0078-Srishti Rustagi-01-05-24

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Kodehash Technologies Pvt Ltd Payslip: May 2024

Generated by

Net Pay Gross Pay (A) Deductions (B)

68,065 = + 75,000 - 6,935

Employee Code Gross Pay (A) The total money you earned before the deductions

Name Earnings Monthly Total Amount

Srishti Rustagi
Basic 36,600 36,600
Senior UI/UX Designer House Rent Allowance 18,300 18,300

Department Special Allowance 18,300 18,300

PF Employer Contribution 1,800 1,800
Date of birth
03/03/1997 Gross Pay 75,000

Deductions (B) The amount deducted for taxes and other benefits
Deductions Monthly Total Amount
Account no.
50100289591380 Tax Deducted at Source 3,335 3,335

IFSC code PF Employee Contribution 1,800 1,800

PF Employer Contribution 1,800 1,800
Date of joining
16/02/2023 Total Deductions 6,935

Payable Days

Leave Balance

Regime Opted
New Regime

Yearly Taxable Income (C) The money you will earn annually excluding the exemptions you declare

Description Gross Exempted Taxable

Basic Salary 4,25,669 0 4,25,669

HRA 2,13,540 0 2,13,540

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Description Gross Exempted Taxable

Special Allowance 2,13,539 0 2,13,539

Annual Taxable Salary 8,52,748

Net Taxable Income (E) Your taxes are calculated on this amount after considering all investments you claimed to save taxes

Details Amount

Annual Taxable Salary(C) 8,52,748

Standard Deductions (Section 16) -50,000

Net Taxable Income 8,02,748

Tax for 2024 - 25 Tax will be deducted on this Net Taxable Salary after all exemptions

Details Amount

Tax on Taxable Income 35,275

Education Cess 1,411

Net Tax 36,686

Tax Deducted Till Date (Current Employer) 0

Tax To Be Deducted This Year 36,686

Tax for May 2024 Tax to be deducted (F) / No. of payroll exections left in this financial year

Tax to be deducted this month 3,335

Tax Deducted This Month 3,335

Monthly tax Projected TDS for rest of the year are marked with *

April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 * July 2024 * August 2024 * September 2024 *
0 3,335 3,335 3,335 3,335 3,335

October 2024 * November 2024 * December 2024 * January 2025 * February 2025 * March 2025 *
3,335 3,335 3,335 3,335 3,335 3,335

* These may change if there is a change in your income

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