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"What do you know?


"I know you're so foolish that you can say you know me well in this kind of


Jung Eui-chul smiled.

"That's unexpected. Even if you're my colleague, you've never said

anything to me?"

"I know your face. "

Yoon Jay said it as if it were nothing, but added it as if it came to mind.

"I need to remember my savior's face"

"Savior? Me?"

Jung Eui-chul burst into a ridiculous laugh. It was very brief but I think my
eyes shined sharply. Like trying to see if what Yoon Jau says is simply a lie
to stimulate him. But of course it's a lie. You said he were a savior and
didn't know even when you heard my name on the phone. Jeong Eui-chul
must have come to a similar conclusion as I did.

"I was mistaken. I think I can do enough bluffing even in this kind of place.
I never thought Yoon Jay would change like this, but it's amazing. Is it the
power of love?"

He threw it like a joke and laughed at me. You'll laugh because you don't
know the strength of that Madman there. Another person who also didn't
know commented.

"That's an amazing love. It means that it's okay for your lover to call
yourself a crazy man. He proudly said you were a crazy person in front of
an important customer director. Because of that, my aunt thought that
DREAM's director Yoon shouldn't do it. If a lover, who can be called the
most close aide, considers a that person who loves him a crazy man, what
could be more accurate than this? Of course, I personally think Director
Yoon is attractive because he is a Madman. But business is different. My
aunt thinks that she can't work with a crazy person who doesn't know when
he will shake her head. "

The Dream executive openly showed an absurd expression. It was also

unreasonable for her to send out her nephew, who was younger than me,
and to give him a ridiculous reason. There was a lot of meaning that He
would somehow make an excuse and support K agency without making a
deal with him. I'd rather just openly say no. Why did he come up with such
a pathetic reason? He added.

"Director Han is also traveling with the president of the agency, so he is

trying to evict Dream with an urgent reason for publicly pushing ahead with
Company K. Now, this misunderstanding must have occurred to you."

Jung Eui-chul laughed as if he knew all of their thoughts. Dream executive


"So it's not a misunderstanding?"

"Yes. This is because of director Han Riyeon's personal business

philosophy. Unfortunately, Director Yoon, who is currently leading Dream,
just doesn't fit in with Director Han. When she sees a person, she pays
attention to the people around them. It is also a problem that Lee Taemin,
who is the closest to him, said that he is crazy. She was very disappointed in
the article yesterday. Lee Taemin's past is quite long. I wonder how
DREAM accepted him."

Although i was the subject of topic. No one looked at me this time. In the
first place, it was only a bait to catch Yoon Jay, so everyone only looked at
Yoon Jay. He did not react much, and instead, The Dream executive asked

"If this is just a matter of director Yoon's personality, do you mean that you
will respond to the negotiations properly if it is resolved? Cooperating with
us, not with agency K?"
"Of course."

Jung Eui-chul answered easily and shrugged.

"Honestly, I didn't think I had to go to this kind of place either.

Nevertheless, I came because I wanted director Han to confirm that director
Yoon Jay is not a crazy person."

"How can I check? Can I just say that Director Yoon is not a crazy person?
I'm the one watching from the side, so I'll be done if I say no."

"That's not true. Since Lee Taemin, who is the closest to him, said that he is
a crazy person, I can tell director Han that it is a misunderstanding to some
extent. "

Jung Eui-chul winked at me as he said this. I laughed more as if it were


Why the hell is he... Hmph. ☠️

The back of my neck began to feel cold again. I turned my gaze slightly and

met Torai's eyes. He was looking at me with an expressionless face. I rather
missed doing crazy things with a smile.

on me ?, I should of just locked you up.) ☠️

T/N: Jays mind ( did this bastard wink at my boo? Fuck no are you cheating

"Aye. You can't take back what you just said. "

Chae Dosang stared at me as he intervened.

"In the past, i used to work for a private moneylender and played gangster,
but it wouldn't be a lie to escape the situation. A person who bullied the
weak people regardless of age after bullying children in high school. No
matter how much you appear as a righteous police officer in a drama, the
essence will be completely different. The old habit of bothering others can't
have completely disappeared."
There was a moment of hatred at the sight of Chae Dosang looking at me. I
was wondering rather than angry. Why is he being sensitive to my past? As
if he were the victim. He turned his eyes to Yoon Jay.

"To resolve my aunt's misunderstanding, Director Yoon, not Lee Taemin,

should say it himself. If what he says is false. We have nothing to do with
each other. What do you think, Director Yoon? Lee Taemin, did you really
go to bed enough to know everything about Director Yoon? Or are you a
gangster who always tells lies whenever you opens your mouth?" 🖕
It's pathetic and childish. This word came to mind again. I can now guess
why they prepared for this kind of event. They deliberately used this
pathetic and childish methods. Since there is no chance of winning if
pushed with force, everyone's attention was once again focused on Yoon
Jay to stimulate his opponent with light and fun ridicule. If he admits his
relationship with me, negotiations with that side are off the table. If you
deny it, your pride will be hurt. I realised that I was in a terrible situation. If
it weren't for me, there would have been an excuse to cut off Yoon Jay
somehow. It is true that I threw the bait first. Fortunately, Yoon Jay was not
a person to respond to such provocations. The dream executor also said

"Director Yoon. Don't say anything back. To nitpick at an important

business matter like this means that the answer has been decided in the first
place. You don't have to get involved in this dirty thing for no reason."

"What do you mean dirty? The ugly man talks too much. Are you saying
that my auntie is trying to tease me? Wow, aren't people the basis of
everything? Is it my fault to see your personality?"

"Hey! Who's ugly? And I know you're here on behalf of Director Han, but
carelessly talking when you don't even know much about this..."

"Both of you, stop it. Chae Dosang said too much, but it's not wrong. You're
not supposed to pick a trap. We're very serious. Director Han said she
would accept Dream's proposal as positively as possible if this
misunderstanding was cleared up."
At Chung Eui-chul's words, Dream executive shook his head.

"This is ridiculous... Director Yoon. What are you going to do?"

"We have to clear up the misunderstanding. However, I want to resolve the

misunderstanding with the person involved."

"You can't do that. One director is in the hospital now."

"Then I can tell you when she's discharged from the hospital. We only
considered the company's interests under the conditions of our partner, but I
want to meet and refer to director Han's business philosophy in person. I
don't care that director Han was accused of killing her husband in both
marriages and wore it on trial."

Her husband's murder suspicion? There was a story that came to mind.
What Yoon Jay said when he came back from his business trip from the US.
Was it Riyeon who killed her husband?

"Watch what you say! Suspicion of murder? It was a false rumor spread by
the family who bullied her because of her miscarriage! Is the person who is
Dream's Director one to distort facts even though if it turns out to be not
true in the trial?"

Chae Dosang stood up in rage. Jung Eui-chul barely stopping him and sat
down. He stared at Yoon Jay with a huff.

"That's why my aunt had a hard time. Reporters send out stories made up at
will as articles. People still have ridiculous misunderstandings about my

Jung Eui-chul patted him on the shoulder and spoke strongly to Yoon Jay.

"Don't raise suspicions about the definite outcome of the trial. When I
mention this one more time, I will respond legally. And one director is not
in a serious condition, but she needs stability. I won't tell you what to care
about for the time being.
"Even if it's not a serious condition, it seems serious enough to say it now.
Those who take care of their health with exercise and natural therapy are in
serious health problems. Books and videos. For someone who has promoted
nature therapy tremendously by appearing on TV... "

"My aunt is only lightly dizzy. The hospital said it was not a big problem
because it was temporary hypotension."

Chae Dosang intervened with annoyance. At this time, I noticed that Yoon
Jay's eyes were strange. When I found something interesting, I glistened as
if I were about to burst into laughter. It may be my illusion but it's not
particularly interesting news that Han Riyeon has temporary hypotension.
Yoon Jay casually replied to me in confirmation.

"Temporary hypotension. CEO Chae of K agency said that you have to take
medicine every day because you usually have high blood pressure, but you
must have neglected your blood pressure to take care of the CEO."

T/N: I can see it now ... lmao like chairman Kim and his heart failure...
these guys are gonna die due to high blood pressure

It's not like that. Don't make a false rumor. I thought the two would strongly
protest, but both unexpectedly they did not respond. After a while, I
repeated what Jung Eui-chul said.

"I'll tell you again. Director Han's health is temporary, so you don't have to
worry about it at all."

"Are you sure it's temporary?"

"Yes. There's no reason to lie. "

"That's very good news."

"Yoon Jay smiled. It wasn't his usual fake laugh. What made him feel
"Then all I have to do is resolve the misunderstanding of the two people
who have been on behalf of one director."

At the words of the crazy man , The Dream executive glanced at me for the
first time. Is it because he's afraid I'll get hurt in advance? Is that even
possible? Even if Yoon Jay drove me as a liar, it would have been better to
end this dog-like situation. I know this situation is a childish trap, so of
course, Yoon Jay will not do what they want...

"Lee Taemin spreads his legs to me every day, and I stick to him every day."


"You know how close we are because i had sex with Lee Tae-min who was
about to leave the front door this morning, right?"

T/N: I'll just regress like Yoo Joonghyuk in ORV. ☠️🤸🕳 this man breaks
all my expectations. He's the standard.

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds. I was the first one to get up.

What the heck! You crazy punk!

"What are you talking about?!"

"Why? Don't you remember?"

"You even worried about the electricity bill because the entrance sensor
light kept on turning on. You were cute when you said that, so I almost
came here late because we did it again."


"Why are you talking about that now!"

"Because I want to do it." ☠️

Your crazy! Your fuckin crazy! ☠️🤷
It was amazing that I turned my head and finally I saw the people around
me. The Dream executive had his hand on his forehead as if he had a
headache. Chae Do-sang had partially opened his mouth in surprise. Only
Jung Eui-chul had that polite smile. oh fuck...

"Thank you for the detailed explanation. That much, the misunderstanding
has been resolved. Since you admitted that Lee Taemin's words are true, I
think we should let you know that we cannot go in the direction that Dream
wants when it comes to business. Of course. It's not that there's no way at

The Madman laughed at the words.

"The way is for me. A maniac to step down from Dream."

I and the Dream's executives were equally shocked and saw him. And
before we said something, Jung Eui-chul provoked him first.

"It would be possible if you were that responsible. Of course, you won't
actually step down."

"No, I'll actually take responsibility."

Hey, Director Yoon! Dream's executive stopped him loudly, but the crazy
guy confirmed it to Jung Eui-chul.

"Let's step down from Dream's board of directors."


T/N: .... Jay ... WTF 🗿☠️🦍

( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
Author : Samk
Manwha : Fujoking
Provider : the internet my friend >3<
Translating team
ig : @shiawase_aoi
『 BL Novel 』ᕵᗩᓰᕲ
ᕵᗩᖻᗷᗩᑢᖽᐸ ⇔ Samk

Chapter 7

My mind was complicated. I didn't understand what Torai did yet. What is
clear is that he is not the one to respond to the opponent's provocation. So
there had to be another reason for what he did irresponsibly. But I can't
think of any other reason. There must be another reason why he fell for the
trap said exactly what they wanted.

"As expected, experience and age can't be fooled."

The Dream executive mumbled. When I looked at him, he glanced at me.

"He got caught even though he could see what they were up to. There are
times when you make a momentary mistake because you can't control your
emotions even if you know it with your head. Director Yoon just said that."

"He could have been caught on purpose."

"He even put up his position as a director? No matter how influential he is

as the second shareholder of Dream, playing on the field and sitting on the
bench are completely different."

He donated all the inheritance he received from his parents, so I don't think
he's a major shareholder anymore.

"They were so childish that they let their guard down and got stabbed in the
back. I didn't know Director Yoon would get caught so easily about your
work. No matter how much the second shareholder is, this is not right.
That's why when you're young..."

The Dream executive shook his head. The word "young" was more
appealing than "second shareholder".

"Director Yoon does his job well even when he is young. If the ability is
determined by age, shouldn't older company executives show superior
ability than director Yoon?"

"Yeah, age is not an indicator of ability. But. If I were older, I wouldn't have
been involved in things like today. At least I don't put up my pride so as not
to disappoint my lover in front of me. Even if I'm caught up in a momentary
emotion, I'll think more about the real benefits that will come to me. No
matter how good you are, if you make a mistake at an important moment

and lose everything, you have no choice but to consider your age, right?"

"That's strange."


"I'm still a young man, but I know I can't decide now whether this will be a
mistake or not."

"Do you still think Director Yoon made this decision under a rational plan?"

"No. I don't know if it's planned or not. Even if he made a disadvantageous

decision now, Director Yoon just believes he has the ability to reverse this
to a good decision."

He smirked at what I said.

"That's great love. Oh, I wasn't being sarcastic. It's because I'm amazed by

the youth of the two. I'm sure this is why Han Riyeon and K agency aimed
at Director Yoon."
I didn't understand that. Why did it have to be Yoon Jay? Just because Yoon
Jay steps down does not mean that Dream will suddenly collapse. There
will be a new director anyway. The company will run as well as before. If
they tried to break down the dream, They should have aimed for the
president. The Dream executive answered my question.

"It's probably because of Chairman Kim." 🔪🐍

I remembered an old snake fighting Yoon Jay a few months ago.

"We weren't the only ones who reached out even though Chairman Kim
openly aimed for Dream. I tried to get my hands on the distributions of K
agency and Han Riyeon. In the case of Han Riyeon's distributor, stocks
once fell sharply due to Chairman Kim. Han Riyeon's side couldn't even
play with her. Even if Chairman Kim had joined hands on our side at that
time, K agency and distributors of Han Riyeon would have appeared again
in their hands. But He died."

He glanced at me and the timing was amazing. He muttered the answers to

my thoughts.

"It must have been because of Chairman Kim. Director Yoon is the person
who beat him."

"If Chairman Kim was a threat to the K agency and the distributor of Han
Riyeon, shouldn't we thank Director Yoon who pressed him?"

"Thank you? Haha. How Innocent. Someone shot and killed a man who was

putting a knife around his neck. All he have to do to survive is get rid of a
person with a scarier gun than a knife quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened and the president's

secretary came in. The Dream executive stood up from his seat. Yoon Jay
was called to the president's room a while ago, so he thought it was his turn
now. But the secretary looked back on me instead.

"Lee Taemin, please come in".

"A contract is very convenient. I can take one of the small letters written in
full letters out and use it when I need it. It's a knife that cuts your throat for
the person who gets it. There's nothing better than this for me."

The impressive president, who i only saw him smile at the founding party,
now said only what he had to say without any facial expression.

"In particular, in the case of an act that harms actor's activities, the best part
is that the agency can claim damages, including termination of the contract
and restrictions on activities, depending on the size of the work. All the eye-
catching people were always caught in this part. Every single one of them
was caught."

He raised his eyes and looked at me.

"It doesn't matter to me what you've done in the past, just whether you can
ruin the present is important. It's not because of the messy past of yours that
I've been letting you go. It's due to Director Yoon who overlooks it because
he likes it. The human mind can change very quickly, so I waited for
Director Yoon's mind to turn around."

" ... "

"If this had not happened, your article would not have been subject to
disciplinary action. No one is interested in you unless you explode a bomb
in the middle of Seoul. Everyone will forget about this after a day. By just
running through some malicious comments. Although there will be some
complaints on the drama bulletin board. It's enough if you ignore it. I'll tell
you again. Because no one cares. Except for one person. The problem is
that the one person is Director Yoon. And because of that, things got
messed up. "

T/N: ... ☹️
this novel just constantly slanders Yoohan... I'm sad... but I can't
say anything because ... this is exactly what the real world is like or so...

Whether he was trying to express a taffy feeling, his eyes were bent without
"Answer me. Does Director Yoon like you so much that he would abandons
his position for you. And How much do you like Director Yoon?"

I had nothing to say when I suddenly received a question that I had not
received from the person concerned.

"Can't you answer right away? Then let me ask more easily. Do you like
him enough to do anything for Director Yoon?"

"What's for Director Yoon?"

He continued to remain a director of this company to protect his career. It's

to protect his face. Honestly, it doesn't matter if he likes men or not. He's a
guy who does his job as much as he can, so he wants to hold onto him
somehow. But if he had to take a big loss to the company, he has no choice
but to think about it.

"You know how annoyed I am right now, right?"

"You can't really tell."

He smiled at me.

"Then I'll make it obvious. I'm going to claim damages from you. Even if
it's something trivial. I'll mobilise everything that the law can do to make
you suffer from lawsuits for life. I'll never let you get close to this floor
again. You worked for a private moneylender before right? I can go under it
again and take on the debt so that you can't pay back even if you worked
hard. There's only one way out. Break up with Director Yoon on your own.

Go to Han Riyeon and kneel down and apologise for the lie you told. Then
I'll at least let you work again on this floor."


" ... "

"I warn you in advance, but it's better not to talk recklessly, believing that
Director Yoon will help you. If you refuse my proposal, I will file the same
lawsuit with Director Yoon. And both of you can go to hell or you can go
alone. Choose."

The reason I couldn't answer right away is not because I was thinking about
which way to choose. But the boss pressured me to misunderstand.

"It's a big mistake to think that just because Director Yoon owns a stake in
the company, I won't be able to do anything about him. If you're blind to
love and cause damage to my company, I'll take everything out of you.

Director Yoon will taste the worst failure of his life. Only because of your

I stopped thinking and saw him.

"Please settle the manager's allowance properly." 😢

T/N: I'm gonna cry ... even in his own demise he's still thinking about
others stop I'm ... no I'm rlly crying now.


"Even if managers work all month without holidays, they have never paid
the allowance properly. Trainees are restricted from using the practice
room, but only empty practice rooms are open 24 hours a day so that they
can use it at dawn. Participating in a play by a small theater company is part
of practice and please apply at the company level. Even if you don't have
enough money, let them do it if they want to participate. I'm not asking for
company support. I'm going to take out my personal time to participate, so
I'm going to make sure it doesn't interfere with anything else. "

"I don't think it's time to express such small complaints."

"By the way, when the company's restaurant is not open, please let them eat

something simple. I don't want anything grand. It's already a feast at dawn
with just hot water and a cup noodles."

I said roughly what came to mind and added to the boss.

"If you listen to this much, I'll persuade Director Yoon"

"Convince how?"

Are they really asking because they don't know? I answered seriously,

"Don't do crazy things to the boss about this."

The president's answer to my proposal was known on the same day. I was
kicked out of the company. To be exact, the company had sent me to a
subsidiary company. Management wasn't the main job, so I didn't have a
manager. There's no staff to schedule it. I was kicked out to a place that
didn't even take care of me. If the company completely expels me, i can
belong to another agency and work, so it is said that they usually do not
allow them to do anything in this way. In addition, i had to leave Torai's
house. This is because the policy of where I belong is that celebrities there

have to live only in accommodations designated by their agencies. Of
course, it was a policy made today.

"It won't be long. A few months. No, you can come back in a few weeks at
the earliest. you will. You will try to come back somehow. Huh?"

Well, there was a rumor in the president's office that the boss and the Torai
had a loud fight - In addition, the boss scared me by saying that he would
suffer from lawsuits all his life and bury me under the floor. Of course, I
wasn't scared. I wasn't anxious or offended. It was surprisingly peaceful.

Rather, what needed to be comforted was the manager whose voice

"It'll be unfair. But let's not give up hope and wait. If you wait, you will

have a good opportunity again. If you take this opportunity to rest and
practice more, then definitely..."


"Thank you so much." 😭💔
I was bowing, but the manager was shocked and stepped back.

"Why did you say that?"

"Why do you say bye like that? What did you just say? You'll be back.
You're going to start acting again soon. You're starring in a drama, too. We
filmed a movie, too. You just have to self-reflect for a month or two, really.

I'll at least boil my knees in front of the boss and make sure you do it

years. "😭
"Don't do anything dirty because it doesn't matter if you wait for months or

"Why doesn't it matter? I can wait for you even if it's many years you can't
work. It's not dirty, but you can do more."

"There are many actors who have not been able to play the role for several
years. I've been lucky so far and I don't feel it's unfair just because I can't
work for years."

"It's unfair for me. You're barely starting to get greedy for acting, but it's too

wasteful to stop like this. You work so hard that anyone can tell. I can see
that you really like acting."

The manager looked at me with worried eyes and added.

"But you know what? I don't know why I'm worried that sometimes you'll
let go of this favourite thing without regret."

" ... "

"I heard it from Hansoo. I heard you said about your article that whatever
the result is, it's something you should take for granted. It's natural that
people curse at you."

"It's not wrong. "

"Yeah. But it's not easy to think like that."

The manager opened his mouth as if he had thought of something while

looking in the air.

"Not too long ago. One person on the set once said that you were like a

Monk? What are you talking about all of a sudden?

"Come to think of it, that word describes just you. I didn't think you were
special because I saw you every day, but you only practice acting, and you
don't do anything called entertainment at all. You didn't even accept the
money you earned, except for the minimum living expenses. The Money
doesn't matter. But I've never seen you do anything for yourself, even if it's

not money. It is rumored that there is no actor who works as hard as you on
the set. "

T/N: FUCK. STOP THIS NOVEL... Samk who hurt you FR 😭why...
"Why are you suddenly talking about that?"

"I was wondering if your behavior was because of your past. I was also
surprised to see the article this time. I didn't know you did that in the past. If
you still feel guilty about it... "

"Manager. You're completely mistaken about me."

Delusion? His face asked and I nodded to him answering back.

"It's true that I regret what happened in the past. I don't feel guilty for those
who are hurt by me. I'm not nice or conscientious enough to feel guilty.
Even if it wasn't for me, people who borrowed money from private lenders
would have suffered the same thing. If they resented me and wanted
revenge, it's their own situation. Even you. If you damage me right now, I'll
get revenge right away. Unlike in the past, just because I don't do bad things
now and live hard. It doesn't mean I've become nice or that I've improved
my personality."
Even now, I can do it if I am asked to do the bad things I used to do. I just
don't. It's not that I can't do it. I might still be a bad guy. No. I'm a bad guy.
I'm still me. Maybe that's why God took away my only guilty family.

Reflect on myself and live a monk-like life, but be weighed down by
suffocating guilt for the rest of my life.


T/N: You will suffer with me guys ...

( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
Author : Samk
Manwha : Fujoking
Provider : the internet my friend >3<
Translating team
ig : @shiawase_aoi
『 BL Novel 』ᕵᗩᓰᕲ
ᕵᗩᖻᗷᗩᑢᖽᐸ ⇔ Samk

Chapter 8
Little mermaid

Although it was past work time, there were still many places where the
lights were turned on. There are trainees who are practicing. There are
managers who came after work. Everyone gathered around and talked. The
center of the topic seemed crazy.

"We're free now, aren't we? Wow. I've never seen a terrible boss like
Director Yoon. It's good to be energetic at a young age. But you have to
give me time to breathe. What if he blocks all the holes for money? Can he
even pay for the entertainment..."

When I appeared, They stopped talking. They glanced at me and entered the
elevator. Someone's voice was heard when the door was closed.

"I heard Director Yoon said he'd come down from his seat because of him.
This is why it is wrong for an inexperienced young man to sit in the
Director's seat."

Can't a young person lead? And even if he is a regular employee, he will

not be equally rude. It was a pity that the position of director seemed to be
criticised more than his rude personality. I want people to see him with
unbiased eyes. Then you and I would call each other crazy. Thanks to this,
the words I shouted alone like independence fighters became a huge
boomerang that didn't come back. There was a saying that I was dismissed
from the agency and that director Yoon's future would soon be decided a
few days later. Just because he stepped down from his position as a director,
he didn't leave the company at all. That's what Han Riyeon wants openly, so
the company is likely to compromise by lowering his position. Of course, it
would be enough if Torai said no, but when I arrived at his office, his team
members were still on their way home. I didn't know that everyone was
busy even when I stood at the entrance. I wondered if I had to leave my seat
even tomorrow. I thought Torai would be busy, so I turned around and
headed to the rooftop. However, when I entered the stairway, I heard
Assistant Park talking on the phone from the bottom of the stairwells.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I'm sad that I can't go either."

Assistant Park was crying again. At this point, I was curious about the
secret life of Mr.Park's wife. And I realised again. His Ability and
personality are two separate issues. Director Park who works well even
though he acts like a crybaby. According to the manager, he has a lot of
emotions and empathy for a man, so he's able to find things that others can't
catch. This business is originally a celebrity. Maybe it fits well because it's
based on people. Even if he suffers from his boss who works a lot.

"No, no. This is really the last time! After this work, there will be no
overtime like this. The department might change completely..."

I climbed the stairs listening to the murmuring back-but stopped walking

again at Park's words.

"What do you mean hit? I'm so excited right now. They're rolling us with
excitement. But I don't know what's so good..."

Are you talking about Torai? However, no matter how little you are, you
must feel dirty because you fell for Han Riyeon's trick and stepped down
from your seat. There was a lot of things I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't.
I told the Dream Executive that he would use this as an opportunity for a
turnaround, so I had to believe it somehow. Instead, I went up to the rooftop
and sat on the bench. It's only been a few months, but I felt like it's been a
few years.

Come to think of it, this was the place where i first met Torai. At that time, I
had nothing. I paid off all my debts and became an empty can and filled
myself with revenge. Now I had to come back to being the empty can . But
it didn't turn out that way. I can no longer be an empty can. Because I can't
die now. I can't walk to the end of that railing and casually jump off. Like
the manager said, i can just let go of the things i like. I can do it if I have to
go back to being a debtor and work 24 hours a day. But there's something I
can't let go of. Thanks to that Madman, I found out how fun it was. But the
thing is. As the can was filled, guilt equally piled up as high as it's own
height. It became so deeply embedded that it cannot be rooted out.
On the contrary, what I meant was that my heart for Torai was that deep.

Oh, my. My pride is hurt. I can't believe I like him so much that I'm willing
to handle this guilt.

T/N: MY HEART ... he loves Jay so much that he willing to throw himself
away , my tears guys ...


The vibration of my phone rang in my pocket. Yoon Jay's text message was
shown on the screen.

[You're thinking about me now, right?]

How annoying. It was unlucky that he was able to match my thoughts like a

[Why me? Are you being self conscious?]

"Why? You're talking about me everywhere, so I won't leave your mind."

Surprised by the voice i heard in real life, i jumped up and turned crookedly
behind my back when he came.

"How did you know I was here?"

"You're too self conscious. Why do you think I'm here to meet you?" 😆
"Or not."
He grinned as he complained. He laughs a lot. The smile, which used to
look fake, has been seen for real. It really hurts my pride as he looks like
he's laughing because he's having fun. he feels good about such trivial
things. Come to think of it, shouldn't he feel bad right now? However, like
Mr.Park's words were true, he looked excited. Even the act of sitting next to
me and putting his arm on the chair was light.

"I came up here often. But we're finally meeting. "

"You said you weren't here to meet me."

"Right. I was looking forward to it. But I didn't think we'd meet."

I frowned.

"You're getting greasier and greasier."

"You like it."


I said it out of genuine anger. I wanted to confirm with my fist that I liked
it, but I couldn't put it into practice because I thought it would be hard and
that I would suffer. In fact, i stopped at the sight of his face. His expression
facing the front, was peaceful. His relaxed posture and slightly smiling lips

with his arm raised on the chair also revealed his feelings. This person feels
really good.

"Didn't you have a fight with the president? The company said they would
stop you from leaving. "

"Is the rumor?"


I hesitated and added.

"When I met the president, he threatened you and... Did you hear what I
"I heard he threatened me"

"I'm the one who was threatened."

"I know. He told you to break up with me, and that you cried and said you
couldn't live without me."

T/N: The audacity...🗿

No. Where did this bloody old man say that? I jumped up from my seat in

"Am I crazy? Are you going to say that?"

"Are you sure he didn't threaten me?"

" ... "

I sat quietly in my seat. And i murmured words in mouth as if he could hear

it or not.

"I'm sorry."

Of course, the CEO knew that Yoon Jay was crazy. There was no answer, so
I glanced and met the eyes I was staring at.


"There's nothing more annoying than apologising for someone's fault.

Talking about something wrong with your mouth doesn't mean it didn't
happen, right? But it feels good to hear it from your mouth."

The word "right" sounded like a whisper. His face came close. My body
naturally relaxed. At that moment, his hand grabbed my neck hard.


I was going to talk, but his hand pressed hard on my neck. I tried to get
away from him, but he overpowered me with another hand and pushed me
to the chair. All I could do was remove his hand from my neck. This dude
was really tightening my neck to the point of suffocation. What's wrong
with you?

"What the.....fuck? Wha- What- this?!..."

"Because I like it." 🚨👮‍♀️👮🚔

T/N: 🗿🤷 ChOKe me DaDdy sangwoo ... No.. but in all seriousness...

☠️ 🚩
1.000% of me is rationally thinking it might be healthier for him to break up
irl this is a major

He grinned. When I saw his smile, I was mixed with surprise and fear. His
hand strangled me more. I moved my limbs like a fish thrown out of the
water. I tried to remove him, but i couldn't move properly because he was
pressing my leg with his knee. I really felt like I was going to die. I was
suffocated and had a fever on my face. What's wrong with you?!

"It's so good that I want to listen to you alone. In order to do that, it's better
to get rid of your voice, right?"

His thumb pressed my neck.


I poured out swear words with my eyes that I couldn't spit out. He smiled
again at the sight of me struggling. He was truly enjoying it. ...

"Then you'll look like a little mermaid." 🧜‍♂️🚩

"Oh......My god..."

"But you shouldn't be ruined, so it's better to cut off the ears of those who
heard your apology. Who else did you say it to?"

He relaxed his hand as if he were trying to hear my answer. I shouted with

all my might, shaking off his arm.
"I don't have any.... Cough, cough, Cough, cough..."

My throat hurt. I was so sleepy that I coughed, but this is nothing. It's just

unfair that I didn't spit it out properly. When I was coughing, he stroked my
head friendly.

"Good job."

I couldn't even swear because it was absolutely baffling. I hit his hand hard
and pulled my upper body back.

"What a jerk! Do you know how to leave me alone?"

Even if I complained and cursed, he just smiled. I finally opened my mouth

when I breathed out a short breath because I was tired after a long fever

"It's effective."

"What the heck. What effect?"

"The effect of making you focus on me."

T/N: Why is he so smooth?! And for what!! ☠️

Unlike the light words, his eyes brushed my neck without smiling. I got
goosebumps again.

"If you say that again, I'll really kill you."

I spoke out in low voice, but I knew that this word was ineffective. I made a
resolution to myself. Let's make sure he presses it below me sometime. I
stared at him with a huff. Anyway, did he have the mind to play with me in
this situation?

"Why are you so happy? Everyone's laughing at you for making a mistake.
Aren't you annoyed?"

"Not at all. I know they don't know."

"What do you know?"

But before hearing the answer, his cell phone rang. Torai frowned because it
was urgent. He got up from his seat after a short call.

"From tomorrow, you're a member of another affiliate, so there won't be

anything scheduled right away. If you have something you have scheduled
before, take care of it alone for the time being. Stay at the place designated
by that side and don't expect a condition."

I'm prepared for that. I'm determined to live without work for years...

"Your Road manager will come out a few days later. You can meet your
new manager and coordinator tomorrow. There's a lot you have to tell me
because you two don't know anything about this side.

What do you mean, coordinator and road manager? What are you talking
about? when I'm already with my manager now? But without time for me to
ask questions, he quickly spewed out the rest of the words and turned

take everything out of my house by tomorrow."

"I can't go home for a few days because I have to organise my work. So

T/N: thanks for waiting you guys 🥰 I was really happy that a lot of you

Awards go do that. Obviously I voted for Payback 🤷

cared ahaha anyway if you haven't voted already for the 2021 Bomtoon
honestly there were
so many I wanted to vote for but right now my mind is in the gutters for
Payback ahaha.

My introverted self be like>

I've just finished reading Passion and Love history and

bloody good.
💕 they were
In regards to future translation.
Love history >
I saw that someone else was already translating it, but if you guys will still
stick with my translations then I'd be happy to do it ^^

Passion >
I'm loving for it the ML .., lmao ..does give me a bit of jay vibes and I'm
living for that stuff ^^ so I'll definitely translate it ^^

Define the relationship >

The translators I saw dropped it but if anyone has the txt/file and would like
to send it to me I'd be very happy to do it ^^ just dm me first.

( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
Author : Samk
Provider : the internet my friend >3<
Translating team
Google translate
ig : @shiawase_aoi
『 BL Novel 』ᕵᗩᓰᕲ
ᕵᗩᖻᗷᗩᑢᖽᐸ ⇔ Samk

Chapter 9

「"It's an exile less than a month after it was created."」

Exile. It was a word that made me feel bad even when I heard it again. I felt
like I had committed some kind of high treason.

「"That's why there are a lot of people who don't know. It's not a fake
company that was created from money. There's a saying that it was made to
produce outsourced entertainment programs. Of course, there is no actual

activity, so there is a possibility that it was only made into an exile."

The manager's voice kept getting smaller.

「"If you stay there for a month or two, you will be able to come back here.
I don't have a manager right now, so I'm sure there's a problem with my

"I have a manager. "

「"Yeah, I'm here. I tried to take care of your work, but I'm still calling
secretly because I was instructed not to contact you..."」

"A new manager has been assigned to me instead of you manager. "

「"What? Are you serious?」



「"Yes... Haha... I'm not the only one who has to be your manager. Of
course, when I found you. I've been discovering, raising, and cherishing
you. It's inevitable now, so you'll have to work with another manager. All

right. Let's accept it. So, what's the name of the new manager? Who is it?
Who is it?"

He didn't seem to accept it at all.

"I don't know. We'll have to see. Today, I'll meet only the coordinator and
new manager, and the road manager will see me in a few days."

「"Did you get assigned a coordinator and road manager?"」

I understood that the manager was surprised. A Coordinator and road
manager are also being attached to an actor who was Exiled without being

「"Are you sure it's your story? Aren't you going to take care of all the
exiles going that way?"」

"Is it Exile?"

「" Hm? Haha, my... Did I say that? I didn't mean it in a bad way... to You.
I meant an actor who thinks like a clown.」

"Manager, aren't you being too mean?"

"I'm sorry. I happened to hear that you're an exile..."

"It's too much for me to think of an actor. Don't raise me up."

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