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INITAO College
University Logo Jampason, Initao, Misamis Oriental

College of Criminology
FP1: Values Development
1st Semester of A.Y. 2022-2023

This module will discuss Personal Values. Personal Values are “broad desirable goals that
motivate people's actions and serve as guiding principles in their lives". Everyone has values, but
each person has a different value set. These differences are affected by an individual's culture,
personal upbringing, life experiences, and a range of other influences.


Personal values are a. central content-aspect of the self, distinct from other aspects, such as traits, motives,
goals or attitudes. Personal values are defined as broad, trans-situational, desirable goals that serve as guiding
principles in people's lives .

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, students are expected to:

A. Recognize and distinguish personal values which the Filipino people must possess and
internalize with them; and,

B. Understand and appreciate their significance for personal development and ultimately, the
country's progress and development.


1. Interactive and thorough discussions on the topic.

2. Exercises to enhance the learning of the students.
3. At home Activity that will practice the knowledge that the students acquired through concept mapping.


Positive Values to be Acquired

The values that we want for the Filipino people to have are herein listed believing that acquisition of
the same as virtues will facilitate the establishment of a just and humane society as envisioned in the 1987
Philippine Constitution. Likewise, the lack of possession by the Filipinos of the said virtues will in effect
contribute to the decadence of the Filipino society.
These virtues are as follows:
1. Godliness 13. Self-reliance
2. Self-respect 14. Resilience
3. Self-discipline 15. Friendliness
4. Selflessness 16. Courtesy
5. Patriotism 17. Timeliness
6. Honesty 18. Environmental care
7. Industriousness 19. Perseverance
8. Endurance 20. Obedience
9. Bravery 21. Cleanliness
10. Loyalty 22. Politeness
11. Hospitality 23. Helpfulness
12. Humility


Godliness is different from being religious. The first is belief in God while the second is an affiliation
to a certain group of people with doctrinal principles about their beliefs in God. Thus, God is the end and the
religion is the means. The common misconception, however, with respect to this is that the reverse holds true.
That is religion becomes the center of emphasis with its doctrinal rules. Hence, Godliness in the real sense
has been the secondary priority if not totally set aside. Thus, in this undertaking we emphasize Godliness
regardless of one's religious affiliation. We put God as the center of our adoration with emphasis on our level
for Him in terms of loving our fellowmen. As He said, "Whatever you do to the least of my brother, you do it
unto Me", Therefore, to love God in the real sense is to love our fellowmen with such degree as we do love

Admittedly, it is hard to do. But as we believe an everlasting life with Him, we must exert effort all
through our lives to do the same being the only way to be with Him.

Our Faith will make it possible

Nothing is impossible with God. Hence, if we really want to do His will here on earth as it is in
heaven, then we can love even our enemy as He commanded. We need only to have faith in Him that
whatever we asked in His name will be given; that whenever we knock on His door it will be opened for us
especially so when it is for others whom we love because we saw in them the image of whom we love
unconditionally; and whom we love more than anything else, even more than ourselves.

Love of God is Love for our Fellowmen

The true love of God is love for our fellowmen in His name. We love them because in their
sufferings, we see God suffering for them. In the joy of our fellowmen we see God being happy with them.
Hence, we abhor poverty as it caused sufferings for our people something which God also abhors because as
He loves His people, therefore God does not want them to suffer We also abhor corruption in the government
for the same reason.

God let the People Decide for Themselves

It may be asked that if God loved His people why did He let them suffer? The answer is that God
loves His people with dignity. That is, He let them decide for themselves as He gave man his freedom to
choose the kind of life he wants to live given the intelligence also for man to know what is right or wrong.
For God to choose the kind of life His people must live is to render meaningless the freedom and intelligence
He gave to man. Something which He cannot do as it would be an injustice to man in the highest degree God
being just. He cannot do injustice to His people by depriving them the opportunity to decide the way of life
they should live as to whether the same would be living with love for God in terms of loving his fellowmen.

Many are Called but Few are Chosen

Every man is called to serve God by serving people no matter how difficult it appears. For the way
to Heaven is not an easy road. The reason is that there is no easy way to paradise. Every path to righteousness
is always bloody as it is to fight against the wicked. Hence, the need of calling an army to prepare the
humanity against the evil is the effect of ungodliness. The reason why many are called but few are chosen.

Man, however must be the one to choose as to whether he must take the cudgel of taking it upon his
shoulder to serve God by serving people. God will not do it for him, the same being a negation of human
nature. Since, in effect it would be for God deciding for His people which God Himself cannot do, as He
cannot render His greatest creature meaningless.


Self-respect also known as self-esteem is either taken positively or in negatively. The latter refers
to self-adoration which gives man the false notion of superiority over another person. Hence, causing bad
relations with others as it often discriminates those whom being locked upon as an inferior in terms of life
status whether socially, economically and or to some extent inhumanly.

However, the positive aspect of self-esteem is dignity to one's self by the person himself by not
doing anything which may dishonor him and his family name. Thus, self-esteem attributes to the good
governance, humanitarian undertaking or even heroic escapade as family reputation in the community or a
given society at a given point in time.

Self-Esteem starts with Self-Recognition as Filipino People

The prime problem of the Filipinos is that they have lost their identity as a Filipino nation, Filipinos
lack of something for which they are commonly identified as belonging to a common Filipino race as to
intent, and emotion with a sense of being honestly proud to be identified with and recognized as such a
Filipino. Hence, Filipinos wanted to be what they could not be such as an American, a European, and/or any
nationality with whom they consider as superior race.t Thereby, Filipinos are ashamed of themselves and
often times desire of something they could not be. And by constantly doing the same, it became their habit
and thus makes believe they are not Filipinos and therefore pretend to be that others of which they are not, at
least in terms of words, acts and or by thoughts. Until they stop denying as Filipinos they could not accept
who really are they and therefore may not recognize them as Filipinos. Hence, they could not respect
themselves as people belonging to one Filipino race Self-esteem starts with one recognizing himself as a
person and in common with one another as belonging to one race, one people, and one nation as Filipino

Historical Background

The lack of Filipino identity a fore stated has rooted deeply in the historical experience of the
Filipino people who were under Spain for more than 300 years, and under the United States of America for
almost half a century and even now remain under American influence. This historical experience has been
aggravated by the facts that the same was also associated with slavery and exploitation that brought untold
sufferings to the Filipino people themselves:

Moreover, such slavery and exploitation had caused them to believe that theirs is an inferior race. So
that for self-esteem they denied to be a Filipino as they are ashamed to be such and or even hate to be one.
Thereby majority of the Filipino people live in hypocrisy by living a life of a non-Filipino at least in terms of
patronizing Western products and technology

The Need to be Filipino in Words, Deeds and Thoughts

To acquire self-esteem under the present dispensation is for the Filipinos themselves to recognize
that they are Filipinos with the sense of pride and honor. They must learn to accept what and how it is to be a
Filipino being their own race and their only nation and country with whom they must be proud of, and with
whom they want to be identified with wherever they are in the world; with the sense of pride as such
Filipinos For only then they can genuinely love the Philippines as the country which is "worth dying for”.


Lack of self-discipline is really one of the primary problems in the Philippines Simply put, this means
that the majority it not all of the Filipino people do not exercise self-control towards almost anything of
person at all times. The only restrain that controls their action is the law with the accrued penalty of either
fine or imprisonment or both. Thus, the Filipino people follow only the law because of fear for penalty in
case of non-compliance therewith. So that, if they could dispense with the penalty, they violate also the law.

Traffic problem is caused primarily to lack of self-discipline among road users as much as garbage
problem is caused by people without self-discipline and thus, throw their garbage anywhere any time. In fact,
almost all problems we are confronting with at home, in the school, at work and anywhere are, due to lack of

Thus if we really want lasting and genuine reforms in all aspects of the Filipino life, we must
likewise exercise self-discipline in practically everything that we do, with whom we are dealing with,
anywhere we are, all the time and all throughout of our lives.


Self-discipline is self-restraint from doing of what is wrong as a matter of principles in life. It is

doing of what is right simply because it's the right thing to do. It is not doing of what is wrong for fear of
penalty inflicted upon the violators of any law. Nor it is doing of the right thing because of the reward or
recognition for the purpose. Rather, it is doing of the right thing because one believes he ought to do the same
under given circumstances.

Self-discipline therefore is doing only of what is one ought to do under a certain situation with the
end in view of obtaining the best result from his action in terms of benefits derived therefrom first by other
people as the beneficiary of one's act and lastly to himself if such be allowed under the circumstances.
Otherwise, it is doing for other's benefit to the risk of his own life or convenience as the case maybe.

The Need for Self-Discipline

The need for self-discipline is urgent in that ours is a decaying society that needs an immediate
remedy since later may already be late. As the song says, "It's Now or Never". There may be no time for the
change a bit later. For it may be too late ours being not only sick but a dying society with the members
thereof appears to be struggling for survival. Thus, it is said that thousands of street drug pushers went into it
for survival as they could find no means of living for their families except going into drugs business.

But in the real sense, it is rooted on attitude problems brought about by lack of self-discipline that
culminated into a habit of selfishness which is no other but being inconsiderate to others. Otherwise stated, it
is one's attitude or behavior of not giving due regards to the rights of others.

Foundation of Self Discipline

The strong foundation of self-discipline is the right perspective in human relations in terms of
principles that guide our actions towards anything or anyone all the time under all circumstances anywhere
we are. This tenet is expressly mandated in Section 19 of RA 386 also known as the Civil Code of the
Philippines to wit:

"Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties,
act with justice give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith"

Indeed, it may be a perfect relationship or shall we say a perfect attitude towards any person that no
one could do as it is too idealistic. But what is important is for us to try to do the same as to be near perfect as
be possible. Since it can be the only thing we could do, in order to achieve meaningful reforms in this

Selflessness/Love for Others

Selflessness otherwise known as love for others means giving preference to another's interest than
that of one's self. It is simply self-sacrificing for and in behalf of another.

The prevailing poverty and the exploitation of the poor particularly, the working sector is due to
lack of selflessness or the being selfish of the Filipino people, the very reason why there is concentration of
wealth to the few affluent sector of the Filipino society. Indeed, not only the wealth are being concentrated, it
includes also the concentration of opportunities for a better life. Thus, it says "the rich getting richer and the
poor getting poorer”.

Concentration of Wealth and Opportunities to the Affluent Sector

The rich sector with the wealth they have, able to do business and hence, create more wealth. As
they are rich, they only can run for public office in the country or get elected for public office by their own
money. As they control the government through themselves or their own people, so policies or laws are
enacted favorable to them with the creation of an economic environment conducive to their economic interest
which in most cases adverse to the poor that make them even poorer.

Some of the Filipino poor who happened to become the managers of the business enterprises of the
rich, due to their selfishness even perpetuate poverty among the poor since these poor managers allowed
themselves to be used by the rich in order to exploit the poor.

The Need for Selflessness

Thus, the need for every Filipino to acquire this virtue of selflessness for, without this virtue of
selflessness, no progress and development can ever be expected to be achieved. On the contrary, the majority
of the Filipino poor can be uplifted from their economic slavery if the Filipino people in general are not
selfish since they will be treating everyone as a human being with dignity in terms of providing them with
basic needs of their lives especially with respect to material needs. It is not that we become materialistic but it
is in recognition of the fact that human beings as we are, we need to satisfy our basic material needs.

Selflessness among the Affluent Sectors

The urgency for the acquisition of this kind of values is even more necessary among the affluent
sector with whom the wealth to be shared with the poor are concentrated. Since should this affluent sector
voluntarily share with the poor their wealth, then it can be more easy and systematic to transfer the same.
Whereas should the rich refuse or worse resist to share with the poor their wealth because of their selfishness,
the process maybe hard and tedious or worse may even be bloody via an armed revolution.

Hence, the need to inculcate these values especially among the rich sector so that there can be no
resistance for this sharing of wealth with the poor.


Patriotism is love of one's country. This is a virtue whereby an individual citizen of a given state
sacrifices his life for the sake of the latter. This is manifested in one's heroism by giving his life in the interest
of his country.

The common manifestation of heroism is enlistment in the Armed Forces of his state, reverence to
his country's flag, and rendering government service to his state. But most of all, this constitutes honesty in

public service in whatever capacity.

Patriotism in its Real Sense

Patriotism in the real sense means service to the people, the same being the abstract personality that
constitutes the state. There is no specific service that can be ascribed being patriotic. So long as it can help
advancing the cause of the people in general maybe considered a patriotic act. However, this must be
expressed more in the government service where government employee must be faithful to his duty as civil

Symbol of Patriotism

It is also advisable that the Filipino people must have common symbol for patriotism or nationalism,
for instance, the Filipino flag as symbol of unity or perhaps the name of Jose Rizal being the national hero. It
is advantageous for the Filipino people to have someone with whom they can be identified with. The problem
however, is that there are some religious sectors which consider it an idolatry. Hence, against their doctrinal
teaching which was upheld by the Supreme Court. Even then, we need something that every Filipino
identifies with. It must be that goodness in every Filipino such as being loyal, honest and kind, his being
hospitable and helpful as well as his being incorruptible.


Honesty is the best policy. It is the character of the person to be true to anyone with respect to
anything. Every Filipino must be honest towards his work, to his dealings with another person.

However, there is such thing as "white lies". This is an intentional telling of something false because
telling the truth has a negative effect. This is acceptable because this is telling a lie in good faith. Remember
however, that "the truth will set us free".

Honesty in one's dealing with everyone

This means developing one's attitude of being honest with any one unless telling the truth will have a
negative effect. But in general, honesty must be practiced in all aspects of our lives. This must be so because
dishonesty will make us not worth dealing with and therefore no one will do business with us as a partner.
Thereby we shall remain forever as slaves as nobody will trust us as business partners since we are dishonest

Every Filipino must be industrious. This is the opposite of idleness or indolence, Poverty can be
attributed to this negative trait of indolence on the part of the Filipino poor since it caused under or non-
production of economic goods and services that explains why the Philippines remains an underdeveloped

Therefore, if we want to attain progress and development, we need to develop in our people the habit
of being industrious in practically everything that we do.
The Indolence of the Filipino People

Dr. Jose Rizal justified the indolence of the Filipino people by saying that his people are industrious
but they are motivated not to work hard knowing so well that they knew they were not benefited with the
fruits of their labor since the government and the friars were so insatiable that they take big portion thereof in
the form of taxes. This may be true even now. But we have to overcome the system if we have to achieve
progress and development.

Honesty towards work

The need for honesty towards labor is also imperative as it appears that the majority of the Filipino
workers are dishonest with their works. Usually, Filipino workers are not honest with respect to their working
time in the sense that he is paid to work for eight (8) hours, yet the actual productive time may be five or six
hours only. The rest is spent for idleness as he works only in the presence of the immediate supervisors or
exert less effort as they ought to or as he is required to do so.
Moreover, dishonesty with work is also done with respect to the under quality by using substandard
quality of the materials used.

Increases Productivity
Honesty towards works will definitely increase productivity which may yield more profits and
therefore will become an incentive for the capitalists to share with the workers said profits by honest
compliance with the Labor Code as regards to the availment by the workers of all benefits due them. In other
words, the workers' honesty to their works may beget honesty on the part of the employers.

Love for Leisure

Likewise, the Filipino poor instead of working, they are even addicted to gambling. As estimated,
60-80% of their time is spent on gambling rather than for any productive activities. For those who do not
gamble, their habit is drinking liquor. This is very common among the young or adult. Thus, the need to
eradicate the same is by developing the habit of industriousness among the Filipino people. Indeed, gossip is
a common business of the day.

Endurance is the characteristic to endure or the capability to last longer with physical or emotional
sufferings. It is a character of not easily giving up to whatever pressures that are confronted with and instead
stick with what was originally planned. This is a positive trait in the sense that despite of whatever obstacle
the Filipino people may have, they still go on with their march for progress and development should they
have endurance


Perseverance is similar to endurance. It is the capacity to stick longer with one's determination
despite all odds in terms of an emotional distress. We need to have this virtue because given the condition we
are in, without this virtue we could hardly overcome the environmental obstacles socially, politically and

Perseverance refers to one's persistence to pursue something. This is an important habit to be acquired
by every Filipino so that especially the poor must persist to liberate themselves from poverty. Indeed, this
appears to be the lacking virtues of the poor, the reason why they remain poor.

Hence, the need to have the perseverance in order to be able to attain what is good and beneficial to
the people in general.


Bravery in the real sense is the courage to face the truth and to uphold what is righteous to the risk of
his life. Bravery does not exclude fear. For being human, man is susceptible to fear, the same being an
emotion which he cannot do away with.

However, despite of the accrued danger or fear for something negative one still does what he ought to
do the same being the right thing to do.


Loyalty as a virtue is an attitude of the person to be faithful towards a person or one's country. It is
the act of patronage for a product or adherence to a person or to one's country at all cost.

It is distinguished from fanaticism since the latter is adherence without rational basis. It is a blind
obedience plain and simple. While loyalty is adherence based on knowledge and conviction.


Hospitality is the virtue of being friendly and accommodating towards strangers with the offer of
everything he has for the accommodation purposes. In its negative aspect the host even forego some material
comfort in favor of the strangers. We consider it negative when over hospitality becomes unnecessary
sacrifice on the part of the host in terms of deprivation of the comfort which is due him but rather enjoyed by
the strangers.


Humility is the virtue of being humble always with respect to anything or towards anyone. This is
positive in the sense that it shows the truth about any subject and the person concerned remains humble
despite of whatever achievement he has attained. Hence, remains friendly also even to the lowly or towards
the poor. Moreover, it shows respect to authority all the time.


Self-reliance as a virtue means that the person concerned is independent minded and not a parasite.
Every Filipino must have this kind of virtue considering the culture of the Filipino people with close family
ties which often is subject of abuse in terms of relative's dependence particularly in the economic aspect.

Hence, it contributes to massive poverty as it even pushes down some relatives who have improved
their economic condition but because of the economic burden caused upon him by dependent relatives all of
them ultimately had been dragged to poverty.

Self-reliance is a characteristic of a person whereby he wants to be independent by himself especially

in the economic aspect of one's life. This must be taught as a virtue considering that the Filipinos are so
emotional that they do not want their children living away with them even said children are already married
and have their own families. Thus, aggravates and even perpetuates poverty among the poor sector.

Self-reliance means a Filipino upon reaching 18 year old must be independent by himself or herself
from his/her parents financially, economically, socially and emotionally.


This virtue of being resilient is important in that anyone who possessed the same may easily
recuperate from whatever misfortune he had experienced in life. Anyway, one cannot avoid once in his life to
become a victim of life's atrocities. What is important is the will to stand, remain composed and determined
to live a new life, a life that is far better than the previous one.


Friendliness as a virtue is the attitude of being brotherly to anyone This is the genuine concern for
someone's sake, usually with the sense of sacrifice since a friend is willing to sacrifice for the sake of his

This is positive because it motivates one to help another and the latter to help others and so forth. The
negative aspect however is too much friendship to the extent of forgetting one's self or his families for so
much friendship (pakikisama). This is negative because one's welfare or of his family are being prejudiced.


Courtesy as a virtue is the attitude of being respectful especially to a superior. This is the way to
recognize the presence of a superior. This is a positive trait because it manifests respect for authority which is
the foundation of orderliness without which there can hardly be peace and order.


Timeless is the arrival on time at whatever appointment whether regular or occasional Every Filipino
must work hard to acquire this attitude as a matter of habit. This is so because it has been the common
practice of the Filipino people to be always late with the appointed time in practically whatever they are
doing. And what is worse is that the higher the position a person is the more he becomes late and it appears
that their being late is deliberate. We have lost great volume of economic goods and services or even
opportunities due to tardiness or untimeliness.


Obedience is the characteristic on the part of any subordinate to obey his superior without any
reservation. However, such obedience must be qualified as to limit the same to only what is a lawful order.
Since as regards the order that is patently illegal, the same cannot be followed, and the subordinate has no
obligation to follow the same.

Take note, however, that a subordinate is expressly prohibited to obey a patent illegal order. But when
there is doubt as to whether the order is legal or illegal. The same must be presumed legal in consonance with
the presumption of regularity of function. Hence, the order must be followed.


Cleanliness is the best virtue. It is cleanliness physically, morally and psychologically. Indeed,
cleanliness is said to be the next to Godliness. Thus, every Filipino must be clean with his words, his thoughts
and in his deeds. To be such is to speak, think and do without malice or bad faith.

It may sound idealistic. But just the same we must if we want to live and walk with God in the thorny
path of life.


Being polite is to be nice with one's behavior or attitude towards another. It means also that he is
courteous, respectful and honest especially with his words and deeds. Thus, it is good for every Filipino to
acquire the said virtue. The opposite of this is being hypocrite, disrespectful, discourteous and dishonest
which are negative traits that every Filipino people should avoid.


Being helpful is readiness at all times to render help or assistance to anyone physically, economically
or emotionally. It is a positive trait that every Filipino must possess especially at this time when there's a lot
of people suffering from whatever deprivation brought about by poverty. This includes assistance for the
provisions of basic services such as legal, medical, educational, or even moral, psychological and emotional.

The opposite of helpfulness is insensitivity to others, selfishness, individualistic. These are negative
traits which hinder the economic, political and social development of every developing country. The reason is
that they are not united and cooperative to one another. Since, the rule of the day is the survival of the fittest,
otherwise also known as the "law of the jungle".

Under this situation, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The opportunities are confined
to the rich. While the affluent are enjoying the lavish of bounty, the poor are dying of hunger without the
benefits of medical services, the basic comfort of life with human dignity.

Love for Environment

The love for the environment as a virtue must be developed among the Filipino people, considering the
continuing and indiscriminate destruction of our environment. This is brought about by the fact that the
Filipino people are not conscious of the destruction they are making with our environment. Hence, we need
to instill these values of environmental care with the sense of urgency.

This includes the improper disposal of garbage which has become a major problem on the subject. The
irresponsible mining likewise contributes so much to the environmental destructions.

Continuous destruction of our environment is killing us softly. Just for small calamity, thousands of
lives and millions of properties are destroyed because the nature is no longer protective of the people since
the environment instead of being the haven for protection had been turned to destructive elements brought
about by its destruction.


In this regards, the observation of the Consultative Forum on Moral Recovery Program, Workshops on
Sectors and Values is worth quoting as follows:

"It was our consensus that as a general principle, the thrust of national economic development should
be agro-industrial in nature since the Filipino has no individual buying power, which is the basis of pure
industrialization. The Philippines is rich in natural resources but its agricultural sector is heavily dependent
on foreign concepts, technologies, and inputs."
The basic conflict on the use of foreign technologies involves the need to supply the requirements of a
growing population (high yield rates) as against sustainability and damages to the environment.

We identified the following factors as the bases for a policy on sustainable agro-industrial development:

 increasing populations;
 use of scientifically and culturally appropriate technology:
 principle of self-reliance
 ecological soundness and equality of distributions; and,
 principle of stewardship over environmental resources for the benefit of the community and
country." (p.42 Ethics and Politics: A Call for the National Renewal)


Apply Your Knowledge (Review Questions)

I. Explain briefly:

1. Godliness -

2. Distinguish perseverance from endurance -

3. Distinguish self-respect from self-esteem -

4. Distinguish politeness from courtesy -

5. Distinguish self-discipline from self-respect -

II. Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False:

______1. Patriotism is love of country.

______2. Godliness is love God by loving people.
______3. Bravery means doing what is right despite of fear for bodily harm.
______4. Cleanliness refers to both physical and spiritual way of life.
______5. Godliness is not synonymous with being religious
______6. Self-discipline is the foundation of all virtues/values;
______7. God abhors poverty.
______8. We need to be Filipino in deed, words and thought.
______9. "Many are called but few are chosen” means the people themselves must
chose to dedicate their lives in the service of God.
______10. Lack of discipline is one of the major reasons why the Philippines remains a
developing country


Answer briefly:

1. Why godliness is not synonymous with being a religious?

2. Why bravery does not exclude cowardice?

3. How can we love our country?

4. What is an identity crisis?

5. What do you think are the most important virtues and why?

Note: all assessment should be turn-in on or before 5:00 pm


Now that you have completed your module for this week. Write a reflection about what you have learned.
Your reflections should include:
(1) your opinion about the lesson
(2) personal experience
(3) evidence to back up your thoughts and/or opinion (APA citation).
Things you can reflect on include the readings for this week, videos, and the discussions. The purpose of this
reflection is to ensure you are processing your thoughts on the course content. This will enhance your
learning and knowledge.

Resources and Additional Resources


Additional Resources:

 Rodolfa, Aquino, Dellova, Tiongco (2018). Leadership & Personality Development for Tourism
and Hospitality Professionals. Mindshapers Co., Inc.
 Labuguen, F.C., Ramos, A.I., Placer, R.B., Vidal, C.J.E., Moralde, R.P.E., & Rendorio, E.V.
(2012). Understanding the National Service Training Program. Malabon City, Philippines: Mutya
Publishing House.

 Internet Sources


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