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PR No. :
Cost Code : 101007.20050.100
Department : Production
Date : Friday, 05 April 2024

No. Items Unit Price Qty UoM Total Price

1 Pemakaian Galon Rp 10,000 95 Galon Rp 950,000
2 Rp -
3 Rp -
4 Rp -
5 Rp -
TOTAL Rp 950,000


Transferred to : Bintang janang Purno

Bank Name : Mandiri
Account No. : 1110021207475


Payment System *(Air, Sea, Land, Hand Carry, Direct Purchase)

Requested by, Checked by, Checked by, Approve by,

Bintang JP Sukirman Saprida Meliani Jacub Wandra Bernas

HR PJO HRD Direktur Utama

Note for Priority Order :

001 - URGENT 01 - 03 Days
002 - 1 Weeks
003 - 2 Weeks
004 - 3 Weeks
005 - 4 Weeks

M17-ACC-SDF-009 Page 1 of 1 N/06/2021

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