Reza Putra Ananda - 1005 - Task 8 B Inggris

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Nama : Reza Putra Ananda

NIM : 1520621005

Prodi : S1 Teknik Mesin

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Part 1

1. The popular assumption that language simply serves to communicate ‘thought’ or

‘ideas’ is too simplistic.

2. He retired after three minor attacks at the age of thirty six.

3. The economic growth figures have already been marginally trimmed in the last month
and may be revised further in a review that will be carried out just before the publication
of the World Economic Outlook.

4. We generally use the term training to refer to those instructional experiences that are
focused upon individuals acquiring very specific skills that they will normally apply
almost immediately.

5. Across the dip hung a wooden bridge leading to the office blocks and the other
buildings on the far bank.

6. Sense involves consideration of the role of form and quality in shaping perception
and identity in environment.

7. In order to appreciate how value systems shape decisions about what school should
teach and the outcomes they seek to achieve, we will begin our discussion of goals by
considering five curriculum ideologies that shape the nature of the language curriculum
and the practices of language teaching in different ways: academic rationalism, social
and economic efficiency, learner - centeredness, social reconstructionism, and cultural
8 Although a tremendous amount of detail and data will eventually be generated and
utilized in specifying goals and in making policies and plans, the top management team
will most likely be concerned only with the most basic of these.

9. In some cases, where lesions are confined to the interfollicular skin, topical therapy
with chlorhexidine or benzoil peroxide may be sufficient to eliminate the infection.

10. It is important that the concept of livability be derived from contemporary and
localized interpretations.

Part 2

1. Examples from a variety of settings, including business and industry as well as K-12
education, are provided in each chapter.

2. Examples of the application of tools and principles place design in a context that
helps learners better understand relevance and application than by reading
explanations alone.

2. At the roof of the road were the little mountains that were the roofs of the Chinese

3. Identification of primary lesions, such as papules and pustules, greatly aids the
diagnosis of superficial pyoderma, whereas the presence of secondary lesions, such as
epidermal collarettes, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and scale, are helpful but
much less specific.

5. It was a delight to discover that so many chemists share my enthusiasm for

descriptive inorganic chemistry.

6. The goal of rationale behind all urban design criteria, regardless of the form they
take, is to promote the livability of the city.

Part 1

1. Complex Subject : The popular assumption that language simply serves

Simple Subject : The popular assumption
Predicate : communicate
NGs in Subject : 1. The popular assumption
1.1. language simply serves
2. Complex Subject : -
Simple Subject : He
Predicate : retired after three minor attacks at the age of thirty six
NGs in Predicate : 1. Retired
1.1. three minor attacks
1.2. Age

1.2.1. thirty six

3. Complex Subject : The economic growth figures have already been marginally
Simple Subject : economic growth
Predicate : trimmed in the last month and may be revised further in a
review that will be carried out just before the publication of the
World Economic Outlook.
NGs in Subject : 1. Trimmed
1.2. last month
1.3. revised
1.3.1. further
1.3.2. review carried out
1.3.3. publication World Economic Outlook
4. Complex Subject : -
Simple Subject : We
Predicate : generally use the term training to refer to those instructional
experiences that are focused upon individuals acquiring very
specific skills that they will normally apply almost immediately.
NGs in Predicate : 1. Use
1.1. generally use
1.2. term training
1.2.1. instructional experiences
1.3. focused
1.3.1. individuals acquiring specific skills
1.4. they
1.4.1. normally
1.4.2. apply almost immediately

5. Complex Subject : Across the dip hung a wooden bridge

Simple Subject : wooden bridge
Predicate : leading to the office blocks and the other buildings on the far
NGs in Predicate : 1. leading
1.1. office blocks
1.2. other buildings
1.3. far bank

6. Complex Subject : -
Simple Subject : Sense
Predicate : involves consideration of the role of form and quality in
shaping perception and identity in environment
NGs in Predicate : 1. Involves
1.1. consideration
1.1.1. role form quality
1.2. shaping
1.2.1. perception
1.2.2. identity
1.3. environment

7. Complex Subject : In order to appreciate how value systems shape decisions

about what
school should teach and the outcomes they seek to achieve,
we will
Simple Subject : we
Predicate : begin our discussion of goals by considering five curriculum
ideologies that shape the nature of the language curriculum and
the practices of language teaching in different ways: academic
rationalism, social and economic efficiency, learner-
centeredness, social reconstructionism, and cultural pluralism.
NGs in Predicate : 1. Begin
1.1. our discussion
1.1.1. goals five curriculum ideologies language curriculum language teaching
1.2. different ways
1.2.1. academic rationalism
1.2.2. efficiency social economic
1.2.3. learner- centeredness
1.2.4. social reconstructionism
1.2.5. cultural pluralism

8. Complex Subject : Although a tremendous amount of detail and data will

eventually be
generated and utilized in specifying goals and in making
policies and
plans, the top management team will most likely
Simple Subject : top management team
Predicate : concerned only with the most basic of these
NGs in Subject : 1. top management team
1.1. tremendous amount
1.1.1. detail
1.1.2. Data
1.2. generated
1.3. utilized
1.4. specifying goals
1.5. policies
1.6. plans

9. Complex Subject : In some cases, where lesions

Simple Subject : lesions
Predicate : confined to the interfollicular skin, topical therapy with
chlorhexidine or benzoil peroxide may be sufficient to eliminate
the infection
NGs in Predicate : 1. Eliminate
1.1. confined
1.1.1. confined
1.2. topical therapy
1.2.1. chlorhexidine
1.2.2. benzoil peroxide
1.3. infection

10. Complex Subject : It is important that the concept of livability

Simple Subject : livability
Predicate : derived from contemporary and localized interpretations
NGs in Predicate : 1. Derived
1.1. interpretations
1.1.1. contemporary
1.1.2. localized

Part 2

1. Complex Subject : Examples from a variety of settings, including business and

as well as K-12 education,
Simple Subject : Examples
Predicate : provided in each chapter
NGs in Subject : 1. Examples
1.1. variety
1.1.1. settings
1.2. K-12 education
1.2.1. business
1.2.2. industry

2. Complex Subject : Examples of the application of tools and principles

Simple Subject : tools and principles
Predicate : place design in a context that helps learners better understand
relevance and application than by reading explanations alone.
NGs in Predicate : 1. Helps
1.1. design
1.2. learners
1.2.1. understand relevance application
1.3. reading
1.3.1. explanations

3. Complex Subject : At the roof of the road

Simple Subject : road
Predicate : were the little mountains that were the roofs of the Chinese
NGs in Predicate : 1. little mountains
1.1. roofs
1,1,1, Chinese village

4. Complex Subject : Identification of primary lesions, such as papules and

pustules, greatly
aids the diagnosis of superficial pyoderma, whereas the
presence of
secondary lesions, such as epidermal collarettes, post-
hyperpigmentation, and scale
Simple Subject : lesions
Predicate : are helpful but much less specific
NGs in Subject : 1. Lesions
1.1. primary lesions
1.1.1. papules
1.1.2. pustules
1.1.3. diagnosis superficial pyoderma
1.2. secondary lesions
1.2.1. epidermal collarettes
1.2.2. post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
1.2.3. scale

5. Complex Subject : It was a delight

Simple Subject : It
Predicate : to discover that so many chemists share my enthusiasm for
descriptive inorganic chemistry
NGs in Predicate : 1. Discover
1.1. chemists
1.1.1. share my enthusiasm
1.2. descriptive
1.2.1. inorganic chemistry

6. Complex Subject : The goal of rationale behind all urban design criteria,
regardless of the
form they take
Simple Subject : urban design
Predicate : is to promote the livability of the city
NGs in Subject : 1. urban design
1.1. The goal of rationale
1.1.1. all urban design criteria
1.2. form they take

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