Class 11 - Commerce Stream - Holiday Homework (Little Angles)

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Holidays Homework

Commerce Stream

1. You are making an effort to spread the message of communal harmony. Prepare a
poster with catchy slogans to be displayed in the school premises.

2. It is unfortunate to see that people don’t wear seatbelts and helmets while driving their
cars and Motor-bikes although it has been made compulsory by law. On behalf of the
Traffic Police, Delhi, draw a poster inviting people’s attention towards the law. Also
mention the fine/punishment for the violators.
Draft speech on the following Topics (Word limit 150 words)

1. OTT Platform Vs Conventional Theatres: which one is the future of movies in the
present scenario?

2. Challenges in life bring out the best in people- Testing Times inspire to do best;
examples of people who rose above challenges to do best; Geeta Phogat, Deepa
Malik, Santosh Yadav, etc.

3. How has the proliferation of internet usage and innovative apps contributed to the rise
of cybercrime, and what measures can we implement to safeguard ourselves and our
communities from its detrimental effects? Draft a speech exploring the impact of
cybercrime stemming from excessive internet usage and the use of innovative apps,
and propose solutions to combat this growing threat.


A. Read the following sentences carefully and find out the literary devices used.
1. Books are the keys to your imagination.
2. Gah! Her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard!
3. He is a walking dictionary.
4. Her tears were a river flowing down her cheeks.
5. I think my grandfather is as old as these hills!
6. My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning.
7. Bark-Bark! Bark! The dog woke me up.
8. I ate a ton of food for dinner.
9. Buzz - The bee buzzed in my ear.
10. It seems to have been raining for 40 days and 40 nights.
11. Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
12. "Oh, woeful, oh woeful, woeful, woeful day!
13. That child is a bear when he is sleepy.
14. If I'm not home by midnight, my car might turn into a pumpkin.
15. The curtains danced in the breeze.
16. "O Thunder, Hear My Cry"
17. "But then the squawk of the truck's horn...."
18. "The drying cotton and corn stretched tiredly skyward."
19. "And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."
20. “The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew/The furrow followed free,”
21. The flowers danced on the lawn.
22. Sing a song of faith; Sing a song of hope.
23. 'He pointed an angry finger at me.'
24. 'She looked at him through concerned eyes.'
25. Ignorance is strength.


Read the following sentences carefully, identify errors and rewrite the correct
1. Myself I am Suresh Babu.
2. I am having four brothers and three sisters.
3. I have read this book many a times.
4. Does she has a car?
5. "Today office is there?" (Answer) "No office is not there. Today is Bharat bandh."
6. That only, she is very arrogant.
7. Last before year she got very good marks.
8. I have a headache, so I eat some painkillers.
9. I cannot cope up with this pressure.
10. I came to office by walk.
11. What is the time in your watch?
12. Our classroom is in the 2nd floor.
13. The price of this mobile phone is higher than yours.
14. His son-in-laws have come home.
15. He has white hairs.
16. I prefer coffee than tea.
17. It took me 10 minutes to wear my clothes.
18. Even we leave now, we will be late.
19. Both of them were discussing about their performance in exams.
20. He said, “When you get my mail do not forget to revert back”?
21. What do you usually take for breakfast?
22. I'm looking forward to see you.
23. I stopped to pay attention. / I quit to pay attention.
24. Let me give you an advice.
25. One of my friend live there.

1. "Some people call the new vaccine an accident waiting to happen." The idiom, AN
ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN, refers to _____________________.
(a) something which is slightly crazy or strange
(b) something that has already caused serious trouble
(c) something that is very likely to cause harm
(d) something which is not as important as it seems

2. "Since you three agree too easily, I would like to play devil's advocate in this meeting."
The idiom, ACT AS/BE/ PLAY DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, means __________________.
(a) to pretend to be a lawyer so that one can scare others
(b) to pretend to disagree on an issue so that there will be a discussion about it
(c) to pretend to be a bad person
(d) to pretend to fight against God and everything good

3. "Joey has so many things to do today... He has his audition... Then he has to attend
his French class... After that, he has to take his nephew to the competition... He
doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha." The expression, TO NOT KNOW
WHETHER ONE'S ARTHUR OR MARTHA, means __________________.
(a) to feel confused because one has a lot of things to do
(b) to feel confident about one's abilities
(c) to underestimate oneself before a busy day
(d) to feel worried about failure

4. "Why do you worry about him? He's no babe in the woods anymore." The expression,
BABE IN THE WOODS, refers to someone _______________.
(a) who gathers wood to build a fire
(b) who is not a child any more
(c) who doesn't live in the jungle any more
(d) who doesn't have much experience, and can easily be deceived

5. "Their boss has to have someone dancing attendance on him all the time." The idiom,
DANCE ATTENDANCE ON SOMEONE, means _____________________.
(a) practise your dance moves in the office
(b) do everything to please someone by obeying every wish or whim
(c) come to your workplace every day
(d) be present by proxy

6. "My brother has a green thumb." The idiom, TO HAVE A GREEN THUMB, means__.
(a) one is able to make plants grow easily
(b) one likes green
(c) one has a green thumb
(d) one is bad at gardening
7. "He has the right stuff to be a politician." The expression, THE RIGHT STUFF, refers
to ________________.
(a) questionable substances that are illegal to own
(b) the bad habit of saying "stuff" when one can't remember a familiar word

(c) the habit of using "right?" as a question tag
(d) the qualities required to do or be something

8. "It's within your rights to demand a full refund." The expression, WITHIN YOUR
RIGHTS, means _______________.
(a) there is something on the right side
(b) there is something that is within your reach
(c) there is something on the left side
(d) there is something that you are legally allowed to do

Basic Accounting Terms

1. Giving examples, explain each of the following accounting terms:

• Non-Current assets • Gain • Profit • Revenue • Expenses • Short-term liability •
Capital •Loss • Goods • Inventory

2. Capital is proprietor’s money still is a _____ for business.

3. Loss on issue of debentures is an example of _____ Asset.
4. ______ is a Current Asset which cannot be converted into cash.
5. _____ Assets increases the earning capacity of the business.
6. Receipt is the amount received or ___ for selling of assets, ____.
7. Drawings is not only withdrawal of cash, it can be withdrawal of __or___ as well.
8. Expense which later becomes one of the assets is _____.
9. Creditors are the persons to whom the business owes an amount on account of ____.
10. Stock can be stock of raw material, stock of _____, stock of ______.
11. Answer the Questions given at the end of this paragraph:
Mr. Gopal started business for buying and selling of readymade garments with
₹ 800000 as an initial investment. Out of this he paid ₹ 400000 for the purchase of
garments and ₹ 50,000 for furniture and ₹ 50000 for computer and the remaining
amount was deposited in to the bank. He sold some of the ladies and kids garments
for ₹ 300000 for cash and some garments for ₹ 150000 on credit to Mr. Rajesh.
Subsequently, he bought men’s garments of ₹ 200000 from Mr. Satish. In the first
week of the next month, a fire broke out in his office and stock of garments worth ₹
100000 was destroyed. Later on, some garments which cost
₹ 120000 were sold for ₹ 130000. Expenses paid during the same period were
₹ 15,000. Mr. Gopal withdrew ₹ 20000 from business for his domestic use. From the
above, answer the following:
A) What is the amount of capital with which Mr. Gopal started the business?
B) What fixed assets did he buy?
C) What is the value of the goods purchased?
D) Who is the creditor and state the amount payable to him?
E) Who is the Debtor and what is the amount receivable from him?
F) What is the total amount of expenses?
G) What is the amount of drawings of Mr. Gopal?
H) What is the amount of Loss?

Accounting Equation
1. X commenced business on 1st April,2013 with a capital of ₹ 6,00,000.On 31st
March,2014 his assets were worth ₹ 8,00,000 and liabilities ₹ 50,000. Find out his
closing capital and profits earned during the year.

2. Calculate the amount of total assets and capital as on 31.12.2013 in each of the
following cases:
i. Shyam started a business on 1.1.2013 with a capital of ₹ 10,000 and a loan of ₹ 5,000
borrowed from Chirag. During the year, he made a profit of ₹ 5,000.
ii. If in the above case the proprietor had introduced additional capital of ₹ 5,000 and had
withdrawn ₹ 3,000 for personal use.
iii. If in the above case, apart from the loan, Shyam owes ₹ 2,500 to a supplier of goods
on 31.12.2013.

3. Calculate total equity if:

i. Owner's Equity in the beginning ₹ 60,000
ii. Equity of creditor at the end ₹ 50,000
iii. Revenue during the period ₹ 70,000
iv. Expenses during the same period are ₹ 65,000
Also calculate amount of owner’s equity at the end.

4. Show the Accounting Equation on the basis of the following transactions.

1. Started business with cash ₹ 60,000 and ₹ 30,000.
2. Purchased goods for cash ₹ 40,000 and on credit ₹ 25,000.
3. Goods costing ₹ 48,000 sold at a profit of 33 1 /3%. Three-fourth payment received in cash.
4. Paid rent ₹ 4,000 and salary ₹ 6,000.
5. Received cash from Debtors ₹ 15,000.
6. Paid telephone bill amounting to ₹ 800.
7. Introduced fresh capital ₹ 40,000.
8. Purchased securities ₹ 5,000 in cash.
9. Paid cash for household expenses ₹ 1,000.
10. Received dividend on securities ₹ 200.

5. Show the accounting equation on the basis of the following transactions:

1) Shri Ganesh commenced business with cash ₹ 35,000, goods ₹ 8,000 and furniture
₹ 7,000.
2) Bought furniture from M/s Mohan Furnitures on credit for ₹3,000.
3) Purchased goods from Sohan for cash ₹35,000.
4) Sold goods to Shyam for cash ₹40,000 (costing ₹30,000).
5) Bought goods from Ramesh ₹30,000.
6) Sold goods to Shyam costing ₹30,000 for ₹50,000.
7) Received ₹49,500 from Shyam in full settlement.
8) Paid ₹29,700 to Ramesh in full settlement.
9) Paid half the amount owed to M/s Mohan.
10) Withdrew ₹1,000 for personal use.

11) Withdrew goods for personal use (cost ₹500, sale price ₹600).
12) Purchased household goods for ₹15,000 giving ₹5,000 in cash and balance through loan.
13) Paid cash ₹500 for loan and ₹300 for interest.
14) Goods destroyed by fire (cost ₹500, sale price ₹600)
15) Paid salary ₹500 and salary outstanding ₹100.
16) Paid rent in advance ₹2,000.
17) Accrued interest ₹ 500.
18) Commission received in advance ₹ 1,000.
19) Charged depreciation of ₹ 400 on furniture.
20) Paid ₹ 9,000 towards repayment of Loan.

Journal Entries
1. Record the following transactions in the Journal of Raghu 2013
Transactions Amount(₹)
Nov.01 Commenced business with cash 4,00,000
Nov.04 Goods purchased from Ram for cash 80,000
Nov.07 Goods purchased from Mohit 25,000
Nov.08 Goods returned to Mohit 5,000
Nov.08 Sold goods to Ramesh 20,000
Nov.10 Sold goods to Raj for Cash 7,000
Nov.12 Paid Commission 1,000

2. The following balance appeared in the books of M/S Meghnath on 1st January, 2014.
Assets:- Cash ₹ 25,000; Bank ₹ 15,000; Stock ₹ 70,000; Furniture ₹ 7,800; Debtors
₹ 35,000 (Shankar: ₹ 7,000; Raj: ₹ 10,000; Ram: ₹ 18,000)
Liabilities:- Loan ₹ 15,000; Creditors ₹ 17,000 (Mohan: ₹ 9,000; Roy: ₹ 8,000)
The following transactions took place during January in year, 2014.
Jan.03 Bought goods from Monika for ₹ 19,000 at a trade discount of 10% and cash
discount of 2%. Paid 50% of amount immediately
Jan.05 Sold goods to Raj for 5,000
Jan.07 Received ₹ 14,500 from Raj in full settlement of his account
Jan.09 Cash deposited into his bank ₹ 15,000
Jan.15 Cheque received from Shankar in full settlement of his account for ₹ 6,950 and
immediately deposited into bank
Jan.17 Cheque received from Ram ₹ 7,000
Jan.19 Cheque received from Ram deposited into bank
Jan.22 Cheque received from Shankar dishonoured
Jan.25 Ram became insolvent and 70 paisa in a rupee could be received from his
Jan.31 Proprietor withdrew for private use ₹ 3,000 from office and ₹ 2,000 from bank.
Pass necessary Journal entries.

3. Journalise the following transactions:

(i) Provide 10% depreciation on furniture costing ₹ 70,000
(ii) Interest on capital is to be provided at the rate of 10% of the capital amounting
₹ 10,00,000
(iii) Received ₹ 18,000 from Sohan which were earlier written off as bad debts

(iv) Bricks ₹ 5,00,000; Timber ₹ 2,00,000; Cement ₹ 75,000 purchased for the
construction of building. The payment was made by cheque.
(v) Proprietor withdrew for his personal use cash ₹ 25,000 and goods worth
₹ 15,000
(vi) Goods worth ₹ 2,00,000 were destroyed by fire. Insurance Company admitted
and paid a claim for 60% amount.
(vii) Purchased a ‘horse’ for business for ₹ 7,000
(viii) Paid landlord ₹ 15,000 for rent. One third of the building is occupied by
proprietor for residential use.
4. Journalise the following transactions in the books of Karan.
(i) Bought goods for ₹ 22,000.
(ii) Purchased goods from Rahul of the list price ₹ 32,000 with a trade discount of
(iii) Bought goods of the list price of ₹ 60,000 from Jagat less 25 % trade discount
and 5% cash discount and paid 40% by the cheque.
(iv) Sold goods to Vansh costing ₹ 20,000 at a profit of 30% on sales, less 20%
trade discount and also paid cartage of ₹ 150(payable by customer)
(v) Sold goods to Sandeep for ₹ 32,000 against a current dated cheque.
(vi) Rejected 10% of the goods supplied by Rahul.
(vii) Paid Jagat ₹ 25,500 on account in full settlement.
(viii) Vansh got bankrupt, only 40 paisa in rupee was recovered from his official
5. Journalise the following transactions in the books of Rohtash.
(i) Purchased Machinery from Ravi of ₹ 10,000 and paid him by a bank draft
obtained from a bank of ₹ 10,080
(ii) Purchased 200 bonds @ ₹ 90 each and paid through cheque.
(iii) Received ₹ 4,000 for a Bill of exchange from Harish and deposited into the
(iv) Purchased a typewriter for ₹ 3,000 and spent ₹ 250 on its repair.
(v) Sunil owes ₹ 1,000, his Account was settled by a cheque and ₹ 200 were
charged as interest.
(vi) Received money order of ₹ 125 from Ravinder.
(vii) Paid fire insurance of office building in advance ₹ 1,200.
(viii) Provide Interest on Capital (₹ 1,00,000) at 12% p.a. for 6 months.

6. Journalise the following transactions in the books of Vani.

(i) Received an order from Kuldeep of ₹ 50,000 for supplying goods and received
₹ 30,000 as advance along with the order.
(ii) Goods of ₹ 50,000 were supplied to Kuldeep against the order.
(iii) Received a V.P.P. from Tushar for ₹ 2,225, sent a peon to take delivery and he
was paid cartage of ₹ 25.
(iv) Purchased goods from Suresh for ₹ 65,000 and supplied it to Satish for
₹ 85,000.
(v) Satish returned the goods of ₹ 17,000 which in turn returned back to Suresh on
the same day itself.

1. “Commerce is the sum total of activities that remove the hindrances in the free flow of
goods from producers to consumers.” Explain.

2. Define auxiliaries to trade. Explain any five activities that are auxiliaries to trade.

3. Distinguish between business and profession on the basis of (a) Mode of

establishment (b) Nature of work (c) Qualification (d) Risk (e) Transfer of risk (f) Code
of conduct.
4. What do you mean by economic activities? Give examples

5. Why does business need multiple objectives? Explain any five such objectives.

6. “Profit can no more be the objective of business than eating is the objective of living.”
7. Explain the concept of business risk and its causes.

8. What is the difference between economic objectives and social objectives of

business? Briefly explain the economic objectives of business.
9. Explain with examples the various types of industries.

10. Mr. Sanjay starts a business in which one useful product is produced by the
separation process, whereas Mr. Sagar starts a business in which various ingredients
are combined together to form a new product. (a) Identify the type of industry in which
both are engaged. (b) State the category of industries identified in (a) above.

11. Bhoomika moves from one place to another selling vegetables. She earns from the
work and meets her daily requirements. She saved money and opened a shop where
she sold vegetables and also provided home delivery services. (a) Identify the type of
activity she is involved in. (b) State two features of the activity identified in (a) above
12. Anil, Sunil and Payal are friends. They are pursuing their MBA from IIMT, Banaras.
While having a coffee during break time, they were discussing their future plans. Anil
said he is planning to help his father by joining his printing press after completing his
MBA, Sunil on the other hand, wanted to get a job in some big company through
institution placement cell. Since Payal loves children, she shared her willingness to
join an NGO and use her knowledge and skill to help the under privileged children. (a)
Identify and give two points of difference on any two basis between Anil’s and Sunil’s
plan. (b) How would you classify the activity which Payal is willing to pursue after
13. What do you understand by a sole proprietorship business? Explain its suitability and
14. Despite limitations of size and resources, many people continue to prefer sole
proprietorship over other forms of organization. Why? Give any six reasons.

15. Define partnership. Explain any five features of partnership.

16. Discuss any three advantages and three limitations of partnership.

17. What is partnership deed? What is its role in partnership firm? Discuss its main
18. Explain the procedure of registration of a partnership firm. What are the
consequences of non-registration of partnership firm?

19. Shenoy, Gurpreet, Lakshay and Payal are partners in a firm performing different roles.
Shenoy has contributed capital and participates in the management of the firm. He
shares profits and losses and is liable to an unlimited extent to the creditors of the
firm. Gurpreet has contributed capital and shares profits and losses. But he does not
take part in day to day activities of the business. Association of Lakshay with the firm
is not known to general public but in all other aspects he is like an active partner.
Payal has allowed the firm to use her name as she enjoys good reputation, but she
does not either contribute capital or take part in the management. Identify the four
types of partners identified above.
20. “One man control is the best in the world if that one man is big enough to manage
everything.” Explain this statement.

21. The business assets of an organization amount to Rs. 50,000 but the debts remain
unpaid are Rs. 80,000. What course of action can the creditors take if (a) The
organization is a sole proprietorship firm. (b) The organization is a partnership firm
with Anthony and Akbar as partners, who share profits and losses equally. Which of
the two partners can the creditors approach for repayment of debt? Explain by giving
22. Explain briefly different kind of cooperative societies.

23. What is a company? What are its characteristics?

24. Distinguish between a private company and a public company.

25. There are eight members in a private company, all of them are sailing in a boat in sea
and are on sightseeing trip. All of a sudden, a storm starts blowing and all of them die.
Will their company become non-existent with their death? Which feature of company
is highlighted here in the above case? Discuss.
TOPIC FOR PROJECT- Aids to Trade (Take any one aid to trade and gather
information about it )

1. What is meant by Economics?
2. Who is a consumer and a producer?
3. What is the main objective of a consumer?
4. What is the main objective of a producer?
5. What is consumption?
6. What is production?
7. What is meant by Economic activity?
8. What is meant by Non-Economic activity?
9. Who is known as father of Economics?
10. What is Economy?
11. What are the sectors of an economy?
12. Who is known as father of Statistics?
13. Define Statistics in plural form.
14. Briefly explain the meaning of statistics in singular sense.
15. What is Descriptive statistics?
16. What is inferential statistics?
17. Give two examples of quantitative data.
18. Mention two examples of qualitative data.
19. What are the two senses in which the word Statistics is used?
20. Explain the limitations of statistics.
21. Discuss the importance of statistics in Economics.
22. Explain the stages of statistics.
23. Write the difference between primary data and secondary data.
24. Write six features of a good questionnaire.
25. Explain any two methods to collect primary data.
26. Explain any four sources of secondary data.
27. Define the followings:
a) Investigator b) Respondent c) Enumerator
28. Classify the following activities into economic and non- economic activities.
a) Smita cooking food for her family.
b) A person selling cold drinks on the station.
c) Doctor attending patient at his clinic.
d) A person teaching his daughter for her board exams.
e) Kids are lighting candles and diyas on Diwali.
f) Production process carried out by a firm.
g) Social services rendered by an NGO to flood victims.
h) Chef cooking food at a restaurant.

29. Calculate missing frequency when mean is 28.

C-I: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

F: 12 18 27 ? 17 6
(frequency= 20)

30. Mean value of the weekly income of 40 families is 265. But in the calculation
Income of one family was read as 150 instead of 115. Find out the correct mean.
(correct mean=264.12)

31. Calculate median from the following data.

C-I: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
F: 3 4 2 7 9
32. Calculate mean using step deviation method.

Income 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79

No. of 5 2 3 10 3 2 5
(mean = 44.5)


1. If a∈ 𝑁 such that aN={ax: x∈ 𝑁}. Describe the set (3N ∩ 7𝑁)

2. If A and B are 2 sets and U is the universal set such that n(U)=700, n(A)=200,
n(B)=300 and n(A∩ B)=100 then find n(A’∩ B’)
3. If A and B are 2 sets containing 3 and 6 elements, then find the minimum and
maximum number of elements of A∪B?
4. If A and B are 2 finite sets such that n(A)>n(B) and difference of the total number of
subsets of A and B is 96, then find n(A)-n(B)?
5. Two sets A and B have m and k elements respectively. If the ratio of number of
elements of power set of A to number of elements of power set of B is 64:1 and
n(A) +n(B)=12. Find values of m and k.
6. Let R be a relation on set N of natural numbers defined by
R= { (a,b): a+3b=12, a,b∈ 𝑁}. Find R and R-1.
7. Let R={(a,b): a,b∈ 𝑍, a2+b2=100}. Find R, its domain and range?
8. If R= {(2,1),(4,7),(1,-2)……..} then find the linear relation between the components of
the ordered pairs of R?
9. Express the function f: X→R given by f(x)=x3 +1 as set of ordered pairs, where
10. Find the domain and range of:
(i) f(x)= (ii) f(x)= √𝑥 2 − 25
(iii) f(x)= √81 − 𝑥 2 (iv) f(x)=𝑐𝑥−𝑑

11. Express in a+ib form:

(i) (3 − 2𝑖)(2 + 3𝑖) (ii) (1 + 𝑖)3

1 + 2𝑖)(2 − 𝑖) 3−𝑖

(iii) (1-2i)-3 (iv) 3 − √−16

1 − √−9

(v) √5 + 12𝑖 + √5 − 12𝑖

√5 + 12𝑖 − √5 − 12𝑖
12. If x = -5 + 2√−4 , find the value of x4 + 9x3 + 35x2 -x + 4.
1+𝑖 1−𝑖
13. If (1−𝑖 )3 - (1+𝑖 )3 = x + iy, then find x and y?
14. Write the conjugate of (1−2𝑖)2

15. Find the least positive integer n for which ( )𝑛 is a positive integer?

16. Prove : (x+1+i)(x+1-i)(x-1+i)(x-1-i)= x4 + 4
17. Solve: |𝑥−2|−2

18. Solve: |x-1|≤ 5 , |x|≥ 2

19. A solution of 9% acid is to be diluted by adding 3% acid solution to it. The resulting
mixture is to be more than 5% but less than 7% acid. If there is 460 litres of the 9%
solution, how many litres of 3% solution will have to be added?
20. Find the pairs of consecutive odd natural numbers both of which are larger than 10
and their sum is less than 50?


1. Write down the SQL command to create following table:

V_no Type Company Price Qty.

2. Write down SQL command to insert records in above created table.

3. A relation vehicle is given below which displays the information of vehicles sold by a
showroom. Write SQL commands from part (a) to (j)

V_no Type Company Price Qty.

AW125 Wagon Maruti 250000 20
J0083 Jeep Mahindra 4000000 15
S9090 SUV Mitsubishi 2500000 18
M0892 Mini Van Datsun 1500000 20
W9760 SUV Maruti 2500000 18
R2409 Mini Van Mahindra 350000 15

a) Display the name of companies whose vehicles are sold in the showroom
b) Display the type of vehicle which has Vehicle number beginning with M.
c) Display the details of all vehicles in descending order of their quantity.
d) Display the detail of Mini Van which has quantity 15.
e) Display the detail of all vehicles except of Jeep.
f) Remove the record of that vehicle which has quantity below 19.
g) Display all Vehicle Types from the table.
h) Display details of vehicles.
i) Increase quantity of all vehicles by 5.
j) Delete records of Maruti Company.
4. Write down the difference between DDL and DML.
5. Write down the command to delete table VEHICLE.

Project on IPL 2024 (as per instructions given in class) Project should be prepared on
coloured interleaf pages (One side ruled & One side plain) pages and minimum 20
pages should be there. On the left side of the page (plain) paste the pictures and on
the right side of the page (ruled) write the content. Project should be presentable &

1. A psychologist studies family dynamics and their effect on the behaviour of individuals
in different regions. Their area of research would be: a) Developmental psychology b)
Cultural and cross-cultural psychology c) Cognitive psychology d) Environmental

2. ______ is a branch of psychology that can help a golfer deal with severe performance
3. What branch of psychology will be the best to help a school principal develop
instructional methods for her teachers? Why?

4. How is the quasi experiment method different?

5. A researcher is studying the effect of the listening to classical music while studying on
the student’s performance in Math. Identify the independent and the dependent
variables. How would the experimental and control groups be organized?
6. A psychologist wants to study whether recitation is the best method for memorisation
of a poem. What method of psychological enquiry should she use? Explain the
method in detail with the help of the problem.

7. Embroidery is a Fine Motor Skill or a Gross Motor Skill? Why can’t a child in the
infancy stage be taught embroidery?
8. What are the challenges faced by individuals in old age?

9. State the functions of a community psychologist. (any 3 functions)

10. Briefly explain various eating disorders associated with adolescents.


Prepare a project file on the given topic by using suitable method of investigation.

Skill- Building & Values- Driven Projects for Young Minds

Prepare a Project on ANY ONE of the following Topics:

1. "Teen Mental Health Survey": Conduct a survey on mental health awareness, stress,
and anxiety among teenagers, and create a multimedia presentation (video, podcast,
or infographic) sharing the findings and promoting empathy and support.

2. "Cyberbullying Survey": Conduct a survey on the experiences and effects of

cyberbullying, and prepare an infographic project including the findings and promoting
empathy and online kindness.

3. "Self-Care is Divine”: Do research on self-care habits, stress management, and

mental health of teenagers and create a visual project (poster, infographic, or comic
strip) sharing your findings and encouraging empathy and self-care practices.

4. "Making Memories with Grandparents" Spend a few days with your grandparents, talk
to them about various things (cues given below) and prepare a project on what you
learnt by interacting with them on varied things.
 Listen to the stories of their past
 Discuss about their favourites - lifestyle etc.
 Prepare a list of life lessons you learnt after spending special time with them.

 You may use A-4 size coloured ruled sheets
 Arrange the sheets neatly in a folder (Do Not use a plastic folder but you can make a
folder with cardboard or handmade sheets).
 Make your Project interesting & meaningful
 You may use an interesting punch line for your chosen Topic and also give catchy
headings to different sub topics of your chosen Topic.
 Ensure your Project has:

a) Cover Page (with Topic & your Name, Class & Section)
b) Content
c) Pictures/ Graphics/ Photographs/ Assessment Questionnaire Sheets etc.
d) Learning Outcomes / Reflection


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