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0 – GT & MR

SEC Incentive Scheme – Tab & NPC

Period  Jun’24

Applicability  All SECs in GT & MR Channel

Product Minimum Gate Qualification

Tab 2 Unit 100% Target Achievement

Incentive Scheme: Additional Incentive (INR Per Unit) basis target achievement

DP (Range) >=100k 70 - <100k 40 - <70k 30 - <40k 20 - <30 15 - <20k 10 - <15k

Incentive Amt 400 300 250 150 100 75 50
Above Incentive is over & above the monthly incentive scheme. SEC to get additional incentive basis Separate Tab target achievement.

Total Earning (INR Per Unit) --> Incase SEC achieves monthly target & above Tab Target

DP Value Range -INR >=100k 70 - <100k 40 - <70k 30 - <40k 20 - <30 15 - <20k 10 - <15k
Monthly Incentive 800 600 500 300 200 100 75
Additional Incentive 400 300 250 150 100 75 50
Total Earning 1200 900 750 450 300 175 125

NPC – Book2 & Book3 Liquidation

Additional Incentive of INR 500 per unit for each unit sell-out of Book2 & Book3 Series (All Variants)

Terms & Conditions:

1. Outlet Wise Targets will be released separately

2. SECs who have joined on or before 15th of the scheme month and present in the system on last day of the scheme
month, will be eligible for the incentive payout.
3. This scheme is over and above the existing SEC incentive schemes
4. This scheme will NOT BE applicable for Opera House SEC's
5. In case of decimal target, it will be ROUNDED UP. (Eg: in case Min Gate Target is 60.4, the target will be taken as 61)
6. Tab - All new models launched within scheme period to be considered in incentive calculation
7. NPC - Sellout Data for Incentive calculation to be considered basis SEC Wise sell-out uploaded on GMCS.

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