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Example answer for the concept map of material in modules 1-9

2. I have a strong grasp of Module 1, which covers two ways of communicating in English, as
well as Module 3, which focuses on writing informal emails and business memos.

Additionally, I feel confident about Module 4, which delves into the art of correspondence in
business, Module 5, which covers the letter of request, and Module 6, which addresses the
letter of appreciation.

These modules have provided me with a solid foundation in business communication.

On the other hand, I admit that I'm not as confident in my understanding of Module 2, which
explores various concepts and skills in business, Module 7, which deals with job application
letters and CVs, Module 8, which covers making appointments and giving explanations, and
Module 9, which discusses different methods of business communication.

However, I see these modules as an opportunity for growth and improvement. I'm determined
to tackle the challenge and enhance my understanding in these areas.

By acknowledging the modules that I feel less confident about, I am aware of the areas where
I need to focus my efforts and seek further learning.

I am committed to expanding my knowledge and skills in all aspects of business

communication to become a more effective and proficient communicator.

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