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Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009


소개의 글

이 시각, 대한항공 조종사들은 본 운항훈련원의 교육/훈련을 마치고 각자 위치에서

최선을 다해 안전운항을 목표로 비행에 임하고 있습니다.

또한, 조종사들은 표준 운항 절차(SOP)라는 바탕 위에, 개개인의 비행 지식과 기량

향상을 위한 노력을 경주하고 있습니다.

더욱이, 세계 일류 항공사를 향한 회사의 노력에 부합하는 교육/훈련을 실시함에 있

어 그 기초라 할 수 있는 조종사의 비행관련 지식은 대한항공에서 더더욱 강조되고

있는 필수 요건이라 해도 과언이 아닙니다.

이에 운항훈련원은 대한항공에 새로이 입문하는 신입 조종사들이 비행에 있어 기본

소양인 일정 수준 이상의 비행관련 지식을 다져가는데 도움이 되고자 합니다.

본 교재는 안전하고 효율적인 운항을 위한 조종사 스스로의 노력에 일조하려는데

그 최종 목표를 두고 있음을 밝히며, 비록 작지만 그 여정 속에서 좋은 동반자가

될 수 있기를 희망합니다.

2 0 0 9년 1 1월

대 한 항 공 운 항 훈 련 원 장

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
Revision Log

Revision No. Revision Date Revision No. Revision Date

0 01 Nov 2009

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
List of Effective Pages

Preface Chapter 2: Door

1 01-Nov-09 34 01-Nov-09
2 01-Nov-09 35 01-Nov-09
3 01-Nov-09 36 01-Nov-09
4 01-Nov-09 37 01-Nov-09
Chapter 1: Lifesaving 38 01-Nov-09
5 01-Nov-09 39 01-Nov-09
6 01-Nov-09 40 01-Nov-09
7 01-Nov-09 41 01-Nov-09
8 01-Nov-09 42 01-Nov-09
9 01-Nov-09 43 01-Nov-09
10 01-Nov-09 44 01-Nov-09
11 01-Nov-09 45 01-Nov-09
12 01-Nov-09 Chapter 3: Evacuation
13 01-Nov-09 46 01-Nov-09
14 01-Nov-09 47 01-Nov-09
15 01-Nov-09 48 01-Nov-09
16 01-Nov-09 49 01-Nov-09
17 01-Nov-09 50 01-Nov-09
18 01-Nov-09 51 01-Nov-09
19 01-Nov-09 52 01-Nov-09
20 01-Nov-09 53 01-Nov-09
21 01-Nov-09 54 01-Nov-09
22 01-Nov-09 55 01-Nov-09
23 01-Nov-09 56 01-Nov-09
24 01-Nov-09 57 01-Nov-09
25 01-Nov-09 58 01-Nov-09
26 01-Nov-09 59 01-Nov-09
27 01-Nov-09 Chapter 4: Polar
28 01-Nov-09 60 01-Nov-09
29 01-Nov-09
30 01-Nov-09
31 01-Nov-09
32 01-Nov-09
33 01-Nov-09

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

Chapter 1: Lifesaving and Emergency Equipment

1. Principles of Fire------------------------------------------ 5

2. Fire Categories--------------------------------------------- 6

3. Fire Extinguishers------------------------------------------ 6

4. Heat-Activated Halon Fire Extinguisher---------------------- 14

5. Fire Report Items------------------------------------------- 16

6. Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE)------------------------ 17

7. Life Vest--------------------------------------------------- 23

8. Other Lifesaving and Emergency Equipment-------------------- 27

Chapter 2: Door Operations

1. Normal Operations------------------------------------------- 34

2. Emergency Operations---------------------------------------- 42

Chapter 3: Evacuation Procedures & Equipment

1. Sliding----------------------------------------------------- 46

2. Rafting----------------------------------------------------- 47

3. Mooring Line------------------------------------------------ 48

4. Mooring Release Handle-------------------------------------- 48

5. Canopy------------------------------------------------------ 50

6. Portable ELT-------------------------------------------------50

7. Heaving Line-------------------------------------------------53

8. Survival kit-------------------------------------------------54

Chapter 4: Polar Equipment----------------------------------------- 60

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

Chapter 1: Lifesaving and Emergency Equipment

1. Principles of Fire

As you can see, a fire in an aircraft, especially during its operation,

can lead to a disaster if it is not handled in a proper way at its

initial stage.

So, it is important to know for flight crew about the basic principles

of fire in order to extinguish a fire in the right way at the right


A. There are three basic factors for a fire to be broken out.

They are

- Oxygen

- Heat

- Fuel (also, called as Material)

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

※ By utilizing the properties of these factors, a fire can be

extinguished efficiently and effectively (more details in 3- Fire


2- Fire Categories

A. There are different and various types of fires.

They are

- A

- B

- C

B. Below is the table describes them.

Categories Generating Factors Examples

A Combustible materials Paper, Wood, Fabric, Rubber etc.

B Flammable liquid Oils, Greases, Paints etc.

C Electrical devices Galley equipment, switches etc.

※ As you can see, each category has different characteristic and

triggering materials.

So, it is crucial to use a right fire extinguisher for a particular fire.

☞ More details in 3- Fire Extinguishers.

3- Fire Extinguishers

A. There are two ways of putting out a fire.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
They are

- By removing the heat.

- By blocking the oxygen.

B. So, the fire extinguishers equipped in Korean Air’s fleets utilize

this method and they are

Types Methods Fire Extinguishers

H20 Removing the heat.


(Type 1)

Halon Gas Blocking the oxygen.
(Type 2)


(Type 3)

※ As we all know, Fokker type airplanes are no longer in operation

here in Korean Air.

However, their fire extinguishers (Fokker/Type 3) are still in use.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
This is because when Korean Air disposed of the Fokker fleet, their

fire extinguishers were not included.

Those fire extinguishers are equipped in some A330 cockpits.

So, if you are not a crew of A330, you would not have a chance to

see it.

As we have studied so far, there are different types of fires and fire

extinguishers equipped in Korean Air’s airplanes.

So, it is important to use the right fire extinguisher to extinguish a

particular fire.

Fire Categories Fire Extinguishers

- Any type of fire extinguishers (H20 and halon) can be used for A fire.

- Only halon fire extinguishers (type 1, 2, or 3) must be used for B

and C fires.

※ It is obvious that using a H2O fire extinguisher for category B

(flammable liquid) and C (electrical devices) fires would make the

situation worse. ☞ H2O fire extinguisher, only for category A fire!

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

C. H2O Fire Extinguisher Instructions

① Hold the handle and turn it clockwise (as the sign indicates) until

it would not turn anymore.

Make sure this safety seal is

not broken before its use.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
※ As you keep turning the handle, the C02 cartridge in the handle

will get pushed forward by the spring and punctured by the sharp


C02 Cartridge

C02 will flow into the

bottle and make a
chemical reaction, which
makes a hissing sound.

② 2. Press the trigger.

- It lasts for about 40 seconds.

Anti-freeze compounds are added for winter. So, Do Not Drink It!

D. Halon Fire Extinguishers Instructions

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
1. Boeing (Type 1)

① Pull the Ring Pin to activate the fire extinguisher.

Its safety device is pin-type.

So, pull it to activate the
fire extinguisher.

Make sure this plastic

seal (red) is not broken
before its use.

② Squeeze the handle.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

2. Airbus (Type 2)

① Push the Safety Clip to activate the fire extinguisher.

Make sure this copper

seal (red) is not broken
before its use.

② Squeeze the handle.

3. Fokker (Type 3)

① Push the Safety Clip to activate the fire extinguisher.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
② Squeeze the handle

※ Place your index finger on the ring and then push the handle with

the palm.

※ It lasts for about 40 seconds.

☞ As we have studied in the previous page, the main property of halon

gas is its blocking characteristic of oxygen. So, it is good spray

right on a person who is on fire.

However, if possible, avoid spraying it right onto a face, due to

the fact that there are respiratory organs (nose & mouth), which

could result in dyspnea.

But, remember! as NTSB suggests,

Despite of the halon gas character and its effect to the respiratory

organs, ‘its potential harmful effects on passengers and crew are

negligible compared to the safety benefits achieved

by fighting in-flight fires aggressively’


※ Specially, after a halon fire extinguisher has been used, you need

to make sure that the fire is extinguished completely (or use a H2O

fire extinguisher to quench any smoldering material in order to

prevent re-ignition).

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
E. In general, the use of a fire extinguisher can be memorized as


P- Pull pin/Push clip (depends on the type).

A- Aim at the base of the fire.

S- Squeeze the handle

※ Make sure that you hold the fire extinguisher upright as much as

possible so that all the content in the bottle can be used


S- Sweep side to side (by maintaining 2 3m / 8 9’).

※ If too close→ The fire might get scattered.

※ If too far→ It might be difficult for you to aim it right.

4- Heat-Activated Halon Fire Extinguisher

A. Purpose- To extinguisher a fire timely and efficiently, which is

broken out in an waste basket in a lavatory area.

A lavatory, as you know, is an isolated area.

So, specially, if a fire is broken out when it is vacant it would be

critical for the safety of the flight.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
This is the reason of why there is an automatic-type fire extinguisher

equipped in a lavatory, and it is called ‘Heat-Activated Halon Fire


As the name of it indicates, it operates by heat.

When the heat reaches about 80℃ the seals on the nozzles get melted

and the halon gas in the container gets emitted so that it

extinguishes the fire in the garbage can that is placed under the sink

in the lavatory.

All fires (whether it is a small or big fire) broken out in the

aircraft should be regarded as an emergency until it is completely


Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

※ Specially, after a halon fire extinguisher has been used, you need

to make sure that the fire is extinguished completely (or use a H2O

fire extinguisher to quench any smoldering material in order to

prevent re-ignition).

5- Fire Report Items

A. Purpose- To draw up a right plane in order to put out a fire

effectively by delivering right information regarding to

the fire among flight and cabin crew members.

In case there is a fire broke out in the cabin area, the flight crew

shall be received the following information regarding to the fire by

cabin crew, and they shall be delivered to the related-organizations

(ATC or OCC).

Smell Location

Any other
useful Color
information ①

Actions being Characteristic

Taken & PAX ②

① e.g. An electrical fire could be somewhat blue in color.

② e.g. The grade of the fire.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

6- Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE)

A. Purpose

1. To protect the user from smoke inhalation and toxic fumes.

2. To secure the visibility in smoke.

※ There is 1 PBE equipped in the cockpit and as required in the cabin.

B. Types of PBE in Korean Air

Korean Air operates the following types of PBE.

1. Puritan PBE (mostly equipped)

2. Scott PBE (in leased B737)

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

C. Comparison Table (Puritan vs. Scott)

Items Puritan Scott

Oxygen Source 02 Generator- ① 02 Generator- ②

O2 Production Method Chemical reaction Motor

Diaphragm Yes- ③ No- ④

Time Duration ※ 15 minutes 15 minutes

Mask distorts

Low 02 Indication Inner air can get warmer Motor sound ↓

Could be dampened

① ②

③ ④

※ The Time Duration (15 minutes in the table) is based on a person

who weighs 110 kg. So, there could be an individual difference.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

When the Low 02 Indication exists, move to a safe place and then take a

necessary action.

D. Considerations

1. When the generated oxygen comes into the mask, due to the pressure

difference (in and out), your ears may pop up.

2. Due to the process of oxygen generation (specially, with the

chemical reaction), you might have a slight headache.

E. Instruction (Puritan)

1. Take the PBE out of the case.

- Pull the Protective Cover.

- Tear the pouch by pulling the strip.

2. Unfold the mask with shake.

3. Stretch out the neck seal① (rubber & elastic) by putting in your

both hands② in order to wear it.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

4. Make sure that the nasal mask cone③ is properly positioned on the

nose and mouth.

① ② ③

5. Pull the straps (right and left) fully forward and backward.

※ By pulling the straps backward, the buckles on each side will get


Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
※ By pulling the right strap forward, the Starter Candle will get

separated from the 02 Generator and this will begin the oxygen

generation.- When the oxygen flows into the mask a hissing sound

will be heard.

Make sure that the clothe or hair is not protruded between the neck

seal and the neck.- Leaking oxygen from the mask can attract the fire

near by.

6. When there is a sign of low 02 oxygen level (distortion of the mask


① Move to a safe place.

② Pull the straps forward or buckles with your thumbs, and stretch

out the neck seal by putting in your both hands in order to take

the PBE off.

③ Carry out other necessary action.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

F. Instruction (Scott)

1. Take the PBE out of the case and tear the pouch by pulling the strip.

2. Unfold the mask with shake.

3. Activate the 02 generator by pulling the ring provided.

4. Stretch out the neck seal (rubber & elastic) by putting in your both

hands in order to wear it.

※ Unlike Puritan PBE, Scott PBE is not equipped with a nasal mask cone,

diaphragm, straps and buckles.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
Make sure that the clothe or hair is not protruded between the neck

seal and the neck.- Leaking oxygen from the mask can attract the

fire near by.

5. When there is a sign of low 02 oxygen level (motor sound ↓),

① Move to a safe place.

② Stretch out the neck seal by putting in your both hands in order to

take the PBE off.

③ Carry out other necessary action.

7- Life Vests

A. Purpose- To make passengers float in water in case of a ditching.

B. Types of Life Vests in Korean Air.

Adult Infant

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
Crew Passenger

※ They are made of a fibrous material and the inside is rubber-coated

so, they are

- water-proof

- air-leak-proof

C. Instructions

1. Take the life vest out of its case.

Crew Passenger

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

2. Unfold the Life Vest with shake.

3. Slip it over your head.

4. Pull the straps down.

5. Pull the Waist Straps in order to adjust them around your waist.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
6. By pulling the red tabs, inflate the life vest in front of the exit

door, just before you leave the airplane.

※ The cartridge contains 16g of CO2 gas (x 2- Left and Right).

※ You can also inflate a life vest by blowing into the tubes if its

inflation is not enough (x 2- Left and Right).

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
7. In water, pull the handle (written as ‘PULL TO LIGHT’) to activate


Locator Light.

※ Once the sensor gets filled with water, it illuminates for 9 hours


8- Other Lifesaving and Emergency Equipment

A. Protective Gloves

1. Purpose- To prevent hand-burns during fire fighting.

※ There is a pair of protective gloves in the cockpit and as required

in the cabin area.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

2. Types of Protective Gloves

- Asbestos Gloves

- Kevlar Gloves

※ Asbestos Gloves are being replaced by Kevlar Gloves.

B. Protective Goggles

1. Purpose- To protect the user’s eyes from toxic fumes and smoke,

and also to improve visibility in smoke.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

C. Portable Oxygen Bottles (POB)

1. Purpose- To be used for a passenger in case of an emergency

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
2. Connection Types of Oxygen Bottle and Oxygen Mask

Twist-Type Push-Type

Push in the oxygen mask inlet to

Push the knob then push the
the outlet of the oxygen bottle
oxygen mask inlet to the
then, turn it clockwise until it
outlet of the oxygen bottle.
would not turn any more.

3. Types of Oxygen Flow Settings

- Hi: Supplies 4ℓof 02 per minute and lasts for 1 hour (approximately).

- Lo: Supplies 2ℓof 02 per minute, lasts for 2 hours (approximately).

※‘Hi’is written in red color and ‘Lo’in green color on the

nozzles respectively.

4. Instructions

① Connect the oxygen mask to the oxygen bottle, according to the type.

② Turn the On/Off valve counterclockwise.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

③ Place the oxygen mask on the patient’s face so that his nose and

mouth are covered.

④ Make sure the mask is placed properly on the face by using the

rubber band attached to the oxygen mask.

※ Do not use the oxygen bottle

- till its complete exhaustion (might cause dyspnea).

- around a fire ☞ It can explode!

PSI of a car tire→ Around 30 32

PSI of a POB→ Around 180

※ In B737-800, there are half-sized POBs (related to the flight range

and time)→ Lasts for 30 minutes (approximate) at Hi.

D. Flashlights

1. Purpose- To induce passengers to a safe area and secure visibility

in smoke.

2. Types of Flashlights on Board.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
Switch Type Automatic Type

3. Instructions

- Switch Type Flashlight - Automatic Type Flashlight

① Take the plastic case out. ① Take the flashlight

② Use the switch ‘On’/’Off’ from the bracket.

for operations. ② It will illuminate


※ Automatic Type Flashlight-

- Red light flashes at an interval of 5 to 7 seconds if it is


- To turn it off, place it back or disconnect the battery.

E. Crash Axe

1. Purpose- To gain access to behind the panels, where access to it is

difficult or to remove any obstacle.

There is one crash axe, only in the cockpit.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

Authorization from the captain is required, for it to be taken out

of the cockpit.- In order to prevent it being used as a weapon.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

Chapter 2: Door Operations

1. Normal Operations

A. Purpose- To understand the normal procedures for door-opening and

closing so that, as a flight crew, you become capable of

operating the entry doors of your airplane.

B. All fleets, except Boeing 737 (explained after this).

1. Opening

① Make sure that the Arming Lever in the Door Mode Selector is on

‘Manual/Disarmed’ position in order to prevent the slide/raft from



Arming Lever

Door Mode Selector

※ The Door Mode Selector and its Arming Lever might look different

according to the airplane’s type.

Boeing 747-400

Door Mode Selector

Arming Lever

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
② Place the Operation Handle on ‘Open’ position.


※ The Operation Handle might look different according to the

airplane’s type.

Boeing 747-400

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

③ Open the door.- Pneumatic power helps the door opening.

※ It is a good idea to use an Assistance Handle, with your one hand

while the other hand is operating the door, around the door in

order to prevent any injury, for example, slippage.

※ Its location might be different according to the airplane’s type.

2. Closing

① Unlock the Gust Lock.

※ Gust Lock is a device which prevents the door from being slammed

due to a gust (locks automatically when the door is fully open).

Boeing Type- Clip-Type Airbus Type- Button-

※ The type of its gust lock might be different according to the

airplane’s type.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
② Close the door.- Pneumatic power helps the door closing.

※ It is a good idea to use an Assistance Handle, with your one hand

while the other hand is operating the door, around the door in

order to prevent any injury, for example, slippage.

※ Its location might be different according to the airplane’s type.

③ Place the Operation Handle on ‘Close’ position.


※ The Operation Handle might look different according to the

airplane’s type.

Boeing 747-400

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
C. Boeing 737

1. Opening

① Unlike other fleets, in Boeing 737 there is no Door Mode Selector

and its Arming Lever. Instead, its Girt Bar is exposed. So make

sure that the Girt Bar is removed from the brackets (left and

right) attached on the floor and placed on the Girt Bar Retainers

(left and right).

The Girt Bar must be removed from the Girt Bar

Brackets and placed on the Girt Bar Retainers.

Girt Bar on Girt Bar Retainers

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
② Place the Operation Handle on ‘Open’ position.

③ Open the door.

※ No pneumatic power is provided for the door operations in Boeing

737 so, 100% of manpower must be used.

※ It is a good idea to use an assistance handle, with your one hand

while the other hand is operating the door, around the door in

order to prevent any injury, for example, slippage.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

2. Closing

① Unlock the Gust Lock.

※ Gust Lock is a device which prevents the door from being slammed

due to a gust (locks automatically when the door is fully open).


② Close the door.

※ No pneumatic power is provided for the door operations in Boeing

737 so, 100% of manpower must be used.

※ It is a good idea to use an Assistance Handle, with your one hand

while the other hand is operating the door, around the door in

order to prevent any injury, for example, slippage.

③ Place the Operation Handle on ‘Close’ position.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

④ Remove the Girt Bar from the Girt Bar Retainers and make sure it is

locked by the Girt Bar Brackets (left and right) equipped on the


Girt Bar on Girt Bar Retainers

The Girt Bar must be removed from the Girt Bar

Retainers and locked on the Girt Bar Brackets.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

2. Emergency Operations

A. Purpose- To evacuate passengers from an airplane timely and safely.

B. Main Doors (All fleets)

1. Look and check the status of outside.

※ If there is any obstacle that might interfere with the door

operations, induce passengers to other doors for evacuation.

Look & Check outside

through view window

2. Check ‘Arming Lever- Auto / Girt Bar- Locked’.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

3. Open the door.

4. Pull Manual Inflation Handle.

※ The main purpose of Manual Inflation Handle is to inflate a

Slide/Raft manually in case of it having not activated

automatically with the door set as Armed (Automatic).

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
However, it is Korean Air’s regulation to pull it whether it is

being inflated or not.

C. Overwing Exit Doors (Boeing 737)

1. Grab the handle located under the cover as shown above.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

2. Pull the handle down

※ The door will be open outward automatically.

3. Follow the arrows indicated on the wing

※ They induce passengers to the rear side of the wing.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
Chapter 3: Evacuation Procedures and Equipment

1. Sliding (ground evacuation)

A. Purpose- To evacuate passengers from an airplane promptly and


Arms- Straight to balance

Back- Upright to balance

High/sharp heeled shoes- Off, in order to prevent damage to

the Slide/Raft.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

2. Rafting

A. Ditching Release Handle

B. Purpose- To detach a Slide/Raft from an airplane’s fuselage.

※ It is seen when a Girt Bar Cover is lifted up.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

3. Mooring Line

A. Purpose- To keep the connection between the Slide/Raft and the


※ By pulling the Mooring Line, you can go back to the fuselage of the

airplane for a reason, such as

- There is a passenger who has not escaped the airplane yet.

- There is a good must be brought out the airplane.

4. Mooring Release Handle

A. Purpose- To separate a Slide/Raft completely from an airplane.

※ Once you pull Mooring Release Handle, Mooring Line will get

unlinked from the Slide/Raft, not from the fuselage of the

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

If Mooring Release Handle malfunctions use Mooring Knife to cut

Mooring Line.

※ Since there are no paddles equipped on a Slide/Raft, we paddle with

our hands.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

5. Canopy

A. Purpose

- To protect passengers from the direct rays of the Sun and rain.

- Can also be used as a signal for help with its bright orange color.

※ Life Raft- Equipped in B737 which flies over water for a certain

period of time.

6. Portable ELT

A. Purpose- To send out emergency signals in order to locate the scene

of an accident so that immediate Search And Rescue can be

executed which can save lives.

B. There are two types of ELT in Korean Air.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

Rescu 99 Rescu 406

Type Analog Digital

Frequency 121.5/243MHz 121.5/243/406.025MHz

Accuracy 10 20 km 2 3 km ※

Signal Power 0.1 W 5 W

Digital with encoded

Analog with no
Signal Type identification of the
identification feature.
registered aircraft.

※ Rescu 406 uses satellites.

C. Instruction

① In water.

③ Once Holes (x 2- Left & Right) are

filled with water※, ELT sends out
emergency signals automatically.

③ ELT will erect automatically and

Soluble Tape will get melted when it
comes to contact with water. Then
antenna will erect automatically.

① Tie Lanyard Cord to a certain place on

a Slide/Raft and throw it in water.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

※ Portable ELT is specially made for ditching purpose, so the

temperature of water and the concentration of salt in sea water

will affect the life of ELT (the colder and saltier the better).

② On the ground.

Place it on the ground (the higher the better) where is free

from any obstacles.

③ Once Holes (x 2- Left & Right) are

filled with water※, ELT sends out
emergency signals automatically.

② Cover up ELT with the transparent

plastic bag provided with ELT

① Tear off Soluble Tape manually and

erect antenna.

※ Also, beverages, such as Coke, juice, and coffee, even urine can be

substituted for water.

※ The salt provided with the ELT will extend the life of the ELT.

Do not turn off the ELT once it has started its operation, unless you

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
have to, in order to avoid any misjudgment.

7. Heaving Line

A. Purpose- To rescue a person from drowning and it can be used as a

cord to tie it up with other Slide/Raft in order to stay


B. Location- It is clearly indicated by letters with an arrow.

C. Material- The ring is made of rubber, so it floats in water.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

8. Survival Kit

A. Purpose- To provide passengers and crew members with vital

survival items in case of a ditching or forced landing

situation, while they are waiting to be rescued.

B. Location– It is located underneath the Slide/Raft

C. Package form-

① Water-proof

② Vacuumed

D. Contents

① Drinking Water

I. Purpose- To provide people with a vital element for survival while

they are waiting for a rescue party.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

② Water Purification Tablets

I. Purpose- To purify dirty water for drinking purpose (it can not

remove salt).

③ First-Aid Supplies

I. Purpose- To provide people with emergency remedies when first-aid

treatment is needed.

II. Some of the supplies are

- Sterilized cotton

- Band-aids

- Antiseasickness pills

- Bandages

- Eye droops
Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
- Burn-ointment

- Ammonia inhalation

④ Flash Kit

I. Purpose- To indicate the accident scene.

II. There are two types of Flash Kits being used in Korean Air.

Type A Type B

※ The instructions are clearly written and depicted with pictures on

the case.

⑤ Sea Dye Marker

A. Purpose- To dye the area (in rich amber color) around the

Slide/Raft so that the scene of the accident stands out

to rescue parties.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009
B. There are two types of Sea Dye Markers in Korean Air.

Tea Bag-Type Power-Type

C. Instructions

I. Tea Bag-Type

- Unfold the case.

- Put it in water.

II. Power-Type

- Open the black cap.

- Sprinkle the power.

D. If the water is calm,

I. It dyes the area, 300m out (approximately)

II. It lasts for 40 45 minutes

⑥ Signal Mirror

E. Purpose- To send an emergency light signal by using the reflection

of sunlight.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

※ It is a good idea to use it with a Flash Kit.

⑦ Whistle

A. Purpose- To send an emergency sound signal by blowing it.

※ It is a good idea to use it with a Flash Kit.

⑧ Sponge

A. Purpose- For multi-purpose use.

⑨ Bailing Bucket

A. Purpose- To collect drinking water (e.g. rain, dew etc.) and bail

out water out of a Slide/Raft.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

⑩ Candies, Chewing Gums and Vitamin Tablets

A. Purpose- To provide people with the minimum energy for survival

while they are waiting for a rescue party.

※ Patients, children or elderly people should be given priority to

take them.

⑪ Repair Clamp

A. Purpose- To repair any damaged surface on a Slide/Raft.

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

Chapter 4: Polar Equipment

1. Purpose- For the flight crew to wear it in order to go out to get

some help, in case of an emergency landing in the Polar


Top + Mask + Gloves (for 1)

Top + Mask + Gloves (for 1) Winter

Pants (for 1) (for 2)

Pants (for 1)

Effective Date: 01 NOV 2009

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