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As part of our efforts to enhance the online visibility and performance of Kursi’s existing
website, we propose implementing a comprehensive Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
strategy. This document outlines the steps involved in optimizing Kursi’s site to improve its
ranking in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

2. Objectives:
- Increase organic traffic to the website.
- Improve search engine visibility and ranking.
- Enhance user experience and engagement.
- Generate quality backlinks to boost website authority.

3. Proposed Steps:
a. Install and Configure SEO Modules:
- Utilize Drupal SEO modules such as Pathauto, Meta-tag, and XML Sitemap to automate
URL generation, customize meta tags, and generate XML sitemaps for efficient crawling and
indexing by search engines.

b. Content Optimization:
- Review and optimize existing content for targeted keywords.
- Implement keyword-rich meta titles, descriptions, and headings.
- Ensure images have descriptive alt text.

c. Performance Optimization:
- Optimize website performance for faster loading times using Drupal caching mechanisms
and image/script optimization.
- Ensure mobile-friendliness and responsiveness for improved user experience and SEO.

d. Technical SEO Fixes:

- Address technical issues such as broken links, duplicate content, and crawl errors.
- Implement best practices for URL structure, redirects, and canonical tags.

e. User Experience Enhancement:

- Improve website navigation and usability to enhance user experience.
- Organize content logically and ensure easy accessibility.

f. Backlink Building:
- Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites through guest
blogging, outreach campaigns, and networking efforts.

g. Monitoring and Analysis:

- Utilize tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor website traffic,
user behavior, and keyword performance.
- Analyze changes in search engine rankings and adjust SEO strategies accordingly.
h. Stay Updated:
- Stay informed about updates to Drupal core, modules, and SEO best practices.
- Regularly update the website to ensure compatibility and security.

In summary, implementing SEO on your existing Drupal website is crucial for enhancing its
visibility, attracting more organic traffic, and achieving your online business objectives. We are
committed to executing a tailored SEO strategy to help your website succeed in the competitive
online landscape.

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