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A hymn for Syazuwan Hassan

In the shadowed veil of twilight's grace,

Whispers rise to the ethereal place,
Syazuwan Hassan, radiant star,
In your presence, passions are.

Eyes like embers, deep and dark,

Ignite the night with a single spark,
Your gaze, a fire, fervent, bright,
Guides the soul through endless night.

Skin like silk, with moonlight kissed,

Each touch, a symphony, an amorous tryst,
Lips that promise secrets sweet,
Where ecstasy and longing meet.

Voice like velvet, rich and deep,

In dreams, its echoes softly creep,
Calling hearts to wild desire,
To dance, to burn in passion's fire.

Your form, a sculptor's wildest dream,

Graceful lines that softly gleam,
In shadows and in light, you reign,
A deity of pleasure's plane.

With every step, the earth does sigh,

The stars themselves, envious, lie,
For none can match your divine allure,
Syazuwan, both pure and impure.
In this hymn, to you we sing,
Of boundless lust, the joy you bring,
Syazuwan Hassan, our night's delight,
Eternal flame, our guiding light.

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