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Problem Statement:
Illegal poaching poses a significant threat to endangered wildlife populations in protected areas,
leading to a decline in biodiversity and ecosystem degradation. Current anti-poaching efforts
often face challenges in effectively monitoring large and remote wildlife habitats, resulting in
difficulties detecting and deterring poaching activities in a timely manner.

Key Requirements and Constraints:

● Real-time Surveillance: The application must provide real-time monitoring of protected
areas to detect poaching activities as they occur.
● Long-range Coverage: Drones should have the capability to patrol large areas efficiently,
covering expansive wildlife habitats and remote regions.
● Detection Accuracy: The system must accurately identify poaching incidents using
advanced sensors such as infrared cameras and facial recognition technology.
● Autonomous Operation: Drones should operate autonomously, capable of conducting
patrols without constant human supervision.
● Weather Resilience: The application should be capable of functioning in various weather
conditions, including rain, wind, and low-light environments.
● Data Transmission: Ensure seamless data transmission from drones to a centralized
monitoring station, allowing real-time analysis and response to poaching incidents.
● Cost-effectiveness: Develop a solution that is cost-effective to deploy and maintain,
considering budget constraints for conservation organizations.
● Environmental Impact: Minimize the environmental impact of drone operations, adhering
to regulations and guidelines to avoid disturbance to wildlife.

The problem revolves around combating illegal poaching activities in protected wildlife areas
through the use of drone-based surveillance. The application aims to address the challenges of
monitoring large and remote habitats, detecting poaching incidents in real-time, and deterring
illegal activities through timely intervention. Key requirements include real-time surveillance,
long-range coverage, detection accuracy, autonomous operation, resilience to weather
conditions, seamless data transmission, cost-effectiveness, and minimizing environmental
impact. By leveraging advanced drone technology, the application seeks to enhance anti-
poaching efforts, protect endangered species, and preserve biodiversity in vulnerable


Research papers:
1. "A Drone-based Anti-Poaching System Using Convolutional Neural Networks"
Summary: This research paper proposes a drone-based anti-poaching system that utilizes
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for detecting poachers in wildlife reserves. The system
integrates drones equipped with cameras and thermal sensors to capture images of the
environment, which are then analyzed using CNNs to identify humans and potential poaching
Key Features:
● Utilizes CNNs for object detection and classification, specifically trained to recognize
humans and distinguish them from other animals or objects.
● Employs thermal sensors to enhance detection capabilities, especially in low-light
conditions or dense vegetation where visual imagery may be limited.
● Demonstrates high accuracy in detecting humans and identifying suspicious activities,
enabling timely intervention by anti-poaching patrols.

2. "Drone Patrol: A Distributed Anti-Poaching Algorithm"

Summary: This article presents the Drone Patrol algorithm, a distributed approach to anti-
poaching surveillance using a network of drones. The algorithm optimizes patrol routes and
resource allocation to maximize coverage of wildlife reserves while minimizing response time to
poaching incidents. It considers factors such as terrain complexity, wildlife movement patterns,
and historical poaching data to adapt patrol strategies dynamically.
Key Features:
● Deploys a fleet of drones equipped with sensors to patrol designated areas and detect
poaching activities in real-time.
● Utilizes machine learning algorithms to predict high-risk poaching zones based on
historical data and environmental factors.
● Adapts patrol routes dynamically based on changing conditions and emerging threats,
optimizing resource allocation and response effectiveness.
● Integrates with centralized monitoring systems to coordinate drone patrols and facilitate
rapid response to poaching incidents.

3. "Development of an Autonomous Anti-Poaching Drone System Using Deep Learning"

Summary: This research paper describes the development of an autonomous anti-poaching
drone system that combines deep learning techniques with drone technology to combat wildlife
poaching. The system employs deep learning algorithms for object detection and recognition,
enabling drones to autonomously identify poachers and track their movements in real-time.
Key Features:
● Integrates deep learning models such as Faster R-CNN and YOLO for object detection
and tracking, enabling drones to identify humans and vehicles associated with poaching
● Utilizes GPS and image processing techniques to estimate the location and trajectory of
poachers, facilitating rapid response by anti-poaching teams.
● Demonstrates high accuracy and efficiency in detecting poaching incidents, reducing
reliance on manual surveillance methods and improving conservation outcomes.


Algorithm for Drone-Based Anti-Poaching Surveillance:

1. Environmental Mapping and Patrol Planning:

- Step 1: Utilize high-resolution satellite imagery, aerial photography, and geographic
information systems (GIS) data to create a detailed and up-to-date digital map of the entire
wildlife reserve. This map should include terrain features (e.g., hills, valleys, cliffs), vegetation
density and types, water bodies (e.g., rivers, lakes, streams), existing infrastructure (e.g., roads,
trails, buildings), and historical poaching hotspots or areas with high poaching risk.

- Step 2: Analyze the digital map in conjunction with historical poaching data, wildlife migration
patterns, and other relevant factors to identify high-risk areas for poaching activities. Consider
factors such as proximity to roads or settlements, terrain accessibility, vegetation cover, and
known wildlife migration routes or breeding grounds.

- Step 3: Divide the entire reserve into multiple patrol zones or sectors, assigning priority levels
to each zone based on the assessed likelihood of poaching activity. Higher priority zones should
receive more frequent and intensive surveillance. Ensure comprehensive coverage of the entire
reserve area, with no gaps or blind spots.

- Step 4: Plan and optimize patrol routes within each zone, taking into account factors such as
terrain complexity, vegetation density, battery life of drones, and the need for overlapping
coverage to minimize blind spots. Utilize algorithms or software tools for route optimization and
efficient patrol planning.

2. Drone Deployment and Autonomous Patrol:

- Step 5: Deploy a fleet of drones equipped with high-resolution cameras, thermal imaging
sensors, GPS navigation systems, and long-range communication capabilities. The drones
should be designed for extended flight times and capable of operating in various weather
conditions and terrain types.

- Step 6: Program the drones with the pre-planned patrol routes and schedules for each patrol
zone. Implement autonomous flight control systems that enable the drones to follow their
assigned routes with minimal human intervention, while also allowing for manual override or
real-time adjustments as needed.

- Step 7: Integrate advanced obstacle avoidance algorithms and sensors (e.g., LiDAR, radar)
into the drone systems to enable safe navigation through complex terrain, avoiding collisions
with obstacles such as trees, cliffs, or other terrain features.

- Step 8: Implement fail-safe mechanisms and contingency plans for situations such as
communication loss, low battery, or system failures. This could include automated return-to-
base protocols, emergency landing procedures, or redundant communication channels.

3. Real-Time Surveillance and Detection:

- Step 9: Continuously capture high-resolution aerial imagery, thermal data, and other sensor
data during the autonomous patrols using the onboard cameras and sensors.

- Step 10: Employ advanced computer vision and deep learning algorithms for object detection,
classification, and tracking within the captured imagery and sensor data. These algorithms
should be trained to accurately identify humans, vehicles, and other relevant objects or activities
associated with poaching.

- Step 11: Integrate facial recognition technology and databases of known poachers or
individuals associated with illegal activities. Cross-reference any detected individuals against
these databases for potential identification and flagging of high-risk individuals.

- Step 12: Implement pattern recognition and anomaly detection algorithms to identify
suspicious activities or behaviors that may indicate poaching, such as unusual movements,
gathering of people, or the presence of weapons or hunting equipment.

4. Poaching Incident Detection and Response:

- Step 13: Continuously monitor the drone telemetry data, sensor outputs, and analysis results
in real-time from a central command center or monitoring station.

- Step 14: Establish predefined rules and thresholds for triggering alerts or notifications based
on the detected activities or anomalies. For example, an alert may be triggered if a certain
number of individuals are detected in a high-risk area or if known poachers are identified.

- Step 15: Upon detection of a potential poaching incident, immediately alert and notify the anti-
poaching teams or law enforcement agencies. Provide them with detailed information, including
GPS coordinates, live video feeds, thermal imagery, and any relevant intelligence gathered from
the drone surveillance.

- Step 16: Coordinate and guide rapid response efforts by ground patrols or intervention teams,
providing them with real-time situational awareness and updates from the drone surveillance.
The drones can also be used to track the movements of the suspected poachers and provide
aerial support during the response operation.

- Step 17: Continuously update and refine the patrol plans, risk assessments, and detection
algorithms based on the experiences and feedback from the field operations. Incorporate new
data and intelligence to improve the overall effectiveness of the anti-poaching surveillance

Justification for design choice:

1. *Environmental Mapping and Patrol Planning*:
- The use of GIS data and satellite imagery to create detailed maps of the wildlife
reserve is a common practice in conservation efforts and spatial analysis [1, 2].
- Identifying high-risk areas based on historical data, terrain features, and other factors
follows the principles of risk-based patrol planning and prioritization [3, 4].
- Dividing the reserve into patrol zones and assigning priorities is a technique used in
various surveillance and monitoring applications to optimize resource allocation and
coverage [5, 6].
- Route planning and optimization algorithms are widely used in logistics and
transportation problems, and can be adapted for patrol route planning [7, 8].

2. *Drone Deployment and Autonomous Patrol*:

- The use of drones equipped with cameras, thermal sensors, and GPS navigation
systems is a well-established approach in wildlife monitoring and anti-poaching efforts
[9, 10].
- Autonomous flight control systems and obstacle avoidance algorithms are essential
for safe and efficient drone operations, and are active areas of research in robotics and
computer vision [11, 12].
- Fail-safe mechanisms and contingency plans are critical for ensuring the reliability
and safety of drone operations, as recommended by various regulatory bodies [13, 14].

3. *Real-Time Surveillance and Detection*:

- Object detection, classification, and tracking using computer vision and deep learning
techniques are widely used in various applications, including surveillance and monitoring
[15, 16].
- Facial recognition technology and databases of known individuals are commonly
employed in security and law enforcement applications [17, 18].
- Pattern recognition and anomaly detection algorithms are crucial for identifying
suspicious activities or behaviors, and are active areas of research in machine learning
and data mining [19, 20].

4. *Poaching Incident Detection and Response*:

- Real-time monitoring and alert systems are essential for timely detection and
response to poaching incidents, as highlighted in various anti-poaching strategies [21,
- Coordinating rapid response efforts and providing situational awareness through live
video feeds and telemetry data is a common practice in law enforcement and emergency
response operations [23, 24].
- Continuous updating and refinement of models and algorithms based on field
experiences is a fundamental principle in machine learning and adaptive systems [25,
[1] Kyriakidis, P. C., Shortridge, A., & Goodchild, M. F. (1999). Geostatistics for conflation and
accuracy assessment of area‐class maps. International Journal of Geographical Information
Science, 13(7), 677-707.

[2] Nagendra, H., Rocchini, D., Ghate, R., Sharma, B., & Munroe, D. K. (2014). Satellite-Based
Monitoring of Environmental Dynamics in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region. In E. M. Younis
(Ed.), Mapping Environmental Dynamics (pp. 87-113). Springer Netherlands.

[3] Plumptre, A. J., Fuller, R. A., Mqsini, A., Andrisoa, P., Narengo, S., Traylor-Holzer, K., ... &
Fa, J. E. (2014). Efficiently combating wildlife crime. In B. Zarin (Ed.), Conservation for the
Anthropocene Ocean (pp. 161-192). Academic Press.

[4] Haines, A. M., Tewes, M. E., Laack, L. L., Horne, J. S., & Young, J. H. (2006). A habitat-
based population viability analysis for ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) in the United States.
Biological Conservation, 132(4), 424-436.

[5] Zięba, S., Więcek, P., & Wojciechowski, D. (2022). Optimization of patrol routes by means of
the multi-criteria genetic algorithm. Information, 13(4), 194.

[6] Sharma, A., Jha, P. C., & Dube, R. (2022). Multi-objective optimization for patrolling multiple
regions using unmanned aerial vehicles. Applied Intelligence, 52(2), 1564-1587.

[7] Lin, S., & Kernighan, B. W. (1973). An effective heuristic algorithm for the traveling-salesman
problem. Operations Research, 21(2), 498-516.

[8] Applegate, D. L., Bixby, R. E., Chvatal, V., & Cook, W. J. (2006). The traveling salesman
problem: a computational study. Princeton University Press.

[9] Mulero-Pázmány, M., Stoldt, M., Van Essen, L. D., Negro, J. J., & Sassen, T. (2014).
Remotely piloted aircraft systems as a rhinoceros anti-poaching tool in Africa. PLoS One, 9(1),

[10] Gonzalez, L. F., Montes, G. A., Puig, E., Johnson, S., Mengersen, K., & Gaston, K. J.
(2016). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and artificial intelligence revolutionizing wildlife
monitoring and conservation. Sensors, 16(1), 97.

[11] Yin, L., Savvaris, A., Masiar, A., & Tsourdos, A. (2022). A review on vision-based drone
navigation and obstacle avoidance. Sensors, 22(9), 3509.

[12] Dhiman, N., & Crespo, L. G. (2022). A review of autonomous obstacle avoidance
approaches for unmanned aerial vehicles. IEEE Access, 10, 10818-10846.
[13] FAA (2021). Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Federal Aviation Administration.

[14] EASA (2022). Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). European Union Aviation Safety Agency.

[15] Liu, L., Ouyang, W., Wang, X., Fieguth, P., Chen, J., Liu, X., & Pietikäinen, M. (2020). Deep
learning for generic object detection: A survey. International Journal of Computer Vision, 128(2),

[16] Zou, Z., Shi, Z., Guo, Y., & Ye, J. (2019). Object detection in 20 years: A survey. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1905.05055.

[17] Ngan, M. L., Grother, P. J., Hanaoka, K., Kansaku, K., & Martelli, C. (2021). Ongoing Face
Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT). NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR), 8280.

[18] Phillips, P. J., Wechsler, H., Huang, J., & Rauss, P. J. (1998). The FERET database and
evaluation procedure for face-recognition algorithms. Image and Vision Computing, 16(5), 295-

[19] Chandola, V., Banerjee, A., & Kumar, V. (2009). Anomaly detection: A survey. ACM
Computing Surveys (CSUR), 41(3), 1-58.

[20] Pimentel, M. A., Clifton, D. A., Clifton, L., & Tarassenko, L. (2014). A review of novelty
detection. Signal Processing, 99, 215-249.

[21] Mulero-Pázmány, M., Jenni-Eiermann, S., Strebel, N., Sattler, T., Negro, J. J., & Tablado,
Z. (2017). Unmanned aircraft systems as a new source of disturbance for wildlife: A systematic
review. PLoS One, 12(6), e0178448.

[22] Moro, M., Haque, A. N., Hicks, C., Bakiu, R., Shrestha, S., & Chhetri, B. B. K. (2021).
Application of drones for wildlife monitoring and conservation in Nepal. Remote Sensing, 13(22),

[23] Mademlis, I., Laoudias, C., Lykourentzou, I., Ant


import geopandas as gpd
import folium
import cv2
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime

# Environmental Mapping and Patrol Planning

reserve_map = gpd.read_file("reserve_map.geojson")
historical_data = pd.read_csv("poaching_incidents.csv")

# Step 1: Create detailed map

reserve_map = reserve_map.merge(historical_data, on="location")
m = reserve_map.explore()

# Step 2: Identify high-risk areas

high_risk_areas = reserve_map.loc[reserve_map["risk_score"] > 0.7]

# Step 3: Divide into patrol zones and assign priorities

zones = divide_into_zones(reserve_map, historical_data)
prioritized_zones = assign_priorities(zones, historical_data)

# Step 4: Plan patrol routes

patrol_routes = plan_routes(prioritized_zones)

# Drone Deployment and Autonomous Patrol

drones = []
for route in patrol_routes:
drone = Drone(route)

# Real-Time Surveillance and Detection

while True:
for drone in drones:
imagery = drone.capture_imagery()
thermal_data = drone.capture_thermal()

# Step 9: Capture data

detections = object_detection(imagery, thermal_data)

# Step 10: Apply deep learning algorithms

classified_detections = classify_objects(detections)

# Step 11: Facial recognition

known_poachers = facial_recognition(classified_detections)

# Step 12: Anomaly detection

suspicious_activities = anomaly_detection(classified_detections)

# Poaching Incident Detection and Response

if len(known_poachers) > 0 or len(suspicious_activities) > 0:
# Step 14: Trigger alerts
send_alert(known_poachers, suspicious_activities,

# Step 15: Notify anti-poaching teams

notify_teams(known_poachers, suspicious_activities,

# Step 16: Coordinate response

guide_response(known_poachers, suspicious_activities, drone)

# Step 17: Update and refine

update_models(classified_detections, known_poachers,

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