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(A Scientific Paper)

This paper is used to participate in scientific paper competitions

At the Maiwa Fun Creative 2023 Fest


Muh. Gaizan Fathun Muhiyyin

Muh. Adrian A.




1. Research Title: The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Character

Development of Generation Z

2. Authors

a. Group Leader

Name : Muh. Gaizan fathun Muhiyyin

NISN : 0085041638

b. Member

Name : Muh. Adrian A.

NISN : 0083065789

3. Supervisor

a. Name : Anci BTE Syaripuddin, S.Pd, M.Pd.

b. NIP :-

Maroangin, 14 October 2023

Approved by

Supervisor Group Leader

Anci BTE Syaripuddin, S.Pd, M.Pd Muh. Gaizan Fathun Muhiyyin

Headmaster of MA Rahmatul Asri

Dr. H. Amir Musthafah, Lc., M.Pd.I

NIP. 19750130 200901 1 004


Praise be to Allah SWT which makes man a learner compared to other

living beings, as a sign of perfection bestowed by Allah Almighty, and it is also
with His permission that the author is given ease in completing the writing of this
paper. Peace and greetings may be poured out deeply to our beloved Prophet
Muhammad SAW whom we look forward to intercession in the hereafter.
Nobody is perfect in everything. Similarly, the writing of this paper is also
the result of studying and working, which is inseparable from some shortcomings
and rigors in science. Therefore, the authors expect constructive suggestions and
criticisms to be used as evaluation material in the future.
In closing, the author hopes that this paper can be useful for all circles,
especially for those who are studying so that they can add insight and knowledge
related to the role of social media in the building the character of generation z.


Muh. Gaizan Fathun muhiyyin

Muh. Adrian A.

This research aims at finding out the impact of social media influencers on
character development of generation Z.
The research employed descriptive qualitative method. The sample consisted of 2
students and 2 teachers. The data were collected by using observing and interviewing the
students and teachers.
The research result on observation indicated that not all impacts of social media
influencers are negative. Some influencers use their platforms to promote positive
messages, such as body positivity, mental health awareness, and social activism. They
can serve as role models and provide educational content that helps Gen Z develop
empathy, tolerance, and awareness of societal issues.
The research result in observation indicated that that the impact of social media
influencers on character development is not universally positive. There are also potential
negative effects, such as the promotion of materialism, unrealistic standards, and harmful
behaviors. It is essential for Generation Z to critically evaluate the content they consume
and develop a balanced perspective.

ATTESTATION SHEET......................................................................................ii



TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………..V

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.........................................................................1

A. Background of The Problem...........................................................................1

B. Problem Statement......................................................................................2

C. The Objectives of The Research.....................................................................2

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.................................3

A. Understanding The Role of Social Media Influencers...............................3

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METODOLOGY.................................................4

1. Design of The Research..............................................................................4

2. Procedure of Colleting Data and Technique of Data Analysis.................4

CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION..................................................5

1. Finding.........................................................................................................5

2. Discussion.....................................................................................................6

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION........................................7

A. Conclusion....................................................................................................7

B. Suggestion....................................................................................................7



A. Background of The Problem

Generation Z, is generation that born roughly between the mid-1990s and early
2010s, has grown up in an era dominated by social media platforms and the rise of social
media influencers. Social media influencers are individuals who have amassed large
followings on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, and who use their
online presence to shape trends, promote products, and influence the opinions and
behaviors of their followers, particularly among younger demographics.
The influence of social media influencers on the development of character traits in
Generation Z has become a topic of increasing concern and interest. With the merge of
social media and the constant exposure idealized lifestyles, values, and beliefs, there is a
growing recognition that social media influencers play a significant role in shaping the
attitudes, values, and behaviors of this generation.
On one hand, social media influencers have the potential to positively impact the
character development of Generation Z. They can promote messages of kindness,
inclusivity, and social activism, inspiring their followers to engage in acts of compassion
and empathy. They can serve as role models, offering guidance and support in navigating
various challenges faced by young individuals. By sharing personal experiences, they
create a sense of connection and relatability, fostering a positive sense of self and
promoting self-expression.
However, there are concerns about the potential negative effects of social media
influencers on the character development of Generation Z. The nature of their content, the
emphasis on appearance and material possessions, and the pressure to conform to certain
ideals can contribute to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem. Moreover, the influence
of social media influencers may capture harmful stereotypes, reinforce consumeristic
mindsets, and create an unrealistic and perception of reality.
The impacts of social media influencers on Generation Z's character development
also raise ethical considerations. Issues of authenticity, transparency, and responsible
content creation come into play, as the lines between personal experiences and sponsored
endorsements can become blurred. The potential for manipulation and the risk of
exploitation needs to be critically examined to ensure the well-being and healthy
development of young individuals.
Understanding the impact of social media influencers on the character development
of Generation Z is crucial for parents, educators, policymakers, and influencers
themselves. By gaining insights into the mechanisms through which influencers shape
attitudes, behaviors, and self-perception, stakeholders can develop strategies to reduce
potential negative effects and exploit the positive potential of social media influencers as
catalysts for positive character development in the younger generation.

B. Problem Statement

The case studies were designed to answer the following questions:

1. How does content of social media influencers impact the character development
of Generation Z?
2. In what ways do social media influencers contribute to the developing of attitudes
and behaviors in Generation Z?
3. Are there any negative consequences of social media influencers on the character
development of generation Z?

C. The Objectives of The Research

1. To analyze the extent of social media influencers, impact the character

development of Generation Z
2. To find out the ways that social media influencers contribute to the developing of
attitudes and behaviors in Generation Z
3. To find whether there any negative consequences of social media influencers on
the character development of generation Z


A. Understanding The Role of Social Media Influencers on development

character of Generation Z
a. Theory of Social Influence:
According to Chartrand and Bargh (1999), "Individuals tend to resemble
behaviors, attitudes, and values they see from others, especially if the person is
perceived as an authority or trusted model."
b. Self-Identity and Character Development:
According to Erikson (1968), "Individual identity is formed through a process of
exploration and commitment to values and roles in society. Influences from the
environment, including social media, can influence the development of an
individual's identity and character."
c. Media Effects and Imitation Behavior:
Various studies have shown that mass media, including social media, have a
major influence in shaping individual behavior. For example, Bandura (1977)
states, "Individuals tend to mimic behaviors they witness in the media, especially
if those behaviors are presented by idolized figures such as social media
d. Generation Z Theory:
According to Twenge (2010), "Generation Z, who grew up in the digital age and
connected online, has unique characteristics and values that are different from
previous generations. The influence of social media influencers can play an
important role in shaping their character."
e. Communication and Media Theory:
According to McQuail (2010), "Communication media have the power to change
individual attitudes, behaviors, and values. Interactions with social media
influencers can shape the character and identity of generation Z."

A. Design of the Research

This research is qualitative and it is placed within the phenomenology approach

from the collection of information.
Gay (2006:402) states that qualitative researcher spends a great deal of time with
participants and are immersed in the research setting. The detail recording of the process
occurring in the natural setting provides the basis for understanding the setting, the
participant, and their interaction.

B. Procedure of Collecting Data and Technique of Data Analysis

In collecting the data, the researchers conducted some procedures as the
Firstly, the researchers observed the students and teachers as this research aims to
examine the impact of social media influencer on character development of generation Z.
The researchers observed the use of social media for several times. In this case, the
researcher conducted the participant observation. The researcher used field note to take
the detail data of influencer content during the observation
Next the researchers conducted interviews with teachers and students by asking 3
questions as follows:
1. How do you perceive the role of social media influencers in shaping the character
of Generation Z?
2. What are some potential positive impacts of social media influencers on the
character development of Generation Z?
3. Is there a risk of idealization and imitation of the lifestyles portrayed by social
media influencers?
After that, the researchers recorded and analyzed the answers of the interviewees.

This chapter describes the data that was collected from observation, recording and
interview, namely finding. The discussion is organized based on research question that
underpin the study. The first sub heading presents the findings on The Impact of Social
Media Influencers on Character Development of Generation Z.
1. Finding
a. Finding of Observation
One of the major impacts of social media influencers on the character
development of Gen Z is the creation of an idealized and often unrealistic image of
success and happiness. Influencers meticulously craft their online personas, showcasing a
lifestyle filled with luxury, adventure, and material possessions. This can create a sense of
inadequacy and a constant need for validation among Gen Z. They may strive to emulate
the influencers they follow, leading to a desire for instant gratification, a focus on
external validation, and a distorted perception of real-life achievements.
Moreover, social media platforms have given rise to a culture of comparison and
self-commodification. Gen Z is constantly exposed to carefully curated images and
narratives, leading to a tendency to compare their own lives to the seemingly perfect lives
of influencers. This constant comparison can negatively impact self-esteem and
contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression.
Another aspect of character development influenced by social media influencers
is the shaping of values and priorities. Influencers often endorse certain products, causes,
or lifestyles, which can influence the beliefs and values of their followers. Gen Z may
adopt these endorsed values without critical analysis, leading to a homogenization of
beliefs and a lack of independent thinking.
However, it's important to note that not all impacts of social media influencers
are negative. Some influencers use their platforms to promote positive messages, such as
body positivity, mental health awareness, and social activism. They can serve as role
models and provide educational content that helps Gen Z develop empathy, tolerance, and
awareness of societal issues.
2. Finding of Interview
 Subject 1
The first subject said that the role of influencers on social media has positive and negative
impacts, one of the positive impacts is improving oneself to become a more religious
person and the negative impact is wasting time because it can result in other work not
being completed.
 Subject 2
The second subject believes that social media influencers play a very important role
because a person's character can arise from a habit, these influencers encourage them to
do positive things so that they form a habit from habit to character.
 Subject 3
The third subject believes that the influence of social media influencers depends on what
kind of example we follow, the Pandawara group provides personal awareness to each
person to protect and maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment.
 Subject 4
The fourth subject said that the influence depends on what Generation Z follows, and
there is also a negative impact from following social media influencers, namely the lack
of even loss of feelings for people around them (offline).
3. Discussion
This part discusses the analysis of the data from observations and interview.
Influencers have the power to inspire and motivate young people by sharing their
personal stories, achievements, and journeys. By showcasing their hard work, dedication,
and success, influencers can encourage Generation Z to pursue their goals, develop a
strong work ethic, and believe in their abilities. Many influencers encourage their
followers to embrace their authentic selves and express their individuality. By promoting
self-acceptance and self-expression, influencers can help young people develop a positive
sense of identity and confidence. However, it is crucial to note that the impact of social
media influencers on character development is not universally positive. There are also
potential negative effects, such as the promotion of materialism, unrealistic standards, and
harmful behaviors. It is essential for Generation Z to critically evaluate the content they
consume and develop a balanced perspective.

A. Conclusion
Social media influencers can have a positive impact on the character development
of Generation Z by inspiring, motivating, promoting diversity, addressing mental health,
sharing educational content, and encouraging authenticity. However, it is important for
young people to be more careful in choosing social media influencer to ensure a healthy
and balanced approach to their personal growth.

B. Suggestion
 Based on the findings in this research, it is suggested to the influencers to make a
good content to influence the generation Z.
 The researcher hopes this research can give the big contribution to the next
researcher who wants to conduct any research about character development on
generation Z.

McQuail, D. (2010). McQuail's mass communication theory. Sage Publications.

Twenge, J. M. (2010). A review of the empirical evidence on generational

differences in work attitudes. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(2),
Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. W. W. Norton & Company.

Chartrand, T. L., & Bargh, J. A. (1999). The chameleon effect: The perception-
behavior link and social interaction. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 76(6), 893-910.
Gay, L. R. 2006. Educational Research: competencies for Analysis and
applications. The Lehigh Press. United Stated
This can help in broaden their understanding of the world. For example, a person may be
exposed to various opinions regarding social, political, or religious issues through social
media, which may help him form his own views.

This phenomenon is known as “modeling behavior”. Identification with idol figures:

When individuals see figures they idolize on social media, they are inspired by those
figures. They may admire the character's lifestyle, appearance, or accomplishments and
want to emulate similar behavior. For example, if a social media influencer promotes a
healthy and active lifestyle, their followers may be encouraged to adopt a healthy diet or
start a similar exercise routine.

has unique characteristics and is different from previous generations. like, the influence
of social media influencers can play an important role in shaping their character, these
influencers can help generation Z in discovering and expressing themselves creatively.
For example, a fashion influencer can influence Generation Z's clothing style preferences
and help them develop a unique self-image through fashion.

Ini dapat membantu dalam memperluas pemahaman mereka tentang dunia. Misalnya, seseorang
mungkin dihadapkan pada berbagai pendapat mengenai masalah sosial, politik, atau agama
melalui media sosial, yang mungkin membantunya membentuk pandangannya sendiri.

Fenomena ini dikenal sebagai “perilaku pemodelan”. Identifikasi dengan tokoh idola: Ketika
individu melihat tokoh yang diidolakannya di media sosial, maka ia terinspirasi oleh tokoh
tersebut. Mereka mungkin mengagumi gaya hidup, penampilan, atau pencapaian karakter tersebut
dan ingin meniru perilaku serupa. Misalnya, jika seorang influencer media sosial mempromosikan
gaya hidup sehat dan aktif, pengikutnya mungkin didorong untuk menerapkan pola makan sehat
atau memulai rutinitas olahraga serupa.

mempunyai ciri khas dan berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya. Seperti, pengaruh influencer
media sosial dapat berperan penting dalam membentuk karakter mereka, para influencer ini dapat
membantu generasi Z dalam menemukan dan mengekspresikan diri secara kreatif. Misalnya,
seorang fashion influencer dapat memengaruhi preferensi gaya pakaian Generasi Z dan membantu
mereka mengembangkan citra diri yang unik melalui fashion.

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