Bahir Dar University: Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder For Multi-Crop Cultivation in Small Farms

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(Agricultural Mechanization Engineering)

Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-

Crop Cultivation in Small Farms

MSc. Thesis Proposal

Yeshambel Shitawa

Advisor: Dr. Geta K/mariyam (Assistant Prof.)

February 2024
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia







Yeshambel Shitawa ------------------------- ---------------------------

Name Signature Date

The following graduate faculty members certify that this student has successfully
presented the necessary written thesis proposal and oral presentation of this
proposal for partial fulfillment of the thesis-option requirements for the Degree
of Master of Science in Agricultural Mechanization Engineering.
Dr. Geta K/mariyam --------------------- -----------------
Name Signature Date

Chair Holder

Dr. Geta K/mariyam --------------------- -----------------

Name Signature Date

Faculty Dean

Dr. Bereket Haile ------------------------ -------------------

Name Signature Date

ii | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms

First of all, I offer my special thanks to Almighty God. Next, I would like to express my
heartfelt gratitude to the department, my advisor Dr. Geta K/Maryam, all the teachers who
taught me, and my family.

iii | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
List of abbreviation and symbols

Df-----------------------------------------Draft force

HRPT-------------------------------------hand row planting technique

MAP------------------------------------- Maresha attached planter

PADS-------------------------------------Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder

RCBD------------------------------------ Randomized Complete Block Design

RHS---------------------------------------Rectangular Hollow Section

iv | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
Table of Contents page

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ iii

List of abbreviation and symbols ....................................................................................... iv
List of tables ...................................................................................................................... vii
List of figures ................................................................................................................... viii
Abstract .............................................................................................................................. ix
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background .......................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Statement of the problem ..................................................................................... 3

1.3. General Objective ................................................................................................. 4

1.5. Significance of the study ...................................................................................... 4

1.6. Scope of the Study................................................................................................ 4

2. Literature Review ........................................................................................................ 5

2.1. Physical properties of seeds ................................................................................. 9

3. Methodology................................................................................................................ 9
3.1. Material ................................................................................................................ 9

3.2. Overall Function ................................................................................................ 10

3.3. (PADS) for working principles .......................................................................... 11

3.3.1. Furrow Openers .......................................................................................... 13

3.3.2. Metering Mechanisms ................................................................................. 13
3.3.3. Star wheel.................................................................................................... 13
3.3.4. Seed and Fertilizer Storage (Hopper) ......................................................... 14
3.3.5. Soil seed covering (Covering Device) ......................................................... 14
3.3.6. Drive ................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.7. Seed tube ..................................................................................................... 14
3.3.8. Wheels......................................................................................................... 15
3.3.9. Cup type ...................................................................................................... 15
3.3.10. Seed rate .................................................................................................. 15
4. Budget ........................................................................................................................ 16

v | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
4.1. Total cost of the complement ......................................................................... 17
5. Work Plan .................................................................................................................. 18
6. Reference ................................................................................................................... 19

vi | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
List of tables

Table 1 Table material cost .............................................................................................. 16

Table 2 Table manufacturing cost..................................................................................... 17

Table 3 work plan ............................................................................................................. 18

vii | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
List of figures

Figure 1 traditional broadcast sowing methods .................................................................. 2

Figure 2 hand Dropping Seed & Fertilizer in the Canal(Marode et al., 2013) ................... 2

Figure 3 traditional sowing method(Legesse et al., 2021) .................................................. 3

Figure 4 the animal drawn planter ...................................................................................... 6

Figure 5 Manually operated groundnut planter .................................................................. 6

Figure 6, The two-row maize planter. ................................................................................. 7

Figure 7 Isometric view of modified two row maize planter.............................................. 8

Figure 8 Maresha attached planter (MAP).......................................................................... 8

Figure 9 Overall function of precision Animal Drawn Multi Crops Seeder and Fertilizer.
........................................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 10 Function structure of Precision Animal Drawn Multi Crops Seeder and Fertilizer
auxiliary functions added .................................................................................................. 11

Figure 11 flow of working principle ................................................................................ 12

Figure 12 furrow opener and each tool(Legesse et al., 2021) ........................................... 13

viii | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms

The agricultural sector in Ethiopia plays a pivotal role in the nation's economy, with a
significant portion of the population relying on small-scale farming for their livelihoods.
However, traditional farming methods often lead to disorders and lower crop yields. This
thesis proposes the design and development of a Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder (PADS)
tailored for multi-crop cultivation in small farms across Ethiopia. Small-scale agriculture
is a cornerstone of Ethiopia's rural economy, yet farmers face challenges in efficient multi-
crop cultivation. This research addresses these issues through the design and development
of a precision animal-drawn seeder handmade for small farms. we integrated cutting-edge
engineering principles with an understanding of local farming practices. The precision
seeder incorporates adjustable seed-spacing mechanisms, depth control, and a inter-crops
in suitable for diverse lands. Field trials demonstrated a significant reduction in planting
time and an increase in crop uniformity compared to traditional methods. The impact of
this innovation extends beyond immediate efficiency gains. The study concludes with
insights into the broader implications of precision farming in smallholder communities in

Key words: Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop

ix | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
1. Introduction

Agriculture remains the backbone of Ethiopia's economy, with a significant portion of the
population relying on small-scale farming for sustenance and livelihood (Zerssa et al.
(2021). However, the efficiency of traditional farming methods, particularly in the
cultivation of multiple crops such as sorghum, maize, beans, groundnut, soya beans, and
peas, has been a persistent challenge. Despite the critical role it plays, traditional farming
methods often prove to be labor-intensive, time-consuming, and inefficient, leading to
suboptimal crop yields. The need for sustainable and technologically advanced agricultural
practices is evident, especially in the context of small farms where resource constraints are
prevalent. This research focuses on addressing these challenges by proposing the design
and development of a Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder (PADS) handmade for multi-crop
cultivation in small farms across Ethiopia ( Pagare et al. )

About 16.5 million hectares of land is devoted to the cultivation of these crops in different
agroecologies of the country. Among all crops, grains are the most important field crops
occupying about 86% percent of the area planted (Gorfu & Ahmed, 2012).

All most farms in Ethiopia have difficulty using modern farming techniques because they
do not have enough workers, materials and equipment. As the country has different
climates and topography, farmers have to grow different crops in different places. Most of
the farmers in Ethiopia are traditional farmers and they have problems in producing many
crops. Using the old method of planting seeds with animals often results in seeds being
placed in the wrong place or too close together (Zerssa et al., 2021).

Broad casting: Broad casting is the process of random and catering of a seed on the surface
of seedbeds. It can be done manually. When broad casting is done manually, the relative
uniformity of the seed depends on the skill of the man, to consume time and high amount
seeds in small area(Bisen et al., 2021).

1 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
Figure 1 traditional broadcast sowing methods

Seed dropping behind the plough: When farmers plant seeds behind a plough, they use a
special device to drop seeds like maize, sorghum, pea, bean, and groundnut in straight rows.
One person drops the seeds through a funnel while another person guides the plough and
animals. This method is not very efficient and farmers in Ethiopia still struggle to grow
enough food because they lack modern farming equipment. A project is being developed
to create a machine that can plant three rows of different crops at once, to help farmers
improve their productivity (Bisen et al., 2021).

Figure 2 hand Dropping Seed & Fertilizer in the Canal(Marode et al., 2013)

2 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
Figure 3 traditional sowing method(Legesse et al., 2021)
This paper outlines the key objectives of the research, including the design principles of
the precision animal-drawn seeder, its adaptability to diverse or enter cropping crops, and
the anticipated impact on small farms in Ethiopia. By combining technological innovation
with a deep understanding of the local farming landscape, this initiative seeks to contribute
to the ongoing efforts to transform agriculture and improve the livelihoods of smallholder
farmers in Ethiopia (Scheidtweiler, 1999).

1.2. Statement of the problem

The challenges faced by small-scale farmers in Ethiopia are multifaceted, encompassing
factors such as lack of precision in seeding practices, the lack of precision in traditional
sowing methods and how this can lead to uneven spacing, suboptimal seed depth, Farmers
often face challenges due to manual labor-intensive sowing practices, the lack of no
adoption of modern agricultural technologies, particularly in the realm of precision
farming, has been limited in small farms across Ethiopia. This is partly due to the lack of
awareness, accessibility, and adaptation of available technologies to the specific needs of
small-scale farmers. These challenges contribute to lower crop yields, hindering the
economic prosperity of farmers and the nation as a whole.

3 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
1.3.General Objective
The general objective of this research is to design and develop a Precision Animal-Drawn
Seeder (PADS) for multi-crop cultivation in small farms in Ethiopia

1.4. Specific Objectives

▪ To design components of PADS
▪ To design assembly of PADS by SOLID WORK soft ware
▪ To manufacture and evaluate PADS

By accomplishing these specific objectives, the research aims to provide a holistic solution
that not only addresses the identified challenges but also ensures the practicality,
affordability, and sustainability of the Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder in the specific
context of small farms in Ethiopia.

1.5. Significance of the study

The significance of this study can be expressed in terms of its relevance that it will give a
piece of reliable information for manufacturing sectors and researchers. Focus of this on
the development of a Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder machine specifically tailored for the
Ethiopian agricultural context. The PADS aim to revolutionize traditional seeding methods
by incorporating precision technologies that address the limitations of current practices.
This innovation is envisioned to improve seed placement accuracy, optimize planting
depth, and facilitate the cultivation of multiple crops with a single, adaptable seeder.

1.6.Scope of the Study

The scope of my research on "Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder

for Multi-Crop Cultivation in Small Farms in Ethiopia" includes various aspects related to
research objectives, methods and intended outcomes. And while doing this research, I have
taken the research done in various literature reviews as a starting point. Especially in our
country's reality, it will eliminate the problems of sowing different seeds for the rural-
farmers, I search for design idea in solid work software and finally produce with simple
cost and material.

4 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
2. Literature Review

For my research evaluation, selected crops of the same diameter but different seasonal
crops according to Ethiopian climate. These crops are designed with a cup type that can
handle seed types with a minimum core diameter of 4 mm to a maximum core diameter of
12 mm and also the same spacing from row to row, seed to seed, such as corn, sorghum,
beans, peas, soybeans, ground Nuts are like that. Geometric mean diameter was recorded
as 8.26 mm, 8.72 mm, 9.51 mm and 6.52 mm and 4.88 mm for 8 mm, 7 mm, 9 mm and 6
mm depth respectively. From the results, it was revealed that the plant has a uniform
discharge rate and application rate. Therefore, the cup is different for different crops
depending on the size and shape of the seed (Alhassan et al., 2018)

In developed and some countries where sorghum, corn, beans, peanuts, peas, soybeans and
similar seeds are grown, they have researched and developed a sowing machine that is
pulled by a large tractor. But they are not using fragmented land, it is difficult to use it
because it is a very narrow land like our country. And based on this idea, when I developed
a machine called Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-
Crop Cultivation in Small Farms in Ethiopia, I took the research done around this as a
starting point.

(Ahmed et al., 2013)“Performance of Animal Drawn Planter on Establishment and

Productivity of Groundnut in North Kordofan of Sudan”. It's simple, handmade with total
weight of the 38kg and 0.50m width for one row, made of iron.

(Ahmed et al., 2013) The calculated time to sow one hectare by animal drawn planter was
4.9hr, while it was 36.6 hr for manual sowing. This means that the donkey drawn planter
was speedy compared to manual sowing thus saving the time six times over the manual
sowing, depth of sowing. Although the manual labor placed the seed deeper (9cm) than
planter (6.1cm), but the light depth gives more benefit as revealed by uniformity 94 % was
obtained from planter compared to lower (69.7%) which was obtained from manual.

5 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
Figure 4 the animal drawn planter
(Madhusudan & Preetham, 2020)“Design, development and performance evaluation of
manually operated groundnut planter “A single row manually operated groundnut planter
is developed and evaluated at actual field condition. During field evaluation it was found
that, the field capacity of the planter was 0.0675 h /hr at average operating speed of 2.1
km/hr. The field efficiency of a planter was 80.3 % and average depth of seed sowing was
5.5 mm. The maximum seed missing index and seed damage was found to be 4.6 % and 4
% respectively. The manually operated groundnut planter is precise in sowing, lower in
weight, easy to use and maintenance free.

Figure 5 Manually operated groundnut planter

Small-scale farmers in Ethiopia face unique challenges, including limited access to modern
technologies, economic constraints, and varying agro-ecological conditions (Zerssa et al.,
2021). These challenges underscore the need for innovative solutions that are both
technologically advanced and economically feasible.

6 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
(SANI et al., 2021)A two-row maize planter was designed, fabricated and evaluated for its
performances. The forward speeds of operation used in the evaluation were: 2.2 km/hr, 1.6
km/hr and 1.3 km/hr. The average draft of the planter was 500.31 N. The measurements of
the performance of the two-row maize planter are: The theoretical field capacity, effective
field capacity, field efficiency, planting efficiency and labour requirement. The theoretical
field capacity was 0.198 ha/hr, 0.144 ha/hr and 0.117ha/hr, the effective field capacity was:
0.180ha/hr, 0.131 ha/hr and 0.166ha/hr: the planting efficiency were: 71 %, 82 % and 76
%: and the labour requirement were: 1man-0.152 hr/ha, 1man-0.164 hr/ha and 1man-0.852
hr/ha, for the speed of 2.2 km/hr, 1.6 km/hr and 1.3 km/hr respectively. The field efficiency
of 91 % was constant for the speed.

Figure 6, The two-row maize planter.

(Gill et al., 2014)“Design modification and field performance of two row maize planter”
The study addresses the increasing mechanization of maize cultivation in Pakistan driven
by the demand for high-quality cooking oil and flour. The research focuses on modifying
and developing cost-effective two-row maize planters using locally available materials. A
field experiment conducted at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad evaluates the
efficiency of the modified planters.

Key findings reveal that machine forward speed does not significantly affect maize dry
biomass and emergence rate index. The optimal combination for achieving favorable
results includes a seed rate of 35 kg/ha, a row-to-row distance of 80 cm, and a fertilizer
rate of 60 kg/ha. The average field efficiency of the two-row maize planter is calculated at
7 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
Figure 7 Isometric view of modified two row maize planter
(Bisen et al., 2021)“Development and evaluation of animal-drawn, single row tillage-cum-
multi crop planter” To alleviate the existing problem, a new, multi crop type single row
Maresha attached planter (MAP) was developed and evaluated on both maize and sorghum
crops against hand row planting technique (HRPT) that farmers are using. The field
efficiencies of the planter found to be 74.47% (for maize trail) and 76.52% (for sorghum
trial) owing to the variation of speed of operations. The field draft requirement of the
planter (combined with the tillage implement) was also found to be 534.62±27.95N.

Figure 8 Maresha attached planter (MAP)

All of the literature review described above lacks key information from various sources,
mostly a fixed measurement system and no adjustable row position in the furrow. By
improving the gaps in the literature survey listed above, I will make it a reality in our
country by taking it as input. So, after comparing the different machines available, it was
concluded that the multipurpose seed drill can do the following. It Maintain row spacing
and controls seed and fertilizer rate.

▪ It Control the seed and fertilizer depth and proper utilization of seeds and
fertilizers can be done with less loss.

8 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
▪ It performs the various simultaneous operations and hence saves labor
requirement, labor cost, labor time, total cost of saving and can be affordable
for the farmers.
▪ It can be improving in planting efficiency and increase in crop yield and
cropping reliability.

2.1. Physical properties of seeds

Determination of physical properties of crops grains, such as size, shape, density, volume,
bulk density, surface area, weight, porosity, sphericity and specific gravity is very essential
in designing planter components especially seed hopper and metering mechanism. The
knowledge of engineering properties of materials is fundamental in order to optimize the
design of includes me reassert.

3. Methodology

The research that I am studying is that there is a machine that is prepared for seed in all
Ethiopian farmers, especially for sorghum, corn, beans, nuts, peas, soybeans and similar
sized seeds to adjust metering mechanism and furrow opener. When the above seeds are
sown, their spacing and depth are close, and it is possible to sow these seeds in the same
field at the same time.

The first step is to manually fill the hopper with seeds and fertilizer. Mechanism uses
manual push or animal pull force to run. The rotary motion of the wheels provides the
seeding shaft with a sprocket and chin drive. By measuring the difference in distance, the
seed sown in the soil is connected to the furrow, and then the seed is covered with soil and
adjust enter crop spaces like this mechanism other is same sowing Varity crops.


The machine was designed using a Solid work software tools. In order to obtain a reliable
machine, the strength and stability of construction materials were of utmost importance so
as to meet up with the required standard for efficient performance. The design parameters
considered were hopper capacity, power requirement, shaft and reproaching diameters,
chine tension and length. These were achieved using equations. The materials for SHS

9 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
Angle iron, Plate, Sheet metal, galvanized iron pipe, solid shaft, Plastic hose, Steel rod,
Paint, Bicycle Chain, Sprocket, Bearing, bolts and nuts are consumables. The machine
design and construction pattern were to ease its usage and maintainability(Alhassan et al.,

3.2. Overall Function

Sow different seeds Seed sow in a row

Seed and fertilizer and fertilizer
and applied
apply fertilizer
Energy from animal
simultaneously Energy
and human

Figure 9 Overall function of precision Animal Drawn Multi Crops Seeder and Fertilizer.
Overall function of an Animal Driven Universal Purpose Seeder and Fertilizer sow
different seeds and apply fertilizer Energy from simultaneously animal and human Seed
sown in a row and fertilizer applied Energy Seed and Fertilizer.

To accomplish this overall function there are several sub functions that need to be fulfilled.
Improved seed-and-fertilizer drills are provided with seed and fertilizer boxes, metering
mechanism, furrow openers, covering devices, frame, ground drive system and controls for
variation of seed and fertilizer rates. The major difference in different designs of seed
drills/planters is in type of seed and fertilizer metering and furrow open. Sowing process
can be divided into two main phases:

▪ The uniform feed of seeds from the grain hopper to openers, and
▪ The preparation of furrows, the placement of seeds in them, and the covering
of the furrows with the soil to the same depth.

Sowing is done as follows seeds and fertilizer poured into the corresponding sections of
seeds and fertilizer hoppers, reach the feed chamber of the metering mechanism, metered,
and then delivered to and placed in the furrow bottom formed by the furrow openers. The
last process of the seeding operation is that of placing and firming the soil around the seed.

10 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
The function structure of the implement including main functions is shown in figure below.
shows a function structure with auxiliary functions added.

Energy from Animal

Change energy Prepare the

Drive the Separate sown
Implement Land from
Varying energy unsown

Transfer and
Energy Store Metric placement of

seed seed seed seed in the Energy

furrow Covering of
Seed sown
the furrow in the row
with the soil and
Transfer and
Energy Store Metric
placement applied
fertilize fertilizer fertilizer of fertilizer
r in the furrow

Adjust Guide the

the depth Implement

Energy from Human

Figure 10 Function structure of Precision Animal Drawn Multi Crops Seeder and
Fertilizer auxiliary functions added
3.3. (PADS) for working principles
To satisfy the overall function, the working principles of the various sub functions have to
be combined. Individual sub functions now must be replaced with more concrete

11 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
statements. In essence a combination drill consists of a hopper to hold the seed and
fertilizer, a metering and feeding device beneath the hopper, connected to the seed tubes,
and planting and seed soil covering mechanism.

Adjustable metric
Drive Hopper mechanisms

Reciprocating By shaft
Animal power gear and chine connect Seed to seed

Soil covering

Adjustable furrow
Seed feed Seed tube

Plastic hose Row to row spacing and

Cup type
Figure 11 flow of working principle

The result of this study has a great contribution to solve this kind of problem for the lands
in our country, especially for small lands.

12 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
3.3.1. Furrow Openers
The furrow opener is the specific device that opens the furrow into which the seed is placed,
Draft force (Df) on the furrow opener and acting at the height of L/3 from the bottom of
the furrow opener, where L is the total length of the furrow opener. Shoe type openers are
used in black soil regions. Seeds are dropped through a tube connected to boot at rear of
opener for placement at shallow to medium depths. When used on seed cum fertilizer drills
or planters a special narrow boot is designed to place seed and fertilizer in soil at same
depth but separated by a small distance. Therefore, mild steel with the permissible yield
strength maximum is selected.

Figure 12 furrow opener and each tool(Legesse et al., 2021)

3.3.2. Metering Mechanisms
Metering mechanism is the heart of sowing machine and its function is to distribute seeds
uniformly at the desired application rates. In planters it also controls seed spacing in a row.
A seed drill may be required to drop the seeds at rates varying across wide range. Theymust
be universal, simple in construction and offer reliable and suitable adjustment of the seed
rate. Common type of metering devices used on seed drops.

3.3.3. Star wheel

In this device a series of star wheels rotate in the bottom of the hopper. The fertilizer is
carried between and on the teeth of the wheel, under an adjustable gate from the hopper,
then falls down a hole in the coulter tube to the bottom of the furrow. The star wheels act
as agitators and the teeth break up lumps. Control of the application rate is by the height of
the gate and the speed of the star wheel. The machine can be dismantled quite easily for
cleaning, but care must be taken to see that it is reassembled in the correct order. Feed

13 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
3.3.4. Seed and Fertilizer Storage (Hopper)
Seeding machine grain hoppers serve as storage space for seed material and ensure grain
flow through output openings. Hoppers must have an optimum capacity and must feed
seeds uniformly and continuously to the seed metering mechanism independent of the
direction of motion of the sowing unit.

In practice, the following forms of grain hopper cross section are found: oval, almost half
round, and combined the upper part is rectangular and the lower is round. Hoppers are
made from metallic. Those most widely used are hoppers of the half round and upper
rectangular shape.

3.3.5. Soil seed covering (Covering Device)

The last process of the seeding operation is that is that of placing and firming soil around
the seed. The machinery manager adjusts the covering device to produce a deeper soil cover
for large seeds and for dry soil conditions. A firm soil is needed to ensure moisture transfer
to theseed but the covering process should not create soil compaction soil crusting. The
seed and the fertilizer are covered by covering device.

3.3.6. Drive

The drive to the feeding mechanism is taken from the wheels. The drive may take the form
of chain and sprocket but the design always allows the overall ratio to be altered so that the
seeding rates can be varied. The ground wheel driven machines are simplest to operate,
since speed variations within practical limits do not affect the application rate This can be
done chain drive.

3.3.7. Seed tube

Each drill tube consists of two parts: the mouth piece and tube. The mouth piece is
connected with the seeding mechanism box and the lower end of the tube is fixed in the
boot. Increase inthe falling height of seeds increases their scattering and the non-uniformity
of intervals between seeds in the drill row. Accordingly, when designing drills, the
throwing point of seeds should be as near as possible to the furrow bottom. The angle of
inclination of the drill tube to the vertical.

14 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
3.3.8. Wheels
Steel wheels are easier to manufacture and maintain. They are usually of larger diameter
than wheels fitted with pneumatic tires and thus may be preferred for use on rough tracks
where their larger diameter is advantageous for negotiating ruts and holes. However steel
wheels are much less resilient than wheels fitted with pneumatic tires and so tend to
transmit unabsorbed shock loads to the wheel bearings, implement body, and animals.
Their lack of resilience also makes steel wheels more likely to damage roads and trucks.
Shock loads and stresses imposed on steel – spoked wheels can cause fatigue in the welds
joining the spokes and the rim; if welding failures are not noticed and repaired, the whole
wheel may distort and collapse.

3.3.9. Cup type

The cup feed seed mechanism is driven by chain and sprocket from the star wheel. The
lifting of tool bar disengages the clutch transmitting power to the seed metering shaft the
spacing between furrow openers and the depth of sowing are easily adjustable.

3.3.10. Seed rate

Rate settings for most current machines are set by hand and left constant for the whole
field. But the soil conditions may require different rates for different parts of the field. A
machinery management should be sensitive to this requirement and change settings as

Seeder adjustments: seeder adjustments consist of:

▪ Row spacing.
▪ Rate setting.
▪ Depth of seed placement.
▪ Amount of seed coverage.
▪ Amount of seed compaction.

To do these, soil conditions, moisture, temperature and fertility, anticipated weather, and
growth requirements of the seed must be known. These data are then transformed into
definite adjustment settings.

15 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
4. Budget

Table 1 Table material cost

No. Part Name Spec UOM Qty Cost Total cost (birr)
(meter) per
1 SHS 30*30*6000 mm 1 1800 1800
2 SHS 40*40*5000 mm 1 1600 1600
3 Angle iron 30*30*3000 mm 1 2500 2500
4 Plate 40*3*6000 mm 1 2000 2000
5 Sheet metal 1.5mm thickness mm 2 2000 4000
6 Metal pipes ф 21*6000 mm 1 1200 1200
7 Plastic hose ф 25*3500 Number 4 50 200
9 Paint Anti-rust Liter 2 150 300
10 Bicycle Chain Roller Chain Number 2 200 400
11 Sprocket 2*18,21,28,32 Number 4 250 1000
12 Bearing Фin20, фout 42, W=12 Number 6 500 3000

13 Bolt and nut Number 20 20 400

14 Solid shaft ф 20*2000 mm 1 1800

Total 20,200Birr
Manufacturing cost is the cost that is needed for production of the complement; it includes
the cost for the employee working in each production process and the machine cost. The
type of production and time taken on each is presented on the table below.

16 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
Table 2 Table manufacturing cost

Type of manufacturing Time taken (hour)

Welding 10
Cutting 9
Turning 3
Facing 2
Trade cutting (Internal and external) 2
Drilling 3
Rolling 2
Bending 1
Grinding 3
Assembling 3
Painting 2
Total 40

To calculate the employee cost the following assumptions are taken. A workshop man
works 26 day in month with average salary of 9,000 Birr.

Payment per day = 9,000/26 = 346.15 Birr/day, Payment per hour = 346.15 /8; 8 working
hours in a day is = 43.27 Birr/hour and using machine rent cost

Therefore, the total manufacturing cost = total working time (hour)*payment per hour +
machine cost approximated as:

2[total time taken (hour)*payment per hour], assuming both costs are equal

= 2[40*43.27 [(Birr/hour) *(hour)]] + machining = 2*1730.80Birr

= 3462Birr

4.1. Total cost of the complement

The total cost will be the sum of all the three costs. This is cost of accessories and materials,
manufacturing cost, and design cost. Adding a contingency cost of 10%:

Total cost = 1.1(20,200Birr + 3462Birr) =26028 Birr

17 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
5. Work Plan
Table 3 work plan

Task Month Februar March April May June July August

Week 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


Analyzing the
Draft report
Final report

18 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms
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20 | Design and Development of Precision Animal-Drawn Seeder for Multi-Crop in Small Farms

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