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I, VICTORIA VELASCO HEBRON, of legal age, single, with residence at

21B Banuyo St., Project 3, Quezon City, after being sworn in accordance with
law, do hereby depose and state that:

1. I was born on December 13, 1965 with a given name of Victoria Velasco

2. For reasons which my only my mother knows, the name “Marivic Velasco
Hebron” was used by her to register me in school when I was young, hence, I
have used the same name in all my school records;

3. Thereafter, I used this name in applying for all my Identification Cards,

including my membership with the Social Security System where I was given
assigned under SS No. 03-8031000-9;

4. Upon applying for a copy of my birth certificate, I then confirmed that my

true registered first name is “VICTORIA”, contrary to the first name I have been
using which is “MARIVIC”;

5. To clarify this discrepancy, I hereby declare that the person named as

VICTORIA VELASCO HEBRON born on 13 December 1965 as appearing in
the certificate of live birth issued by the National Statistics Office, and the person
named MARIVIC V. HEBRON with membership No. 03-8031000-9 under the
Social Security System, ARE ONE AND THE SAME PERSON;

6. I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing statement

and for whatever legal purposes it may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this this

26TH day of July 2019 in Quezon City.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 26TH day of July 2019 in

Quezon City.

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