RM - Assignment-2 - Critique of A Journal Paper

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Gujarat Technological University

Research Methodology Assignment

By Dr. R.K.Gajjar & Dr. C.B.Bhatt
Assignment -II
(Critique of a Journal Paper)
Batch: 2019-20

Prepared By:
Enrollment No: 199999913581
Critique of a Journal Paper
5. Journal Paper: Tuli, S., Basumatary, N., Gill, S. S., Kahani, M., Arya, R.
C., Wander, G. S., & Buyya, R. (2020). HealthFog: An ensemble deep
learning based Smart Healthcare System for Automatic Diagnosis of
Heart Diseases in integrated IoT and fog computing
environments. Future Generation Computer Systems, 104, 187-200.

Methodology : FogBus is used for Automatic Diagnosis of Heart Diseases in integrated
IoT and fog computing environments.
Advantage: Automatic Diagnosis of Heart Diseases
Used Algorithms: Ensemble deep learning
Limitation: only work with existing dataset
Future Scope: More ensemble model can be deploy for improving accuracy, take data
directly from sensor instead of file base input
Dataset or Performance Parameter: Cleveland dataset, latency and accuracy
Propose to improve the paper or extend the Result:

Proposed Workflow
Data Preprocessing
cal Classification Algorithms
Model Evaluation and Tuning

Clo Data Preprocessing Pickled

ud Model
age Diagnosis Result
Loc Wearable IoT
al devices


Our Proposed System will consist of Five different levels as follows:-

Level 1 - Data collection: Use of the Sensors for collect the data.

(Physical activity, Change in Heart Rate, Physiological Signals using sensors like ECG
(electrocardiogram) , EEG – Electroencephalogram, SPo2 )

Level 2 – Data Pre-processing: Use of Data Pre-processing Techniques to remove unwanted part
from the collected data.

Level 3 – Feature Extraction: Use of Feature Extraction algorithm to extract the desired feature
to detect the Cardio Vascular Disease.

Level 4 – Classify the Extracted Data: Use of Machine Learning Classifier techniques to
classify the data based on the data received from Feature Extraction.
Level 5 – Finalize Result: Finally system can predict the Cardio Vascular Disease.

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