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Exploring Nature in

Gardening is a fantastic way for children to

learn lessons about the natural world around
them, develop an interest in the food that
they are eating and encourage sustainable
practices early on in life.

UnitingCare Burwood Preschool Garden

project set about establishing two garden
types – seasonal vegetables/flowers and
native/bush tucker – so that children can
learn about where their food comes from and
develop knowledge about Indigenous plants
and food practices.

This exciting project has allowed the children

to get their hands dirty by filling the beds
with soil and planting veggies and native
plants on their own. Since the garden beds
have been established, the children have
been diligently caring for the plants, watering
them daily.

Gardening helps develop social skills in

children. For instance, by working together to
plant and care for a garden as they have to
take turns using the tools, planting seeds,
watering etc.

Gardening also requires the use of fine motor

skills such as dexterity and hand-eye
coordination. Children’s physical
development was extended using spades,
balance wheelbarrows and other gardening

The project has also provided a fun way to

engage children in science by getting them
to think about how plants grow and their
place in the wider ecosystem. It is interesting
to see how the garden encourages children
to connect with nature and their own

In unison the children say, "We love our

garden!" I think the establishment of this
project is worthwhile!

Author Story date

16 ⼋⽉ 2023
Lily Yao

Children in this story

+78 

Learning tags: 
Identity 1.1 - Feeling safe, secure and supported

Identity 1.2 - Developing autonomy, inter-

dependence, resilience and agency

Identity 1.3 - Developing knowledgeable, confident

self-identities and positive sense of self-worth

Identity 1.4 - Interacting with care, empathy and


Community 2.1 - Developing a sense of


Community 2.2 - Responding to diversity with


Community 2.3 - Becoming aware of fairness

Community 2.4 - Becoming socially responsible

and respecting the environment

Wellbeing 3.1 - Becoming strong in social,

emotional and mental wellbeing

Wellbeing 3.2 - Becoming strong in physical

learning and wellbeing

Wellbeing 3.3 - Developing strategies to support

mental and physical health

Learning 4.1 - Developing a growth mindset and

learning dispositions

Learning 4.2 - Developing a range of learning and

thinking skills

Learning 4.3 - Transferring and adapting learning

Learning 4.4 - Resourcing learning

Communication 5.1 - Interacting verbally and non-


Communication 5.2 - Engaging with a range of


Communication 5.3 - Expressing ideas and making


Communication 5.4 - Beginning to understand

symbols and pattern systems

Continuity of learning and transitions

Cultural responsiveness

Learning environments

Play-based learning and intentionality

Responsiveness to children

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Responses  52  0  4

Lily Yao 

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