute & 55 seconds!! SO CLOSE!!

DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30

Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for 30 seconds Hold Plank for TWO MINUTES.
Rest for 15 seconds Rest for 15 seconds YOU DID IT!! Can you believe you can
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 56 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 58 seconds
hold a plank for A FULL 2 MINUTES?!

This is a VERY MANAGEABLE plan to work your strength up to being able to plank for 2 minutes! Once you reach 2 minute,
practice EVERY DAY to maintain your strength. Next, try my ADVANCED Plank 30-Day Challenge on the next page!

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 97

Plank Progression Schedule
Follow this schedule every day to RAPIDLY IMPROVE your core strength. Perform within 1
hour before iftar (perhaps after your workout). Use your phone stopwatch on your phone. If this
plan is too difficult, switch to the intermediate plan, but don't give up!!

DAY 1 - Plank Test DAY 2 DAY 3

Hold Plank for 60 seconds. If you CANNOT Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup)
hold a plank for 1 minute EASILY, click Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
here to use the INTERMEDIATE plank Hold Plank for 1 minute Hold Plank for 1 minute & 10 seconds
progression guide! This is advanced!!


Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup)
Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 15 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 20 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 30 seconds


Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup)
Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds Rest for 10 seconds
Hold Plank for 1 minute & 40 seconds Hold Plank for 1 minute & 50 seconds Hold Plank for 2 minutes
Wow! 2 minutes is nothing for you!

DAY 10 DAY 11 DAY 12

Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup)
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
Hold Plank for 2 minutes & 10 seconds Hold Plank for 2 minutes & 20 seconds Hold Plank for 2 minutes & 30 seconds

DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 15

Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup)
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
Hold Plank for 2 minutes & 40 seconds Hold Plank for 2 minutes & 50 seconds Hold Plank for 3 minutes!
3 minutes is NOT easy. Breathe and push through.

DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18

Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup)
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
Hold Plank for 3 minutes & 10 seconds Hold Plank for 3 minutes & 20 seconds Hold Plank for 3 minutes & 30 seconds!
This is getting tougher - but I know you can do it!

DAY 19 DAY 20 DAY 21

Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup)
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
Hold Plank for 3 minutes & 40 seconds Hold Plank for 3 minutes & 50 seconds Hold Plank for 4 minutes!
4 MINS! Next week days we're going slower

DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24

Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup)
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
Hold Plank for 4 minutes & 5 seconds Hold Plank for 4 minutes & 10 seconds Hold Plank for 4 minutes & 15 seconds
We're advancing slowly. You got this.

DAY 25 DAY 26 DAY 27

Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup)
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds
Hold Plank for 4 minutes & 25 seconds Hold Plank for 4 minutes & 30 seconds Hold Plank for 4 minutes & 35 seconds

DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30

Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank 20 seconds (warmup) Hold Plank for FIVE MINUTES.
Rest for 20 seconds Rest for 20 seconds YOU DID IT!! Can you believe you can
Hold Plank for 4 minutes & 42 seconds Hold Plank for 4 minutes & 50 seconds
hold a plank for A FULL 5 MINUTES?!

Remember to hold plank EVERY DAY to build and maintain core strength!

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 98

Sample Workout Calendar
The Fasting Fitness Schedules in the Ramadan Reset
Guidebook give you all the details on how and when to workout.
Feel free to customise your exercise plan to suit your lifestyle!
However, it is important to aim for 100 minutes of exercise per week
as per global health guidelines explained on page 81. This intermediate
sample schedule includes your cardio, HIIT and plank challenges as well
as 2 days of rest per week - it's a perfect complete Ramadan schedule!
1 - Weigh 2 3 4 5 6 7
Yourself! Plank Plank
Plank Plank REST DAY Plank
Plank Challenge Challenge Day 3 Challenge Spend this blessed Challenge
Challenge Day 2 CARDIO Day 4 Day 5
Jummuah in worship!
Remember to WALK Day 6
Day 1 30-minute HIIT REST DAY LISS 40-minute 25-minute
& STAND as much as
possible. 30-minute HIIT
LISS 40-minute Interval training WALK & STAND as TABATA Interval training
much as possible! cardio FASTED DO NOT SIT
cardio FASTED before/after Iftar before/after Iftar ALL DAY!! before/after Iftar
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Plank Plank Plank Plank Plank REST DAY Plank
Challenge Challenge Challenge Day 9 Challenge Challenge Spend this blessed Challenge
Jummuah in worship!
Day 7 Day 8 CARDIO Day 10 Day 11 Remember to WALK Day 12
& STAND as much as
LISS 40-minute 30-minute HIIT LISS 40-minute 25-minute possible. 30-minute HIIT
cardio FASTED Interval training WALK & STAND as cardio FASTED TABATA DO NOT SIT Interval training
before/after Iftar much as possible!
before/after Iftar ALL DAY!! before/after Iftar
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Plank Plank Plank Plank Plank REST DAY Plank
Challenge Challenge Challenge Day Challenge Challenge Spend this blessed
Jummuah in worship!
Day 13 Day 14 CARDIO Day 16 Day 17 Remember to WALK Day 18
& STAND as much as
LISS 40-minute 30-minute HIIT REST DAY LISS 40-minute 25-minute possible. 30-minute HIIT
cardio FASTED Interval training WALK & STAND as cardio FASTED TABATA DO NOT SIT Interval training
before/after Iftar much as possible! ALL DAY!!
before/after Iftar before/after Iftar
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Plank Plank Plank Plank Plank REST DAY Plank
Challenge Challenge Challenge Day 21 Challenge Challenge Spend this blessed Challenge
Day 19 Day 20 CARDIO Day 22 Day 23
Jummuah in worship!
Remember to WALK Day 24
LISS 40-minute 30-minute HIIT REST DAY LISS 40-minute 25-minute
& STAND as much as
possible. 30-minute HIIT
cardio FASTED Interval training WALK & STAND as cardio FASTED TABATA Interval training
much as possible! DO NOT SIT
before/after Iftar before/after Iftar ALL DAY!! before/after Iftar

29 30 Plank Plank
Plank Plank Plank Plank REST DAY Challenge
Challenge Day 27 Spend this blessed
Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge Jummuah in worship! Day 30
Day 25 Day 26 CARDIO Day 28 Day 29 Remember to WALK
& STAND as much as
LISS 40-minute 30-minute HIIT REST DAY LISS 40-minute 25-minute possible. Weigh
cardio FASTED Interval training much as possible! Yourself &
before/after Iftar ALL DAY!!
before/after Iftar Celebrate!!
FAT BURN workout checklist:

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 100

On the next pages, you will find all the exercises referenced
in the sample interval workouts. There are 10 exercise
moves, which are the foundations for your interval training.

Look over these exercises and practice each one BEFORE

your workout so you are confident you can perform them
with correct form. Read the instructions for each move
carefully (there are only 10!)

If the move is too difficult, or you get tired during a

workout, you can use the beginner modifications listed
for each movement to make it easier. More difficult
modifications are also listen so you can use the difficulty
that fits you best!

Feel free to use these movements throughout the day

during breaks to keep your energy level up, or to add on to
any of your existing workouts!

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017.

exercise #1 SEAL JACKS
TARGET: cardio and shoulders
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: ideal for warming up for both legs and arms

Begin with your arms Jump out as you open up both Immediately jump back to the starting
straight out in front of your legs and your arms into a position with your legs, while bringing your
you and together at wide star-shaped position. arms back together to the center of your
shoulder-level. body. Repeat by jumping in and out with
your arms and legs.

Continue jacking your arms and legs in and out rapidly. Make sure that your ARMS STAY UP at

Repeat shoulder level and you do not drop your hands for optimal shoulder strengthening. Start off your
workout with 1-2 minutes of seal jacks as a great warmup, or move quicker and perform for 1 minute
as part of a cardio interval drill.

Instead of jumping, STEP out one leg to the side of

your body, while moving your same-side arm out in
MAKE IT parallel. Step back in with the same foot, before
stepping out with the other side leg and arm. Keep
EASIER your arms at shoulder-level and do not drop your
NO JUMPING hands for optimal shoulder strengthening. If this is
LOW-IMPACT too challenging, lower the angle of your arm, but try
MODIFICATION to keep them as high as you can handle.

● Any added small weight you hold in your arms will dramatically increase the shoulder burn on this
MAKE IT exercise. Try performing this move holding a light weight in both hands (eg. 1-5 pounds). Pick a
weight depending on your shoulder strength. If you can’t keep your arms at shoulder height for the
HARDER entire exercise, lower your weight. If you don’t have weights, don’t worry! Holding some canned food
in each hand can also provide excellent resistance!

SPEED How fast can you go?? The more reps you can do, the more calories you burn!
Amina’s challenge is to get in 86 REPS IN 1 MINUTE!
exercise #2 KNEE SKIPS
DIFFICULTY: easy to moderate
TARGET: cardio, hips, quadriceps
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: helps develop faster and more efficient running

Begin Launch yourself off the ground with As soon Launch yourself into the air with
standing one foot, jumping into the air. Bring as one foot your other foot immediately,
tall and your knee up as high as you can. touches the raising your knee towards your
upright. While you jump, rotate your core ground... chest. Rotate with your opposite
slightly to lightly touch your knee with elbow to meet your knee.
your opposite elbow.

Continue switching legs and launching yourself in the air. Make sure you stay light on your toes and
Repeat jump and land on the ball of your foot. Try to lii your knee as high as possible, but keep your back
straight and tall. Try to perform this exercise for 1 minute before switching to the next cardio drill.

Keep your back up and straight and march in place,

pulling your knees up as high as possible. Keep your
MAKE IT arms up and swing them in opposition to the knees.
EASIER March as fast as you can, and work on pushing your
knees higher and switching your feet quicker. Even
NO JUMPING without jumping, this is still a great exercise for
LOW-IMPACT strengthening your legs and getting your heart rate up!

● The higher you take your knee, the more calories you burn!
MAKE IT ● The higher you jump, the more work for your supporting standing leg. Get up into the air!
● For extra calorie burn and fuller range of motion, extend this move into a BASKETBALL SHOOT.

HARDER Shoot one hand straight into the air as you jump as high as possible. As you land, lunge forward and
touch the ground with the same hand. From the ground, switch legs into your next jump and repeat.

SPEED How fast can you go?? The more reps you can do, the more calories you burn!
Amina’s challenge is to get in 100 REPS IN 1 MINUTE!
exercise #3 SKii MACHINE
TARGET: cardio, shoulders
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: Ideal for warmups and exercise beginners
side arm is

heel is
liied Switch
arms &

Begin standing with Jump into the air while you switch your feet, so your Rapidly repeat this move,
your lee foot in front back (right) foot comes in front and your forward jumping into the air while you
and your right foot (lee) foot goes backwards. Your arms move in switch your arms and feet at the
behind you. Lean opposition; as you switch your legs, one arm flies same time. Keep your arms and
forward slightly at forward to shoulder-level, while the other arm swings legs straight while switching.
the WAIST while backwards as high as you can. Land lightly with your Remain leaning forward at a
looking up. back heel UP and only your toes gripping the floor. slight angle at the waist.

Continue switching arms and legs quickly while jumping. Try not to pause between jumps - you
Repeat should only land for a split second before bouncing back to the other side. Perform for 1 minute as
an early warming exercise, before progressing to more challenging cardio moves later in your circuit.

Start with both arms at shoulder-level height. Step back

with one foot as you push the same arm back behind
MAKE IT you. Keep your arms straight and as high as you can
EASIER throughout the entire movement. Bring your foot and
arm back to starting position and switch, taking the
NO JUMPING other arm and foot back. Repeat as quickly as possible
LOW-IMPACT at a fast marching pace.

●The faster you skii, the more calories you burn!

MAKE IT ●Try holding some light resistance in your hands to intensify the shoulder work, for example, a light
weight (eg. 1-5 pounds) or some canned food. Make sure the weight is light enough so it feels
HARDER comfortable to your shoulder joint as you swing your arms through the air. If the weight is too heavy
and your shoulders feel too much of a strain, lower your weight and work up your strength gradually.

SPEED How fast can you go?? The more reps you can do, the more calories you burn!
Amina’s challenge is to get in 145 REPS IN 1 MINUTE!
exercise #4 AIR JUMP ROPE
DIFFICULTY: easy to moderate depending on speed
TARGET: cardio, core & calves, shoulders
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: ideal for warmups AND intense cardio drills

Stand lightly Begin jumping in the air as you Continue jumping and “spinning your rope” as
on the balls “spin” an imaginary jump rope fast as possible. Maintain an upright,
of your feet, with your hands. Make big circles straight-back posture and focus on speed, large
arms out to from your elbows for more range circular motions with your arms, and being
the side. of motion in your upper body. LIGHT on the balls of your feet with every jump.

Continue jumping your rope and spinning your arms. There are MANY variations with this drill - you

Repeat can “run” with your “rope” with high knees, jack your feet in and out for a “jumping jack rope”, hop
on one foot at a time while “spinning your rope”... the possibilities are endless! Just keep a fast
tempo and remember to keep circling your arms!

March in place with HIGH KNEES while

MAKE IT “swinging” your imaginary jump rope.
Make BIG circles with the arms to carry
EASIER out a fuller range of motion. Make sure
you are pulling your knees as high as
NO JUMPING possible, as well.

● Run with high knees while “swinging” your jump rope. With speed and high knees, this exercise can
MAKE IT become a real heart-pumper, perfect for an intense cardio drill!
● Use an actual skipping rope! Cheap, light and compact, a skipping rope is one of the best cardio

HARDER pieces of “equipment”. The real rope adds coordination and precision, and forces you to jump a
certain height while maintaining correct posture. Real jump rope can’t be beat!

SPEED How fast can you go?? The more reps you can do, the more calories you burn!
Amina’s challenge is to get in 160 JUMPS IN 1 MINUTE!
exercise #5 QUICK FEET
DIFFICULTY: moderate
TARGET: cardio, calves, ankles, quadriceps
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: calorie burner & excellent workout finisher!

Patter Turn to
your feet one side! Other
Keep Switch side!
as fast forward!
as you tapping!

Begin with your knees slightly AAer 15 AAer 30 AAer 45 seconds, switch
bent, and bending forward at the seconds, turn seconds, to the other side and work
waist. Hold your hands up in to one side switch those feet! Don’t drop
front of you. Begin tapping your and continue forward! those hands!
feet lightly against the floor VERY tapping your Keep hands
QUICKLY. You don’t want to feet! Move up and keep
stomp the floor - just pitter your feet tapping your
pat with the balls of your feet! FASTER!
FA feet!

Pitter patter your feet as fast as you can for your 1 minute cardio drill! Make sure you are light on your
Repeat toes, and stay on the balls of your feet. This is an excellent move to burn up your legs. For extra fun,
you can have someone shout SWITCH at random times, as a signal for you to turn to the sides!

A wide crab walk is a great swap for this move and

STAY LOW and targets the inner and outer thighs amazingly! Stand with
MAKE IT march forward your legs wide apart, your feet out at a 45-degree angle.
Bend your knees to squat down into a wide squat. While
EASIER and back!
STAYING LOW, march your feet forwards for 10 seconds,
NO JUMPING then backwards for 10 seconds. Repeat for 1 minute and
feel the burn in your thighs! The lower you stay while
LOW-IMPACT marching,
ma the better this move will be!

● You want to sit backwards into your leg so you maintain a low position throughout the entire quick
MAKE IT feet drill. By staying low and moving your feet as quickly as possible, you can really feel the burn!
● Instead of just turning your body, move forwards and backwards while you pitter patter your feet.

HARDER ● Every 10 seconds, add an explosive jump! Jump high, raise your arms, and as soon as you land, go

back into your LOW position with quick feet! Mix in more jumps to increase your heart rate!

SPEED How fast can you go?? The faster you take your feet, the more calories you burn!
Amina’s challenge is to TRY THIS WITH A PARTNER and push each other to go faster and stay lower!
exercise #6 SUMO SQUAT JUMP
DIFFICULTY: moderate to difficult
TARGET: cardio, inner & outer thighs, quadriceps
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: great full-body calorie burner & heart pumper!

Begin with your legs double-shoulder-width JUMP into Land back into your
apart. Your feet should point out at a the air from
f low squat and touch
45-degree angle. your low the floor lightly. STAY
squat LOW and immediately
Sit down
d into a wide squat by bending your position, jump back into the air
knees. Keep your knees on top of your while to repeat! Make sure
heels. Get LOW WITH YOUR LEGS so you can shooting you are going low in
touch the floor with your hands. Your LEGS your hands your squat with every
should take your hands down! KEEP YOUR up into the landing to make the
CHEST UP - do NOT look down or hunch air. This most of this lower
over towards the ground! Watch your form! requires a body exercise!
lot of lower
body power!
The higher
you jump,
the better!

Continue squat jumping without pausing between jumps. Stay LOW in your legs throughout the

Repeat entire drill, keeping a flat back and your chest up (do not hunch over). Look in front of you, NOT
down at the floor to keep your head up. Check your knees to make sure your knees stay over your
heels. Repeat for 1 minute, take a 10 second rest, then proceed to your next cardio drill.

Even without the jump, this is a great leg

**Remember strengthening move. Squat low to the ground and
to keep your then straighten your legs as you reach up towards
the sky. Immediately squat back down as low as
MAKE IT chest up!**
you can and repeat.
SQ is difficult, you don’t have to go this
NO JUMPING low! Instead of touching the floor, you can touch
your calves or even lightly touch your knees. Do
LOW-IMPACT what is comfortable for you and work to get lower!

● The higher you jump, the more power you recruit from your leg muscles! Get up in the air!
MAKE IT ● The LOWER you squat , the more your legs will be strengthened. Just be sure to keep your chest up!
● If you want to get even LOWER, instead of touching the floor with your fingers, squat low enough so

HARDER you can lightly tap your entire PALM onto the floor. This forces you to dip REALLY low into the squat
and will challenge your inner thighs more!

SPEED For this move, you want to go fast, but more importantly, focus on getting LOW WITH YOUR LEGS! So
take enough time to get deep into the squat. Amina’s challenge is to get in 43 SQUATS IN 1 MINUTE!
DIFFICULTY: moderate to difficult
TARGET: cardio, inner & outer thighs, quadriceps
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: Amazing cardio drill & leg/thigh strengthener

Begin standing JUMP out by jacking Explode up into the air from your squat, keeping your
tall with your your feet outwards legs wide. While in the air, slide your legs and feet
hands up and into
in a wide squat and together to land back in your starting position,
behind your head bend your knees to standing tall and upright. Repeat by immediately
in “prisoner” lower your legs. Keep jacking your feet out and lowering into a wide squat.
position. your knees on top of
your heels. KEEP YOUR
hunch over!

Continue jacking the feet out and performing the squat-jump. Try not to rest in the standing position

Repeat - you should only land in this position momentarily before jumping back out into the squat. With all
plyometric (explosive) exercises, jump using the balls of your feet and stay light on your toes. Repeat
for 1 minute, take a 10 second rest, then proceed to your next cardio drill.

Step out Step out Even without the jump, this move is still
with lee with right major inner & outer thigh strengthening!
foot foot Begin standing and step out to the lee
from the midline into a wide squat. Get
MAKE IT DEEP! Push off with your lee foot to
EASIER return to a standing position. Step out
with your right foot to the other side and
NO JUMPING push off with your right foot back to
LOW-IMPACT center. Repeat by stepping out.

● For the ultimate burn, do not return to standing between jumps. Jump up, land directly in your
MAKE IT deep squat and then push back into the air using your legs immediately to really feel your legs shake!
● If you want to make it even tougher, you can increase the range of motion of your arms. At the top of

HARDER the jump, shoot your arms into the sky, and then return to prisoner position with arms behind your
head as you land. Lightly hold your hands behind your head - never push on your head or neck!

SPEED For this move, speed is secondary. Focus on getting LOW WITH YOUR LEGS and keep your arms high!
So take enough time to make it perfect. Amina’s challenge is to get in 33 PLYO SQUATS IN 1 MINUTE!
DIFFICULTY: difficult
TARGET: muscular stamina, endurance, quads & glutes
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: Develop coordination & FULL-BODY calorie burner

Begin Step deep into Push off and JUMP into the air from your Immediately push off
standing a lunge with lunge. WHILE you are in the air, switch from your lunge into a
upright your RIGHT leg. your feet so you land DIRECTLY into a jump, and switch your
with your Bend your lunge on your opposite leg! While your legs in the air. This
chest up. opposite arm legs are moving, switch your arms as well. requires a LOT of
to point your power from your legs!
elbow towards Land directly in
your knee. a deep lunge!
Ouch! ;)

Back foot
is up when
you lunge

Plyometric lunges are VERY challenging! To make this slightly more manageable to perform for a full
minute, you can go from a lunge, bring your feet together to a STANDING position, then jump back
Quick Tip! out to the lunge on the other side. This makes it slightly easier on your legs with the standing break
in between lunges. Do as many as you can!

Begin standing. Take a big step out with the

Take a BIG step
RIGHT foot. Step out LONG and WIDE to maintain
out to maintain
a stable base for balance. Bend your forward
your balance!
knee to get deep into the lunge. Your goal is to
MAKE IT make your forward leg 90-degrees to the floor,
EASIER but go as low as is comfortable for you NOW and
work towards getting lower. Step back to
NO JUMPING standing
st and the step out with the other leg back
LOW-IMPACT into the lunge. Move your arms in opposition.

Work toward being able to perform the full plyometric lunge for up to a minute.

● Work towards making your forward leg bent at a deep 90-degree angle to really challenge your quad
HARDER muscles in the forward leg as you jump. Be careful not to tap your back knee to the floor, though.
● For an extra burn, hold your arms up behind your head in “prisoner position” (see exercise #7!)

This is an extremely challenging move for the lower body and requires a lot of power. You may not be
SPEED able to do these for a full minute - you can shorten your interval to 40 or 50 seconds if you want to
CHALLENGE work at maximum effort. Take your time to make your lunges deep and focus on creating power and
momentum with each jump. Amina’s challenge is to get in 35 FULL PLYO LUNGES IN 50 SECONDS!


DIFFICULTY: difficult
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: amazing for your core & a great cardio exercise!
Begin in a strong plank position. Your KEEP YOUR HIPS DOWN SWITCH LEGS by extending
arms should be directly under your and pull your right leg your bent leg all the way out
shoulders, holding you up. Spread forwards, so it is almost straight behind you. At the
your fingers wide for good grip. Step framed between your arms. same time, jump your
your feet back and balance on your Your foot should be floating opposite leg forwards
toes. Your body should be straight as above the ground. You between your hands to
a board. Relax your shoulders and should feel a good contact your abs. Try to
keep your neck straight and long. contraction
cont in your abs. make
ma sure your hips do not
If your hips are sagging, push your rise every time you switch
hips up slightly to ensure a strong, legs - maintain the strong
stable base. Do this in front of a plank as you repeat and
mirror to correct your form. Maintain your continue switching your legs.
Tip: Push the strong plank!
back of your Keep your
knees up to hips down!
the sky!

Repeat switching your legs and keeping your hips down for 1 minute. Try and go at the fastest speed

Repeat possible for the entire cardio drill. This is an excellent and challenging move that not only gets your
heart pumping, but also works your core and shoulders! But, I would rather you go SLOWER and
complete the entire drill, than get sloppy and let your hips raise up! Form is KEY!

To make this move easier, go SLOWER . Pause with

each ab contraction with your knee pulled in. Hold
HOLD this position
Now STEP the contraction for a moment, before switching
for a moment &
your feet.
MAKE IT contract the abs!
You can even tap
OUT to
switch to
EASIER your forward foot the other
Ins of jumping your legs in and out, take
slower STEP OUTS to switch your legs. To make it
NO JUMPING to the floor!
even easier, you can also tap your forward foot to
LOW-IMPACT the ground in between switches. Make it work!

● DYNAMIC MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS: A harder variation of mountain climbers, in which you pull your
MAKE IT knee to the OUTSIDE of your hands. This requires a fuller range of motion and more of a JUMP to
switch sides, making this more difficult.
HARDER ● Go faster through your switches if you can! But remember, speed with sloppy form is never useful -

focus on keeping your hips low and your plank STRONG before increasing your speed!

SPEED For this move, you want to go fast, but also focus on maintaining a perfect plank!
Amina’s challenge is to get in 150 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS IN 1 MINUTE!
exercise #10 JUMPING BURPEE
DIFFICULTY: difficult
TARGET: cardio, quadriceps, glutes, shoulders
WITH NO EQUIPMENT USE: ideal as a workout finisher to exhaust you

Begin standing JUMP out into a strong Hop both Shoot up into the air and jump
tall with your plank (see exercise #9 legs in to as high as you can for your final
chest up and for plank directions). either sides jump! As soon as you land,
shoulders away Hold the plank for just a of your arms jump back out to plank and
from your ears. moment. in a deep, low repeat!
frog squat.
You should
be really low
here and feel
your legs
Strong plank! Keep
your shoulders
over your hands
and your core

The burpee is an amazing full-body move with a large range of motion! Repeat the burpee as fast as

Repeat you can while still focusing on your form. Your plank should be strong. Stay light on your toes so you
can rapidly move between positions. Jump up as high as you can before returning to standing. Do
not rest while standing - you should immediately jump back out to plank! Go get ‘em!

The burpee is easy to modify for beginners or if you don’t want to jump. Begin
standing tall. Reach down to the floor and STEP ONE FOOT out behind you. Then,
step your other foot out behind you so you are in a strong plank. Hold for as long
as you can handle. Because you are not jumping, focus on holding the plank for
MAKE IT more strengthening. Then, STEP IN with one foot. STEP IN with your other foot
EASIER into a frog squat position with both feet outside your hands. Finally, stand up tall
and repeat!

To increase the difficulty, when you jump out into plank, perform a push-up before jumping your

feet into a frog squat. You can push-up at whatever level you are comfortable, knees or fully on toes.
HARDER ● At the top of your jump, you can raise your hands over your head to increase your range of motion.

● Go faster. The more burpees you can squeeze into 1 minute, the more difficult this becomes!

SPEED Go fast but make sure your form in the plank is solid! Jump as high as you can, too!
Amina’s challenge is to perform 30 BURPEES IN 1 MINUTE!
Thank you for reading!
We would love to hear from you!

You are so amazing! If you have gotten through this entire Ramaden book, you
should know that you have taken a BIG step towards your healthiest Ramadan ever
inshAllah! So congratulations, you have worked hard and it's time to CELEBRATE
your effort!! If you have ANY questions, please feel free to get in touch at Our team is always happy to help!

If you enjoyed this book, I have a request to ask - I absolutely LOVE hearing your
feedback, so I would love if you shared your thoughts and successes with me!
Please take a moment to send me a short video OR audio OR written
testimonial to let me know how you enjoyed this book by clicking HERE.
This is the best way to let myself and our team know if this book has made a
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I can’t wait to hear about your success inshAllah!

Leave your testimonial at!

Finally, for LADIES ONLY, if you want a SIMPLE workout program that burns fat and
gets you LEAN in the comfort of your home in just 20 minutes a day, be sure to
check out my Amanah Fitness Bootcamp! I would love to be your coach and
help you finally reach your fitness goals with my proven workout system inshAllah!

Thank you for being the most important

part of Amanah Fitness! Wishing your
family the best of health inshAllah!

Amina Khan
Founder, Amanah Fitness
10 years ago I did a triathlon and lost no weight.
Following Amanah Fitness programs
and the 30 Day Bootcamp I have
lost 40 pounds since Ramadan!
- Lisa Aicha Dillman (Spain)

I was pleasantly surprised at being surprised at

how much 20 minutes a day can have an impact!
I feel my body sculpting, I can feel certain
 uscles building, I can feel the energy levels
that I have - after each workout I felt like I could
conquer the world! It was just amazing!!!
- Iram Jafri (Texas, US)

Amazing, amazing, amazing! I’ve always had trouble following

a set work out routine due to lack of time, interest and motivation. Amina
is such an encouraging and engaging instructor. She keeps it interesting
throughout. Once I started her program I actually started enjoying myself
and found myself having no trouble finding time for my quick daily work out
with Amina. Amina’s program is just perfect since you are able to do her daily
work outs according to your own personal schedule.
It was just a perfect fit.”
- Rubana Chowdhury (Mississauga, Canada)

You are so motivating, and as I am following along

with you I feel like you are actually talking to me -
and I love that! The fact that you are doing it along
with me, I feel like I am there. I feel stronger, I feel
better about myself, and I have more stamina.
- Aleya Naeem (Hamilton, Canada)


I actually signed up with a

different online program and
this one was ten thousand
times better!
It felt more personal although she
wasn’t there with us - I felt as if we
were in the same room!
- Raghad Azzam (Hamilton, Canada)


Satisfaction Guarantee!!
We stand behind our products at Amanah Fitness, and
we want you to feel confident when buying. You have a
full 100% refund guarantee to make sure the program
is the right fit for you. If only everything in life came
with that kind of guarantee, right? ;)
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About the Authors
Amina Khan received her Bachelor’s degree
in Psyhology, Neuroscience and Behaviour
from McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada.
She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. degree in
Health Psychology at Walden University. She
is a CANfit-PRO Certified Fitness Instructor,
Founder of Amanah Fitness, and creator of
the Amanah 30-Day Bootcamp Weight
Loss System. Amina’s mission is to improve
health in the Muslim community after her own
60-pound weight loss journey through simple
Amina Khan at-home nutrition and exercise programs.
Founder, Amanah Fitness
Fitness Instructor Specialist Amina loves teaching fitness classes, lifting
weights, running and all types of exercise! She
is an avid hiker and outdoor enthusiast as she
believes fitness is training for the real world!

YaQutullah Ibrahim MS, RDN LD received

her Bachelor’s degree in nutrition and Masters
degree in Health Sciences and Nutrition from
Georgia State University in Atlanta Georgia.
She is a member of Muslims in Dietetics
and Nutrition (MIDAN), a member interest
group of the American Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics and is certified in adult weight
management. As part of the primary care team,
she provides nutrition education to women
veterans and their families at the Atlanta VA
Medical Center Women’s Center of Excellence.
YaQutullah Ibraheem
Muhammad MS, RDN LD YaQutullah’s hobbies include writing, running,
Registered Dietititan cooking and domestic and international travel.

Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 116

1. Webber, J. & MacDonald, IA., 1994
2. Redman et al., 2008
3. Zerguini, Y., Kirkendall, D., Junge, A. & Dvorak, J., 2007
6. BaHammam, A.S., Alaseem, A.M., Alzakri, A.A. & Sharif, M.M., 2013
7. Hofmekler, O., 2007
13 Tigbe, W., Granat, M., Sattar, N. & Lean M., 2017


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Redistribution Prohibited. Copyright Amanah Fitness 2017. Page 117

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