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Session One: 13/04/2024

We all arrive to the city of Bilbun by teleporting through our respective cities and from there get
to the academy through magical carriages getting pulled by automaton goats. Velox enters the
academy first, a purple Tiefling. After them Varis comes in, full of confidence. Little green guy
comes in fast, muttering to himself. It’s Gunpowder. Rhys, a mysterious high elf confidently
walks in and keeps to himself. He has a new looking ring with green gem and dark leathery book
gripped tightly. We enter a giant hall and meet one of the professors there, who says we will be
doing a hunt. All of us are given magenta slips to indicate we will be forming a party, and Velox
and Nanvys start looking for others, and see Rhys throw his slip at Gunpowder, who then
introduces himself to him and gets friendly. Varis then joins them and flirts with Rhys, shortly to
be joined by the partially blind Velox and asks for help finding their party members. Nanvys,
seeing all this, approaches Rhys and asks him to apologize to Gunpowder, until the little gnome
deescalates the situation. They all go to the library, where they will be spending a lot of time
looking for clues.
Clue 1: Each group deserves a free treat for their investment. Serve up this list and enjoy your
Reading the first clue, Rhys decides to go to the cafeteria and the others follow. Once there,
Velox talks to the gnome lady working the counter, and the entire group bar Rhys helps her move
her boxes. Heward's Handy Haversack: backpack with side pouches that open to another
dimension or smtn idk.
Clue 2: Alumni commission works when they retire, seeking promising mages to inspire.
Gunpowder’s autism kicks in and he starts running towards a corner, the rest following. They
arrive in a gallery. A portrait catches everyone’s attention, other than Nanvys who gets distracted
by the beauty of the gallery, until Gunpowder holds her hand and guides her to the portrait. Rhys
finds a glittering and glowing box with the school crest on it: Strixhaven Pennant. Once everyone
takes one, Nanvys leads everyone toward the stage after reading the next clue, where Rhys
throws Gunpowder on the stage as Nanvys investigates. After She checks up on the gnome, a
light falls on all of them after Gunpowder sings and a lantern appears with the next clue.
Clue 3: These leafy beds aren’t always what they seem. Give them a pat and see what you glean.
They go to the garden and Velox immediately climbs a tree and almost falls, but after ensuring
they are alright, Varis pets a bush and opens the last clue.
Clue 4: You’ll forget all about any trouble or plight when you step forward and are ensnarled in
They all go to the hall of oracles, where they all gain a potion of health each after having an out
of body magical experience.
They see three armored guards and a lady who holds her hands in a fountain. As everyone one by
one began to sense the tension rising, they prepare for any sort of trouble. As the fight goes on
the dean of the school teleports in and wreaks shit up. He asks us to find some jewels that have
been protected in the school almost ever since the school’s been built. They sent them to their
original sources for safety because a former student is trying to steal them and asks us to collect
them before her.

Session Two: 20/04/2024

4 PM: Gunpowder stays behind as the rest leaves to ask the headmaster for payment, asking for a
favor in return of completing this mission. Learns the crystals have an outburst of magic and the
local fauna might be effected, to be located with ease. Rhys goes to the administration area and
the rest follows. He is looking for a student who was expelled two years ago. The parttime
worker/student brings back the files of a woman: Gale Barlow. They were trying to do magic that
was never done before, considered volatile, which led to an explosion. Ended up getting expelled
for endangering other students and hurting themselves. Barlow are a profound magic family, as
well as nobles, not too far off. There is another family member, Milicent, who has been attending
the school for a year. Gale was top of the class, attended every class every semester. Gunpowder,
as the only member who knows these, shares this information with the rest of the group.
We go to the dorms to find this family member. The dorms are separated by gender, but other
genders are welcome to visit. Nanvys realizes RA seems very confused and disorderly. It seems
they weren’t prepared to be doing this. They pull out a giant list when Varis asks for their room,
because no one is getting their slips for their rooms. They’re in room 2546 alongside Rhys. Rhys
says he is Milicent to get her room, but it doesn't work. He claims his identity is stolen and tries
to get Milicent’s room number but fails. Rhys walks away mad. Gunpowder goes next to ask for
his room, and sees he is a scrawny person for a goliath like them. Gets a personal room: 2545.
Nanvys asks about the source of confusion, and it seems it’s been like this ever since the magic
shenanigans. She learns she is staying in room 2569 alongside Velox. Rhys asks Varis about this
and the two decide to try if they can still cast magic and end up casting guidance.
Rhys then hurries to his room to contact his patron through his ring. They haven’t talked in years.
The patron is a Genie. He shares our mission with him. The patron shares advice and gives a
gift, which I missed because I cut away.
Gunpowder then asks the rest of the group to distract a certain goblin student as he turns into
him, and Rhys punches Varis for distraction and the two fight over Rhys’ mother in a way that
obscures the goblin from the public. In the meantime, Gunpowder questions a poor soul about
Milicent Barlow and learns she stays in dorm 1000. Varis talks to her, but she is angry about
getting confronted in her room. She has blue eyes and blond hair. Nothing stands out in the room,
heavily furnished. She agrees to speak outside. Milicent and Gale haven’t talked since the
expulsion. She cast the magic following one of her crazy theories, says everyone know volatile
magic always ends up in disaster. Rhys says he believes she tried to capture magic in the hall
recently. Gale wasn’t gonna be the next Barlow. Rhys: “I would be a bit more concerned if
someone bearing my name attacked school and tried to capture magic”. Gale’s face got burned
after the explosion.
We all head to the cafeteria and have dinner. We all agree to do the mission the headmaster gave
us. Gunpowder removes his goggles and hat to reveal half of his face is burned and the scar
travels all the way down to his robot arm. Rhys, knowing Gunpowder is considered a minor per
his race, share ale with him. Gunpowder later finds a store to get a flask before returning to his
room. Nanvys goes to Rhys and questions him about his motivations, and the two end up striking
conversation about the party until Velox joins and all share their backstories. Velox lived in a
forest until her current guardians took her in. They recommended her the college. They are here
because they are an inexperienced paladin. Rhys shows the two a leather book with a crypted
language written on it. It was given to him by his patron, and he is trying to understand his
abilities and he is still trying to learn and decipher it. Book of Shadows. He casts guidance to
show the abilities. Rhys goes to bed and Nanvys asks for his ale, but after Velox says she needs
support going back their room, Nanvys offers her her arm and the two go back and everyone
sleeps. Next morning they all go to the headmaster’s room and Rhys barges in, Nanvys helps
Velox to get to the room, while Varis and Gunpowder are a bit late. Gunpowder made a potion of
flight. Headmaster gives us rations, potions, and money and sends us to Psychmo. We travel by
the same magic circles we used to but end up in an endless field of grass with thunderstorm in

Session Three: 11/05/2024

Rhys takes the lead again, and the others follow as he starts walking towards the dark storm in
the distance. As we start walking, an Nanvys offers her arm to Velox, Rhys turns back and puts
Gunpowder on Velox’s shoulders and the three of them start walking together, with Rhys upfront
and Varis following from behind. Gunpowder’s metal arm is made of copper. The dark storm has
a magical source. Nanvys can tell it is unnatural and likely caused by the jewel. Rhys disappears
into his ring. They walk the entire day and camp at night. Nanvys takes a shirt from gunpowder
to change from her wet clothing, wearing it as a crop top. Everyone goes to sleep. Gunpowder
realizes the storm is getting worse during his shift and a book manifest on his side about the
jewels, with a note from the headmaster. It depicts what they look like and what their names are.
They get back to traveling with the first lights and get to the eye of the storm, where they find a
big cave hidden beneath the grass. Nanvys gave her wide brimmed hat to Velox to shield her
from the rain.

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