Hedy Lamarr

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Hedy Lamarr was born in November 1914 in Vienna and died as 85 years old in January 2000 in

Florida. Her real name is Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler. She was a famous Hollywood Austra-Hungarian
actress. And she had been viewed for her beauty but she was also really smart.

As a child she had shown interest in acting and in inventions. Her ineterest in inventions was
suported by her father who would take her out on walks, explaining how devices functioned.

As a 12 years old she won a beauty contest in Vienna and she started acting since 15 and had
performed in dozens of films. Some of her films are for exemples: Algiers(1939), The heavenly body
(1944), The conspirators (1944) or The Strange woman (1946).

When she wasn‘t acting she was inenting and she created several interesting inventions like an
improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a flavored carbonated
drink. But the most important device she had created was during a Worl War II and it was wifi. It
started when Lamarr learned about the Navy’s difficulties with radio-controlled torpedoes. And with
composer and pianist George Antheil they’ve come to an idea that a frequency-hopping signal might
help with the guidance system. They were inspirated by piano and their work helped with the
creation of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and cellphones however their work was never formally adopted

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