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Surface and Coatings Technology 155 (2002) 221–230

Electrochemical study on the corrosion resistance of Cr III-based

conversion layers on zinc coatings
T. Bellezze, G. Roventi, R. Fratesi*
Dipartimento di Fisica e Ingegneria dei Materiali e del Territorio, Universita` di Ancona, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy

Received 19 September 2001; accepted in revised form 4 February 2002


Zinc coatings submitted to a Cr III-based passivation treatment, with and without a sealing treatment, were studied. For
comparison, similar coatings with a Cr VI-based passivation treatment were also examined. The corrosion behaviour was studied
by polarization resistance (Rp ) measurements, anodic polarization and mainly by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
in aerated 0.85 M NaCl solution. Salt spray tests and morphological observations on the coating surface were also performed.
The results indicate that the Cr III passivated coatings with sealing treatments have a corrosion resistance comparable with that
of coatings with a Cr VI passivation treatment without a sealant; therefore, they could be a less polluting alternative to the
traditional chromated coatings. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Zinc; Chemical conversion; Impedance spectroscopy; SEM; Salt spray; Pitting corrosion

1. Introduction barrier to humidity and air, but allow chromate ions to

leach out and to act as corrosion inhibitors w5,6x.
In the last 20 years, zinc plating has seen remarkable Furthermore, when scratched or mechanically damaged,
development because of the increasing demand from the enough water is absorbed by the layer to swell and
automotive industry for coatings with better corrosion mend the damaged areas (self-healing effect) w3–6x.
resistance w1x. In Europe, the use of Cr VI compounds, considered
The corrosion resistance of pure zinc coatings can be a cancer-producing agent w3,6x, must be withdrawn
improved by means of suitable chemical passivation within a short time, according to the directive 94y60y
treatments, performed generally by immersing the zinc CE 20-12-1994. Several alternative passivation treat-
coated articles in baths containing chromic acid or an
ments have been proposed by researchers w3,6–10x;
acid solution of Cr VI salts w2–4x. During immersion, a
these are processes based on molybdates, permanga-
chemical reaction on the coating surface leads to the
formation of a passivation layer 10–1000 nm thick, nates, titanates, rare earth metals and Cr III (considered
containing zinc oxides and hydroxides, zinc chromate, to be non-carcinogenic) compounds. Promising results
mixed Cr III and Cr VI oxides and hydroxides w2x. In have been found without the need for toxic chemical
particular, Cr(OH)3 is formed due to Cr VI reduction additives with application of alternating current together
and to reduction of either water, hydrogen ion, or with the addition of inorganic nitrogen compounds in
dissolved oxygen to form hydroxyl ions at the metal an electrochemical bath w11x.
surface w2–4x. Chromate passivation baths also contain In this work, zinc coatings obtained from a NaOH-
‘activators’ such as fluoride, sulfate, acetate, etc., which based alkaline bath, with a Cr III-based passivation
lead to thicker conversion layers w3,4x. These layers treatment leading to Cr VI-free conversion layers, were
protect the zinc coating because they form a non-reactive studied. After passivation, some samples were submitted
to sealing treatments, which formed layers of Si com-
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q39 071 2204741; fax: q39 071
2810327. pounds both in prevalently organic and in prevalently
E-mail address: (R. Fratesi). inorganic matrices. These treatments cover the porosity

0257-8972/02/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 5 7 - 8 9 7 2 Ž 0 2 . 0 0 0 4 7 - 6
222 T. Bellezze et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 155 (2002) 221–230

Table 1
Treatments performed on zinc coatings; identification symbols and chemical–physical characteristics of the obtained coatings

Process type Sample Coating Conversion Cr Si

identification thickness layer content content
symbol (mm) thickness (mg cmy2) (mg cmy2)
Cr III-based passivation treatment C3 14.7 0.07 4.9 –
Cr III-based passivation treatmentqsealing C3SI 13.6 0.25 4.2 86.9
treatment (layer of Si compounds in
prevalently inorganic matrix)
Cr III-based passivation treatmentqsealing C3SO 12.1 1.20 4.6 327.3
treatment (layer of Si compounds in
prevalently organic matrix)
Cr VI-based passivation treatment C6 13.5 0.36 31.2 –
Cr VI-based passivation treatmentqsealing C6SI 13.3 0.54 20.3 158.9
treatment (layer of Si compounds in
prevalently inorganic matrix)
Cr VI-based passivation treatmentqsealing C6SO 14.0 1.63 13.6 251.5
treatment (layer of Si compounds in
prevalently organic matrix)
No conversion treatment ZN 14.2 – – –

and the cracks in the passivation layer surface and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dis-
improve the corrosion behaviour even after heating w12x. persive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS). To evaluate the
The corrosion behaviour was studied by means of conversion layer thickness, the samples were fractured
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), polari- in liquid N2, and SEM analysis was conducted on the
zation resistance measurements (Rp) and anodic polari- cross-sections.
zation in 0.85 M NaCl solution. A discussion on the The corrosion resistance was studied by means of
analysis of EIS data is also carried out. Electrochemical electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and
test results were compared to those of salt spray tests. polarization resistance (Rp) measurements during an
Morphological investigations were performed on the exposure time of 21 days. Anodic polarization curves
coating surface by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after 1.5 h of immersion were also carried out. The
before and after immersion in the corrosive solution. electrochemical measurements were performed under
potentiostatic control in quiescent aerated 0.85 M (5%)
2. Experimental NaCl solution at 25"1 8C (pH 6.4). The cell was
obtained by securing a plexiglass tube to the sample
Zinc coatings were obtained on mild steel sheets with epoxy resin (exposed area 13.7 cm2). The reference
(total area 56.2 cm2) in an industrial rack plating plant electrode was saturated calomel (SCE) and the counter-
from a cyanide-free alkaline bath containing Zn2q 11– electrode was a platinum sheet. The EIS measurements
19 g ly1, NaOH 110–190 g ly1 and commercial addition were performed using an EG&G P.A.R. 273 potentiostat,
agents (T 25 8C; j 1.5–3 A dmy2). After zinc deposi- connected to a Solartron 1255 frequency response ana-
tion, the samples were submitted to different conversion lyser. The frequency range used was varied depending
treatments, shown in Table 1 with the obtained samples on the coating studied, but was always kept between a
identification symbols. Cr III and Cr VI passivation maximum value of 50 or 60 kHz and a minimum value
treatments were performed using, respectively, Max Blue of 1.5 or 2 mHz. Seven or eight measurementsydecade
and Max Tropical CLN (Glomax s.r.l.). Sealant layers were carried out and a sinusoidal signal of 5 mV in
with prevalently organic and inorganic matrices were amplitude was applied around the corrosion potential.
obtained using, respectively, Zinc Protector White and The sample integrity was checked by measuring the
Zinc Protector 1000 (Glomax s.r.l.). corrosion potential after all the tests to confirm that the
The composition of the coatings was determined by change from the initial value was no higher than "5
means of inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy mV. To correlate the admittance found at high frequen-
(ICP) after stripping the deposits in HCl 1:3 with cies with the conversion layer damage, some measure-
hexamethylenetetramine to inhibit dissolution of the iron ments were carried out within 4 h from the start of
substrate. The coating thickness was measured by the immersion in the saline solution. In this case, the
magnetic inductive method. experimental conditions were as described above, but
Before and after corrosion tests, morphological anal- five measurementsydecade in the frequency range 100
yses of the coatings were conducted by means of kHz–10 mHz were carried out. Rp measurements were
T. Bellezze et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 155 (2002) 221–230 223

performed using an EG&G P.A.R. 273 potentiostat, with micro-cracks which are limited to the conversion layer;
potentiodynamic scans from Ecorry10 to Ecorrq10 mV. the surface of the samples submitted to a Cr VI-based
The scan rate vscan was calculated according to the passivation treatmentqsealing treatment (formation of
equation proposed by Mansfeld and Kendig w13x: a layer of Si compounds in prevalently inorganic matrix)
(C6SI, Fig. 1d) is very similar to that of samples
vscanŽmVys.s2y2ØVacŽrms; mV.ØpØfintŽHz.
submitted to a Cr III-based passivation treatmentq
where Vac is the amplitude of sinusoidal signal used sealing treatment (formation of a layer of Si compounds
during impedance measurements and f int is the frequen- in prevalently inorganic matrix) (C3SI, Fig. 1c). The
cy obtained from the Bode-NZN diagram in correspon- surface of samples submitted to a Cr VI-based passiva-
dence of the medium point of the horizontal part at low tion treatmentqsealing treatment (formation of a layer
frequencies. In this case, the criterion defined to choose of Si compounds in prevalently organic matrix) (C6SO,
the frequency used in the equation above is different Fig. 1f) is almost similar to that of C3SO samples (Fig.
from that proposed by Mansfeld and Kendig w13x. If the 1e), even if the conversion layer thickness is higher
horizontal part was not detected in the Bode diagram, (Table 1).
because of the presence of diffusive processes or because The corrosion behaviour of chromium-based conver-
the minimum values of the frequency range used was sion layers was mainly studied by EIS measurements; a
not low enough for the dc-limit, the scan rate used was comparison with Rp measurements was also made. Cor-
0.05 mV sy1. Therefore, the Rp measurement was rosion potential values for all coatings ranged between
performed in any case after the EIS measurement. y1018 and y1033 mV SCE at the start of immersion.
Anodic polarization curves were carried out using a During the immersion period they did not change more
scan rate of 1 mV sy1. than 20 mV from their initial value.
The corrosion resistance of the coatings was also In general, the major difficulty in EIS data analysis
studied by exposing the samples in a salt spray chamber is to find an equivalent electrical circuit model andyor
(ASTM B 117: NaCl 5%, T 35 8C). The surface parameters that give, for the analysed systems, good
percentage covered by white rust was evaluated at corrosion behaviour indications. Some authors have
various exposure times. In order to evaluate the effects reported circuit models, which can be used to simulate
of heat treatment on the corrosion resistance, some EIS data from measurements on chromium- and molyb-
samples were heated at 120 8C for 1 h, before the salt denum-based conversion layers w8,15–17x; other
spray test w14x. authors, rather than suggesting circuit models, report
The corrosion behaviour of the passivated materials partial analysis based on Nyquist and Bode plots w18–
strictly depends on the production procedure; therefore 21x. Normally, after EIS measurements, chromium-based
all the tests were repeated three times and the results conversion layers show, at least in the first stage of the
obtained for the sample showing the average behaviour electrolytic solution exposure, two time constants at
of each series are reported in the figures. different frequency ranges w15–18,21x; data analysis is
particularly problematic in the high frequency region.
3. Results and discussion Zeller and Savinell w18x limited their analysis to the
distortions in this region of the spectrum. In a subsequent
The chemical–physical characteristics of the studied ` et al. w16x judged this interpretation incom-
paper Pirnat
coatings are reported in Table 1. Coatings submitted to plete and proposed an equivalent circuit with a high
sealing treatments have a higher conversion layer thick- frequency time constant, attributed to the chromate layer
ness, in particular when the organic matrix-based sealant and considered this layer as a capacitor with the plates
is present. The sealing treatments do not change the formed by the metal substrate and electrolyte solution.
chromium content on coatings with Cr III-based conver- Similar considerations are reported by other authors
sion treatment, but cause a decrease in the chromium w8,15,17x. In other papers, the first loop at high frequen-
content on the coatings submitted to Cr VI-based con- cy was not attributed explicitly to the chromate layer,
version treatment, indicating that during the sealing but the low value of 6 mF cmy2 calculated for the
processes some chromium is lost w12x. corresponding capacitance was assumed to be related to
The morphological analysis indicates that the samples the presence of the chromatation film w20,21x. Finally,
submitted to Cr III-based passivation treatment (C3) Hazan et al. w19x reported a loop at high frequency with
have a rough surface (Fig. 1a). Samples submitted to a low capacitance (8.7 mF cmy2) at the first stage of
Cr III-based passivation treatmentqsealing treatment immersion, which was identified as ‘double layer capac-
(formation of a layer of Si compounds in prevalently itance’ and related to a surface film.
organic matrix) (C3SO) show a network of micro- In the present work, an equivalent circuit model that
cracks on the surface (Fig. 1e). The surface of the could completely describe the corrosion behaviour of
samples submitted to a Cr VI-based passivation treat- the studied conversion layers during the overall obser-
ment (C6, Fig. 1b) has a network of very thin, parallel vation period was not found and, therefore, a ‘corrosion
224 T. Bellezze et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 155 (2002) 221–230

Fig. 1. Microstructure of the studied coatings: (a) C3; (b) C6; (c) C3SI; (d) C6SI; (e) C3SO; (f) C6SO.

parameter’ Rac was proposed. Barcelo´ et al. w20x also range, for the conversion layer, Rac can be evaluated
used Rac and measured the value corresponding to a from the Bode-NZN plot and taken as equal to the dc-
chromated zinc coating by reading the total resistance limit, when present. When the dc-limit was not present
in the Nyquist plot. A parameter representing the cor- (for example in those cases where a diffusion tail or a
rosion trend was introduced, for example, by Kendig et non-closed loop are present in the Nyquist plot), Rac is
al. w22x to study organic coatings and by Almeida et al. taken as equal to the NZN value corresponding to the
w8x to study conversion layers based on chromium and minimum frequency of the range employed in EIS
molybdenum on zinc; the former named this parameter measurements. An approach based on plotting the trend
‘Rcor’, the latter ‘Rtot’. In both cases a circuit model and of the resistance, measured at a fixed frequency, in
the corrosion parameter expressed by the sum of the function of the immersion time, was proposed by Magal-
series resistances, corresponding to the impedance at ˜ et al. w23x.
low frequency, was proposed. In the present work, Rac In Fig. 2a,b the Rac-time and Rp-time curves, respec-
was not measured using the Nyquist plot and it was tively, are reported. In general, they give similar infor-
impossible to calculate a sum of series resistances mation and in particular, Cr VI-based coatings have a
because a circuit model was not available. In order to better corrosion resistance than Cr III-based coatings.
obtain an indication of impedance in the low frequency C6SI, which initially has the highest resistance, shows
T. Bellezze et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 155 (2002) 221–230 225

Fig. 2. Rac-time curves (a) and Rp-time curves (b) during immersion in quiescent aerated 0.85 M NaCl solution. (—m—) ZN; (ØØØjØØØ) C3;
(ØØØdØØØ) C3SI; (ØØØ⽧ØØØ ) C3SO; (—j—) C6; (—d—) C6SI; (—⽧—) C6SO. (c) SEM image of some defects on C6SI samples.

after 1 day, an abrupt decrease both in Rac and in Rp breaks off after 7 days and the resistance then assumes
values; after 7 days they strongly increase and the C6SI lower values.
resistance becomes once again the highest. Visual obser- Subsequently, an EIS data analysis in the high fre-
vation of the sample after 5 days of immersion did not quency region of the spectrum was performed in order
show the presence of localised attack, contrary to what to obtain a representative indication of the degree of
happens for C3 sample. This anomalous behaviour could coating damage. Fig. 3 shows the variation in the Bode-
be attributed to the presence on its surface of small NZN curves for the C3 coating during 4 h of exposure.
defects which can act as an electrical shunt (Fig. 2c); In the high frequency region, it is clear that the oblique
on prolonging the immersion these pits are occluded line shifts towards low frequencies. From the hypothesis
and the resistance increases. Between Cr III-based coat- that the Bode plot high frequency region is sensitive to
ings, C3SO shows the best corrosion resistance. For the coating damage, a linear fitting procedure, which
comparison, Fig. 2 also shows the non-passivated zinc characterises quantitatively the line considered above,
corrosion behaviour. From 1 to 5 days of immersion, has been developed. At first, the linear trend at high
zinc shows excessively high resistance values (;40– frequency was assigned to a constant-phase element
80 kV cm2) probably related to the presence of a layer (CPE), whose admittance is YsYo( jv)n w24x; from the
of white corrosion products on its surface. This layer slope and the intercept corresponding to the fitted line,
226 T. Bellezze et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 155 (2002) 221–230

Fig. 3. Bode-NZN plot for C3 coating at different immersion times in

quiescent aerated 0.85 M NaCl solution. (—⽧—) 5 min; (—m—)
40 min; (—d—) 100 min; (—j—)240 min.

it is possible to calculate n and Yo, after correction for

solution resistance. This fitting procedure is similar to
that applied by Shih and Mansfeld w25–27x.
On plotting Yo and n constants as a function of time,
it is possible to observe the increase in the first quantity
and the decrease in the second quantity, as indications
of coating damage. This approach has been used by
other authors for coatings with passivation layers
w19,25,27,28x, although they used the capacitance Fig. 4. Yo-time curves during short (a) and long (b) immersion in
increase rather than the admittance increase. quiescent aerated 0.85 M NaCl solution. (ØØØjØØØ) C3; (ØØØdØØØ)
The high frequency data analysis results, for an C3SI; (ØØØ⽧ØØØ ) C3SO; (—j—) C6; (—d—) C6SI; (—⽧—)
immersion time of 4 h in a NaCl 5% solution, are C6SO.
shown in Fig. 4a. The admittance Yo, for the C3 coating,
increases sharply in comparison to the other coatings ides), which changes in the presence of the two different
whose values remain almost constant, close to their sealants, then, for the same exposed area, a lower
initial ones. This trend indicates a high degree of damage capacitance corresponds to a higher conversion layer
on the C3 coating, whereas no damage was revealed on thickness. The results reported in Tables 1 and 2 agree
the other coatings because the corresponding Yo-time with this hypothesis (CC6-CC3; CC6SI-CC3SI; CC6SO-
curves show the same trend, irrespective of their relative CC3SO) confirming that, in the early stages of immersion,
positions. In the present work, the n-time trends did not the high frequency loop could be physically related to
give significant indications on the corrosion resistance; the conversion layer. On passing from the conversion
in fact, for all the samples, the n quantity slightly layer without sealant to the conversion layers with the
decreased and ranged between 0.9 and 0.7. two sealants, both in Cr III and in Cr VI series, the
Even though it was not possible in this work to use
an equivalent circuits approach to analyse the impedance Table 2
data during the overall observation period, the two time Conversion layer capacitance values obtained from the high frequency
constant models could be useful in the early stages of region of the impedance spectrum after 5 min of immersion in salt
immersion to characterise physically the conversion
layers w17x. In the present case, at 5 min of immersion Coating Capacitance
n is close to 1 and Yo could be approximated to a (mF cmy2)
capacitance quantity C. Table 2 shows the calculated C3 0.62
capacitance values for the conversion layers examined; C3SI 7.28
similar low values were obtained by other authors C3SO 1.93
w8,17,21x. On assuming that Cr III- and Cr VI-based C6 0.21
passivation layers have the same dielectric constant C6SI 5.97
C6SO 0.91
(they basically contain chromium oxides and hydrox-
T. Bellezze et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 155 (2002) 221–230 227

Fig. 5. Morphology of the corrosion attack on the studied coatings after 21 days of immersion in quiescent aerated 0.85 M NaCl solution. (a)
C3; (b) C6; (c) C3SI; (d) C6SI; (e) C3SO; (f) C6SO.

values reported in Table 2 demonstrate that the dielectric agents. For all the coatings, the quantity n (not shown)
constant changes significantly, because a decrease in slightly decreased with time and ranged between 1 and
conversion layer thickness (Table 1) does not lead to 0.6. Shih and Mansfeld, for conversion layers obtained
an increase in capacitance (Table 2). by CeCl3-based treatments on aluminium, previously
In Fig. 4b, the Yo-time curves for long immersion correlated the capacitance increase with the corrosion
times are reported. Again, the C3 coating curve increases initiation by the pitting mechanism w25,27x. SEM obser-
sharply, indicating a high degree of damage; the sharp vations after 2 days of immersion showed that the
increase in C6 Yo-time curve indicates that pitting corrosion of the coatings studied in this work initiates
corrosion affects a wide area. The C3SO and C3SI show with a pitting mechanism w29x. The dimensions of the
a similar behaviour: the pitting corrosion starts before pits correlate well with the increase in Yo-time curves,
that of C6, but the area affected is smaller w27x. The indicating that pitting corrosion can be revealed by the
C6SI coating shows an abrupt increase in Yo, which admittance increase.
remains high until 7 days of immersion, confirming the Morphological analysis confirms the indications
Rac and Rp measurements (Fig. 2a,b). It is clear that offered by Yo quantity (Fig. 4b). Fig. 5 shows the
C6SO is the coating with the best resistance to corrosive morphology of the corrosion attack on the studied
228 T. Bellezze et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 155 (2002) 221–230

formation of corrosion products, which exerts a barrier

effect. The decrease occurs more markedly and at
potentials more negative for the coatings with lower
corrosion resistance w30x. These results indicate that C3
has the lowest corrosion resistance while C6SI has the
Fig. 7 shows the surface percentage covered by white
rust vs. time during the salt spray exposure of the
samples without (Fig. 7a) and with (Fig. 7b) heat
treatment at 120 8C for 1 h. The C3 coating shows very
poor corrosion resistance. The C3SO and C3SI coatings
have better corrosion resistance than C6, particularly
when the coatings have been submitted to heat treatment
(Fig. 7b). Usually, the conversion coatings have worse
corrosion resistance after heat treatment; on the contrary,
the C3SO coating shows a considerable improvement in
its corrosion behaviour after heat treatment and this, in
agreement with other authors w12x, is an effect due to
the sealant. The results of the salt spray exposure tests
correlate well with the indications offered by the
increase in Yo quantity (Fig. 4), in particular they
confirm the lower corrosion resistance of C6 with
respect to that of C3SI and C3SO. On the other hand,

Fig. 6. Anodic polarization curves in quiescent aerated 0.85 M NaCl

solution. (—m—) ZN; (ØØØhØØØ) C3; (ØØØsØØØ) C3SI; (ØØØeØØØ)
C3SO; (—j—) C6; (—d—) C6SI; (—⽧—) C6SO. Scan rate: 1
mV sy1.

coatings at the end of the immersion period. For all the

coatings, the corrosion occurs by localised attack: the
conversion film breaks off from the zinc substrate and
the aggressive solution can penetrate to give corrosion
products, which cause new cracks. EDXS analysis
revealed the presence of chlorides in the inner points of
the pit and around it, indicating the formation of corro-
sion products below the conversion layer. In the case of
the C3 coating (Fig. 5a), the attack affects a very wide
area; on the other coatings the attacked zones are smaller
and C6SO (Fig. 5f) is the less damaged coating. The
pits observed on C6SI (Fig. 5d) are small, confirming
that the trends of Rac, Rp and Yo in the 2–7 day range
are anomalous.
Fig. 6 shows anodic polarization curves performed on
the studied coatings and, for comparison, on bare zinc
coating. At potentials of approximately y850 mV bare
zinc has the highest current density. The C3 sample
shows behaviour similar to that of bare zinc, according
to its very thin conversion layer. The other coatings
have a lower current density and, in particular, show a
curve inflection at approximately y900 mV, which
Fig. 7. Surface damage during salt fog exposure of samples without
indicates a passive behaviour. At potentials from y350 (a) and with (b) heat treatment at 120 8C for 1 h. (ØØØjØØØ) C3;
to q250 mV a minimum in current density was found (ØØØdØØØ) C3SI; (ØØØ⽧ØØØ) C3SO; (—j—) C6; (—d—) C6SI;
for all the coatings; this decrease can be related to the (—⽧—) C6SO.
T. Bellezze et al. / Surface and Coatings Technology 155 (2002) 221–230 229

Rac, determined from EIS measurements (Fig. 2a), over- erably improves the corrosion behaviour of the Cr III
estimates the performance of the C6 coating which has conversion layer and can be used as alternative to the
Rac values similar to that of C6SO, while salt spray test traditional chromating treatment.
results indicate that its corrosion resistance is lower than
that of C3SI, C3SO, C6SO and C6SI. This can be Acknowledgments
explained by considering that Rac could include the
contributions from the impedance due to the intact The authors are grateful to Dr G. Faranda (Glomax
conversion layer, as well as to corrosion products, while s.r.l.) for the samples preparation.
Yo could be related to the intact conversion layer only.
4. Conclusions
w1x H.E. Towsend, Mater. Perform. 30 (1991) 60.
The corrosion behaviour of zinc coatings submitted w2x K.A. Korinek, Chromate conversion coatings, 9th edition,
to a Cr III-based passivation treatment, with and without Metals Handbook, Corrosion, 13, ASM International, Materials
Park, OH, 1987, pp. 389–395.
sealing treatment, were studied. For comparison, similar w3x P.L. Hagans, C.M. Haas, Chromate conversion coatings, ASM
coatings with Cr VI-based passivation treatment were Handbook, Surface Engineering, 5, ASM International, Mate-
also examined. The investigations were performed by rials Park, OH, 1994, pp. 405–411.
electrochemical tests in aerated 0.85 M NaCl solution w4x F.W. Eppensteiner, M.R. Jenkins, Met. Finish. Guidebook and
(impedance measurements, polarization resistance meas- Directory Issue 96, 1998, p. 489.
w5x N. Zaki, Met. Finish. 86 (2) (1988) 75.
urements and anodic polarization curve registration), by w6x B.R.W. Hinton, Met. Finish. 89 (9) (1991) 55.
salt spray tests and by morphological observations on w7x E. Almeida, T.C. Diamantino, M.O. Figueiredo, C. Sa, ` Surf.
the coating surface. Coat. Technol. 106 (1998) 8.
Consideration of EIS data analysis has not been able w8x E. Almeida, L. Fedrizzi, T.C. Diamantino, Surf. Coat. Technol.
to provide an equivalent circuit model capable of com- 105 (1998) 97.
pletely describing the corrosion behaviour of the studied w9x C.B. Breslin, M. Geary, Corrosion 54 (1998) 964.
conversion layers on zinc coatings on steel during the w10x P. Hulser,
¨ ¨
R. Jansen, A. Moller, ¨
H. Hahn, Metalloberflache 50
(10) (1996) 794.
overall observation period. Therefore, two quantities, w11x M. Sahre, R.M. Souto, W. Kautek, Microchim. Acta 133 (2000)
the impedance modulus Rac and the factor Yo of a CPE, 137.
were obtained from the Bode-NZN plot: the first one was w12x G. Von Katen, Galvanotechnik 90 (1999) 650.
obtained from the low frequency range data and the w13x F. Mansfeld, M. Kendig, Corrosion 37 (1981) 545.
second was calculated by a linear fitting of the high w14x L. Fedrizzi, R. Fratesi, G. Lunazzi, G. Roventi, Surf. Coat.
frequency region data. These quantities Rac and Yo give Technol. 53 (1992) 171.
´ ´ ´ R. Kahan,
w15x B. Lengyel, Zs. Baroti-Labar, ´ Mater. Chem. 7 (1982)
similar information, but Rac overestimates the corrosion 183.
behaviour, for example, of the unsealed Cr VI coating ´ L. Meszaros,
w16x A. Pirnat, ´ ´ B. Lengyel, ACH-Models in Chemistry
(C6) in comparison with the corresponding sealed coat- 132 (1995) 647.
ing with prevalently organic matrix (C6SO), whereas w17x D. Ende, W. Kessler, D. Oelkrug, R. Fuchs, Electrochim. Acta
Yo, for long immersion times, shows that C6 corrodes 38 (1993) 2577.
w18x R.L. Zeller III, R.F. Savinell, Corros. Sci. 26 (1986) 389.
before C6SO. Besides the anomalous behaviour of the
w19x J. Hazan, C. Coddet, J. Appl. Electrochem. 26 (1996) 203.
C6SI, the results obtained in this work show that Yo is w20x G. Barcelo,´ M. Sarret, C. Muller,
¨ J. Pregonas, Electrochim.
a parameter able to give rapid indications on the corro- Acta 43 (1998) 13.
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