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1 John 2:3-6 (ESV)

And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 Whoever says
“I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 5 but whoever
keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: 6
whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

Main Idea:

Genuine knowledge and fellowship of Christ necessitates obedience, by this we know that we know
him and we are in him. Salvation is supernatural in nature, we cannot claim to know and be recipients
of Christ’s grace and sacrifice and remain living in habitual disobedience, knowing him will cause us to
love his word and being truly united in him will cause us to be transformed in our conduct. To truly
know him is to be truly changed.

I. The Genuine Knowledge of Christ

A. Introduction
a. In the previous verse, John explains that he desires his readers to respond to
God’s grace and mercy (found in 1:9) with love and not sinning. He also adds
that if they have sinned, they have an advocate who intercedes for them with
b. John explains the advocacy of Christ is due to his work on the cross as the
propitiation for his people’s sin and the whole world.
c. Because of this work, Jamieson, Fausset and Brown writes, “(JFB)
Though He can say nothing good of us, He can say much for us.” (Close quote)
d. His perfect life and righteousness along with his payment on the cross settles all
our past, present, and future cases and debts against God.

B. 1 John 2:3 (ESV)

And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his
a. After presenting the advocacy and grace of God in Christ, John provides his
readers a series of test and assurance so that by these the would be aware and
assured themselves that they have indeed come to know Christ.
b. John puts before his readers the test of obedience, they would know have the
saving knowledge of Christ, if they keep his commandments.
c. Instead of using the word “do or obey”, the Apostle used the word keep which
in Greek is “tereo” originating from its root word “teros” which means to guard
or watch over by keeping the eye upon to prevent loss or injury.
d. John is not just talking about obedience is merely about following rules, the
word “keep” indicates that those who truly profess to know Christ cherishing
and valuing God’s commands.
i. Those who truly know Christ lovingly obeys and submits to the
commandments of Christ.
ii. Now the question is why would they do that? The answer is simple,
because they have truly known Christ.
iii. If a man truly knows Christ he will see and understand that Christ in all
his love and majesty deserves to be served and obeyed.
e.This teaches us that a true and saving knowledge of Christ changes people. It is
impossible to profess that we have known Christ and not be changed.
f. To genuinely know Christ does not end in information, it moves beyond
intellect and brings forth transformation. It causes us to be changed from the
inside out!

i. Oftentimes, I would hear people inquire about Christianity and ask

about “anot mga bawal”?
ii. However, Christianity is not about obeying who you hate and hating
who you love.
iii. Christ doesn’t need to coerce people into obedience.
iv. When we truly know Christ, who he is and what he has done, this
Gospel knowledge changes us supernaturally and convicts us of Christ
magnificence and beauty to the point that we begin to cherish and love
willingly the things and commandments of Christ, not because we are
forced to, but because we have “COME TO KNOW HIM”.
v. We have come to understand that in His grace and majesty Christ is
worthy of our undivided obedience.

C. 1 John 2:4 (ESV)

Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the
truth is not in him,
a. John then proceeds by providing his readers a contrast on how does someone
who doesn’t truly know Christ looks like.
b. He teaches that although they might profess to know Christ, they are not
genuine because they do not cherish and obey Christ’s commandments.
c. He also adds that this kind of person is a liar and does not possess the truth in
him. This is equivalent to calling them a deceiver and a fake Christian.
i. Brothers and sisters, as you are today clothed with your Sunday’s Best,
it is impossible to jump into the ocean and not get yourself soaked wet.
ii. So does it is in knowing Christ, it is impossible to know Christ and not be
iii. It is impossible to genuinely know Christ goodness and still hate his
iv. This is why on the basis of truly knowing Christ, John declares that one
would be lying if they say the have truly known Christ and still love the
sin that Christ hates.
v. One would be lying if they say they have truly known the magnificent
Christ and still find fulfillment in sinful things.
vi. It is just not possible to say that we know Christ and not love his
vii. The Scriptures makes it clear that our profession of faith is only as good
as the fruit it produces. Our profession of knowing Christ is only as true
as the pattern of obedience it produces in our lives.
a. This teaches us that a true and saving knowledge of Christ is not just
mere intelligence.
b. The saving knowledge of Christ is not less but more than knowing and
being able to explain doctrines and theology.
c. True and saving knowledge of Christ doesn’t just light up the mind
with truth, it also fires up our hearts for obedience.
d. It causes us to be like a deer that pants for the waters. It causes us to
be joyful and excited when we obey and please him, and at the same
time, it causes us to grieve and break down when we fail to keep
D. 1 John 2:5 (ESV)
but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected.
a. John expands the necessity of obedience among those who profess to know
b.If those who are disobedient, have no truth in them and their profession, those
who keep God’s commandments have in them the love of God perfected.
c. Now the question is what does John mean when he used the word “the love of
God?” Does it talk about God’s love for the believer? or the believer’s love for
d.The word perfected here is “teleioo” which means to complete or finish.
i. Answer: Is God’s love in us completed through our obedience? Does he
love his people with a love that needs to be perfected? Definitely no.
ii. Therefore, it clear that the love of God refers to the “believer’s love of
iii. When Christians obey and cherish God’s word their love of God is
fulfilled and seen in their lives.
iv. This teaches us that our love of God is not just about words, it is fulfilled
and seen through our obedience.
v. We can say we know and love God all the time but ultimately our
statements stand or falls by this question, are we keeping his words and
commands? Is there a genuine concern about God’s words being
fulfilled in your life?
II. The Genuine Fellowship in Christ
A. 1 John 2:5-6 (ESV)
By this we may know that we are in him: 6 whoever says he abides in him ought to
walk in the same way in which he walked.
a. Although this may sound redundant, we must understand that John is writing in
a progressive manner here.
b. In the previous verses, John used the word “know him” which indicates the
area of man’s intellect, in this verse, John used the word “in him” which relates
to position, fellowship, or union.
c. John explains that his readers may see for themselves if they are in Christ if
they are walking in the same way Christ walked.
i. The word “walk” in Greek is “peripateo” which refers to one’s conduct
or pattern of life. Those who profess to be in a relationship with Christ
must be conducting his life according to how Christ conducted his
during his earthly ministry.
ii. This does not mean that we should walk on water, or feed a five
thousand. It simply refers to how Christ has loved, served, and sacrificed
his own life for others.
iii. We cannot claim to be united in Christ and at the same time divided in
conduct. True Christians no longer lives in habitual sin!

iv. We are now living in the time where many people would casually say
yes if asked the question, “do you have a relationship/fellowship with
v. We are living in an era where people can intentionally and habitually
live-in sin and still believe they are in Christ.

vi. However, for John even if men profess to be in an ongoing and

steadfast relationship with Christ, it is still by the habitual obedience
in our life that we can know if we are truly in him.

B. Therefore, brothers and sisters, if we want to know if we are truly in Christ, we need to
ask this question to ourself.
a. Is the pattern and habits of my life although not perfect, progressively conforms
to the life of Christ?
b. Am I hating sin like Christ hates sin? Or am I habitually living in sin?
c. Am I loving others like Christ loves? Or am I habitually hating other people?
d.Am I forgiving others like Christ forgave? Or am I habitually unforgiving?
e.Am I serving and obeying God the Father like Christ served and obeyed? Or am I
habitually disobeying his will?
f. Is my life marked with a habitual Christlike love for God and love for his people?
C. Brothers and sisters, I am not teaching that you must do all these things to be saved,
this message is simply teaching on what should be habitually happening if you are really
a. May we all be reminded today about the reality that Christianity is a fruit
bearing religion.
b. We belong to the true vine; we cannot claim to be Christ’s branches and bear
the devil’s fruit.
c. As people redeemed by the Lamb, we cannot profess that we know Christ who
died for ours sins and still casually live for the sins that caused him to die and
suffer for us. 1 John 3:8 (ESV) The reason the Son of God appeared was to
destroy the works of the devil.

III. Questions for Application

A. Do I have a genuine love and concern for God’s commandments? Am I living a life that
centers around loving God and loving others?
B. Do I feel grieved and broken when I fail to keep God’s commands?
C. Am I reading the Scriptures to know more about God’s commands?
D. Do I obey God’s commands out of joy and willingness, or I am just here because I’m
forced to be here?
E. Do I live my life in the light of Christ’s example, or I am still the ruler of my soul?

IV. For the sinning brethren

A. Brothers and sisters, if you saw yourself failing to obey and live for God as he deserves
to be. Repent, confess your sins to him and be renewed in his love and forgiveness.
V. For the unbeliever
A. If there is anyone here who has been touched by God’s word and got reminded of the
reality that they don’t really know God, repent and believe in Christ for salvation.
B. Surrender your life to Christ and ask him to end the cycle of hypocrisy and pretention.
Cry out to him that he would give you a new heart that is able to obey and serve him!
C. Put your faith and salvation in the hands of Jesus Christ who died on the cross, was
buried and rose on the third day! Believe that only he can save you from all the miseries
of sin and this life! Today is the day of salvation! Come to Christ!
VI. For the church
A. Brothers and sisters, let us all be thankful for the God who saved and change us, let us
be thankful that he has turned our lawless stone hearts into hearts of flesh!
B. Let us be thankful that he has caused our old selves to be gone and turned us into new
C. All glory and honor belong to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

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