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Sample Paper BA Foreign Languages

No. Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

have been
1 I ___ to quit my job a week ago. have decided decided had decide
2 Rapunzel has beautiful _______. hairs hair hares hare
Look at that giant man. Have you ever
3 huge tall tallest taller
seen a ____ one?
He is ____ interested in what we are
4 talking about. He may be a spy of the not partly much ignoringly
other team.
The train to London stopped ___ the
5 station. On In At through

6 The tree lost ___ leaves. it its it's his

Neiville Longbottom was afraid of
7 lightening lightning lighting litting
Choose the correct homonym. Queen
8 Victoria's ___ was 63 years and seven reign rein rain ruin
Nikolas Tesla could use both his hands
9 ambidextrous amateur altruist amorphous
for writing. He was an ____.
I graduated from I did graduated I did passed out
I passed out from
10 Choose the correct sentence college in the from the college in from college in
college in 2022.
year 2022. 2022. 2022.
I go for a walk at I go for a walk at I go for a walk
I go for a walk at 7
11 Choose the correct sentence. 7 am in the 7 am at the in 7 at the
in the morning.
morning. morning. morning.
Sorry I can't talk Sorry I can't talk Sorry I am not Sorry I can't talk
12 Choose the correct sentence. right now, I'm right now, I'm out talking right now, right now, I'm
out of station. of town. I'm out of town. out of city.

Nice to know that Nice to know that Happy to know that Nice to know
you are from you are from you are from that you are
13 Choose the correct sentence. Dehradun. I also Dehradun. I also Dehradun. I also am from Dehradun.
am from am from from Dehradun I also am from
Dehradun only. Dehradun itself. only. Dehradun.

14 Keep ____. I am listening to you. To talk Talk To talking Talking

Choose the word which is most
15 opposite in meaning to the word Disobey Contradict Reject Obscure
Choose the correct antonym of the
16 Perish Disarm Adorn Disfigure
given word- Embellish
Building has been built _____ the new in accordance
17 in accordance to for about
plan. with
18 He was seen _____ to the school Went Going Gone Go
I ____ never seen such a picture
19 Did Was Have Has
20 Words of same sound are called? Soundnyms Antonyms Homonyms Synonyms

Gulliver’s Travels Gulliver’s Travels Gulliver’s Travels
Travels was
21 Choose the correct statement were written by are written by are wrote by
written by
Jonathan Swift. Jonathan Swift. Jonathan Swift.
Jonathan Swift.
Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by
22 1859 1861 1883 1885
Natural Selection came out in:
W.B. Yeats was awarded the Nobel
23 1921 1922 1923 1924
Prize for literature in:
Who was the first recipient of the
24 Sahitya Academi Award for English Mulk Raj Anand Nayantara Sehgal R.K. Narayan Raja Rao
Who is the author of the popular story Rabindranath
25 R.K. Narayan K.A. Abbas Mulk Raj Anand
“The Lost Child”? Tagore
I wish I could leave you my love but my
26 Leave Wish Is Love
heart is a mess. Identify
You may say I am a dreamer but I am
27 not the only one. In this sentence the Modal verb Conjunction Article Pronoun
word ‘may’ is
What is going on in that beautiful
mind, I am on your magical mystery
28 Adjective Conjunction Noun Verb
ride. In this sentence the word
‘beautiful’ is used as
You dare not eat ice cream in this
29 Preposition Conjunction Modal Verb Adjective
weather. In this sentence ‘dare’ is?
My name is Anthony Gonsalves. In this
30 Pronoun Adverb Adjective Interjection
sentence ‘my’ is?
Keep the book on the wooden table. In
31 Adverb Noun Article Adjective
this sentence ‘wooden’ is?

32 Who is the author of Panchatantra? Aesop Vyasa Vishnu Sharma Banabhatta

Which form of writing is O Henry
33 Novels Short Stories Drama Poetry
famous for?
34 Shakespeare's Macbeth is a: Tragedy Comedy Tragicomedy History
Which of these book series is NOT an Chronicles of Chicken Soup
35 Harry Potter Lord of the Rings
example of fantasy? Narnia for the Soul
Who was the author behind Sherlock Arthur Conan Somerset
36 Edgar Allan Poe O Henry
Holmes? Doyle Maugham
For creating which of these characters
37 Winnie the Pooh Garfield Pirate Blackbeard Zoro
is A. A. Milne famous for?
Panch Panch
Parmeshwar, Panch Parmeshwar, Parmeshwar,
Arrange the works in increasing order Ramayana, Abhijanashakuntala Abhijanashakun
38 Abhijananshakun
in terms of their length- Abhijanashakunta m, Mahabharata, talam,
talam, Panch
lam, Ramayana Ramayana,
Mahabharata Mahabharata
Select the odd one out of the
39 Nancy Drew Sapiens Famous Five Hardy Boys
Yuvak Noah
40 Who wrote The Jungle Book? Rudyard Kipling George Orwell R. K. Narayana
"She sells seashells by the seashore."
41 Which poetic device has been used Onomatopoeia Alliteration Metaphor Repetition
"Conscience is a man's compass."
42 Which literary device has been used Simile Personification Synecdoche Metaphor
43 Wings of Fire is the autobiography of: APJ Abdul Kalam Neil Armstrong Wright Brothers
In which of the following words is the
44 Biography Bicycle Bifurcation Binary
root ‘bi-’ meaning ‘two’ is NOT used?
Can be grasped
Can be felt Can be understood Are names of
45 Concrete nouns: using the physical
emotionally but not conveyed ideas
Who gave the famous speech, "I Have Pandit Jawaharlal Martin Luther
46 Abraham Lincoln Mahatma Gandhi
a Dream"? Nehru King Jr.
Munshi Premchand is the pseudonym
47 R. K. Narayana Raja Rao Dhanpat Rai Bhishma Sahani
The author of the suspense thriller The
48 Jeffrey Archer Dan Brown Sidney Sheldon Robert Ludlum
Da Vinci Code is:
The Cheshire Cat in Alice in Glass eyes and Mischievous
49 Scary laughter Ability to talk
Wonderland is known for its- golden teeth grin
50 Swami and his Friends is set in: Malgudi Ratnapuri Varanasi Dehradun
_______________ is a traditional art
51 Warli Pattachitra Aipan Tanjore
form of Uttarakhand.
Cannes film festival is held in :
52 France Spain Portugal Italy

Which of the following is NOT a

53 Inexpensive Economical Low cost Dear
synonym for the word AFFORDABLE?
An illness
An eye for an eye means: Exchange of
54 Reciprocal Justice Gender equality affecting the
As per the recent announcement from
the US government, which
55 technological company is developing a Microsoft Google Facebook Amazon
website to help with coronavirus test?
India signed Basic Exchange and
56 Cooperation Agreement (BECA) with Russia France United States Brazil
which country?
European Organization for Nuclear
Research –CERN has recently
57 suspended the observer status of France Russia USA Ukraine
which country?

Which country has passed the ‘Turban

Day Act’ to celebrate Turban Day every
58 Australia Canada France New Zealand

Our country is Spiritual country, theirs

59 _________ religious. is are also have

to be in good
60 To keep one’s temper means to be hungry to be aloof from none of these
Back to original to return to place
61 To drive home. to find one’s root to emphasize
position of rest
Which country has announced to
donate 500 million doses of COVID-19
62 Russia USA China New Zealand
vaccine to lower income countries
through COVAX alliance?
Which country holds the Presidency of
63 G7 in 2021? USA Germany UK France

Rajeev failed in the examination

64 because none of his answers were allusive revealing referential pertinent
_________ to the questions asked.
Who is known as the metro man of Montek Singh
65 C Rangarajan E Sreedharan Ratan Tata
India? Ahluwalia
Which agreement was signed at the Shimla Tashkent None of the
66 Delhi declaration
end of India-Pakistan war of 1971? Agreement declaration above

Which Indian state shares only one

67 Goa Punjab Nagaland Sikkim
border with another Indian state?
Which state is the largest producer of
68 West Bengal Uttar Pradesh Punjab Andhra Pradesh
rice in India?
What is the oldest mountain range in
69 Himalaya Aravalli Starupa Nilgiri
70 What is sakura? a city a fruit a flower a dish

71 What is the official currency of Japan? dollar won yen yuan

National Youth day is celebrated in the Subhash Chandra None of the
72 Jawaharlal Nehru Swami Vivekananda
memory of Bose above
73 When is Hindi divas celebrated? October 7th September 14th November 11th June 13
For which book did Arundhati Roy win The God of
74 The Ghost Road Last Orders White Tiger
a Booker prize? Small Things
75 Which is a synonym of “eminent”? Effective Ground Famous General
How long have they __________
76 Wait Waiting Will wait Been waiting
I was _________ exhausted by the end
77 Extremely Very Completely Incredibly
of the day
I wish he _______ so rude to people
78 Didn’t be Hadn’t be Wouldn’t be Couldn’t been
when we go out
She ____________ have short brown
79 Before Used to Use to Didn't
hair but now it’s long
Look at this series: 12, 11, 13, 12, 14,
80 10 16 13 15
13, … What number should come next?

Look at this series: 36, 34, 30, 28, 24, …

81 22 26 23 20
What number should come next?

82 Which word is the odd one out? Trivial Unimportant Important Insignificant
Which word does NOT belong with the
83 Index Glossary Chapter Book
84 Cup:Lip::Bird:? Grass Forest Beak Bush
What was the currency of Austria
85 Guilder Mark Taler Schilling
before Euro was introduced?
Which of the following is not a German
86 Mercedes Benz BMW Skoda Volkswagen
car manufacturer?
The battle of Stalingrad was a decisive
87 Cold War Balkan War World War I World War II
battle in _______?
Which italian city is associated with the
88 Florence Verona Rome Naples
origin of pizza?
89 which flag is the odd one out? France Germany Italy Belgium
The Shinkansen bullet train belongs to
90 Japan Taiwan South Korea China
_________ ?
In 1683 who laid the second siege at
91 Hungary Ottoman Empire France Russia
What was the common name of the
92 bubonic plague in Europe in the 13th Black Death White Death Purple Death Red Death
Which country is called the land of
93 Japan Russia Sweden Norway
midnight sun?
The Little Mermaid was written by Hans Christian
94 Jacob Grimm Ludwig Bechstein Wilhelm Hauff
_______ ? Andersen
North Rhein
95 Which is the largest state in Germany? Lower Saxony Hamburg Bavara
Indonesia and Indonesia and Malaysia and Indonesia and
96 Malacca Strait is between _________?
Australia Malaysia Brunei Phillippines
Which country does not have Euro as
97 Italy Portugal Poland Estonia
its currency?
98 Which is not a city in the UAE? Muscat Dubai Fujairah Ajman
99 Which is the newest country in Africa? Rwanda Chad Botswana South Sudan
In which south american country
100 mount Aconcagua, the highest peak Chile Argentina Brazil Paraguay
outside Asia is located?

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