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Internship Report - Week 2

Intern Guide: Dr. Sathish AS

Intern Name: Jeevan Sanjay K

Internship Report Period: April 8 - April 12, 2024

Company: HFFC (Home First Finance Company)

Topic for Research: Study on customers perception towards home loans: a comparative
study of public and private sector banks


During the second week of my internship at HFFC, I continued to immerse myself in tasks related to
marketing and lead generation. In addition to fulfilling my assigned responsibilities, I proactively
sought out opportunities to contribute further to the company's objectives.


1. Marketing and Lead Generation Tasks:

 Successfully executed marketing tasks as per the given guidelines.

 Engaged in lead generation activities, contributing to the expansion of the potential client base.
 Collaborated with team members to brainstorm innovative strategies for enhancing lead
generation efforts.

2. Initiative in Lead Sourcing:

 Took the initiative to source a lead and connector independently.

 Identified a potential lead with promising prospects for business development.
 Uploaded the lead information onto the Intern Pro app for further processing by the team.

3. Collaboration and Teamwork:

 Actively participated in team meetings, contributing insights and ideas to ongoing projects.
 Helped colleagues whenever necessary, fostering a collaborative work environment.
 Maintained effective communication channels with team members to ensure smooth workflow.

The second week of my internship at HFFC was marked by continued engagement in marketing
and lead generation tasks, coupled with the proactive pursuit of opportunities to add value to the team.
I look forward to building upon this foundation in the upcoming weeks and contributing to the
company's success.

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