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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


King David
(1 Samuel 17:20-15)

1. read and deepen your understanding on the life and legacy of King David;
2. recognize the presence of God during the time of David; and
3. apply and live by the examples of King David.

The life of King David, one of the most prominent figures in

the Bible, is filled with triumphs and tragedies. Here is an
overview of his life:

David was born in Bethlehem, Israel, around 1040 BCE. He

was the youngest son of Jesse and grew up as a shepherd,
tending to his father's flock. At a young age, he displayed great musical and poetic talents.

When David was still a young man, the prophet Samuel anointed him as the future king of
Israel, replacing Saul. This anointing was significant, as David was chosen by God to lead
His people.

Perhaps the most well-known story about David is his defeat of the giant warrior Goliath.
When the Philistines challenged the Israelites to send a champion to battle, David, armed
with his faith in God, courageously volunteered. Using his sling and stone, David struck
Goliath down, delivering a great victory for Israel.

After the defeat of Goliath, David quickly rose to prominence in Saul's court, winning the
favor of the people and the king himself. However, Saul's jealousy and fear of David's
growing popularity led him to turn against him, forcing David to flee and become an outlaw.

David's time as an outlaw was filled with adventures and challenges, as he gathered a group
of loyal followers and played a strategic game of cat-and-mouse with Saul's army. Despite
several opportunities to kill Saul, David refused to harm God's anointed.

After Saul's death, David was anointed as the king of Judah. He then unified the entire
nation of Israel under his reign, establishing Jerusalem as its capital. David was known for
his military prowess, expanding Israel's borders and bringing stability to the nation.

David was also a man of great faith and a gifted poet and musician. He wrote many of the
Psalms found in the Bible, expressing his joy, sorrow, and prayers to God.

However, David was not without his flaws. His affair with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the
Hittite, led to a series of tragic events. David arranged for Uriah to be killed in battle and
took Bathsheba as his wife. God was displeased with David's actions and sent the prophet
Nathan to confront him.

David repented and acknowledged his sin, seeking forgiveness from God. Although David
had to face the consequences of his actions, he experienced God's compassion and

David's reign ended peacefully, and he passed the throne to his son Solomon. King David is
remembered as one of the greatest kings in Israel's history, a man after God's own heart.
His legacy as a musician, poet, and warrior continues to inspire people today.
Patronage of Mary Development School
Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Learning Task 4

Name ______________________________________________ Grade Level __________

Email Address ___________________________ Date _____________ Time ___________

1. As a young boy, what qualities and talents did David possess?


2. What part of the life story of David which is the most prominent of all?

3. How did David rule Judah?


4. What did David do that displease God?


5. How did he respond to God’s displeasure?


6. What values can you learn from the life story of David?

7. As a young student, what do you think would be your contribution to your community /

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