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Here are a few JavaScript project ideas for beginners:

1. **To-Do List App:**

- Create a simple to-do list application where users can add, edit, and delete tasks. You can also
add features like marking tasks as completed or setting due dates.

2. **Weather App:**
- Build a weather application that fetches data from a weather API (such as OpenWeatherMap)
and displays the current weather conditions based on user input (city or zip code).

3. **Calculator:**
- Develop a basic calculator that can perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. You can enhance it by adding more advanced functionalities.

4. **Random Quote Generator:**

- Create a web page that displays a random quote each time it's loaded. You can fetch quotes from
a public API or store them in an array and randomly select one to display.

5. **Basic Form Validation:**

- Build a form with various input fields (text, email, password, etc.) and implement basic form
validation using JavaScript. Ensure that fields are not empty, email formats are correct, etc.

6. **Interactive Image Gallery:**

- Develop an image gallery that allows users to click on thumbnails to view a larger version of the
image. You can also add features like a slideshow or image captions.

7. **Memory Game:**
- Create a simple memory game where users need to match pairs of cards. The cards should be
shuffled, and the game should keep track of the number of moves and time taken to complete.

8. **BMI Calculator:**
- Build a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator where users can input their height and weight to get
their BMI. You can also provide information about different BMI categories.

9. **Countdown Timer:**
- Develop a countdown timer that allows users to set a specific time duration and counts down to
zero. This can be useful for activities like cooking or workouts.

10. **Quiz App:**

- Create a quiz application where users can answer multiple-choice questions. Display the final
score at the end and provide feedback on correct and incorrect answers.

Remember, the key is to start with something simple and gradually add more features as you
become more comfortable with JavaScript. Feel free to customize these projects based on your
interests and goals!

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