Right Light Filter

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Right Light ™ Filter Technology

A Better Match to Sunlight

Better Tests = Better Results
The Right Light™ Story

Wavenumber ratio
Filter Comparison FTIR Spectroscopy - New vs. Weathered Coating


Spectral Irradiance (W / m² / nm)



0.5 b
a c d
Miami Sunlight

250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390
2050 1850 1650 1450 1250 1050 850 650
All data normalized to 0.6 W/m² @340nm Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm -1 )

Xenon arc filters used in weathering tests are assessed mostly by the The Ford Methodology (The Method)
physical measurement of their UV spectral transmittance. However,
A method that uses chemical analysis to objectively identify a
given the inherent variability in such measurements, they may be
sufficiently close laboratory light source was developed by Ford Motor
insufficient to make critical judgments. In addition to transmittance
Company. Chemical evaluation is the most critical type of analysis of
measurements, the procedure described herein as the Ford Methodology
weathered samples.
(The Method), incorporates a procedure involving actual weathering tests
The method evaluates and compares chemical changes of the weathered
of a carefully selected coating material. This approach of combining filter
selected coating exposed in accelerated laboratory and natural
transmittance measurements with a novel chemical evaluation technique
weathering tests:
of material test results was used in the development of the Right Light™
filter technology.
• Judged by comparing spectroscopic curves of weathered and
new samples
The Motivation
• Uses peak heights plot ratios – Δ[a/b] versus Δ[c/d] to
To create more accurate accelerated weathering tests by using xenon compare spectra
filters that produce a precise match to sunlight, particularly in the UV.
Comparable chemical changes mean sufficiently comparable (or similar)
It has been found that small deviations from solar UV cut-on are more
light sources.
important than previously thought.*

Xenon Lamp with Right Light vs Sunlight Right Light Filter System vs Sunlight


Log Scale (Irradiance)
Spectral Irradiance (W/m²/nm)


Type S/Type S
Right Light
2.0 Sunlight


1.0 0.0010


0.0 0.0001
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)

Using the Method to Develop a Correct Filter New Right Light Filter Technology - A Significant Improvement
Equipped with this sensitive and effective method, Atlas, in partnership The figure above illustrates the spectral power distribution (SPD) of a
with Ford Motor Company, launched a program to develop the Right xenon light source with Right Light filters when compared to the historic
Light filter. daylight filter combination and Miami sunlight. The logarithmic scale
of spectral irradiance accentuates the superior match of Right Light to
Miami sunlight.
The Chemistry Proves It
procedure applied to critical coating sample sensitive to solar cut-on
Comparisons of Light Sources A Comparison of Sunlight Sources and Xenon with Various Daylight Filters
6 8
Clearcoat C

a/b Growth


a/b Growth
3 4
UVA - 340
- Phoenix, Arizona FLATBED DAYLIGHT
Arizona 3
1 - Miami, Florida

0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
c/d Growth c/d Growth

The Method Identifies Correct Light The Method Identifies Light That is Sufficiently Close to Sunlight

When the method is applied to samples exposed to sunlight in Miami, When the method is applied to results from the use of various
Florida, Phoenix, Arizona and in an EMMAQUA® (concentrated sunlight) commonly used laboratory light sources, significantly varied (or widely
accelerated outdoor weathering device, it shows that similar chemistry spread) plots are produced that suggest the occurrence of different
is occurring in all cases. This is demonstrated in the figure above which chemistries. Therefore, the method is demonstrably sensitive enough
illustrates the closely matched slope of each line. to clearly discriminate between light sources that may not appear to
be significantly different when merely examining plots of the spectral
The ability of the method to repeatedly group these light sources was power distribution (SPD) measurements.
verified in a number of weathering experiments.

Right Light vs Benchmark Exposure Site - Miami
*References and Acknowledgements
3.5 The method described herein and used extensively in the development of
the Right Light™ filter was developed By Drs. John Gerlock & Mark Nichols
a/b Growth - Spectral Irradiance (W / m² / nm)


Right Light Filter

of the Ford Motor Company and was cited in a number of publications and
presentations, including the following:
1. Accelerated Weathering of Automotive Coatings: Exposure
Miami,Florida Conditions and Analysis Methods
1.0 Dr. Mark Nichols, et al, Ford Motor Company ATCAE Conference,
0.5 Oxford, UK, September 16, 2008
2. Refining Accelerated Weathering Testing to Anticipate
0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Outdoor Exposure Performance
c/d Growth - Wavelength (nm) Dr. Mark Nichols, et al, Ford Motor Company 2010 International
Symposium on Natural and Accelerated Weathering
The Method Indicates a Close Match to Sunlight and Right Light Tokyo, Japan, October 6, 2010
3. Testing Accelerated Weathering Tests for Appropriate
When the method is applied to irradiance measurements from a Weathering Chemistry: Ozone Filtered Xenon Arc
benchmark outdoor exposure site in Miami, Florida and compared J. L. Gerlock, C. A. Smith, A. V. Kucherov, T. Misovski, C.
against those of the Right Light filter technology, as shown in the graph M. Seubert, R. O. Carter III, and M. E. Nichols, Ford Motor Co.,
above, the new filter again closely matches sunlight. This comparison Ford Research Laboratory \ Federation of Societies for Coatings
Technology 80th Annual Meeting, Morial Convention Center, New
strengthens prior test results and reaffirms that similar chemistry is
Orleans, US, Joseph J. Mattiello lecture, October 30, 2002
occurring in both situations.
Additional Benefits of Right Light™ Technology
u Right Light Technology can be used in all Atlas Ci Weather-Ometers
u Spectral power distribution of Right Light meets the requirements of ASTM D7869-13 “Standard Practice
for Xenon Arc Exposure Test with Enhanced Light and Water Exposure for Transportation Coatings,” and all
test methods that specify a “Daylight” filter, such as ASTM G155 and ISO 4892-2
u A Right Light/Quartz filter combination has higher transmittance than a new Type S Boro/Type S Boro
combination at 340 nm, providing several additional benefits:

• 15% less lamp power required to run at the same irradiance level, reducing overall operating costs
• Since Right Light ages less rapidly, operating cost savings will increase over time
• Less lamp power means less near-infrared irradiance, resulting in a wider available temperature
operating range and lower fan speeds to maintain BPT/BST temperatures
• Lower fan speeds exhaust less warm air from the instrument, resulting in lower laboratory air
conditioning costs
• Higher irradiance achieved at maximum lamp power levels

Spectral Transmittance at 0 and 2000 hrs.

100 Unparalleled Aging Stability
The Right Light filter is unlike any other filter on the
Right Light - 0h market today. Showing negligible or no change in UV
Right Light - 2000h transmittance with long term use, the Right Light filter
% Transmittance

ensures test repeatability over its service life.





250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Wavelength (nm)

Longer Filter Life

Right light will last as long as a xenon lamp. Therefore,

it only needs to be changed when a new lamp is
The Right Light filter can be used for up to 2000 hours,
the recommended service life of our long arc xenon
lamp, eliminating testing downtime for filter changes.

Atlas Sealed Lamp

www.atlas-mts.com ©2013 Atl as Materi al Te s ti n g Te c h n o l o g y L L C

Al l ri ghts reser ved . Pri n te d i n th e USA.
US Pub. No. 2085 10/13 | Germa n Pu b . No . 5 6 3 5 2 6 9 3

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