Plurals (Irregular Plurals)

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mouse mice sheep sheep

cactus cacti deer deer

nucleus nuclei fish fish
focus foci man men
analysis analyses foot feet
crisis crises child children
thesis theses person people
phenomenon phenomena tooth teeth
criterion criteria

 Princesses don’t like rats and (mouse).

 (child) like to read adventure stories. They are (stimulus) to imagination.
 Corn circles are the (phenomenon) which can be found in England.
 (formula) are very useful for learning Maths.
 (cactus) are very beautiful when they bloom.
 Aladdin collects (pocket-knife).
 (fish) live in the ocean.
 (sheep) don’t have a leader.
 Both (man and woman) like to read detective stories.
 (wolf) are grey.
 I saw a lot of (deer) in the sanctuary.
 The book recounts the (crisis) of the post-war period.


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