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Narrator : In the middle of the hustle and bustle of Jakarta, there is a

school called SMAN Harapan Bangsa. This high school was
founded in 1970 by Mr [ ]. At that time, Mr [ ] felt sorry to
see the various children on the streets who had no hopes or
Narrator : Thus, Harapan Bangsa High School was built, a school that
aims to accommodate children who have high dreams and
aspirations so that they can become the nation's hope in the
Narrator : The school is a well-known school in Jakarta known for
producing bright and noble students who later become
successful in various fields. The school is truly a pride.
Narrator : Unfortunately, not all children who attend SMAN Harapan
Bangsa can be said to be good students. One of them is
Rivaldi. He is the son of a wealthy merchant, and he often
flaunts his wealth to his other friends. Ranging from shoes,
watches, and other luxury items, Rivaldi will indeed show
Narrator : One day, his father bought a new luxury car. Rivaldi
immediately asked his father to take him to school using the
Rivaldi : “Did dad buy this luxury car?”
His eyes see a black luxury car in his yard
Rivaldi’s Dad : “That's right, my son. I bought this car for you to go to
school. I hope you will be more enthusiastic about going to
school, okay?”
Rivaldi : “OKAAY. Thank you so much, dad!”
Narrator : Finally, Rivaldi was escorted by his driver to school in the
car. On the way, he saw Juliet on the road riding her bicycle.
Rivaldi : (talk to his driver) “Sir, sir sir! Drive the car slowly, please?
my friend is there.”
Driver : “Sure.”
The car approaches Juliet who is riding her bicycle.
Rivaldi : (shout) “Hey, Jul!”
Juliet : (look at Rivaldi while yawning) “Oh, hey Valdi! Good
Morning” (with a smile)
Rivaldi : (look condescendingly) “Today, how come you still go to
school by bicycle? It's not that time, you know?” (with
mocking tone)
Juliet : “Hehe, what else can I do? My parents are busy at work, so
I have to go alone. After all, riding a bicycle is also more
Rivaldi : “Halah, just say you have no money. Look, my father
bought a luxury car for me.”
Juliet : (little bit feel annoyed, try to smile) “Wow, that’s look
amazing!” (forced smile)
Rivaldi : “Of course, me!! All right, me first. Hurry up and go there,
you'll be late! Ahahahahaha” (while laughing)
Rivaldi's car immediately left Juliet quickly
Juliet coughs because of the fumes from Rivaldi’s car
Juliet : (grumble)
Narrator : When Rivaldi arrived at school, whispers were heard from
various angles. Rivaldi walked to class, holding his head high
because he knew what the other students were talking about.
Of course, he is.
Rivaldi walk up to the class and then he sit down in his chair
Suddenly, there’s a someone approached him
Amanda : “Val, the car outside is your car, isn't it?”
Rivaldi : “Absolutely, yes! Who else do you think kids here can
afford to buy such an expensive car?”
Amanda : “Wow, what's the price?”
Rivaldi : “Here, I'll let you know.” ( slightly louder voice to
sound one class )
Rivaldi : “The price of my car is . . .” ( suddenly smirk ) “you
won't be able to afford it.”
More whispers were heard. . . suddenly, the bell has sounded.
Rachel : “Oh yes Val, let me borrow a pen please. I left my pencil
case in my room this morning.”
Rivaldi : “Huh, can be like that? Yes, it's your own fault, why beg
Rachel : “Ish, come on. Just a moment, for the first hour and the
second. I will buy the pen when this class is over, I mean the
change class later. This is the problem, Mrs. Astri is about to
go to class now.” ( in a panic and pitiful tone )
Rivaldi : “No way. no, no, no. You know? The pens I have are
expensive pens, of the highest quality! Just the ink for
making it can get glitter. So that pen can only be used by
important people, like me! Really, I'm wasting expensive
pens to lend them to people like you. never!”
Rachel : “But---”
Mrs. Astri also entered the class.
Mrs. Astri : “Come on everyone please sit down in your seats.”
Rachel let out a breath as if resigned and returned to her seat.
Narrator : Rivaldi continued to act arrogant and cruel when his friends
asked for help, he even mocked his friends.
Narrator : During recess, Rivaldi went to the canteen to buy snacks.
On his return from the canteen, he accidentally bumped into
Kenneth and Olivia. this made his food fall scattered on the
floor and slightly on his uniform.
The snacks that Rivaldi’s bring fallin to the floor.
Rivaldi : “Do you have eyes or not?” ( in an angry tone ) “Look? my
clothes were dirty and my food was scattered on the floor.”
Kenneth : “I’m so sorry for this, Val.”
Olivia : “Me too.” (with a pitiful face)
Rivaldi : “What is sorry can make my food and uniform as before
again?” (annoyed)
Olivia : “I don’t think so, but I’m really sorry about your uniform
and food.”
Kenneth : “After all, we didn't do it on purpose and it's clear that you
also didn't avoid us when you walked here.”
When heard Kenneth say, he was getting annoyed.
Olivia tried to restrain Kenneth who was also provoked by emotion.
Kenneth : “Well, what do you want for forgiving us?”
Rivaldi : (thinking for a while) “You both will comply my wish.
please clean the food with your own hands, now.”
Kenneth : “Are you kidding me? You told us to clean this all up?”
Olivia : “Oh my god!” (closing her eyes while exhaling)
Rivaldi : “Yes, of course you will. Or you have to replace the snacks
that I have bought ten times over. I'm sure you won't be able
to replace it.”
Olivia : “Okay, sure.”
Olivia took out a tissue to clean up the food that had fallen on the floor.
while Kenneth was surprised by what Olivia was doing.
Kenneth : “What are you doing, Olivia? Are you crazy? Please stand
up now! Don’t clean it.”
Kenneth immediately grabbed Olivia's hand to get out of there and leave
Rivaldi staring intently at them.
Narrator : Many of Rivaldi's friends were annoyed by his bad
behavior, they were irritated by his always arrogant and cruel
Narrator : In the classroom, Kenneth and Olivia with an annoyed
expression sat down to their seats. there were Selena,
Amanda, Rachel and Juliet talking in the class.
Selena saw Kenneth's annoyed face.
Selena : “What’s happen with you, Ken?”
Rachel : “Did something make you mad?”
Amanda : “Oliv, what’s happen with you both?”
Olivia : “Kenneth got emotional with Rivaldi earlier in the
Selena : “What? The arrogant Rivaldi? Tell us what
Kenneth : “How can I’m not be annoyed, guys. Olivia and I
accidentally nudged Rivaldi and dropped his food on the
Juliet : “Oh my god!”
Olivia : “And his uniform got sauce on his snacks.”
Kenneth : “But, we already apologized to him. instead he asked us to
clean the food on the floor using our hands. How crazy he
Selena : “Rivaldy is really annoying.”
Rachel, Juliet : “Agree!”
Selena : “This morning I see Rachel didn't have her pen, so she
wanted to borrow one from Rivaldi. But, Rivaldi insulted
Rachel instead.”
Rachel : “That’s true, I was really mad with him.”
Juliet : “Fyi, and when I was went to school, he showed off his
expensive car to me.”
Kenneth : “Ew, dead meat! I really wish he get his karma.”
Olivia : “Suttt, don’t say like that. You’re freaking me out.”
Kenneth : “That person like Rivaldi must get his karma or he can’t
realize what he do.”
Selena : “I’m with you on that, Kenneth.”
Amanda : “Me too.”
Narrator : The school bell rang. All the students walked back to their
homes. Rivaldi goes home with his expensive car. But it
occurred to him that he wanted to show his friends that he
could drive a car. He also asked the driver to sit aside while
he started to drive his car to show his friends.
Rivaldi : “I want to ride this car by myself, you just sit beside me.”
Driver : “But, your father will be mad to me.”
Rivaldi : “Calm, I can handle it.”
Driver : “Are you sure can ride this car?”
Rivaldi : “I’m totally sure.”
Narrator : Rivaldi started driving his luxury car. he also slowed down
when he passed by Amanda and Selena who were going
home together.
Rivaldi : “When hot weather like this, you guys have use a car not a
bicycle like that.”
Selena : (looks at rivaldi with annoyance) “What's wrong with the
bike? watch out for karma, don’t be very arrogant to be a
Amanda : “Don’t listen to him, lets go home.”
Narrator : Shortly after, Rivaldi lost control. He could not distinguish
between the gas and the brakes on his car. He got into a car
crash and had to be taken to the hospital.
Narrator : When Rivaldi was in the hospital, no one bothered to visit
him. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he felt very lonely.
Narrator : The day finally came when Rivaldi was allowed to leave the
hospital. He was ecstatic and was ready to come back to
school. But when he arrived at school, nobody seemed to
care. He looked around as he walked to class and nobody
seemed to acknowledge his existence. It felt weird, but he
tried to ignore it.
Narrator : Once he got into class, he spotted Gozi talking to another
classmate. He decided to greet him.
Rivaldi : (cheerfully) “Yo Selena! What’s up?”
Selena : (turned her head around, looked at Rivaldi coldly) “Oh hey,
I’m good thanks.“ (turns her head back and continues her
Rivaldi : (confused) O…kay.. (walks to his seat)
(teacher comes into the room)
Teacher : “Good morning everybody!”
Students : “Good morning, miss!”
Teacher : “I hope everybody’s doing well, because we are gonna have
the exam I mentioned last week.”
(Rivaldi looks confused)
Teacher : “Rivaldi, I’m sure your friends have informed you while
you were in the hospital that we would be having an exam
Rivaldi : (nervously) “I- Um- Yes.. O-of course..”
Teacher : “Good, because. . .” (starts facing all the students) “this
exam is very important. It takes up 20% of your grade so I
hope you all have studied.”
(Teacher starts giving exam papers)
Narrator : Rivaldi was not informed about the exam, therefore he had
a hard time finishing. When the time was up, he had no
choice but to leave half the questions empty.
After the exam, Rivaldi asked Amanda.
Rivaldi : “Why you don’t inform to me about the exam, Man?”
Amanda : “Should I? I think your wealth told you in the hospital.”
Rivaldi : “Are you kidding me?”
Amanda : “Sorry,” (put on a lazy face)
Juliet : “Whats going on, Manda?”
Kenneth : “Ow, look at this one. Why you ask Amanda about not tell
you the exam? You have a power like your wealth to told you
about this. You don’t need us, correct me if I’m wrong.”
(mocking tone)
Rivaldi : “Are you that mean to me?”
Selena : “Don’t be playing victim, Val.”
Rivaldi : “No, I’m not.”
Selena : “Did yesterday's accident make you lose your memory?
maybe you really remember when you insulted me when I
went home by bicycle.”
Rivaldi : “Don't you feel sorry for me?”
Kenneth : “What a pity- no.”
Rivaldi was silent hearing the words of his friends.
Rivaldi left the class and ran towards the balcony behind the school
Rivaldi : “Have I been so annoying all this time?”
Rivaldi had tears in his eyes, he stroked his leg which was still wrapped
in bandages.
Rivaldi : “No one wants to be friends with me.”
Olivia : “Are you crying here?” (suddenly see Rivaldi in this
balcony when she walk from teachers office)
Olivia : “Sorry, I didn’t mean it.”
Olivia gives tissue to Rivaldi, and Rivaldi took the tissue.
Rivaldi : “Thank you.”
Olivia : “Anytime. By the way, I just want to say that you must
learn from this experience. Just take this as a lesson so you
can change for the better.”
Rivaldi : “I think it's too late. No one wants to be my friends.”
Olivia : “Who says? It is never too late.”
Rivaldi : “Really?” (looked at Olivia with a red nose)
Olivia : “Sure, you must trying to be the best person of yourself.
Don’t be an arrogant person like before.”
Narrator : Rivaldi pondered Olivia's words. At least those words
calmed him down a bit.
Narrator : Rivaldi is now little by little turning into a different person.
not arrogant and cruel as before. he is now very nice and
friendly. He’s always help his friends too. He realized that
pride would destroy a person. even wealth does not guarantee
happiness. Loneliness is even sadder. Rivaldi realized that it
was more fun to have lots of friends and being nice to
Kenneth : “Wow, I didn't expect that the arrogant rivaldi is much
better now.”
Selene : “Me too, he’s change to be a kindly person.
Olivia : “He has learned from his past mistakes.”

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