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Topic 11 – io

I 0 Synonyms and confusable wor ds I
C o m m o n synonym pairs
The (a) and (b) w o rd s in each pair in the table have similar meanings. Sometimes either
word can be used in a sentence to give the same meani ng, but in the collocations below onlj
one w or d is possible.

synonyms (a) example (b) example

(a) cfose The chairperson closed t h e m e e t i n g at She was very rude. She said 'Shut your
(b) shut 4.30. m o u th ! ' [impolite way of telling someone not
[ W e close meetings/discussions/ to speak] A dentist might ask you to close
conferences, etc.] your mouth. Shut is generally more informal.
(a) start It was a cold morning and 1 could not s t a r t Before the universe began, time and space
(b) begin m y car. did not exist.
[Start, N O T begin, is used for engines and [Begin is preferred in more formal and
vehicles. abstract contexts.]

(a) big It was a big decision to make. 1 wanted the sweater in the large size but
(b) large There were some big p r o b l em s to solve. they only had medium.
(a) end The f i lm en d ed w i t h the hero dying. 1 haven't finished my h o m e w o r k yet.
(b) finish They e nd ed t he i r relationship a year ago. [Finish here means complete.]
[End here means decide to stop.]

G r o up s of w ords w i t h sim ila r m e an ings

Words meaning 'old'
I met an old friend the other day. It's a very old building.
She studied ancient history. In ancient times, life wa s very h ard .
This shop sells antique furniture. She collects antique jewellery, [old and valuable]
I helped an elderly person who was trying to cross the road, [elderly is more polite than old]
W o r d s m e a n i n g ' w i t h n o o n e o r n o t h i n g else o r w i t h n o t h i n g similar*
D o n n a is a single parent; it's difficult for her to wor k full time.
He lives in a very lonely place/spot up in the m oun tain s.
At first I felt desperately lonely when I moved from Lo ndo n to the countryside.
I live alone, but I d o n' t like travelling alone; it's nice to be with someon e.
There was just one solitary figure on the otherwise deserted beach, [one person on their own]
She was the sole survivor of the crash. Everyone else died, [only survivor)
I am an only child; I sometimes wonder wha t it would be like to have a bro the r or sister.
This is a u ni que occasion, with three past Prime Ministers all together in o ne r o om .

C O t h e r syno nym pairs

synonyms (a) example (b) example

(a) charge 1 need to char ge my p hon e. They l oaded t h e lo r r y and drove away.
(b) load [used for batteries, electrical items] [used for cargoes, lorries, vans, ships, etc.
and fo r weapons]
(a) injure Three injured peop le were taken to The shop tried to sell me a d a m a g e d sofa
(b) damage hospital after the accident. but 1 noticed it just in time.
[collocates with words to do wit h people] [collocates wit h words for things]
(a) grow In the south the farmers gr o w crops. In the north the farmers mostly raise cattle.
(b) raise [collocates wit h crops, plants] [collocates wi t h animals, children]

24 English Collocations in Use


10.1 Choose the correct collocation.

1 The dentist told me to shut / close my m ou t h.
2 I didn't k n o w w h at to do w he n I got into my car and cou ldn 't start I begin the engine.
3 I want to buy a sweater for my dad. He needs one in a big I large size.
4 I haven't finished I ended my essay yet. I can' t decide ho w to finish I end it.
5 At wh at time do you plan to shut I close the conference?
6 All societies develop their ow n stories a b o u t h o w the world started / began.
7 It's far t o o big I large a problem for you to solve on your o w n .
8 It's never easy to finish I end a relationship.
I 0.2 Look at B. Compl ete each phrase with a w or d meaning either ' ol d ' or ' al o n e' .
1 a figure on the horizon 6 to live
2 a shop selling furniture 7 to feel desperately
3 to be an child 8 to catch up with friends
4 the survivor of the accident 9 su pp o r t for parents
5 to study history 10 a ho me for people
10.3 Correct these sentences.
1 Were many people damaged in the eart hquake?
2 Single parents gro wi ng children wi thout a partner's su ppo rt are entitled to financial help
from the gov ern ment .
3 My mobile isn't w orki ng. I need to load the battery.
4 She has a lot of beautiful elderly jewellery.
5 When we moved house, t w o men helped us to charge the van.
6 That's not news - it's antique history!
7 I d on' t k n o w h o w to charge a gun, let alone fire one.
8 I've never been very successful at raising plants.
10.4 Which of the collocations on the opposite page do these pictures illustrate?
i ^HV 3 asm 5

Look up big and large in a good learner's dictionary of English and see what ot her collocations it
suggests for them.

English Collocations in Use 25

Synonyms and confusable w o r d s 2

No te these typical collocations connected with 'gaining' or 'achieving'.

verb collocates with example comments

gain power, cont rol, The socialist party gain ed co ntr o l Gain is often used w it h abstract
access of the National Assembly. nouns relating to political authority.

gain a reputation, Her paintings ga i ned r ec og ni tio n Gain is often used w i t h abstract
[formal] publicity, thanks to a major exhibition in nouns that suggest benefit to the
recognition, N e w York. 'gainer'.
an advantage

win an award, a He w o n a m e d a l in the 2004 Win is often used in contexts

prize, a medal, Olympic Games. associated wi t h competition.
a match

win a battle, a war, The conservative party w o n t h e Win is often used in contexts
an election 1994 General Election . associated with fighting.

earn a salary, money I e arn $21 10 a month. You e a r n m o n e y by working for it.

make a profit, money The company m a d e a pr of it last You can m a k e m o n e y by investing

year. etc., not just by working.
achieve success, It's difficult to achieve success in Achieve is used mainly w it h abstract
your goals, international sport. nouns.
your aims
beat/ a team, He defeat ed his o p p o n e n t in the You w i n a m a t c h but beat/defeat
defeat an opponent tennis final. an op p o n e n t.
Defeat is more formal than beat.

You'll need to take w a r m I always carry my mobile She was wearing a hat.
clothes when you go to phone whenever I go out. ( N O T carrying)
Alaska. ( N O T c u r ry ) (N O T wear)

He kindly offered to carry She's wearing a dress. He's using a laptop.

my suitcase for me. (NOT«^«g)

Notice how spend is used when talking about time and money.
We spent t h r e e days in the mountains. It was wonderful. ( N O T pasaed)
If you buy a big car you'll have to spend m o r e m o n e y on petrol. ( N O T «se)
Last night I sp ent t w o hours watching TV. ( N O T stayed)
I spent an h o u r looking for the keys before I found them in my bag. ( N O T pasood)

26 English Collocations in Use 384


I I. I Look at A. Use a verb from the b ox in the correct form to complete each collocation.

achieve beat earn gain make win

1 I don't have ambitions to a lot of money, I just w a nt to be happy in life.

2 Jack has already a very good reputation as a talented lawyer.
3 Kim has several prizes for her singing.
4 It is imp ortan t to have goals even if you do not always t hem.
5 Chris a lot of money wh en he sold some old shares on the stock exchange.
6 In the t o u r n am e n t H a n n a h all her op po nent s and the gold
7 No wa d ays John a very good salary.
8 In the cycle race, Henrik an advantage when several of his opp o n e nts had
I 1.2 Look at the picture and answer the questions
1 What is the w o m a n wearing?
2 What is the w o m a n carrying?
3 What is the w o m a n using?
4 Wh at is the man wearing?
5 What is the man carrying?
6 What is the man using?

I 1.3 Correct the nine collocation errors in this pa r ag r a ph .

Last year I got a new job and started gaining a lot more money. I realised I could afford to use
more money on my holiday than I usually do and decided to pass a month in Australia. I knew
it would be hot there and so I wouldn't need to carry warm clothes with me. In fact, I used a
t-shirt and jeans all the time I was there. I carried a hat all the time too, of course, to protect me
from the sun. It was fantastic there. I passed a week sightseeing in Sydney and then stayed
the rest of the time travelling round the country. I even did my lifelong ambition of stroking a

I 1.4 Change the underlined w o r d s so that each sentence has the opposite me ani ng.
1 The Democratic Party lost the election.
2 The ruling p ower has lost control of the situation.
3 O u r team w as defeated in the match.
4 I spent a lot of money last m ont h .
5 Ou r co m pan y m ade a loss last year.
I 1.5 Complete these questions. T h e n answer the m.
1 Wh er e did you yo ur last holiday?
2 H o w much money did you last week?
3 W h a t do you always with you whe n you go out?
4 Have you ever a trophy?
5 W h a t aim would you particularly like to in life?

English Collocations in Use 27

Topi o o o io

The examiner may a y a a he he y i e ear r y ra i e

ar a hi n ea he in T ye e i n an an er e an
ay a en i n he hra e in o e he e ini i n e i n a he m he
a e he he meanin any hra e y n n er an

xaminer y en y yin he
e r e ye i em y n e e a a i o
io an a ay ha e y ha hir r air h e mn
here n h h n ee m r a e earin me hin o
io mn a here a e ea ha ear

xaminer ha in he y i e ear
ar re er o a a y ha e i p r e ia
ai n er na y hin i i e o oo oo i a air ean
ha my ini n n hin my i e a me a io i o ha r

xaminer re here many he h here y i e

y ia e here are in my n a ar r m he i hain re e e
a e rea y ni e h ha e i o he in a i
ha ne er rea y o o o io e in here

Pa a

e ri e me ne y n h re e e h ay

h hey are

h y n hem
ha in he hey ear

an ay hy y i e he ay hey re

T m i e a a ne my ea her i an he ea he
n i h in he h ea ay r ar eein ha he in
ear hen r e n ar he a ay ery an o o
p i i pp i n ha he re e in ery o he
en me h o i r any hin i e ha ha he ear
rea y i an he ha a rea o a e e en a her
here he e me her he an m he ime hey re o p
an he ay he n in ere e in i r any hin i e ha he
en eem n erne a pi p i io he
ear he ha are i ye i an i he er n hin rea
in he he he ear


xaminer ha a r y hin a e he he e h e ear

a i e en here e are r here e re in i a i a r i y are
in a r ar y y re in o o o io an hen here
are h e h hin i im r an i e hey re o hey an
ear he a e a hi n here are a r rea y

xaminer ha in hin e ermine ha i in a hi n an ha e h e

ar in e he i io o an io o m ha e an e e
he he y ee o n a ay re e ha n rma e e ear
ei i e hin i e ha in er are earin in i e rm e are
earin in ma a ine ha in hin

xaminer i i e ih en in m ney n he
rinna m re i i ye ei a i o ha
n in h o i i eren i em hin ha e
e her hin y an i rea ar ain in hari y h me ime r
y n er e en o an

t be te e ery a hi na e
t e n rma
t e a im e ra i i na y e ha i a ay a hi na e
e e be a e n n m any ha ma e en ex en i e hin
e e t earin he ha a ra a mirer
t e t e ear he ia e r a ar i ar e en
b e in a hi n
e a m any ha e a y ex en i e ne y e in he
a er n h i am r heir en e a hi n
an e en here m a h he a e in a hi n e i n
t et e e n ni e he en me here e ia
t t n e in a hi n any m re
e he ha are a e n r m er r her r i er
heir y n er i in
t e e e ea e
t e e e t e he a i i y ear he ha yi h
t e e t ery a hi na e
t ee t t e te t ear he a e a hi n
t ear me hin ha i y
t t ear i eren ye r i em hin ha aren ar
a e i
t e me hin ha i hi h y a hi na e an here re in eman

t e e hin ha i rea y ma e
e n in a hi n any m re
t e t he a e ha m a a a n h he a e a hi n
et me ne h a ay ee he nee ear he a e
a hi n
t t e he in he rn ra rma e en
t t e e n me ne
t t e e e e e ay a en i n h ne
t ee me hin ha en a hi n
t e t e he r m an ear ier eri
e e e e re e a ra i e y

to be on trend: to be very fashionable
- casual clothes: not formal
- classic style: a simple, traditional style that is always fashionable
- designer label: a well-known company that makes (often expensive) clothing
- dressed to kill: wearing clothes that attract admirers
- to dress for the occasion: to wear clothes suitable for a particular event
- fashionable: in fashion
- fashion house: a company that sells (usually expensive) new styles in clothes
- fashion icon: a person who is famous for their sense of fashion
- fashion show: an event where modals show off the latest in fashion designs
- to get dressed up: to put on nice clothes, often to go out somewhere special
- to go out of fashion: to not be in fashion any more
- hand-me-downs: clothes that are passed down from older brothers - or sisters to
their younger siblings
- to have an eye for (fashion): to be a good judge of
- to have a sense of style: the ability to wear clothes that look stylish
- the height of fashion: very fashionable
Garments – another word for items of clothes, apparels.
Accessories – things (bags, belts or jewellery) that can be added to your outfit to
make it more attractive and stylish.
Lingerie – women’s underwear, undergarments.
Fashion victim – a person who wears popular trends and looks really ridiculous
because he/she ends up looking like a store mannequin.
Baggy – wide-legged pants or loose-fitting shirts/blouses.
Catwalk or runway – a narrow flat platform, used by models to present designer
Clothes stall – a booth displaying clothes in a market.
Fashion icon – someone or something who is very well known as an example of
style and high fashion.
Must-haves – highly essential clothes that you must have in your wardrobe this
season. Clothing must-haves also comprise the essentials of your wardrobe.
Catwalk or runway – a narrow flat platform, used by models to present designer
Clothes stall – a booth displaying clothes in a market.
Fashion icon – someone or something who is very well known as an example of
style and high fashion.
Must-haves – highly essential clothes that you must have in your wardrobe this
season. Clothing must-haves also comprise the essentials of your wardrobe.
To have an eye for fashion – to have a good taste and know what is “in fashion”
and what is not.

Dress for the occasion – to wear something in the right place at the right time. Not
to wear short skirt to church or bathing suit to a wedding (unless you are in
To be well dressed – attired in clothing that is of fashionable, expensive and
properly fitted

What types of clothes do you like wearing?
Where do you usually buy your clothes?
Did you wear a school uniform when you were younger?
What can we learn about a person from the clothes that they wear?


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