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Nahum ‫ַנחּום‬

Chapter 1

,‫ֵסֶפר ֲחזֹון ַנחּום‬--‫ ִניְנֵוה‬,‫ א ַמָּׂש א‬1 The burden of Nineveh. The book
of the vision of Nahum the
.‫ ָהֶאְל ֹקִׁשי‬Elkoshite.
‫ ֹנֵקם ְיהָוה‬,‫ב ֵא ל ַק ּנֹוא ְו ֹנֵקם ְיהָוה‬ 2 The LORD is a jealous and
avenging God, the LORD avengeth
,‫ּוַבַעל ֵחָמ ה; ֹנֵקם ְיהָוה ְלָצָר יו‬ and is full of wrath; the LORD
.‫ְונֹוֵטר הּוא ְל ֹאְיָביו‬ taketh vengeance on His adversaries,
and He reserveth wrath for His
-‫ ֶא ֶר ְך ַא ַּפִים וגדול‬,‫ ג ְיהָוה‬3 The LORD is long-suffering, and
great in power, and will by no means
;‫ ֹלא ְיַנֶּקה‬,‫ ְוַנֵּקה‬,‫) ֹּכַח‬-‫ (ּוְגָד ל‬clear the guilty; the LORD, in the
,‫ ְּב סּוָפה ּוִבְׂש ָעָר ה ַּד ְר ּכֹו‬,‫ ְיהָוה‬whirlwind and in the storm is His
.‫ ֲא ַבק ַר ְגָליו‬,‫ ְוָעָנן‬way, and the clouds are the dust of
His feet.
,‫ד ּגֹוֵער ַּבָּים ַו ַּיְּבֵׁש הּו‬ 4 He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it
dry, and drieth up all the rivers;
‫ַהְּנָהרֹות ֶהֱחִר יב; ֻאְמַלל ָּבָׁש ן‬-‫ְוָכל‬ Bashan languisheth, and Carmel,
.‫ ּוֶפַר ח ְלָבנֹון ֻא ְמָלל‬,‫ְוַכְר ֶמל‬ and the flower of Lebanon
‫ ְוַהְּגָבעֹות‬,‫ ה ָהִר ים ָר ֲעׁשּו ִמֶּמ ּנּו‬5 The mountains quake at Him, and
the hills melt; and the earth is
,‫ ִהְת ֹמָגגּו; ַוִּת ָּׂשא ָהָאֶר ץ ִמָּפָניו‬upheaved at His presence, yea, the
.‫יֹוְׁשֵבי ָבּה‬-‫ ְוֵת ֵבל ְוָכל‬world, and all that dwell therein.
‫ ּוִמי ָיקּום‬,‫ ו ִלְפֵני ַזְעמֹו ִמי ַיֲעמֹוד‬6 Who can stand before His
indignation? And who can abide in
,‫ ַּבֲחרֹון ַא ּפֹו; ֲחָמתֹו ִנְּת ָכה ָכֵאׁש‬the fierceness of His anger? His fury
.‫ ְוַהֻּצִר ים ִנְּת צּו ִמ ֶּמ ּנּו‬is poured out like fire, and the rocks
are broken asunder before Him.
;‫ ְלָמ עֹוז ְּביֹום ָצָר ה‬,‫ז טֹוב ְיהָוה‬ 7 The LORD is good, a stronghold
in the day of trouble; and He
.‫ ֹחֵסי בֹו‬,‫ְו ֹיֵד ַע‬ knoweth them that take refuge in
‫ ָּכָלה ַיֲעֶׂשה‬,‫ח ּוְבֶׁשֶטף ֹעֵבר‬ 8 But with an overrunning flood He
will make a full end of the place
.‫ֹחֶׁשְך‬-‫ ְיַר ֶּד ף‬,‫ְמ קֹוָמּה; ְו ֹאְיָביו‬ thereof, and darkness shall pursue
His enemies.
,‫ָּכָלה‬--‫ְיהָוה‬-‫ ֶא ל‬,‫ְּת ַחְּׁש בּון‬-‫ט ַמ ה‬ 9 What do ye devise against the
LORD? He will make a full end;
,‫ָת קּום ַּפֲעַמִים‬-‫הּוא ֹעֶׂש ה; ֹלא‬ trouble shall not rise up the second
.‫ָצָר ה‬ time.

‫ ּוְכָסְבָאם‬,‫ִסיִר ים ְסֻבִכים‬-‫י ִּכי ַעד‬ 10 For though they be like tangled

thorns, and be drunken according to
.‫ ָמֵלא‬,‫ְּכַקׁש ָיֵבׁש‬--‫ְסבּוִאים; ֻא ְּכלּו‬ their drink, they shall be devoured as
stubble fully dry.
‫ְיהָוה‬-‫ ֹחֵׁשב ַעל‬,‫יא ִמֵּמְך ָיָצא‬ 11 Out of thee came he forth, that
deviseth evil against the LORD, that
}‫ {ס‬.‫ ְּבִלָּיַעל‬,‫ֹיֵעץ‬--‫ָר ָעה‬ counselleth wickedness. {S}
‫ְׁש ֵלִמ ים‬-‫ ִאם‬,‫יב ֹּכה ָאַמ ר ְיהָוה‬ 12 Thus saith the LORD: Though
they be in full strength, and likewise
;‫ ְוָעָבר‬,‫ ְוֵכן ָנגֹוּזּו‬,‫ְוֵכן ַר ִּבים‬ many, even so shall they be cut
.‫ עֹוד‬,‫ֹלא ֲא ַעֵּנְך‬--‫ְוִעִּנִת ְך‬ down, and he shall pass away; and
though I have afflicted thee, I will
afflict thee no more.
;‫ ֶא ְׁש ֹּבר ֹמֵטהּו ֵמ ָעָלִיְך‬,‫יג ְוַעָּת ה‬ 13 And now will I break his yoke
from off thee, and will burst thy
.‫ ֲא ַנֵּת ק‬,‫ּומֹוְס ֹרַת ִיְך‬ bonds in sunder.
‫ִיָּזַר ע‬-‫ ֹלא‬,‫ יד ְוִצָּוה ָעֶליָך ְיהָוה‬14 And the LORD hath given
commandment concerning thee, that
‫ ִמִּׁש ְמ ָך עֹוד; ִמֵּבית ֱא ֹלֶהיָך ַאְכִר ית‬no more of thy name be sown; out of
‫ִּכי‬--‫ ָא ִׂשים ִק ְבֶר ָך‬,‫ ֶּפֶסל ּוַמ ֵּסָכה‬the house of thy god will I cut off
}‫ {פ‬. ‫ ַקּלֹוָת‬the graven image and the molten
image; I will make thy grave; for
thou art become worthless. {P}

Chapter 2
,‫ֶהָהִר ים ַר ְגֵלי ְמ ַבֵּׂש ר‬-‫ א ִהֵּנה ַעל‬1 Behold upon the mountains the
feet of him that bringeth good
,‫ָחִּגי ְיהּוָד ה ַחַּגִיְך‬--‫ ַמְׁשִמ יַע ָׁשלֹום‬tidings, that announceth peace! Keep
‫ ִּכי ֹלא יֹוִסיף עֹוד‬:‫ ַׁשְּלִמי ְנָד ָר ִיְך‬thy feasts, O Judah, perform thy
,‫) ָּבְך ְּבִלַּיַעל‬-‫ (ַלֲעָבר‬-‫ לעבור‬vows; for the wicked one shall no
more pass through thee; he is utterly
.‫ ֻּכֹּלה ִנְכָר ת‬cut off.
‫ ָנצֹור‬,‫ָּפַנִיְך‬-‫ ב ָעָלה ֵמִפיץ ַעל‬2 A maul is come up before thy face;
guard the defences, watch the way,
,‫ֶד ֶר ְך ַחֵּזק ָמ ְת ַנִים‬-‫ ְמ צּוָר ה; ַצֵּפה‬make thy loins strong, fortify thy
.‫ ַא ֵּמץ ֹּכַח ְמֹאד‬power mightily!--
,‫ְּגאֹון ַיֲעֹקב‬-‫ ג ִּכי ָׁשב ְיהָוה ֶא ת‬3 For the LORD restoreth the pride
of Jacob, as the pride of Israel; for
‫ ִּכי ְבָקקּום‬:‫ ִּכְגאֹון ִיְׂש ָר ֵא ל‬the emptiers have emptied them out,
.‫ ּוְזֹמֵר יֶהם ִׁשֵחתּו‬,‫ ֹּבְק ִקים‬and marred their vine-branches.--
‫ַחִיל‬-‫ ַאְנֵׁש י‬,‫ ד ָמֵגן ִּגֹּבֵר יהּו ְמ ָא ָּד ם‬4 The shield of his mighty men is
made red, the valiant men are in
,‫ְּפָלֹדת ָהֶר ֶכב‬-‫ ְּבֵא ׁש‬,‫ ְמֻת ָּלִעים‬scarlet; the chariots are fire of steel
.‫ ָהְר ָעלּו‬,‫ ְּביֹום ֲהִכינֹו; ְוַהְּב ֹרִׁש ים‬in the day of his preparation, and the
cypress spears are made to quiver.
,‫ ה ַּבחּוצֹות ִיְת הֹוְללּו ָהֶר ֶכב‬5 The chariots rush madly in the
streets, they jostle one against
,‫ ַמ ְר ֵאיֶהן‬:‫ ִיְׁשַּת ְקְׁש קּון ָּבְר ֹחבֹות‬another in the broad places; the
.‫ ְירֹוֵצצּו‬,‫ַּכְּבָר ִקים‬--‫ ַּכַּלִּפיִד ים‬appearance of them is like torches,
they run to and fro like the
,‫ִיָּכְׁשלּו‬--‫ ַא ִּד יָר יו‬,‫ו ִיְזֹּכר‬ 6 He bethinketh himself of his
worthies; they stumble in their
,‫בהלכותם (ַּבֲהִליָכָת ם); ְיַמֲהרּו‬ march; they make haste to the wall
.‫ ַה ֹּסֵכְך‬,‫ ְוֻהַכן‬,‫חֹוָמָת ּה‬ thereof, and the mantelet is
;‫ ִנְפָּת חּו‬,‫ז ַׁש ֲעֵר י ַהְּנָהרֹות‬ 7 The gates of the rivers are opened,
and the palace is dissolved.
.‫ ָנמֹוג‬,‫ְוַהֵהיָכל‬
;‫ ֻּגְּלָת ה ֹהֲעָלָת ה‬,‫ח ְוֻהַּצב‬ 8 And the queen is uncovered, she is
carried away, and her handmaids
,‫ ְמ ַנֲהגֹות ְּכקֹול יֹוִנים‬,‫ ְוַאְמ ֹהֶת יָה‬moan as with the voice of doves,
tabering upon their breasts.
.‫ִלְבֵבֶהן‬-‫ ַעל‬,‫ְמ ֹתְפֹפת‬
‫ ִמ יֵמי‬,‫ַמ ִים‬-‫ ט ְוִניְנֵוה ִכְבֵר ַכת‬9 But Nineveh hath been from of old
like a pool of water; yet they flee
‫ ִעְמ דּו ֲעֹמדּו‬,‫ ִהיא; ְוֵהָּמה ָנִסים‬away; 'Stand, stand'; but none
.‫ ְוֵאין ַמ ְפֶנה‬looketh back.
,‫ ֹּבּזּו ָזָהב; ְוֵא ין ֵקֶצה‬,‫ י ֹּבּזּו ֶכֶסף‬10 Take ye the spoil of silver, take
the spoil of gold; for there is no end
.‫ ִמ ֹּכל ְּכִלי ֶחְמ ָּד ה‬,‫ָּכֹבד‬--‫ ַלְּת כּוָנה‬of the store, rich with all precious
‫ ּוְמֻבָּלָקה; ְוֵלב‬,‫ יא ּבּוָקה ּוְמבּוָקה‬11 She is empty, and void, and
waste; and the heart melteth, and the
‫ ְוַחְלָחָלה‬,‫ ָנֵמס ּוִפק ִּבְר ַּכִים‬knees smite together, and convulsion
‫ ִקְּבצּו‬,‫ ּוְפֵני ֻכָּלם‬,‫ָמ ְת ַנִים‬-‫ ְּבָכל‬is in all loins, and the faces of them
.‫ ָפארּור‬all have gathered blackness.
‫ ּוִמ ְר ֶעה הּוא‬,‫ יב ַא ֵּיה ְמ עֹון ֲא ָר יֹות‬12 Where is the den of the lions,
which was the feeding-place of the
‫ֲאֶׁש ר ָהַלְך ַאְר ֵיה ָלִביא‬--‫ ַלְּכִפִר ים‬young lions, where the lion and the
.‫ ְוֵא ין ַמֲחִר יד‬,‫ ָׁשם ּגּור ַאְר ֵיה‬lioness walked, and the lion's whelp,
and none made them afraid?
,‫יג ַאְר ֵיה ֹטֵר ף ְּבֵד י ֹגרֹוָת יו‬ 13 The lion did tear in pieces
enough for his whelps, and strangled
‫ֶטֶר ף‬-‫ּוְמַחֵּנק ְלִלְב ֹאָת יו; ַוְיַמֵּלא‬ for his lionesses, and filled his caves
.‫ ּוְמ ֹעֹנָת יו ְטֵר ָפה‬,‫ֹחָר יו‬ with prey, and his dens with ravin.

,‫ ְנֻא ם ְיהָוה ְצָבאֹות‬,‫יד ִהְנִני ֵאַלִיְך‬ 14 Behold, I am against thee, saith

the LORD of hosts, and I will burn
‫ ּוְכִפיַר ִיְך‬,‫ְוִהְבַעְר ִּת י ֶבָעָׁש ן ִר ְכָּבּה‬ her chariots in the smoke, and the
‫ֹּתאַכל ָחֶר ב; ְוִהְכַר ִּת י ֵמֶא ֶר ץ‬ sword shall devour thy young lions;
and I will cut off thy prey from the
‫ִיָּׁשַמ ע עֹוד קֹול‬-‫ ְוֹלא‬,‫ַטְר ֵּפְך‬ earth, and the voice of thy
}‫ {פ‬.‫ַמְלָאֵכֵכה‬ messengers shall no more be
heard. {P}

Chapter 3
‫ ַּכַחׁש‬,‫ ִעיר ָּד ִמים; ֻּכָּלּה‬,‫ א הֹוי‬1 Woe to the bloody city! It is all
full of lies and rapine; the prey
.‫ ָטֶר ף‬,‫ֹלא ָיִמיׁש‬--‫ ֶּפֶר ק ְמֵלָאה‬departeth not.
;‫ ְוקֹול ַר ַעׁש אֹוָפן‬,‫ב קֹול ׁשֹוט‬ 2 Hark! the whip, and hark! the
rattling of the wheels; and prancing
.‫ ּוֶמ ְר ָּכָבה ְמ ַר ֵּקָד ה‬,‫ְוסּוס ֹּדֵהר‬ horses, and bounding chariots;
‫ ְוַלַהב ֶחֶר ב ּוְבַר ק‬,‫ ג ָּפָר ׁש ַמ ֲעֶלה‬3 The horseman charging, and the
flashing sword, and the glittering
‫ ְו ֹכֶבד ָּפֶגר; ְוֵא ין‬,‫ ְוֹרב ָחָלל‬,‫ ֲחִנית‬spear; and a multitude of slain, and a
)‫ יכשלו (ְוָכְׁשלּו‬,‫ ֵק ֶצה ַלְּגִוָּיה‬heap of carcases; and there is no end
.‫ ִּבְגִוָּיָת ם‬of the corpses, and they stumble
upon their corpses;
‫ טֹוַבת ֵחן‬,‫ד ֵמ ֹרב ְזנּוֵני זֹוָנה‬ 4 Because of the multitude of the
harlotries of the well-favoured
‫ַּבֲעַלת ְּכָׁש ִפים; ַה ֹּמֶכֶר ת ּגֹוִים‬ harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts,
.‫ ּוִמ ְׁשָּפחֹות ִּבְכָׁשֶפיָה‬,‫ִּבְזנּוֶניָה‬ that selleth nations through her
harlotries, and families through her
,‫ ְנֻא ם ְיהָוה ְצָבאֹות‬,‫ ה ִהְנִני ֵאַלִיְך‬5 Behold, I am against thee, saith the
LORD of hosts, and I will uncover
;‫ָּפָנִיְך‬-‫ ַעל‬,‫ ְוִגֵּליִת י ׁשּוַלִיְך‬thy skirts upon thy face, and I will
‫ ּוַמ ְמָלכֹות‬,‫ ְוַהְר ֵאיִת י גֹוִים ַמ ְעֵר ְך‬shew the nations thy nakedness, and
.‫ ְקלֹוֵנְך‬the kingdoms thy shame.
,‫ ו ְוִהְׁשַלְכִּת י ָעַלִיְך ִׁש ֻּקִצים‬6 And I will cast detestable things
upon thee, and make thee vile, and
.‫ ְּכ ֹרִא י‬,‫ ְוִנַּבְלִּת יְך; ְוַׂש ְמ ִּת יְך‬will make thee as dung.
,‫ ִיּדֹוד ִמֵּמְך‬,‫ֹרַאִיְך‬-‫ז ְוָהָיה ָכל‬ 7 And it shall come to pass, that all
they that look upon thee shall flee
;‫ ִמ י ָינּוד ָלּה‬,‫ְוָאַמ ר ָׁש ְּד ָד ה ִניְנֵוה‬ from thee, and say: 'Nineveh is laid
.‫ ָלְך‬,‫ֵמַאִין ֲא ַבֵּקׁש ְמ ַנֲחִמים‬ waste; who will bemoan her?
whence shall I seek comforters for
‫ ַה ֹּיְׁש ָבה‬,‫ ִמ ֹּנא ָאמֹון‬,‫ח ֲהֵת יְטִבי‬ 8 Art thou better than No-amon, that
was situate among the rivers, that
--‫ ַמ ִים ָסִביב ָלּה‬,‫ַּבְיֹאִר ים‬ had the waters round about her;
.‫ ִמָּים חֹוָמ ָת ּה‬,‫ֵחיל ָים‬-‫ֲא ֶׁש ר‬ whose rampart was the sea, and of
the sea her wall?
‫ ְוֵא ין‬,‫ט ּכּוׁש ָעְצָמ ה ּוִמ ְצַר ִים‬ 9 Ethiopia and Egypt were thy
strength, and it was infinite; Put and
.‫ ָהיּו ְּבֶע ְזָר ֵת ְך‬,‫ֵק ֶצה; ּפּוט ְולּוִבים‬ Lubim were thy helpers.
--‫ ַל ֹּגָלה ָהְלָכה ַבֶּׁש ִבי‬,‫ִהיא‬-‫י ַּגם‬ 10 Yet was she carried away, she
went into captivity; her young
‫ ְּבֹראׁש‬,‫ַּגם ֹעָלֶליָה ְיֻר ְּטׁשּו‬ children also were dashed in pieces
‫ִנְכַּבֶּד יָה ַיּדּו‬-‫חּוצֹות; ְוַעל‬-‫ָּכל‬ at the head of all the streets; and
they cast lots for her honourable
.‫ְּגדֹוֶליָה ֻר ְּת קּו ַב ִּזִּק ים‬-‫ ְוָכל‬,‫גֹוָר ל‬ men, and all her great men were
bound in chains.
;‫ ְּת ִהי ַנֲעָלָמה‬,‫ַא ְּת ִּת ְׁש ְּכִר י‬-‫יא ַּגם‬ 11 Thou also shalt be drunken, thou
shalt swoon; thou also shalt seek a
.‫ ֵמ אֹוֵיב‬,‫ַא ְּת ְּת ַבְקִׁש י ָמ עֹוז‬-‫ַּגם‬ refuge because of the enemy.
,‫ְּת ֵא ִנים‬--‫ִמ ְבָצַר ִיְך‬-‫יב ָּכל‬ 12 All thy fortresses shall be like
fig-trees with the first-ripe figs: if
‫ ְוָנְפלּו‬,‫ִיּנֹועּו‬-‫ִּבּכּוִר ים; ִא ם‬-‫ִעם‬ they be shaken, they fall into the
.‫ִּפי אֹוֵכל‬-‫ַעל‬ mouth of the eater.

,‫ ְּבִק ְר ֵּבְך‬,‫יג ִהֵּנה ַעֵּמְך ָנִׁש ים‬ 13 Behold, thy people in the midst
of thee are women; the gates of thy
‫ ָּפתֹוַח ִנְפְּת חּו ַׁש ֲעֵר י‬,‫ְל ֹאְיַבִיְך‬ land are set wide open unto thine
.‫ ְּבִר יָחִיְך‬,‫ַאְר ֵצְך; ָאְכָלה ֵאׁש‬ enemies; the fire hath devoured thy
‫ ַחְּזִקי‬,‫ָלְך‬-‫יד ֵמי ָמ צֹור ַׁשֲא ִבי‬ 14 Draw thee water for the siege,
strengthen thy fortresses; go into the
‫ִמְבָצָר ִיְך; ֹּבִא י ַבִּטיט ְוִר ְמִסי‬ clay, and tread the mortar, lay hold
.‫ ַהֲחִזיִקי ַמְלֵּבן‬,‫ַב ֹחֶמ ר‬ of the brickmould.

‫ַּת ְכִר יֵת ְך‬--‫ ֹּתאְכֵלְך ֵא ׁש‬,‫טו ָׁשם‬ 15 There shall the fire devour thee;
the sword shall cut thee off, it shall
‫ ֹּתאְכֵלְך ַּכָּיֶלק; ִהְת ַּכֵּבד‬,‫ֶחֶר ב‬ devour thee like the canker-worm;
.‫ ִהְת ַּכְּבִד י ָּכַאְר ֶּבה‬,‫ַּכֶּיֶלק‬ make thyself many as the canker-
worm, make thyself many as the
,‫ ִמ ּכֹוְכֵבי‬,‫ ֹרְכַלִיְך‬,‫טז ִהְר ֵּבית‬ 16 Thou hast multiplied thy
.‫ ַוָּיֹעף‬,‫ ַהָּׁשָמ ִים; ֶיֶלק ָּפַׁשט‬merchants above the stars of heaven;
the canker-worm spreadeth itself,
and flieth away.
,‫ ְוַטְפְסַר ִיְך‬,‫ ָּכַאְר ֶּבה‬,‫יז ִמ ְּנָזַר ִיְך‬ 17 Thy crowned are as the locusts,
and thy marshals as the swarms of
‫ ְּביֹום‬,‫ְּכגֹוב ֹּגָבי; ַהחֹוִנים ַּבְּגֵד רֹות‬ grasshoppers, which camp in the
,‫ֶׁש ֶמ ׁש ָזְר ָחה ְונֹוַד ד‬--‫ָק ָר ה‬ walls in the cold day, but when the
sun ariseth they flee away, and their
.‫נֹוַד ע ְמ קֹומֹו ַא ָּים‬-‫ְוֹלא‬ place is not known where they are.
‫ ִיְׁש ְּכנּו‬,‫ יח ָנמּו ֹרֶעיָך ֶמֶלְך ַאּׁשּור‬18 Thy shepherds slumber, O king
of Assyria, thy worthies are at rest;
,‫ֶהָהִר ים‬-‫ ַא ִּד יֶר יָך; ָנֹפׁשּו ַעְּמָך ַעל‬thy people are scattered upon the
.‫ ְוֵאין ְמ ַקֵּבץ‬mountains, and there is none to
gather them.
‫ ַנְחָלה‬,‫ֵּכָהה ְלִׁשְבֶר ָך‬-‫יט ֵא ין‬ 19 There is no assuaging of thy hurt,
thy wound is grievous; all that hear
‫ ָּת ְק עּו‬,‫ַמ ָּכֶת ָך; ֹּכל ֹׁשְמ ֵעי ִׁש ְמ ֲעָך‬ the report of thee clap the hands
‫ָעְבָר ה‬-‫ִמי ֹלא‬-‫ִּכי ַעל‬--‫ַכף ָעֶליָך‬ over thee; for upon whom hath not
thy wickedness passed
}‫ {ש‬.‫ ָּת ִמיד‬,‫ָר ָעְת ָך‬ continually? {P}

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