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Tullys Bully Tails: A JF Series

Tullys Bully Tails

Batteries Not Included

Prlogue: My family always held its Yuletide celebration on Christmas Eve, rather than Christmas Day. Perhaps it was because the timing was more convenient for relatives, or maybe that it allowed everyone to sleep in the next morning. Whatever the true reason, over the years I strongly began to suspect it was because we simply couldnt wait another day. Even after starting my own family I retained this tradition, so when the dim of twilight began setting in on the eve of the December 24th, our home was a-twitter with anticipation.

upstairs? Sean gave Tully a puzzled look and then shared it with me. Errr, ummm, I think theres food up there. Yeah, I mustve put some of Mom n Dads snacks out up there already. Hmmmm

By the time the opening of presents finally commensurated, Tully and I were about to burst. Hed spent the entirety of the evening either stalking the stairs or the spare bedroom door and I was running out of excuses. Sean first, Sean first! I announced as the discussion of who was to open the first gift was raised. Jeez. OK Miss Bossy. My brother was giving me a narrowed look from the end of our sectional sofa. My Mom nodded at me and gave him a sharp elbow to the ribcage. Yes, Sean ought to take the first go, she resounded. I had the box unearthed and in his lap in less than thirty seconds. And what do we have here?, he asked, moving to shake the box. I winced. Oh no honey, you shouldnt do that. Was he much trouble? Mom clutched the box as if she was afraid to hand it off to me. Naw, slept right through the night, she crooned, passing it over with a look of longing. As I took on the wobbly load, Tully placed his front legs quietly on the back of my calf and peered upwards, his nose twitching rapidly. I felt a little push as he encouraged me to share my treasure. No, no little boy. Not yet. With the stealth and cunning of a ninja, I crept in the front door and upstairs with the silence of wind. Tully seemed to sense my cautious movements and followed behind like a shadow. As I closed us in the spare bedroom and placed the box gingerly on the dresser, I chanced a peek through one of its holes. No form, just darkness and the soft rise and fall of breath. Perfect. What took you so long? Sean was covered in shredded turkey and glistening with sweat. Had the thing exploded?! Sorry. They had a lot of stuff, I lied, taking up my post in the kitchen. Amidst incoming family and chatter, the distinct ting, ting, ting of the tags on Tullys collar clapping together pervaded the scene. Whats he doing? Why does he keep trying to go Huh? Sean was peering at the box more thoughtfully now. Tully joined in and was teetering of the edge of his Dads lap; ears erect and eyes bulging. What Tully? Is this a toy for you? he teased as Tully bullied nearer his prize. Ya know kid, not every present here is for you! I glanced over at the tree, laden with packages wrapped in dog-themed paper and shook my head in disagreement. OK Tully, lets do it then. Lets open your toy, Sean conceded. I thought Seans eyes might burst clean out of their sockets when that little white head popped from the box. But his reaction was nothing compared to Tullys, who jumped right in alongside his new cohort. Thats him honey, thats your new son. The one you fancied on the breeders site. Thats Boo! I was erupting with excitement that had been too long bottled. Isnt he beautiful?! Boo was laboring under Tullys heavy,

bearlike frame and Sean had to muscle his first son out of the way just to get to the little white piglet beneath. He is, he is! Sean exclaimed, eyes shining. Boos plump pink stomach protruded like an overfull water balloon as Sean held him in mid-air. A smattering of black freckles peppered the bulging belly and set us all to smiling. Meanwhile, Tully balanced on his back two legs, trying his darndest to get closer to his new toy. The balance of the evening was a blur of wrapping paper, bows and flashes of white and brown as the boys tussled. And as the clock chimed ten and everyone gathered at the door to say their goodbyes, both of our little dogs said their farewells like wound-down toys with not a lick of battery power to spare. Goodnight. Thank you for everything. Oh, and for Boo Mom. Thank you so much watching him last night. Mom gave me a good, hearty squeeze and then scooped Boos head up, where it hung atop Seans elbow, lax as an overcooked spaghetti noodle. It was my pleasure, she purred, nuzzling his muzzle before disappearing into the inky night.

Chapter three

The Tail

Oh, theres my Mom and Dad, I chimed as a silver Dodge Caravan came careening down the drive. Ill help them unload. Why honey? Sean was elbow-deep in the driest looking turkey Id seen since we watched Christmas Vacation. I can do it. I made a shooing motion, explained youve got your hands full, and rushed out the door before he had a chance to argue. Galloping towards the van I nearly slipped in a well-trodden section of snow that had become a doggie bathroom thoroughfare. BE CAREFUL honey! My Mom looked like shed witnessed me narrowly avoid death. You could crack your head open that way! And more importantly, couldve squished Tully, I admitted, chancing a glance at his wide, anxious eyes as they regarded my rear end like a looming cataclysm about to strike. Sorry little man, I offered, recovering with a clumsy motion and quickly yet carefully making up the remainder of the distance between the house and the van. My Mom was holding out a large, wrapped box with six neat little holes cut into the lid.

Tullys Bully Tails: A JF Series

Now that was a good Christmas, Sean said with a sigh as he carted Boo outside for one last potty break. Mmmm hmmm, I agreed. Boo looked so tiny as he tottled in behind his big brother. Come on boys, I called out to the pair as I made my way towards the bedroom, time for sleepies. But Tullys familiar ting, ting, ting of tags clanking together didnt follow me. As I turned to investigate, I heard Sean sniggering in the living room. Check this out, he directed between snorts of laughter. I rounded the corner to find Tully positioned near his mountainous toy box, with Boo close by. Tully seemed to have backed his new little brother closer and closer to the box and was now growling at him. Any time Boo made a move in the opposite direction, Tully herded him backward, like a Border Collie ushering his sheep into the pen. Sean was shaking his head and choking back giggles as he turned to me dont you see what hes doing? he asked. I felt too foolish to admit that I didnt. Hes trying to get Boo into the toy box. Tully thinks hes a toy! My laughter came so quick and so hard and so loud that I spooked both dogs and sent them fleeing into the other room. It took a good amount of coaxing to get the boys to bed that night and for many a night following, as Tully tired to bully Boo into his rightful sleeping quarters; the toy box.

Kris Kibbee (Castle Rock, WA) is a Pacific Northwest native with a love of language and dogs. While attending Washington State University she studied in the Professional Writing program and was a contributing writer to The Vancougar. An avid animal welfare advocate and experienced dog trainer, Kris has a contagious affection for French bulldogs and shares her home with three of the mischievous mongrels. She will be writing about the Tails of Tully! Kris Kibbee

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