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attacks and ranged damage. This

modifier does not change over time if
the Archer burns their luck or gains

Francis Palmieri Speedy Reload: Starting at level 3 the

Archer can make 2 ranged attacks per
turn. And at level 6 they can make 3
Hit Points: An Archer gains 1D6 hit
attacks per turn. They do these attacks
points at each level.
with different dies then their normal
action die. They get ranged action dies
Weapon Proficiencies: An Archer is
(see Archer table).
trained in the use of these weapons: All
ranged weapons, dagger, shortsword,
Hobble: An Archer can attempt to
hand axe. An Archer typically wears
hobble opponents. They must declare
only up to hide due to the effects
they are attempting to hobble before
heavier armor has on archery.
they attack. They attack normally and if
they beat the target's AC by 2 or more
Alignment: An Archer does not have a
they successfully hobble the target. The
preferred alignment.
target can now only move at half speed
for the next 3 rounds.
Sharp-Shooter: An Archer suffers no
penalty when shooting at medium
range and at long range they only suffer
a -2 penalty. Additionally they suffer no
penalty when shooting into melee and
they only have a 25% chance of friendly

Hunter: An Archer gains bonuses to

sneak silently and hide checks (see
Archer table).

Lucky Shot: Starting at 1st level an

Archer gains hit luck bonus to all range
Level Attack Crit Action Sneak Speedy Ref Fort Will
Die/Table Dice Silently/Hide Reload
1 +1 1D10/II 1D20 +3 N/A +1 +1 0
2 +2 1D12/II 1D20 +5 N/A +1 +1 0
3 +3 1D14/II 1D20 +7 1D14 +2 +1 +1
4 +4 1D16/II 1D20 +8 1D16 +2 +2 +1
5 +5 1D20/II 1D20 + +9 1D20 +3 +2 +1
6 +6 1D24/II 1D20 + +11 1D20 + +4 +2 +2
1D16 1D14
7 +7 1D30/II 1D20 + +12 1D20 + +4 +3 +2
1D20 1D16
8 +8 1D30 + 1D20 + +13 1D20 + +5 +3 +2
2/II 1D20 1D20
9 +9 1D30 + 1D20 + +14 1D20 + +5 +3 +3
4/II 1D20 1D20
10 +10 1D30 + 1D20 + +15 1D20 + +6 +4 +3
6/II 1D20 + 1D20

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