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Nelson Mandela said ‘Sports has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire.It has
the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they
understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.’

Sport can be one of the great drivers of gender equality, by teaching women and girls the values
of teamwork,self-reliance and resilience.It can provide girls with social connections and a refuge
from violence in their homes and communities.It can help them to understand their bodies and
build confidence and the ability to speak up,particularly during adolescence,when the pressure to
conform to traditionally ‘feminine’ stereotypes leads many girls to abandon sport entirely.

At the same time,the world of sport remains plagued by many of the same gender inequalities
that we see more broadly; issues such as unequal pay, gender-based violence, a lack of targeted
investment and negative stereotypes and social norms.

In workplaces around the world,women earn anaverage of 77% of men’s salaries,for work of
equal values.

We need visible role models of women athletes excelling on the pitch,in the arena and on the
Olympic podium,so that girls see, and believe in their capabilities.

Model a culture that reflects equality, respect for diversity and non-violence, within and beyond

Not only are successful sports women showing girls that they can excel on the field; many are
using their celebrity to start important conversations about gender equality and to advocate for
women’s rights more widely.

Space exploration

Through space exploration humans have learned a great deal about the planets,stars, and other
objects in space.

Climate change
Climate change is the process of our planet hearing up.Over the past 150 years, industrialised
countries have been burning large amounts of fossil fuels such as oil and gas.

Climate change is already affecting wildlife all over the world, but certain species are suffering
more than others.Polar animals-whose icy natural habitat is melting in the warmer temperatures-
are particularly at risk. In fact, experts believes that the Arctic sea ice is melting at a shocking rate
- 9% per decade! the habitat is cut down, and more droughts cause more bushfires.Sea
turtles rely on nesting beaches to lay their eggs,many of which are threatened by rising sea
Farming communities,especially in developing countries,are facing higher temperatures,
increased rain, floods,and droughts.

Dealing with Bullying

Sadly, bullying is really common. People who are bullied are more likely to suffer from depression
and anxiety.They might lose interest in activities they enjoy,avoid spending time with other
people and not go to classes or school, which has a negative effect of their learning.

Bullying is not just physical,like hitting or kicking someone, or taking their things without
permission. Bullying can also be with words- saying or writing things that are not nice. Another
type of bullying is social-choosing not to include someone, embarrassing someone or telling
other people not to be friends with them.

Bullying can happen at school, on public transport, when you’re walking home, fact, it
can happen anywhere. Bullying involves an imbalance of power- one person (or a group of
people) that is more powerful than another.Maybe this person has private information or is more
popular, or maybe they are physically bigger and stronger.

Bullying usually involves more people than you think. There are the people who bully and those
who are bullies.Sometimes other people help the bully or join in.Then there are the kids that
support-they don’t bully anyone directly,but they support the bullying in other ways. This is why
it’s important for everyone to work together against bullying. Some children see what is
happening and want to help, although they don’t know how. Others may comfort and defend the
person being bullied. To stop bullying we need everyone to be brave and take a stand.

Bullying is a social problem and it needs a solution from society-in other words, everyone. The
next time you see someone being cruel to someone else,take a stand! Don’t laugh or ignore
what’s happening- tell an adult as soon as possible and help everyone to realise that bullying is
not OK.

Recycling is how we take trash and transfer it into new products.Recycling is good for us and the
environment because it reduces the use of new raw materials to produce new products. It also
reduces the energy we use, improve the quality of air and water,and fighs climate change.

Recycling is important to preserve the environment and to leave the planet in a better condition
than we found it.

For example, one of the biggest problems in the world is the staggering amount of electronic
waste (e-waste) that is produced. TVs,computers,printers,monitors,scanners,keyboards etc.

Another important thing to learn, in addition to recycling, is reducing. Keeping our new purchases
to a minimum is a way to reduce our use of natural resources. Recycling is important in several
ways. It reduces pollution of air, water,and land. It also protects natural resources such as
trees,minerals and oil. These do not get used up as quickly if people can reuse existing products
made from these resources.

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