Assignment 1 - DBMS - Evenkro

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Database Management System (21CSH-214)

Assignment 1
Deadline: 15 September
Note:- Even UID’s will attempt even number questions and Odd UID’s will
attempt odd number questions.
1. Three Level ANSI-SPARC’ Architecture of database is used by every database.
Illustrate functionalities of schema at each level.
2. Enlist the role and responsibilities of database administrator?
3. Differentiate between DBMS and RDBMS?
4. Write syntax to apply integrity constraints? Illustrate.
5. Demonstrate the use of five character functions; LOWER,UPPER,REPLACE,
6. Write syntax to rename and update table? With Illustration.
7. State how can you apply pattern searching? Illustrate different Operators used for
Pattern Searching?
8. Show the use of UNION and INTERSECT operator using relations.
9. Consider the following Data Base schema.
Employee (Eno, EName, Salary, Dno, Mgr_Eno)
Department (Dno, DName)
Project (Pno, Pname, Dno)
Write the following queries in SQL:
Display the name of the employee who draws minimum salary.
10. Consider the following Data Base schema
Employee (Eno, EName, Salary, Dno, Mgr_Eno)
Department (Dno, DName)
Project (Pno, Pname, Dno)

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