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Jonah ‫יֹוָנה‬

Chapter 1

‫יֹוָנה‬-‫ ֶא ל‬,‫ְיהָוה‬-‫ ְּד ַבר‬,‫ א ַוְיִהי‬1 Now the word of the LORD came
unto Jonah the son of Amittai,
.‫ ֵלאֹמר‬,‫ֲא ִמַּת י‬-‫ ֶבן‬saying:
‫ ָהִעיר‬,‫ִניְנֵוה‬-‫ ב קּום ֵלְך ֶא ל‬2 'Arise, go to Nineveh, that great
city, and proclaim against it; for
‫ָעְלָת ה‬-‫ ִּכי‬:‫ּוְקָר א ָעֶליָה‬--‫ ַהְּגדֹוָלה‬their wickedness is come up before
.‫ ְלָפָני‬,‫ ָר ָעָת ם‬Me.'
,‫ ג ַוָּיָקם יֹוָנה ִלְב ֹרַח ַּת ְר ִׁשיָׁש ה‬3 But Jonah rose up to flee unto
Tarshish from the presence of the
‫ ִמִּלְפֵני ְיהָוה; ַו ֵּיֶר ד ָיפֹו ַוִּיְמ ָצא‬LORD; and he went down to Joppa,
‫ ַו ִּיֵּת ן ְׂש ָכָר ּה‬,‫ ֳא ִנָּיה ָּבָאה ַת ְר ִׁשיׁש‬and found a ship going to Tarshish;
,‫ ַו ֵּיֶר ד ָּבּה ָלבֹוא ִעָּמֶהם ַּת ְר ִׁשיָׁש ה‬so he paid the fare thereof, and went
down into it, to go with them unto
.‫ ְיהָוה‬,‫ ִמִּלְפֵני‬Tarshish, from the presence of the
‫ְּגדֹוָלה‬-‫ ֵהִטיל רּוַח‬,‫ ד ַויהָוה‬4 But the LORD hurled a great wind
into the sea, and there was a mighty
;‫ ַּבָּים‬,‫ָּגדֹול‬-‫ ַוְיִהי ַסַער‬,‫ַהָּים‬-‫ ֶא ל‬tempest in the sea, so that the ship
.‫ ִחְּׁשָבה ְלִהָּׁשֵבר‬,‫ ְוָהֳא ִנָּיה‬was like to be broken.
‫ ַוִּיְזֲעקּו ִאיׁש‬,‫ ה ַוִּייְר אּו ַהַּמָּלִחים‬5 And the mariners were afraid, and
cried every man unto his god; and
‫ַהֵּכִלים‬-‫ ַוָּיִטלּו ֶא ת‬,‫ֱא ֹלָהיו‬-‫ ֶא ל‬they cast forth the wares that were in
‫ ְלָהֵקל‬,‫ַהָּים‬-‫ ֲא ֶׁש ר ָּבֳא ִנָּיה ֶא ל‬the ship into the sea, to lighten it
‫ַיְר ְּכֵת י‬-‫ ָיַר ד ֶא ל‬,‫ ֵמ ֲעֵליֶהם; ְויֹוָנה‬unto them. But Jonah was gone
down into the innermost parts of the
.‫ ַו ֵּיָר ַד ם‬,‫ ַוִּיְׁש ַּכב‬,‫ ַהְּסִפיָנה‬ship; and he lay, and was fast asleep.
‫ ַוֹּיאֶמ ר‬,‫ו ַוִּיְק ַר ב ֵא ָליו ַר ב ַה ֹחֵבל‬ 6 So the shipmaster came to him,
and said unto him: 'What meanest
‫ ְק ָר א‬,‫ְּלָך ִנְר ָּד ם; קּום‬-‫לֹו ַמ ה‬ thou that thou sleepest? arise, call
‫אּוַלי ִיְת ַעֵּׁשת‬--‫ֱאֹלֶהיָך‬-‫ֶא ל‬ upon thy God, if so be that God will
think upon us, that we perish not.'
.‫ ְוֹלא ֹנאֵבד‬,‫ָהֱאֹלִהים ָלנּו‬
‫ ְלכּו‬,‫ֵר ֵעהּו‬-‫ ז ַוֹּיאְמ רּו ִאיׁש ֶא ל‬7 And they said every one to his
fellow: 'Come, and let us cast lots,
‫ ְּבֶׁשְּלִמי‬,‫ ְוֵנְד ָעה‬,‫ ְוַנִּפיָלה גֹוָר לֹות‬that we may know for whose cause
,‫ ּגֹוָר לֹות‬,‫ ָהָר ָעה ַהֹּזאת ָלנּו; ַו ַּיִּפלּו‬this evil is upon us.' So they cast
.‫יֹוָנה‬-‫ ַעל‬,‫ ַוִּיֹּפל ַהּגֹוָר ל‬lots, and the lot fell upon Jonah.
,‫ָּנא ָלנּו‬-‫ַהִּגיָד ה‬--‫ ח ַוֹּיאְמ רּו ֵא ָליו‬8 Then said they unto him: 'Tell us,
we pray thee, for whose cause this
:‫ָהָר ָעה ַהֹּזאת ָלנּו‬-‫ ַּבֲא ֶׁש ר ְלִמ י‬evil is upon us: what is thine
‫ָמה‬--‫ ּוֵמַאִין ָּת בֹוא‬,‫ְּמַלאְכְּת ָך‬-‫ ַמ ה‬occupation? and whence comest
.‫ִמ ֶּזה ַעם ָאָּת ה‬-‫ ְוֵא י‬,‫ ַאְר ֶצָך‬thou? what is thy country? and of
what people art thou?'
;‫ ִעְבִר י ָאֹנִכי‬,‫ט ַוֹּיאֶמ ר ֲאֵליֶהם‬ 9 And he said unto them: 'I am an
Hebrew; and I fear the LORD, the
‫ ֲא ִני‬,‫ְיהָוה ֱא ֹלֵהי ַהָּׁשַמ ִים‬-‫ְוֶאת‬ God of heaven, who hath made the
,‫ַהָּים‬-‫ָעָׂשה ֶא ת‬-‫ ֲא ֶׁש ר‬,‫ָיֵר א‬ sea and the dry land.'
.‫ַה ַּיָּבָׁש ה‬-‫ְוֶאת‬
,‫י ַוִּייְר אּו ָהֲא ָנִׁשים ִיְר ָאה ְגדֹוָלה‬ 10 Then were the men exceedingly
afraid, and said unto him: 'What is
: ‫ֹּזאת ָעִׂשיָת‬-‫ַוֹּיאְמ רּו ֵאָליו ַמ ה‬ this that thou hast done?' For the
‫ִמ ִּלְפֵני ְיהָוה‬-‫ ִּכי‬,‫ָיְד עּו ָהֲא ָנִׁש ים‬-‫ִּכי‬ men knew that he fled from the
presence of the LORD, because he
.‫ ָלֶהם‬,‫ִּכי ִהִּגיד‬--‫הּוא ֹבֵר ַח‬ had told them.
,‫ַּנֲעֶׂשה ָּלְך‬-‫יא ַוֹּיאְמ רּו ֵאָליו ַמ ה‬ 11 Then said they unto him: 'What
shall we do unto thee, that the sea
,‫ ִּכי ַהָּים‬:‫ְוִיְׁש ֹּתק ַהָּים ֵמ ָעֵלינּו‬ may be calm unto us?' for the sea
.‫הֹוֵלְך ְו ֹסֵער‬ grew more and more tempestuous.

‫ ָׂש אּוִני‬,‫יב ַוֹּיאֶמ ר ֲא ֵליֶהם‬ 12 And he said unto them: 'Take me

up, and cast me forth into the sea; so
,‫ ְוִיְׁש ֹּתק ַהָּים‬,‫ַהָּים‬-‫ַוֲהִטיֻלִני ֶא ל‬ shall the sea be calm unto you; for I
,‫ ִּכי ְבֶׁשִּלי‬,‫ יֹוֵד ַע ָאִני‬,‫ ִּכי‬:‫ֵמ ֲעֵליֶכם‬ know that for my sake this great
tempest is upon you.'
.‫ַהַּסַער ַהָּגדֹול ַהֶּזה ֲעֵליֶכם‬
‫ ְלָהִׁשיב‬,‫יג ַוַּיְחְּת רּו ָהֲא ָנִׁש ים‬ 13 Nevertheless the men rowed hard
to bring it to the land; but they could
,‫ ִּכי ַהָּים‬:‫ְוֹלא ָיֹכלּו‬--‫ַה ַּיָּבָׁשה‬-‫ֶא ל‬ not; for the sea grew more and more
.‫הֹוֵלְך ְו ֹסֵער ֲעֵליֶהם‬ tempestuous against them.

,‫ְיהָוה ַוֹּיאְמ רּו‬-‫יד ַוִּיְק ְר אּו ֶא ל‬ 14 Wherefore they cried unto the
LORD, and said: 'We beseech Thee,
‫ָנא ֹנאְבָד ה ְּבֶנֶפׁש‬-‫ָא ָּנה ְיהָוה ַאל‬ O LORD, we beseech Thee, let us
‫ ָּד ם‬,‫ִּת ֵּת ן ָעֵלינּו‬-‫ ְוַאל‬,‫ָהִאיׁש ַהֶּזה‬ not perish for this man's life, and lay
not upon us innocent blood; for
‫ ַּכֲא ֶׁש ר‬,‫ַאָּת ה ְיהָוה‬-‫ ִּכי‬:‫ָנִקיא‬ Thou, O LORD, hast done as it
. ‫ָחַפְצָּת ָעִׂשיָת‬ pleased Thee.'
,‫ ַוְיִטֻלהּו‬,‫יֹוָנה‬-‫ ֶאת‬,‫ טו ַוִּיְׂשאּו‬15 So they took up Jonah, and cast
him forth into the sea; and the sea
.‫ ִמ ַּזְעּפֹו‬,‫ַהָּים; ַוַּיֲעֹמד ַהָּים‬-‫ ֶא ל‬ceased from its raging.
,‫טז ַוִּייְר אּו ָהֲא ָנִׁשים ִיְר ָאה ְגדֹוָלה‬ 16 Then the men feared the LORD
exceedingly; and they offered a
,‫ ַליהָוה‬,‫ֶזַבח‬-‫ְיהָוה; ַוִּיְזְּבחּו‬-‫ֶא ת‬ sacrifice unto the LORD, and made
.‫ ְנָד ִר ים‬,‫ַו ִּיְּד רּו‬ vows.

Chapter 2

‫ ִלְבֹלַע‬,‫ א ַוְיַמ ן ְיהָוה ָּד ג ָּגדֹול‬1 And the LORD prepared a great
fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah
,‫יֹוָנה; ַוְיִהי יֹוָנה ִּבְמ ֵעי ַהָּד ג‬-‫ ֶא ת‬was in the belly of the fish three
.‫ ְׁשֹלָׁשה ָיִמים ּוְׁשֹלָׁש ה ֵלילֹות‬days and three nights.
,‫ְיהָוה ֱאֹלָהיו‬-‫ ֶא ל‬,‫ ב ַוִּיְת ַּפֵּלל יֹוָנה‬2 Then Jonah prayed unto the
LORD his God out of the fish's
.‫ ַהָּד ָגה‬,‫ ִמְּמ ֵעי‬belly.
‫ ָק ָר אִת י ִמ ָּצָר ה ִלי‬,‫ ג ַוֹּיאֶמ ר‬3 And he said: I called out of mine
affliction unto the LORD, and He
‫ַוַּיֲעֵנִני; ִמֶּבֶטן ְׁש אֹול‬--‫ְיהָוה‬-‫ ֶא ל‬answered me; out of the belly of the
.‫ ָׁשַמ ְעָּת קֹוִלי‬,‫ ִׁש ַּוְעִּת י‬nether-world cried I, and Thou
heardest my voice.
,‫ד ַוַּת ְׁשִליֵכִני ְמ צּוָלה ִּבְלַבב ַיִּמ ים‬ 4 For Thou didst cast me into the
depth, in the heart of the seas, and
,‫ִמ ְׁשָּבֶר יָך ְוַגֶּליָך‬-‫ְוָנָהר ְיֹסְבֵבִני; ָּכל‬ the flood was round about me; all
.‫ָעַלי ָעָברּו‬ Thy waves and Thy billows passed
over me.
‫ ִנְגַר ְׁשִּת י ִמ ֶּנֶגד‬,‫ ה ַוֲא ִני ָאַמ ְר ִּת י‬5 And I said: 'I am cast out from
before Thine eyes'; yet I will look
,‫ ֵעיֶניָך; ַאְך אֹוִסיף ְלַהִּביט‬again toward Thy holy temple.
.‫ֵהיַכל ָק ְד ֶׁשָך‬-‫ֶא ל‬
‫ ְּת הֹום‬,‫ֶנֶפׁש‬-‫ ו ֲא ָפפּוִני ַמִים ַעד‬6 The waters compassed me about,
even to the soul; the deep was round
.‫ ָחבּוׁש ְלֹראִׁש י‬,‫ ְיֹסְבֵבִני; סּוף‬about me; the weeds were wrapped
about my head.
‫ ָהָאֶר ץ‬,‫ ז ְלִקְצֵבי ָהִר ים ָיַר ְד ִּת י‬7 I went down to the bottoms of the
mountains; the earth with her bars
‫ ְּבִר ֶחיָה ַבֲעִד י ְלעֹוָלם; ַוַּת ַעל‬closed upon me for ever; yet hast
.‫ ְיהָוה ֱאֹלָהי‬,‫ ִמַּׁשַחת ַחַּיי‬Thou brought up my life from the
pit, O LORD my God.
‫ְיהָוה‬-‫ ֶאת‬,‫ ח ְּבִהְת ַעֵּטף ָעַלי ַנְפִׁש י‬8 When my soul fainted within me, I
remembered the LORD; and my
,‫ ָזָכְר ִּת י; ַוָּת בֹוא ֵאֶליָך ְּת ִפָּלִת י‬prayer came in unto Thee, into Thy
.‫ֵהיַכל ָק ְד ֶׁשָך‬-‫ ֶא ל‬holy temple.
,‫ַחְסָּד ם‬--‫ָׁש ְוא‬-‫ ַהְבֵלי‬,‫ ט ְמַׁשְּמ ִר ים‬9 They that regard lying vanities
forsake their own mercy.
,‫ָּלְך‬-‫ ְּבקֹול ּתֹוָד ה ֶאְזְּבָחה‬,‫ י ַוֲא ִני‬10 But I will sacrifice unto Thee
with the voice of thanksgiving; that
,‫ ְיׁשּוָעָת ה‬:‫ ֲאַׁשֵּלָמ ה‬,‫ ֲא ֶׁש ר ָנַד ְר ִּת י‬which I have vowed I will pay.
}‫ {ס‬.‫ ַליהָוה‬Salvation is of the LORD. {S}
‫ ַלָּד ג; ַוָּיֵקא‬,‫ יא ַוֹּיאֶמ ר ְיהָוה‬11 And the LORD spoke unto the
fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon
}‫ {פ‬.‫ַה ַּיָּבָׁשה‬-‫ ֶא ל‬,‫יֹוָנה‬-‫ ֶא ת‬the dry land. {P}

Chapter 3

‫ ֵׁש ִנית‬,‫יֹוָנה‬-‫ְיהָוה ֶא ל‬-‫ א ַוְיִהי ְד ַבר‬1 And the word of the LORD came
unto Jonah the second time, saying:
‫ ָהִעיר‬,‫ִניְנֵוה‬-‫ ב קּום ֵלְך ֶא ל‬2 'Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great
city, and make unto it the
‫ַהְּגדֹוָלה; ּוְקָר א ֵא ֶליָה‬
‫ ֲא ֶׁש ר ָאֹנִכי ֹּדֵבר‬,‫ַהְּק ִר יָאה‬-‫ ֶא ת‬proclamation that I bid thee.'
.‫ֵא ֶליָך‬
--‫ִניְנֵוה‬-‫ ַוֵּיֶלְך ֶאל‬,‫ ג ַוָּיָקם יֹוָנה‬3 So Jonah arose, and went unto
Nineveh, according to the word of
‫ ָהְיָת ה‬,‫ ִּכְד ַבר ְיהָוה; ְוִניְנֵוה‬the LORD. Now Nineveh was an
,‫ַמֲהַלְך‬--‫ְּגדֹוָלה ֵלאֹלִהים‬-‫ ִעיר‬exceeding great city, of three days'
.‫ ְׁשֹלֶׁשת ָיִמ ים‬journey.
‫ ַמֲהַלְך‬,‫ ד ַוָּיֶחל יֹוָנה ָלבֹוא ָבִעיר‬4 And Jonah began to enter into the
city a day's journey, and he
‫ עֹוד‬,‫ ַוֹּיאַמ ר‬,‫ יֹום ֶא ָחד; ַוִּיְק ָר א‬proclaimed, and said: 'Yet forty
.‫ ְוִניְנֵוה ֶנְהָּפֶכת‬,‫ ַאְר ָּבִעים יֹום‬days, and Nineveh shall be
;‫ ֵּבאֹלִהים‬,‫ ה ַוַּיֲא ִמינּו ַאְנֵׁשי ִניְנֵוה‬5 And the people of Nineveh
believed God; and they proclaimed a
,‫צֹום ַוִּיְלְּבׁשּו ַׂש ִּקים‬-‫ ַוִּיְק ְר אּו‬fast, and put on sackcloth, from the
.‫ְקַטָּנם‬-‫ ִמְּגדֹוָלם ְוַעד‬greatest of them even to the least of
,‫ֶמֶלְך ִניְנֵוה‬-‫ ֶא ל‬,‫ו ַו ִּיַּגע ַהָּד ָבר‬ 6 And the tidings reached the king
of Nineveh, and he arose from his
‫ ַוַּיֲעֵבר ַא ַּד ְר ּתֹו‬,‫ַוָּיָקם ִמ ִּכְסאֹו‬ throne, and laid his robe from him,
‫ ַוֵּיֶׁשב‬,‫ֵמ ָעָליו; ַוְיַכס ַׂש ק‬ and covered him with sackcloth, and
sat in ashes.
.‫ָהֵא ֶפר‬-‫ַעל‬
‫ ִמַּטַעם‬,‫ ַוֹּיאֶמ ר ְּבִניְנֵוה‬,‫ז ַוַּיְזֵעק‬ 7 And he caused it to be proclaimed
and published through Nineveh by
‫ ָהָאָד ם‬:‫ ֵלאֹמר‬,‫ַהֶּמֶלְך ּוְגֹדָליו‬ the decree of the king and his
‫ִיְטֲעמּו‬-‫ ַאל‬,‫ְוַהְּבֵהָמה ַהָּבָקר ְוַהֹּצאן‬ nobles, saying: 'Let neither man nor
beast, herd nor flock, taste any thing;
‫ ּוַמ ִים‬,‫ִיְר עּו‬-‫ַאל‬--‫ְמאּוָמ ה‬ let them not feed, nor drink water;
‫ ָהָאָד ם‬,‫ח ְוִיְת ַּכּסּו ַׂש ִּקים‬ 8 but let them be covered with
sackcloth, both man and beast, and
,‫ֱאֹלִהים‬-‫ ְוִיְק ְר אּו ֶא ל‬,‫ְוַהְּבֵהָמה‬ let them cry mightily unto God; yea,
‫ ִא יׁש ִמ ַּד ְר ּכֹו‬,‫ְּבָחְזָקה; ְוָיֻׁשבּו‬ let them turn every one from his evil
way, and from the violence that is in
‫ ֲא ֶׁש ר‬,‫ֶהָחָמס‬-‫ ּוִמ ן‬,‫ָהָר ָעה‬
.‫ְּבַכֵּפיֶהם‬ their hands.

;‫ ְוִנַחם ָהֱא ֹלִהים‬,‫יֹוֵד ַע ָיׁשּוב‬-‫ט ִמ י‬ 9 Who knoweth whether God will

not turn and repent, and turn away
.‫ ְוֹלא ֹנאֵבד‬,‫ְוָׁשב ֵמֲחרֹון ַא ּפֹו‬ from His fierce anger, that we perish
,‫ַמ ֲעֵׂשיֶהם‬-‫ י ַו ַּיְר א ָהֱאֹלִהים ֶא ת‬10 And God saw their works, that
they turned from their evil way; and
‫ָׁשבּו ִמ ַּד ְר ָּכם ָהָר ָעה; ַו ִּיָּנֶחם‬-‫ ִּכי‬God repented of the evil, which He
‫ִּד ֶּבר‬-‫ָהָר ָעה ֲאֶׁש ר‬-‫ ַעל‬,‫ ָהֱאֹלִהים‬said He would do unto them; and He
.‫ְוֹלא ָעָׂש ה‬--‫ָלֶהם‬-‫ ַלֲעׂשֹות‬did it not.
Chapter 4

;‫ ָר ָעה ְגדֹוָלה‬,‫יֹוָנה‬-‫ א ַו ֵּיַר ע ֶא ל‬1 But it displeased Jonah

exceedingly, and he was angry.
.‫ לֹו‬,‫ַוִּיַחר‬
‫ ָא ָּנה‬,‫ְיהָוה ַוֹּיאַמ ר‬-‫ ב ַוִּיְת ַּפֵּלל ֶא ל‬2 And he prayed unto the LORD,
and said: 'I pray Thee, O LORD,
‫ֱהיֹוִת י‬-‫ֶזה ְד ָבִר י ַעד‬-‫ ְיהָוה ֲהלֹוא‬was not this my saying, when I was
‫ ִלְב ֹרַח‬,‫ֵּכן ִק ַּד ְמִּת י‬-‫ַעל‬--‫ַאְד ָמ ִת י‬-‫ ַעל‬yet in mine own country? Therefore
‫ ִּכי ַאָּת ה‬,‫ ִּכי ָיַד ְעִּת י‬:‫ ַּת ְר ִׁשיָׁש ה‬II fled beforehand unto Tarshish; for
knew that Thou art a gracious God,
‫ ֶא ֶר ְך ַאַּפִים‬,‫ַחּנּון ְוַר חּום‬-‫ ֵא ל‬and compassionate, long-suffering,
.‫ָהָר ָעה‬-‫ ְוִנָחם ַעל‬,‫ֶחֶסד‬-‫ ְוַר ב‬and abundant in mercy, and
repentest Thee of the evil.
‫ַנְפִׁשי‬-‫ָנא ֶא ת‬-‫ ַקח‬,‫ ג ְוַעָּת ה ְיהָוה‬3 Therefore now, O LORD, take, I
beseech Thee, my life from me; for
}‫ {ס‬.‫ ֵמַחָּיי‬,‫ ִּכי טֹוב מֹוִת י‬:‫ ִמֶּמ ִּני‬it is better for me to die than to
live.' {S}
.‫ ַהֵהיֵטב ָחָר ה ָלְך‬,‫ד ַוֹּיאֶמ ר ְיהָוה‬ 4 And the LORD said: 'Art thou
greatly angry?'
‫ ַוֵּיֶׁש ב‬,‫ָהִעיר‬-‫ ה ַוֵּיֵצא יֹוָנה ִמ ן‬5 Then Jonah went out of the city,
and sat on the east side of the city,
,‫ ִמ ֶּק ֶד ם ָלִעיר; ַוַּיַעׂש לֹו ָׁשם ֻסָּכה‬and there made him a booth, and sat
‫ ַעד ֲא ֶׁש ר‬,‫ ַוֵּיֶׁשב ַּת ְחֶּת יָה ַּבֵּצל‬under it in the shadow, till he might
.‫ִּיְהֶיה ָּבִעיר‬-‫ ַמ ה‬,‫ ִיְר ֶא ה‬see what would become of the city.
‫ֱא ֹלִהים ִקיָק יֹון ַוַּיַעל‬-‫ ו ַוְיַמ ן ְיהָוה‬6 And the LORD God prepared a
gourd, and made it to come up over
,‫ֹראׁשֹו‬-‫ ִלְהיֹות ֵצל ַעל‬,‫ ֵמ ַעל ְליֹוָנה‬Jonah, that it might be a shadow
‫ ֵמ ָר ָעתֹו; ַוִּיְׂשַמח יֹוָנה‬,‫ ְלַהִּציל לֹו‬over his head, to deliver him from
.‫ ִׂש ְמָחה ְגדֹוָלה‬,‫ַהִּקיָקיֹון‬-‫ ַעל‬his evil. So Jonah was exceeding
glad because of the gourd.
‫ ַּבֲעלֹות‬,‫ ז ַוְיַמ ן ָהֱאֹלִהים ּתֹוַלַעת‬7 But God prepared a worm when
the morning rose the next day, and it
,‫ַהִּקיָקיֹון‬-‫ ַהַּׁשַחר ַלָּמֳחָר ת; ַוַּת ְך ֶא ת‬smote the gourd, that it withered.
‫ ַוְיַמ ן‬,‫ ח ַוְיִהי ִּכְזֹרַח ַהֶּׁש ֶמׁש‬8 And it came to pass, when the sun
arose, that God prepared a vehement
‫ ַוַּת ְך‬,‫ ֱא ֹלִהים רּוַח ָק ִד ים ֲחִר יִׁשית‬east wind; and the sun beat upon the
;‫ ַוִּיְת ַעָּלף‬,‫ֹראׁש יֹוָנה‬-‫ ַהֶּׁשֶמׁש ַעל‬head of Jonah, that he fainted, and
,‫ ַוֹּיאֶמ ר‬,‫ ָלמּות‬,‫ַנְפׁשֹו‬-‫ ַוִּיְׁשַאל ֶאת‬requested for himself that he might
die, and said: 'It is better for me to
.‫ טֹוב מֹוִת י ֵמַחָּיי‬die than to live.'
,‫יֹוָנה‬-‫ ט ַוֹּיאֶמ ר ֱאֹלִהים ֶא ל‬9 And God said to Jonah: 'Art thou
greatly angry for the gourd?' And he
;‫ַהִּקיָק יֹון‬-‫ְלָך ַעל‬-‫ ַהֵהיֵטב ָחָר ה‬said: 'I am greatly angry, even unto
.‫ָמ ֶות‬-‫ִלי ַעד‬-‫ ֵהיֵטב ָחָר ה‬,‫ ַוֹּיאֶמ ר‬death.'
‫ַאָּת ה ַחְסָּת‬--‫ י ַוֹּיאֶמ ר ְיהָוה‬10 And the LORD said: 'Thou hast
had pity on the gourd, for which
‫ָעַמְלָּת ּבֹו‬-‫ ֲא ֶׁש ר ֹלא‬,‫ַהִּקיָקיֹון‬-‫ ַעל‬thou hast not laboured, neither
,‫ַלְיָלה ָהָיה‬-‫ ֶׁשִּבן‬:‫ ְוֹלא ִגַּד ְלּתֹו‬madest it grow, which came up in a
.‫ַלְיָלה ָאָבד‬-‫ ּוִבן‬night, and perished in a night;
‫ִניְנֵוה‬-‫ ַעל‬,‫ יא ַוֲא ִני ֹלא ָאחּוס‬11 and should not I have pity on
Nineveh, that great city, wherein are
‫ָּבּה‬-‫ֲא ֶׁש ר ֶיׁש‬--‫ ָהִעיר ַהְּגדֹוָלה‬more than sixscore thousand persons
,‫ֶעְׂש ֵר ה ִר ּבֹו ָאָד ם‬-‫ ַהְר ֵּבה ִמ ְׁשֵּת ים‬that cannot discern between their
,‫ְיִמינֹו ִלְׂש ֹמאלֹו‬-‫ָיַד ע ֵּבין‬-‫ ֲא ֶׁש ר ֹלא‬right hand and their left hand, and
also much cattle?' {P}
}‫ {ש‬.‫ ַר ָּבה‬,‫ּוְבֵהָמ ה‬

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