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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Monitoring LGU Preparedness Actions for a TROPICAL CYCLONE "AGHON"

LGU Information:
City or Municipality of: SAN JOSE

Check if "YES" or uncheck if "NO" the box

LGU Actions Yes / No

1 The LCE 's is within his/her AOR. Yes

2 C/MLGOO informed LGU of the weather alert with Proof of Service Yes

Get Organized:

3 Convened LDRRMC within 24 hours upon receiving a severe weather bulletin Yes

4 Reviewed LDRRM/Contigency Plans and Hazard Risk Maps Yes

5 Estimated number of evacuees Yes

6 Readied pre-emptive/forced Evacuation Plans Yes

7 Organized Administrative/Logistical Support Team Yes

8 Organized Search, Rescue and Retrieval Teams Yes

9 Organized Security Teams Yes

10 Organized Medical Teams in ECs Yes

11 Organized Clearing Operations Team Yes

12 Organized Monitoring and Reporting Team Yes

13 Activated 24/7 Emergency Operations Center Yes

14 Activated Incident Command System Yes

15 Conducted inventory of supplies, equipment and stockpile of goods Yes

16 Assessed Evacuation Centers Yes

17 Conducted clearing operations and assessed structures Yes

Placed adequate guide markers at strategic locations for evacuees and
18 Yes
operations teams
Alert Communities:

19 Informed Punong Barangays of weather advisory Yes

Joined LIGA Meeting. 9AM 24May2024
Disseminated public warnings thru established warning systems and weather
20 Yes
bulletins, especially families in identified danger zones
(For coastal and island barangays) Warned fisherfolks to take precautionary
21 Yes
measures when going out to sea
(For coastal and island barangays) Issued prohibitions for sea voyage and
22 Yes
fishing (include rivers) and prevented people to cross in any body of water
23 Advised households to prepare survival kits/ secure roof, wall, power lines Yes
Issued suspension of classes for appropriate levels and suspension of work for
private and government offices
Execute Plans:

25 Prepared Evacuation Centers Yes

25.1 With hand washing area and adequate drainage -
25.2 With steady supply of clean water -
25.3 With Sufficient quantities of hand soap -

25.4 With monitoring mechanism to monitor the proper wearing of face Yes
masks and maintaining proper physical distancing -
25.5 With facilities of proper disposal of disposable face masks and Yes
infectious wastes (Such as PPEs, Tissue paper, Cotton Balls) -
26 Conducted pre-emptive/forced evacuation

27 Conducted mass feeding

28 Cancelled travel authorities for SAR and frontline personnel

29 Repacked and prepositioned food packs and non-food items for evacuees
Dispatched and prepositioned SAR/SRR, Medical, Security and Clearing
Operations teams
31 Advised Security Teams to maintain peace and order

32 Secured communication, power and water supply lines

Deployed brgy health workers/volunteers to provide medical, psycho-social, and
spiritual counselling to the evacuees
Coordinated with PNP and BFP for reporting of casualties (dead, missing,
injured) and damage to structures, if any
35 C/MHO coordinated with PNP and funeral parlors to manage dead, if any

36 Conducted CCCM Simulation exercises to determine gaps and implemented

37 Assess the structural integrity and capacity of vital facilities such as:
37.1 LIGTAS COVID-19 Centers -
37.2 Health Centers-
37.3 Hospitals for COVID-19 cases -
37.4 Public Buildings (Public Markets, Lands Transpo Terminals and Ports)

37.5 lifelines (Power, Water and Communication) -

38 Assessed functionality of established Early-Warning Systems (EWS)

COVID-19 essentials (Soap, 70% alcohol, Bleach, Surgical or cloth masks etc)

Engaged into a Mutual Aid Agreements with other LGUs for sharing of
40 resources, emergency services, use of evacuation centers, community
isolation facilities and others) -

Other Preparedness Actions:

Certified True and Correct:


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