Lesson-1-UNIT-8-ITS-A-CRIME-Reading-converted (1)

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Lesson 1

p. 74, 75 /SB UNIT 8 IT’S A CRIME

OBJECTIVES: 1. Vocabulary: words connected with crime, criminals, punishments
2. Grammar: Present Perfect Simple Tense vs Present Perfect Continuous Tense
3. Functions: confusing verbs; say, tell, speak, talk

p.47/SB Reading: News stories:

I. Pre-reading task: p.74
Activity 1: Exercise 1 Look at the words for different types of criminals. Translate them in your

1. burglar = steals things by breaking into a house

2. con man= a man who tricks others into giving him money, etc.
3. mugger= attacks and steals from someone in the street
4. pickpocket= steals from the pockets of other people
5. robber= steals from a bank / jewelry
6. shoplifter= steals from a shop

Activity 2: Exercise 2 Match the pictures with the types of criminals.

Activity 3: Exercise 4 Look at the photos on page 75 and the headlines of the stories. Guess
what they might be about.

II. Reading task: p.75

Activity 4: Exercise 5 Skim read the news stories and answer the questions.

Possible unknown words:

- own up to (something) = admit to doing (something)

- mortgage = a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money
to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years; the
sum of money that you borrow
- a bargain = a thing bought for less than the usual price
- an online scam = a clever and dishonest plan for making money online

Thinking about empathy

Activity 5: p. 74 Exercise 6. Who do you think felt these emotion?

Activity 6: p. 74 Exercise 7. How do you think these people felt and why?

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