Arianpour 2010

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Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 273–276

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Characterization, microstructure and corrosion behavior of magnesia

refractories produced from recycled refractory aggregates
Farzin Arianpour a,*, Faramarz Kazemi b, Farhad Golestani Fard a
Refractories Research Division, School of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 16844 Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Hoor Mehr Sepahan Co., 81736-43513 Isfahan, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper aims to report the results of some investigations carried out in Iranian steel industries to reuse
Received 30 May 2009 the spent magnesia graphite refractory bricks in the forms of the new shaped and unshaped magnesia
Accepted 3 November 2009 refractories. Economical aspects of recycling and minimizing the environmental effects of spent refracto-
Available online 2 December 2009
ries landfills were the basic goals of this research. The spent MgO–C refractory bricks from electric arc
(EAF) and ladle (LF) furnaces were analyzed in terms of microstructural and chemical properties. Differ-
Keywords: ent samples were prepared from natural sintered magnesia and 10–30 wt.% of recycled aggregates in the
Industrial minerals
forms of magnesia refractory brick and ramming mix and their physical and mechanical properties were
Particle size
evaluated. Also the slag corrosion behavior and microstructural properties of corroded samples were
Environmental investigated. The results showed that the addition of up to 30 wt.% of recycled aggregates had no negative
Recycling effects on the properties of magnesia refractories.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2. Experimental procedure

Refractories are ceramic materials that are designed to with- 2.1. Spent refractories characterization
stand the variety of severe service conditions, high temperatures,
corrosive liquids and gases, abrasion, mechanical and thermal in- Table 1 shows the chemical analysis of intact and spent magne-
duced stresses (Othman and Nour, 2005; Bennet et al., 1995). sia graphite refractory bricks which used at ladle slag line (LF & B-
Refractories are used by a variety of industries, including metal, LF) and EAF hot spot (EAF & B-EAF) regions. The chemical analyses
ceramic, cement and glass manufacturers. When refractory materi- of spent bricks were measured by X-ray fluorescence method (XRF)
als have reached to end of their service life they are replaced with from hot face to 5 cm depth and the average was reported. As the
new refractories that have to be manufactured from natural raw results show, the analyses of spent bricks have no significant dif-
materials and the spent refractories are typically disposed of in a ferences with original bricks.
landfill wasting valuable natural resources (Fang et al., 1999; Smith
et al., 1999; Bennet and Kwong, 1997). It is understood that recy- 2.2. Preparation of recycled aggregates
cling refers to use of a waste material in a manner similar to its ori-
ginal application. In contrast a waste material is typically defined At first the penetrated layers (3–5 cm from hot face) were cut
as reused when it is used differently than the original product and removed and then the none-reacted regions were crushed
(Bennett et al., 2001; Conejo et al., 2006). and screened. The recycled aggregates from ladle were mixed with
This paper aims to report the results of investigations carried aggregates obtained from EAF in equal weight percent. After crush-
out in Iranian Khuzestan Steel Complex (KSCo.) by refractory re- ing, the aggregates were screened in different particle size por-
search division of Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) tions. In order to eliminate the residual graphite from recycled
to reuse the spent magnesia graphite refractory bricks. The goals of magnesia aggregates, they were heated in a rotary laboratory scale
this research were characterizing spent refractories, establishing furnace at 1400 °C for 2 h.
new way for minimizing wastes and spent refractories recycling,
developing an applicable recycling technique and comparing the 2.3. Application of spent bricks in shaped refractories
properties of the recycled products with those made from virgin
material. In order to evaluate the using of the recycled aggregates for the
production of magnesia refractory bricks, the recycled aggregates
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 77240540x50; fax: +98 21 77240480. were added in various percents into a magnesia brick composition
E-mail address: (F. Arianpour). as additive. Table 2 shows the particle size distribution and compo-

0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
274 F. Arianpour et al. / Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 273–276

Table 1
Chemical analysis of bricks, raw materials and slag.

Sample Carbon (graphite) SiO2 Al2O3 CaO MgO Fe2O3 MnO L.O.I
EAF 12.7 Max 0.5 Max 0.5 Max 1.2 84.7 Max 0.5 — —
LF 9.3 Max 0.5 Max 0.5 Max 1.2 90.5 Max 0.5
B-EAF 15.3 1.7 0.7 3.56 86.1 4.7 — —
B-LF 9.3 3.76 5.1 6.1 79.35 1.83 — —
Iranian 91% sintered magnesia — 4.5 1.0 3.5 91 — — 0.2
Ball clay (SQ, UK) — 53.8 30.7 0.1 0.3 — — 10.5
Microsilica (Iran Ferrosilicon Co.) — 93.6 1.32 0.49 0.97 0.87 — —
Slag — 28 13 35 6 9 9 —

Table 2
Composition and particle size distribution of magnesia bricks and monolithic refractory samples.

Composition Particle size MBM MBR10 MBR20 MBR30

Iranian 91% sintered magnesia 1–4 mm 38 28 18 8
<1 mm 30
<75 lm 32
Recycled aggregate 1–4 mm 0 10 20 30
Composition RMB RM10 RM20 RM30
Iranian 91% sintered magnesia 1–4 mm 40 30 20 10
<1 mm 30
<150 lm 22
Recycled aggregate 1–4 mm 0 10 20 30
Ball clay 4
Microsilica 2
Sodium hexa meta phosphate 2
Water 5

sition of designed magnesia bricks prepared from natural Iranian mina crucibles and the slag powder poured around them. Chemical
sintered magnesia (91% MgO and chemical properties according analysis of slag is shown in Table 1. Finally, the samples were ex-
to Table 1) and recycled aggregates. Also it should be noted that posed to the slag at 1600 °C for 5 h in an electric furnace. Afterward
just the range of 1–4 mm (coarse grains) of recycled aggregates the samples were cut and the diffused and condensed regions were
were used in the samples. The reason for selecting this fraction investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using SEM
of particles was based on the fact that the impurities were gener- Tescan system at 15 keV.
ally gathered more in the finer fractions of recycled aggregates
than the coarser grains. Also the entrapping of impurities in coar-
ser grains lead to less negative effects on refractory properties. The 3. Results and discussion
samples were mixed in a laboratory mixer with 1.5 wt.% MgCl2 as
binder and 3 wt.% water. After homogenizing and aging, the Table 3 shows the measured bulk density, apparent porosity
4  6 cm cylindrical samples were shaped by hydraulic press at and cold crushing strength values from at least five brick and ram-
100 MPa pressure. Then the samples were dried at 110 °C for ming mix samples. As the results show, the mechanical strength
24 h and sintered at 1550 °C for 10 h in a gas furnace. increases with increasing the firing temperatures. The MBM and
RBM samples had any additive and the highest CCS values. The
2.4. Application of spent bricks in monolithic refractories samples containing recycled aggregates as additive had slightly
less mechanical and physical properties than the reference samples
Table 2 shows the composition and particle size distribution of for both refractory monolithic and bricks. It is clear that the recy-
prepared refractory ramming mixes. The used binder was industri- cled aggregates obtained from spent materials generally have
ally grade sodium hexa meta phosphate added in 2 wt.% dissolved poorer strength and density. Also because of the expanded struc-
in water. The compositions were mixed in a laboratory mixer and ture due to the grain adherence and the presence of micro cracks
after homogenizing, shaped in 3  3 cm cylindrical die according to in recycled aggregates, they will have more porosity values. Finally
BS 1902 (Section 7:6 – 1987) standard test method for shaping it is obvious that the addition of recycled aggregates up to 30 wt.%
refractory ramming mix samples. Then the samples dried at had no significant negative effects on the mechanical and physical
110 °C for 24 h and heat treated in an electric furnace at 1050 properties of refractory monolithic and bricks and the obtained
and 1550 °C for 3 h. values for magnesia refractories containing recycled aggregates
are viable.
2.5. Corrosion studies Fig. 1A shows the SEM micrograph of slag corroded MBM sam-
ple. It is obvious that during the slag/refractory reactions, the vis-
In order to compare the corrosion resistance of natural sintered cosity of slag increases and the corrosion mechanisms become
and recycled magnesia aggregates, MBM and MBR30 samples were passive in this case (Poirier et al., 2007). Also it clarifies that the
selected for corrosion test study. The samples were placed in alu- slag attacked to the sintered magnesia aggregates and dissolved
F. Arianpour et al. / Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 273–276 275

Table 3
Mechanical and physical properties of samples fired at different temperatures.

Temperature (°C) MBM MBR10 MBR20 MBR30

CCS (MPa) 110 12.5 12.2 12.4 12.1
1050 22 22.1 21.8 21.5
1550 45.2 38.5 38.2 36
Apparent porosity (%) 1550 16.2 18.5 18.5 20
Balk density (g/cm3) 1550 2.95 2.85 2.85 2.43
Temperature (°C) RMB RM10 RM20 RM30
CCS (MPa) 110 37 36 34.5 34.5
1050 29 28.5 28.5 27.5
1550 39 34 30.5 37
Apparent porosity (%) 1550 25 27 31 31.5
Balk density (g/cm3) 1550 2.85 2.8 2.78 2.6

Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrograph of (A) MBM corroded sample, (B) MBR30 fired at 1550 °C and (C) MBR30 corroded sample.

grain boundaries and finally separated periclase grains in magnesia significantly the amounts of refractories landfilling. The physical
aggregates. Because of the presences of the large amount of impu- and mechanical tests results of refractory brick and ramming mix
rities such as CaO and SiO2 in grain boundaries, these regions are samples containing recycled aggregates showed that the addition
suitable places for slag attack and have low slag corrosion resis- of up to 30 wt.% of recycled aggregates had no negative effects
tance (Lee and Zhang, 1999). on the properties of magnesia refractories. Also the corrosion
Generally magnesia graphite bricks made for steel industries behavior of sample containing recycled aggregates was slightly
contain high quality sintered and fused magnesia. Especially fused better than the samples made from natural sintered magnesia.
magnesia has high slag corrosion resistance due to its large crystal
sizes and no grain boundaries (Ebizawa, 1993; Herron and Bee-
chan, 1967). It is clear in Fig. 1B that the MBR30 sample contains Acknowledgments
some fused magnesia aggregates with no grain boundaries. Also
the calcium silicate impurities made closed pores trapped inside The authors wish to express their appreciation for the helpful
the aggregate are shown in this figure. Fig. 1C shows the micro- financial and technical supporting of this work by Iran University
structure of slag penetrated area in MBR30 sample. According to of Science and Technology (IUST) and Iranian Khuzestan Steel
slag/refractory interface it seems that the slag only attacks to the Complex (KSCo.).
bond phase. In this figure a fused magnesia aggregate is shown
near by the slag corroded zone. However it shows no magnesia
grain separation and grain boundary dissolution by slag. References

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