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Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems — Through this chapter, the student learns the way the channel and the receiver are modeled for a study of the noise performance of the system will be able to analyze the noise performance of FM and the various types of AM systems and compare them learns that an FM system offers the possibility of power bandwidth trade- off and understands that there is a limit for this trade-off >understands clearly how and why it is possible to improve the destination SNR for FM systems by employing preemphasis and de-emphasis >learns that there is a threshold effect in FM receivers, understands how it arises and studies the various methods of threshold extension INTRODUCTION ER In Chapter 8, we had discussed various types of noise, their sources and characteristics and noted that thermal noise and shot noise are both white so far as the frequencies and bandwidths used in practical communication systems are concerned. In the fourth chapter, we had studied the methods of generation and demodulation of various types of amplitude-modulated signals like AM, DSB-SC, SSB- SC, etc. Similarly, in the fifth chapter, we studied angle modulation and discussed the modulation and demodulation methods for FM and PM. In the sixth chapter, we discussed the details of AM and FM transmitters and receivers. In the seventh, we had reviewed probability and random processes In the present chapter, we will make use of the material covered in the previous five chapters and examine, by deriving the necessary expressions, the noise performance of CW communication systems. From these results, we will not only be able to compare the various CW communication systems on the basis of their noise performance, but also use them for communication-system design. For continuous-wave communication systems, a convenient and useful parameter for assessing the noise performance of any modulation-demodulation scheme, is the destination signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)p, i.e., the ratio of the average signal power to the average noise power at the output of the receiver. For determining this (S/N),, for different modulation and demodulation schemes, we must have the models for the pertinent signals, channel noise and receiving systems. We already have the mathematical representation of message signals and modulated signals, We will model the Y72_ Analog Communicetion channel novse as rere-mean white Gansstan noise with a two-sided PSD of 1/2 FOF each type gy medtulaton amt demestulation that we take up. we shall use an appropriate receiver structure and shor Model it suitably for the purpose of this analysis Miter studying the noise performance of vanons types of amplitude-modulation systems and frequency mestulation systems, we shall, towards the end of the chapter, discuss a Few related topics like improvemers in the noise performance of FM systems by the use of pre-emphasis at the transmitter and de emphasis at the receiver, threshold effect in FM recetvers and the threshold extension techniques DESTINATION SNR OF A BASE-BAND SYSTEM The baseband system ts one in which the baseband signal is directly sent over the channel without a vamer and modulation, The receiver too does not have any demodulator and is modeled as an ideal lowpass filter with a cutof frequency of I” Hz, which is the bandwidth of the baseband signal As mentioned earlier, let the powe ail density of Pr white noise on the channel be 77 2. Hene 4 of Fig. 9.1 represents the ave power lying within the bandwidth of the ba corrupting the nz =" 0 w =F Fig. 9.1 Noise power corrupting the baseband signal Average noise power N= lew wn l= (Within the bandwidth I Hence, if we denote the averag I power at the receiver input as Sy, since the receiver is modeled as an ideal LPF with cutoff frequency equal to W, the destination signal-to-noise ratio is en ) The | MODEL FOR LINEAR MODULATION SYSTEMS L933 | g(t) jsi=n2 Y(0)= Ka(t)+n(t) ‘ Detector Hg(f) idealised foweiog BPFBW=8r TSI | synchronous) Fig. 9.2. Model for linear modulation systems 4.(0) is the transmitted modulated signal. & is the attenuation factor so that A's, (2) 1s the received sigh assumed to be having a carer frequency /,=/,,. the intermediate thequency. ny (2) is the zero-tell white Gaussian noise of the channel with a two-sided power spectral density of m2. It gets added tothe received signal, H,(/) 1s an ideal bandpass filter which is used for modeling the combined effect of UN RF amplifier and the IF amplifier. It has a bandwidth #,, the transmission bandwidth af the modulated Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 373 and is also the bandwidth of the front end of the recciver. This bandwidth B, is 2W for AM and sC and is W’ for SSB-SC. Further, the filter is assumed to have the bandwidth B, centered on f, = fip signa 15 ermediate frequency. and the gain of the filter is unity in its passband. The output of this filter “|| have @ signal component Kx,(1) and noise component n(1) where n(/) is Gaussian and zero mean, pact white. It is a bandpass noise having an average power = (1/2).(2B,) = nBy. Thus the input to the jeecor block in the model is H(1) = Kx (+) The signal-to-noise ratio at the input to the detector is denoted by (S/N)g. The LPF, shown as the last block. is an ideal unit-gain LPF with a cutoff frequency of W Hz, which is the bandwidth of the message sgnal x0). and is used to model the LPF which follows the analog signal multiplier of a synchronous deector, of, the response characteristic of the audio amplifiers following an envelope detector. The destination SNR is denoted by (S/N)p. Figure of Merit To facilitate comparison of the various types of modulation systems, we generally define a figure of merit’ of a system as Figure of merit a (S/N)o _ Destination signal-to-noise ratio) ~ (SIN) Channel signal-to-noise ratio where, the ‘channel signal-to-noise ratio’ is defined as ( Ss | = Channel SNR A Average power of the modulated signal lc N Average power of noise in the message bandwidth (7) =—Se__ Sk _ Wind Ww” “figure of merit = (3) | (9-1a) NlJp ¥ Thus, in fact the figure of merit of a particular modulation system is the ratio of the destination SNR wih that modulation, to the destination SNR for baseband transmission. The higher the figure of merit “compared to I, the better it is. Fredetection Signal-to-Noise Ratio y(t) = Detector input = Kx,(1) + n(0) (9.2) writ n() is a bandpass noise with an average power of By where, B,=2W or W, depending on the of modulation ‘S, = Average signal power at the input to the detector = Kx) (9.3) ee 22(t) denotes its average value. Np = Average noise power at the input to the detector = (1) =(n/2)(28,) = 0B; (4) * Predetecti oe (8) _ Se _ S; ‘ion signal-to-noise ratio -( $) eS ne = ais (9.5) Mr 374 Analog Communication But, we have already seen that in the case of baseband transmission, the destination SNR is given by ye dt = (9.6) Ww d Hence, we may express the pre-detection SNR, viz (S/N), as (5) -f-(4).,{¥] (01) NJy Bp NW \ By By With this, we are now ready to proceed with the determination of the destination signal-to-noise ratios for various linear modulation schemes. (SIN)p FOR SSB-SC SYSTEMS For SSB-SC ‘ystems, the detector is a synchronous detector and the transmitted signal is given by x)= ; A[x()cos@.t #()sine,t] (refer Eqs 5.63 and 5.64) (9.8) with (-) sign for the USSB and (+) sign for the LSSB Bus, = RIO = {4 [POF ae ROMar RAT BOTA] =7gh 4FO+4(DeaP@ 24 24 But x?(1) = 32() since the Hilbert transform doesn’t alter the power. io Se=GHPO (9.9) where Ay = KA, Now, input to the synchronous detector is given by Wt) = Kx,(t)+n(0) (9.10) If we assume that it is a USSB system and substitute for x,(t) using Eq. (9.8), and further, if we substitute for the bandpass noise n(t) in Eq. (9.10) by its in-phase and quadrature component representation, we get l,. Wt)= FAgn(eosens 7 Anil) sine,4 +n (1)c0sa,t—n,(t)sinw,t (9.11) In the synchronous detector, y(1) is multiplied by cos @,1 and lowpass filtered to give w(t) (see Fig. 9.2) leo 2208 01-4 dyhld) in20.14+m e084 Ln, (sin 2044 HO)= Yeeosa.t= > When this 2(0) is lowpass filtered using an ideal LPF with a cutoff frequency of W Hz, all high- frequency components are rejected. 1 1 WO=GAa(+ 500) (9.12) Noise Performance af AM and FM Systems 375, jn the above. the first term is the signal term and the second term is the noise term. in (3), tae wos, 5 NIy (1/4) nB, By WW (since By= W for SSB) in the above, we have made use of the properties of the in-phase and quadrature components of a jero-mean bandpass process, that (0) = (1) =n? (0) and that 12(1) = nB, from Eq. (9.4). Since it is an sgB-SC system, By=W and so n?(1)=nW (91) Ss a) = (9.14) (7), : $8B-8¢ Thus, the “figure of merit’ for an SSB-SC system is (from equations 9.14 and 9.7) Figure of merit = So SSB-SC (SIN )e «figure of Merit for SSB-SC = (2) =1 (9.14a) DSB-SC SYSTEMS Ey For a DSB-SC system, a coherent or synchronous demodulator will be used and the modulated signal i given by x,(t) = A.x(0) cosa, (9.13) “received signal = Kr, (t) ad Kx,(t) = KA,x(0) 00s @,t = Agx(t) cos, (9.16) Sp = Received signal power = K?x2() =~ 3°(0)- AR (9.17) Also, By=2W (9.18) 'nput to the detector = y(t) = Apx(1)cos 1+ n(0) (9.19) bs n(t) = n,(t)cos@,t —n,(t)sin ct Wt) =[Apx(O) +, (0) | cos, ~ ny (sin ct (9.20) The ‘ sty yishronous detector multiplies y(/) by cos@,t = Output of the multiplier in the detector = [Axl +n, (1) cos? @,4—n,(t)sin@,t C08, 1 1 . = Faeroe nco]+ SL Aya +1, (1) ]c0s 20,1 3 Myths 20,1 a 376 Analog Communication * w(1), the output of the lowpass filter is given by w= [Apri | (921) 1 1 In this, the message signal component is 5 4p.(/) and the noise component is» (1) (5) x(t) (92 NIy XO a 1) = Received signal power = Sq (from Eq. 9.17) for a DSB-SC signal; and m(1) = P(t) = 0B, = 20 (since m(2) is zero mean, n,(1) and n(t) will have the same variance) substituting these values in Eq. (9.22), we get ( _ 28e _ Se _ w),30 i? Ss (w),-4 DsB-SC Thus, the ‘figure of merit’ for a DSB-SC system is (from equations 9.7 and 9.23) Figure of Merit = S/o _ Y . (DSB-SC) (SIN)c (9.23) (9.23a) eae) A DSB-SC signal is transmitted psof| ‘over a noisy channel, with the power spectral density of the noise being as shown in Fig. 9.3(a). The message bandwidth is 4 kHz, and the carrier frequency is 200 kHz. Assuming that the average power of the modulated wave is 10 watts, find the output signal-to-noise ratio of the receiver. tor WiH2. =900 ° 400 f(inkHz) Fig. 9.3(a) Noise PSD for Example 9.1 Here, the additive noise on the channel is nor white. It has a triangular shaped 2-sided power spectral density as shown in the figure. The DSB-SC signal has a bandwidth of 8 kHz since the message signal bandwidth is given to be 4 kHz. Hence, the receiver front-end bandwidth is also & kHz and is centered on 200 kHz, the carrier frequency. Thus, the two-sided power spectrum of the bandpass noise entering the receiver is as shown by the shaded area in Fig. 9.3(b) The value of the noise PSD at 200 kHz, i.c., the height at 200 kHz is equal to 0.5 x 10-6 W/Hz (from similar triangles). Hence, we may compute the area of each of the trapezoidal shaded portion as the area of a rectangle of 8 kHz width and 0.5 x 10-6 W/Hz height, ip ceive = ~ total area of the shaded portion Hx Lx 10 x 8x 108=8 x 103W, put, from the properties of bandpass noise, we know that Ro (1) =8x103W average power of the received DSB-SC signal m= Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 377 400 kHz 40OkHz f (in kHz) -200kHz 200kHz Fig. 9.3(b) Two-sided noise power spectrum for Example 9.1 (from Eq. 9.17) . 1 ps = received signal power => 433°(1) = 10W But, from Eq. (9.22), we know that Ax()_ 20 ax) = = 25x10 ma) xls (3) = destination SNR = N 'D (3) =2.5x103 or (5) in dB = 10 logy) 2.5x10 =33.974B N)p NJp AM SYSTEMS ma Inthe case of AM systems, the carrier as well as both the sidebands are transmitted, and so the transmission bandwidth By is By=2W (9.24) where, of course, W is the bandwidth of x(#), the message signal. The transmitted signal, x,(1) is given by x(t) = 4, [1+ mx(1)]cos@,t (9.25) where, m, 0 < m < 1, is the modulation index and x(1) is the normalized message signal assumed to be ro mean and normalized so that |x()| <1. An AM signal can be detected using a synchronous detector Sr a envelope detector. In practice, however, only an envelope detector is used for AM. For arriving. one (SIN), of an AM system, we shall first assume a synchronous demodulator and then derive the sion assuming an envelope detector. 561 AM System with a Synchronous Detector The received signal = Kx,(1) = KA, [1+ mx(1)]cos@,t = A, [1+ mx(1)]cos@,t (9.26) Sy ~ Average received signal power = K?x2(1) Sq = All + mx(1)] ® cos? w.6 Me 378 Analog Communication Since x(1) is zero mean, the above expression reduces 0 Sy ! 2 10. the input to the synchronous detector is given by V1) = Ay [14 mx()]cos@, 1+ m1) (9.2%) a[iim en] 2 Replacing (1) in the above by its in-phase and quadrature component representation, we get VD = {Ag [14 ma] 41, (O} cose, 11, (1)sin a, 02, The synchronous detector multiplies this by the carrier, i.c., Cos@,/. 1 (N= {de [1+ mai] +1 (feos? «4 — 51, (sin 20,1 (9.30) The lowpass filter removes all the high-frequency components as its cutoff frequency is W. Hence replacing cos? @,1 by HUI +0820) and then rejecting all the terms representing high-frequency components, we get =A {It met} O} (931) 1 In the above equation, ie represents a dc component, 3 Aame() represents the message signal component and ++n,(1) represents the noise component. In the receiver, anyhow, the de component at the output of the detector will be blocked by using a blocking capacitor. So, we ignore the de component of w(z). Then (a) NJp (since (1) is of zero mean, variances of n((t) and n(t) will be equal) em? Mer _ Sp. (32) Np =2nW=Np (9.33) [1+ m2 200) ] (from Eq. 9.27) Also, Iso, 2k ". we may write Sp Sp Ap? (1) Sy (3) 7 >= = So Se AP 2) Noy SNe Ag na tny 2 2 MP) Sp Cem eiyy lem euy |? (3), [ees] om Ny L(+ m2a2(r)y . Syne—det Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 379 system with Envelope Detector gh a getector ideally extracts the envelope of the signal piven 10 it as input, Hf there were to be ee ePpie the mpl signal fo the detector Mlk in Fig, 9.2 would be e V() = Ky (0 = KA [Lb mx) |oose,1 output of the detector would be its envelope “) ;_ with the channel noise, the detector input is and the Ay |L+ mx(2)], where Ap A KA Howeve (1) = KA, [1+ mx())] cose, n(1) (9.35) s bandpass noise centered on f, and having a bandwidth of 2W. This noise changes the where, nt) i a how it affects the envelope of the AM signal, let us replace n() by its in-phase and snclope. To See ‘odtature components. M0) = Ag [1+ mx(Q]c08 @,1 + 7,(1) cos @,t — 14 (sin Ogt = {Ay [1+ mx] +7, (O}cos@,4 —n, (sin a, (9.36) R(t) = envelope of y(1) a] {4g [1+ met] em (ny +00] (9.37) le J % and the phase angle 8,(1) is nt) etl We) 6,(1)= tan! [ Since an envelope detector is totally insensitive tothe phase variations of its input signal, we can ‘wally ignore 6,(1). Generally, for satisfactory intelligibility of the ‘Agi #mx(t)] n(e) "essage signal output from an envelope detector, the ‘gnal-to-noise ratio at the input to the detector must be ‘last around 8 to 10 dB. So, we can safely assume ttl the carrier-to-noise power ratio is quite high at the input to the envelope detector. So, we assume that A >> P(t) (9.39) ts will enable us to write the output of the detector, viz., the envelope of (0) as the sum of a signal et and a noise component. This will allow us to write down the expression for the destination NR immediately, From F; ‘om Fig. 9.3, in view of the assumption of Eq. (9.39), we may say that Fig. 9.4 Phasor diagram of the components of y(t), the input to the detector. Az >>n? is assumed PL Ag {I+ mex(1)} >> 1n,(0)] is almost equal to unity h R(t) = Ag|+ met] + (0 (9.40) e the dag’® ©oMPonent Ay in this envelope, will be blocked by the coupling capacitor at the output of si T. (Note that 4, is the mean because both x(/) and n,(1) are zero-mean processes), Henee, the ay he output of the receiver is w(t) = Apmv(t) 4.00) (41) 380, Analog Communication Since Agmx(1) represents the Signal component and n/1), the noise component of this output signal we have , (3) we xP(1) 0 = 9.49, N)y omy y m() = P() = mB, = 2 (9.43) (since n(1) is of zero-mean, the variances of n(t) and n(f) will be the same) Hence. we may write Eq. (9.42) as (3) Ame 20 _ Are 2) Sp N)yp mn) Sp By All+m 20] (see Eq. (9.27) pee NJp ta[lem PO] Br -_ mee (5) since By=2W [1+m2@] WwW 5 (3) ON (9.44) Np |[1+m70] AME Comparing Eqs (9.34) and (9.44), we find they are exactly the same. However, it must be noted that Eq. (9.44) gives the destination SNR for AM with an envelope detector only if the carrier-to-noise ratio at the input to the detector is large and provided m, the modulation index, is not more than one. It must also be noted that there are no such conditions in the case of AM with coherer for Eq. (9.34) to be valid. The figure of merit for AM is, therefore, obtained from Eqs (9.7) and (9.44). int or synchronous detector, i Figure of merit = S/)o __m@aty 1 (am (SIN) l+ mex? (9.448) oa an AM system when the depth of modulation is () 100 % (ii) 50, and (fi) 30% (University Question) mx Figure of merit (FOM) of an AM system = lem? (from Eq. 9.4a) Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 384 y m= be ie 100% modulation w cant + — Since nothing has been mentioned about the average power of the modulating ty signal, if'a single-tone is assumed, \? 1/2 2 rom=—/2_ 21,22! moh lal/2 s 8 ©. 0.25x2 =08 ic.. 0%: FOM = —~ oe 140.57 140.250 For an x7) which is a single-tone, 12 = 025x05 _ 0125 _ iy m05 140.25x0.5 140.125 1.3 i.¢., 30% modulation: FOM = (i) m= 140.09. For an x(/) which is a single-tone, 0,090.5 _ 0.045 FOM = —————- = —__ = 004306 m=03 14+0.09x0.5 1+0.045 Prove that the figure of merit of an AM system for single-tone modulation with 100% modulation is 1/3. Figure of merit = S/N) _ Lite = ofanaMaystem — (S/NJo Lt mex?” YY Lt mex Since x? represents the mean-squared value of the normalized message signal, normalized such that ix], for the case of a single-tone message signal (i.c., sinusoidal message signal), it means that its Peak value is 1. Hence, its r.m.s. value is B and the mean-squared value is 1/2, Further, for 100% ‘modulation, m= 1 a Figure of merit for AM with m =I and single-tone } = modulating signal mex _ 2 lem 3/2 3 i 543, Threshold Effect for AM with Envelope Detector fe the SNR at the input to the envelope detector becomes very much less than unity, noise ‘ominates over the signal and the behaviour of the envelope detector would be entirely different, It cam ie ich tat in such a situation, there will be no separate term in the output of the detector, whieh eam fein as the message signal; the message signal and noise become intermingled. < ng to Eq. (9.37), we may write the expression for the envelope of the detector input as mf = Jaa Fm) Ame) ne (O+ Dg OL ma] a 382° Analog Communication Since the SNR at the input to the detector is much smaller than 1, Ag(1+mx(1) can be Neglecteg in comparison with the rest of the terms under the square-root sign in the above expression. Hence Rf) may be written as 2dpn(0) RO= [Rego] fee (045) [mo+ mt] Under the assumption of a small SNR at the input to the detector, the following will be true: be) 14 mx(t)]} <<} [Rote] If we represent the above expression by € then, in Eq. (9.45), we may make use of the approximation that when € << 1, ar 7 Agn;(t)[1+ mx(1)] a er [ mnt re() ae) (compare this with the Ry(s) given by Eq. (9.40) for the case Ag >> n?(t)) Thus, at the output of the envelope detector, the message signal term mx(/) gets multiplied by the noise terms and cannot, therefore, be distinguished from noise. This is called the ‘threshold effect’ in envelope detection of AM. eae An AM receiver, operating with a sinusoidal modulating wave and 80% modulation has an output signal-to-noise ratio of 30 dB. What is the corresponding carrier-to-noise ratio? . (University Question) For an AM system with modulation index, m, the output SNR is given by (5) _ Air? 2(0) lb 7 (see Eq. 9.32) me (t) (single-tone) This is given to be 30 dB= 10%; m=0.8 and x°(r AXOGAXI2 soy, AR _ 1000 m(0) m(t) 0.32 But, we know that n?(1)=/71°(1) and that the carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) is defined as 1000 «CNR = —— = 0.64 1562.5 on (CNR gp, = 10 logy 1562.5 = 31.9 dB NoIse Performance of AM and FM Systems 383, ‘A message signal x(t) of 5 kHz th and having an amplitude probability ‘as shown, amplitude modulates a carrier toa fh of 80%. The AM signal so obtained transmitted ‘a channel with additive noise power spectral ity of 9=2* 10-7 W/Hz(one-sided). The received send is demodulated using an envelope detector. 100 over ite (3) > 40 dB is desired, what should be —_ NJy = 2 ‘ x the minimum value of A., the peak amplitude Fig. 9.5 POF of Signal for Example 9.5 of the carrier? (i Assuming (S/N), for envelope detection to be 10 dB, determine the threshold value of A. for AM systems, the destination SNR is given by So, let us first find 42, the average power of the message, using the given amplitude probability density function of x(0). } y. Here, m=0.8 We know x= J 2 fyQddr 1 2fq-xade=t 3 6 Since 40 dB =A ratio of 104, substituting for m and x2, we get oo 1 1+(0.82| = osr(Z) .¥ 2103808.63 . min.value of y = 103808,63 signal is x,(t) = A,[1+ mx(1)]cos@,t , that S= Received signal power 10# x(1+0.1066) D108 oy 2 TEO.TOOS) u f 0.1066 ifthe AM We know — #2 — = a(t) = lit me Pol Het, we have ire ee the fact that x(1) = Average value of x(/) = 0. 4 6 1 x) J fyoode = J xGor ide fx ode = 0 A 0 = £[1+oax(4)]=4 1066) Me és 386 Analog Communication (i) If (1) takes its maximum possible value of 1 (ns it would, for example when 017) 16 4 seman wave), and with m1 1 SN) 2 ( ), ret? y au even in this case, AM is sill 4 dB poorer compared to DSB-SC and SSB-SC In the above two cases, we have assumed that m1 and (1) was 0.5 in the case of tome modulation and 1 in the other case. But in actual practice, we have speech signal as the message signal. For this signal, m can hardly reach a value of 0.2 for most of the time since a speech signal has occasional large peaks and a very small amplitude in between. Further. this makes (1) algo Very small, Because of these reasons. with speech as the modulating signal, the destination SNR of AM will be very much smaller than y making its performance poorer than that of DSB-SC or SSB. SC by as much as 10 dB. However, peak limiting and volume compression of the audio, used in all broadcast transmitters will ensure a fairly good value of m for most of the time and this will help in Improving the noise performance of AM to some extent eT a i A message signal has a bandwidth of 15 kHz. This signal is to be transmitted over @ channel whose attenuation is 80 dB and the two-sided noise PSD is 10" W/Hz. If it is desired to have a destination signal-to-noise ratio of 40 dB, what will be transmitter power (average) needed and what will be the transmission bandwidth, if the modulation is (a) SSB-SC, and (b) DSB-SC _ Sp _105Sp MW 2x10-2x15x10 3 Channel attenuation = 80 dB». 10logyy (S;/S,) = 80 where, S, is the average transmitted power and S, is the average received power. Sp =10°Sp or Sp =10-*S;. (a) Y + IX10%%S SF soap 108 3 3 5S; =3x104 = 30kW. Since it is SSB-SC, By = W= 15 kHz. 1085, (b) For DSB-SC, (SIN)p = are and Sp =10-*S, 5S; 4 OF or 5, =30kW Since both the sidebands are transmitted in DSB- eee) ‘A message signal with maximum amplitude of + 5 V is uniformly distributed and has a bandwidth of 15 kHz. Using AM with a modulation index of 0.6, it is transmitted over a channel whose attenuation is 60 dB and whose noise power spectral density (two-sided) is 10" W/Hz. Determine the average power of the transmitter and the transmission bandwidth required, if a post detection signal-to-noise ratio of 40 dB is desired. *, the bandwidth B, required is 24 = 30 ke Nolse Performance of AM and FM Systems 387 Sp _ Sy x 107 x 15x10" 3 average poser inthe message signal (before normalization) = fx wt = = ' iq) = Average power in the message signal after normalization so that |x(nfst since channel attenuation = 60 dB =10log,9(S;/S,) tgo( ]=6 Sp =10%S, Se mar) | -(5) _10-6S,.107 0.12 _ 0.045) 1+ m? 32(1) N)y 3 LR OL s But =| has to be 40 dB (= 104) N]p a 0.045, 08 x1.12 12 SE HNO or Sp = = 280 kW: By=2 x15 KHz = 30 KHz atlas ‘Atransmitter, transmitting an unmodulated carrier power of 20 kW is amplitude modulated to a depth of 0.8, by a message signal x(t) of 15 kHz bandwidth, which has an average power of 0.78W when normalized so that |x(t)| <1. The modulated signal is transmitted over a channel whose attenuation is 60 dB and has an additive white noise with two-sided power spectral density of 10-® W/Hz. Determine the pre-detection and post-detection SNRs at the receiver. P, = Unmodulated carrier power = 20 x 10? W m=08 321) = 0.78 W when |x(1)| <1 ‘+ average total power of the modulated signal = P; where, B= P [1+ mtx ]= 20210 [1 +0.64x0.78] = 30x10. W * S;= Transmitted power = 30 x 103 W Attenuation of the channel = 60 dB (=a ratio of 10) = 1 30X10" Sk Sk 1B, = (210-12) x(2x15x10) = 6x10-*W S_=30x 103 W 388. Analog Communication * Noise power at the input to the detector = Ny = 6 x 10 *W s ) Sp 3010-8 k 1 5x 108 «106 N nB, 6x10* 2 pre-detection SNR = ( Se Se yg x 108 mW (By /2) 0.5 0.64 0.78 “. post-detection SNR = [ eT ‘An AM transmitter is to transmit a message signal having a bandwidth of 20 kHz and an average power (when normalized such that |x(t)| < 1) of 1, over a transmission channel characterized by an additive white noise of 2-sided PSD of 0.5 x 10-'5 W/Hz and a total transmission loss of 100 GB. If the modulation index m = 1, determine the average transmitted power if destination SNR is to be 104. =] LY cosy + 2a For AM, (SIN)p =| 1+ mx? yoSt- Se mW 10-5 x20 108 2x10 s 0.5Sp ~|= = 0.255, Mh] (5), Sei 7 02554 x10" = 108 Sp=4x10-7W. L=100dB =1010 Sp =4x10-7 x10!0 = 4 kW eT A message signal of bandwidth 5 kHz is to be transmitted using SSB-SC over a transmission channel characterized by an additive white noise of 2-sided PSD n/2-= 0.5 x 10-15 W/Hz and a transmission loss of 100 dB. Ifa destination SNR of 40 dB is required, determine the average transmitter power required. Sp = 10-19 x5x10" 108 = 10-*W. Also, 100 dB =a ratio of 1010 5; Sy = 10" W. But 5, 0" * S) =10-%x 10! = 102 =100 W a Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 389 smn foLoein fe smer f+{swme | Fig. 9.6 Block diagram of an FM broadcast superheterodyne receiver a amplifier reine |-E{| ‘he block diagram of an FM broadcast superheterodyne receiver is shown in Fig. 9.6. For the purpose rose performance evaluation, we model the receiver as shown in Fig. 9.7. sf= nl y(t) =Kx-(t) +n(t) Kade) 47 apr [ 7 a(t) LPF w(t) ewe, [agg Dbetiinator *) gute > KxQt}+ ny(t) uy Half) Fig. 9.7 Receiver model for noise-performance evaluation Additive noise of the channel is modeled as zero-mean white Gaussian noise of a two-sided power spectral density 7/2. K represents the channel attenuation. The modulated signal in this case, is given by x(t) = 4,cos[w.t+ 9], f= Siy of the receiver (9.48) where, (1) = 21k, | x(cx (9.49) ° Note: In Eq, (9.49), ky is the frequency deviation constant He : the message signal, x(1), is not normalized. If x(t) is 7" ; 8; normalized, ky denotes the peak frequency deviation. _ 5 The ideal BPF whose response characteristic is shown F ° ae n Fig. 9.8, is used to represent the combined effect of the Fig. 9.8 Response characteristic of the BPF and IF amplifiers. we bandwidth of this BPF is the transmission bandwidth B; of the modulated signal, x,(¢), and is also wn width of the front end of the receiver. The signal at the input to the filter is Kx,(0) + m,(#), i., the raise ae signal and the additive white noise. Its output, however is Kx,(0) + n(#), where n(0) is bandpass fequemtted on f, and obtained by filtering the white noise using the BPE of bandwidth By, with centre the dso = J, the intermediate frequency of the supetheterodyne receiver. The FM detector, called Mtantaneoue Produces an output voltage which at any instant, is proportional to the deviation of the ele frequency of the input signal from the carrier (i.e., in this case the IF) frequency. i si x.(1) is the FM signal and n(J) is bandpass 390 Analog Communication amplitude modulated signal »,(/) and thus change its envelope, which the envelope detector would extract So. in the case of AM, the additive noise directly affects that parameter of the input signal (envelope) which the detector tnes to extract, So the effect of the additive noise is considerable in the case of AM. fy in the case of FM, the discriminator extracts the frequency deviation of the carrier of the input signal cach instant, and produces an output voltage proportional to the instantancous frequency deviation Ang the additive noise does not directly affect the frequency deviation of the incoming FM signal. It affects 1 only indirectly, as we will be seeing presently. Thus, in a qualitative way we may say that FM wall not be affected by the channel noise to the same extent as AM Since the bandwidth of the BPF is B; and the two-sided PSD of the additive white noise in the channel is 12. the noise power entering the receiver is n 2 x 2B, = 1B, A Ny (9.50) The received signal power is equal to the average power of the component Kx,(1) of y(1), the input to the discriminator. This is denoted by Sq and is given by 2 2 (KAY _ Ae (9.51) Ba «+ the pre-detection SNR is given by 2 & () -Se Me | & (9.52) Whe Ne 2 1B; 2nB; As mentioned earlier, n() is bandpass noise centered on f, and we may represent it by its inphase and quadrature components as (0) = n(1)cos@,t~n, (1)sin@.t (9.53) Alternatively, we may use the envelope and phase-angle representation (See Section 2.8, Eq, 2.164) and write as n(1) = R,(t)cos[eo.t + 9,(1)] (9.54) where, R,(t), the envelope is related to n{t) and n,(t) by RQ = [i+ 2) (9.83) and is Rayleigh distributed. The phase angle, 4,(¢) is given by aineuns[ (9.56) ct) As it is more convenient in the present analysis to use the envelope and phase representation, we shall write (1), the input to the discriminator, as Wi) = Ay cos[a.1+ O0)] + m1) = Aq cos|n,e OO]# K( Quo] (957) We shall make use of Eq. (9.57) to examine how the noise term n(/) affects the angle (0) of the FM signal and thus changes its frequency deviation. However, this is going to be quite involved So, we shall proceed by making the simplifying and reasonable assumption that the SNR at the input to the discriminator is high, Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 391 (2) > we (9.58) funder this assumption, we draw the phasor diagram for (as), it will appear as shown in Fig. 9:9. pe bandpass signal y(0, if R() is the envelope and y the phase angle, we may write (ce) at = Reos[at+4(0] 59) Figg Phasor agra of Ea (9.54) when since )X#) is the input to the discriminator, what the (Nn? 4 giscriminator does is, it produces an output z(f) which at any instant, is proportional to the instantaneous feqvency deviation given by ld f= 54140] (9.60) So, let ld 2-5-4160] (9.61) The phasor diagram of Fig. 9.7 shows how the additive noise component n() affects the phase angle tad thereby the frequency deviation, of the incoming FM signal. () is the phase angle of the received FM signal, (0) is the phase angle of the bandpass noise component n(). The sum of the phasors Ap and A, gives R,, the envelope of y(), the phase angle of which is ¢,(). Note that because of our assumption that the pre-detection SNR is very much greater than 1, P[R,(0) << 4g] is almost equal to 1 (9.62) But, from Fig. 9.7, sin9(s) =[R,(sina()]/ R, (9.63) However, from Eq, (9.62), it follows that the following small-angle approximation can be made so that sin6(1) = (0) and hence, Eq. (9.63) may be re-written as _ Rosina) an) RO (9.64) Thus, since 910 =O) +00, (9.65) We have R,(#)sinax(t) 0.66) G1) = 00+ RO B ht because of Eq. (9,62), we may make the following approximation R= Ap (9.67) Ri 392 Analog Communication Hence. from Egs (961) and (9.68) we have 21) = Discriminator output signal ld 2n dt ld lad [aw]= Se 5 OU = hy ALO GE) (o6n Since 0(0) is the phase angle caused duc to frequency modulating the carrier by the message signal x1 from Eqs (9.48) and (9.49) the first term in Eq, (9.68) clearly represents the message signal componesy in the output of the discriminator. Since @(/) is the additional phase caused by noise, the second term of Eq. (9.68) represents the noise term in the output of the discriminator and is denoted by n,{1) To see how much of this noise goes past the lowpass filter and reaches the destination, we have to sxamine the spectrum of the noise term in Eq. (9.68). For this purpose, let us re-write it as follows: R,Wsinadr 7 | from Eq. (9.64) and (9.67) (9.69) le From the phasor diagram of Fig. 9.7, we find that AN = 90-9.) (9.70) This seems to indicate that the post-detection noise, n,{1), is dependent on the modulation angle (2). Now, @,(0) is the phase angle of the bandpass noise in its envelope—phase-angle representation. But, we know that in Such a representation, the envelope is Rayleigh distributed while the phase angle @,(t) is uniformly distributed over —7 to +7 (see Example 7.13). If we can assume that a(/), which is [¢,(t)—9(¢)], is itself uniformly distributed over —7 to + then this coupling between the post-detection noise and the modulation angle will be removed and 742) will be independent of modulation. Rice has shown that such an assumption is justified provided the carrier-to-noise ratio is large. In that case, we may, for a moment, assume that there is no modulation and that only an unmodulated carrier is transmitted. In such a case, the phasor diagram. will appear as shown in Fig. 9.10 (since #(¢) = 0 when there is no modulation). Since (1) = 0, als) = ¢,(1) and so f A R, Ct) sin art = Ry (t)sin g(t) = y(t) O71) Fig. 9.10 Phasor diagram with no Hence, Eq. (9.69) may be re-written as modulation (S/N), >> * ld 1d R(o-sinar toy = 1 4) RO-sinar On di” 2g 4 Ae | _lid a WO = oe Gu] wd Therefore, to determine how much power of this post-detection noise goes past the lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency of W Hz, we have to determine the power spectrum of 140). To do this, we first note that (0) is the lowpass equivalent of the bandpass noise, (2), that has entered the receiver. Since the BPF at the front-end of the receiver has a transfer function of Mg(/), its output, n(¢), will have a power spectrum of SD =S, DMM OP = Mer Oe 0.73) Mone Performance of AM and FM Syetene 998 ri Sanit a} a a | | | - LL L aL. ae “A ° 71 Fig. gta Power spectral density of n,(t). lowpass equivalent of n(t) Fig. 9.1 Power spectral density of nt) re PSD of the bandpass noise, n(), is shown in Fig, 9.11, and that of its lowpass equivalent. ,(") chown in Fig. 9.12 Sig(S) = NIC f/B;) (9.74) 14 . ‘he power spectrum of Amos then given by La Eat 97. Gr A Sif) (9.75) To find the power spectrum of the post-detection noise nt), in view of Eq, (9.72), we proceed as fig. 913, Spectrum of the noise process —e— 2 Ideal differentiator H)=i2f Spectrum of the post-detection noise process, ie., spectrum of ndt) se (55) 0 > oom (355) SD =Soupulf)=Sndf) Fig. 9.3 Deriving the spectrum of post-detection noise Substituting for S,,(/) in the expression for the S,,4f) and simplifying, we get sn-(E n(%,) (HA) of the post-detection noise spectrum is given 2 ha Mile the message has a bandwidth of only mach prem Press has a bandwidth of By/2, which de the mat Hence, there is considerable noise hes ty Ssage bandwidth. This out of band noise fregyern’ "MOVed usin, Y of W Hy, a “te sha Power of the noise atthe output ofthe lowpass filter = Np = Destination nase power = Area gion (9.76) A sketch, “hig Wie ae ah Fig. 9.14 Power spectral density of post- detection noise = ig a lowpass filter having a cutolt 394 Analog Communication (9.77) The message signal component at the output of the discriminator has been found [refer Eq, (9.68)] to be &,x(0), Since this has a bandwidth of I, all of it passes through the lowpass filter. Hence the destination signal power is given by Sy = 21) (9.78) -+ destination signal-to-noise ratio is given by ee NJy (Np) (W3738,) k ¥— =3 | 2/5 W iW But, we know that when x() is the normalized message signal, ky denotes the peak frequency deviation [refer to the note under Eq. (9.49)]. Since we have k, over Was a factor in the above expression for the destination SNR, let us replace that factor by the deviation ratio denoted by D. (9.79) Hence, from Eqs (9.79) and (9.7), the figure of merit for FM systems may be written down as: SIN) (SIN) 3DYY _3ma (9.79a) Figure of merit = eM) eel aap Fe 3 ‘or tone tion, sI at the figure of merit of an FM | system is given by ate ee Ay k D = Deviation ratio = (“* , where A,, is the peak amplitude and W’=/,, is the frequency of the single- tone modulating signal. Because |x(1)]<1,4, =1 and so x2 =1/2. Substitution in Eq, (9.79a) gives (i Figure of merit= 5| —T- )-30 (see Eq. 5.18) Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 395 em arks "although derived under certain assumptions, the result represented by Eq. (9.79) is indeed a very significant one. This is because, it says that as long as the assumptions under which it is derived are fot violated. the destination signal-to-noise ratio can be increased just by increasing the deviation fatio without having to increase the average transmitted power. When the deviation ratio D is increased, We Know’ that the transmission bandwidth, By, increases, because B, = 2(D+1)W’. So. Fg, (9.79) tells us that the destination SNR can be increased by increasing the transmission bandwidth without increasing the transmitter power. This means there is a ‘power-bandwidth trade-off” possible in the case of FM. This is something which is not possible in the case of AM, where the bandwidth is fixed and does not depend on the value of the modulation index, m: This “power-bandwidth trade-off is, however, not without a limit. We must realize that as the transmission bandwidth B; is increased to get better destination signal-to-noise ratio, the average noise power entering the receiver also increases, since it is equal to B;; but the received signal 4 power doesn’t, because it is equal to 2. Thus, along with the bandwidth the received noise power increases, making (S/N), smaller and smaller. Hence, a situation will arise at some value of the By, in which the assumption that (S/N)g is large, which we made use of while deriving Eq. (9.79), will no longer be valid. 3, The relative immunity that it enjoys with regard to the additive noise on the channel, its ability to handle message bandwidths up to even 15 to 20 kHz (with very little increase in transmission bandwidth) which makes it extremely useful for transmission of high quality music, and the flexibility that it offers through the ‘power-bandwidth trade-off”, make FM a really attractive proposition. 2c a} . A single-tone n We know that in the case of phase modulation, (t) = kyx(t) = k, Ep, COS Oy “ peak frequency deviation produced by this phase modulation = (Kk | = ky Eq @y = SAY(A@)prg ''myis the modulation index for FM, of Inthe ase of PM, the ‘figure of merit’ is given by But k, Ey = my 396 Analog Communication CEB! ‘sSian Fm doesnot offer any beter destination sgn, ratio than AM. For AM: (3), -( The maximum value of this occurs when m2.x?(1) = 1; i.e, m 5) zr For FM. (3) = 36 P07 Ib =I and 2()=1 Assuming x?(r)=1 for this case also, Ss 2) =3p (3), Bry “. if this is to be better than the (3) for AM, N)p 1 1. 3Bir=57 or p= z+ By >0.408 iLe., for FM to be better than AM, B, should be greater than 0.408. But, for NBFM, B;< 0.2 :.NBFM is no better than AM. PRE-EMPHASIS AND DE-EMPHASIS In the last section, we found that the power spectral density of the post-detection noise varies as the square of the frequency. This means that within the message bandwidth -W < f'< 1, the high-frequency components of the message signal will, after detection, encounter a much higher noise power than the low frequency components. This tends to make the destination signal-to-noise ratio poor for the high frequency components of the message. Unfortunately, there exists another factor, associated with the power spectral density of the message itself, which too tends to make the destination SNR worse for the high frequency components of the message. Audio message signals in general, and speech message signals in Particular, generally have a power spectral density that tends to fall rather sharply beyond about 800 Hz to 1 kHz. Thus, compared to the low-frequency components, the high-frequency components are much weaker and produce much smaller-frequency deviation. Hence, at the ‘output of the discriminator in the receiver, the high-frequency message signal components at these frequencies will be quite weak; but the noise-frequency components at these frequencies will be quite strong. Thus, the SNR for high frequency components of the message will be poor. This will reduce the overall destination SNR of the receivet. “Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis’ is a technique quite often used in all FM systems in order to overcome the problem stated above, and improve the destination SNR. The pre-emphasis part of the process performed at the transmitting end, consists of boosting up of the high frequency components of the message signal before using it for modulation, so as to make the PSD of the message more uniform within its bandwidth of -W << +W. Because of pre-emphasis, the signal at the output of the discriminator Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 997 a distorted version of the original message. Hence, the output of the discriminator (signal plus ibjected to the de-emphasis process so as to restore the original relative amplitude values of the ii ‘eis 0 «frequency components of the message signal. The de-emphasis process consists of appropriately « ands cc roaring the high ffequency components of the output of the discriminator, to compensate for the a seting-up” OT pre-emphasis done at the transmitting end. In this process of de-emphasis therefore, while ‘SSjesage spectrum is restored to its original form, amplitudes of the high-frequency components of the Xx the output of the discriminator are also reduced, thereby improving the SNR at the destination, This Sead is effective because the boosting up of the high-frequency components is done at the transmitter Tore chanel noise enters and attenuating of the high-frequency components is done in the receiver at prsupul of the discriminator so that high-frequency components of both the message signal and the *sdeecton noise, are attenuated, For introducing pre-emphasis and de-emphasis, a pre-emphasis filter i) is included in the transmitter and a de-emphasis filter Hy (/) is included in the receiver after the josiminator stage, as shown in Fig, 9.15. wey | Peemenass |) em | enagnet Wiessage] tf) transmitter [(e) signal Sr(f) = 1/2 De-emphasis LPF 50 71 nO | Ioiscriminator2} iter Lt ay | LD channel : Haelf) WHz | (SIN)> Receiver Fig. 9.15 Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in an FM system The de-emphasis filter should come after the discriminator stage and may be placed either before or der the LPF. This is because, both the LPF and H,,(f) being linear time-invariant systems, the order "which they are placed, is immaterial. Ideally, the transfer functions of the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis filters should be inverses of each ster, atleast over the message bandwidth, W. 1 HuWN=F Gy Wis 30) WO“ i ot the pre-emphasis filter should boost up the high-frequency components of the message signal St leave the low frequency components practically unaffected, the following simple transfer function Senerally used for it S u,ih=(ri£) (sb ' fo thi "S.J i8 a fixed frequency. The corresponding H,(/) is 1 2 HAW (9.82) / 1 (17, 398 Analog Communication Mt 120 = > * on 05, 1h $e fe th 0h fe te i (Qrzktey ae (b) Fig. 9.17 Magnitude responses (in decibels) of Fig. 9.16 Magnitude responses: (a) Pre-emphasis, and pre-emphasis and dle-emphasis ites pon, (b) De-emphasis filter (linear frequency scale) using logrithmc scale for frequency Figures 9.16 and 9.17 show the typical magnitude responses of the pre-emphasis and the deemphasis filters. As long as f << f, the magnitude responses of both the filters remain practically constan, 41 4S the response of the pre-emphasis filers is +3 dB, while tat ofthe de-emphasis filer is “3 @ Hy), which is essentially the response ofa differentiator, can be closely realized by a simple R-¢ filter shown in Fig. 9.18(a) and H,,(f), which is essentially the response of an integrator, canbe closely realized by the simple R-C filter shown in Fig. 9.18(b). © 1 if @ a Fig. 9.48 (a) Pre-emphasis filter (b) De-emphasis fitter For commercial FM broadcasting, for which W”= 15 kHz, the value of the time constant rc is set equ! to 75 ps so that fo, the 3 dB frequency is equal to 2122 Hy. ee Since the response of the pre-emphasis filter is almost constant for low message frequencies, nd of a differentiator for high message frequencies, and noting that the message signal passes i filter before being used for frequency modulating the carrier, we may say that the pre-e ot makes the low frequency components of the message to frequency modulate the carrier while wn the high frequency components of the message signal to phase modulate it. Similarly, the disin ir together with the de-emphasis filter may be considered to be working as a frequency demodul! low message frequencies and as a phase demodulator for high message frequencies, >. y Noise Performance of AM and FM Systems 399 improvement in Destination SNR due to Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis 3 a quantitative evaluation ofthe improvement in (S/N), caused by the ‘pre-emphasis, de-emphasis me we fist note that Sp, the signal power at the dxinatrn is unaffected by the presence or sof the pre-emphasis filter atthe transmitter and de-emphasi filter in e t i ( Noise power output at the destination without de-emphasis © \_ Noise power output atthe destination with de-emphasis tar we Found (see Fa. 9.76) thatthe PSD of the noise atthe output ofthe discriminator is given by me?) Af £ 5, Fo a wine (3) (8) “de-emphasis filter-baseband lowpass filter’ (9.83) So, this is the PSD of the noise at the input to the bination, Tofind how the combination of these two filters will modify this post-detection noise spectrum, let ssy Hf) is the overall transfer function of the cascade connection of these two filters Then HoD)= Ha (S) HS) (9.84) a AL(S)= 0/29) (9.85) sace the baseband filter has been modeled as an ideal LI Hence, noise PSD at the destination is given by SN) = Sa DHE (9.86) ‘erage noise power at the destination, ‘phasis is given by PF with a cutoff frequency of W Hz. i.e. at the output of the receiver with pre-emphasis and de- Fi F No= J SNA = f Sa NIHOPar Ee ” * nf = fu apnea, near iv Se Won " = {2k -2 | elnnpar (087) r + 2S, Ae a» au . “SE Mois power atthe output ofthe receiver without the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis, is given by 7 7 nf? N=] 5S, df = | af A it a Naf J ost mene mr (9.88) 34 nf glee 402 Analog Communication Note: Relationship between p and Y Sk A whereas y A ps nB; v=o 2] but By =2(14B) y= 2p(1+B) LOlogio 7. =10logio 2+10l0g;9 P+ 100g, (1+B) (SIN)o, a8 Yorn Yo Yen > Yes Fig. 9.19 Plots of output SNR to input SNR for WBFM and DSB-SC or SSB-SC For linear modulation schemes DSB-SC and SSB-SC, we had seen that output SNR is equal (0% the output SNR for baseband transmission. So for these modulation schemes the output SNR vs inpt SNR plots give a straight line passing through the origin as shown in Fig, 9.19. For WBFM too, « f& Eq. (9.95), the plot of (S/)p, 4g VS Yas for a given B yields a straight line, So, for large values ols for which Eq, (9.79) is valid, tor WBFM also we get straight lines; but they will not pass through t origin. For different values of f like B, and , etc., we get parallel lines as shown provided Yus values are in the range for which Eq. (9.79) and therefore Eq. (9.95) will be valid. As 7g is reduced, we fi that (S/)p gy comes down rapidly below a certain value of 74g, thus exhibiting the phenomete> threshold in WBFM. For larger values of we find that the threshold input (SNR) value is also his (ie, Yu, > Ya, if By > B)). The threshold input SNR for any given value of B, is arbitrarily #M as that input SNR for which the (S/N), falls by 1 dB with respect to the straight line portion ie extension. For B= By, as shown in the figure, this happens at the point 4 on the characteristic, sim the output SNR has fallen by 1 dB with respect to the value it would have had for (S/V),, a hit a (SIN) corresponding to the point 4, if it had not deviated from the straight line characteristic. similar it is happening at the point B on the characteristic corresponding to a value of B= B,. The comes? g input (SNR) values at A and B are the threshold values for B= B, and B= B, respectively. One inet” point which should be observed is that if we are operating at the point P on the straight line port>, R, << Ap with a high probability and so hk Fig. 9.20. Phasor diagram when (S/N), >>1 tan-!| (9.100) 5 tanr!| ; Further, si "% 5 : + since | "|<< Ifor most of the time, we may write A (plas (9.101) Ne 5 (+ fi * Ry(d) and E(t) vary randomly with time, with R, having Rayleigh density and & having uniform bution, : ton. Since the (2) ce, R, << dy for most of the time. Further, because 9,() is also randomly "ing N , fr , h ‘Ye point P in the’ phasor diagram moves randomly around the tip of the phasor 4g and may a 404 Analog Communication fake paths such as the one shown by the dotted line. However, since R, is quite small compared 1g for most of the time, the point P, while moving along such random paths, will be close to the i An the phasor 4,. But. of course, occasionally, R, may take large values, ic., values larger than Ay ay?! random path traversed by the point P may enclose the point O as shown in Fig. 9.21. Whenever pita thing happens, & changes by 27 radians, However, we know that the discriminator produces an oun” Proportional to the rate of change of the phase angle of its input signal, (7). So, when &(1) sudden changes by 2 radians as shown in Fig. 9.22(a) the discriminator output =(7) which is given by d 27 60) (9.102) suddenly takes a large value causing a spike in the voltage 2(1) and a loud click to be produced by the loudspeaker. [Refer to Fig. 9.22 (b)]. However, since 4y >> R, for most of the time, this Phenomenon Occurs only very rarely. But when the receiver is operated at a low input (S/N), the probability of g becoming larger than 4, will be high and so, the occurrence of spikes, at the output of the discriminator” will become more frequent. Since a large amount of energy is associated with each spike, the average noise power at the output of the receiver increases considerably with the onset of the occurrence of spikes and so the output signal-to-noise ratio falls rather steeply, causing a ‘threshold phenomenon’ insofar ag the input SNR is concemed, in the case of a FM receiver. Fig. 9.22 (a) E(t) vs t (b) E(t) vs t showing spikes Fig. 9.21 Phasor diagram when (S/N), << 1 showing in the discriminator output, 2(t) one possible path traversed by P Tan od (a) It is required to transmit, using WBFM, a normalized message signal with x2 =1 and W = 15 kHz, over a channel whose bandwidth is 200 kHz. Additive white noise on the channel has 1 = 10-°W/Hz. The destination signal-to-noise ratio should be at least be 4o dB. If the signal attenuation during its passage through the channel is 40 dB, find the minimum transmitter power required. As stated in Section 9.9, the value of f to be used may be restricted either by power considerations, ot bandwidth considerations. We shall first examine this. Sr Spo. (=) 2W(B+1) -R and p=—& +. yep| Flap Pry _ Y= ap and p= > Y=p. p 2p(B +1) Yin = 2P in (B +0, Py =10dB=10 . %y, =20(8 +1)

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