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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302- Website: - Email Address:


Gender and Sex


1. Differentiate the meaning and cope between gender and sex;

2. Realize the different adolescent and gender roles; and
3. Appreciate personal characteristics relative to gender roles.

Let’s watch this video by Psych2Go related to Gender and Sex

Though often interchanged, there is a difference between gender and sex.
Understanding this difference is vital in knowing and understanding oneself. In addition,
knowledge about gender and sexuality will help you understand and appreciate the different
roles boys and girls play in society and help in solving gender-related problems within your
immediate community.


According to the American Psychological Association, sex refers to the biological

aspect that makes a person male or female. It has a number of indicators like the biological
sex of the person, sex chromosomes, gonads, internal reproductive organs, and external
genitalia. Gender, on the other hand, refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a
culture associates with a person’s biological sex.


Research has shown that adolescents view and understand gender roles as part of
social conventions and have a more flexible attitude toward them. This means that you
know why masculine things are associated with being a male. Such associations are based
on arbitrary norms and rules that govern your behavior and society.

Awareness of gender roles may be observed in your day-to-day activities as an

adolescent. This is the reason why some adolescents tease a boy who is perceived as
feminine and why others do not mind. The teasing stems from the notion that one expects a
boy to be masculine in all aspects rather than feminine because of the gender roles
associated with being biologically boy. However, there is a need to understand that this is
not always the case, as an individual regardless of whether he or she is biologically a boy or
a girl may possess both masculine and feminine characteristics. It is possible that the
opposite is more dominant over the other, but it does not necessarily mean that there is a
change in sexual orientation.

The labels of masculine and feminine are the traditional categories used to classify
people but there is also what we call androgynous and undifferentiated. Androgynous
people are those who believe that they have both masculine and feminine characteristics
while the undifferentiated perceive that they lack both characteristics.


 Sex- this refers to the biological aspect that makes a person male or female. It has a
number of indicators like the biological sex of the person, sex chromosomes, gonads,
internal reproductive organs, and external genitalia.
 Gender- this refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a culture associates
with a person’s biological sex.
 Androgynous- a term used to describe people who believe that they have both
masculine and feminine characteristics.
 Undifferentiated- a term used to describe people who perceive that they lack both
masculine and feminine characteristics.
Patronage of Mary Development School
Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302- Website: - Email Address:

Learning Task 5

Name ______________________________________________ Grade Level __________

Email Address ___________________________ Date _____________ Time ___________

A. Multiple Choice. Click/Check the letter of the correct answer.

1. Carlo is the only child of the couple Andrea and Marco. He possesses attitudes and
behaviors associated with that of a girl. He plays badminton with his girl friends. He is not
interested to play games and sports for men. His parents noticed that Carlo acts and
behaves like a girl. What aspect is described in this case?
a. parental neglect
b. sex issues
c. gender issues
d. identity problem

2. What are some of the indicators of biological sex?

a. parenting, societal concerns and peer influence
b. culture, feelings, behavior, personality
c. mall and female characteristics and activities
d. sex chromosomes, gonads, reproductive organs and external genetalia

3. When adolescents view and understand gender roles as part of social conventions and
have a more flexible attitude toward them, what is the generalization then?
a. Adolescents are opinionated.
b. Adolescents know exactly their gender roles.
c. Social conventions are flexible and society is tolerant on this reality.
d. Masculine things are associated with being biologically boy.

4. Why is it that some adolescents male teases a boy who is perceived as feminine and why
others do not mind?
a. Awareness of gender roles may be observed in your day-to-day activities as an
b. Teasing stems from the notion that one expects a boy to be masculine in
all aspects rather than feminine because of the gender roles associated
with being biologically boy.
c. A boy should be doing masculine roles at home.
d. Washing clothes and dishes are roles only for girls.

5. What term which refers to describe people who perceive that they lack both masculine
and feminine characteristics?
a. undifferentiated
b. androgynous
c. gender
d. sex

6. Kirby claims that he possesses both masculine and feminine characteristics. How should
we describe Kirby?
a. He is a male because of his name.
b. He is a gay because he has feminine characteristics.
c. He is a identified as androgynous.
d. He is a female because he has feminine characteristics.

7. Teacher Jeremy describes his student, Margie, to possess attitudes, feelings and
behaviors of a male, although she is biologically female. What is the description about?
a. androgynous
b. undifferentiated
c. gender
d. sex
8. Why students should acquire knowledge on gender and sexuality?
a. It is useful in assigning household chores.
b. It is good for grouping in the class.
c. To strictly assign comfort rooms for male and female.
d. To appreciate the roles of boys and girls in the society.

9. The biological aspect of a person makes him or her a male or female. What term is
described here?
a. Androgynous
b. Sex
c. Gender
d. Undifferentiated

10. Which of the following is true among the statements below?

a. All boys should become a soldier or police officer.
b. All girls should become a nurse or a teacher.
c. Household chores are always assigned to girls.
d. Professions and household chores are not exclusively assigned to a sex or

B. Using the table provided below, write down as many masculine and feminine
characteristics you think you possess.

Gender Role

My Masculine Characteristics My Feminine Characteristics

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.


Santos, Ricardo Rubio (2016). Personal Development, Manila: Rex Bookstore.

Perez, Aida Maria Hernandez (2016). Personal Development, Quezon City: Vibal Publishing

Cayubit, Ryan Francis and Avelina L. Mandin (2017). Actualizing the Adolescent: Values
Approach to Personality Development. Makati City Don Bosco Press.

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