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D) the discipline of psychology really has no core or center.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Definition of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the scope and goals of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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4) In order to study mind and behavior, psychologists
A) rely on the scientific method.
B) use their intuition.
C) rely on the study of internal medicine.
D) use speculation.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Definition of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the scope and goals of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

5) In which of the following scenarios is a scientific explanation being provided to explain a

A) When asked if violent video games have an impact on players, Dr. Lee replies that there is
substantial empirical evidence to suggest a change in the gamers' behavior.
B) When asked if mood influences social behavior, Dr. Sessler replies that he believes that it
C) When asked if addiction is a disease or a choice, Dr. Smith replies that he knows many
addicts and he feels that they have a disease.
D) When asked if he can train his mind to not feel physical pain, Dr. Farnworth replies that he
focuses on his breathing when he feels pain to increase his tolerance for it.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Definition of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the scope and goals of psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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6) Which of the following statements is true of the diverse subfields of psychology?
A) They allow psychologists to explain different types of behavior using the same techniques
and experiments.
B) Though they are individually separate and distinct, they all share a common goal of
understanding behavior.
C) They always lead to an MD (doctor of medicine) degree.
D) They are not related at all other than being considered a part of psychology.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

7) Dr. Alvarez is currently studying how the degeneration of certain components of nerve cells in
the brain leads to Lewy body disease. Dr. Alvarez's work is most likely to be a part of the
________ subfield of psychology.
A) evolutionary
B) developmental
C) industrial-organizational
D) behavioral neuroscience

Answer: D
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

8) Which of the following is the focus of experimental psychology?

A) exploring the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease
B) investigating the relationship between people and their physical environment
C) studying the processes of sensing, perceiving, learning, and thinking about the world
D) analyzing how people grow and change from the moment of conception through death

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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9) Which of the following subfields of psychology matches with its description?
A) Cognitive psychology examines the relationship between the nervous system and behavior.
B) Developmental psychology examines how people grow and change from conception through
C) Experimental psychology explores the relationship between psychological factors and
physical ailments or disease.
D) Clinical psychology focuses on the consistency in people's behavior over time and the traits
that differentiate one person from another.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

10) Which of the following subfields of psychology is CORRECTLY matched with a sample
A) behavioral neuroscience: the influence of chronic stress on physical health
B) developmental psychology: the effectiveness of drug therapy for obsessive-compulsive
C) cognitive psychology: the influence of an event on people's thinking
D) health psychology: the role that frustration plays in producing aggression

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

11) Which of the following is true of cognitive psychology?

A) It studies the inheritance of traits related to behavior.
B) It stems from Charles Darwin's arguments in his book, On the Origin of Species.
C) It is a subspecialty of experimental psychology.
D) It includes subfields such as developmental and personality psychology.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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12) ________ psychology focuses on higher mental processes, including thinking, memory,
reasoning, problem solving, judging, decision making, and language.
A) Developmental
B) Personality
C) Clinical
D) Cognitive

Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Cognitive Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

13) Why is the term experimental psychologist considered somewhat misleading?

A) Psychologists in every subfield use the experimental method.
B) The term is no longer in existence.
C) Most psychological topics are not suited to experimental study.
D) Experimental methods are only appropriate to the study of the biological bases of behavior.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

14) Which of the following is true of evolutionary psychology?

A) It has already led to promising new treatments for psychological disorders.
B) It considers how behavior is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.
C) It suggests that significant behaviors cannot be unfolded automatically as they are wired into
the human species.
D) It is one of the subspecialties of experimental psychology.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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15) Which of the following branches of psychology focuses on the consistency in people's
behavior over time and the traits that differentiate one person from another?
A) clinical psychology
B) personality psychology
C) cognitive psychology
D) evolutionary psychology

Answer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

16) Dr. Chen studies how people grow and change during late adolescence and young adulthood.
Dr. Doherty focuses on several traits that distinguish one person from another. Dr. Chen is a(n)
________; Dr. Doherty is a(n) ________.
A) experimental psychologist; cognitive psychologist
B) health psychologist; clinical psychologist
C) developmental psychologist; personality psychologist
D) clinical psychologist; counseling psychologist

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

17) Dr. Ebrahim is involved in a study that tracks the changes in peer relationships among
adolescents between the ages 13 and 17. Dr. Ebrahim is a(n) ________ psychologist.
A) cognitive
B) evolutionary
C) educational
D) developmental

Answer: D
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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18) Matias, a five-year-old, has just started preschool. As a preschooler, he must get used to
being away from his parents for a few hours and being around other children and adults. His
parents feel that this change may be difficult for him. A psychologist studying Matias's case is
likely to belong to the field of
A) clinical psychology.
B) developmental psychology.
C) health psychology.
D) evolutionary psychology.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

19) Identify a true statement about health psychology.

A) Health psychologists seeks to understand how humans might inherit certain healthy traits and
how the environment influences whether they display such traits.
B) Health psychologists are interested in identifying ways to promote behavior that brings about
good health.
C) Health psychology concentrates on such diverse topics as human aggression, liking and
loving, persuasion, and conformity.
D) Health psychology stems from Charles Darwin's arguments in his groundbreaking 1859 book,
On the Origin of Species.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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20) During a discussion on the psychological aspects of suicide bombers, Dr. Gerami asserts the
role of strong authority figures in encouraging the actions of suicide bombers. However, Dr.
Islington proposes the role of internal traits in suicide bombing. Which of the following BEST
identifies the subfields in which each of them specializes?
A) Dr. Gerami: personality psychology; Dr. Islington: social psychology
B) Dr. Gerami: social psychology; Dr. Islington: cross-cultural psychology
C) Dr. Gerami: social psychology; Dr. Islington: personality psychology
D) Dr. Gerami: cross-cultural psychology; Dr. Islington: personality psychology

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

21) Enterprise City has been hard hit by a recent economic downturn. Local psychologists are
holding a public workshop to help the citizens cope with the adversity. Dr. Kurutz is outlining
strategies to help adults who have been laid off avoid overeating and the use of drugs or alcohol.
Dr. Kurutz is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.
A) experimental
B) cross-cultural
C) social
D) health

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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22) As a program manager, Jazmin is required to sit at her computer for long hours working
constantly on similar projects. As a result, she has lost all motivation to perform better. In
addition, she has developed a negative attitude toward her coworkers and has stopped
contributing to team efforts. To help her become a better employee, Jazmin's manager is likely to
refer her to a(n)
A) cognitive psychologist.
B) experimental psychologist.
C) industrial psychologist.
D) health psychologist.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

23) Fiona helps students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) develop effective
study regimens and strategies. Fiona is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.
A) health
B) experimental
C) developmental
D) counseling

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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24) Dr. Growe is reading about a research study in which psychologists investigated the effect of
group size on the conformity of group members. Dr. Growe is most likely reading the Journal of
________ Psychology.
A) Developmental
B) Social
C) Counseling
D) Evolutionary

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

25) Unlike clinical psychology, counseling psychology

A) involves diagnosing and treating problems that range from the crises of everyday life to more
extreme conditions.
B) unites the areas of neuroscience and clinical psychology.
C) focuses specifically on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.
D) builds on advances in the human understanding of the structure and chemistry of the brain.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

26) Victor works in a university. According to his job description, he is required to help students
understand what kind of jobs they are suited for, identify the best learning practices, and resolve
problems with their peers. Victor works as a ________ in the university.
A) developmental psychologist
B) personality psychologist
C) social psychologist
D) counseling psychologist

Answer: D
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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27) Hugo is a college student. He is unable to cope with the workload. He does not get along
with his classmates. He goes to his teacher for advice. Hugo's teacher is likely to refer him to a
A) health psychologist.
B) counseling psychologist.
C) personality psychologist.
D) clinical psychologist.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

28) Which of the following is true of social psychologists?

A) They argue that our genetic inheritance determines not only physical traits but certain
personality traits and social behaviors as well.
B) They are concerned with identifying ways to promote behavior that brings about good health.
C) They are also called developmental psychologists.
D) They concentrate on diverse topics such as human aggression, liking and loving, persuasion,
and conformity.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

29) ________ psychologists concentrate on diverse topics such as human aggression, liking and
loving, persuasion, and conformity.
A) Counseling
B) Social
C) Evolutionary
D) Clinical

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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30) Arata loses his wife in a car accident. He is unable to cope with the grief; as a result, he loses
his appetite, is unable to sleep, cannot focus at work, and avoids his friends and family. His
family together decides that he needs help. Arata's family is likely to refer him to a(n)
A) behavioral geneticist.
B) program evaluator.
C) industrial/organizational psychologist.
D) clinical psychologist.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

31) Which of the following is true of evolutionary psychologists?

A) They are interested in how behavior is influenced by genetic inheritance.
B) They reject the notions of natural selection and survival of the fittest.
C) They are proponents of the idea that introspection reveals the structure of the mind.
D) They argue that psychological disorders are brought about by unconscious factors.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Evolutionary Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

32) One of the arguments presented in Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species is that
A) it is possible to completely understand behavior by studying the environment in which
individuals operate.
B) psychological disorders rarely originate from biological factors.
C) natural selection leads to the development of traits that enable a species to adapt to its
D) people's environment has little effect on the traits they exhibit.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Evolutionary Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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33) In what way, if any, do evolutionary psychologists go beyond Darwin's arguments?
A) They suggest that culture influences the nature of behavioral and mental processes.
B) They argue that our genetic heritage influences our physical characteristics.
C) They argue that our genetic inheritance determines aspects of our personality and social
D) They do not go beyond Darwin's original arguments.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Evolutionary Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

34) Dr. Lin and Dr. Marino both study obesity. Dr. Lin relates the likelihood of obesity to levels
of the trait of neuroticism—the tendency to experience upsetting emotions. Dr. Marino relates
obesity to the frequency with which individuals eat alone, with family members, or in the
presence of larger groups of friends, acquaintances, or strangers. Which of the following
statements is most likely TRUE regarding the subfields in which the researchers specialize?
A) Dr. Marino is a social psychologist.
B) Dr. Lin is a social psychologist.
C) Dr. Marino is a personality psychologist.
D) Dr. Lin is a behavioral psychologist.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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35) Central State University's Department of Psychology is considering expanding its doctoral
program to include an additional specialty. The department wants to focus on a "growth" area
likely to attract federal research funding as well as up-and-coming new faculty and bright,
passionate graduate students. Which of the following specialties should the department consider
most closely?
A) personality psychology
B) evolutionary psychology
C) perceptual psychology
D) cross-cultural psychology

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Psychology's Future
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

36) What might be the most controversial aspect of the evolutionary psychology position?
A) They hold the notion that our evolutionary heritage influences our physical characteristics.
B) They promote the idea that our evolutionary heritage might influence aspects of our
behavioral and mental processes.
C) Evolutionary psychologists downplay the influence of biological inheritance on thought and
D) Evolutionary psychologists minimize the role of environmental and social forces.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Evolutionary Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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37) Which of the following is true of behavioral genetics?
A) It is one of the oldest subfields of psychology.
B) It focuses on the biological mechanisms that enable inherited behavior to unfold.
C) It suggests that natural selection leads to the development of traits that enable a species to
adapt to its environment.
D) It unites the areas of neuroscience and clinical psychology.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

38) Which of the following subfields of psychology matches with its description?
A) Social psychology is a subfield of psychology that is concerned with the psychology of the
B) Behavioral genetics is a subfield of psychology that deals with the study, diagnosis, and
treatment of psychological disorders.
C) Clinical neuropsychology is a subfield of psychology that focuses on the biological origin of
psychological disorders.
D) Industrial/organizational psychology is a subfield of psychology that focuses primarily on
educational, social, and career adjustment problems.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

39) Which of the following is true of clinical neuropsychology?

A) It considers how behavior is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.
B) It builds on advances in the human understanding of the structure and chemistry of the brain.
C) It stems from the notion of survival of the fittest.
D) It focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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40) Assuming Dr. Hart is a clinical neuropsychologist, in which of the following is she likely to
be involved?
A) Investigating the relation between depressive disorders and the levels of the neurotransmitter
serotonin in the brain
B) Studying violent dreams to understand the role of unconscious forces affecting an individual's
C) Studying the effects of long-term stress on an individual's health and physiology
D) Investigating the relationship between family communication patterns and psychological

Answer: A
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

41) Clinical neuropsychology

A) focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.
B) considers how behavior is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.
C) seeks to understand how we might inherit certain behavioral traits.
D) focuses on the origin of psychological disorders in biological factors.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

42) Beatriz has just received her doctoral degree in psychology. All else being equal, in which of
the following settings is she most likely to find employment?
A) a college/university
B) the military
C) a hospital
D) a large business corporation

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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43) The local state university has opened a new center devoted to the study and treatment of
obesity, a major public health problem in the area. Dr. Nolan is researching the potential of a
drug that influences the activity of hunger centers in the brain's hypothalamus. Dr. Osterman
attempts to uncover the unconscious conflicts that may spur compulsive eating. Which of the
following statements best describes the orientations of these two psychologists?
A) Dr. Nolan is a clinical neuropsychologist; Dr. Osterman is a psychodynamic psychologist.
B) Dr. Nolan is a clinical neuropsychologist; Dr. Osterman is a counseling psychologist.
C) Dr. Nolan is a social psychologist; Dr. Osterman is a humanistic psychologist.
D) Dr. Nolan is a behavioral psychologist; Dr. Osterman is a psychodynamic psychologist.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

44) In the context of the proportion of psychologists in the United States, which of the following
is a true statement?
A) The numbers of minority individuals entering the field of psychology have significantly
reduced in the last decade.
B) Psychologists in the United States make up between 30 percent and 34 percent of the world's
C) Women outnumber men in the field of psychology in the United States.
D) The majority of psychologists in the United States are Hispanics and Asians.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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45) As a minority, Rwanda works as a clinical psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia. Given the
current situation in her field of psychology in the United States, which of the following scenarios
is likely to hold true for Rwanda?
A) Rwanda is outnumbered in her field by her male counterparts.
B) Rwanda is among the 50 percent of all professionally active psychologists belonging to racial
minority groups.
C) Rwanda is likely to get more female patients belonging to the same ethnic group or race as
D) Rwanda is likely to be paid more than her male counterparts.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

46) Which of the following statements concerning the representation of racial and ethnic
minorities among American psychologists is TRUE?
A) The number of minority members entering the field is about the same as it was 10 years ago.
B) The number of minority members entering the field is higher than it was 10 years ago.
C) The increase in the number of degrees awarded to minority members has outpaced the growth
of the minority population.
D) The number of minority members entering the field has decreased over the years.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

47) How is the diversity of psychology limited in the United States?

A) Racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented among psychologists.
B) The majority of psychologists are male.
C) Psychologists in the United States far outnumber those in all other countries combined.
D) Most research is conducted outside the United States.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
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48) Which of the following individuals is LEAST likely to be a psychologist?
A) Dionne, who holds a PhD degree
B) Everett, who has an MD degree
C) Fallon, who graduated with a PsyD degree
D) Melinda who has written a dissertation on drug abuse and is now teaching at a university

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

49) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the difference between PhD and the
PsyD degrees?
A) A PhD requires more years of study than a PsyD.
B) A PhD requires a dissertation based on an original investigation.
C) Fewer people earn a PhD than a PsyD.
D) A PhD is obtained by psychologists who wish to focus exclusively on the treatment of
psychological disorders.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

50) Psychiatrists
A) most often use treatments involving the prescription of drugs.
B) must submit a dissertation based on an original investigation to obtain a degree.
C) lack a medical degree.
D) have a PsyD, or doctor of psychology, as their highest degree.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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51) Callie works in the field of psychology. All else being equal, the chance of her highest
degree being a Master's degree is
A) one-fifth.
B) one-fourth.
C) one-third.
D) one-sixth.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

52) Kristen is a psychology major. Immediately following graduation, she will most likely
A) join the workforce.
B) feel that her job is unrelated to her psychology background.
C) continue to graduate school.
D) remain unemployed.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

53) Psychology majors are highly valued by employers in business, industry, and the government
because psychology majors
A) are trained to be empathetic.
B) provide counseling to their coworkers as and when required.
C) can synthesize and evaluate information well.
D) develop good intuitive skills.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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54) The most common employment sector for students graduating with a bachelor's degree in
psychology is
A) education.
B) business.
C) the local government.
D) social services.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

55) The field of phrenology is associated with

A) Gall.
B) Wundt.
C) Descartes.
D) Ebbinghaus.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: History of Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

56) ________ believed that children were born into the world with minds like "blank slates" and
that their experiences determined what kind of adults they would become.
A) Locke
B) Plato
C) Wundt
D) Descartes

Answer: A
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: History of Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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57) The phrase tabula rasa may be translated as
A) red tablet.
B) raised table.
C) new table.
D) blank slate.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: History of Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

58) The formal beginning of psychology is associated with

A) Wundt.
B) James.
C) Descartes.
D) Ebbinghaus.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Structuralism
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

59) When Wilhelm Wundt established the first experimental laboratory devoted to psychological
phenomena in 1879, his goal was to
A) examine the function of the emotion of fear in preparing people to deal with emergency
B) study the structures of the mind and their relationship to conscious experience.
C) unite the areas of neuroscience and clinical psychology.
D) study how people consider individual elements together as units or wholes.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: History of Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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60) Which of the following is a contribution of Wilhelm Wundt to the field of psychology?
A) He initiated the functionalist movement.
B) He established the psychodynamic perspective.
C) He pioneered the approach of structuralism.
D) He developed the gestalt psychology approach.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: History of Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

61) The 150th anniversary of a historic event will be commemorated at the American
Psychological Association in the year 2029. Which of the following events is being
A) Wundt's operation of the first psychology laboratory, 1879
B) Charles Darwin's publication of the On the Origin of Species, 1859
C) G. S. Hall's founding of the American Psychological Association, 1892
D) Pavlov's discovery of classical conditioning, 1904

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: History of Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

62) Dr. Leleux asserts that psychologists should attempt to identify the fundamental attributes of
mental experience. Dr. Leleux appears most sympathetic to the ________ perspective in
A) functionalist
B) prescriptive
C) structuralist
D) humanistic

Answer: C
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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63) Ricardo is a victim of domestic abuse. His therapist, Dr. Shania Johnson, tries to build his
confidence and help him regain his trust in people. She wants Ricardo to realize his potential and
to not let his past define him. She believes that Ricardo is already on the path to recovery
because he sought help of his own free will. Dr. Shania Johnson is most likely a supporter of the
________ perspective in the field of psychology.
A) functionalist
B) prescriptive
C) humanistic
D) structuralist

Answer: C
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

64) Seo-yeon is a psychologist. In one of her experiments, she shows her subjects an image of an
infant playing with a puppy and asks them to describe what they experienced when viewing the
image. In this scenario, Seo-yeon is attempting to understand how basic sensory processes shape
an individual's understanding of the world using the method of
A) trephining.
B) introspection.
C) internal observation.
D) information processing.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Structuralism
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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65) Lassandra takes a sip of cola. "Sweet...cold, wet, tingly...slightly bitter," she reports.
Lassandra is
A) introspecting.
B) demonstrating functionalism.
C) defining umami.
D) taking an intelligence test.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Structuralism
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

66) Identify a true statement about structuralism.

A) It brought about the union of functionalism and gestalt psychology.
B) It involved the use of a method known as information processing.
C) It was pioneered by German scientists Hermann Ebbinghaus and Max Wertheimer.
D) It focused on uncovering the fundamental mental components, states, and activities.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Gestalt Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

67) Which of the following was a disadvantage of introspection?

A) Introspection was a complicated process.
B) Introspection was time-consuming.
C) Introspection was too simplistic.
D) Introspection was not truly scientific.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Structuralism
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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68) Which of the following statements is TRUE of the structuralist perspective of psychology?
A) The structuralist perspective was supplanted by other views.
B) The structuralist perspective triumphed over alternative ones.
C) The structuralist perspective continues to coexist with other views in psychology.
D) The structuralist perspective has waned somewhat, but it still remains influential today.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Structuralism
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

69) As a psychologist, Feng is interested in studying the effects of anxiety on an individual's

efforts to deal with a stressful situation. Which of the following perspectives does Feng
A) structuralism
B) behavioral genetics
C) functionalism
D) Gestalt psychology

Answer: C
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Functionalism
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

70) Identify a true statement about functionalism.

A) It was derived from the notion of survival of the fittest.
B) It focused on the role behavior plays in allowing people to adapt to their environments.
C) It involved the use of introspection to understand the structure of the mind.
D) It was first suggested by William Wundt in 1879.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Functionalism
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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71) A time travel mishap lands you at one of the first psychology conferences ever held,
sometime at the dawn of the 20th century. The graying older scientists slowly losing their grip on
the field are most likely ________, whereas the passionate young up-and-comers are probably
A) structuralists; functionalists
B) functionalists; developmentalists
C) humanists; structuralists
D) humanists; functionalists

Answer: A
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Functionalism
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

72) In the context of the psychology of emotion, William James and John Dewey would be most
interested in
A) the contribution of unconscious memories to one's emotional experience.
B) the basic nature of an emotional feeling or experience.
C) how behavior aids one's adaptation to the environment.
D) the organization of perception and thinking in a "whole" sense.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Functionalism
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

73) Which of the following movements was led by the psychologist William James?
A) functionalism
B) social psychology
C) structuralism
D) Gestalt psychology

Answer: A
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Functionalism
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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74) According to ________, the human perception, or understanding, of objects is greater and
more meaningful than the individual elements that make up these perceptions.
A) structuralism
B) forensic psychology
C) functionalism
D) gestalt psychology

Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Gestalt Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

75) The Gestalt psychologists made substantial contribution to our understanding of

A) memory.
B) perception.
C) emotion.
D) motivation.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Gestalt Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

76) Which of the following statements describes the basic idea of Gestalt psychology?
A) It emphasizes the process of introspection.
B) It emphasizes the process of natural selection.
C) It emphasizes the unconscious determinants of behavior.
D) It emphasizes the organization of perception.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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77) Donna-Lynn is preparing a visual display of psychology's early history. One panel is headed
"The Gay '90s." It portrays developments in the 1890s. Another panel is titled "The Roaring
'20s." It is devoted to the 1920s. Which theoretical perspectives in psychology should appear in
each of these panels?
A) Gay '90s: functionalism; Roaring '20s: Gestalt psychology
B) Gay '90s: behaviorism; Roaring '20s: structuralism
C) Gay '90s: psychodynamic perspective; Roaring '20s: behaviorism
D) Gay '90s: Gestalt psychology; Roaring '20s: structuralism

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

78) Which of the following figures best approximates the number of major perspectives in
A) one or two
B) about five
C) a dozen or so
D) as many as there are psychologists

Answer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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79) Which of the following is true of the neuroscience perspective of psychology?
A) The neuroscience perspective has little appeal because every behavior ultimately can be
broken down into its biological components.
B) Proponents of the neuroscience perspective rejected psychology's early emphasis on the
internal workings of the mind.
C) The origins of the neuroscience perspective are linked to Sigmund Freud.
D) The neuroscience perspective includes the study of heredity and evolution, which considers
how heredity may influence behavior.

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Neuroscience Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

80) The neuroscience perspective

A) suggests that all individuals naturally strive to grow, develop, and be in control of their lives
and behavior.
B) focuses on how people think, understand, and know about the world.
C) considers how people and nonhumans function biologically.
D) argues that behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which we have little
awareness or control.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Neuroscience Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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81) Which of the following statements describes the behavioral perspective of psychology?
A) It emphasizes that behavior is influenced by an individual's way of thinking about the world.
B) It emphasizes that every behavior ultimately can be broken down into its biological
C) It emphasizes that observable, external behavior, which can be objectively measured, should
be the focus of study.
D) It emphasizes that behavior is motivated by unconscious inner forces over which an
individual has little control.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Behavioral Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

82) Noreen asserts that our behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which we
have little awareness or control. This viewpoint is most consistent with the ________ perspective
in psychology.
A) psychodynamic
B) humanistic
C) cognitive
D) neuroscience

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Psychodynamic Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

83) To many people who have never taken a psychology course, psychology begins and ends
with the ________ perspective.
A) neuroscience
B) behavioral
C) cognitive
D) psychodynamic

Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Psychodynamic Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
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84) Which of the following is an argument that proponents of the psychodynamic perspective are
likely to present?
A) Human thinking is similar to the workings of a computer, which takes in information and
transforms, stores, and retrieves it.
B) Every behavior ultimately can be broken down into its biological components.
C) Behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which an individual has little
awareness or control.
D) The focus of a psychological study should be on external behavior that can be observed and
measured objectively.

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Psychodynamic Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

85) Penny is a recovering drug addict. Her treatment program emphasizes the influence of her
environment—"people, places, and things"—on her use of her drug of choice. Her program
reflects the ________ perspective in psychology.
A) psychodynamic
B) behavioral
C) cognitive
D) neuroscience

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Behavioral Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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86) Dr. Greenway argues that psychology should focus on observable, measurable behavior. Dr.
Cech suggests that psychology should study how people think about and understand the world.
Which option below CORRECTLY identifies their respective perspectives?
A) Dr. Greenway—behavioral perspective; Dr. Cech—cognitive perspective
B) Dr. Greenway—cognitive perspective; Dr. Cech—behavioral perspective
C) Dr. Greenway—behavioral perspective; Dr. Cech—humanistic perspective
D) Dr. Greenway—psychodynamic perspective; Dr. Cech—humanistic perspective

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

87) Which of the following psychologists is associated with the psychodynamic perspective?
A) William James
B) Sigmund Freud
C) Karen Horney
D) Leta Stetter

Answer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

88) Which of the following is a contribution of the psychologist B. F. Skinner?

A) He was the first psychologist to study the different aspects of child development.
B) He was a pioneer in the field of behavioral perspective.
C) He was the founder of the American Journal of Psychoanalysis.
D) He was the first male president of the American Psychological Association.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Behavioral Perspective
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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89) The cognitive perspective is said to have evolved in part from the ________ perspective in
early psychology and to represent a reaction to ________.
A) structuralist; humanism
B) structuralist; behaviorism
C) humanist; behaviorism
D) humanist; functionalism

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Cognitive Perspective
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

90) Driving to work one day, Owen suspects that drivers talking on their cell phones pay less
attention to the road than do other drivers. This hypothesis would most likely be tested by a
________ psychologist.
A) behavioral
B) humanistic
C) cognitive
D) psychodynamic

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Cognitive Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

91) Which of the following is true of the cognitive perspective of psychology?

A) It has evolved in part from structuralism and in part as a reaction to behaviorism.
B) It was championed by B. F. Skinner.
C) It suggests that behavior is motivated by unconscious inner forces over which an individual
has little control.
D) It provides a means to understand everyday phenomena such as prejudice and aggression.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Behavioral Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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92) The humanistic perspective rejects the view that behavior reflects biological forces,
unconscious processes, or the environment. In other words, it rejects the ________, ________,
and ________ perspectives, respectively.
A) cognitive; psychodynamic; behavioral
B) neuroscience; cognitive; behavioral
C) cognitive; psychodynamic; neuroscience
D) neuroscience; psychodynamic; behavioral

Answer: D
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Humanistic Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

93) The emphasis of the humanistic perspective is on

A) free will.
B) environmental determinism.
C) natural selection.
D) unconscious motives.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Humanistic Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

94) Which of the following ideas stands in contrast to the notion that behavior is caused
primarily by choices that are made freely by the individual?
A) naturism
B) structuralism
C) determinism
D) functionalism

Answer: C
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Humanistic Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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95) Dr. Petrovic tries to help his clients see how their behavior reflects choices they have made.
He is most likely a ________ therapist.
A) psychodynamic
B) clinical neuroscience
C) humanistic
D) gestalt

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Humanistic Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

96) Recall Watson's quote: "Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own
specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to
become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and yes,
even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations
and race of his ancestors." If 1 = extreme nature and 10 = extreme nurture, where would you
place Watson on the nature vs. nurture issue?
A) 1 or 2
B) 3 or 4
C) 5 or 6
D) 9 or 10

Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Behavioral Perspective
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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97) Dr. Quinones studies the achievement motivation of junior high school students. He asserts
that such motivation mainly reflects the parenting and educational practices the students have
experienced. This statement is most directly related to the ________ issue; Dr. Quinones'
position is toward the ________ end of the continuum.
A) nature vs. nurture; nature
B) nature vs. nurture; nurture
C) observable behavior vs. internal mental processes; observable behavior
D) observable behavior vs. internal mental processes; internal mental processes

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

98) Dr. Reynolds believes that depression reflects aspects of a patient's early relationship with
her parents of which she may be completely unaware. Dr. Smith, by contrast, argues that
depression stems from a patient's negative self-talk. The two psychologists appear to disagree on
the ________ issue.
A) nature vs. nurture
B) conscious vs. unconscious causes
C) free will vs. determinism
D) structuralism vs. functionalism

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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99) Which of the following is an argument presented by psychologists adhering to the behavioral
perspective of psychology?
A) They contend that the only legitimate source of information for psychologists is behavior that
can be observed directly.
B) They contend that psychological disorders are brought about by unconscious behaviors.
C) They contend that behavioral disorders are largely the result of faulty thinking processes.
D) They contend that human behavior is influenced by genetics.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Behavioral Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

100) Which of the following arguments is likely to be made by a proponent of the humanistic
perspective of psychology?
A) People make intentional choices and those who display so-called abnormal behavior should
be considered responsible for their actions.
B) Psychological disorders are brought about by unconscious factors.
C) The only legitimate source of information for psychologists is behavior that can be observed
D) It is possible to gain a complete understanding of behavior by studying the environment in
which an individual operates.

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Cognitive Perspective
Learning Objective: Name and summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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101) Emma is the sole earning member of her family. She wants to study further but is forced to
give up on her dreams to support her family. Which of the following ideas explains Emma's
A) functionalism
B) structuralism
C) determinism
D) factualism

Answer: C
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

102) Individual differences are to universal principles as the ________ perspective is to the
________ perspective.
A) neuroscience; humanistic
B) cognitive; behavioral
C) humanistic; neuroscience
D) behavioral; cognitive

Answer: C
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

103) Rob is a 16-year-old American student; Yoon-Sook is a 16-year-old Asian student. Rob and
Yoon-Sook, respectively, are likely to attribute academic success to ________ and ________.
A) unchanging causes; situational factors
B) effort; natural ability
C) effort; situational factors
D) natural ability; unchanging causes

Answer: A
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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104) Race is to ethnicity as ________ is to ________.
A) the individual; biology
B) biology; culture
C) culture; biology
D) the individual; culture

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

105) Which of the following is a trend in the near future of psychology?

A) Psychology's influence on issues of public interest, such as violence and terrorism, is likely to
B) The branches of psychology are likely to be increasingly influenced by neuroscientific
C) Psychology is likely to become an increasingly unified discipline.
D) The relevance of diversity in psychology is likely to decrease.

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Psychology's Future
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

106) Pablo is taking part in a psychology experiment. He watches two political campaign ads—
one highlighting the candidate's positive attributes and another emphasizing the opponent's
negative features. During each ad, Pablo's brain is scanned. This experiment is most likely
conducted by a ________ neuroscientist.
A) clinical
B) social
C) behavioral
D) counseling

Answer: B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Psychology's Future
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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107) Lukas is unhappy with the way he is being treated at work. He plans to quit as he believes
his boss is undermining his efforts. His colleague, Marie, encourages him to examine his
assumptions, evaluate the situation, and think more carefully about his decisions. In this
scenario, which of the following approach is Marie encouraging Lukas to employ to make an
informed decision?
A) visualization
B) description-based thinking
C) determinism
D) critical thinking

Answer: D
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

108) ________ explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or

Answer: Health psychology

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

109) Dr. Thibodeaux examines sensory, learning, and cognitive processes. She is a(n)
________ psychologist.

Answer: experimental
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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110) ________ focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.

Answer: Counseling psychology

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the scope and goals of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

111) ________ applies psychology to athletic activity and exercise.

Answer: Sport psychology

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

112) Ursula is interested in helping students develop effective study practices and manage test
anxiety. Her advisor suggests that she consider a career in ________ psychology.

Answer: counseling
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

113) Consider the fields of evolutionary psychology, behavioral genetics, and clinical
neuropsychology. Of these three fields, ________ is the least specific in its focus.

Answer: evolutionary psychology

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Evolutionary Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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114) Of the two degrees, PhD and PsyD, the less research-oriented is the ________.

Answer: PsyD
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

115) Evolutionary psychology stems from the arguments presented by ________ in the book On
the Origin of Species.

Answer: Charles Darwin

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Evolutionary Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

116) Wilhelm Wundt's approach focuses on understanding the fundamental mental components
of consciousness, thinking, and other kinds of mental states and activities and is known as

Answer: structuralism
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Psychodynamic Perspective
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

117) Sigmund Freud was a proponent of the ________.

Answer: psychodynamic perspective

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Behavioral Perspective
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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118) The ________ suggests that the focus of psychological study should be on external
behavior that can be observed and measured objectively.

Answer: behavioral perspective

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Cognitive Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

119) According to the cognitive perspective, thinking is similar to ________ by a computer.

Answer: information processing

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Cognitive Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

120) The ________ suggests that all individuals naturally strive to grow, develop, and be in
control of their lives and behavior.

Answer: humanistic perspective

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Cognitive Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

121) Wanda is a humanistic psychologist who believes that behavior reflects an individual's own
choices—that is, she endorses the notion of ________.

Answer: free will

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Cognitive Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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122) The humanistic perspective is explicit in its rejection of ________, the notion that behavior
is caused by factors outside the individual's control.

Answer: determinism
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Humanistic Perspective
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

123) While neuroscientists tend to seek universal principles of behavior, humanistic

psychologists are more interested in ________.

Answer: individual differences

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

124) ________ adopting a psychodynamic perspective argue that psychological disorders are
brought about by unconscious factors.

Answer: Clinical psychologists

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

125) The idea that behavior is caused primarily by choices that are made by an individual
without restrictions is known as ________.

Answer: free will

Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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126) Dr. Young activates social stereotypes his participants might hold; simultaneously, he
records changes in the brain's electrical activity. Dr. Young is part of an evolving field known as

Answer: social neuroscience

Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Psychology's Future
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

127) The idea that people's behavior is produced primarily by factors outside of their willful
control is known as ________.

Answer: determinism
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Psychology's Future
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

128) Dr. MacGyvers is a developmental psychologist, Dr. Cooper is a cross-cultural

psychologist, and Dr. Breaux is a cognitive psychologist. For each of these psychologists, briefly
define the subfield in which he or she specializes and suggest one issue or question in which he
or she might be especially interested.

Answer: Students' suggestions may vary.

Developmental psychology—examines how people grow and change throughout the life span.
Sample issue or question: how children's problem-solving abilities change through the
elementary and middle-school years.
Cross-cultural psychology—examines the similarities and differences in psychological
functioning among various cultures.
Sample issue or question: whether depression is experienced and expressed differently in Asian
cultures than in western cultures.
Cognitive psychology—studies higher mental processes, such as memory, thinking, problem
solving, decision making, and language. Sample issue or question: how memory of an event is
influenced by subsequent experiences.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Definition of Psychology; Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.; Summarize the
key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
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129) Evolutionary psychology, behavioral genetics, and clinical neuropsychology are three
growing fields on the frontiers of today's psychology. Briefly describe each of these fields and
suggest a topic that a psychologist in each might investigate.

Answer: Students' suggestions may vary.

Evolutionary psychology—examines how behavior reflects our genetic heritage. Sample issue or
question: the evolutionary basis of gender differences in mate selection preferences.
Behavioral genetics—explores the genetic mechanisms that allow inherited behavior to unfold.
Sample issue or question: the chromosomal abnormalities that might underlie certain learning
Clinical neuropsychology—focuses on the origin of psychological disorders in biological factors.
Sample topic: brain chemistry abnormalities underlying bipolar disorder.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Subfields of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

130) Briefly, in one to two paragraphs, discuss the underrepresentation of racial and ethnic
minorities among psychologists in the United States and the significance this may have on the
field as a whole. Please provide one possible example that illustrates the effects this may have.

Answer: Students' examples may vary.

The vast majority of psychologists in the United States are white, limiting the diversity of the
field. Only 6 percent of all psychologists are members of racial minority groups. Although the
number of minority individuals entering the field is higher than a decade ago, the numbers have
not kept up with the dramatic growth of the minority population at large. The
underrepresentation of racial and ethnic minorities among psychologists is significant for several
reasons. First, the field of psychology is diminished by a lack of the diverse perspectives and
talents that minority-group members can provide.
Furthermore, minority-group psychologists serve as role models for members of minority
communities, and their underrepresentation in the profession might deter other minority-group
members from entering the field. Finally, because members of minority groups often prefer to
receive psychological therapy from treatment providers of their own race or ethnic group, the
rarity of minority psychologists can discourage some members of minority groups from seeking
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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131) Briefly discuss what types of education level, or degree, different types of psychologists
have and how many years one might expect to invest earning said degrees. Does the area of
psychology one is interested in working in dictate the level of schooling required? Please provide
two examples that relate area of work interest and degree necessary to illustrate your statements.

Answer: Students' examples may vary.

Most psychologists have a doctorate, either a PhD (doctor of philosophy) or, less frequently, a
PsyD (doctor of psychology).
The PhD is a research degree that requires a dissertation based on an original investigation. The
PsyD is obtained by psychologists who wish to focus on the treatment of psychological
disorders. (Psychologists are distinct from psychiatrists, who have a medical degree and
specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders, often using treatments that
involve the prescription of drugs.)
Both the PhD and the PsyD typically take 4 or 5 years of work past the bachelor's level. Some
fields of psychology involve education beyond the doctorate. For instance, doctoral-level clinical
psychologists, who deal with people with psychological disorders, typically spend an additional
year doing an internship.
About a third of people working in the field of psychology have a master's degree as their highest
degree, which they earn after 2 or 3 years of graduate work.
These psychologists teach, provide therapy, conduct research, or work in specialized programs
dealing with drug abuse or crisis intervention. Some work in universities, government, and
business, collecting and analyzing data.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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132) What are the career options available to psychology majors?

Answer: Although some psychology majors head for graduate school in psychology or an
unrelated field, the majority join the workforce immediately after graduation. Most report that
the jobs they take after graduation are related to their psychology background.
An undergraduate major in psychology provides excellent preparation for a variety of
occupations. Because undergraduates who specialize in psychology develop good analytical
skills, are trained to think critically, and are able to synthesize and evaluate information well,
employers in business, industry, and the government value their preparation.
The most common areas of employment for psychology majors are in the social services,
including working as an administrator, serving as a counselor, and providing direct care. Some
20 percent of recipients of bachelor's degrees in psychology work in the social services or in
some other form of public affairs. In addition, psychology majors often enter the fields of
education or business or work for federal, state, and local governments.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 1: Psychologists at Work
Topic: Profession of Psychology
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

133) Briefly describe Gestalt psychology and functionalism in one paragraph each. Also,
compare and contrast these two approaches.

Answer: An important reaction to structuralism was the development of Gestalt psychology in

the early 1900s. Gestalt psychology emphasizes how perception is organized.
Instead of considering the individual parts that make up thinking, gestalt psychologists took the
opposite tack, studying how people consider individual elements together as units or wholes. Led
by German scientists such as Hermann Ebbinghaus and Max Wertheimer, gestalt psychologists
proposed that "The whole is different from the sum of its parts," meaning that our perception, or
understanding, of objects is greater and more meaningful than the individual elements that make
up our perceptions. Gestalt psychologists have made substantial contributions to our
understanding of perception.
The perspective that replaced structuralism is known as functionalism. Rather than focusing on
the mind's structure, functionalism concentrated on what the mind does and how behavior
functions. Functionalists, whose perspective became prominent in the early 1900s, asked what
role behavior plays in allowing people to adapt to their environments. Led by the American
psychologist William James, the functionalists examined how behavior allows people to satisfy
their needs and how our "stream of consciousness" permits us to adapt to our environment.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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134) You have been invited to participate in a program aimed at encouraging high school girls to
pursue scientific careers. You wish to tell the girls that despite formidable obstacles, women
made many important contributions to the science of psychology in its earliest days. Outline
several points you might make in support of your argument.

Answer: Students' answers may vary.

At the turn of the 20th century, women were often barred from pursuing advanced degrees in
psychology. Nevertheless, many women made key contributions to the field, including:
Margaret Floy Washburn: She was the first woman to receive a doctorate in psychology and
contributed to our understanding of animal behavior.
Leta Stetter Hollingworth: She focused on child development and women's issues and refuted the
notion that women's abilities decline during portions of the menstrual cycle.
Mary Calkins: She studied memory and was the first female president of the American
Psychological Association.
Karen Horney: She focused on the sociocultural foundations of personality.
June Etta Downey: She spearheaded the study of personality traits and was the first woman to
head a psychology department at a state university.
Anna Freud: She contributed to the treatment of abnormal behavior.
Mamie Phipps Clark: She performed foundational work on how children of color come to
recognize racial differences.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: History of Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

135) List and briefly describe three major perspectives in contemporary psychology. Identify one
or two prominent psychologists associated with each of the perspectives you list.

Answer: Psychodynamic perspective—the approach based on the view that behavior is

motivated by unconscious inner forces over which the individual has little control; Freud, Jung
Behavioral perspective—proposes that observable, measurable behavior should be the focus of
study; Watson, Skinner
Humanistic perspective—proposes that all individuals naturally strive to grow, develop, and be
in control of their lives and behavior; Maslow, Rogers
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Remember
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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136) Describe a behavioral or mental phenomenon in which you are especially interested.
Discuss how the phenomenon might be approached from at least two of the following
perspectives: neuroscientific, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic.

Answer: Any behavioral or mental phenomenon might be mentioned as long as it is plausibly

connected to two of the perspectives as they are defined in the text.
Example: Depression—the neuroscientific approach would seek the biological basis of
depression, as well as physiologically oriented treatment, whereas the cognitive perspective
would focus on the type of thinking that contributes to depression, such as irrational beliefs that
nothing good will ever happen and that one is bound to fail in any endeavor. Treatment from the
cognitive perspective would focus on changing negative thought patterns.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

137) Describe a current event or topic of public interest. Suggest how at least two of the major
perspectives in contemporary psychology might shed light on the topic.

Answer: Any event or topic can be mentioned as long as it is plausibly connected to two of the
perspectives as they are defined in the text.
Example: School violence—a behavioral approach might focus on a history of being reinforced
for aggressive behavior, or on having witnessed media models being reinforced for aggressive
behavior. A humanistic approach might suggest that violent students are often loners and
relatively low status or powerless in their peer group and thus resort to drastic measures to gain
power or control, or respect.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 2: A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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138) The text describes the role of psychology in addressing such current social should be
concerns as (a) the fallibility of eyewitness memory; (b) economic recession; (c) obesity; and (d)
terrorism. Select two of these issues and describe how psychologists in several different subfields
might approach them. In your answer, make explicit reference to at least three of the following
subfields: cognitive psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, and cross-cultural

Answer: Students' answers may vary.

Examples might include the following:

Eyewitness memory: Cognitive psychologists might study the role of anxiety or arousal on
eyewitness memory. Social psychologists might examine the influence of suggestion by such
authorities as police officers and attorneys on eyewitness testimony.
Economic recession: Cognitive psychologists might look at the influence of economic adversity
on consumer decision making.
Personality psychologists might investigate the role of such traits as resilience and optimism in
coping with economic downturns.
Obesity: Social psychologists might examine how other people influence one's eating behavior.
Personality psychologists might explore the role of such traits as neuroticism in overeating, or
conscientiousness in maintaining a diet regimen.
Terrorism: Social psychologists might examine the role of charismatic leaders in encouraging
terrorist behavior. Cross-cultural psychologists might look to cultural factors such as religion in
promoting terrorism.
Many other applications are possible.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Identify areas of specialization and careers in psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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139) Identify and briefly describe any two of the key issues or controversies in psychology
discussed in the text. Suggest how each of the issues or controversies you describe might surface
in one or more areas of study in today's psychology.

Answer: The answer should identify and briefly define two of the following issues:

Nature vs. nurture—concerns the extent to which our behavior reflects heredity.
Conscious vs. unconscious causes—concerns the extent to which our behavior reflects causes of
which we are completely unaware.
Observable behavior vs. internal mental processes—concerns the extent to which it is possible to
study internal mental processes scientifically and the extent to which such processes are an
appropriate focus for psychological study.
Free will vs. determinism—concerns the extent to which we freely choose the behaviors we
Individual differences vs. universal principles—concerns the extent to which our thought and
behavior is universally human.
The answer should provide a plausible instantiation of two of the above issues in a topic of
interest to contemporary psychology. Example—Sexual orientation: Debates regarding the "gay
gene" or anatomical brain differences between gay and straight men might be seen as reflecting
nature vs. nurture, while the issue of whether homosexual behavior is a choice reflects free will
versus determinism.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Key Issues and Controversies
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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140) Compare and contrast several major perspectives in contemporary psychology with respect
to at least three of the key issues or controversies in psychology that your text outlines.

Answer: The answer should briefly describe or define at least three of the following key issues:

Nature vs. nurture-concerns the extent to which our behavior reflects heredity.
Conscious vs. unconscious causes—concerns the extent to which our behavior reflects causes of
which we are completely unaware.
Observable behavior vs. internal mental processes—concerns the extent to which it is possible to
study internal mental processes scientifically and the extent to which such processes are an
appropriate focus for psychological study.
Free will vs. determinism—concerns the extent to which we freely choose the behaviors we
Individual differences vs. universal principles—concerns the extent to which our thought and
behavior is universally human.
The answer should then compare and contrast several major perspectives in contemporary
psychology with respect to these issues. For example:
Nature vs. nurture—the behavioral perspective tends to endorse nurture, while neuroscience and
evolutionary perspectives are more sympathetic to the notion that our behavior reflects heredity.
Conscious vs. unconscious causes—the psychodynamic perspective suggests that the roots of our
behavior are often unconscious, while the cognitive perspective focuses on conscious thought
Observable behavior vs. internal mental processes—the behavioral perspective suggests that
psychologists should focus on behavior; the cognitive perspective argues that mental processes
are an important focus of study.
Free will vs. determinism—the humanistic perspective champions free will, while the
neuroscience perspective argues that much of our thought and behavior is biologically
Individual differences vs. universal principles—the humanistic perspective is interested in the
uniqueness of each individual; the neuroscience perspective looks for the basis of thought and
behavior in our biological architecture, which is more or less universal.
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Perspectives in Psychology
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Understand
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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141) It is the year 2031, 10 years since you received a doctorate in psychology, and twenty since
you took that first test in introductory psychology. Now a professor yourself, you wish to tell
your own students how the field has changed since you began your study of psychology. Based
on your text's discussion, which developments in science might you highlight?

Answer: The answer should mention some of these potential developments:

a. Psychology has become increasingly specialized.

b. Social neuroscience has flourished, becoming a thriving subfield in psychology.
c. Psychologists have become increasingly influential in shaping society's response to issues of
public interest.
d. Psychology has become more diverse, and issues related to diversity have assumed increasing
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Psychology's Future
Learning Objective: Describe the history and early foundations of psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

142) You wish to help an aging family friend who is showing early signs of Alzheimer's disease.
You hear about an inexpensive nutritional supplement that is supposed to slow or even reverse
some of the memory losses associated with the onset of the disorder. Describe some of the steps
you might take in thinking critically about the potential value of the supplement.

Answer: The answer should contain the following elements:

a. Evaluate the credentials of the individuals attesting to the supplement's effectiveness.

b. Search for high-quality, scientific research that might support or refute the value of the
c. Be aware that the low cost of the supplement may be "too good to be true." Can a low-cost
supplement really help solve a difficult problem like the onset of dementia?
d. Maintain a healthy skepticism regarding any claims you might hear about the supplement's
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Section: 3: Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies
Topic: Psychology's Future
Learning Objective: Summarize the key characteristics of the major approaches to psychology.
Bloom's: Apply
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Copyright © 2019 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.
No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
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of patella, 517
of pelvis, 508
of radius, 504
of ribs, 492
of skull, base, 558
vertex, 555
of sternum, 492
of thigh, 512
of tibia, 521
of ulna, 501
of frostbite, 302
of furuncle, 304
of gallstones, 926
of gangrene, 77
of gastric ulcer, 800
of gastroptosis, 797
of glanders, 106
of glaucoma, 597
of gonorrhea, 152
complications, 152
of testicles, 151
in women, 159
of hammer-toe, 321
of hematomyelia, 634
of hematorrhachis, 634
of hematuria, 959
of hemorrhage, 234
secondary, 237
of hemorrhoids, 883
of hernia, 898
of brain, 566
femoral, 908
inguinal, 908
postoperative, 909
umbilical, 909
ventral, 909
of Hodgkin’s disease, 378
of hydatid cysts of liver, 913
disease, 432
of hydrocele, 1018
of hydrocephalus, 579
of hydronephrosis, 973
of hydrophobia, 104
of hypertrophy of prostate, 998
of hysterical joints, 392
of injuries of eyeball, 604
of orbit, 593
to thoracic duct, 726
to upper nerve trunks, 726
of intestinal obstruction, acute, 836
chronic, 839
of intraspinal hemorrhage, 634
of intussusception, 832
of invagination of rectum, 882
of keloid, 271, 313
of keratosis of skin, 314
of knock-knee, 464
of laceration of lung, 722
of leptomeningitis, 573
of leukoplakia, 659
of lock finger, 320
of lymphangioma, 279
circumscriptum, 374
of skin, 315
of lymphangitis, 375
of Madura foot, 110
of malformation of esophagus, 738
of respiratory passages, 671
of malignant edema, 108
of mastitis, 758
of mastodynia, 758
of mediastinitis, 728
of melanoma of skin, 317
of meningitis, 572
of metatarsalgia, 470
of Morton’s disease, 471
of movable and floating kidney, 967
bodies in joints, 402
of myalgia, 331
of necrosis of bone, 428
of neoplasm of nasal cavities, 678
of neuralgia of breast, 758
of neuropathic disease of joints, 392
of orchitis, 1017
of osteo-arthritis, 389
of osteomalacia, 435
of osteomyelitis, 419
of panophthalmitis, 595
of papilloma, 283
of paralytic affections of muscles, 332
of perforations of biliary passages, 922
of perineal abscess, 1013
fistulas, 1013
of perinephritis, 961
of periostitis, 421
of perirectal abscess, 879
of peritonitis, 787
of phlegmonous affections of rectum, 879
of phlegmons of neck, 703
of piles, 883
of pneumatocele of scalp, 546
of Pott’s disease, 448
of procidentia, 882
of proctitis, 875
of prolapse of brain, 566
of rectum, 882
of pruritus ani, 879
of pyelitis, 957
of pyelonephritis, 957
of pyemia, 92
of pyonephrosis, 961
of renal calculus, 966
colic, 964
of retained testicle, 1014
of rhinophyma, 314
of rickets, 162
of rupture of diaphragm, 722
of muscles, 330
of sacro-iliac disease, 452
of sapremia, 87
of sarcoma of bone, 441
of scalds, 301
of scleroderma, 313
of scoliosis, 460
of scurvy, 160
of septic nephritis, 957
of septicemia, 89
of sequestrum formation, 429
of shock, 179
of sinus, 63
thrombosis, 573
of snake-bites, 171
of spina bifida, 626
of spondylolisthesis, 463
of sprains, 380
of spinal column, 629
of status lymphaticus, 165
of stenosis of pylorus, 799
of strictures of intestines, 828
of larynx, 684
of rectum, 877
of subphrenic abscess, 754
of suppurative tendosynovitis, 321
of surgical kidney, 957
of sympathetic ophthalmitis, 596
of synovitis, 385
acute, 383
chronic, 386
purulent, 385
of syphilis, 140
of talipes equinovarus, 466
equinus, 471
valgus, 469
of tetanus, 101
of torticollis, 458
of traumatic insanity, 582
of trigger finger, 320
of tuberculosis, 120
of bone, 425
of breast, 759
of joints, 398
of knee, 456
of kidneys, 963
of larynx, 685
of mesentery, 939
of peritoneum, 791
of skin, 307
of testicle, 1016
of tuberculous hydrops, 399
ulcers of intestines, 827
of tumors, 258
of bladder, 992
of brain, 585
of breast, 760
of larynx, 687
of spinal cord, 622
of thorax, 730
of typhoid ulcers of intestines, 826
of ulcerations of biliary passages, 922
of varices, 365
of varicocele, 1021
of varicose veins, 365
of vascular growths of skin, 314
of vesical calculus, 987
of warts, 312
venereal, 312
of wounds, 238
of chest, 723
contused, 212
of diaphragm, 726
gunshot, 225
of head, 565
of heart, 335
of intestines, 824
of larynx, 676
of lung, 726
open, 239
of pleura, 726
punctured, 214
of wryneck, 458
of xanthoma of skin, 314
Trephining of cranium, 587
Trichiasis, 601
Trigger finger, 320
treatment of, 320
Trismus, 97. See Tetanus.
Tropacocaine, 207
Trophoneuroses, 310
Trophoneurotic atrophy, 27
diseases of bone, 432
Tuberculides, 307
Tuberculin in tuberculosis, 121
dose of, 121
manner of preparation, 121
Tuberculosis, 111
of abdominal wall, 783
of axilla, 751
bacillus of, 54
of bladder, 118
of bone, 116, 422
acute miliary, 423
chronic tuberculous osteomyelitis, 423
pathology of, 423
symptoms of, 423
treatment of, 425
of breast, 759
treatment of, 759
of bursæ, 118
of choroid, 595
cold abscess in, 112
diagnosis of, 113
lumbar, 114
psoas, 114
retropharyngeal, 114
treatment of, 114
colon, 869
degenerative changes in, 111
diagnosis of, 120
from epithelioma, 293
of face, 640
fungous granulation in, 115
giant cells in, 111
gummas in, 114
of joints, 393
diagnosis of, 398
pathology of, 394
symptoms of, 397
treatment of, 398
of kidney, 118, 961
diagnosis of, 962
symptoms of, 961
treatment of, 963
of knee-joint, 456
treatment of, 456
of larynx, 684
treatment of, 685
lupus, 115
of lymph nodes, 376
cervical, 705
of lymphatic structures, 116
of mesentery, 939
treatment of, 939
method of healing, 112
absorption, 112
calcification, 112
caseation, 112
encapsulation, 112
suppuration, 112
miliary tubercles in, 111
of mouth, 657
of mucous membrane, 115
of muscles, 331
of ovary, 118
paths of infection, 119
of peritoneum, 116, 118
of rectum, 876
of seminal vesicles, 1021
of skin, 115, 306
folliculitis, 307
lupus vulgaris, 306
painful subcutaneous, 313
scrofuloderm, 306
treatment of, 307
verruca necrogenica, 306
verrucose, 306
of spermatic cord, 1019
of stomach, 795
of tendon sheaths, 118
of testicle, 118, 1015
treatment of, 1016
of tongue, 659
of tonsils, 662
treatment of, 120
constitutional, 120
tuberculin in, 121
local, 120
amputation in, 121
Bier’s permanent hyperemia, 120
excision in, 121
ignipuncture in, 121
iodoform injections in, 120
Tuberculous cystitis, 985
hydrops, treatment of, 399
panarthritis, 395
peritonitis, 786, 790
ascitic, 791
fibrinoplastic, 791
treatment of, 791
ulcerative, 791
ulcers of intestines, 827
symptoms of, 827
treatment of, 827
Tubulo cysts, 260
allantoic, 260
of vitello-intestinal duct, 260
of Wolffian body, 260
dermoids, 266
Tumid ulcer, 67
Tumors, 255
of abdominal wall, 783
vascular, 784
albus, 393, 456
of bladder, 992
symptoms of, 992
treatment of, 992
of bone, 438
cartilaginous, 440
of brain, 582
symptoms of, 583
treatment of, 585
of breast, 760
treatment of, 760
of cheek, 641
classification of, 259
connective tissue, 269
cysts, 259
dermoids, 264
epithelium, 281
of nerve elements, 279
teratomas, 268
clinical observations of, 257
coccygeal, 627
congenital, 635
comparative pathology of, 256
connective tissue, 269
angioma, 277
chondroma, 271
exostoses, 272
fibroma, 269
lipoma, 269
lymphangioma, 278
myoma, 277
myxoma, 276
osteoma, 272
sarcoma, 272
cysts, 259
glandular, 261
hydrocele, 261
pseudo-, 262
retention, 259
tubulo, 260
derived from epithelium, 281
adenoma, 284
carcinoma, 289
epithelioma, 286
malignant chorion, 292
suprarenal, 292
fibro-adenoma, 284
fibro-epithelioma, 282
goitre, 283
hydronephroma, 292
mucous polyp, 283
odontoma, 281
ovarian cystoma, 284
papilloma, 282
struma, 283
dermoids, 264
ovarian, 267
sequestration, 265
tubulo, 266
of diaphragm, 753
of ear, 605
embryonal hypothesis of Cohnheim, 256
of face, 641
of gall-bladder, 927
gangrene from, 74
of heart, 336
heredity of, 256
inflammation as cause of, 256
inoculation experiments on, 257
of intestines, 828
intralaryngeal, 686
intra-ocular, 594
intratracheal, 686
irritation as cause of, 255
of jaw, 668
of kidney, 969
of larynx, 686
of liver, 914
local infectivity of, 257
of lung, 732
of lymphatics, 378
metastasis of, 257
microscopic appearances of, 257
of neck, 706
of nerve elements, 279
glioma, 279
neuroma, 280
of nerves, 622
nomenclature of, 258
of omentum, 935
of optic nerve, 593
of orbit, 593
cystic, 593
vascular, 593
of pancreas, 953
parasitic theory of, 256
of rectum, 885
of salivary glands, 650
of scalp, 546
acquired, 546
congenital, 546
gaseous, 545
of skin, benign, 311
malignant, 315
of spinal cord, 621
diagnosis of, 622
symptoms of, 621
treatment of, 622
of stomach, 801
of teeth, 665
teratomas, 268
of testicle, 1017
of thorax, 729
treatment of, 730
of thyroid, 711
of tongue, 659
of tonsils, 664
of trachea, 687
trauma as cause of, 255
treatment of, 258
of operable, 259
Typhoid fever, secondary infection in, 167
spine, 462
ulcer of intestines, 826
symptoms of, 826
treatment of, 826
of rectum, 876

Ulcer, 65
atheromatous, 339
of auricle, rodent, 606
of biliary passages, 921
symptoms of, 922
treatment of, 922
callous, 67
causes of, 65
constitutional, 66
local, 65
traumatic, 65
duodenal, 825
symptoms of, 825
treatment of, 826
edematous, 67
erethistic, 66
of face, 640
fissured, 66
fistulous, 66
of foot, perforating, 310
fungous, 66
gastric, 799
diagnosis of, from appendicitis, 857
operations for, 811
symptoms of, 800
treatment of, 800
healthy, 66, 67
hemorrhagic, 66
indolent, 66
indurated, 67
inflamed, 67
of intestines, 825
cancerous, 827
diagnosis of, from appendicitis, 857
duodenal, 825
treatment of, 826
dysenteric, 827
tuberculous, 827
treatment of, 827
typhoidal, 826
symptoms of, 826
treatment of, 826
irregular, 66
irritable, 66
livid, 67
peptic, of jejunum, 816
phagedenic, 66
process of repair in, 67
of rectum, 876
catarrhal, 876
chancroidal, 876
symptoms of, 877
syphilitic, 876
treatment of, 877
tuberculous, 876
typhoid, 876
regular, 66
rodent, 66, 67, 288
sloughing, 66
treatment of, 70
tumid, 67
undermined, 67
of urethra, 1011
venereal, 144. See Chancroid.
Ulceration, 65. See Ulcers.
Ulcerative endocarditis in septicemia, 88
gingivitis, 664
stomatitis, 657
tuberculous peritonitis, 791
Ulna, dislocations of, 536
fractures of, 501
treatment of, 501
Ulnar artery, ligation of, 356
nerve, operations on, 623
Umbilical hernia, 896
treatment of, 909
vein, phlebitis of, 362
Upper extremity, amputations of, 1029
entire, 1033
Uranoplasty, 654
Urea in auto-intoxication, 80
Ureteral catheterization, 958
Ureters, anomalies of, 955
calculus of, 973
operations on, 976
stricture of, 973
Urethra, congenital defects of, 1004
epispadias, 1005
foreign bodies in, 1009
hypospadias, 1005
injuries of, 1008
lacerations of, 1008
strictures of, 1011
ulcers of, 1011
Urethritis, 147
gonorrheal, in women, 159
Urethrometer, 155
Otis’, 1012
Urethrotome, Otis’ dilating, 157, 1012
Urine, electroconductivity of, 959
incontinence of, 982
retention of, 982
suppression of, 982
Uveitis, 596, 598
Uvula, elongation of, 682
syphilis of, 683

Valvular thrombosis, 35
Vanghetti’s cinematic method of amputation, 1048
Varices, 364
congenital, 364
symptoms of, 365
treatment of, 365
Varicocele, 364, 1019
treatment of, 1021
Varicose aneurysm, 339, 342
veins, 363
extirpation of, 366
symptoms of, 365
treatment of, 365
Variola, secondary infection in, 169
Varix, anastomotic, 364
aneurysmal, 363
compound, 367
Vascular growth of skin, 314
treatment of, 314
system, surgical diseases of, 334
syphilis of, 135
Veins, air embolism of, 363
angioma of, 366
treatment of, 367
atrophy of, 361
calcification of, 361
fatty degenerations of, 361
hemorrhoidal, phlebitis of, 362
hypertrophy of, 361
inflammation of, 361
injuries of, 217, 363
treatment of, 364
mesenteric, phlebitis of, 362
rupture of, 363
umbilical, phlebitis of, 362
varicose, 363
Velpeau’s bandage, 189
Venereal ulcer, 144. See Chancroid.
warts, treatment of, 312
Venesection, 182
Venous nevus, 367
congenital, 367
Ventral hernia, 896
treatment of, 909
Vermiform appendix, actinomycosis of, 852
anatomy of, 851
cysts of, 852
diseases of, 851
empyema of, 860
foreign bodies in, 852
inflammation of, 851
tuberculosis of, 852
tumors of, 852
Verruca necrogenica, 306
Verrucæ, 311
Vertebral artery, ligation of, 353
Vesical calculus, 986
symptoms of, 986
treatment of, 987
diverticula, 262
Vesicants, counterirritation by, 184
Vesicovaginal fistula, 839
Villous papillomas, 282
intracystic, 282
Vincent’s angina, 703
Viscera, wounds of, 219
Vitello-intestinal duct, cysts of, 260
Volvulus, 832, 870
von Langenbeck’s incision in excision of elbow, 410
of wrist, 411
von Mosetig-Moorhof’s incision in excision of elbow, 410
Vulva, elephantiasis of, 371
gonorrhea of, 158

Wagner’s osteoplastic resection of cranium, 590
Wandering erysipelas, 94
liver, 910
symptoms of, 910
treatment of, 911
Wardrop’s method of treating aneurysms, 347
Warts, 282, 311
filiform, 311
seborrheic, 312
treatment of, 312
venereal, treatment of, 312
Warty horns, 283
Wasps, poisoning by, 172
Weir’s operation for saddle-nose, 644
Wens, 285
White swelling, 393
Whitehead’s operation for hemorrhoids, 884
on tongue, 661
Whitlow, 328
Witzel’s method of gastrostomy, 807
Wolffian body, cysts of, 260
Woodbury’s method of amputation of hip-joint, 1045
Woolsorters’ disease, 106. See Anthrax.
Wounds of abdominal wall, gunshot, 783
penetrating, 781
of bladder, 981
of chest, 722
treatment of, 723
contused, 211
of bloodvessels, 216
of tendons, 218
treatment of, 212
of viscera, 219
of diaphragm, 725, 753
treatment of, 726
of esophagus, 741
of face, 639
fever, aseptic, 85. See Surgical fever.
gunshot, 220
of abdomen, 232
of bladder, 233
diagnosis of, 225
of face, 229, 639
foreign material in, 224
of head, 228, 565
of heart, 231
hemorrhage from, 223
of intestines, 823
of joints, 228, 381
key-hole, 225
of kidney, 233
localizing symptoms of, 233
multiple, 224
of neck, 229
pain from, 223
prognosis of, 225
of respiratory passages, 675
shock from, 223
of small intestines, 823
of spinal cord, 624
of spine, 230, 624
of spleen, 233
of thorax, 230
treatment of, 225
of heart, 334, 733
suture of, 335 (note)
treatment of, 335
incised, 214
of bloodvessels, 216
of skull, 552
of intestines, 823
lacerated, 212
of bloodvessels, 216
of muscles, 218
of larynx, 675
treatment of, 675
of liver, 911
of lung, 724
treatment of, 726
of mouth, 658
of muscles, 330
of neck, 698
of nerves, 612
open, treatment of, 239
of pancreas, 945
penetrating, of joints, 381
of chest, 722
of orbit, 592
of skull, 552
of spinal cord, 624
of spine, 624
of stomach, 805
of pleura, 724
treatment of, 726
punctured, 213
Wounds, punctured, of abdomen, 214
treatment of, 213
repair of, 215
of respiratory passages, 675
of stomach, 794
of trachea, 699

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