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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


The Life of Naaman
2 Kings 5:119

1. read and trace the story of Naaman;
2. recognize God’ healing power; and
3. apply and live by the examples of Naaman.

Naaman was a prominent figure in the Bible,

particularly in the Old Testament. He was a
commander in the army of the king of Aram, who
was a successful and powerful nation at the time.

Despite his success and high rank, Naaman

suffered from leprosy, a severe and incurable skin
disease that caused physical disfigurement and
social isolation. He was desperate to find a cure
for his condition and sought the help of various healers and doctors.

One day, a young Israelite girl who had been taken captive by the Arameans and served
Naaman's wife as a maid, told him about a prophet named Elisha in Israel who could heal
him. Naaman, convinced that this might be his chance for a cure, went to his king and
asked for permission to go to Israel.

With the king's support, Naaman traveled to the land of Israel and brought with him gifts
and a letter from the king of Aram to the king of Israel, seeking his help in healing
Naaman's leprosy. However, the king of Israel was alarmed and believed that it was
impossible to cure leprosy, fearing that the king of Aram was looking for a reason to start a

Elisha, hearing about the king's distress, sent a message to him, saying, "Why have you
torn your clothes? Have the man come to me, and he will know that there is a prophet in
Israel." Naaman then went to Elisha's house, where Elisha sent a messenger to tell Naaman
to wash himself seven times in the Jordan River to be cleansed.

Initially, Naaman was furious and felt insulted by Elisha's simple instructions. He expected a
grand and miraculous gesture, not a mundane act like bathing in a river. However, his
servants convinced him to obey Elisha's request, and Naaman humbled himself and washed
in the Jordan River seven times.

Miraculously, after the seventh wash, Naaman's skin was restored, and he became clean
from his leprosy. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Naaman returned to Elisha, thanking him
and acknowledging the God of Israel as the one true God.

Naaman then asked Elisha for permission to take soil from Israel back to Aram, as he
wanted to worship only the God of Israel from then on. He promised to no longer offer
sacrifices or worship any other gods. Elisha granted his request, and Naaman returned to
Aram a changed man, with a newfound faith in the God of Israel.

The story of Naaman's healing and his subsequent conversion serves as a powerful example
of God's mercy, grace, and his willingness to heal and transform even those who are
considered outsiders or enemies. Naaman's life was forever changed by his encounter with
the God of Israel, and his story continues to inspire and teach valuable lessons of faith and
Patronage of Mary Development School
Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Learning Task 6

Name ______________________________________________ Grade Level __________

Email Address ___________________________ Date _____________ Time ___________

1. Who was Naaman in the Old Testament?


2. Who were God’s Instruments for the healing of Naaman? What happened to Naaman?

3. What did Elisha advise to Naaman to cure his leprosy? How did Naaman respond? What
happened to Naaman in responding to the instruction of Elisha?

4. What was proven by God in the life of Naaman?


5. Which verses in the Bible can we find the story of Naaman?


6. Were there instances in your life that you doubted God? What are those? Describe each.

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