Soal B. Inggris

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Soal B.

Inggris :

1. What is the author's main argument in the passage?

"Exercise is not just about physical fitness; it also significantly enhances mental well-being
and cognitive function." a. Exercise is only important for physical health.
b. Exercise has no effect on mental well-being.
c. Exercise is important for both physical and mental health.
d. Exercise is a waste of time.
e. Exercise is only for athletes.
Jawaban: c

2. Why is it important to understand the cultural context of a literary work?

"Understanding the cultural background helps to fully appreciate the themes and
nuances of the story." a. To identify the author’s nationality.
b. To understand the exact time period.
c. To appreciate the themes and nuances more deeply.
d. To determine the length of the story.
e. To memorize the plot.
Jawaban: c

3. What is the effect of the dialogue on character development?

"Jessica's calm and reassuring words helped to establish her as a reliable and
empathetic leader." a. It makes Jessica appear unreliable.
b. It shows Jessica's indifference.
c. It highlights Jessica's leadership qualities and empathy.
d. It detracts from Jessica's character.
e. It has no effect on Jessica's character.
Jawaban: c

4. How does the author's use of foreshadowing contribute to the story?

"Hints of a coming storm throughout the early chapters create a sense of anticipation
and suspense." a. It reveals the story's ending.
b. It confuses the reader.
c. It builds anticipation and prepares the reader for future events.
d. It adds unnecessary details.
e. It misleads the reader.
Jawaban: c

5. What can be inferred about the author's attitude towards technology from the

"While technology has brought numerous benefits, it has also led to increased
isolation and decreased face-to-face interactions." a. The author believes technology
is solely beneficial.
b. The author is indifferent to technology.
c. The author acknowledges both the benefits and drawbacks of technology.
d. The author dislikes technology completely.
e. The author thinks technology is irrelevant.
Jawaban: c

6. What literary device is being used in the sentence, "The classroom was a zoo during the
lunch break"? a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Hyperbole
d. Personification
e. Alliteration
Jawaban: b

7. How does the setting influence the characters' actions in the story?

"Trapped in a snowstorm, the characters had to find creative ways to survive." a. It

made their actions predictable.
b. It had no effect on their actions.
c. It forced them to adapt and find solutions to their predicament.
d. It limited their ability to act.
e. It made their actions irrelevant.
Jawaban: c

8. What is the purpose of the rhetorical question used by the author?

"How can we stand by and do nothing while the environment is being destroyed?" a.
To provide an answer.
b. To express confusion.
c. To emphasize the urgency and importance of taking action.
d. To make the reader feel guilty.
e. To distract the reader.
Jawaban: c

9. Why is the character's decision significant to the plot development?

"John's decision to confront his fears and enter the haunted house was a turning point
in the story." a. It had no impact on the plot.
b. It added unnecessary details.
c. It was a minor aspect of the story.
d. It significantly advanced the plot and character development.
e. It confused the reader.
Jawaban: d

10. How does the author's choice of point of view affect the reader's understanding
of the story?

"Told from the first-person perspective, the reader gains intimate insight into the
protagonist's thoughts and feelings." a. It limits the reader's knowledge to one
character's perspective.
b. It confuses the reader with multiple viewpoints.
c. It makes the story less engaging.
d. It reveals the thoughts and feelings of all characters.
e. It distances the reader from the protagonist.
Jawaban: a

11. What can be inferred about the relationship between the characters?

"Despite their frequent arguments, Sarah and Tom always stood by each other in
times of need." a. Sarah and Tom dislike each other.
b. Sarah and Tom have a strained relationship.
c. Sarah and Tom have a strong and supportive relationship despite their differences.
d. Sarah and Tom never help each other.
e. Sarah and Tom are indifferent to each other's problems.
Jawaban: c

12. Which of the following best summarizes the theme of the passage?

"In the face of adversity, true friendship can be a source of strength and resilience." a.
Adversity always leads to failure.
b. True friendship is unnecessary.
c. Adversity can reveal the strength of true friendship.
d. Strength comes from individual effort.
e. Resilience is not related to friendship.
Jawaban: c

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